The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, August 26, 1909, Image 8

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erlal So
Not Coftl Land
tJOMEBTEAD. Notice forjnibllca
A Hon. Department of the Interior,
U. S. Laud Ofirce at The Dalles, Ore
gon, August 5, 1000,
' Notice Is hereby given that
of Madras, Orepon,who, on February
2, 1000, made Homestead Serial
03819,No. 14058, for nlw$, sj
84, Ip 10 s, r 13 e, w m,
has filed notice of iuteutiou to make
final commutation proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Howard , Turner, U. S. Commis
sioner, at his ofllco at Madras, Oregon,
on the 14th day of September,, 1009.
Claimant names as witnesses;
'BO Dove, E V Poty, George Kirk,
J W Jones, all of .Madras, Oregon.
O. W. Moore,
'.al2-b9 Register
Not Coal Land
HOMESTEAD. Notico for FuMIca
tlon. Department of the Inte
rior, U. S, Luid Oltloe at The Dalles,
Oregon, July 20, 1009, Notice Is
hereby giveti that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on August
8, IWC mado Homestead, .Serial No
vt.0327l3.No. 13715, for srlswj, ssej see
Vi4, in I LP, r io e, huu x.oi eu m, ip
lis, rl4e, W M,
Has filed notice of Intention to mnke
final five year proof, to establish claim
to the land above desoribed, before
Howard W. Tumor, V S. CommlsshK
er. at his office at Maurasv.Oregon; ou
the 1ft day of September,11009.
Claimant names iu, witnesses:
OIIMcElroy, W3ScElro.v, RJ
Straesor, A 8 Phllllpsfrail of Madras.
C. W. MoonR,
29-n20 Register.
Not Coal Land '
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica
tion. Department of the Interior,
"p. S. Lund Ofiloo a. The Dalles, Oregon,
July 20, 1909. Notice is hereby
given that
.jf Madras, Oregon, who, on Marob 24,
1904, made Homestead (Serial N.
03115) No. 133:8, for at stc31, tp 11
8, r J 3 e, w m, hat-
'filed notice of futentlon to makeifinal
fivp-vnur nroof. to establish clai
to the laud above described, before
Howard . Turner, U. 8. Commission
er, at his office at Madras, Oregon, on
the 8th day of September, 1909.
Claimant names aa witnesses ;
' C Wawrinofaky, B Dombrowe, Jo
seph Murnach, T Hartnagel, ail of
iMadras, Orecou.
r.5-i2 C. W. Mooue. Register
Not Coal Land .
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica
tion. Department of the Inte
rior, D. S, Land Office at The Dalles,
. Oregon, August 18, 1909.
Notice is hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on August
22, 1904, made Homestead Serjrfl No
t-Dv84 No. 1.1749, for sw secM, tp 10
r 13 e, w m,
lias filed notice of Intention to make
ilnal 'five-year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, hr
fore Howard W. Turner. TJ, S, Commis
sioner, at his office at Madras, Ore
gon, ou the 27lh day of September,
Glaimant names as witnesses:
Samuel Haberstich, William H J5ell,
Tj GDove, H E Jacobs, all of Madras,
Oregon, t
O. TV. Moore,
a26-s23 Register
Not Goal Lamll , .
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca
tlon. Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Otllce at The Dalles, Ore
cou, July 22, 1909,
Notice Is herehy given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on August
1, lOOjV matte Homestead Serial No
02065 No. 12857, for wuwj, vjsw
!(hq 20. to 10 s. r 13 e. w in. Hah
rfjl filed notice of intoutlon to make fiun
live-year proof, to establish claim
to the land above desoribed, before
Howard TV. Turner, U. S. Commla
mouer, at his office at Madras, Oregon
on the 2nd day of September, 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Neils P Poulton, Julius Larson, Dr,
T A Lone. Samuel Haberstich, all of
Madrap, Orecou.
C. TV. Moore,
JNot Coal Laud
I 1 OMESTEAD. Notice for Publi
i I cation, Department of the Inter
ior, U S Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, August 14, 1909.
Notice is hereby given that
of Culver, Oregon, who, ou Septem
her 19, 1904, made Homestead seilal
.No. 03304 No. 1380Q, for sej sec 17,
tp 13 e, r 13 e, w m,
""lifts filed notice of Intention to mnke
final five-year proof, to establisli
claim to the land above described, be
fore Howard TV. Turner, UVSr'Cnmmis
gioner, at his office at Madras, Ore
gon, on the 21st day of September,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Oscar Morris, Ed Pike. William
Bauta, A Y Banta, all "of Culver, Or
C. W. Moore,
RlOalO - Register
0NTE6T NOTICE. Departmentof
, the Interior, U. S. Land Oliiee,
The Dalles, Oregon, August 11,
A sufficient contest having been filed
In this office by
Contestant, against Homestead Entry
No. 02194. made January 0, 1909, for
ueiei, sjuej, uwuei secO, tp II s, r 14
e, w m, by Alfred M. Gates, contestee,
In which it is alleged that said
Alfred M. Gates
has wholly abandoned said tract for
more than six mouths last past and
that such abandonment still exists;
that said alleged absence was not due
to his employment in tho army, navy
or murine corps of the United States
In time of war.
Said parties are hereby notified to
appear, respond, and ofler evldeuce
touching said allegation at 10 o'clock
a, m on October 1, 1009, before
Max Lueddemann, a notary public at
his ollicfJat Madras, Oregon, and thai beafiugjwlll be held at 10 o'olool;
a. m., on October 8, 1009, before the
Register and Receiver ut The United
States Laud Office in Tho Dallee, Ore
gon, The said contestant having, in a proper
affidavit, .filed July 20, 1009, set
forth facts which show that; after due
diligence personal service of this no
tico cannot be made, it Is hereby or
dered and directed that such notice be
given by due and proper publication,
0. TV. ModRB,
ttlO'fiSd Regit ter
1 80LATED TRACT. Notico for Pub
1 lication. Public Land Bale. Serial
No 0184i The Dalles. Oregon, U. S
fjihd OfhVe, 5uly 28, 1909. Notice is
'hereby given ihat, as directed by the
Commissioner of the General L'tnd
Otllce, under provisions of A-t of Cou
irress approved June 27, 1900, Public
No 303, we will offer at public sale to
the highest bidder, at 9:45 o'clock
m., ou the 8th day of September? 1909,
in-xt ,at this office, the following tract
of land, towit: neiawJ sec 32, tp 12
s, r 15 e. w m.
Any persons claiming adversely the
abovt-de&cribed lands are advised to
file their claims, or objections, on or
before the day above designated for
h5-s2 Register.
Not Coal Land
DESERT LAND. Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July
23, li09
Notice Is hereby given that
of Prhievllle, Oregon, who, on September
2S, 15)03, made Desert Land Application.
Sinai Xo.OJSOS, No. 531, for t-HU, swli-
neJt', nwfc'setf, sej4'nv, 'wj sec 31
nw J(nwJ see 32, tp 13 s, r 12 e,' w in,
Has fifed notice of intention to make
anal Desert Land proof, to establish claim
to.tlio land above described, before ar
1-en llrown, County Cleric, at his office at
Priiievill'-, Oregon, on the 21th day of Sep
tember, im
Claimant names as witnesses;
O ha D Allingham, Prank F Bellman,
Nicholas J Lambert, pf Sisters, Oregon;
Guy A Allingham, of Prineville, Oregon
C. Y. Moouk,
J211-810 Register
Not Coal Land
OMESTEAD. Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land
Ollice at The Dalles, Oregon, July '.I,
Notico Is hereby given that
of Lamolita, Oregon, wlio, on October 5,
1905, made Homestead, Serial No 03715
No. 14723, for I'XawX, s4v sec 3,. tp 13
s, r 11 e, w m,
Has fded notice of Intention to make final
five-year nroof. to establish claim to
tho land ,above described, before War
ren llrown, County Clerk, at his office at
I'rhievllle, Oregon, on the 20th day of Auj
Claimant names as witnesses:
Joseph P Welgaud, Charles Paxton,
Walter O Lithgow, Stephen Walte, all of
Lamonta, Oregon.
)22-al0 O. W. MOORE, Register
Not Coal Land
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publi
cation. Department of the Inte
rior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregou, July 22, 1009.
Notice la hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, who; on Juntf7,
1901, made IIomestead( (Serial No.
05103J No 13577, for Blnei, ujsei sec
33, tp 11 e, r 14 e, w ro,
Has filed notice of intention to make
final five-year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
Howard TV. Turner, U. 8. Commission;,
er, at hie office at Madras, dregod, oh
the 2nd day of September, 1009.
Claimant names as witnesses:
FrauU Corwln, Stlaa White, Ira Ea
gles, John MoTaggart, all of Madras,
j-alto Regiuter i
map or i
MkH . madras' ;
r III ' V i-. r- nn nA.nt 'III I
r iii i w i i v-'. . . w t y i i i
Ai U 1 t AWT"; fflte-j
-y "fj Ihlamath'I
Is sure to be the Railroad Center of Central Oregon
arid investment in Town Property
For a short time we are selling
lots in Madras Townsite and
Residence Addition at very low
' prices. You will want a lot in
MADRAS, and now the time to
invest to insure Big Returns
Madras Towfisite
DON R REA, Agent