revrrg The Madras Pidheer I'tibltshod evorv Thursday bv THE PIONEEK PUlihlSHINO CO. euoaompiloN hXTEO: Olio year . (1.60 si months .$6 Tlireo months 60 ADVKUT1SJNO IIATKS ON ArPUCATION Knterod as second class matter. August !t . ... . t li l: jjsi, ism, at tup 1'ostprnco at Maarns, ore. under tho Act of Congress of March 8,i87 THURSDAY - SEPT. 2, igoo A QUESTION OF VERACITY dregonian It is a curious example of the pervwatty of human nature that many persons Question Dr. Cook's veracity while they ac cept Peary's Unhesitatingly. Perhaps they feel vaguely that Peary had a better iight than his rival to discover the Pole, and therefore they believe state ments from him which tliey re ject when Cook makes them. Take the rate of travel, for ex ample. Both men say they made over ID miles a day upon the iinal dash Northward. The Peary partisans declare that no such speed was possible for Di. Cook, but their own idol could make it with no difficulty at all. So it was with the polar optical phenomena which Dr. Cook has described. The Pearj' worship ers cried out that they were in credible when read in the Cook narrative, but as soon as Peary related the same things they became as natural as sunrise. . Now this sort of thing is neither sensible nor fair. Cook had as much right to discover the Pole as Peary. The latter was belter known as an Arctic bxplorer, but he had not pre empted the region. Other men were not made trespassers there by his prior adventures. Nor is theNe an' reason in declaring a statement false when Cook makes it and true when Peary jnakes it. If the two explorers say the same thing, as they do in almost every particular, each adds to the credibility of the other. It is impossible to be lieve the one and doubt the other. If we believe either we .must believe both, and the fact of their close agreement renders it absurd to reject their common testiraonj If Peary 1 reached Ihe Pole, so did Cook. Other wise how did be come to des cribe it precisely as Peary does? PORTER tolls BOLD TRAINROBIER 1 v ' . County tludfao Ellis Relates StdrV Of Portor's Rare Presonco Of Mlnil To Salt Lake Papal1 Not long since wq listened to an address delverd .by. a gen jleman frqm Washington who told Us that we ought to get at least 4000 a .year from our laud if properly set to apples, that is after seven yearsi And Whatman. had only been in the country three days ! It does heat allhqw. quickly sornn, of these officials grasp,. the. situa tion 1 They learn more in three days tlutti many of the piodeers have learned in 40 yearsi The Dalles Optimist. , Hill wins another fight over his arch-enemy Ilarriman. The latter wanted to prevent Hill from goin through Abe Cell's ranch on Willow Creek, under the Ilaruviniau, -right of vhiy, and Mr. Zell re fused to sell on such terms. Instead, lie notified Hill's man and the latter came up and re ceived a deed from the Willow Creek man. Hill's survey ltius up the canyon, while Haiti man's crosses il. Priueville Heview. "v r To the coolness and quick wit of George Alon2o, a Pull inn 'j porter on the second sec tinn of Itio Grande train No. 6 is attiibuted the failure of the daring hold up by live highway men of the passenger train nea Leadville last night. Pnssen uers of the train showed their appreciation for Alonfco's work by making up a neat little nurse lor him and in .addition 1 urew up a letter to W. H. Wate division snperiniendent of the Pullman company, with offices at Chicago, asking that some action be tnken by that com pauy to reward the colored man for his effective work. This information was brought to Salt Lake last night by H C. Ellis, of Bend. Ore., says the Herald Republican, of Salt Lake City, Utah, when the sec ond section of No. 5 anived at abnut 8 o'clock. The letter to Supt. "Wate was headed by Mr Ellis and signed bj' 23 others, one of whom was at the head of a family of 10, all of whom were enjoying the travels across the country together. 'If it hadn't been for that porter, I believe the robbers would have cone through the Pullman sleepers and the other coaches," said Mr. Ellis last night. "We were blissfully ig norant of any trouble until the list blast was set off. 'It wasn't an' time at all af ter the first blast that the por ter started thrp.ugh the cars turning, out all the lights. 'We are held up,' he said. 'Climb into your births and hide your valuable. Don't get scared, but keep inside.' ,Then he went from one end of the train to the other and turned out every ight. On the hind end he found the signal lanterns turned off, and lighted the red lantern. It probably saved us from a col lision from the rear, for another train came along In a little while and stopped on seeing the danger signal. "I believe all the other por ters and conductors on the train climbed into their berths and stayed there, after the h'rst shot "With all, the lights, turned off it. is. a cinch, none of..fhe. rob bers cared to ta,ke the.ctyance of coining into a dajk coaph and trying to hold us up. But they probablj' would have come if the lights had been left on.'' Mr. Ellis said the scheme was a most daring one, and was well planned, though the rob bers could not carry it through. The Associated Press dispatch yesterday told of the story and of the failure, of the scheme through ,the fact that the strong box refused to yield to two blasts of dynamite. . , , , One of the peculiar incidents of the liold-upj according to Mr. Ellis, was the fafct , that three I dogs ih the express car were in a few.feet of .the and although the car was liearly blown to pieces by the heavy charges of dynamic the dogs were Unhurt. The side and end doors were blown open audi splintered, but the dogs were merely scared. , John A. Johnson, one, of the inost, esteemed and,, popular governors of tbo slate of Minne-J 80trt, and!; the, present encum bent, died at . Rochester, in that Tuesday, -.September 21, 1000. Governor Johnson was a demo crat and during the last presi dential campaign was promi nently mentioned as a presi dential candidate. tions of the tfregon Trunk com-1 CLASSIFIED LOCALS pany in uenrrai uregon. ac- i - cording to the ruling made by bEKTIBT AND OPTICIAN. Dr, ilar Jude Mean o'r the United Suites U'd Clurk will bo lu .Madras a short n:J?;Pn '.'ilT li 1. -r .1... ilmm corolnetiulim Ootobei il7, pro- 'iagbaeaaaagttm Cirdiiit Qourjj the ,8Uih of the oonn win .jQqlJtjnorenseu lroin $10 000 to $20,000 The ruling of the court lol lowed an argument made by aera Snow, counsel for the Des chutes Railway Company. - The counsel's contention was 'that the original bond issued for $10,000 did not cover the tern Dorarv restraining orders liled in the case. The court con eluded that the bond liled with the issuance of the original re straining order Would suffice pa rod to do nil IiiiiHh of dental work; rIpU with a full lino of optical goods. Thoso Wishing duntul work should call promptly lU Utlllfeo time for treatment of nuhliur toeth. Doctor Olurk'Hp. 0. addiesa la llayqroek, ; Oro . and his residence, at tho (j; K. rn 11 ih. . WATCH REPAIRING ll1 you have any watches wlik'U need repairing brluu them to tho poslollluo mid lliuv will receive attention. It I LOST-ln jUadrus or along the road loading up Willow Creek, 10 g Id- tileoo. Finder ploiiHu return sntno to lVy Lovelaud, and receive reward. with the additional increase of TO ADVERTISE my business and In in nnn n t,Q iun.nnri,u rr,lur oldenUlly reduco atook I will eoll at t j n tt H .1 public auollon at my home lu Tygh Judge ,C. II. Carey argued ulluy; Oregon, relt,red and that the Deschutes people could gru,0 Jersey cowb, heifers and IhiIIh. not be seriously injured by the suspension of operations where rights of way were in conflict, as all the rest of the Deschutes canyon remained open for pressing work. SEALED BIDS Will bo received at my office until October 13, 1000, for tho delivering of 10 oordH of good wood at tho schoolhouae in Madras, to be corded aud meaaured before receiving. S. il. GRAY. 23 Clerk of Dial. No. 22. FOR SALE At my ranch live miles East of Madras on the Ilaycreek roiul the following! 13-inch Harrison wnpon good condition; 1 set heavy work harncys; 1 chain harness, not set; 1 Hi-inch walking plow; 1 2-scctton W-tooth harrow: 1 saddle, almost new; 1 hayrack; hayforks. Will sell either for cash or wheat at the market price In Madras. Q. J WELLER. 23 K0R SALE Sale 10 take pluoe.ou Saturday, Oc tober 2, at the hour of JU o'olook, h. m. Good stock, aud liberal twrms. Free lunch on day of sale. A A. Bonney, Tygh Valley. 2t PHOTOGRAHI1ER L S. Lambert. v 1 1 1 be in Madras Outober 1 wlih his photograph gallery Got your photo taken. First-class work. 23 HORSES FOR SALEGood work! horses and brood mars. Call on or write to J')o Marnaoh, Midra. WE HAVE more buyers for farm lands than we have on our lists, l'lease call at our office If you desire to sell. Van Tassel Land Co. OUR NEW LINE OF Winter Goods I& HERE A strong line of staple and fancy goods Bkrgaijns In Summer Wears We have a few Summer Goods left most of which arc being offered at ONE-HALF Regular Price .I'll"..'! (H.I'H W..,..iM,t..n..,'(.tSl.l'llM,l'(,M.I'l..(H.(,..,,,k.., ,,,, I.MIlll.K.lM.l I I'M "l''tlll.ltl.i,M,.,,M,.i,.,,l,,,n,',.;,',, . Vlad if as Trading Co . MANAGER C. E. ROUSH, AUCTION SALE At my ranch six miles South of Madras, I will sell on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 09 Commencing at 10 n. m. 8 small, welt broken, gentle horses: 1 pony harness ami buggy; 4 good grade Jersey cows; Shelters) 21 head of Poland China hogs, Including 1 large sow with .1 pigs live weeks old, 7 hogs. 8 shoatu; 1 3J4-Inch Cooper wagon, 14-foot rack; 1 set of harness several other articles. TERMS OK SALE: All sales of 110 -or tinder, cash; all sales over f 10, 12 mouths time will be given, Interest 8 per cent with approved personal security: settlement to be made be fore article Is removed from the premises. Colonel W. H. Reynolds, Auctioneer G. W. KIDDER, Owner DROP IN A$ SEE harp & Powell DEALERS IN Soft Drinks op .XjIj KiinsriDS FOK SALE 1 colts, 3 2 y. ar'olds, 1 yearling. AddressXYZ, Pionewr Of fice; Mudras. SEED UYK for sale at li IM'reston ranch. Three miles Nurtlmast of Madrss. 4 1 Sinllh'l'rf inier Type writer, with metal cover, at reason able price. Inquire nt The Pioneer Office. Dill VERS WANTED For slip, wheel and Fresno scrapers at- head of Por ter, Spring Canyon. Waires $35 and S4U per month. Dwyer & Co. PAINTING and Paper Hang inn First- class workmanship. Call 011, or ad dress J. M. Larscn, Madras. LOUCKS J1ROS". Furniture Store has removed to the building just South of Broolc'a blacksmith shop. Par ties having business at the store should call at office of Dr. T A. Long. NOTlCE-AII accounts duo ine for pro- fensional services or otherwise, I have left with Howard V. Turner for collection. Please call aud settle at earliest convenience. Dr. J. C. Bartlett. LIST YOUU PA KM properly with II. Hen, If you want quick action upon it. Have buyers for desirable places. ESTIIAY. I have taken up a dark brown-roan horse, branded circle J 011 left stifle; sweeuled In left shoul der. Owner can have same by call-1 log for It and paying charges. A. L. Williams, Madras. 4t ! Uj -r. STEAM ROLLED PEliD For sale ut .the wfller station at 2 per pouudir- J. C. Waymire, Madras, tf eat Job printing PROMPTLY DONE IB if you need LETTER HEADSj ENVELOPES or other Com mercial Printing, including Special Ruled job work of any kind, give us yoUr order. S SM'e Ga&tt&nk&e Satisfactiori IN WORK AND PRICE i 3ioiieer 13HhterS Imported And Domestic CIGARS Loucks Building MADRAS, ORE. t X t Horse Blankets fur and Plush Robes LATEST STVLtS tOWEST PRICES HARNESS A Fall Use Heavy Work Harness, Fancy Driving Harness; COLLARS, WHIPS, ffnltcrfl Etc, Etc B. S. LARKIN Madras, orU. A. . PETERSON SHANIKO, ORIXJON t Watchmaker . . v Jewelry of all kmdt made to or- tier and repaired. Setting) fof J Precious Stonci inadei a X FIFIST'CLASS V0RK .GUARANTEED ISpl Coal Laudj TJOMESTEAIJ. Kotlceor l'uhllea- lion. Deurtmunt of tho 2 uto rior, U 8 Land Ulllnoat The)aIIes, Or egon, September 10, 11MJ. Notice Is herehy given that JOliN IIFjNItV lAlti, of Madrasj Oregon, who, 011 Full. 2, 1008, made homestead entry No. 100T, S'-rlnl No 02762 for sol hoc 80, tj JO , r 11 e, W M, lias Illed notice of Intention to malco llnal live-year proof, lb esUblloh claim '0 the laud above described, hu fore Iloward W, TUrnoh U. ft. Commls siouer, at his olllue at (Madras, Ore t'qn 011 the iJOth duy of Ootober, lUO'J, Cllalntant names aa witnesses! W JI StojiehooliiT. E V Lovli'jr, V? A Lee, of Madras) Oregon: h A Young, of Young, Oregon. 0. W. MooItKi 8lO-oH Ue.'rlstel- 4 AUfiTIOKEEMNa-tJ.)l. W. H. fiej nolils, uf Slndras, Oregon, an EJ ern Auctloni'cr will noil all WW" I mereliandlso or Block farm esle'j spolalty. Will ko auywhfrt. in u i'KOii or adjolnliitf mw. wg" prim. dill on uf write Col. IW IIKVNOLDS. or A. C. Hanftnl. OFiiCrAi i)ikivCTok1 .In- nlt- OREGON TRUi'JK INDEfVl- NITY BOND RAISED l1liQ.;Orogon Tmtik Lino will be.pompeJJe(l to increase ilo in demnity bond filed with (lie court in the injunction proceed ings recently brought by the Deschutes lluilrgad Company in connection with the opera- ! T. B. TUCKER Horseshoeing and General Olacl(smith WAGON AND PLOW WORK First-Class Wort Guarantee! Located in the old Ilmvlt shop MADRAS, OREGON AD VUItTIHli your "Wuute" In the noijcer. 11 gets results, itegumr lo cal Hdvtrtl&luu rates Pacific 'Horse Liniment Is pffpdrCd exprtSsly foi the needs of hd emeu and ranchmen. It is a powrrful add pene irating liniment, a remedy for emergen, cles. ' A wollllng embrocation for the relief of pain, and the best liniment for sprains and soreness. ' Uncqualed for curing the wounds and injuries of IIARIinU WIR0 and for ficalini; cuts, nbrnslons, sores and bruises. Pacific Horse Liniment is fully guaranteed. No other is so good or helpful in so many ways, if It falls to satisfy, wc authorize all dealers to refund the purchase price. I XT A UllCl BOTTU1 tint CtNT Hoyt Chemical Co.. iotmno, ohi. D90KLBT PREO 1VTOTI0IS Kor V ubllcatlhm iOSOiTllo AJ Dallesi List Noi OWIft, Uultwd BtateBjLuudJOIllce.Tho DlleS, OriJuoti, UejitotuLer 4, 1UO0. Notlc'o Is hereby ulveti lllut lliu Northern l'ddlltJ llallwuy Comptuiyi whose post ofllce addrosn Is 81, 1'auli tlnuesotri, lilts this (JOih day of Angus', 1U0U, filed In Ihlsotllee llfl apiillcutloii to sulectoiuidur tho 'provisions of the Aui or Congress, apphived July 1, lhy8 (,;J0 Qtat.,6D7, (10) us cicloudeil by thu Act of May 17, lOuO, nelnwi, elwi neo.82, tp JU s, r 10 e, w III. Horlal Koi 052lr. Any alld all perAonn tilultilllltf ltd versuly the landa ddftuHbml, or d6idr Iiik to tihlbut debunk of tiu llllilehil ellnrutilur Of the luiul, ilr fot-any other reason, to thu illflpo'sal to njijiluJantl ihoUId file their affidavits JjfprolfcsUn this office; on or before tho 20 li duy of October, 1UU0. 0. V. Mooirfi, HlO-oU Jte(latur UMlTrn BTATE8 WIIIUBi H H ikilanuer l" VrAiilillll iiMtti ,1 It. Mi'Mi'"'! I.l.n villi Iiilt'l ' ',,flirlnM 1'rcnldeiit Vlcorrelili,i'.. fitiertitnry ol birtts Hoordlnry otTruMutr Sucrbtar'y of Jnterlur.. Btibrutary of War Uuorctnry di Ifdvy. .. fitn!rilry tif CQmiiiofi'e iWiniWorracrieriU..- Attori)"0ii6rl SiWltiry ol BrituHure.. , STATE (li)tStri'r.i...t.M BUiirulhrydl 8lltk 0 A8tl 3'rMilir....;y... "AnCM Attoniuy ooiiursi itt,tm t,...., n. 1 1. , aim. tin! . ..'?" . I Htutb I'rltlWr.i.'.. ' .wjnii Dillry mil footl HUiniiii'i"': ' ., 1 .. .. . ... A llVIi I V-'n Iflli ft teW 1 IIIWl Jlnlae l'rvucutiug Attorney Cuiitfrl'dsnibiu.i 1 ' EVEHfH0D.0AtWPTJjT . llfJTV f OflOOM E,l Jm."- ...H'r'"0i Bhtirm,,,,- vfKI1 Tivmtdt ipuroW IKC3HU II A. fib)itoliiuJ'ri.illcndid . A ,! yfUydr j a.'j flfironlir . iiA 1 ,r ...... I'.ruimd KUT0HEI1 pnE0,N0Tr .8rocj juktico..... coiutnblo i:oi-i 1 Ml"- uoudauporvuor