The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, July 29, 1909, Image 4

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    - ' . V". ri n rrr ' i f'.cv an 1 I ill 11 hi i . ,, , ;
m Mini -tihi i i rr - i u i
The Madras Pioneer
Published every Thursday by
-T.ilK I'lONEEU rUIlLlSlIINO 00.-
One year.. j ,..,..$1.60
.Six months...., 4 .86
Ttircu months............ DO
Kntared ns second class tnnttcr Annual
2U, 1001, at tlin rostoftico nt Madras, Ore,
under tho Actnf ConRrcss of Mnrolt a, 187i.
JULY 29, 1909
That there is going to be no
railroad built into the Dea
chutes canyon without a strug
gle between the conflicting in
terests over that very advan
tageous route, is evident from
the activity in the construction
camps of both the Harriman
road and the Oregon Trunk
Line. But, whether the present
'activity of these construction
forces meaus that Central Ore
gon is to have two lailroads hy
that route is problematical, and
later developments must be
awaited before an answer can
be had.
The rushing of men and con
struction equipment into the
canyon by the Harriman road
may be duo to the menace of
fered by the rival survey of the
Oregon Trunk Line, accredited
with the support of James J.
Hill, but whatever the reason,
it is generally believed thut
this activity is genuine, and is
the result of a bona fide inten
tion to build the long-promised
Central Oregon road. On the
other hand, the sudden assem
bling of men, materials and,
construction forces by the Ore
gon Trunk Line in the Des
chutes canyon maj mean any
one of three things: It may
mean that Porter Bros., who
are the owners of that survey,
are making a showing at con
struction in order to dispose of
their rights in the canyon ad-
vautageously to the Harriman
interests it may mean that the
Porters, realizing the value of
their holdings in (he Deschutes
canyon a3 the gateway to Cen
tral Oregon, are going ahead
, with- an independent line or,
lastly, it ma mean that James
J. Hill has found the opportu
nity to realize what is said to
have been his ambition for
many years, the construction of j
a line across Oregon into the
sacred Qarriman domain in Cal
ifornia. And, many independent facts
considered in connection with
- . x '
the sudden activity of Porter
Brothers give strong reasons to
incline to the last-named the
ory. The most important of
these' is the recent visit to this
section of the greatest of all
location and construction engi
neers, Mr. John F. SteveiiPi
, known to be be representative
of fff.tlil). Mr. Steve)8 made
,a cbmprehensive tour through
Central Oregon, inspecting the
) wheat districts, the irrigated
section, the timber lands, power
sites and all the wonderful re
sources of the great undevel
oped empire which lies in inte
rior Oregon, arid if not signifi
,can,t, it is, at least a remarkable
.coincidence that within ip.dnys
,or two Vveeks after his return,!
nice a tuunaer doii out a ciear
sky comes the announcement
that the Oregon Trunk Line Is
rushing its construction forces
into the Deschutes cqnyon.
The hews dispatches an-
( nounce also that no orders to
(assemble construction crews for
, for the Oregon TriinU,L,i'qe were
, received until Thursday rriorii'
'.iUgnd Thursday
.hfft-ljj$ bpata wer"e
loaded wlthjiev equipment
, bound over tiiti "North Bank
' road for The Ballea to be ship
J ped from there into the Des
Johutes canyon. That fact alone
Strongly discredits the theory
that Porter Bros, are working 'h
holdup game on Hiirri'u'iau.or
that they are going to build the
road themselves, for in either
event they would not for the
last two or three weeks have
pem.itted the Harriman inter
ests to intrench themselves by
establishing their construction
camps at strategic points along
the river. Any analysis, in
fact, which fails to show tho
hand ol J. J. Hill in this latest
move in the Central Oregon
railroad game is weak and un
able to stand the light of rea
son, and the more it is consid
ered, the deeper becomes the
conviction that Mr. Hill is be
hind the present activity of the
Oregon Trunk Line.
Madras is going to become a
town of churches and good
schools, and it speaks highly
for the character of people who
compose the community, that
these strong factors m the de
velopment and maintenance o
a high standard of citizenship
should be so geneiously sup
ported. The dedication of the
handsome uew buildinir of the
M. E. Church at this place last
.Sunday was au event in which
every good citizen ot the town
and district felt nn interest.
Another attractive church build
ing is in progress of construe
lion and will soon be ready for
dedication. The Madras school
district is erecting a comfort
able new eight-room building,
having bonded itself to the
limit allowed by law in order
to make the new structure pos
No one unfamiliar with the
financial conditions that have
existed in this new section in
the past few years can appreci
ate the difficulties under which
the churches in Madras have
been built, or the sacrifices that
each of them represents on the
part of those who undertook to
build them. So with our school
The district is carrying a heavy
burden of voluntary taxation
in oider to provide a comfort
able building and good educa
tional facilities. But these
things make for a higher type
of citizenship and for better
community life, and they are
worth all the sacrifice they have
J 11 B mm I UttWWII
! Watchmaker
a Jeweler:
jewelry of all kind made to or
aa onu repaired, .jcuinji tor
0, Precious Stone made.
der and repaired. Settings for
Precious Stonet made.
Horseshoeing and
General Blacksmithing
First-Class fort Guarantee!
Located In the old llraoka shop
KottJoal Lnnil
O0ME8TEAD. tfdtlce for Public
cation. 13epftraQt)Wf tljp Infe
rior, O. 8. tiftntl .Ofaoe eX The til!e,
Orejioa, July 2, 1901).
Notice Is hereby given ttyat
JAMES 8. AfcKtNS, .
of Madras, Oregon, who, ,,on Juno
1004, made,. Hpaieatear), . Serial No.
0fil03J $0 l$1tit, for ainei, nisei ae-6
33, tp 11 s, r, 14 e, w ni, t
Kits tiled notice of lufootlon to make
final (iVe-yenr proof, to mbtubllab claim
to the .lanitaov) dcvtJrlbed, before
Howard TttrnBr.itl. B. vC3(,rara!5stoni
er, at Ulaoltloti,at MJnlra8(Vpregon, on
the Sad day oiBeptefperlpOp.
Olulmajit names aa wtoessea:
Frank Co.rwln. Silas White. Ira Ea-
KleH, Johu McTaggart, all of Ma'flraa,
Oregon, ''
0, W, MOORE,
J20 20 TtVulst'er
Mr( Inn I I .mill
IfjOMEBTEAD. Kotlcofot- I'libHcntlrtn.
Jl Departnmiit ot tho Interior, U . S. lnml
Onico at Tho Dallesi Oregon, Jiny it,
Notice Is ltnr!y given thnt
Mil A. AKUK1I80K,
formerly Kfle A. Taylor,
of Madrnf, OroKoli, who) on AurhsIO,
lOOl.inmlu ilomcHtend Serial No03U72
No. 13718, for Lottt) )tfHvK ec Hi, t 10
8,rH', and LotU, soo t, tp 11 , r H f,
w nii
lias fllod notlco of Intention to jnnko
tlnal five-year proof, to establish claim to
the land above descrllitd, hororo Howard
V. Turner, United Status Cominlsfloiior.
at his iillico at Madras, Otfj,'on, on the
tilth tiny or Aujjnst, HWl.
nintmimt iinmna no vUlinS4e.4!
William II Stonehoeltr,OeorfioA Itleh-'
aidson, Jumes Mayes, James Iko, nil 01
Mndrf, Oregon.. v
Ji-nlil O. W. MOOUlit UOKlstor
l'ubllotttion. United Suit en Lund
Onicei Tho Dalles, Oregon, July It.
Notice Is herehy ulvon that State
of Oregon has filed In this onlce Its ap
plication, dorlal No 03084, to select un
der the provisions or the Act of Con
gress of August 14, 1818, ond tho Acts
supplementary and amendatory there
to, tho uwiswj sec 24, tp 10 s, r 14 e,
W. M.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely thb lands described, or deslrlnu
to object because of the mineral cluu-
ucter of the hind, or for any other re
sou, to tho disposal to applicant,
should tile their affidavits of protect in
this olllce, ou or before the 2nd day
"f September, 1000.
I22-H2Q C. W. MooitK, Register
iSol Coal Lund
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publi
cation, Department of the Inter
ior, U S Land Olllce at The DalloH,Ore
gon, Juue 20, 1000.
Notice is hereby glveu that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on Decem
ber 4, 1003, made Homestead Entry
set lal No. 08030 No. 13000, for eeX
sec 32, tp 11 a, r 13 e, w m,
him filed notice of Intention to make
final five-year proof, to establish
claim to tbe land above described, be
fore Howard W. Turner, U. S. Commit
sloner, . at IiIh office at Madras, Ore
gon, on the 12th day of August, 1000.
Claimant names as witnesses:
fltCNisson. Joseph Mitrnach, J II
Horueyt,iQe0.rRB "KiWugbeck, all ol
Madras, Oregon.
C. W. Mooue,
Jy8 12 Register
Not Coal Landl
HOMESTEAD. Notice ftir Publlca
lion. Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, July 2S, 1009.
Notice la hereby given that
of Madraa, Oregon, who, tin August
1, 1003, made Homestead Serial No
02965 No. 12867, for winwj, wjiwi
sec 20, tp 10 8, r 18 e, w in, Hit
filed notice of intention to make fluul
five-year proof, to establish claim
tn the land above described, before
Howard . Turner, U. 8. Cpmmls-,
siouer, at his office at Mudrun, Oregon, -on
the'2nd day of September, 1000.
Claimant nameB as witnesses:
Nells P PoulsOn, Julius Larson, Dr.
T A Long, Samuel Haberatich, all of'
MadraiV( Oregon.
..u C. W. Mooue,
For Sale
R 320-acpe South Afri
can Veteran Bounty
band Certificate.
issued by the Department of the
lntertor.Grovernnientof Uan
ada, under the Volunteer
Bounty Act, 1008. Goo'd
for 320 of any Dominion
Land open for entry in Al
berta, Saskatchewan, or
Manitoba. Any person
ver the ace of 18 years.
Ian or Wotnari, can nc-
duirn this , laud,,. with this
Cerlilict.t without fnr',er
charge. For Immediate sale,
$800. "Write or wire,
S-1q . JT: X
RAIN & :
PAINTING and Paper Hntifclny Firat
clnss workmnnalitp. Oall on, or ad
dress. I. M, liiirfcrih Mudiiifl.
LIST YOUtt KAlWt properly with It.
Uea, If you want oulok nellon upon
U, Have buyers for desirable ptaoof.
abort, time only the Midrn Town
xllf Ooiiiimny is oll'erlntf & 'or mile
nt very low prlees. Their advertise'
nleiit on lh baeh ih 'IiIm paper
entlns map shiwliig loeainn of
Mad rut with referent to tb. nevernl
railroad nirvy" bnoih n l hoc
lion. C"Hlriiu'lon of eltb"! nf lb !
rmtU will make Madras the trading
cenlor of a Urge territory. The lime
10 liny Is r.uw, before 0-e rtilltoad
HturiH, when prlcee will itdvunce.
HIDES llOUaUTItlghestoaali price
paid lor hiiles of all kinds. J. W.
LlvingHlou, Miulrns,
Holds, of M ulrns, Oregon, an Kust
em Auotlom-er, will fell all kinds ot
merehiiiidlne or stock t faun sidei a
sp- chilly. Will go tiny where In Or
egon or ailjnltiltiir slates, linguist
prlees. CII n ir write Ol W II
UKVNOI.DS or A. C Hunford. lfi-:'
THE John L. Campbell Market ol
M intra wIM buy pork, veal, inuttMi
and egk'H, Jl-'f
prprty for h wheat riitii h. O, A.
GRAHAM, 1034 Clovehmd Avemio,
Porllund, Oregon. JKi It
the water station at 2u per pound.
J. C- Waymtre, Mndra. tf
I". 1 1
LOST Between Madra 11 ml the Mail-
Ms cemetery, a ludy'n ooat. Finder
will please return to Mrs. C. M. Dir.
ney, Madras.
Not Coal Land
UOMKSTKA1). Notice for
Hon. Department of til" Interior,
V 8 Land tJHIco at Tiw Dalles, Oregon,
NotlceU.iiece'iy. given Hint
MAIttllA M. ALI.liN,
oe of the heirs and for the helr.1 of .laineji
A. Allen, dt-cca.sed,
of Haycreek, Oregon, w"o. on October 13,
1P02, mntlu Ilointtstend Serial No 02073
No. 115MI. for Lots 1, 2, 3 and i, oec 31, tp
10 s, r 15, e, w 111, Mas
liljd notice of liitenthni to mnke final five
year proof, to e.-'nbll-li elnlni to the html
above dftcillwd, befue Huwnrd W. Tur
ner, U. S. CumiiilMiloiier, at his olllre at
Madras, Oregon, on tlio 3Sth day of Au
gust, m.
Olahitaut nniiieu on wltneMet.:
Char es I'nrrUh, John McTiggart, of
Madras, Oregon; WbIUt I'srrl-li, of HikmI
Itiver, Oregon; l.wu Curti. f Itajcnek,
0. W. Moom:,
J22-al9 Ueglstcr.
No t Coal Li nil
HO.Mli'StE D.-Noiieo for Publlca
lion. DiMiilt ImimiiI tt tin. tiifurlnr)
'.U. 8. Ltiid'pilke, The Dulleii, OreBon,;
juiy zv, iuw. i
Notice Ir, heieby Iven hat
aiAvika Kongiticiia,
one of the helra and- for thu helm of
Axel ForHbeiff, dt-cetiHetl,
of MutlruH, Oregon, who, on Juue 23,
1001, made Hnme-leHil, Herlal o.1
03234, No. 18021, for Lola 1, 2 and
uv, sec 5, tp 11 h, r 14 e, w m,
Huh filed notice of Intention to make
tlnal five-year proof, to entablUb
claim to the luud above described,
fore, claltuaut to appear liefore Jamtm
Stewart, U. 8. CommleHlouer at hn
ofllce at Port AiiKele, Wanhlngton,
wltiieB08 to appear before Howard V.'
Turner, U. 8. Cnmmlncloner at'hla
ofllce at Madrua, Oreuon, on the lat
day of September, 1010. ;
Claimant uamen uh witiieHHoc!
JameH Leo, William II Siouehocker,
B F Preston, Walter Durrar, all of
Madran, Ore'gbiii
0. W. MonitB,
J29-a20 Rejrliiter
Not Coal Luud
LJOMESTUAD. Notlco for Publlca-
lion. Depatttnent of the Interior.
j,U. 8.I4.111I OillcoatThe Dallen Oregon,
jjine -j, iuuu. notice In hereby,
given that
vf, Culver, Oregon, who, on AiigtiHt'loJ
192, made , Homentoad f,8erlal No,
02041) No. 11072, for kuwL.neliwhf
fu2Uaiiil Heine! aecflO, tp 12 h, r 14
e w m,
rlhrtl notice of Intention 10 matte tlnal
flve-yuar proor, to Dctahllll claim
to the land above described, before
HoWard W. TUfLfer U. tj mmiraian
or at hlunlllue at Muilr..H, (Oregon, 011
tbb 4rd day of Augut, 1000.
Claimant name aa vltuewiel
Jerry ACllUV. William Hnmi. Il.a,
riealtea, ISuiery Beeleb, all Dl Uatoonta,
yl-J20 C. W. MTnonft. UvgUter
Htibgcribe for the "rioneer and jrot
the Joaie news. Price tl.etf per year
y ,U - ' mHiW jftt ,y'f H2l fr.f, .1 , . -
1 II " I -
t A.- Q B"anfoM
Hear Ye!!
Now is the time,
This is the store
Harvest Supplies
We G'cmrfeMee SatisfaetioB
. Not Coal Land.
T 4 nri?MTti A r '..l.. K,. Dlll.llna.
tlon. Department of tho (nterlor
U. H. Land dMleu nt 1'ho Dalleh Ore-
Kon, June 1B0U,
Notice la hereby kvcii that
CAtthtli M. VlimiiilYi
one of the helra and for the heire of
Jens Clirlatlanaeti, deceased,
of Younga, OreKon, Vho, on -Juno 12.
1003, made Hometeod Entry Serial
No. 02D38J No. 12V80, for the wKe,
wfjuiul urn tfV In II u II A. ll 111.
Haa (lied notice nf intention. to makti
tlnal tlvewebr iWof. to ehtablliili
clnlii) tp tlwi land above !t'florlbed be
fore UoVrwii V Turnori Oull'SUIton
Committiiloiior, at IiIm oft lee l Madras
retroii) nn mo mil uy ni yuguHi(
Claimant balnea ab WltUeat
li t Uraoiu h B Ursnn, V nVnwu--
hllhof VnUVik Oregon 0 0 FoS, of
MadruK, Oiegou.
0. W. MOOBI5, ,
uccnrig, noage, Acme
Champion and PigJ
harvesting machinery
with me as early as pos
sible so aS save delays
Repairs are cash goods -
Sunict Mcailn offert iht readers of ihU tupwthtk,
01 iht yr w '
- FIEVIEW Or REVIEWS . . $3.00j i 1 P-B 1
SUNSET MAQAZINC .... I.Cotlll P0" ;
.un CO FIT with your order, a beautlhl u .....,
" lIlMU.ttdlnfourcolortvHlhtavSw
C II N 5 r T M B fl A 7 1 u
ah ratNCKco, euiromin iv
.f. n,nl Laofl
Ji.; I
..... it n 't.411.1 Offlf "
1... ..Ivnll I 111
.1 t wiinLUI
nf MatlruH, Orrgoni w
to me ' ti & w"j
fioward Wi '.,dr
. Hi Wil-I.
fitrasiier, A n
Oregon. 0(v,