:i..r" u at Madras, dwjaVi5i-or.'.t Shaniko tj. i.t..n Culver. Anlflpc last Friday A.ljSl f wris in e .. . m;vr III lflwH Uif! ' ..u fm t Ms tanon on Mil .ii,.iiri trill, i lines M Ill&t 3iltUtS- 'AN Of 'tie i.. i ;n llf( V. i Mrs. J- lim "'J ' .. .i ....... in town l.nt ii.ii iiazcfi . .,u fnlver country. . u, it Mvurutiy cvchhik KM - looa shoit business mp. I . ! -Until n jltiurti to M"5 "UUl,, " H rb. prom!' H;i stack country, i n..r. nn attorney (Voni ,tt spent llie mauw ir.ii nip i. L. rtomn- .... (n Hie coutitytc.il Willi PlCi .1 0 Tboitii snd F. C Cully nf tirtei.il ""s loenmy rflheerlc looking nVer the ice ,t.in iiinkm: "mie invet- ntr-n i proven h llie noUelhcy nu.nrtif nt tmiei can ne .i .11 hi ii.r.ii l w HVi 'unuon n! s.mkmr, wno na jrtdmg a wrek o inure in tlti' . ... tlx rtltiLrt.t 1ft ffll ht htmdiy H 'Xneeu to re- ii.i... iMth nir fiitnrp. u.L.Nt Titlnr wn.fl 't'ttttrtr til lliuicu.i " ......... ... (bit wrek, w'iil attending the Bililole iMH" I ayior rxnrci ...l. - t... Tin.. fiu.A Inch in He pulilic sr'hool Mrs, II O'Krlly came tn iMbf duting ilifir stay. Mr i i .... : r i o kci iu l;.i iui ilia ihich mil soon hrgin opciationi IMrs.C K Kou-h left la Krl niz or ror .in i iiev cstnrci -i.bn til WP-HI I'lllllli: i raft imfn tn in sim inr ret 10 Ihe A I' Knn(iMnn III irntnn la.li lie Mn.lU. wiiIi her father. Mr. M, M hj, v f flinpinirri by vuruirii, nir i iminn rftmn in 1 T.,UJ. i . i i ..... M Mist i.iiiMiiay iziiini; .-M fuinv i ii wrcK inc coin l,t,i tl nit h .1. t 1J Vl 1 . ... tllllll C A lie monthi Ki. L ti,.',.. Juim.iy nmrti tiL nntl will iifne hi tins localiiv. v,"r " mini upon PUm 1 InnkinK' after other Mr llimlet's r InUliert arc te- f b an aunt .n c ..t... ...i i v tjiiiiii. wiirri? iir? " iu' mem alter rc complete C1I 91 flit . 1 ltlT P, - i-eirr n. Vibbcrt nnd ner, MS r i llOni t heir hnmm nn ll i me iiiiim, m r.uu... , 'C'oi upon his homestead, and Proved un on thelioine. ' ' her fllllrr I Otis .. "cr mini; upon tne viobeit made -Turn ntii -nrffifiirg y wrKfirinrrf TTarMnrirTrm rinari proof for the fJIPh A. frown, tvtin linrt loan "'"tral rf.lut .. .. I , . , in inn iirinif. n iii.r a ll i.. . . . - i eruvii, Cft !1S, Tlmrs- m .1' from wl,icl' Pl! he to her hnn, ... . . "Hil ... r. . " naniko to Join her ' fr'Bnwure bcniK ncressnry to 01 wav W Hi h Mr llrn...n hi 1.1 'ck" i t iiiiiK i.ine JlP'a at thoU, ,. : " IV Mnn.l,...i ... u. '"""h wit in in Ann. U. . I"" r "It r,l lllf n nfl-r ri and , . i... .. V. : tfk,. . " one was n u7 H tihfn . i. s Lara, let an,! fine "t d.i'nnl.i .i'"i mm- ' le of 'friends, (u l mr !j I it '4 T. Ml. I Tl t Creed aiul number of 1.1... --"CS n .,rM jninej Keau and wife and Mrs. Perry Keatl of C ulver were in town Tuesday. , r , Look of Portland, one of the owner' of the townslle at Redmond, whs In town last Thursday on his way to Red mond. Mrs. M h. Perclval came in from her ranch Monday and on Tuesday offered final five year proof on htr hoinesead, be fore CortimUiioner Turner. , Mrs. Ud McOicer of Antelope nnd her r.lil!drcn nriiveid in mlras Tuet 'ay afier inioii ii ml will vMf liiib her innilicr, JNr. CI U. Motirh'cid for sevcinl iIuvh C 0 Leo win In town VVrduedny from liib hnitic n-nr Hayitnck. He wns nCCniilpanird hy M)n Oirlcr I.pc. who arrived TtiriliiyVrit!ii from the vallr) for a vitit Wilh his p.ocnls. limit KalkeiihaHen wrnt to Shnnikrt nn I'uertlay, laktnjj in a I ire wayonhMd oi hojjs for Davenport & Stroud, who ship their hog Into Slianiko by wagon in prcl- erence to driving them throuKh. Albert Moore nnd wife of Lamonta were tn town Tuesday. Mr. Moore brought in with him some exceptionally fine specimens of oats and wheat grown on his place ntar lumner Smirk's thU i o jean S. 12. Gray and family returned last Thursday Afternoon from n month's out ing at Helkuap Springs. Archie Isham, who has been visiting tn the valley for sonic tun, jnnifd the Oravs a Hrlkniin Spnngs and teiiiriitd home with them. I Mr. and Mrs It. S. I.arlin have the sympitihy of thtir many fiiemis in ihr cniinunity. in the Uts of their inlnni d'toghirr. A baiiy girl was bom to thru- ai l-'nday morning at their home Noun of Madras, but the little' one only lived a t hours. Rev J Moehting, pastor of the German Metliodut'drurch n th1 locality, eft Monday for Senile to attend the an- nual conference of the church of this con ferrnce diMrict Mr. Moehring has llo(iiihing church in ihr Methodist Kill district, and he will do6bress be returned to this charge. Gertrge Palmer Putnam, "war corres pondent'' for llie Portland Oregonian at (he scene of the fight between the Hill ind the Marrimah construction forces in the l)ecliutes canyon, was in town Tues day on his way to licnd. Me has been sending his paper a number of good news toties that make interesting reading here in Central Oregon. Davenport & Stroud of I'rlneVilft, who have made rt number of shiprtVrlts of liogs from this locality, have been Vrt tbwri dining the past week gathering tip Artttther idiipriicnt They arc shipping to the Portland market and have bought quile a number of hogs in this vicinity. William Hlair and daughter were W town Monday from Young3. Mr. Ulair fias beep appointed postmasle'r at Vodrtgs and informs us that the oilirfi ha b'eeh rrniovrd from its old Walton al Ynuni ' More to his residrnce Mr. Mlair lias It.id considerable experience in condtriing i(e postofficc nnd wjil (lobi)tlesM uuikr a sails factory official, although Ii Is uiiderolond iliere was some oiioosiiliin to ihe ch.ni. f location lor the potnfTice. 1 T I f ! tmw i Urn I OROOON SHANIKO, I Watchmaker : Jewelry of all kindi made to or der and repaired. Settings for rrecioui itonci made. FIMST-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED T. B. TUCKER Horseshoeing and General Blacksmiihing WAGON AND PLOW WORK Firsl-Cta Wort Guarantee!" Lnciaeil in the old Ji molts nhop MADRAS, OREGON r HMHHpHHHHHHsHI J Sole Agents Edward G. Pease Go. Inc. THE SHAN I KG STORE .k. . maaaar . unuruiv cx-vb srnn ur eevebt k. aaaaai So Agents jt is with great satisfaction that we announce our Sole Agency in Shaniko for the Ladies home journal patterns 10c St 15e each PATTKHX8 KXOKLUii) l!Y KOXR; the most ccoiinmlcal, iinitiu.stloiiably the Indurfl IVi or'lzi'iialHy, and 'fanltl tin to ilt. A inontliVy st.yliifeoirk naMed ?it'6 totiach cimtomcr on rJrjirfit. to be put on our inalliiiu' INt. A Guide Chart giVen free Willi each pnt krn wliich tells tlio exact qfiantlty of innfprial used r.iid fill I lnt u tions ill cutting and fitting saint. S.-iid u.4 ytrtir itaint; ami addicsK BENJAMIN BROWN DEAD Henjamin A., the eldest son ol Eldct ind Mrs. I. I). Drown, dird al (he home of his patents at this place Monday morn ing at one o'clock alter a long illne.Sb Death was due in tuberculosis of Ihe hones, from which he has been a sufferer lor some time and for moic than a year past the young man has been bed ridden, lie wak la'sen to a hospital in i'otitand luM year for an operation, but iiis icliel was only temporary and his condition -be came so crficd that death has been ex. peeled for some lime paM. Interment was htld Monday afternoon in the Mad ras cemetery, the funeral service being conducted by Elder C. A, Watrrhouse. Deceased was a native of Oregon, hav ing been born in Umatilla County, No vember 26, 1 886. Ilciides his parents he leaves thice brothers and three sisters to mourn his loss. Rev. and Mrs. Uiown and their family have the sincere sympathy of their many friends in this locality, in the great sorrow which has overtaken them. NEW TEACHER ARRIVES II. M. Tiffany, who has been elected a teacher in the Madras public school for the ensuing year, arrived hee Monday morning ftom Marshfield, where lie lias been teaching the past year. Mr. Tiffa ny's home is in Eastern Kansas add he is a graduate of Maker College of (hat state. lie comes to the Madras school highly recommended and the directois of the school arc fortunate in having secured his seivices. He will :haVe churgc of the high school grades. Iu (Iris connection It is understood that the I ithfp-ftde will be taught in the Mad ras sdiool this year. The oth and loth grades were nddcil last year, and although there were several pupils who finished the loth grade at the Spring term, it was nt first decided not to add the lith grade this year. It haJ 'since been decided to do so, howevorln'orUer that these pupils may continue ilieir work in the Madras school. CHURCH OF'CHRIST SERVICE Seivices In'odU PelldWs Irttll. Sunday school at 'lb 'n. rh. Preaching Sunday lhorning Aug. 2, at i, followed by the Holy Communion. Services m'lhVevening at o Sunday school ntXnhioDta'evcify Sun- ay nt to n.'m. ' You nre'iilvited to atteHft'Uiese Sdfvlces tl. 'F. IV. iWAtAN, Pastor. 2Srexr j&jtl.3l COMPLETE STOCK Of HARDWARE A lints Ilii'c or the fninoiiK Diamond Edge CUTLERY TRY OUR DIAMOND EDGE RAZORS The best on tlfe Alarket 4SOSSSS0S44 I Wall Paperj NEW STOCK-NEW STYLES X PARLOR, INGRAIN & CbOK RFVAARH KITCHEN PAPERS jhP nLVVAnU r I p. . . . p. I p. p f A reward of $25 is offered for infnrma- iruniMi 1 unti TIGER HEAD TAILORING 500 HUNDRED snnppy n d a trfrctlva Sriinpre f nlI-vnol wnrst d and f Miry stti !- for Kail. The crrni f tire ItOvAf. TAILORS' s'-x'k ! TC'ifr.ao Ims Just iiirhvd. and now ready f r 1 "iir ftifjfct!--ii fl.iiU inlTITrto nnlt-r In lal cf st mill cv-T.v uU liiiranlt-. il to IU ai.d hnlil its sliajn' until wr o:t Try tu :nr your Pail suit. Pilot s fnuii $18 00 up, ILOUGKS BROS! MADRAS, OREGON X MubFcrilio for Dim luniio newH. the Pioneer and net Price Sl.fiO per vear. I Hon leading to the conviction ot any per- j son or persons guilty of the offense ol j cutting the lines, destroying or removing I the poles, or interfering in any way with the property of the Pioneer Telegraph & Telephone Co.. tf Pioneer TelegrW & Tcleplioiie Co, MADRAS, OREGON ilacksmilhing LUMBER A large stock of Seasoned Rough, also a good assortment of Dressed and Finishing lum ber of all kinds at the company's mill. Call up by 'phone or address jflfc- -Olfr GRIZZLY LAKE LUMBER COMPANY Lamonta, Oregon. Plow Repairing, Wagon Work., A Specialty Of - HORSESHOE4NG W. B.CHILDERS Formerti- The McDLROY SHOP) MADRAS, OREGON TOWN LOTS, FARMS, & Personal Property HANDLED -BY D. W. BARNETT MADRAS, OREGON Office at Besidence, Strath Main St. TvTQT" ttUtU rrx MMER RATES EAST Darriftg tbe Season 1909 Vte 5 -liKi S1 Scientific Farmers All advocate DISCING ydur land immediately sifter the crop is removed, prebaVator to Pall plowing This Con serves the moisture already in the soil, and prepares the land to retain the,, mof&ture occasioned by the Fall rains. You need one of our DISC HARROWS for this Glass of work. Prices reasonable for a standard ar ticle. BUY ONE AT ONCE. ..si OREGON RAILROAD NAVIGATION GO. OREGON SHORT LINE AND UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD : '- Prom- kuw, Portland, Seattle Spokane, Tncoma, "Walla VA and ill points on The O. R. & N. line To OnflAHfl and f?etcttn -. .$66 To IanSfl CITY and etatn $66 To ST. HOUIS and R,efcatrn. ..s . . 67 50 To CHICAGO and efcattn 72 50 And to other principal cities iu tho East, S'Uddlo West amnSoutl corresindlugly low fares. On 'Sale June 2, 3j July 2, 3 Aufeu'st 11, 12 To DENVER and Return, - $gt) On Sale May 17, July 1, August U Oolnir transit limit 10 days from xlate of sale, tlnnl retftrn Ifmit'Oct. 31. WILLIAM McMURRAY, Qenoral Passeier "Ageut, PorilauTl, Treaou , . i jaaaMBBaMMajaapiiapj ADVEUTrBlS your "Wiuitb, lii (ho Ploiioor. It riefH rcdiiltH, Hfgulur lo GROCERIES HARDWARE IMPLEMENTS STOVES RANGES :Madm&, bregofi IE : i kMi.Vi LIVERY The best in Shaniko aood Stock. Careful Drivers Best of Hay and Oraln Fed KAt Very 'Reasotiltble Prices &.&. K!&vfe, Shaniko, On. X I I mm cal udvurllulng nloa mi