The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, September 16, 1909, Image 4

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i'f ii 1 5
Pi6nGer nr reolanmtion of n. lurgB combination, in bringing inter-
tract at a price winch will 3Ield j oats together for the advantage
rubiishocl overy Thursday by almndsomo profit, and tins, ot all concerned, ana in turning
-the riONEEU publishing CO. with tho early completion of the to profitable results undertak
railroad, which promises n inga which at lirat seemed in
rapid sale of tho irrigated conceivable and unattainable to
Him rnnr. flS1 Rft
Six months 4 $5 lands, seems to have benn the
Three months 50 motive for bringing the suit.
- Entered ns second clnss mnttcr August
liit, 100t, nt tho Postofflco nt Madras, Ore.,
undor tho Actof GoiiRiess of March 3, IS"..
THURSDAY - SEPT. ij, 1909
The faculty of Edward H
ITarrimaii for organization, con-
Portland Telegram
Uniterm disappointment is
bound to obtain because of
ii . 1
those to Whom, t.hey were pro
posed, lie probably never lias
had an equal in America. Con
Ildenco among an immense'
number of investors and cup-
italists was gained through his
operations; and so successful
lias been ins career tliat none
Commodore Peary's messnge of ,lu8 l)een disappointed. When
detraction. That portim of the llu tooU the Union Pnoilic
general public whose admira- anrt it8 as,socjjlt(.fi i,ieHi ,,.
. . r . 1 . 1 1 I
uon lor me inuepiu explorer lloaed to nnv ,Mir whole cltibi
is based upon tlie Heroic clmr- t0 tlie United States, to rebuild
WANTED TO Tit A I) IS At Onci'i nnr
row truck wugnii In good condition
Tor wide Inu'lc wuhi In I i leu condl
tinn. J nium Kliok, Madras.
TTTAOVKuTisV: iiiy business and In
(.Mentally reduce stock I will Hell lit
public) auction at lily home In Tynli
Yulloy, Oregon, smiio reentered and
grade Jersey cows, heifers tind bulls.
Sato to (alto place on Snttirdoy, Oc
tobcr 2, at llie hour of JO o'clock a.
111. Good block and lllieral terms.
Fiou lutioh on d.iy of sale , A.
Uonnoy, Tytfh Valley. at
UO It SAL15 3 2 y.Hr-nlds, 1 yuiirllnjr.
Address X YZ, 1'iouevr 0.lloe,MUilriiH.
IWwis torn s Li'i. iiood work
horses and brood mures. Ctlloi. or
write to Joe Marnacli, Madras
Three miles Northeast
FOU BALE Smllh-l'reniier Type
writer, with metal cover utoason
able price, inquire ut The l'louoer
DlUVEltS WANTED For slip, wheel
and Fresno scrapers at head of Por
ter. Spring Canyon. Waires $35 and
$W per nionth. Dwyer & Co.
PAINTING and Paper I IuiiisI lift FI ra t-
class workmanship. Call on, or ud
drepfl J. M. Lnrsen, Madras.
LOUOKSBROS'. Furniture Store Iihb
removed to the building just South
bf Brook's blacksmith shop. Par.
ties having business at the store
Blioulil call at olllce of Dr. T. A. Long.
mo for pro
fessional services or otherwise,
have left with Howard V. Turner
for collection. Please call and settle
at earliest convenience. Dr. J. C
centration and manipulation of acter of his achievements, will the roada and nmke ,,pm piy. slJEj) RYJ) (ormi) nl n K. twUtu
lorces, and elimination ot op- render a verdict ot disapproal fitable properties there was
posing ones, has not its equal that he should seek to fortify LrHnpmi iMnrHHinit.v Few be
in the industrial world of today, an assumed fame by an effort jtiVed it possible. Biit his plans
Ana, 111s organization was so 10 snaiter tue repuiation 01 an- gooI, inspired a confidence equal
penect mat even tlie deatn its omer. t0 thermagnitude of his ooucep-
founder has made no impres- Even if Peary had been told tion8t and Uie grea,eat success
sion upon its fortunes. Born of by Eskimo companions of Dr. in American railroad enterprise
. . r. t 1 i. t rt 1. ... i..... .
jjurems 01 uo special aunijr ana vjuuk. umi 1110 muer uuu 1101 followed hid plan. He had a
reared in a family of most been near the Pole, it would singular genius for bringing
nf rnicrli tnnnri pirnnmatnnpoo liia linvp lippn infinitulv innrA fn hln j i. 1. ! i.
" i-7 . 7 Ti v.! n,Ur0aUB l WOrK imrmo,uoua SCHOOL books, tablets and .school
oviibx., 0 uut uuucx auo .. .mU ivu i cpu. i tOgettier, tor tlie good Ot all Ot supplies at M K. Snook's drugstoru
picious conamons, cuougu tuese to nimseii. xuere is uaraiy a them and for the general ad-
privations unuouotediy pro- possiDie cuance inai n sucu ae- vantage of the people seived by
aucea in young tiarnman tliat ception were practiced tuat u them. We of Orecon lone felt
BtaDiiny oi cuaracter and sell- wouia escape aetecon wuue, that we were neglected bv him.
! I 1 I " J
reliance wuicu were so pro- as tue case now sianas, evi- or jeft out Df his plans: but lin
nounceu in latter j'ears. vv nue uence oi aoiue jeaiousy on xea- aiiv we were cheered bv the
Mr. Harriman's genius for or- ry's part will serve to raise up immediate mosuect of comintr
ganization waB not marked in for Dr. Cook a host of partisan activity in the development of
n i . .. l. lI "
4iiseany Dusiness Jiie, ms sue- aeienaera wuose interest otuer- ,li8 pIan8 and his death is felt I0tick-aii accounts due
cess in tne manipulation ot wise wouio nave oeen purely to be a loss to regon.
xanroaas was so great mat at passive. He llag built up a ranway
me time oi ms aeatn tue nam- -a.8 previously expressea, ii empire from Ea8t to West.
man system waB the largest was not the belief of The Tele- Qan it on jj togetheif Pre
- -- uuiiuuucu uj unc tii.iii. if3-t- luui uumuiuuuui -.vuij iQiciioii would Do sis lutile U8
. Mr. Harriman's record in Or- would countenance the cam- unnecessary, But certain it is
egon is also one of which there paign mud-slinging, incipiently tjjat ,j8 Ruldiiie hand will be
ib no equal in any otuer state oeguu Dy ms inenos. isap- ti88ed , and that ere long; as
f . mi . y-v I . ..t l '
oi tue union, me uentrai ure- pointment is even Keener mat mat ot- Alexander was mistfed
gon domain is today the largest Peary himself should so viru- from direction of the empire he
tract in me united estates witn-MHnuy ieaa in me attacis upon laft created.
out a railroad. This reserva Cook.
tion elimination was started There is good reason to be- It seems to be the general
over 20 years ago. Several rail- lieve that Dr. Cook's announce- opinion that Commander Peary
roads have started for Central ment of the discovery of the hasn't those attributes of great-
Oregon, bnt have always stop North Pole will stand upon the neas which should be possessed
j)ed forced into the Harriman proofs which he finally will by a man who claims the dis-
system, and this condition might submit. Scientific men, with covery ol the North Pole.
have continued for many years few exceptions, regard the an-
had it not been for the ailment nouncement as true, and the WE HAVE more buyers for farm inmia
nf TV ft. IToi.rimon ml.;nl. fnrn,. Punrif rllrnnlinti ia nn f o I tllHU WO llttVe Oil OUT lists, PleflSe
L ii.ii 1.1 i. call at ourofflce if you desire to eell.
jLiio iciiicuiciiL iium uuaiucsa ji-uuiuiici to duui.d luuu uuju Van Tassel Land Co
and ended with his death. It dence. J3y a well recognized
would seem evident that even attribute of human nature, the
James J. Hill, who has meas- unscientific public will the more
ured strength with Harriman in readily believe the Cook story
other states, did not dare to in- because of the Peary attack.
vade the Central Oregon pre- Somu one told Peary while
serve until after the practical lie was in the farthest North
viftATiTif r f Tr Tin xtii m n n r -i A I flint T t (rrr r 1 n rr a rl f r lmira
it is possible that Hill's activity 1 been at the Pole. Who was it? HAKIM fc.00 A FlllI LlllG
o....a,H oh-
Winter Gbocls
A strong line of staple and fdncy goods
I Bargains In Summer Wears
Vc have a few Summer Goods left
most of which arc being offered rit
ONEHALF Regular Price
llltlM.IIlHtltlltHHHHji,l..M..lU..M.IS,,IIM.IH,1.,.l..,.,,.M. .
.l,ll,i1.Ml,M,l.llitlliiH,lll.l'll,,llM,ll . W"
. Madras Trading Co .
LIST YOUU FARM property with IX,
Ren, If you want quick ncllon upon
It. Hiivo huyers for dcslruble phices
short time only tlie Madras Town
site Company is oilerlng lots for sule
ut very low prices. Their udvortlse
metiton the Imok ptto of this paper
contains mup showlut; locution of
Mndrus with reference to tho several
railroad surveys through this sec
tioti. Construction of either of these
roads will make Madras the trading
center of u largo territory. The tlino
to ouy Is now, bftorn the railroad
siurts, when prices will ndvnuoo.
Horse HianK
LSI RAY. I iinvo Inken tin n dark
brown-roan horse, branded circle .1
on leftstllle; sweenled In left shoul
der. Owner can have same by call
ing for it and paying charges. A.
L. Williams, Madras. 4t
Fur and PluslfRdbes
ST 15 AM R0LLI5D FJ5HI) For sale at
the water station at 2 per pouud.
J. C. Waymire, IMadras. tf
in Central Oregon now is made How did the story of the Cook
only because he felt the assur- discovery come, to be,, told,? It
ance that Mr. Harriman was was told by Dr. Cook, but to
down and out of the business' whom? Was ,it told, to,, Jjjose
world and that there was slight Eskimos who assured Qomman-
of his beintr out-maneuvered on der Peary that Dr. Cook had
this railroad chess-board.
Heavy Work Harness, Fancy
Driving Harness; COLLARS,
WHIPS, Halters, Etc., Etc.
The opinion handed down
from the federal court iuPoit
Jand, saying that the bondhold-,
ers and others who had asked
.that a receiver be appointed for
the Deschutes Iirigation &
Power Company had no case
-and that the suit was therefore
dismissed, is probably the most
eatisfactory that could be given
for those having business with
.the irrigation company and
not been out of sight of land ? .. M . . ,,u
rhese are questions which sug- J Hp D 'T'l If Fpp
?est that Peary's message of f 1 1 UtlVD
I II nf rt li tf ! ri v nnfl
nui-U-iiuuiii aim
General Blacksmithing i
gest tnat rearys message
detraction is more than likely
to operate as a boomerang.
Since the return of Mr. Harri
man from Europe his dejith has
been expected. All obtainable
information tended to the inev
itable conclusion. He was but
01 years of age and died of a
specific disease that had been
Holds, of M idrus, Oregon, un East
ern Auctioneer, will sell all kinds of
merchandise or stock farm sales a
sppclulty. Will go anywhere In Or
egon or adjoining states. Regular
prlqeH. Call on or write Col. W. II.
KKVNOLDR. or A. O. Sanford. a!5-3t
JJ-cjJlt jOtXiiJlt j-5t A jJk .JEW j& jOc jftc-fi
3 B3 a
others identified with irrigation i preying on him for several
jn the South central portion of years.
lhis couutry. Fron the first
(there has been suspicion that
,the suit was 'not brought in
good faith, and its early dis
jnissal tends to confirm this
It is probably true that the
irrigation company haB not paid
jits obligations as promptly as
5t should, but it was tho first
management which started the
sale of. irrigated lands at ruin
ous prices and placed the com
pany in financial straitB, while
the present management has
iad these contracts of sale in
creased to a reasonable figure,
nd the iiTigatipu company lias
iince secured another contract
lie was one of those men who
have an extraordinary talent,
adaptable to a paiticular situa
tion or opportunity. Such a
man is able to control in large
degree the element he works in.
This talent gave him an im
mense power in the railroad
and financial world. It was
born .in him; it was a. talent that
never can bo acquired; It needs
only its opportunity; and Mr.
Harriman found his opportu
nity in the conditions which
have existed in New YoHc, dur
ing tho period of his active
In railroad finance, in clear
ness of foresight, in power of
First-Class VM Gnarautecd
Locuted in the old TirooJm shop
ialn uu liu utl u ii m ilu i
Not Coal Lund
OMEBTEAD. Notice for VuMioa-
tion, Department of the Interior,
U. 8. Land Ofllco, The Dalles, Oregon,
August 23, 1009..
Notice is hereby; glVen tliat
of Madrus, Oregoli,- who, on Heptein
ber 7, 1D00, mude Ilomlixtewl, Serial No.
05107, No. 1581b, for ewi sec 1 mill
nejnwj, nwinel sec 12, tp 11 s, r l2e,
w in,
Hue filed notice of intention to make
final five-year proof, to (htiihllsh
claim to the laud above desorlbail, be
fore Howurd V, Turner, ilJ. 8. Com
missioner at his olllce ut Madras, Ore
gon, on the 5lli duy of October, 101)0,
Claimant names us witnesses:
C W E Footo, L Voote, V M Mc
Cllntlo, W D Mceemur, all of Mud
rus, Oregon,
0. W. ifooitK,
b2 ,30 4 Register
ADVERTISE your "Wants" in the
Pioneer. It gets results. Regular lo
cal udverileiug ruteu
Will be in Madras
September 18, '09
With his dairy herd
of JERSEY and
be sold at auction
sale on said date
If you need LETTER HEADS,
ENVELOPES, or other Com-
mercial Printing, including
Special Ruled job Work bf any
kind, give us your ordSr.
3H liters
t-A-zitelope, Oreg-ozi K,
U"m?t V V V V IMf !jr
. a
I Watchmaker
and Jeweler !
Jeweliy of all kindi tn&de to ot
der and riired. Settinai for
i ieiou atone made.
.(KntCoul Und
LI OMESTI5AD. Notice tor Piibllca
tion. l)e)nrtmunt of the Inte
rior, U S Land Oljloo at The Dalles, Or-
i't!(n, -eptembor 10, lUO'J.
Notice Is hereby Klven that
JOHN I115NRY I.lJli,
of Mudras, Oregon, who, on Feb. 2,
1003, mud, homuitcud entry No. 12007,
-frtul.No 02752 for sei see .10, ti 10 s,
r I I e, W M,
Has tiled notice of Intention to muke
final llve-yeur proofi to esUblidli
eluim ro the land above described, be
fore Howard 7, Turnol-, U. S. Commls-
loner, ut his olllue ut Muilran, Ore
gon on the 20lh day of October, lOOOi
Claimant names us witnesses
W II titonohuokr, 8 I' I.ovIiil', W
A I,fe, of Madrus, Oregon: I. A YouiiKf
or loimjjs, OrfKoii.
C. W. Mooitl:,
flO-oH Itealster
Sharp & Poi
iy Da
Hulmiribe for the 1'loneer and nut
tho bouio uewfl, Trice tl.CO nor veur.
OTIOI3 For 1'iiblicutlUii. 1020 fho
lies, List No. 0521.,
B!utes;LumJ Olllce, The Dulles, Oieuoil,
KeptemLer-l, 1000.
Notice Is hereby nlvetl Hint tlio
Northern i'aclllo Railway Company,
whose post olllce nddreso in Rt, fan I,
MlnncHiita, lias this DOth day of Aiiiii',
1000, tiled In this olllce Itn iippllcalloti
to select under the provisions of the
Aot of CtiiiKress, approved July 1, lfctW
(110 fitat. f)07, (l0J as eit'eiidod by the
Act of May 17, 1000, lliiwj, avitwi
fvn 8J-, tp 10 s, r 13 c, w m. ttorlul No,
Any und all persons olaliillni; ud-
versejy tho luiids iloseribed, nr deslr
Iiir to dbjtmt bebaiifl' of the itliiien!
I'harauler of tho land, or for any other
reason, to the dlbpimul to njiplicuu!,
bbonld file their affidavits df protest in
(his office, on or before the 20. Ii duy of
October, lOuO.
C. W. MooItU,
BlO-oH Iteulstcr
a r 1 1 i
JiiilSortiid And I)nic5tic
Loucks UulldlnU
AT A ri? AH. OKI
' )....f ic tTIIIi
i--I - - r ... lliiii. ii
i t e r .1 no ibi"
n..t a i in til imiio '
..i...... i in.. Northern
n w i..,uu imatoliico
fill 1 I l . a I I
Ii icn "
.m.... iiu hiiniiuiuioii
.. iIim Act 01 V '""--
i ,t.,i.. 1. 1MIH 3tr "
uaeitemlodiby Act or i v
. i Kind t ie
Drove i may -"""-i ... kui
... l II IV 111.
sei sou 82, lUiJ. f'""
No. OD1W0. , , .na
. .. Mu niiK
iiiv nun im ! . ....r
... .,.. i,....i..i,.ciHH,"r"'-
oiiiuuie i mi iiiiiii . i i.n
7 .' . j... ,.i i lu- iiiinr""-'
' -.. . i i ,.r r.r any"""'
iminr oi ii hi iiiii'M ...!
should Ulo tnuir '"""' eful
lest In this Offloe. " 0f 1,6
Ulll J Ill H I IL1JI1 .