The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, September 09, 1909, Image 7

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items Gathered from AH
pans oi "uiiu
',. Important but Not Loss Intor
i tiling Happonlngo from Points
Outsluo tno oibiui
; ctina i planning tho Improvement
1 ftontZeopoHn will continue propar
tl2 to fly to the North Polo.
, preSldent Tnft Bays ho will prob-
$ rvlslt Alaska next summer.
' i uflous epidemic Ib f.oarcd In tho
Stricken districts of Mexico.
' r,man scientists eny tho finding of
ftiHortb I'olo is of secondary import-
' . i-.,i.n T.neomotlvo company
Ji it is ruBhcd with order for now
. . ....
An Indiana man lias jubc aiea as tno
A . n,. lnnvnn HR children and
Si outlived four wivea.
remark bolioves Cook'fl story of
lll dve him a royal wolcomo.
Attorney Genera! Wickoraham BayB
jf the polar continent Ib worth holding
fkiiroverntncnt will annex it
notches from Java Bay tho vol-
oaoSinern is in activo eruption, caua
fcpeat havoc. Thoro has also been
utartbquako with hundreds of fatalities.
Rirolutionary cocked hats oro to bo
iron by women next season.
Wilbur Wrlcht has suggested that
ct'ei appoint an inspector of balloons.
Tia lost of lifo in tho Montoroy,
Jftt, flood is now estimated at 3,000.
A tornado dovaBtatod DInlvillo, a
1 . m O I ..........
will tAtcn in i nxnH. nuvurui wumuiia
ien injurca.
SoddIIcs nro boinjr Bent to Monterey.
If::., and the general condition is
nicb. improved.
Mm. Florence Vandorvort, n million-
i - . i i
wewiaow oi uva jiiikuivb, hub mur
rled a poor man.
No lives wore lost in tho Nevada
tmdburjt and tho proporty damage is
(!ued at $100,000.
Government scientists Bay Cook will
ke no trouble in proving that ho ac
billjr reached the polo.
according to official reports tho rico
crop of China will bo about 17 per
mt above tho average.
All Western roads have announced
Mr schedules to the coast and each is
trjing to outdo tho other.
Tb American warshin sauadron is
is Chinese waters.
The international trades union coun
cil! in session in Paris.
Pittsburg coal miners object to tho
w explosive, a nameless powder,
A severe carthauako has boon folt in
(is canal zone, but tho hie Hitch was
tot hurt
The steamer Ohio. wrecked off tho
iman coast, is said to have hit an
chartered rock.
Hill savs ho has all tho railroad con-
,.!!. I .... neeas in tno East ana now
Vntir Mill 1. n i .
"in uu L. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' r in inn wnnr.
TheCunard lino Btoamers aro to take
i BIW rnti4n I, n T I. 1 - I
New York which will shorten tho time
Able Carov nrk nrnloKf tins hnnn
tatted In Pnlnriwlr, I... ...LI..U OCA Ann
... wviwiUMU 11 V ,V 1 1 1 ,L 1 1 ilU.UUU
atree of land win i.n .nnt..t..i .
t of l2.onn nnn
An pnlrl n ri I i i .t i m
l . ui lyjjiiom iovcr is rag
" Cobalt. Ontni-u nu i,nnr.ii.
art foil n,i t . r . .
hiiu Li-1 1 1 m iikuii nnnn nwnni nit n
The steamer Mnuretanla haa oatab
'loeaa new record, havlntr crmmed
? w to Queonstown in four
14 hntlfa nn,1 O J.
- 'v m UHllUtVOi
eK Fedorl
32i tnx law ,n Colorado conBti-
Thaw hnn . . . .... .
otthe i appointed nurarian
confined y m ,n wnlc" "o is
leaSmi!n .Klmn' n Por8!nn bnnd,t
Cditlon8 caPturd by a Russian
Diii-i.- ...
ktlsVf I ,Vulorfl in Javn kiHod 117 ro-
bV8Ld.tho!rown(numbor httd
The rtnnrlU-l. .......
ttrdi.n,,, " 100 t;mcago stroot
.. .J 'putecan only bo broken bv a
w arbitration.
lob rZf ,U8 Pu'Kn bandit and
urgent Innrln J t
rin.. qui uiinHKv. wild
Wnk:..:"M aion. tho American
lot, " omo vcnra Bo, ima boon
..?llman hnn loailnl r. 1 1. J
uv.i,Vhol;oatobo ar operation
My ho only nceda rest.
C' T', ?f Loa Aongolos,
nas been oxnound In ,ot u
At, ... '
HM"7.oon. Vis-
vf vi. tt i iui i nn nnnnnn wi i
"iUIH r l. .
- mo naKoa oyo.
i88 e, Portugal, is to vis-
Twolvo Hundred at Loast Crownod In
Moxlcan Flood.
Montoroy, Mox., Aug. 31.Twolvo
hundred and perhaps more pcopio por
lohed Friday night and Saturday in tho
flood which Bwopt a largo portion of
thlfl city, Consorvativo estimates
placo tho proporty loss at $20,000,000.
Piftoon thousand pcopio aro homoloBB.
Moro than 500 bodies havo been recov
orcd. Tho rivor has fallon considerably,
and whilo still high, tho danger is
over. Seventeen and a half inches of
rain foil during Friday, Saturday and
Tho groatost loss of lifo occurred
Saturday morning botweon 9 and 11
o'clock, when tho largo bu'Idinga on
tho south aldo of tho rivor commenced
to crumble Many of tno houses had
from 100 to 200 porsons on their roofs
and ail disappeared in the flood.
In ono school building 00 womon and
children woro drowned. Thoy had
hurried to tho school for safety, but
tho water drovo thorn from room to
room, until thoy woro all clustered in
ono rbom. Whilo two priests wero
performing some religious rites, tho
walls foil and all wero swallowed up
in tho seething waters.
Thousands of persons were standing
on tho north bank of tho river, unablo
to render aid to tho unfortunates on
tho buildings on tho south Bide, for
nothing could havo lived in tho current
of tho Santa Catalina, which was half
a milo wido and flowing swiftly.
French Strikers Comblno to Compote
With Govornmont.
Paris, Aug. 31. In a few dayB tho
French postofllco is to have an activo
competitor in tho Bhope of a new co
operative poBtal association, formod by
somo 150 dismissed postal servants.
Thoso, under tho direction of MM.
Barbut and Simonnet, tho postal offi
cials who took a prominent part in the
roccnt strike, are organizing a service
in all thoso branches of the postal bus
iness not claimed as a monopoly by tho
postofllco. This includes tho distribu
tion of newspapers, circulars, samples,
catalogues, etc., oIbo tho collection of
accounts and debt collecting.
Tho now association, which will
start oporationa on Monday, !b known
as tho "Laboricuflo." It is understood
already to have been promised tho cus
tom of soma 90,000 firms, tradesmen
and privato individuals, who at tho
present utilize tho French postofllco
for distribution of their trado circu
lars, samples, account collecting, etc.
Each of tho 150 members of tho "La
borieuso" has subscribed a $20 sharo.
Besides this, the association has at its
disposal a working capital of $4,000.
Mombors of tho co-operation will bo
omployed in turn in different depart
Cunningham Denies Fraud In Alaska
Coal Land Grants.
Seattlo, Aug. 31. C. C. Cunning
ham, who represented tho 33 claimants
in tho so-called Cunningham coal land
claims in Alaska, which aro boing in
vestigated by the government, and who
was aboard tho steamer Ohio when it
was wrecked, returned to Seattle to
day with tho other survivors and do
clircd that the charges tho claims havo
been illegally filed upon, and that Sec
retary of tho Intorior Bollinger had at
tempted to compel Special Agent
Glivoa of the land office, who filed a
complaint with President Taft recently
to permit tho issuance of patent on tho
claims, is absurd.
"Enemies of Secretary Bollinger aro
in grave error in charging that he !b
involved in any achemo to turn over
the coal lands to parties represented
by me," said Mr. Cunningham.
"Wo court tho fullest investigation.
I fool cortain it will bo found tho lands
havo been legally filed upon. Should
it bo found thore has been any irregu
larities in filing, it will bo found tho
cntrios havo boen made in good faith,
and tho errors ore duo to technicalities
in tho present law."
Mr. Cunningham denied tho Guggen
heim and Morgan interests are backing
him in his claims.
Wells to Be Appointed.
Victoria, B. C, Aug. 31. Lord
firnv. covernor crenoral. and his party
reached Union bay this morning.
Thoy returned from xunon ny ine
crulBcr Quadra ond will arrive hero
nnrlv tomorrow. Countosa Groy is
waiting His Excolloncy hero. A ban
quet and largo garden party is boing
arranged. It is undorstooa ins excel
lency upon arrival will Bign tho ordor
In rniinnil ntmointincr Wilmor C. Wells
lieutenant governor of British Colum
bia, in succession to uunsmuir, mo
attor roBignlng at his own request.
Ho Seeks Jail on Wager.
London, Aug. 81. A young London
doctor who had just finished his BUtdieB
in modicino at Oxford mado a wnger to
make a tour on foot through Switzer
land nnd to havo himself arrosted in
sovoral towns for tho purpose of Btudy-
. Kit TIM.
ing tho owlPB prison conaiuon, vriion
ho arrived in Geneva tho young doctor
nnrrnnrnn In n nunrrol with a nolicoman.
Tims ho soon succeeded in having him
self taken into custody, llo was nnea
5 francs and released
Submarlno Makos Rocord.
Provincotown, Moab., Aug. Sj-A
world's rocord for spood on tho .surfaco
by submarineB was mado off hero yes
terday by tho aubmarino Narwhal dur
ing hor contract trials. During 25
hoo .nilos. the Nar-
whal averaged 12 knots an hour with
out a stop.
a a i i i' 5gggggg ' J'--1 1 ' m
Exports Busy Arranging Schedules for
Washington, Sept. 3. Director of
tho Census Durand, aided by a score or
moro of oxperts in economics, agricul
ture, manufacture and statistics, is
now at work on ono of tho most import
ant questions in connection with tho
noxt census that of framing schedules
to bo used by enumerators in entering
tho information they socuro next April.
Mr. Durand and tho corps of experts
oro working out tho form of schedules
and determining tho subdivisions of in
quiries to be asked in gathering tho in
formation ordered by congress. Tho
agricultural, manufacturing and popu
lation schedules are the principal ones
under current discussion. Among thoso
most prominently mentioned on tho
manufacturing schcdulo will bo tho fol
lowing: Surgeon Bell, formerly assistant
editor of tho Economist; Chicago; Ar
thur J. Boynton, assistant professor of
economics, University of Kansas; C.
W. Doten, assistant professor of eco
nomics in the Masaachusetts Institute
of Technology; Edward Howard, as
sistant profesaor of economics, North
western university; Emil P. Ecker,
expert professor of finance at Dart
mouth college; Horace Ecrist, instruct
or of economics in the University of
Wisconsin; E. A. Willot, professor of
economics in tho Carnegio Technical
school, and Alvin S. Johnson, a statis
tician of Chicago.
Tho population schedule is in charge
of Professor W. B. Bailoy, Springfield,
Mass. He is an instructor on political
economy in Yale university. A largo
number of special agents have been ap
pointed in other divisions.
Railroads May Be Unablo to Handle
Immense Business.
Washington, Aug. 31. A heavier
business than has ever been known in
a single year Ib looked for by Chairman
Knapp of tho Interstate Commerce
commission for American railroads
during the present fiscal year.
Tho serious situation anticipated, not
only by Judgo Knapp, but by other offi
cials of the commission, and by operat
ing railroad men generally, is that
there may be a shortage of cars. Tho
crop prospects aro considered so bright
that tho transportation companies may
be taxed beyond thoir capacity to han
dle tho freight.
According to the figures submitted
to the commission, the railroads have
recovered from the low business pres
sure of a year and a half ago, and are
now handling almost as much traffic as
they did in tho rush months of 1907,
which was tho banner year in Ameri
can railroading.
Taft Visits Gloucester.
Beverly, Mass., Aug. 31. Tho quaint
little city of Gloucester bad the honor
today of entertaining President Taft at
his first public appearance sinco tho
beginning of his vacation. Today tho
members of the pageant committee and
many other prominent citizens of Glou
cester were invited to tho homo of John
Hays Hammond to meet the president.
Mr. Taft, Secretary of tho Navy and
Mrs. Meyer and a half dozen others
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hammond.
Rectifiers Get Respite.
Washington, SepL 4. The operation
of regulations prohibiting rectifiers
from making a so-called wino mash and
uaing the maBh in producing compound
liquors, such as liquors patent medi
cines and table wines, will bo post
poned until October 1 as a result of an
order issued by the acting commission
er of internal revenue today. This or
der affects tho so-called raisin wine in
dustry and was issued as a result of an
appeal to the secretary of the treasury.
Alleged Bandit Caught.
Washington, Sept. 2. In tho arrest
of Guillermo Adam, tho alleged band
it, at El Paso, on tho charge of violat
ing tho immigration laws, tho Eagle
Pass uprising in Mexico moro than a
year ago, is recalled. The Mexican
government is desirous of having him
returned to Moxlco in order to prose
cute charges against him, and it is de
clared Adam will be killed if deported.
Ho entered without passing inspection
by immigration officials.
Roosevelt Sends Rats.
Washington, Sopt. 4. Ex-President
Roosevelt has shipped to the Smithson
ian instituto species of moles and rats
which aro vory popular with institution
officials. A rat with two warts on tho
lower lip was included in tho shipment.
Tho government exerts never beforo
knew of a rat so decorated. Conse
quently great valuo is attached to the
particular hide. It outranks in worth
the biggest lion skin in the bunch,
Salvador to Havo Ships.
Washington, Sept. 4. Tho State
departmbnt has beon informed by
Chargo d'Affairos Frutlor nt Salvador
that tho Salvador Railroad company is
about to inaugurate a weokly steamship
service botwoen the ports of Acajutla,
in Salvador, and Salinas Cruz, in Mox
ico. Tho service is to begin a regular
schedulo about January 1, 1910.
Jlmltez President of Costa Rica.
Washington, Sept. 2. A cablegram
recoived tonight from San Joso by Sen
or Galvi, tho CoBta Rican minister,
stated that returns from the election
held in Costa Rica indicated the elec
tion of Ricardo Jiminez for president.
Pays Compensation to Tars of Amer
ican Warships.
Washington, Sept. 4. Acting Sec
retary of tho Navy Winthrop has re
ceived $14,000 from tljo, Panama gov
ernment, paid by it as money repara
tion in the casos involving the mal
treatment of American naval officers
and seamen at tho hands of tho police
of that republic.
Of this amount $5,000 is for indera
nity for what Ib known as tho Cruiser
Columbia incident, when several offi
cers in uniform wero arrested, locked
up and roughly handled in Colon op
Juno 1, 1900. Tho assault, it is de
clared, was entirely unprovoked.
An indemnity of $8,000 will bo paid
to tho relatives of Charles Bend, a
boatswain's mate on tho cruiser Buf
falo, who waB killed in Panama in Sep
tember, 1908, and $1,000 will be given
to tho relatives of Joseph Cieslik, a
Bailor of tho some vessel, who was
stabbed at the time and killed.
Small Claim Against Big Roads.
Washington, Sept. 2. Tho smallest
claim for reparation over filed with the
Interstate Commerce commission has
beon presented by the Tyson & Jones
Buggy company, of Carthage, N. C.
The amount is 20 cents. The brief
consists of six pages of legal cap, in
which all tho facts aro set forth. In
December, 1907, tho complaint avers,
tho firm ordered iron wagon axles from
Wilpesbarro, Pa. Tho rato charged
was 54 cents per hundred pounds. The
complaint alleges that the proper rato
should have been bz cents per nunored.
The shipment weighed about 1,000
pounds. Six railroads were made de
fendantsthe Central of Georgia, the
Philadelphia & Reagin, the Cumber
land Valley, tho Norfolk & Western,
tho Southern and the Aberdeen & Ashe
boro. Canadian Wood Pulp Hit.
Washington, Aug. 31. Rulings on
tho administration of retaliatory pro
visions of tho Payne tariff law, directed
at tho wood pulp and print paper in
dustry of Canada, were issued by the
Treasury department Friday. It is di
rccted that if any province forbids the
exportation of wood pulp, an additional
duty of one-tenth of a cent per pound
should be levied on print paper valued
at 3 cents per pound or leas, which
comes from that province, and a duty
of one-twelfth of a cent per pound
should be assessed on mechanically
ground wood pulp coming from such a
province, and which will be otherwise
admitted free of duty under the general
provisions of the law.
Irrigation Land Withdrawn-
- Washington. Sent. 4. Aetlnc Sec
retary Pierce, of the department of
the interior, today restored 18,000
acres of land withdrawn in connection
with tho Yakima irrigation project in
Washington. Ho ordered withdrawn
49.000 acres in Arizona in connection
with the Salt river project; 28,000
acres in the La Grande, Or., district,
connected with the Umatilla project,
and also 3.840 acres nlonc Chnentnnn
creek in Colorado with the view of
protecting possible power Bites from
being filed on by private corporations.
Rifle Range for Navy.
Washington, Sept. 4. Steps have
been taken by the Navy department to
secure a much-needed small arms rifle
range on the Pacific coast. Command
er May bury Johnston was today ap
pointed chairman of a commission to
report on available sites. Although
the department has the necessary funds
with which to make the purchase, it
would not be surprising if interested
states and cities on the coast should
donate ground best suited for tho de
partment's purpose.
Fat Income for Crows.
Washington, SepL 1. The Crow In
dians will receive $155,250
for the grazing privileges on thoir land
9 r .
in uontana, instead or $40,000 obtain
ed for tho same nurnosa thin venr. Thn
Indian bureau conceived the idea of
having grazing bids opened and con
tracts let in this city instead of on tho
Indian reservations, and the Crow inn
ervation was tho first in which tho inno
vation took effect The last of tho con
tracts was cloaed today.
Cash for National Guard.
Washington. SodL 1. Four ml llinn
dollars appropriated by congress for
the militia has been allotted among tho
soveral states and territories by Lieu
tenant Colonel Woaver of tho (rnnnrnl
staff corns of tho armv. Thn nllnt.
ments for tho states and territories, in
round numbers, include the following:
Idaho,. $19,000; Montana. $18,000:
Washington, $33,000; Oregon, $31,000.
Veterans' Sons Choose Atlantic City,
Washington, Sept 1. Atlantic City,
N. J., was selected today as tho place
for holding tho noxt annual encamp
ment and Georgo W. Pollit, of Patter
son, N. J., was elected commander in
chief. It was decided to pasB over un
til noxt year tho question of joining
with the Sons of Confederate VotoranB
in tho erection of a peace monument in
Seattle Man Given Job.
Washington, Sept. 3. It was learn
ed hero tonight that President Taft has
appointed A. P. Sawyer, of Seattlo,
Wash., to be auditor of Porto Rico, to
succeed G. C. Ward. Mr. Ward has
been named to succeed W. F, Willough
by as secretary of Porto Rico, tho lat
ter becoming assistant director of tho
Rncrtnc Waters Claim a Toll of
Lives 15,000 Homeless.
Montoroy, Mex Aug. 30. Eight
hundred persons drowned, 16,000 home
less and property damage to tho extent
of $12,000,000 is tho result of a flood
that Btruck tho city between 11 and 12
o'clock Saturday morning.
Floods havo turned tho small and
fnl Snntti Catalina river into a
In.An Mlntyjirfla.
Hundreds of persons wero swept
away in houses in the midst of tho cur
tvhtoh rnncrht them in the night.
Tim In ono chance in a thousand that
fhnw (penned. Ono bv one these hous
es, built of adobo and stone, aro col
Inrtatnrr nnri parrvlnc tenants to death.
UIUIII5 ..v. D -
Mn trntn hnn pnmo into MOntoreV ZOr
24 hours. Railway and telegraph lines
aro down and many milea or tracjc aro
washed awav. Tho fato of trains and
passengers is not known, but it is fear
tA manv narnfinR nrn drowned.
Tt la attmntH that 20 Inches of rain
oil in OA hnnnt. The water works and
electric light plants aro out of commis-
alon and the streetcar wires nave ianen
intn thn streets. Tho smelters' and
otnol nlnnin nrn damacred.
It is feared a ncstilenco will follow
iha (InnH Thn nonrer classes aro hud
died by the thousands in the churches,
hospitals, public places and city duiio
ings, waiting for the rain to stop.
Mexican Authorities Now Place
Dead at 2,000.
Stirring Scenes Mark Close of Con
servation Congress.
Seattle. Auk. 30. The first national
conservation congress closed here Sat
urday afternoon with a complete vic
tory for G i fiord Fincbot and nia loiiow
ers in the support of the Roosevelt pol
icies of the conservation of natural re
sources. It was a harmonious meeting
until Saturday, when United States
District Judge Hanford, of beattle,
brought in a minority report in which
he opposed tho contention of the t'mcn-
ot men "That the water righta of the
countrv belong to all the people and
should not be granted in perpetuity to
any individual or corporation."
Hanford contended that "private en
terprise" had been tho greatest power
in this country for tho development of
resources and pointed out that through
private enterprises the resources of
the East bad been put into practical
use. resulting in the general prosperity
of tho country. He argued against
any change in the present policy of the
government, asserting that the West
ern states bad entered the union under
a compact that they should have the
same rights as the Eastern Btates.
Former Governor Pardee replied to
Hanford in a spirited address in which
he Baid that "private greed" instead
of "private enterprise" was gobbling
up the public domain. When the vote
was taken it was shown that the Han
ford resolution had been lost and the
Pinchot resolution was adopted.
Reclamation Work to Be Exhibited on
Circus Lines.
Chicago, Aug. 80. Amazing, thrill
ing, stupendous! Uncle Sam's $50,-
000 production, the greatest Far West
show in the world, is coming. You
can't afford to miss it,
Heralded by some 'such modest an
nouncement at a dozen state and coun
ty fairs, and equipped with a black
tent, glittering posters, fluttering ban
ners, a corps of "barkers," a tent dis
play of American agricultural great
ness in unclaimed lands will tour the
The tent is black so the stereopticon
views may be given. Movinpr pictures
of animal and range life on the former
arid plains will be offered hourly for
the education of intending West bound
emigrants. Specimens of fruit, cereals
and other products that show the mar
vels of irrigation are to form a feature
of tho exhibition.
The '"Bhow" emanates from tho Chi
cago reclamation office. Its purpose ia
to direct attention to the richness of
tho reclaimed regions. A railroad
coach will transport the show. It will
exhibit at tho following places:
Iowa Btato fair. Des Moines. Septem
ber 8; Hamline, Minn., September 6
to 11; Wisconsin state fair, Milwau
kee, September 13 to 17; Illinois state
fair, Springfield, October 1 to 9.
Japan to Take Part.
Tokio, Aug. 30. It has been official
ly announced that tho armored cruiser
Idzuma will sail September 15 for San
Francisco tn tnltn
W W4W M V U(
pageant during tho celebration of Por
tola's discovery of the Golden Gate,
which will bo held October 19 to 23.
The vessel is undor command of Cap
tain Takesyma, and has on board as
ono of its minor officers Prince Shimad-
zu. The dato of arrival at Snn PVnn.
c'sco is Bet for October 14. After tho
celebration the cruiser will visit Pacific
coast ports.
Close Texas Saloons,
Galveston. Tex.. Aiur. an A.4in
upon instructions from Governor Camp
boll, evidence against 8,000 saloon
keepers has been filed with tho Btate
comptroller, which will
from securing renewal of their licensea.
The new law makes this provisions.
The rangors or Btate police got tho evi
dence without the knowledge of the
municipal police. Governor Campbell
is not a prohibitionists, but ho says the
Baloon men must too the mark.
Louisiana Town Destroyed.
Now Orleans. Ann., an Thn nmn
- - O- W l
New Iberia, La., with 7,000 inhabi
tants, is rertortori nq hnlnc,,i
by fire today. No communication with
mo town is possible and details aro
meatror. It ia rennrtml 4-hnr nn fo4.ll
ties have occurred
Homeless and Destitute Estimated at
15,000 to 20,000 Bodios of
800 Aro Recovered.
Monterey, Mexico, Aug. 31. With
800 bodies recovered and buried in
Monterey up to nightfall, 2,000 is now
tho estimate of the city authorities of
those who lost their lives throughout
the valley of the Santa Catalina river.
Tho number of homeless, many of them
destitute, is placed between 16,000 and
The Santa Catalina river at Monterey
has subsided sufficiently to permit a
passage into the dictrict lying to tho
southward. People who had been sav
ed from tho flood of Saturday morning
had been without food until today,
when they were supplied with a small
amount of bread and beans.
Once on tho south Bide of tho river,
evidences of the terrible destruction
wrought by tho flood were seen on
every hand. Five blocks of the dis
trict were as though they had never
existed and in the remaining portion
bodies were being taken from tho ruins
and interred by a party of gendarmes
sent across for tho purpose.
At 4 o'clock 400 bodies had been re
covered and buried on the hillside south
of Santa Luisio. The same number of
bodies were interred yesterday.
Thus far no Americans have been re
ported lost Reports from down tho
river say many bodies have been recov
ered, but there are many that will nev
er be found. The bed of the river is
filled with Band. Tho authorities are
doing all in their power and the gov
ernment baa sent $50,000 for the relief
of the sufferers. Contributions have
been received from San Antonio and
New York firms who have agencies in
this city.
Many houses have- fallen from the
effects of the continuous rains which
have occurred during the 72 hours end
ing at 12 o'clock Sunday. During this
time 214 inches of rain fell in Monte
rey and up to the Santa Catalina can
yon. One of the buildings destroyed was
the San Francisco church, which was
built in 1852. The barracks of the rur
ales was washed away and all military
equipment was lost.
Other Towns Feared Lost.
Mexico City, Aug. 31. Further re
ports indicate that other river settle
ments have been swept away. The
town of Cadareyta, situated in the riv
er bottom, is said to have been destroy
ed and it is feared there has been heavy
loss of life in the country district ad
jacent to the Santa Catalina river.
The fact that the water mains in Mon
terey are broken has forced the people
to use old polluted wells for drinking
Railroads Spending Millions for New
Chicago, Aug. 312. The manage
ment of the Rock Island has just placed
orders for equipment and power which
will necessitate an expenditure of ap
proximately $9,000,000. The ordera
consist of all kinds of freight cars, lo
comotives and passenger equipment,
and are among the largest given by any
Western railroad system in Beveral
A large portion of the equipment and
power will be in the nature of facilities
and will not bo to replace old and worn
out equipment The officials of the
Rock Island agree with President B. L.
Winchell that the prosperity of the
country will soon be as great as when
shippers were besieging the railroads
for transportation facilities.
Indian Mino Discovered.
Hamilton. Mont. Ancr. ai Attcy
search extending over a quarter of a
century an old Indian gold mine has
been discoverer! hv n h
' - liUUJVU
Shipman in Ravalli county. Twenty
Beven years ago Indians were regular
vistors in Hamilton with samples of
rich gold rock, which thoy exchanged
for food and provisions. AH efforts to
locate their source of Bupply failed.
With two
and Jones, Shipman began operations
and tests of the quartz have Bhown it
to be worth $4,000 net per ton.
Battles Rage In Morocco.
Lisbon. Auc. 31. A diflnnfeh
Melillu to Diario de Noticias says that
reinforcements have been sent to Res
tincrn and Elarbia. which has
ablv weakened the Snantah nnnlflnn
The Moors took advantago of the op
portunity nnu nave Doen bombarding
Alhucemaa day and night Word to El
Mundosays that a great fight took
place at Cabomoro and Sidimtmn Snn.
day. Tho Moors lost 650 and tho
Spaniards about 300.
Keystona State Dries Up.
Readincr. Pa.. Adc. 31 T)mnth
dltions are worse today than at any
penoa in me History oi the Schuylkill
yalloy in 50 years. But ono and a half
Inches of rain has fallen In this vicini
ty Bince Julv l. Manv tuniic.
springs are drying up. The potato
crop will bo a failuro. Pasture id
scarce and many farmers aro feeding;
hay and bran.