i at Madras. .rfUmonld win fH town ..OnL Wi "' JTMV . .. I .., ilm III IMIIVPf .t.lljrftU aim " .-.iifini! " ,le tillve' oiuiif V . I ... U ikl.it III l(ll) .""""J . ..4. 1 1. -i J 01 K V .. . I..iillf o .m ihe nay " ' Mm J .iiliol . In InWII m. Ml lllllif III .. imi Ult U nd an- . i in I micviim ' fa Will"" . f" M . fllll:ll . k.V U Cli I'll. I . . I ....W.I I. v.. utin l.ii a himwwii . j!l)iliay (Mkund C L. Mccnnwerc oii Funeviie I hurray ... .ml family arrived home Lfldjfroni atiionili's ouiing hi jaoaSni Cteck. L Cwoctl of PiineVille was In town jrfjod SalH' l00k,,, nltcr Ltrcsu at Ilm pomt. nii.lbs hnsilii'B nificlntm at wj tn town 'ruc.iy trading ificr business matters. Isirber and J W. Mendenhali tkt latter part of die week , BflKheion Vainliill Flat. 3!lj!lin of I'rincville 1 visiting . i I. ..I I -r M r ' I' ..... ! I... kastoan io Ma.r.is i uou.ij kibtdajr. Iffotie 0en uf Bellingham, rW acconiini.ud by her !on, mi in Mania wUiuiay even Ir miVe an iX ended vivll Kill) fejin toveal, and his family. Kilty Cook, and family, wit rSwimer vacatiuii visiting in Main Valley points and who It's He tig exposition at .Seattle hteboittc the middle of l.til pmution sU.t lor right of way w w ... fed in the circuit com I by 1 1 at pttji against A 'c I, to cross I bv the taller on Ac-nr-v 14 ' --n - It kf mile North of Madias ijstrnal. Siatra arrived in ton Friday IbbTu Dalles and will lakeu im at this place Mr Stanton Elk the livery and feed busi pmfiu Howl, this dun havir.i Irttbeitock of J W Livingston .i UOMknd wile nf llnn.l Hi.,.. biJ. i... ... . r ui -i,uuruay ami ate If&vtiia ibis vicinity, Mr. and WW on their way (0 the Wil- l7.nere they vmI ,;,ke an iu fort reiurning to their If.. 1 r V'wa Kiver, Beanett K up from Madrni b bis team j alter brick to tat tonstiUctlon or Oie new of that .Le. H,B,, h neattnK con.plelion and W9i H i he 1.5, Mw III IIWUUI ,11) . ---..nic iuurn.il fUtoijin, !, ,as bccn vU linm ill II . ""III lid M.i I n 'A . " i ".ii-iii, icurncu Antelope .ut Friday, and 'IS. IS Icliell)cr;cr, Max Wilaon rind til Mason liav jj'nc on an extended limiting and fishing trip in the mountains ground Clear Lake and vicinity, .vi r. nnu Mrs, k. a IlarVey, Mrs iimvey a urotner, w i t Urtt'i' of San Frnnclscot nhd Mi lva Holdililo vis- j I'cnry'a ship, ilWl tile warm springs on die reservation W 1,i,c ''earv dors not expressly repu t lie last of the" week. diatc l)r, Cook's contention in so many S. M. Campbell and wife and lh. ii son mmls' s,alel"ent "iay hnve an insuor- of jncksonWIIu, Flotidi, atrived in Mad- I uer'nif Un dele rmfiihiK die extent inrTltcsdity nhd will vi-.it for ,.i, M" i r L00k'1 P'nitions dilc transmission bi story. (Signed) I'rary.'1 A dhpact from St Johns N )? , snys that I'eary found no trace of Dr. C ook. This news reached here tnnijjht through Captain Robert Harriett of the Kooscvcil. 22 tiwai'il G. Pease THE SHAN I KO wiin james iMnyrs and family. Mrs CamiOJell is a !rtil;litcr of Mr. alid Mrs. Miiydi. i'lbinmil Urane, Who was in Madras ftjr scv'6.a! j'lio'riths last Winter In charur "I a nunc fctlrvrjittK cicw which wao mak -the permanent location )f the Oteon I illiik Iilnc from Mnlr:iH down Willow Crek to the moUth of Trotit Creek, writes to friends at this place lhat he is still with rile Oregon Trunk , rind is now occupied In the lower part of the Des chutes canyon. Mrs. ii. Florence Hertram of Opal I'rnlrie was iij town list Saturday. Mrs. Ileriram filed before Commissioner Tur ner upon a tract of desert land on Crooked Klver near her home. She Intends to erect ft larn'e iloraije reservoir from which to Irriuatc the land. W. II. Miller and W. A. Hamlin wcic her witnesses as to the character ol the tract. Edward Dellnvcn was in town Kiidav Copenhagen, Den , Sept tJ Cnprnha en was elrctrili-d lonhl by the rrpori "f Commodore IViry'.s nrinoiiiicrmmt hat he had rcachul die North I'olf. Dr. Cook was immensely intereotrd and saith "That is good news I hope I'e.uy did uet to Ihe I'olr. II 14 lili.rt O.illnnu md report will confirm mine " Dr. Cook was sealed at a dinner 'ur '""dcjl.by explorers and cm respondents in th'c gilded ballroom of the Tivoli Ca sino. Around his ntcU. W;i llllnir ii it'ir ' ' - "-"It h"' land of pink roses, according to the Scan' dinavian method of lionminir heme. 19 1 which the explorer wore bl'uliingly and witli visible embarrassment. Amid this scene a whisper went around the room that Peary had found the pole. Asked if there was any probability of Peary's having found the tube containing his records Dr. Cook replied: "I hope so, but that is doubtful on ac count of the drift. Comma nder Peary would have reached the Pole this vear. and! E- b llcMr, Mrs. j. ntstveinl days vis- .v 5U1 ""parents. Mr Mrogan. T'ell, who ha. a ranch rp eonthe Deschutes, was Er I LMr: l)',jol''!l ay, IF ; ajo raiirnad workers on It ,uc,e aorue I iTtr. nh. .1.. . . rii 1... .. s. !' '"' 4iif. . ' Ul """mi n car Wh"1 is rnm ... i aren of Kt(, aQut Wen fit .ii ""'K cr son, P?,,e,,8er ot on the " 7 'or Her . . .-.vie 3 fl,Poi)iion, r. ' ."'.sic ....11 1 . . s e& Point, of ihtere.t. f mil a"C,l"KTur..day( l&;a,':i,e,''iM win, ,le kr 'Mr'!u1 "''t about 80' ho ., el ,u ' vere on ?,Cr'9 ..He was hi 't about Ur 'Hiv work can ge, . . e ... aM ..on. m. .mine on .oner 1 rout Creek. probablv wink I wa, in the Arrur Mr. DeHaven reports that the Ilarri.nan a5t vrar hls rfmle w;is srvprnl . . . frtt unit ira n it tul tt lil .1 I v w.w...w. Ul. unu miles Kast of nvne. We are rivals, of d.c .m...cH.i.K ....on u.gn ituge 01 rock curse, but the Pole is good enough for jii..iiiiiiii j in jiiiv.iii 11 migc ijimiiiuy 01 two. i.itro. glyceni.e in thb tunr.el. When die- shot Is discharged it is expected that ii will teir loose a vast amount of rock and enable thcin 10 woik at a better advan tage at that point. Mr and Mrs. Krnst I, Lueddemann aid family of Colorado Springs, Color ado, united in Maliras Mohday afternoon and aie vititing with Max Lueddemann rind wife of this place, Ernst and Max Lueddemann being brothers. Tuesday the Luctldcmanns) in company with Dr. j MENNONItE SERVICES tvmu 01 Antelope, went to die Cove Or-1 MA)It AH-Seronil finnlny In each month at rh:ud and ure eiiVivii... il.e rivliim. in limit nnd p.m. Jii Krie MetliodUt i ' ' " ? 7 .Cliuri-li, Sole Agents Go. Inc. 1 RE I ST .mw nuninu ill ovun rntci Sole Agents It is with great satisfaction that we announce our Sole Agency in Shaniko for the LADIES HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS thc,nio.it ecouoiiilcal, tinquustipunhly PflTTfilriS Ihijlcmk'raiuorlgrnalt'ty.nndrault'l bk 1Qe & 'api, M Ul lit. A monthly iStyic b'ook litaHc-il to enchtimtomer on n rpn! t. to be put on our mailing )t. A OnliTe Chart rIvoji free with each pat Uti;, which Icllu thu exact quantity of iii?,tprinl ifcil and full instructions in ctiitii.K and fittii.K .i;inif. Send ma your name and nddrcsn SERVICES AT M. E. CHURCH Sunday school at 10 a. m.; Epworth League at 7113 p m. 1 Everyone cordially invited. ' Window sale next Saturday afternoon at U 3. Larkin's store. 1 tee bream will he served. complete stock of generIl HARDWARE A Duo line or the famoiiH Diamond Edge CUTLERY TRY OUR DIAMOND EDGE RA20RS The best on ttfc Market prince of (tout streams, Crooked Kiver. I'hey to rcturntd to Madras yesletday, Ol'AL I'ltAIIltK-Kvcry Hinlday ttt Ha. in, nnd 7:) 11. in. In 0il I'rnlrtc Cluirclr Union Sunday ncliool eVury fiullday At HI ft. In. J. G Kilpack, agent for the Hoys and Jl'Mi'Kti m?rru b-1iimiI iio.ifco-Kvctj- Hun' nay nj.a p. in. union Sunday koIiduI every Hiinday at'J p. nl. , JIOrNTAIS VIEW School llmlt,(V,r'lrst nl Hmiilny 0 ciu-lj uio.mli qt-'M p.jn. tjn itfn Sniii'lay ncliool t-vury Sunday 3-ao p. m. Alt Ure cordially Invited to tliefc ocrvieCs, AltVllUlt and MIS'A CRI3ASBV, Pftto"r. El TIGER HEAD TAILORING 5D0 HUNDRED sinppy a d a tractive sample 4 of all-wool worst ed ami fane;' suiting for PalL The cream of the KOVAL TAlLOItS' stock in Chicago has Just arrived, and now ready , i r your liibptctipn. Suits made to order in lat est stj les and overy suit guaranteed to fit and hold its shape until worn out Try us for your Fail suit. Price3 from 18.00 op. Oirls Aid Society at Poilland, arrived in Madras last Saturday morning with in structions frnni the society to take charge of Minnie Brown, daughter of W. K. Brown, who has had the girl in his care by leave of the scCicty for some time past. The officials have decided that they would again take chaige of Miss Brown and eventually place her in the same home where her sister is located at (tits time. Mr. Kilpack returned to Shan io Saiotd.iy evening, accompanied by Deputy ShcinT J. C. Kobmsou of thi place. Discovery Of North Pole Doubly Made COOK AND PEARY HAVE FOUND THE FAR NORTH Bubfcrili'e for the 'jotnc uewH. Ilm Pioneer and get Prlcu Sl.fiO per vtar $25 REWARD A reward of $25 is offered for informa tion leading to the conviction of any per son or persons guilty nf the offense of cutting the lines, destroy ir.jj or removing I ine puics, or inicricn;." in Hnywny wmi ; tile property of the Pioneer 'I elegraph & Telephone Co. tf Pioneer Telegi ?ph & TeleDhoue Co, A1ADRAS OREQON iRlacksmithiiig FARMS, 3$ Plow Repairing, Wa'gori Work. A Specialty of HORSESHOEING W. B.CHILDERS &. Personal Property TlANDLED Dk W. BARNETT 'AUDRAS, OREGON Ofifcn fit ResiflflnVft. Sonth Wnin Rt. F6tmMy The McHLROV sflOP) , MADRAS, OREGON MST OilTfl CQE ' .. .. A large stock of Seasoned Rough, &lso 0 good assorlment pf Dressed antl Finishing lum ber of all kinds at ihe company s mill. Call, up . by phone or address . jr. GRIZZLY LAKE LUMBER COMPANY Lamonta, Oreg-oxi Moat Romnrkoble Colncdonce--Poo- ry Makc-o Round Trio In Llttlo oW Your Cook Is Much 'Pleased A dispatch to the Portland Oregonian rom New York', date'tl Sept. 0, reads as followsi 1 Peary has reached the North Pole.. It lias been doubly discovered. Prom the bleak coast of Labrador Commander I'eary toijay flashed the news that ho had attained his goal in the Far North, while it ihe Kfime iiinmr-ril in Denlliark Dr. Frederick A. Cook was being dfned and ionired by roynliy for tile same achieve ment. .. . Yankee grit has conquered the fror.en North) and by the disco.very.of the North ole by Dr. Fibderidk A. Cook, account of w(lich fs given In ahother column of this isiiie.i theie lias been created a coin cidence such as , the world, will neVer see again. Two Americans have planted the ) flag of tliett- country in the land of ice, winch man has soiiurht to nenetratd for centurlesVaud'cach, igttqraht of tliholljpr's' gontiiieit, lirts sent within a period rjf five tlays n laconic message of success, , ( Two messnges front Coinmander Peary . .1 arc ns follows! Indlairllarbor, via Cape Ray, N. F , Sept.C. Trt Hctbett L Bridgeman, ol Irooklyn, N, Y-J Pole rcacneo. iwc yel.Sale. , (Signed) , Iy , "lndmn IlnrUor, yta i,ape ray, n Sept 6 To the New York .-Tunes, N" j .V t I reachfd the pole Apiil 0. Expect nrrive Chateau Bay Sepf 7 urc con trol wire for me there anJ arrange expe- I Scientific Farmers 1-.- " - - - All advocate DISCING your land immediately after the crop is removed, preparatory to. Fall plowing This con serves the moisture already .Tn the soil, and prepares the land , to retain the moisture occasioned by the Fall rains. You need one of our DISC HARROWS !fc;r, this classyof work. Prices reasonable for a standard ar- tide. BUY ONE AT ONCE. QR0CERlES-lftRDtfARfr4MPLEMIlNfS-ST0VES--fiiVN(ES Rest- Romp NORTH BEACH laadelliihtmi resol-t r-nd a happy combination '0f pleitro JUud poaslbllitlesi An ideal olimute, diveraion 6f recreu-ili.u-peirect batlilnfj-boatlug fi,s;lug riding, driving utxh expldilngi make KORTH .BEACH the most Uburtiilngnci j optilar play ground on the $ jrtu l'adrlo Coast. The O. R. & R MAS A SpdMl fSurriftief excursion Rate To NORtli EAlAi tfh& X)f $12 00 Remember this will &ite ysu tile pterisniit daylight rtde 011 the Sfetr. T. tJ- otTEF? down the Columbia River rts'k For rtobbet, "oUTINQfe IN bROOON" WILLIAM McMURRAf, fieiitt Ptagcr Aseilt, TorUSifl, OreiM HSJES3CaB3KIOo,cc.e.: tl VERY McTAGGABT k BYE Tlie best in Shaniko idoOd Stock, Madras, "Or&goA At V btocrc, Cnfeful Drlver efy RensondJjJe Prlcea H ArHoWfe'll, Shaniko, 'I I I i V t