The Madras Ridneer - KUrf -V. , lubllshod every Thursday by THE llORElt PUBLISHING CQ- 8UDSDRIPTI0N RATE8t One year $1.50 monthS...., ....i... .85 Thrco months 50 A.IVKUTISlNO HA.TK8 ON Arn.lCA.T10M Entered ni second class matter August 29. 1904. at tho rostoffibo nt Mndrris. Ore. under the Act ot Congress of March 3, 1879. THURSDAY - JULY 33, 109 EFFORT TO SECURfe IRRIGATION The inoyement started by the Farmers Union last week for the purpose of securing govern ment aid in irrigating a large area of land in this end of the county fs one of the most im portant steps ever taken in this Section. The effort to secure irrigation in no manner reflects upon, the worth of this section as a drj' farming district, bttt is the result of a condition that applies with equal force to any dry farming district, and which is, the large acreages required for successful farming in semi arid regions because of the ne cessity 0 summer fallowing All realize that dry farming cannot be conduoted with profit upon 160-acre tracts and that the small landowner will grad ually and surely be eliminated, until this becomes entirety a district of farms of large acre age. The only remedy is irri gation, under which successful and profitable farming can be conducted upon small tracts, for the soil in the Madras coun try is remarkably productive when favored with sufficient moisture. As the principal pur pose of the Reclamation Service is to provide homes for the many where only a few could ee'ctire a livlihood before, this section of the state should offer a very attractive field for opera tion. It is understood that the gov ernment Reclamation Service is not averse to operating in sec tions which have already come ,into the hands of private own ers, but in tact prefers puch dis tricts for reclamation work, where terms can be arranged with the settlers withont too much discord. On the other hand the government will not enter a field where there is dis cord and frivolous objection to reasonable terms offered, and there, have been instances in this state where it has aban doned proposed projects be cause 01 tnat Kind 01 opposi tion. So far as can be learned no opposition of that kind will! met with in this county, but j the settlers stand ready to work in harmony with the Reclama tion Service. This fact will be assured the Reclamation Ser vice by the monster petition which will be presented, and it , will prove a strong faotor in se curing favorable consideration; of the Crooked River project. puahed to Wiiipletion hs rip idly oV p ossicle, But, as 'tion Btiuction of thti North Bank road requited two1 years, so may construction of this Deschutes canyon road, to a point where it emerges fully into Middle Oregon, require an fqual time. These are among -the difficult problems of railway construe lion. Whether the route by way of The Dalles and the DesbhUte River may, or may not, in tithe, become the more general route between Portland and 3an Francisco, is as yet uncertain. It may be a little longer) but it will have the advantage of lower grades, and may be found shortest.'in point of time. THE AMENDE HONORABLE Work having actually begun on the Des Chutes road it now stands us nil in hand to sliou' for its completion. Anj'howit will be of great benefit to The Dalles, for it is not likely that a town will spring up at the mouth of that river. Hence this city will be the real junc tion point. Aside from this the Optimist will applaud the enterprise, for we have all along supposed Mr. Harriman wan bin fling, and practically Baid a 1 so. as we were in tiie wrong we will now the more cheerfully give mm credit lor going auead with the work.-1-The Dalles Optimist. Not Coal Land iidMEstEAD. Notice for Publication'. fl Bopftrtmont of tho Interior, U.S. Ltthd OfflRft at The Dnl csi Ureann. JUiy ie 1800. . Notlco'la hereby glvoli Hint EFtflE A. AnMJKKSON, fnrmnrlv Kttln A. Tft lor. of taftdrn, Oregon, who, on August t), itavi. mnrin'Ail fScrlnl No 03272 No. 19718, for Lot , etfswtf sec 8i tp 10 a, r 11 nnd Lot 8, see 0, tp 11 8, r i i'i vr tn, Has filed notice of Intention to innko final five-year proof, to establish Claim to tho land nbovo desoilbnlj buroro Howard W. Turner. United States Commissioner, at his office nt Madras. Omioiii on tho Slth day or August, HXW. Claimant names an witnesses: William II Stonohocker.tleorgo V Rich ftt'dsonj James Mayes, James Lee, 'all of Madras, Oregon, y JiKMili) 0. tf. MOOItKi Register , Sotfeoal Land HOMl&TEAD. Not loo for Publl onilm. bep&rtmentof ll.o Inte rior, b. 6. Land Oflloe at 'Iho Dalles dregou, .tune It, 1009. Notice Is hereby given that ROBERTA OAKY, of Lamontaj Oregon, who, oiv July 25, 1004, ruafle Homestead, (Serial No. 08253J No 13082, for elwj, wjei aeo 3, tp 12 s, r 14 e, w m, Hub filed notice of Intention to niaku Until live-year proof, to establish claim to the land aiiove uescrioeu, ueiore Howard W. Turner. X). 8. Commission er, at tils ofllce nt Mudras, Oregon, on the 26tlAlay or July, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses! J B Drown, of Culver, Oregon, Em ma C Bumneri W R Cook, of Madras Oregon; Archie Powell, of Prluovllle, Oregou. U. Y. AlUUHJi, J24 jy22 Register IWall Paper! A 1 A t NEW STOCK-NEW STYLES t PARLOR, INGRAIN & KITCHEN PAPERS Ifurniture LoUCKSfiROSl MADRAS, OREGON THE ACTUAL BEGINNING Oreeonian . It may be supposed tat npw it will begin to be nhdQrstooci . and believed that a railroad is . to enter and . to penettate Mid ,dle Oregon from Hib Columbia iiivex, near Tlieailea, tnrongq the Deschutes canyon. It is the easy way, .with lowest grades. Experience, has taught railroad men that lines which afford least gradients, though .initial construction may coBt . more, are on tho whole cheap est;, .cheapest not ohly for the ,railrdads, but in the long run for Xhi) pottntry they serve, j . To build a road through the Deschutes canyon and to. enter . Middle Oregon by this route, is as great an undertaking as the , North Bank toad froiri the j.raouth of Buolte Eiyer to Port .land. But active, work is be jun on thjs road, and it will be I T. B. TUCKER 1 Horseshoeing and I General Blacksmithin WAGON AND PLOW WORK first-Class Work Guaranteed Located in the old Ilranlw ioj) MADRAS, OJREa m I i r i Fpr Sle (MAN OR WOMAN) R 320-a6Pe South Afri can Veteran Bounty Li and Ceftificate. Issued by the Department of the Ititeiior,Gtovernment oi Uan ada, under the Volunteer Bounty Act, 1003. Good (or. 820 of any Dominion Land open for entry in Al tyerta, Saskatchewan, or Manitoba. Anys person over the age of 18 ypars, Man or Woman, can ac- 2 u ire this land with this lertiiieate without further charge. For immediate sale, $800. Write or wire, Li E. TELFORD, 1 3 fouler St;, TCrOnfO, Can OTXtK feELliCTION. . Totfco for ubJIcatlpii. United BtfttfeH auJ Offlcei Ulib lallefc) Oregdb, July It 1909. Notice la hereby glVen that State of Orepnti has Hied In thin office Its ap plicatlbuj Berlal Uo 05084, to BHlun der the provisions of the A,cL pf Con greits of AUguat l4, 1818, and tho Acte Buppleuientary and nmendjitory there lo, the nwjawi aeo 24, tp 10 b r14 e, W. M. Any and all pgrsUhf) tilnlltaltig ad verse Jy thu Ittutls deflcrlbd; or desiring to object hecatiu! dfVtha'Uilnera! dhar aoter of the land or-for aoyothor. rea aon, to tiio (iiMpoaai to. appii.ciH( should die (heir aflldavita of protoet-lh thlb olllct', on or buiore the 2nd day of &ptembw 1009. . . . J22-a20 0. V, Mooiiu, Jteglstor Not Coal Land W 0ME8TEAD. Notice for Pnhlicn- tion. Department of the Inte rior, U. S. Land Ofllci at The Dulles, Oregon, June 10, 1009. Aotlco l hereby given that CIIIUST HART, . of Madrns, Oregon, who, on December 10, 1903, made IIomeHteud, Serial N 03010 No. 18124, for eiHwi, BvBwi sec 29 and 8elei sec 30, tplic, r 13 e, V M. Has died notlco of Intention to tnako Hiial five-year proof, toeBtabliHh claim tn (he land above described, before Howard .W, Turner, U. S. Comralnfllon er, at IiIh olllue at MadrnB Oregon, on cho 20th day of July, 1009. Claimant names us witnessed Chris Iiegeuauert Fred Heufcke, Dan iel Amsmeler, of Mndrai, Oregon; Jack Dee, of Grizzly, Oregon. C W. Moottfai J24-J22 KegUter. Not Coal Land HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica tion, Department of the Interior U. S. Land Odlce at The Dal lee, Ore gon, June 29, 1009. Notice Is hereby given that CARRIE M. VIJ1BEUT, one of the heirs and for the heirs of Jens Christiansen, deceased, of Young's, Oregon, who on Juno 12, 1003, made Homestead Entry Serial No. 02938 No. 12739, for the wjse, wjne$ sec 19, tp 9 b, r i4 e, w m, Has filed notice of intention to make llnal five-year proof, to ' establish claim tqtlus laudub.ou, described be-.- tore, UowarU W, TUrnBr. uime(; Htat,es Commissioner, a( his ofTIce at iadras, Oregon, on the 12th day of Auglmt, 1009. Claimant names as witnesses: -LT Larson, L B Larson, W Brown hill, of Youugs, Oregnnf C C Fox, of Madras, Oregou. C. W. MOORE, Iy8-al2 Register CLASSIFIED LOCALS FOR 8ALU Flvp head uood horses For parlloulMrH (.ce J. W. llones, nd' mlnliindor 15 1 Ku'oher ostati1. Ma(j run. OreiriUl. It i --- PAINTING and Pnnor llatiKlnif First- clnss tturkninnahlp. Cnll on, or d dress J. M. Larscli, Mmlrna. 11UILDER9 ntid DlCOUATOltS- Como in and suo our OhI-Nauiel Var nishes and 8lnlns. Soint'tldiiR ohtlro ly now. J. 0. A M. A. HobhiHori. LOTS FOR SALE CHEAP.-For n short time only the Madras Town site Company Is offering lots for sale at very low prices. Their ad vori la ment on tho batik page of this paper Mil tnliiH man showluir location of Mndrns with reference to thu t-overal railroad surveys through this sec tion. Construction Of either of these roads will make Madras the trading center of a large territory. The time lobuy'la now, bffore the railroad starts, when prices will advance. HIDES BOUGHT Highest nash prh'e paid lor hidea of all klndw. J. W. Livingston, Madras. tf AUCTIONEF.1U.'G-Ool. AV. 11. Rey nolds, of Mulras, Oregon, an East ern Anetlont'er, will fell all kinds ot meri'haudlKe or stock ; farul salev a speolalty. Will go anywhere In Or egon or adjoining Htates. Regular prlees. Call on or write Col. V H ItKYNOI.DS or A. O. Bauford. nlfi-.1t THE John L. Cauiphell Market of Madras will buy pork, veal, mutton and eggs, Jl-tf WANTED TO EXCHANGB-Portland property for a wheat raneli. O. A. GRAHAM. 1034 Cleveland Avenue, Portland, Oregon. Jlft 4t STKAM HOLLED KEKI) For saloai I lie water statlot. at -n ur pound, J. C. Wayiune, Mailing tf LOST Between Madrnu and tlin Mud rix c-tnetery, a lady' coat. Finder will tdiMtte return to Mtb. C. M Du- neyi Madras. Pnlillea- Interior, Oregon, .V.tCoal 1uiil) HOMESTKAl). Notice for tlon ))epartiuet of the t; S Land Olllce at The Dalles, Inly 11, WOO. Notice i lier'y ulven Hint MAItTIlA M. ALLKX, o- e of t!i" heirs mid for the lielr.t of James A. Allen, diccaM-d, of Haycreek, Orsgry , w u, on October 13, 1902, Hindu Honiostend (Serial No 0SH7MJ No. 115S0. Uk Lots 1, 2. 15 and i, ec 31. ti 10 s, r liS, e, w in Has II I id notlco of Intention to tiutke final five year proof, to oalalilUh claim to the laud above deKcribed, before ll-wnrit W. Tur ner, U. 8. Commissioner, at his ofllce at Madras, Oregon, on the Will day of Au- Olahunut uniiuus ns wltuesiteH: Charles I'arrUli, John McTiKt'arl, of Madras, Oregon; Walter l'arvltdi. of Hood Itlver, Oregon; Lee 0urtln, of llnjcreek, Oregon. . . U. W. JlDOKK, 22-al5 Itelstdr. rsot Coal Laud H03IEBTEAD. Notlco Tor Publl cation, Department of the Inter ior, U & Land Olllce at Tho Dulles, Ore gon, June 20, 1000. Notice is hereby given that PETER MARNACH, of Madras, Oregou, who, on Decern1- ber 4, 1003, made Homestead Entry sejlal No. 03030 No, 16000, for e Beo 32, tp ll , t 18 e, w m, haB Died notlco of intention to make final five-year proof) to establish claljn the land aboVe described) be fore H6Wata Wi Turner, U. B. CommlB. nlonor, l lla ofllce at Madras, Ore gon, pn the 12th day of August, 1000. ClKlrjoaut nameu as wjtnessest H. Klstion. Josenh Marimnh. J TI TLnWey f.' George Kllllugbeck, all uf waaras, uregon. . O. V. MooitB, Register ai - A. c. 'PETERSON i SHANIKO OR Ed ON t Watchmaker ! nd Jeweler I Jewtlry ol all kincli 'rhiJe to or- t tier and reptlred. 6etting (ot x 4 rrecloui 3tonei Inadj, j, I FIRST-CLASS WOR GUARANTEED I. tI OM ESTE A D. No t ice for -Puhlica.! 1 tion, Departrt)enttof the Interior U. a. Land Ullice) Tlie Dullen, Oregon,; .une 11, 1009. ', Notlre Is hereby glvon Ihst AVlLLIAM H. LANOFOKD, of HayHtack, Oregon, who, on July 1, 1003 and additional January 30, 101)5, made HomoMteod,. Herlal No. 02917 and 03408, No, 12tfc0, 14J00, for niHeL seiei sec 10 and swwl seo 20, tp J2' s, r 14 e, w ra, lias filed notice of Intention to make llnai five-year proof, to establish claim to the laud above described, be fore Warren Brown, County Clerk, at his olllco at Prlnevjlle, Oregon, on the 2?th day of July, l'Jl.9. Claimant names as witnessed Homer AleJialiUr,,(pf Madras, Ore gon; Glen Rldguwuy, John A Dobklnsr Edmund Healy, of Culver, Oregpn, C, W, Jlooitl'j, H7Jy22 Register ' I, Not rjoal Landj LJ OMErtTKAD,,., Notlco for Publlca-' tion, Doparliiientnrthotntorlor, U. 6. Lund Olllce atTho Dalles, Oregon.1 June 23, 1000. Notice Is hereby1, given that William e. iiouit, t'f Culver, Oregon, whp, on AngdsMO, 1002, made llomestead (durhil No, 02044) No. 11872, for fHuw'nHV w 29 and seinej eec 30, tp 12 m, sr 14 w m, hint Hied noirCe 6( Inlehllon to hinlte final five-year proof, to establish claim to the 'land rtbpve desUflbed. tyutoro Howard W, Tumeff, Ui h. CoUimiion. er at his olllce at Madras, Oregon, oil the flrd day of August, 1000. Claimant names us wUnessbsi -Jerry Achey, William Bbiiii, Albert ribitlen, Emery t3eeles. all of Lamonta. Oreifrjin, Jyl"-J20 o. y. mooue, RJguiur place Your oi For extras and repaid Deering, Hodge, Acme Champion and pan' harvesting machinerv with me as early as p0Si sible so as save delays Repairs are cash gbbdl MADRAS lirifordj German Restaura & BAKERY, pred neck, MADRAS, OREGON Vm Good Meals 25 Cents lfiSII IlliUAD Hvory Dny Tli r re loaves, 2l5ct. EaitcilGeraisnBwetDwglaiii Xjoatrlnsr E0CK13 In. CcnneoUca U INS Eli mm Suniet Mailne offer the readers of this ppcr til lt tntmk I I 111 Ma am. rwn tl S $3.00 RCVICW OF RCVICWS . , . $3.00 SUNSET MAGAZINE .... 1.00 WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION 1.23 AND FREE with your order, a beautiful premium.! fata I Itluitratcd in four colon with III Wuttnrlm SUNSET M A G AZ1NE n aHCieo, curoai t wmmmmmmmmmdmmmmmmmmmmmmimdmmmt SPECIAL SALE EXTENDED For ono week beginning Monday July 26, and ad ing Saturday July 31, wc will offer for tale at One-Third Off regular price a fine line of LADIES' STAPLE and FANCY COLLARS Ranging in price from 15c to $1 eatli. Abo a good aesof tmcht of Ladies' Wash Beb NO OLD STOCK-ALL THIS SEASON'S GOODS,..,..H,..,i.1......w.'M'M'l.... )Hvi'H.i'i.iM unrw MadrasTradingCo. . . . if AnCD N EAT JOB PRIffli 'If 'you need kTTfi WEADft Envelopes, or other com merolai. Printing ineiudlntf 'fepBfiiarftuled job work of w 'kifid, tfWe us your order, IN WOfeK AND PRICE