The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, July 22, 1909, Image 3

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" "y
when tho Tuiklsli soldiers In Ania Minor sack and
" .. i,Aniu npnnle nro horrified at tholr sud lack
AiirO Ill's nv."""""
i lvllizatlon, but a French writer cornea forward to re-
id u J"8t nt tl)ls Umo tlmt tho 8Ocall0cl civilized na
i are robbing tho Bdhoola to support tholr aoldlora.
mmi cornea to about tho same thing. U a man Bpeut
1 . Mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' I I 1111 I.Ulin 111) LW, 1111 bLillUlDIi n DLIIUUf
... aimfM ua 1 1 1 - u -
..i.i I.- nAimlilrirrrl fl 1 linn) In nr ft ilnsnnr.-wln
. . 1. UnilUI UV ' -.- ... - - " " 1' " I
t It oppcurs that this lo precisoly what tho power
If Europe are doing. Tho Paris rovlow, Mon DImanoho,
J!' ... fvn Mmfto na Twnnli nn finr nitmi
"Frsnco 8icua w
as oho docs on tho Intellectual training Of her children.
Germany gives to educational purposes ono-thlrd of tho
amount alio devotes to military purposes. In Austria
and Russia tho proportion between school and caserne
expenditure is as two to nine. Italy spends upon her
army nino times as much as she devotes to public edu
cation. Belgium is exemplary In that her military and
education budget stand as eight to four. Tho only ex
ception to this rulp of priority In military expendlturo
is Bwitzerland, which devotes twice as much to the ed
ucation of her children as she lays out on the purchase
of powder and shot and tho pay of her defenders.
tii utriicirlo nnticlit avnlleth,
ihnr find ilio wound nrw viuh.
. ... i-t.. twi frt Until.
e cur mv - . . . .
And tlilngi nave ucon nicy ron..
t fm m mn. llrt l!nrt '
hopes ww uuh-, irai. v . .
It may be. ' J'0" h"10"0 conccwcu,
.,.,i. Minim nVti now the filer.
onr LVHiinm" - . . .
. .1... -- i.uun.1 run iiniii.
Aaa UUl if i"u -
.n. ii.. ifxii'Ai vnlnle hrpnk.
' MS' ....
Sftm here no pnlimil incu io gain,
Z DCS, IMIUUfcH V-l vv
,MS( ...
JOIOcI lieill novum lUf ...
A nnt bv Mtprn windows only,
tmcn Unj'llKIU CVIIH'B. wiuwi m
light ;
j i it.. .... .llmtia Iiaii. mIaivIv
irODl. IUC Pllll IIIIIUW. t.W Tt n.v....,
But wMtwnnl, look, the land Is bright.
lit... IT1..I, Plmmh "
Humble Pie
...... , .,. 1
"I orerheard tho offer my father
a mw Al .1 - . I . . I
nn vnn. t 1111 liiiiih. liim iiuwii.ii in
"'erv much more."
"I have soma money lying idle, Mr.
tpi. il ih rn v nwii. iril mn ur
Grandfather Atwood. Will .you
it ninnBiu-.iai ritn 1111 v nn 1 ti i f rH i
jour devlco?"
The younc man's faco flushed.
na tin wmi n r nn
"You aro quite In earnest about
mi nn mnrmiiPOM
"Your question Is not compliment
tald the girl. "I am In earnest,
11 1 v'l 1 inn nnn rinnrnrf nv mv innivop
w .. --
I ha ft nnlnoiol(ni nna htAa tli n t
will be at the law olflco of John
Dalafleld Is my advisor and holds
lsgacy In trust for mo. I will
watched him narrowly.
rYes," he answered, "unless I wake
ana and this Is all a dream."
num. bub gravoiy saia, "inai
to the full aatlafaction of my ad-
was quite ovorwholmod bv hor
Mur. in 111 v 11 iiimrnr nnfTin rr - - nn nn.
" b WU 1IUI1D1 t
v uuuun 11111 III 1(1 1 vr nnnri
-.o 10 u lesi iransaciion." Bne
!l V.. I .!. .
-JUILIl 111 yuui .UBV1CO
"Ut the rheumatic Iok was no
.vmw.,h uu mo ouonionoa.Biooi.
EOlt fnntfnll ,!..... 1,1. ... 11
- . . . w l.V.WllblUHI
-ome n. Plnrnnrn " hn .nllo.l
'UU Elrl rntnn nn.l nn t... 1,1. .m.
.u dul, ujf 11 1 n niuo
the Inar ctnnl
"I. .11- .....
Miiu, aaauy." she said.
ur in-own aeaa against
cii, uearieY"
ni luiiutiv Hcroirnn inn nrnwn
reeling pretty cood. AaAiWv
i aearleT"
NO twltirrno"
'oi ror a lone tlmn."
1 - -
BV tlFf.1.1. . .1 ...
... MH"uu iuu c ran if 11 no ninrn.
V All .lll.11
vu uinn-r ant TvinM iHNnAH J-.J
inl QUlte fliirA vnn IMntf
A i..i. . . ;
'prhaps the humble nl I at to.
DOllOll in.
uumpio pie, daddy?"
1 SUess thnt'a ..11 it i
' me about It."
J 'aughed again.
' 1 "l"1 Put your daddy In a very
1 ki But rn te" yu b0Mt
aaa an aDnolntmnnf y,u atta.
u with a certain nartv at vonr old
aa DeUiieid'.. i Wfta a litti. Hv
In gottlng there I wanted to ask Del
afield Homo uuestions."
"Yea, daddy."
"Well, tho certain party "
"Tho man you wero to meet?"
"Yes, He's a young man. Ills name
Is Andrus."
"That's It, Robert AndruB. He
wasn't there when I arrlved,and that
gave Delaflold an opportunity to tell
me about him. If Delafleld is right,
he's a rcmarkablo worthy young fel
low straight, honest and flno as silk.
What's tho matter, dearie?"
"Tho flro makes ray faco bum, dad
dy. I'll move a little back."
"Perhaps you don't caro for the
"Oh, yes, daddy, go on."
"Well, tho funny part of it is that
I onco turned this same young fel
low down cold. It happened one day
when I was homo hero with tho mis
ery In my leg. And there I was In
Delafleld's ofilco, keeping an appoint
ment with the very samo youngster."
"Go on, daddy."
"The boy had perfected a valuable
devlco, a transmitter of a remark
ably ingenious type. Ho brought' It to
me. Ho thought tho Carter Motor
Company could use it. I knew it was
a good thing the Instant I looked at
It But you know, daddy Isn't exactly
hlmoelf when tho rheumatism nips
him." ,
"I know, daddy."
"Well, I gave- htm to understand
that wo didn't want his device. But
I offered to buy it from him and de
stroy It. Ho wouldn't sell. Somehow
"teu, me auout it."
I felt suro ho would como back and
accept my offer. I was positive he
couldn't get tho capital he needed to
start a plant and manufacture the
thing and that's whore I was wrong.
Somebody let him have the money,"
"Who was It, daddy?"
"I don't know. But tho plant was
built and proved a good thing from
tho very start. Tho boy found a mar
ket for his Invention almost iramedi
atelyand tho little factory has been
working right up to its limit. It got
mo scared some time ago. And I
was still more scared when I hoard
that tho National Engine Company
wanted tho factory's entire output.
The Carter Motor Company couldn't
stand by and let that happen. And
so I was there In your old frlend'B
office, prepared to arrange a deal with
this gifted youngster. Well, he came
in presently a flno looking lad, man
ly and scrupulously! polite. He really
seemed glad to boo me which might
be wondored at. Well, I mado up my
mind in less than no time that there
was nothing to bo gained by boating
about tho bush, and so I came right
out and offered him $200,001) for his
plant and his patents, and, in addi
tion to this, the position of manager of
our works with a 10,000 salary."
Tho girl suddenly laughed.
"Why, that was flno, daddy, And
what did the gifted young man dor
'Tho glftod young man novor turn
ed a hair, If he was surprised at
my offer he carefully concealed the
fact. He thanked me, but added that
ho would be guided entirely by his
partner, who owns a half Interest In
tho factory and patents, Ho prom
ised to lot mo know his partner's de
cision very soon, and I bad to be
satisfied with this promise. And that,
dearie, la what I call eating, humblo
plo and lotB of it."
Thero was a little silenco.
"Dnddy," said the girl, "I want youi
"But I know nothing about hats or
Sho softly laughed.
"It's a money matter this time, dad
ry. I bought a half Interest In a
manufacturing plant a year ago and
I've been offered 400 per cent profit
on my Investment if I sell out."
The old man stared down at her.
, "That sounds good. What's tho
plant called?"
The girl hesitated.
"It's the Andrus Transmitter Com
pany, daddy."
"What I"
"Yes. daddy. I'm the ' partner who
must be consulted."
"Yes, daddy. What do you advise
me to do?"
"Let mo get my breath, you ras
"All right, daddy. Take your time."
Sho looked toward tho door. "Rob
ert!" she called. And Robert Andrus
entered tho room. "Hero Is my part
ner, daddy."
Tho old man stared at the newcom
"Well, well," he muttered,
"And, daddy, Robert's prico has
gone up. I I found It out this after
noon. Ho wants me, too!"
The old man stared from Robert to
tho girl. Her arm stole around his
"Say It's all right, daddy."
He sank back with a sigh of resig
nation. "More humble pie," he murmured
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Doctorliijqr by the Contract.
Suppose we pay the doctor by the week
To doctor us however great or slight fs
Our ailment health insurance, bo to
speak ;
We'd probably have less appendicitis.
Likewise If things could just bo thus
fixed up
So we on the Installment plan could
buy a
Good bunch of health 'tis likely that our
Would not bo bitter from neurasthenia.
It certalnly's a mort attractive scheme
Thus to avoid tho periodic shndedowb
From bills that break us, so we'd never
Of suffering again from general break
down. The joy of living It would color so
'Twould seem that we saw life's Ugh.
through a prism,
And yet we have uome dire doubts, don't
you know, ,
About our darned old chronic rheuma
tism. But let us pay the doctor by the Week, '
As we pay for our furniture and fix
tures, And maybe we the druggist need not seek
So often, for those queer prescription
Indianapolis Nows.
Ilia Model.
Many a youth Is taken with tho de
alro to wrlto. Often ho does not know
exactly what ho wishes to compose,
but the Itch for the pen is strong. Tho
Bellman tells the Btory of an ambi
tious young man who called upon a
Chicago publisher.
He informed tho publisher that ho
had decided to writo n book.
"May I venture to inquire as to tho
nature of tho book you propose to
write?" asked the publisher, very
"Oh," camo In an offhand way from
tho aspirant to literary fame, "I think
of doing something on tho lino of 'Los1
Miserables, only livelier, you know."
Never 8y l)jc,
"Yes," ho chattered. "I will lovn
you Just as much when you ar old
and gray!"
"Well." said she, decisively, "I nay
live to be old, but I'll never bo gray!"
Detroit Free Press.
What is Castor ia.
rASTOEIA is a haimloBS suMtate for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops wj
Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opto, Morpbne nor
other Harootio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays
Peverishness. It cares Biarrhosa and Wind Oolio. It relieves Teething
cores Constipation and Money. It assimilates the Fobd, regulates the Stomach
and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho ohildren's Panacea-The
Mother's Friend.
Tho Kind Ton Have Always BougM, and which has been in use for over
80 years, has tome tho signature of Ohas. E. Fletcher, and has been made under,
Ms personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you ra this,
ill Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle Witt
and endanger the health of Infants and OMldren-Experience against Experiment.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. n. rietcner.
Stomaiis aadBowaf
dpiimi.Mofph.iiic norMaeraL1
JhstJlia Sad
.il'i it t
QerBtd Sugar
rhutBirtm Hsrs?,
Hon , Sour Storaach.Dlantoa
Worms jConvulswns J; evemit-
racS'urdk Signature a
n- rtnmM Blattncr. of Buffalo. K. Y., naya: "Your Castorla Ia good
lor children nnd I frequently, prescribe It, always ohtalnlnff tho desired
results." ,
Dr. Gustava A. Elsengraebcr, 'of St. Paul, Minn., says: I haro usea
your Castorla repeatedly In my practice "with cood results, and can recom
mend It as an excellent, mild and harmless remedy for children."
Dr. D. J. Dennis, of St Louis, Mo., says: " havo used and prescribed
your Castorla In my sanitarium and outside practice for a number of yeara
and find It to be an .excellent remedy for children."
Dr. S. A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: MI havo used your Cas
torla in the case of my own baby and find It pleasant to take), and have
obtained excellent results from its use." !
Dr. J. E. Simpson, of Chicago, III., says: I have used your Castorla In
cases of colic In children and have found It the best medicine Of Its kind
on the market"
Dr. It E. Esklldson, of Omaha, Neb, says: "I find your Castorla to e a
standard family remedy. It Is the beat thing for Infants and children
have ever known and I recommend It"
Dr. L. It Robinson, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Tour Castorla certainly
has merit Is not its ago, Its continued us by mothers through all thesa
years, and tho many attempts to Imitate It sufficient recommendation?
"What can a physician add? Leave It to tho mothers."
Dr. Edwin P. Pardee, of New Tork City, says: "Per several years I have
recommended your Castorla and shall always continue to do so, as it hasi
Invariably produced beneficial results."
Dr. N. B. Slzer, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I object to what aro called,
patent medicines, where maker alone knows what Ingredients are put In.
them, but I know the formula of your Castorla and advise Its U3c"
gcnuincCASTOKIA always
eari tn
r i iiiinTTaani
itaaaaawi '
jrjf jjeari mo signature oi
.Guaranteed untkrihe rood
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Tie KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
"Isn't there some talk that Gringo 1
going to enter the ministry?"
'The ministry? Why O, I see. That'i
what he really wants, but he Intends to
try for a consulship first" Chicago
Ilia Speedometer.
Inquls'tive Person IIow do yon tell
how fast you are going?
Chauffeur I watch the expression of
the faces of the policeann as I whis post
Avernurea All nisrlit.
Tenant (of flat) One of the radiator!
In that large room of mine is alwayi
cold, winter and summer.
Janitor (with a scowl) Well, Pvi
heard you say that the other one is al
ways hot, winter and summer. Ain't ii
a standoff?
Ilia liauul Wuy,
The new waitress sidled up to a
dapper young man at the breakfast
Jable, who, after glancing at the bill,
opened his mouth, and a noise Issued
forth that sounded like the ripping oft
of all of tho cogs on one of the wheels
In the power house. The new waitress
made her escape to the kitchen. "Fel
low out there insulted me," she said.
The head waiter looked nt him. "I'll
get it," be said. "That's Just tho train
caller ordering his, breakfast" Argo
paut A. J.ito lrun.
"Jones says that ho always gets to
tho bottom of anything he under
takes," "Don't doubt, it At school ho waa
always at the foot of the class."
Baltimore American.
A I'urlat nt Large.
"Let mo see the census gives your
town about 0,000 doesn't it?''
"No, sir; our town glyea the census
Double Crossed.
Froddte-T-They havo the no-brealc
fast fad around our house.
BobbleHow do you Btand It?
Freddie Pretty well, except whon
I'm bad and got sent to bed without
any supper. Puck,
Plenty of people can stand adversity,
but only a few can. stand prosperity.
"Clifford," asked the teacher, "who
wiuie iuu Junius letters'
"11 don't know, ma'am," answered
the terrified little boy. "I 'didn't I"
Where They Don't Mussle En,
Suburbanite You are half an hour
late this morning.
Letter Carrier Yes, ma'am; the aec
Uous of stovepipe I have to wear Inside
my trousors legs on account of the doki
rou keep along this street hamper aiy
MQTements, ma'am. Chicago Tribune.
KaeaplHaT by a Teehnlenllty.
Teacher Tommy, what ia, an Improper
Tommy You don't 'apect me U mea
Mob It 'fore all these people, do you?
There Are Others.
"Bings is afraid that he may be pros
ecuted for polygamy."
"Why, he Is married to only one
person, ain't he?"
"That Is what he thought for a
while, but now it appears that he mar
ried her whole family, and there are
seven of them." California .Weekly.
Mothers win fln Mrs. Wintlow8 Boo thin
Byruptnebtistremear to uso lor their cMldraj
during the teething period.
Merely Friendly.
Elderly Relative Mortimer, what are
your intentions in regard to Miss jiul-lion?
Scapegrace Nephew Strictly honoraA
ble and praiseworthy, uncle.
Elderly Relative I am glad to hear
that Mortimer. I was afraid you were
going to try to persuade her to marry
you. Chicago Tribune.
"Before I began Using Cascarcts I had
a bad complexion, pimples on my face,
and my food was not digested ositshould
have been. Now I am entirely well, and
the pimples have all disappeared from my
face: I can truthfully Bay that Cascarets
are just aa advertised; I have taken only
two boxes of them."
Clarence R. Griffin, Sheridan, Ind.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good.
Do Good. Never Slcken.Weaken or Gripe,
10c, 23c, 50c Never sold In bulk. The Kenu
Ino tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to
cure or your money back. 927
r?, attru
pad kill U aits.
Aeiu, close, orns
usntsJ. eonven.
Ict,clitp. Lasts
all season. Can
not ii.lll or tip
OTsr, wiU not aoQ
or Injure any.
tDlntr. Oasxsntesd
dlers, or sent prepild for 20 cent. otmXl
HAROLD S0MEns,15O DeKalb Ae., B'kljn., H. Y.
DPOIPI TT A pure chninhnf
XJKjCiO LH1 V 1 S" Pwder that
all that the
hlirh priced bakin
powder will do and does
ft better. It raiies the
dough and makes light
er. tweeter and. better
rUenf opd. Sold by gr0
cer ?5p P Pound, j,
you will send ua yotu
wiU .end yon a book on health an"d KowdeV
CFESCENT MFG. CO. Seattle, Wn.
No. 29-09
WHKK wrlUa-r to advert! bImm
mention tkl paper.
HOWARD E. BURTON Assurer and Chemist,
Leadrille, Colorado. Specimen prices: Gold,
Silver. Lead. SI. Gold. Sllter. TSo; Gold, 60c: Zlno
orCoyper. SL HIlint enrelopea and fall price list
sent oa application. Control snd Umpire work so.
llcited. Refarenco: CarbonsteSatlonsl Bsnlc
TSmsXM OffMil
BBH'fBk ' asPsPsPsPsPsPsi
tl Years a Leader In PalnUaa Dental
Work in Portland.
Out-of-Town People
?w .uK1.,r5nlf,Utht our 'orce Is so amused
UnUlGE AND PLATE WOIll? im'av1
For the Next Flftvon Days
Wo will elyo you a good 22k gold or pore,
lain crown for ... aa
Molar crrwn....,.,,,,yy''!'"''"""" ia?
uoiaorenamel alUns-a., " i3
uwuruBocr puis , ......I; lal
ThebitrW rubber piatai., " SjS
Palnlaea extracUosia, M 'al
Dr. W. A. Wis
The Wise Dental Co.