v. 5in-i The Madras Pioneer Published ovory Tlmrsllny by THE I'lONKEll PUHLISHING CO.- SUBSdHIPtlON HATE3: One jcnr ....$1.60 Six months ........ ..... i...... .85 Thrco months.. .. .....it ii. i. 50 AUVEltTISlNO ItATliS OJJ APPLICATION Entered ns second qlnss nitiUcr August Sit, 1901, nt tho Postoffito at Madras, Ore under tho Act of Congress of March 8,187ft THURSDAY SfcPT. 2, 1909 CALIFORNIA THE GOAL The developments of the prist week in the railroad game as i Is being played in Central Orv gon indicate clearly the inten tion of Mr. Hill, who is back ing the Oregon Trunk Line, i there has been nnv doubt for some time past as to what those intentions were. That Califor nia is the5 goal doe3 nor appear ,ionger to admit ot any ques ion, and accepting that as the solution of Mr. Hill's backing of the Oregon Trunk Line in its invasion of Centran Oregon, it is not difficult to understand the bitter fight the Harriman inter ests are waging against every step in the progress of that road. Only a short time ago, follow ing the announcement that Mr. Hill was behind the Oregon Trunk, it was given out thai Madras was to be the terminus of the present line under con tract, bill the statement was not even at that time taken . seri ously by auj'one. Since then .surveying parties in the employ of Mr. Hill have gone to Bend and begun surveying South from that point. The Central Oregon survey, running from Madras to Redmond, , has been acquired by the Oregon Trunk Line and construction forces put to work 011 it at points of conflict with the Harriman sur vey. There is . evidently to be 310 cessation of hostilities on the part of the Hill road, but the Jight will be carried on South from Madras, across the state and into California, the ulti mate goal. For years Hill has been cred ited with an ambition to invade California, the stronghold of his rivals Harriman'. During these j'ears Hill engineering parties have scouted the iield along the Pacific coast, looking fpr a coast line into California, but the almost insurmountable barriers made it extremely im probable tliat such a line could 'be found. , ,ThJ3ii -the Oregon jj Trunk Line with its North Bank connection awaiting it, with its water level route by the .Deschutes River to Cuiitral Or egon and its choice of a dozen .routes across that rich but un developed e.ippire into Califpr nia, oliered Mr. Hill the oppor tunity, lie .had. sought, for the realization of his, ambition, andy without blare of trumpet, the, AVbrk was under way. And those who have watched the building of the Hill lines in the Northwest, of which the North Bank was a fair example, have no doubt of the completion ol the project. The division of the Central Oregon traflic field .so long1 guarded by Mr. Harriman is no, small loss to the Harriman in terests, but the invasion by his rival of the California field, where CollisP.lluntiugton built up the great transportation; anonopoly of the Southern Paci fic system now controlled by Mr. Harriman, jsahe fear which atirred the Htirrijnan interests to their, present -fight.'t Central Oregon is rlyk in trnflio possi bilities, but Mr Harriman has .guarded it closely from all sides -not only because of that great wealth which he expected to .taw "some dav," but because ll! independent or rival roud in j Central Oregon might prove an opening wedge tp his greatei tn-asttre box, I he transportation monopoly ia California. UP TOMR. HILL The Portland Oregonian says editorially regarding the recent Deschutes canyon decision! Hill forces appear to have won u distinct viotory in the or der issued by Judge Bean, ol the Federal Court, yesterday morning forbidding Harriman forces Jrotn trespassing on the CO mile right of way claimed by the Hill contingent between Madras and tho mouth of White Creek. For numerous reasons which have already been ex plained, the sentiment of the public has been with the Hill interests in this fierce contest. Mr. Harriman undoubtedly in tended to build his line up the Deschutes canyon, but he was so slow getting round to it that the public became exasperated over tlie delay and naturally welcomed the appearance of a railroad builder less prone to procrastinate. The decision yes terday leaves Mr. Hill with no further obstacles of consequence to prevent immediate construe tion of the Hue, and the public will expect speedy confirmation of the belief that its confidence was not misplaced. A very important point in the controversy is touched 111 the decision in the statement: a. lid U IO 1UUI1I IV! kW Lil UJ these roads, and it would seem that each can be built without conflicting with or encroaching upon the rights of the other." This being true (and Judge Bean cjtes Chief Engiuer Bos- che's affidavit in confirmation) the defeat in the courts of either ine, on the points just decided. would not be a serious obstacle to construction. The recent agreement between the Hill and theHariiman forces, by which both systems are to use the same trades between irortland and Puget Sound, offers plenty of proof that, if absolutely nec essary, both roads could use the same tracks in the Des chutes canyon. The general public is only mildly interested n the legal technicalities which are being raised by both par ties to the contention. "What the public. does want is a rail road into Central Oregon. SETTLING Xt HICHtlESEBT r t Bend, Or., Aug. 20. A large region, that is destined to be come a dry larming country, and as such will be unsur passed in Oregon, is, a section of country a half day's drive to the South and East of Bend, tnowu locally as the "High Desert" This land lies between the Paulina Mountains and the Fremont Forest Reserve. At nrsnr, if is ?i RnntiA nf . hnnnli grass conceded by stockmen to be the best range now left in the state. The land io nearly free from rock and only a few junipers are scattered here and there. In many places water has bepa found at a .depth of only a few feet. It only needs the plow to transform it into a fine farming country. Owing to its remote situation and to jealousy of stockmen, it has lain idle and been used only as range, but now Bend real estate men are interested, in seeing that section settled, and ure se curing many settlers' for it. Many have already filed on homesteads. GET A'l'REillUM With American Weekly, fbrmorly San Franoleco 13x amlner. Iteducod ratea for 80 daye, Fred Davie, agent, tf ADVERTIBE your "Wants" In the I'lonoer. It uula results, Itegular lo cal advertlBlOL' rates HILL BUYS CENTRAL OREGON - Continued fronr pnae I . .IntcrtiMft, io work In harmony with tho llarrlnian, ptohS. The fnot txtil thn 11UI people me,l,.MlU)ml,,thf prUf, what ever. 1 , WjOrjh, wonm( to U n at.te atlon b entt;uy(. ), that , tjarup which. ft di'stlntMl to . map! 0 h. victory niler an other in the Central Orenoo railway building coiitef-t. F S. Stnnlpy, lirst viee president ol thi' Deschutes Irrigation A Power Com pany, which ia tho mtireni curry inir out the larjro irrigation worfc at and near Howl, has lioun regarded as a close liar rimitn friend. lie admitted thin morn ing that the sale had been made to Hill inteiestH, hut dtfl not care to comment in anywise upon its portent. When tho Oregon Trunk announced this morning that it hud acquired all or the rights qnd surveys ma 0 hy Mr. Stanley and his associates along the line where Mr. Hatrimun'a railway builder would need assistance, popular amaze ment, was stirred as hy few if any other developments in the Central Oregon railway war. This deal does not mean that Air. Harriman'a people will he ex cluded from any given district, hut it does suggest that the choice routes and all lavoring elements of construction are heinis acquired by the lival concern, back of which is Mr. Hill. STOP. Before You Sign a contract for life insur ance in any company look into the merits of OregonTife Tho Policyholders' Company No matter how much you are urged to place life insurance elsewhere Write first and hear what we have to offer. RATES ARE NO HIGHER AH the money paid to this Company stays in Oregon and helps your own prosperity. It as sists in the up -building of a Greater Oregon. There is nothing better in life insurance than Qregonfife There nothing as good for Ore- Orali! gonians as JI03II3 OFFICE, I'OKTLAND, OIU JL U MILLS, Prei. I BAM U EL, Don. Mcr, CLARENCE 8. 8AMUEL. AJit. Mgr. A. E. PETERSON SHANIKO, OREGON o ! Watchmaker and Jeweler ! Jeweliy of all kind made to or der and repaired. Settings for Precious Stones made. h FIRST-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED ft! IW UU BUi Mil U U U4 Horseshoeing and General Blacksmifliing .WAGON AND PLOW WORK , First-Class Work Gnaranteed Located in the old Urouhit shop MADRAS, OREGON J1"- ttO Uh (In nn-i Iiri nil Not Coal Land H' OMESTEAl). Notion for PuhMm lion, U6riartra6iit4jf Ui Intoilar, U. 8. Land Ofltce, Tho Dalles, Oregon, Ailgunt25, 1009. Notice h liercby Rfven Ihat't ItOUKHT B. McLANR, i of JIudrnH, Oregon, who, on Hepteffl her 7, lDOO.rJuUe Ilomoeud, Horlul No, 05107, No. 15319, for ewj eo I and neinw, nwne flee 12, tp 11 6, 1 12 of w in i Has filed notice ot Intention to muko Html Hveybar proofs to eHtubllah clttlth to the fund ahovo deuorihed, be fore IJownrd W. Turner, V, B, Com rulfiBlotiOr ut lila olllco ut Mudrus, Ore Kpn( oi the Oth duy of Ootoher, 1000. Olalmunt numea an wltiiuuuitH: OAVH Footo, L Footo, V MMo Cllntlo, W t) McNeemur, nil of Mud rao, Oregon. C. W. IIookk, fe2-6S0 lleglstur i CLASSIFIED, LOCALS A GOtfD HANGK Kir SiUu Clioiit). Ajply at rioneur (if Ill.'O PAINTING Mint Pa Jut tltumliir l'irt cliisa Workmanship. Gull on, Or ad- dross J. At. Larson,. AIndnts. LiSt YOUTTKAkAt properly with R. Hen', If ynii.wai't quick .lltillon upon It. Iluvo huyers for (Icslrntile plaocH. LOTS VOll S A 1-12 CltlSAP.- For a short tlnio only the Minima Town fdle'Oompnny Is offering lots 'or Bale at vpry low prices. Tiiotr advorlNo mdnt on thH hack page of this paper contains map chow lug Inc.ilinn ol Madras with leferunoe to the (overal railroad surveys through this sec tion. Construction of either of these roads will make Madras tho trading center of a hu-go teirltory. The time lo buy Is now, befoie tl railroad Htarta, when prlces wlll advance, ESTItAY. I hftvo taken up a dark brown-ro'in horse, branded circle J on leftstlllo; nweenlod In left shoul der. Owner can have same hy call ing for it atrd paying chargea. A. L. Williams, Madras. 4i ST 13 AM. ROLLED FUKI) For salo n tho water statloieal 2) per pound, J. C. Waynnre, Madras, tf AUCTIONIilSltlNa-Col. W. II. Rey nolds, of Al-tdras, Oregon, an East ern Auctioneer, will sell nil kind o' merchandise or stock; farm sales a specialty. Will go anywhere In Or egon or adjoining states. Uegtilar prices. Call on or write Col. W II UKVNOI.DS. or A. 0. Sanfonl. alfi-:t EAuk in.jflr..iflr, tfk "V W -uV tSk. sOt xtk. a 4 g,.....- 1 r 11 Riinrv 4 J.C. iMIViOC Y Will be in Madras September 18, '09, with his dairy herd of JERSEY and SHORTHORNS to be sold at auction sale on said date (SIONliD) LEVIN & KiMSEY Antelope, Oregon TATB BKLKCTION. Notice for ' Publication, United S'nteH Land Olllce, Tho Duller, Oregon, July 17, 1009. Notice Ifl hereby uiven Hint Stnti of Oregon has filed In this olllce ItH ap plication, rier'al No 003 i , lo wleot un der tho pro vinloiiH of the Act of Con yress of AuiriiHi M, 1818, and the AetH huppleineniug' and amendatory (here to, the iiww sec 21, ip 10 h, r H e, V. M. Any and all perming claiming ad verfltjly tho landn dertcrlhed, or deiring to object liecatiH of .the mineral char acter of tho land, or for any other rea 8DII, to tho (IIh)(i?hI to applicant, Hhnnld lilo their allhlavltn of proteatiu tills olllce, on or before tho 2nd day of September, 1009. J22-a20 C. V. MooiiK, Iteglslor Not Coal Land H OMEST15AU. Notice lor I'nbll- cation. Department of the Ine rior, U. S. Lurid Olllco ut The DalleH.j Oregon, July 12, 1000. Notice Ih hereliy given that GEOUGE W. RANKIN, of Madras, Oregon, who, on March 4, 1005, made Homeetead Serial Np. 034003 No. 11210 for vJne.L Hfinei, nejsvi sec 27, tp ll s, r 14 o, y m, Has filed notlco of Intention lo ninho final five-year proof( lo establish claim lo tholand above described, be fore Howard Wl Turner. U. B. Oommls. sloner, ut his olllco at Madras, Oregon,' on llie Bin day ofHeplember, 1000. Qlalmant mtnuiH ns witnesses: J M G Irwin, Jmiies Atkltifi, T Dluclt, W M Jarrett, ull of Madras; Oregon. , , O. W. MOOIIK. "G S2 ' Rnilutr I rm ----y 1 1 J" f an rapeq NEW STOCK-NEW STYLES rAKLUK, INGRAIN & $ KITCHEN PAPERS FURNITURE? LOUCKS BROS! MADRAS, OREGON I 1 - vv PLACE A. C s . ncvicw or ncvicwo W SUNSET MAOA2INK . AND Harvest This is the store Now is the time, TO BUY YOUR nmmu M C. E. fcOUSH, - - MANAGER PROMPTLY DONE iiiji If tyou need .LETtkft HEADS E'NVELOPES, or other Corn mercia'l Prllntipfif. including Special Ruled job work of anV kind, give u's your order. t 1 r Gd4Mhtcc Satisfaefciott IN WORK AND PRICE yf ADRAS, YOUH For extras and repairs During, Hodge, Acme, Champion and Piano harvesting machinery with me as early as pos sible so as SQve delays Repairs are cash goods an ford MADRAS 4j V IN S El 8unt M..ta. offer. Ih, tt.dcr. ef thl. plpw tht bt . $3.00) ALL FOn . . 1.B0V WOMAN'O HOMC COMPANION 1.25) $3.00 FrFF with your order, a beautiful llluttralcd In (our color, with IU Wntwo vlrwiT SUNSET M A G A Z I N BAN fPUNCIICO, CAlirONNU adras I radingo. EAT JOB PRINTING XT