" " . Not Coal nw ' jQMEfTBAt. Nnlc forpuhllna r " 4 -Mtnnr Department f the liii-rlir4 U. S. Land Ollleo at The pallcs, Ore gon, July I, HmD. ,,.; Notlou Is hereby given Hint , . FANNJJ2 BARTON, pf Madras, OreunnVwho, tin February 4, 1003, made Homestead Serial No 03487 No. i20, for uwj seo 21, tp U '5 ij,r 18 6, v hi, t lias filed notice of 1 mention to make filial ilveyear proofj lo establish t ujaim to lb land above described, lie Tore Hov?ar4 Y Turner, U. S. Commls elotler, at hi (lice at Madras, Oregon, on the 10th duy of August, 1000. Claimant names as witnesses A L Williams, W A EI1U, T A Taj'. "Wr, Frank Galloway, all of Mudras, Oregon.. , ' "tl O. W. MoOUE, ja5 Regl'ler Nit Coul Land HOMEBAD. Notice lor Publl , cation Department of tho Inte rior, XT'. 8. L,an.t Olllua at The Dalies, Oregon, Jnii 13, 1000. Notice is heieby given that JEM C. KAAS, of Madras, Ori"n, vh, on 'May 11, 1904, made Homestead Serial No 03i"4 No. 13475, for w Jsel seo 6, pwi, uejsw u 5, tp 11 r 14 e, v ni, lias filed notice of Intention to make Anal five-year proof, to establish c'aini to the Into! above described, be .fore Howard w Turner. U. 8. C-'inmls-.filmier, at ln lllee at Madras. Oregon, on the 3rd day of Ausust, 1909. Glaimant names as wltises: George B Maya, N V Poulsen, NS Jennings, Chiirles Bye, all of Mudras, Oregon. O. V. Moons, yl '29 Register Not Coal Land HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publication. Department of tiio Interior, U. S. Land !, Office at -The Dalles, Oregon, July U, ' ' Notice is lieMiv given that THEODORE M. SMITH, of Laments, Oregon, who. on October 5, ISXtf, made Hiinieteal, Serial-No 03715 No. 14723, for cvjft HK eb S, tp 13 jh. r H e. w in, Has filed notice of Intention to make final five-yiar pro f, to c-tablish claim to the land above described, before War den Brown. County Clerk, at his office at Trintivllle, Oregon, on the 26th day of Au gust, 1909. "".Claimant names as witnesses: Joseph F Weiand, Charles Paxton, ' Walter 0 Jithgow, Stephen Waite, all of 'Xamonta, Oregon. 22-019 ' C. W. MOOKE, Register ' Sot Coal Iind HOMESTEAD. Notice forPublica tiou, Department of the Interior, If S Land OJlii-eatThe Dalles, Oregon, July 1, 1009. Notice 1h heieby given Jthat MARTHA E. P;:UCIVAL, of Maflrap, Orenn, who. on April 19, 1904, inaOe Ilomesiead Serial No 03146 No. 1338a, for Jw, swivel sec 29 and n4, eJ-4 see 32, tp9s, rl4 ,e, w m, Has tiled notice of intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim lo t lie land'above deceribed be. fore Howard W. Turner. United States Oommibsiouer, at his otlloe at Madras, Orecon, ou the 17th duy of August, ,.3909. Claimant names as witnesses: WW Brown, R A Brown, of Heis- ler, Oregon; John Thomas, S D Perci val, of Madiar, Oregon.- C. W. MoollK, J16-al2 Register Not Coal Land H0ME8TEAD. Notice for Publica tion. Department of the Inte rior, U. S. Lund Office at Tlie Dalles, Orecon, July 7, 1009. Notice in hereby given that :.WILLIAM b THOMAS, of Mndras, Oregon, who, on Auguot 22, 1907, mini' lloinesieuil Serial No 0419a No. 1581, for eKeK seo 1, tp 12 9, r 13 e, and Lots 6 uul 7, sec 0, tp 12 H, r 14 e, w in, Has filed notice of lutention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore Howard W. Turner. TJ. S, Commis sioner, at his office at Madras, Ore gon, 011 the 17th day of August, 1909, Claimant names au witnesses: J P Sumner, COHea'y, H I Alex ander, all of Madras, Oregon, and J B Brown, of Culver, Oregon. O, W, Moore, J15-al2 Register Department of tho Interior. Office or Iudlati A Hairs, Washington, D. C. Bealed proposals for letting urazlne nrlv leges on the Warm Hprltigs Indian Reservation, Oregon, under the permi' system, will be re ceived at the Ortlcu of Hie Commls Hiouerof Indian Airairs, Washington, D. C, until two o'clock, p. m., ou Monday, August 30, 19C9. and will be immediately 1 hereafter opened in the Jiresetice of swell- bidders as may at leud. Maps sl oping the location of tite reservation and all necessary In formation may be obtained on appli cation (o the Superintendent of the "Warm Springs Indian School, Warm springs, Oregon, It. oi. Valeutluej Cototuliwloueri Not Coul Laud HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publlea. ' lion. Depaitmeut of the Interior. U. ri. Lttid Office at Tlie Dalles, Ore 1 on July 7, 1000, Notice Is hereby bIvkii that . MICHAEL Bit A UN, of Madras, Oregon, who, on August 12, 1004 and September 28, 1005, mndo 11 -mo-dead, Serial No0S27G1 No. 18727 and 1471,4, for Lots 1, 2, 3 and sene) -eo 3, tp 11 8, r 13e, W M, Hum filed notice n intention to tiinko linal five-year proof, to establish etui in to tho land above described, be f.ne Howard W Tumor, V B. Commls- "toner, at his office at Madras, Oreyoti, on the 17th day of August, 1000, Claimant names as witnesses: J Y Jones, N S Jemilng, James ) M yes, George S Mayes, all of Mad ras, Oregon. j!5-al2 Q. W. MqoBK, Register TBOLATED TRACT NOTICE For JL Publication. IHlbllo Laud Balu. Serial No. 01700, Uulted States Imd Otlloe,. Tho Dalles, Oregon, Juno 19, 1P09. Notioe la hereby giveu that, ns dhected by tho Commissioner of the General Laud Ofilce, under provisions of Aotof Congress approved June 27, 1906, Public No. 803, we will oiler at ptihlle stile to the highest bidder, at 9:45 o'clock a, in., ou the 6th day of August, 1009, next, at this office, the following tract of land, to wit: seK in-J see7, tp 12 s, r 14 e, w ru. Any persons claimiug adversely the al'ove described lauds 11 ru ndvised to tlie their olaims, or objections, on or I u-fnre the day above designated for f-ale. C. W. MoollK, 24-jy29 Reglstrr Not Coal Land JJ OMESTE.VD Notice lor Pub'Ica 1 thin Depurtment of tlie Inte- ilor, U S Land Office at Tlie Dalles, Or egon, June 29, 1909. Notice in hereby given that PETEIt NEILS EN VIBBERT, f Youngs, Oregon, who, on June 1, 1903, made Homestead Serial No. 1 2914 No. 12674, for wjeci, I .-eo 18, tp 9 s, r 14 e, W M, Has riled notice of lutention to make dual five year proof, to establish claim o the land abovo described, be fore Howard W, Turnejr, U. 8. Commis sioner, at hla office at Madras, Ore gon on the 12th day of August, 1009. Claimant names a witnesses: L T Larson, L B Larson, W Brown- nlll. of Youngs, Oregou; C C Fox, of Madras, Oregou. C. W. MoollK, 8-'12 Register Not Coal Land n FSERT LAND. Notice for Publication. ti Department of tho Interior, U. S. 'Laud Office at The Dalles, Oiegoii, July 23, 1909 Notice is hereby given that BERTHA WURRWEILER, of Prlncville, Oregon, who, on September 2S, 1905, mada Desert Land Application, rial No. 01S05, No. 681, for euejf, swf- iiejf, invj4sej, sejfnwii, vMxt)i sec 31. iiwuwj; sec 82, tp 18 s, r 12 e, w 111, lias filed notice of Intention to make final Desert Laud proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before ar- ren Brown, Count) Clerk, at his office at Prlncville, Oregon, on the 24th day of Sep- tcmb r, liny. ClaiuiHiit names as witnesses: O ha D Allliigham, Frank F Bellman, Nicholas J Lambert, of Sisters, Oregon; Guy A Allingham,of Prlnevllle, Oregon. C. W. Moohk, J29-al9 Register Not Coal Land - LJ OMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca- tion. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, July 10. 1909. Notice is hereby given that IRA MoCORMACK, of Madras, Oregon, who, on August 12, 1904, made Homestead Serial No 03277 No 13728, for owl fee 11, tp 12 s, r 18 e, w to, has filed notice of Intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore Howard W. Turner, TJ. 8. Com- misaioner, at hla office at Madras, Ore gon, on the 25th day of August, 1009. Claimant names us witnesses: John F Corwm, II I Alexander, It H Barnelt, of Madras, Oregou, I L Hale, of Culver, Oregon O. W. Moobb, )22 al9 Register Not Coal Land HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U, S. Lanl Ofilce at The Dalles, Oregon, July 10, 1909. Notice Is hereby given that HAZEL L. WHEELER, of Grizzly, Oregon, who, oti June 8, 1008. made Homestead, (Serial No. 0445 No,, l&Oltf, for KNEtf, KSEIf tec 10, tp 12 S, R 15 E, W M, Hai Sled notice of intention to make final commutation proof, to establish cla'm to the laud above described, before Warren Urown, County Clerk, at his office at Prlnevllle, Oregon, ou the 26th day Of August, lOOlt. Claimant iinmes as witnesses: D (l Gay, William Josllii, of HayCirek, Oregon; Marlon On born, of Grizzly, Ore gun; Buttle QuIUut of O'Nell, Oregon. C. W.,MOORE, , jJC-alU Register I nATPWAY TO ChN I. MAP OF s , bv . V IX tHOWINQ LOCATION L. ,.SS. , Proposfd Railroads II . WUUUMUIAVAX in m ' III . W w' S fc " w " 1 1 t v ' 1 1 -v 1 ir 1 11 r . .i III Lf A v 1 k rtu..' ) WlI III 7 I JC V WVT'V J1.SA I . Jt 1 ) t L- V 1 l & J IA J -v I iviCJJ . W iV ) r- ' .. I I v I I -fc. M - 1 r I f 4 1 1 1 -it, 1 If I J 1 1 t ill ys t tn '', 1 '-ik 't 1 1 1 t - . 1 111 s 1 t rj iiiiy t v. t isis 1 r--i r 1 i r 1 . 1 . . r 1 1 v mf - - w . 1 - . - . j S Si&-L. Ik I f . y iJ L.- S J f i N V I I J 191 I ) I I M . I V I l r$ - ji 1 1 1 f 1 -v w i -- iiw 1 iq n i. 1 CI --r f II II "X I X - t i 1 i ILI 7 X " ' ' ' .V V : iiiiji uiif-ivLr ii' i 1 r i i " ' 11 i i ii ,, . ,. ,.. i. ,.., ,.T i w d zy m kl iW m ter k --m . nn.. Promises Bier Petarn : MADRAS -; '1 nil ft r r m .1" 1 ki -n mm mm . a and investment in Town Property NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY WHILE PRICES ARE LOW For a short time we are selling lots in Madras Townsite and Residence Addition at very low prices. You will want a lot in MADRAS, and now the time to invest to insure Big Returns BON, P. REA, KAL ORFom, u m-m m b b m m u n m Agent "1