ffirft-iitrwfe JJRAS And The Jras County Li coffin returned nomc i i- Ft . .- cdanlko. rHoard T.ttntir spfiHt Sunday JrtlM Wive. ,10 the wilo of Fred 11, Wilson . A unit. siV-rU. U$ u ,M8 cnUniysent mis nitntv cnUrt. kilt'P. f. V i Rogers u ,in,iowrr Monany Lworday.8epember.a5t 9, to iof Harry Lam, uy. ( -fflndoniof Cttlver,,wn4 A busi ly In Wn last SnlurUn - Ld Mrs Warren Srnlthwere vis- Librtlalivesitl uainnn.n ou-.uuy. , n,-0f . a Pilneville attorney, vim Lj last Saturday on legal nlfoira. (0d Mrs. Kd Crabtree were visit- i... c ,l ni frnm ill On.ll ,w noyceand CD. Lee, rnncliers L lUystack coUutry, were visitor I ,n Monday. i Aloni Tolhett) who has clmrRt lKjol at ulver, w.u .1 visitor In ,a Ul Saturday Hin I Wlfe wcrc visitors m tol Saturday from omly, when? Hiirnpl")rJ a sawmill, W Hewlett wrnj to the railroad I't'inr t'rrpk the ilr ot the nnal'u' "1 i"uny produce. I N W !!..fe Laidlaw, known to id this vi miiy, pasted ' tliroujjli ai Tufi! y "n "is way to qutsulu i Hint r.n 1 f itnily, who have been Kt t ver.il ninths visiting relatives returned to Valley, illamclte i Monday. fclV K'dT. who lives six miles lof Mu'f is, was in mwn Saturday iloadof wheat, lie got 78 cents n lW-"iinevi!le Journal. E.lif!')fer, K1 Mason and i Wilson returned Sunday evening jitnpnf several weeks in the Cos torautami hunting and fishing. t.T. Hammer of Albany, who has sb this vicinity hr several weeks nt- lo business matters, was in town i being on his return to Albany. . Drown has been at the Henry 4'n ranch near Culver for several ibcre he it giving Mr. Windom's 3 bouse a thorough over hauling and ansg ItoT II "Iu, ker and son, Pearl, and iWer, Mare), who Imve been camping Ixwal days at the hot springs on pwmpnrig reservation, arrived home to. N.mcy K. Noble was a visitor in iMowUy fiom Opal Prairie. Mrs. and lan.ily leave this week for wilt, where they will reside during winter, i Nellie Karrcll departed last Sat tyfor I'nneville and frohi there went a3" South to the Hear Creek dis iheie she will teach school the winter. M'tirifflth of Spokane, who pur- e Claypool ranch irt the Sisters Si.'V llinhl . . -vuu, ,i year nj0 Wtt9 in town tyon his way to look after his prop, iblhat section. MrTaggan rtntl Howard Turner 10 .VmH4.lm .l.k. ... . .. .... " " inc wnsco iuumv v ". "uimspring ueservntion, inc v e week, loplnho, rifier business -r. nicy re Utnetl horns Mnntlnv c Cockerham o,, Miller, who owns "."M. niiie uoai I'rnirie ronn- b lso interested In Madras firor. fi arrival in Inwn lii.n.U.. nr.l will w ' If MtfMit ll(4 "Ml '"eral ((., in .i.i. .-c,inni i0okin Ctirje Pun,. 01.-..H.- .. ( uicoiiiiiiiKn nnrncr, wns Sunday with his familv. who were 17 11 a r t 1 ai)il Wnumi.. r...n. il 'IMIW, nil, nun T ... ... t ' 1,6 on tlie r wnv Ih I in S sters look after business interests. f carlo.nl. of unties Wllifcll rtrriVel 'WiMts from Spokane were fer i- ... . nun In . . H5 my yestcraav. e nif io ,-nrter. Urns, for in ih "kl MiW(jrk of )! n,.,, T.iit, - ""n.il miinliered .fie and. m lif of 1....I, .i . ..in.- 7"v.nro,.u,ei J'0 u'' .. -f NYamhllihit.vvnsn Win m i ,.i 'Miiiiiiiiv. t r. Knmniii HI-,. -.-mm T'I't i"M0l.'H a.. ill f. I...I.. .I.v tWI UlkCn 1111 I llC LIJII" 'inewschoolliouse in.hlJ Ulaf he(,ll(i Culveri i-,ccnj ltl)Cr I IllllMm nf .1,1- ltUois .1 ...... ..... rV'iiew l.n.i.i . . u.,H k tmunicicu m tune C. A. Whltselt Is rt Visitor in towll to clay from Opal Prairie. Mr, ond Mrs. James P. Read were vldtors In Madsras yesterday. Claude G Ramsey lias accepted a pd lllon as clerk with the Madras Trading Company, commencing" his duties yester day morning. A. vVi Gulp, who lias been spending several In Madras looking a(ter butinett mal'tem, returned lo his home at Hood River this llinrhiiig. II. l. Nlsson, who rrebntly bought a part til" the ol'd schoolhousc in Madras, has mbved it onto the lot formerly owned by Fred Davist rtnil is having il fitted up to be used in connection with his line of blithest; , Mr. Rnyrnnnd, special agent for Hie Liverpool, and London and Vilobc innn nnce Company, and R. k. Smith, special agent for the . Niagara Klrc Jmtiranrc Co., Ijoth of Pordahd, were ir Madras Tuesday looking after ;hc business of their companies at this place. Elmer Gnves of, Hake Overt arrived in Madras Sunday and, whs looking for a house in which to .reside Mr. Graves re turned Tuesday to his ranch near Hake Oven, where he will hold an auction sale nf liit personal effects, after which he will return to Mad ras with hit family. He has rented the homestead collage of Mrs, I) W. Adams, 11. A. Ilrandon, the engineer in charge of the construction work on the Deschutes Railroad, was in the city today on busi ness. He stivs.that steam khovels are be ing moved in for the heavy work on the Deschutes line The works arc now cov eted by 32 construction camps and 12 engineers' camps, while 1200 men aie employed. Track laying and bridging will coiiiritcuce within a few days, according to Mr. Hrnndon, who says that everything h progressim; in fine shape. Four miles of grading work is enti'ely completed flic Dulles Chronicle. BAPTIST SERVICES Preaching at Madras the 41I1 Sunday of each month. Union Sunday school at 10 a. m every junday. Blackboard and wall roll excicisc for the children. I, D Brown, Siipetiuiendent. You arc coidially invited to attend these tcr vices. --3- A STRANGE ANOMALY Continued from pago I) In fact Dr. Witliycombu insists lliat under proper iiiaiingeiiiHnl the pij; can h bronchi to the desired maturity Ux 3 14 cents per pound. With such a pic 4u0.pouuds of wheat fed to him, as has been repeatedly demon strated at the Oregon experi ment station will produce 100 pounds of weight. By the ap plication of a little mathemat ics any fanner or ( any body else run gee, that at present prices for pork, n price n'mra. than double the market figures cati bo secured for wheat fed to hogs. The farmer who is cropping his farm to wheat and selling it instead of feeding it, is missing a golden opportunity. He is deliberately hauling away in his wagon the .fertility of his soil. He is deliberately selling his wheat for less than half what ho could got tl'or it by ap plication of good business methods. Ho is wasting his time and substance on an er rand t'lmt is keeping him out of his own. Unless ho hitch his wagon to the car of progress and get out of the old wheat . . ... i.t 1 p growing rut, no win see mmaeu distanced in the struggle lor material things and life com forts by hiB more progressive neighbor f SOLATJ5D TRACT. Notlco for Pub- I lltmtloii. Public Lutnl SuJo tSerlnl No 022221 Tho DiiIIoh, Oregon, IJiilted StutoM Land Offloe, Sept. 23, 1000. Notlco Ih lioreby jtlven that, na dl reptod by tho CnmuilfMniier of tho Genurul Lmiil Ollloe, under provlhlonii of Ai't or CongrflHn approved Juno 27, lt)00,.Publlo-No. .103, wo will olfernl public Halo to tho lilglii't ''Id lur, nt II iOo'olnoh ft. in., on tho IO1I1 tlv of November, lOtlll. nest, at tbN ofllop, Hit following tract l Hind, Knvltt tiej- uvj hoc it tp n 0, w m. Any poisons olulmluK wlVerHulJr tno utiiive-dfcMcrlbi'd Iitl8 arp mlvlsod to lllu tliulr ulnlme, or olflootiniiB, on or heforu Ilia duy ttbovo deulimted fur fc80 1)4 O. iV. fllOOKK, iu7imui SERVICES AT M. t tiMRiN SunViAy school at to a. 1th) Epworth hciigile at V&d p. m, StlnUiiy October 3, se'rvtces Dotri Irjorn Ing and e'venltiK The Ladies Aid society, is reqtlbstbd tb ihect at ihb Jiaisonage VVednesday ttfter ntton, Oct. S, The first Quarterly meeting will be lleld Friday, tct. 2i. EveV'yorie 'co'r'dlally invited. G. K. MVioKUpVri, Pastor. Vi-Jb-. CHURCH OF ClirilST SERVICES Sunday school at hamonta every Sun day at id a. 1V1 Pleaching at Lihioniat 1 1 a. m. Preaching at Giilily nt 7130 p. m. Edward G. Pease Co. Inc. THE SHANIKO STORE .AT MADRAS SeiVlces in Odd Fellows hall. Sunday school at io a, n. Communion se'rvfee Intmedlately lowing Sunday school. You arc invited to attend ifiese services H. F VV PiVsUk, Pastor. fol- KSTRAY. I Imvo taken up udark brown-roan liorAe, branded circle J on leftHtlflV, h ween led In le'ft hIio'uI dor. Owner can have name by call ing for it and paying charges.- A. L. Wlllliinn. .Afadras. 4t FOR RHNt Vi- have deulde.l to rent tho old hcIiooI hiilhlliiK of DlatVlfct No. 22, MiulriiH, for renidence pur poeH lioarjl of Directors. A FOUR 1)I(J Plow, good h new, at Koe.k RoblfonH fiib'j Oetolicr 14. tOR HA UK At my rHiiuli five mites KjihL of MJadrAt on Hie lluycreek niHil the folh.wlnu'J j 1 -lni'l IlnrrlMiii mhi on gocxl ro'ridltloiij 1 not lioftvy work lirttncnn-, 1 elinlii liHrtic, not net; 1 lri-lnrli unlklng plow; 1 2-Kcctloil ni.tneih harrow: 1 mid If, almost new; 1. liayrnok; liayork. Will Hell either for cuhIi or wheat ut . (bo inurket price In Madras.4 G. .1 WJCLLER. 23 Sols Agents Sole Agents It lfj with great satisfaction that we announce our Sole Agency in Shaniko for the LADIES HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS PATTERNS EX"c5HLta:i) HY NOXK; tho most economical", linijtieHtioimbly the leaders lit oi lginallty, niitl Faultl ts as to lit. A monthly stylo book dialled free to eacli customer on request. to bo put on our mailing INt. PATTERS iOe cV. 15e each A Guide Chart given free with- each pat tern, which tells tlio e'Aact quantity of material tied and. lull inslnutlons in cutting and lilting same,. Send us your name and address nSTe-w And COMPLETE STOCK OF GENERAL HARDWARE A Hue line of the famous Diamond Edge CUTLERY. TRY OUR DIAMOND EDGE RAZORS The best on the Market Warren PROPRIETOR T Smith 1 1 10 TIGER HEAD TAILORING 500 HUNDRED snappy and a.tnctlvc sample of alt-wool worst ed and fancy suitings for Fall. The cream of tlii ROYAL TAILORS stock in ClilcaSo lias jtist arrived, and now realty f. r our inspection. Suits made to order In lat it st le.s mid every suit friianiulei'd to fit and hold its shape until worn out. Try us for your Fall suit.' Pries from 818.00 up. 1 TA onsoriai r anor BATHS Subtcribo for tho bonie news. the Pioneer and net Price $1.60 per vear. MENNOKITE SERVICES , MA lillA'S Second Suhtlay in each month nt ! 31 e. in. nnd 7:W p.m. In I'rcc Methodlut I Church, . ... i OPAIj J!HAIRIE-Rvory Sundny tt tin. m. end 7:30 p.m. In Opal Prairie Church, ,unton Sunday .school every Sunday ot 1Q o, m. . - JUNIl'KR BUTTE School IIousC-Evcry Sun day at 3 p. m. Union SuuUny school every Sunday at 2 p. in. MOUNTAIN VIEW School HouPC-rirst.Biid 3d 8unlay of each month at t 30 p. m. Un ion Sundny school overy Sunday 3:30 p. m. All arc cordially liiTltM to theso services, AltTIIUU and MINA CltKASEY, Pastors. OREGON GALLS- A large stock of Seasoned Rough, also a good assortment of Dressed and Finishing luny bcr of all kinds at the company's mill. Call up by 'phone or address. Jj$Sr GRIZZLY LAKE LUMBER COMPANY Lamonta, Oregon I Scientific All advocate DISCING your Jand immediately after th,e drop Is removed preparatory to Fall plowing This Corv serves the moisture already Jn tlie ,sojl and prepares the land to s retain the moisture occasioned by the Fall rains. You need one of our DISC HARRW S S MORE PEOPLE" Pass the wbrd to your relatives and friends to come now Low Colonist Rate To Oregon will prevail from the East Sept. 15 To Oct. 15 VIA THE Oregon Railroad Anil Navigation Company AND SOUTHERN PACIFI8 : From Chicago, $33 " St. Louis, 32 Omaha, 25 ' St Paul, 25 " Kansas City, 25 frARfe CAN 13 PREPAld ; . i Deposit tile iunoutn of t.ie fare with the nearest O. R. & N. or S. P, agent.. Ti k.-t will b UelivBt-ed In the Eaat without extra coat. Send uh the uatiie mid ndiiruss of atiynno Interested lh tllO state for Oregon literature. , lILLIAM McMURRAf, General ikmm Agent, PoillaA mk N EAT JOB PRINTING prBiv'iIptly done fQr.this classpf work. Prices reasonable for a standard ar tiaie. BUY ONE AT ONQE. 'boCERIES--HARDVARE-lMPLEMENTS'-STOVES-tRANGES AUVBU'DBIS your "VntitH, In the I. 1 I i. M I... Plonttur, l rwnnw. ivuBw. - IfiTAGfiART & m Madras, Oregon m If you need LETfr1 HEADS; ENVELOPES, or other born meroial Printing, including Special Ruled job work of any kind give us your order. J3idiier 3riiiter MA rM,M iJ KUnui u,w winter. onl dvnlaluti