' Not Coal Inml SlJOMEHTEAi. Jfcutw forlMibllcn 1 tlcn. Department iif the Interior. IT. S. Laud Ollleo at Tim Dalle, Ore yon, July 1, liMQ. Notice is hereby given that fanie bakton, v of Madras, Ore-iron, who, on February 24, 1005, mmlH Unmetuead S-rlal Mo 03487 No. 14280, for u eo 2J, tp 11 s, r 18 e, v ru, has filed notice of intention to make Jlnal flveyear proof, lo enlablUh alaitn to the land above desorlbed, be fore Howard W, Turner, U. 8. Commit Blouer.ftt bin i.lllee at Muilrno, Oregon, ou the 10th day of Auguqt, 1000. Claimant names as witnesses; A L Williams, W A Ellis, T A Tuy lor, Frank Galloway, nil of Mudrau, Oregou, A 1 f. O. W. Mookk, Jj'8-a5 Register N"t poitl Lund HOMESTEAD. Notice lor Publl oat Ion. Department of tlio Into drlnr; U. ti. liHitit Otlluri ut The Dalles, Oregon, Juue23. 1000. . Koticu Is hereby gtveu that ' . J KM CJ. KAAS, - of Madras, Oregon, who, ou Mayli, 1904, made Homestead Serial N". '0374 No. 13475. for sei sec 6, b bwJ. ueistwj w o 6, tp 11 h, r 14 e, w ui , . Has filed notice of Intentlou to make ilual IUeyoar proof, to establish o!alm to the Inmt Hbove described, be fore Howard W. Tumor, U. S, Commit eiouer, ui hi nflice at Madras, Oregon, "on the 3n liny of AuRUst, 1009. Claimant names as wltt'eese: . George 8 Maya, N V I'uutaeu, N S Jennings, Charles Jlye, all of Madras, -Oregon. . , O. W. MooitK, i Jyl J29 Roister Not Coal Land OMESTEAD. ,J(otlcef0r rubliontion. Department f tlie Interior. U. S. Land 'Office, at The 'Dalles, Oregon, July 0, 190!. Nbtico Is hereb lven tliut THKODOllE M SMITH, if Lamontn, Oregon, who. on October 5, lft)5, nindo Hume-loud, Serial No 03715 No. 1-I72S, for esv, v4v sec 3, tp 13 fj r 14 e, w in, Jias tiled notice of intention to make final -live-year proof, to establish claim to the- (and it bin u described, before War ren Drown, Count Clerk, at his office at 'Priuevllle, Oregon, on the 20th day of Au gust, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: Joseph V WeUiaud, Charles I'axtou, Walter O Lithgnw, Stephen Wait-, all of Xnmonta, Oregon. j22-ai9 C. W. MOO UK, Register Vot Coal Land VI OMESTEAD. Notice for Publh a tlon, Department of the Iuterioi TJ S Laud Office atTheD.dles, Oregon July I, 1009. Notice is hereby given that MARTHA E. PEUCIVAL, of Madras, Oreunn, who, on April 10, 1004, .made Homesiead Serial N 03145 No. 1338h, for lwX, swife b;o 20 and u see 32, tp 0 u, r 14 , w m, J'.as filed notice of Intention to mak Iinul five-year proof, to estatdlsh .claim to the land above described be fore Howard W, Turner. United States CoiiiinlHslotier, mi tiU office at Madras OreKou, on the 17lh day of August 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: "V W Brown, R A Brown, of lleis ler, Oregon ; John Thomas, S D Percl vul, of Mtidra, Oreuou. C. W. Mookk, J15-..12 ReuiHter No Coal Land OMESTEAD. Notice for Publica I I tlon. Department of the Inte rior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July 7, 1000. ' Notice is hereby given that WILLIAM F. THOMAS, of Madras, Oregon, who, on August 22, 1007, made Homestead Serial No tlHOi No. 16081, for v-H h U 12 a, r 13 e, and Lits 0 ulU 7, sec 6, tp 12 b, r 14 e, w m, Has flleil notice of Intention tn make final cominu-atio. i proof, to elablih claim to the lajid above desoritjed, be fqre Howard W. Tomer, U, 8, Commls hlouer, ut his oill-ie at Madras, Ore gon, ou the J7ib duy of August, 1009. Claimant names us witnesses: J P Sumner, C 0 Healy, HI Alex under, all of Madras, Oregou, and J B Drown, of Culver, Oregon. O. W. MooKE, J15 ul2 Register XT OTIOE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been, by the County Court of the Btato of Oregon for Crook Coun ty, appointed Administrator of the estate of Kdwaid Kutcher, deceased! und all persons having claims against raid estate are hereby required to pre sent the same, duly verified, at the law office of M, E. Brink ut Priuevllle, Oregou, within six months from the date of the first publicailoti of this notice. D(ed and published first time June ftrdj 1000. J. W. BONES, Administrator of thu Ktato of HdWflrd Kutcbur, deoaaedi Not Coal Land . HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publloa. lion, Deiai tment of t he Interior; U.S. IHiid OITlco at The Dalle,' Ore gon, Julv 7, 1000. Notice Is hereby given than MICHAEL BRAUN, of Minims, Oregon, who, on August 12, 1004 ami September 28, 1005, mnde llomottead, Serial No 08270 No. 13727 and 14714, for Lots 1, 3, 8 anil sejue nee 3, tp U , r 13 o, WM, . lias filed notice of Intention to make final fiveyear proof, to establish ;lalm to the land above desorlbed, be fore Howard "W, Turner. U. 8. Commis sioner, at his office at Madras, Oregon, on the 17th day or August, 1000. Claimant names as witnesses: J V Jones, N S Jeihilug')J James D Mtyea, George S Mayoa, all of Mad- rns, Oreuou, J16-al2 0. W. MooSB, Register T80LATED TRACT NOTICK For J- Publication, i'ubllc Lhii.I Halo. Serial No, 01700, United States Laud Office, The Dalles, Oregou, June 10, IP00. Notice Is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provisions f Act of Congress approved June 27, 1000, Public No. 303, we w III oiler at public sale to the highest Iddder, at 0:45 o'olnok a, m., on the 6th duy of tugiiKt, 1000, next, at tins o 111 no, the following tract of land, to win eeH o eo 7, to 12 s, r 14 e, w ni. Any peron olaimloj' adversely tl.e ulove deecrlbed lauds ale nd viced to file their cIhiuis, or objections, on or 'fore the day above -detdguated for pale. 0. W. MooltK, 1124 jy20 . Rerlser Nut Coal Land I OMESTEAD. Notice lor Publica tlon DepMrtment of the Inte rior, U 8 Laud Office at The Dalles, Or egon, Jun L'0, 1009. Notice Ih hereby given that PETER NEILS EN VIBI3ERT, "f Youngs, Oregou, who, on June 1, 10t3. made Homestead Serial No. 1 21114 No. 12674, for wjjej, egsw eo IS, tp 0 k, r 14 e, W M, Had tiled notice of Intention to make final rive-year proof, to entiblisb u la I in to the laud above described, be fore Howard W. Turner. U. S. Commis sioner, at his office at Madras, Ore gon ou ttie 12th day of August, 1000. Claimant names as witnesses: LT Lirsoii, L B Larson, W Drown. hill, of Youngs, Oregou; C C Fox, of Madras, Oregon. C. W. MooitK, 8-al2 ReglHter Not Coal Land fj OMESTEAD. Notice for Publica 1 'lion. Department of the Iuterlor, U. S Lind Office at The Dalles, Ore i;on, June 11, 1009. Notice Is hereby given that HERBERT E J VCOBS, of Madras,. Oregou, who, ou April 20, 1001, made Homestead Entry Ser ial No 03147 No. 13301, for iiej sec 35, tp 10 s, r 13 e, Xv m, H filed unilce of intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, h-fore Howard W, Turner, U. S. Commls sinner, at hia office at Madras, Oregon on tiie21tli day of July, 1009. Claimant names as witnesses: B C Dove, E V Doty. Auton Batal uiu. Ssmuel Haberatioh, all of Madras Oregou. C. W. Moore, j!7-Jy22 Register Not Coal Laud It OMEMTEAD. Notice for Publica 4 tlon. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, July 10, 1009. Notice Is hereby given that IRA MeCORMACK, of Madras, Oregon, who, on August 12, 1004, made Homestead Serial N (13277 No 1872, for uwj seo 11, tp 12 , r 18 e, w m, bus filed notice of Intention to make final five-year proof, to establish olaim to the laud above described, be fore Howard W.Turner, D.8. Com mlsiloiier, at his office at Madras, Ore' gon, on the 25th day of August, 1000. Claimant uames as witnesses: John F Corwin, II I Alexander, R II Buruett, of Madras, Oregou, I L Hale, of Culver, Oregon C. W. Mookk, )22ali) . RexlHler V..I rj,.,t l ni.il I I OMESTEAD. Notice f.ir Pidilleatlnn. I I Department of the Interior, U. Lan I Office at The Dalles. Oreeon. t .. I .. 11 tfUVI Notice Is hereby given that HAZEL L. WJIEKLKH, if Orh-zly. Oregon, who, on June 8. 1008. iiiiule Homestead, Serial No. 044451 No, ltWttf, for KtfXKJf, Kf8B4bec 10, tp 12 S, K 15 K, W M, Has filed notice of intention to make final commutation proof, to establish claim to thu land above described, before Warren Brown. County Clerk, ut his office at Priuevllle, Oregon, "on the Stltlt day of August, 11KW. Claimant uames rh witnesses; I) 0 Ony, William Joslhi, of Haydreck Oregon; Marlon Osborn, of QrizzlyrOrc gonjjiattlo QUliiiij of O'Ncil, Oregon, C. W, MOORH GATEWAY TO CENTRAL OREGON 9H0WIN0 LOCATION Tl MADRAS- J COLU&BjAm . PROPOSED RAILROAD 9 ' LL ' "ft . c H I v6. T V YASHINCT III fl 1 f I I X I I - "T I I Vk T V II V X f.i, 1 S ill Jjti ' i w rii j nctm" i ntiLLLFi ill I i .tv . . i a v J i s - I " i : i I. Ill V i j v r i-z-Xra&i Tv-' TT- X ;x i - ' w a i 111 I 1 1 v I . s. -vjr v V.V.1 a i i it v . f I III V , V ' A. . y 2 V . ! Jt -KT I W II i U M V I-M tr s-rZJ: . I M-kJ-WUAl I li I f" III K v. i'S- J' I . I ir " ' JML'i ., III X M I A. I I t. ,J i 1VT .1 . '-jMf I I I e z i v y ' a vv . . sr. "M&'r- f j III .Tl 'V r L- ' ,!i? iii r iy r- y c trr -r I V I I I X 14" 'V I i.ir 1 2. I l 1 I is I 3 III r-w VI . . , I I- v ii i j t n ' i m rvi Mini If 1 3 K L . ic i 7 " w i - i i2 2ui c lu uc luc ianruau center 01 ventrai vu V . ( ' Mairas :-;:-:rz-rz - ..ZStVfZZ - - map 9r ,,. , ' ' I CENTRAL OREQO?:; - ..... MADRAS and investment in Town Property NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY WHILE PRICES ARE LOW For a short time we are selling lots in Madras Townsite and Residence Addition at very low prices. You will want a lot in MADRAS, arid now the time to 'invest to insure Big Returns Tovvnsite DON P. RBA, A. M V Agent