' " ' ' ' - ' ' - "V" The Madras Pioneer . . tr J iiSJ t - S3t -- 1 f n , i 1 , , .t i ii i ill. I1 " I I ' " " vui-v MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 29. 1909. NO. 50 1 " 1 WWH II w-w-- T. I ' ' : IE JdLO 1 JtCJL i MOORE & LIVINGSTON, Props. Good IWeals and Clean Beds Headquarters for Commercial Men, Freighters, Inrmcrs' 'Union nnd EVERYBODY ELSE : I liiietry, peed & Sale Stable I losr consrosTEoi'ioasr 1 GIVE US A CALL AND YOU WILL GO AWAY HAPPY j .iiAAAAAM0Vf?Tf V V V RAS MARKET a. U. CAOlPBEUIl, Pop., MADRAS j BEEF, PORK, VEAL Wc have the best line of Pfcsli Meats In the country Tu. KINDS OP GARDEN VEGETABLES IN THEIR SEASON t "- . . . T S. II.si!ltoN Pres. E. II. FitBNCii, Vlcc-PreS. J. C. Fowlik, Cshr. mSm Banking Co. I FOREIGN EXCHANCE BOUGHT AND SOLD DRAFTS ON AIL PART8 OF THE WORLD CbpHd6 SHAN1K0, OREGON f .A. U4AAAAAAAAAAAAA44AAA44444444444444AMtaa PROFESSIONAL CARDS. OWARD W. TURNER U. S. COMMISSIONER NOTARY PUBLIC MADRAS ' OUEUON 0, C. COLLVER NOTARY PUBLIC lustko of the Peace CULVER I'ttEOINCT OREGON CULVER , .... i ' K, BHOOK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON . OUleo In Of uk Store. MADRAS OREOON tygAX LUEDDEMAHK NOTARY PUBLIC riottctr Building MADRAS OREGON J H. HANER ABSTRACTER OF TITLES Notary public PIib Inaurnnre, Ufe Iniurncc, Surely Bond Jtual Kutatc, Conveyiujclng PKtNKVlLLfc, OKKOON A. E. CROSBY EVERYTHING IN DRUGS & KODAKS THE DALLES, OREGON Exclusive Agent For EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Rochester, N. Y. A full line of Pho to supplies always on hand. Printing and developing done. Mail orders will receive our prompt attention. Wiitp for our new 1909 CATALOG Try n bottle of Alur- flne's Edlnol Devel oper. Will develop any Plate or Paper A. E. CROSBY NO. 3861. The First National Bank OF PRINEVILLE. OREGON 11, f. AU.KK, l'rextciont. T. M. Ra ldwIm, Cathier. Wiil Wumswkukb Vice I'm. H. Baldwin, Asst. Can filer. ESTABLISHED 18SS Capital, Surplus Mid Undivided 1'roflU $100,000.00 A. M. WILLIAMS & GO. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods :: hoots AND SHOES HATS AND OAl'S TKE DALLES ORECOK iUIHR SHOE! Laest Stales Lowest DPxices HARNESS AFnllLIiie Heavy Work Harness, Fancy Driving Harness; COLLARS, WHIPS, Halters, Etc., Etc. B. S. LARKIN MADRAS, ORE. tt R OBINSON'S BIG STORE acks Sacks Sacks Special price on Grain Bags TERMS CASH J. C. & M. A. R0B1M&0N GENERAL MERCHANTS MADRAS, OJQpN WAR OF RAILWAYS BEGINS ON DESCHUTES Oregon Trunk Starts Con struction On Central Oregon Road HURRYING MEN AND EQUIPMENT TO FRONT Grading Machinery Sufficient To Keep 500 Men Busy Is Hushes' Into Desehutes Canyon Will Build To, Madras Imvo been secured at Blaloch. Vnnr Years aeo. almost to a flay. James J. Hill was gucet at a banqiet at the Lewis and Olark Exposition, inur ing the evening Mr. Hill announced flat footcdly tho liQ Intended to. bnUd a railroad down ho North bank of the. Columbia River. Continuing, ha said jhero wan n noBslbllltv that when the proptr tljcoo came he might Invade Gen ual Oregon, U& Vitorx 0 wconceiv nhln fcoialbllitles. hkJt los- yeara Ed' ward Harrhnan has been endeavor ing to bottle up permanently ana wtnen m to the nresent time he has succeeded In doing, with most deleterious effecter on the development of th ptate. HHl has built and pot into, operation the. Worth Bank road, iust as he prom ised, and that bis threat thaUiewonld Inrado the ITamman preserve was no "bluff' ia tuousrhfc here to be signified by hia action in sending construction crcwa into tho Deschutes country. ORECON TRUNK LINE TO COST $5,000,000 A special to tho Oregonla from The Dalles, I'ated July 25, says: Railroad grading equipineat, con signed, to Portes Bros.j.coatractors, was nnloflded here totlay, atai peeparaoa have-been Bade to begia ia the morn ing transferring the tnateriai toSherars Urlrlge, on the Deschutes River. Work on the railroad tbroagh the Deschutes canyon into Central Oregon will begin immediately by Monday at latest and this road will not be Ham man's, according to the contractors. This is regarded as the first move in a titanic struggle between liarrimas and Hill for control of the Deschntes grade into interior Oregon, and ft repetition of the tactics carried on four years ago when Hill bested Ilarriman for costrol of the only ronte down the North bank of the Columbia River. Johnson Porter, member of the Srao of Porter Bros., contractors, is in the. city and superintended the ttnkd&Bg of the grading equipment. Mr. Porter will not admit that his company k work log for Mr. Hill, but insists he is not in the employ of Mr. Ilarriman. Mr. Porter is the contractor militant who built the North Bank for Hill in the face of Harriman'B active and some times forcible opposition. "Do you expect to beat Mr. Harrl man in this race as you did when work ing for Mr. Hill in constructing the North Bank road?" Mr. Porter was asked. 'We are not' here to make our boasts; we are here to build a railroad up tue Deschutes canyon, and if there is any race we expect to win, of course," was Mr. Porter's reply. "There is plenty of room up the Des chutes canyon for two roads," contin ued the railroad contractor. "There is plenty of room for us and Mr. Harri man, too. Our surveyors have fobnd it possible to parallel the 0. R. & N. be tween The Dalles and the mouth of the Deschutes River, and the grade np the canyon will not be difficult. "Our surveys have all been made, and everything is in readiness for actual construction. If possible, wc hopo to get tho men to work within a week. Work will be rushed as last as men and teams can be supplied. I shall start for Sherars Bridge in the morning, where wo expect to do our Hrat work. The first camp will be established a little this side of Sherars Bridge.' Another camp will be established on the Charley U'ulen ranch, alovo white Horse rap ids, opposite tho mouth of Warm Spring River, about 75 miles from The Dalles. "We have now 100 men who are ready to go lo work, but we need more men and teams. We have sufficient equip ment here for use by 600 or 600 men. "No, we do not represent the Oregon Trunk Lino. We represent ourselves, you may say. We have, survoya for construction work completed as far as Madras, and intend to rush construction work up the Deschutes canyon. "Vte Uou't care to say Just which side of the Deschutes canyon we shall occu py. For a portion of tho way the road will be on one side of the river and for other portions on the other aide." In this city the supposition is that Porter Bros, are tho construction agents of Mr. Hill, Porter Bros, have done much construction work for Mr. Hill. The North Bank road, considered by engineers to be one of the marvels of railroad construction in the Pacific Northwest, was constructed by Porter urothers. Among the equipment unloaded here today from the steamer Balhy Gatiert were 60 head of horses and mules and a large BHabero! wagons, tents, scrapers and wheelbarrows. Teasa and wagons have beefe teSfftged here as list a they could be stfcurw s4 horbwyera are boW eeoUrlns: tha con. try iWxkvc to Meant more, jflfty & . . it- . . . imm ww WgWM mwl SMftlNliUitS Porter Brotharx Flan To Complete 110 Miles Of Railroad To Madras Within A Year SPOKANE, Jttty 24. "It ia true that we are building a new- railroad in Cen tral Oregon," stated R. B. Portor of Porter Bros., the contractors, to the Chronicle today. "It will be called the Oregon Trunk line and will rnn South from The. Dalles to Madras, a distance of 122 miles. The government has ap proved onr right-of-way for HQ miles from Celilo to Madras. "The cost of this 110 mils will be about $5,000,000, and we expect to com plete this part of the track within a year. A line or noais win connect wun the road, running to Portland, and we also expect to run boats to JLewiston, Idaho. "Our present plans are to run South only to Madras, but probably in the near fature the road will be extended further into the interior. "The entire stock of the Oregon Trunk line is owned by Porter Bros, of Spokane and V. D. Wilhampon of New York. We have nothing whatever to do with the Hill interests. It is true we are in opposition to Harrimars line, but only as a matter of competition." BOOSTING CROOKED RIVER PROJECT Portland Commorclal Interests Asked To Help Secure Fovorablo Action The Madras Chamber of Commerce through Secretary Rea has written a strong letter to the Portland Chamber of Commerce, asking that body to aft- aist in securing favorable) action by the Reclamation 8ervico at once on what is known as the Crooked River project. The Portland commercial body 18 especially urged to bring the project to the favorable notice of Secretary of the Interior Ballinger during hia prebuul visit in Oregon, Roscoe Howard, man ager of the D. f. & P. Co. at Bend, uUo boosted the Crook River project, in an interview given tho Oregoniun during his recent visit in Portland. Tho letter from tho Madras Chamber of Commerce says, in part: "By concentrating tho efforts of tho city of Portland, through its commercial bodies, and those of the people of Crook County, we fuel sure that we can induce the Reclamation Service to proceed with what is known as the Crooked River project ; one which, if developed, will be of incalculable benefit to all our section and which will furnioh agreit productive territory to the city of Port land. This project contemplates (he construction 01 Storage reservoirs in Crook County upon upper Crooked River, conserving the Winter flow of that river and irrigating more than 100,000 acres of fine land around and between Prineville and Madras. "Tha Reclamation Service has made preliminary surveys for tho project. A petition will be sent by the people of crook County to the Interior Depart ment, requesting that this project bo put through. "With a strong and earnest effort on all our parts, in view o! ttw tertalnty of quick rail comnanlcallott with this sec tion by meaMo( the bescbutea railroad, we feel certain lhat the desired results, which will Vo so- beneficial to us all, can ska . " ne accomplished. "To tfeal end we respectfully request that yo tlrge the Immediate buildlm? td 1Mb f'ojct with Secretary Baiiioftf NEW M. E. CHURCH BUILDING ip(QATEft . PronaJneM Minister Atieei Exetr.. j-08 Attractive New Edlflcs ' Ctoar Of Doht Tho bandaomo now building of Ihev Mcthodiat church at this place was dcd-. icated last Sunday morning, the occas ion being a memorable one for tho mem bers of that denomination in this local ity, to whom Sunday's cxcrcisos wore, the culmination of two years of earnest, diligent and faithful labor. Dr, V. L. Rader of Portland Dr Walton BKip worth of The Dalles, Rev. Jf. K. Craig , of White Salmon, Washington, Rev. C. L. Lowther of Redmond and Rev. G. R. Moorhead, the local minister partlci-. pated in tho exercises. Tho dedicaojyr Herman, a strong and eloquent dlscooree,. was delivered by Dr Rader, following' which the formal dedication of tho new- building was conducted by Px. Skm- worth, presiding eider of the district,, who accepted the building for- tho church at Hie hands of the trustees Mrs. J. H. Homey, Messrs. W. A. Ellia and I. F. Shutt. A special musical pro gram, Ua,d also, beep prepared, fox tho-occaafcm. The new churoh building i no of the most attractive and most comforti able iu the interior country, and tho members of tho church feel a pardon able pride in their accomplishment a. the building is entirely free from debt. Plans for the Madras church were first - made a little over two years ago, when Rev. J. K. Craig had tho Madras charge. During his pastorate here the plans progressed and when lie waa re moved to another charge about a year ago the building had been almost com pleted. "Under the present pastor, Rev.. G. R. Moorhead, the work has contin ued and the new building lias been com pleted and furnished and fully paid for- Tho undertaking is one in which both. jiastors have labored faithfully, anit they deserve great credit, as do tho members of the church who worked' with them. At the meeting held Sun-. day evening lu which all the ministers. present participated, Mr. Craig and MK .Moorhead each told a number of pa thetic but at tho same time amueing incidents, illustrating the sacrifice which had been made by members of the church in mulling and paying fortl house in which to worship. There were a large number of out-of- town people in Madras Sunday to at tend the dedication. After the exer cises at the church, a big basket dinner which had been prepared by the ladies of tho church, was served at the old school building, NEW COURT HOUSE BUILDING ALL RIGHT The recent aiurminc stories over tho condition of the new courthouse, which dtories originated in Prineville and were thought to be Well authenticated, prove to have been entirely unfounded. An investigation has been raido of tho structure and there in nothing wrong with the foundation or the buildinir. The repoit arose out of the fact that tho casing of one of the basement windows nun sagged in, this giving the nppenr- mce ot bulging walls. The window has been Btraightened up, and tho buildlnn now appears to be in good condition. the examination of the buildinc wn made by competent mechanices. ulm announced that there was nothing wrong with the foundation. TEACHERS' ANNUAL INSTITUTE Tho Teachers' Annual Institute of Crook County will hold ita annual ses sion in the High School building at rrinevllle, October 10, 0, 21 and 22. Stat fenpt. J. il. Ackerman, Prtaident . It Kerr of Oregon Agricultural Col lege, Professor A. JL Alderman of Uni versity of On-gon, and other prominent educators of tho county and state will be present. Friday, October 22, will be "school day" at the County Fair, and a joint session of school officers and teach era will be held or that day. Marking Ceunty haatft) P. T. Monroe. rntl anrutrvtoj. l Cross Keys district, was in tows Mon day in attendance at eounty cow t, 1 fcf'r. uu urn, vu uio return-, piaevg MSjn noard at the county line betwee Cfttok and Wasco, at tho Scbultx- place, lust beyond Cross Keys, marking thedivlx Ion Detweeu the two countlea and giving the traveler chance to iudgketween the condition ot the toada of the two counties. Another slguboard will also llff ut Jho poiw where the new Xgfe Gap roid L branches 0 the main WanHctrroai tor Madras. It wjll lr the iuscripUoBi "Madras IS , 3. m wince nut to yirttirtMy,