The Pirate of . RUPERTSARCENT JJE HOLLAND Author of "Tho Count at HArvard," etc Copyright, ip08. by J. D. Llpplncott Company. All rights reserved. llA Til HE PIRATE romance of power and brought in that gives great spirit and tKe Atlantic coast RUPERT SARGENT HOLLAND ' is the author of this entrancing serial, and his gifted pen has done fine work in depicting events that are stirring and entertaining. There is the mysterious Ship and the modern Pirate; there is beautiful Barbara Graham, a fine young girl to admire and love, and the gallant ad venturer, who meets with some thrilling experiences! The air of the mystical about the story is warranted by an absorbing and well devised plot The Pirate of Alastair is essentially a story of the times, recently written, copyrighted, and is a serial having features that commend it to every reader as a capital romance. We bespeak for this narrative a very favor" able reception, and do not hesitate to pronounce it one of the leading romances of its class modern, interesting, and having all the elements of a splendid story. CHAPTER 1. Ton know Alastair? No how should you? Very few people know it, and I have done my best to keep the secret to myself. The place lies, however, not so Very far from great cities on the Atlan tic coast. You take a train northward from Boston, and when you reach the y.roper station you alight and climb into a countryman's wagon, and he drives you through the pines by a twisting, sand built road to Alastair. You will know it because you can go no farther, unless you choose to drive into the waves. Few people come to Alastair. Most of the travelers in this part of the world turn off about a mile inland from the beach and go on for another mile and a half to the Penguin Club. The latter is full of Xew Yorkers who come to the pines and the sea to bunt and fish and forget Wall Street and Fifth Avenue. .They forget it by keeping close together, and dressing for dinner, and dancing every other night. Alastair itself is only a beach between two great headlands. From the end where my cottage stands, snugly hid in the pines on the edge of the dunes, the beach stretches smooth and white to a little land-locked harbor at the farther end. Sit on my porch and look down along the sands to the east and you will see a reef of rocks shaped like the letter U that closes In a little salt water lake with the aid of a distant cliff. It Is not quite a lake, rather a. small in land sea, for the tides have room to ebb and flow. A ship is settled Into the eands of this sea, settled upright, so that one may walk the decks, and I often go there of an afternoon when the tide is low and climb on board. It Is a good place to sketch, and I can leave my paluts and canvas in the cabin. I stumbled across Alastair when I was looking for a quiet place In which to write. I found the dilapidated cottage, camped in it for a week, and fell so much In love with the beach that I went to town, bought the bonne and part of the woods, and moved in. Charles, the man who bad served my father before me, de murred at first, but finally gave In, and turned himself into cook, housemaid, and valet for my sake. From my balcony I can sec the distant rocks of the little inland sea and, stand ing up above them, the high sides of the Bblp, and its single remaining broken mast pointing straight ' to tho heavens. Bometimes the stars seem to outline where the missing spars and sails should be. and on a bright night I can half close my eyes and fancy Uiat I see the rigging lighted and lanterns burning on tne quarter-deck. There Is history hidden In that bat tered hulk, She Is, no ordinary vessel, nnd may once, for all I know, have been a pirate croft. She has the long clipper lines of swiftness, and her high, bulging bow is of a type long past. When I first came to Alastair I made inquiries as to her history, but the oldest furmer could tell me pnly that she had always been there so far as be knew, and dis missed the subject as of no Importance The people of the near-by country ap peared never to have boarded the casta way. I felt the joys of Crusoe when I first climbed on her deck. The name was gone, long ago washed out by the pea; the deck was bare, and the top of the forecastle choked with sand. I brought a shovel nnd dug away the ram part drifted against (he hatches, At Jart I could open the door and, clearing tho steps of what, little sand had sifted through, I descended Into the cabin. It OF ALASTAIR is a love and adventure of great interest There is a charm to this story that is manifest in every chapter. While the incidents deal with modern, every-day life, the author has a glamour of the romantic variety to happenings along was mildewed with damp and water, but In time, by bailing nnd letting the sun in, I dried it out and found quite a hab itable apartment, furnished with 'table and chairs and a row of bunks along the seaward aide. Whatever there had been that was portable the first wreckers must years before have carried off. All that was left was a heavy oaken chest, stud ded with brass nails, now greenish-yellow, and when I broke the lock I found the chest bare. My fancy loved to play about the ship. Often I dreamed of her and of a man who should come up out of the sea and tread her deck again. lie was al ways 'a magnetic figure, and I never could resist the call of mystery to light beside him. CHAPTER II. It was the most beautiful August that I remembered. The air was clear as a bell, and day after day the sun rose on a tranquil world nnd smiled at it for joy. Every morning at breakfast I would say to Charles, "Did you ever know such weather, Charles?" and ho would answer. "Xo, sir, I never did, sir," and every evening at supper I would 'say, "It has been a glorious day, Charles, hasn't it?" and he would answer, "It has, sir, indeed it has, sir." My family servant made a perfect echo. The afternoon on which I finished the first half of my book I sat for some time on the porch outside my den, smoking. I was too serene to stir. I watched the gulls circle and skim above the pine crowned cliff, and the lazy waves, rising occasionally Into sparkling white caps, lift their heads and duck again like play ful dolphins. The tide was coming in; I coufd mark the great wet circles on the beach as it advanced, now receding for a moment, but quickly recovering the lost ground and marching on, steadily winning over the yellow sands. It would be high-tide by sunset or a little after; everything was setting in from sea to land; tho salt smell was coming strongly on the cast wind. About f o'clock I shut the door of my cottage nnd started down the beach, con scious of no further plan than to board the ship nnd, possibly, catch something of the late afternoon color for my can vas. Now and again I stopped to watch small flocks of sand-snipe scurry over the wet, glistening sands, now to watch a wave recede and Jpave a path of opales cent pebbles In Its wake. There were jewels for all the world and to spare as long as the water bathed tho atoneo. So. wnlklng leisurely. I camo in time to the far end, and looked across the har-' boring rocks to the ship. To my surprise, a young woman stood on the deck, and fluttering from a splinter of the mast was a white handkerchief. She was look ing across nt me, her hands shading her eyes from the sunset glitter at ray back, nnd as she taw me look up she waved her hand beckonlngly The easy path to the ship lay through a small break where, the rock.8 joined .the. cliff, but this break was some distance off. With a smile for what I saw must hare happened to the skippcrl I climbed over the near est rocks and stood on the edge of the little Inland sea. Sure- enough, tho lido in rising had covered the causeway to the cliff, and was pouring In, fast filling the harbor, like tho bowl of a flooded fountain, The water was not yet-deep; It barely covered tho path by which tho explorer had come, and even off the rocks In front of It It was scarcoly up to my knees. TUB woman of the ship called, "I'm marooned. I came by tho path and for "frol all about tho tide. What shall I &?" She pointed towards th way she had come, but I was lu rough clothes "and qulto used to n wetting, so I waded In and, crossing tho shallow bowl, quickly scrambled on to the high deck. I stood up dripping nnd laughing. "So you thought you'd co for a sail,' I ABkcd, "hut didn't think you'd sail so, far from lnnd?" Tho girl I saw now that she couldn't be moro than 20 looked qulwlcally at me for a second, then milled, nnd finally laughed, "It was such a very real ship," sho said, "that I couldn't resist the call. fell asleep sitting against tho gunwale, and when I woke up tho water was over tho path not very far over, but quite enough to ruin theso forever." Sho pointed to her kid slippers. "I was grow ing desperate when I saw you on the bench." I-was studying the slippers; thore was no question but that tho salt water would ruin them. Sho inspected them also. "It was very foolish of me to wear them, but I had no Idea of going far when I left the club. The first thing I know, I caught a glimpse of tho wnter, and then I forgot the slippers nnd walked on until I camo to that cliff, nnd from thero I saw this Httlo harbor and this boat, and I couldn't resist that, could I?" I shook my head. "Nobody could re sist It." "I had Just about come to the point of taking them off and wading In," sho went on, and then finished, "when sighted you." "I can go away again," I suggested, "No," she said slowly; "I'd rather you didn't do that. Thero must be some other way out of It." "Thero are several other ways," I nn swered. "I've often studied tho problem from this very deck." I thought she looked n little btt sur prised. "Do' you often find people ma rooned here girls, I mean?" "No, but I've often wondered what I should do if I did. To tell the truth. I've never found any ono here before, but tho ship looks as If sho ought to bo In habited. She's a good ship, and once belonged to a pirate chief. "How do you know that?" sho asked. "By the oaken chest bclow-deck. It has the pirate look, though thcic'a noth ing in It." "Yes," she said; "I made an exploring trip and I found the chest." "Don't you agree with rac, then?" Again there came that quizzical look in lier eyes, and then the smile. "Yes," she said; "it must have belong ed to a pirate." She stopped short and the smile spread from her lips to her eyes. "Shall I tell you a secret? When I fell asleep here an hour ago I dreamed of pirates, of a real old-fashioned buc caneer who came up out of the cabin fully armed, pistols in his pockets nnd In his bands nnd n pistol clenched in his teeth. The funny part of it is that ho wns exceedingly polite to me. Do you ever have such foolish dreams' as that?" "Often; a buccaneer calls on me every other week. I'm only waiting for the chnnce to ship with one. I think their ghosts must still Inhabit Alastair." The girl s hand stole up to capture1 some loose strands of hair, nnd for the first time I noted the tino spun gold In the ran. "Alastair?" she repeated. "Oh, so this is the beach of Alastnir and you ?" She paused. "You must be the man they told me about at the club you live In a cottage at the far end of the beach, nnd write books, and never come out of your shell." I bowed. "I am the man," I said, "and yonder Is my home." I pointed west ward to where the tip of my balcony allowed between tho dunes. "What a beautiful little world!" she said, nnd then, a moment later, "but hotv lonely! Who named the place Alas tair?" "I don't know. Its always been called that, apparently." "It's a lovely name. And what do you call the ship?" .. "Oh, just the Ship. Her other name disappeared years and years ago." "The Ship of Alastair. Ana do you sometimes come on board of her to writer "No. I have a den for that Some times I come here to paint. I keep my things In the cabin. "Yes, I found them," she said. "Ion see, I know n great deal moro about you than you think." (To he continued.) l,rf -IIitiil-l Ilnrlirra. "Of course left-handed persons nre Bcnrce anyhow," Mild the mini who car ries Ida hnbltH of observation even Into the barber's chair, according to the Washington Post, "but they arc mighty Hcarce nmong barbers; in fact, have seen hut two or threo In my experi ence. "But you nre Btire to notice It when you do llnfl one. lie does Just iih elite-lent work, but It Ih the way ho does It that attracts your notice. "The harbor ns n rule stands nt the right of the customer while Hhnvlng him, making little trips to the back nnd to tho left only when necessary. Nat urally, I suppose, tho left-hnnded bar ber does Just the opposite; ho stands most of tho tlmo lit your left. "For that reason yon won't find n left-handed barber In the middle of a lino of bnrbcrs. His chair has to stand nt ono end so that ho won't hump Irito Uio right-handed ono next to him. "Like most left-handed persons his right Is more dexterous than tho left hand of right-handed persons usually Is, no shaves you with either hand, but prefers the left. Ho strops a razor Just as a rlghtrhnnded one does, how ever, and that Is about the only point of similarity." No WiUkliiff. Mrs. PBmlth Your husband hasn't done much walking since ho bought his auto, has ho? Mrs. KJones I should say not He got thrown out and broko his leg tho first tlmo no tnca to run it -Cleveland. Leader. In point of geographical elevation Madrid hi the highest city in Euro?, n.i.1.1 llnn If II II ft ft A small house which can bo occupied by a brood sow nnd hor llttor Is the healthy hogs, uvok ivi 4 muiiin It Is tho most cleanly and sanitary, nnd with woll-arranged yards tho pigs can bo enrod ror witn pracucnii In n Innc ltOUflO. ututu t w w ft w r A very economical and useful house Is shown In tho accompanying cms. It KUAJIKWOltlC AND WMEJtSIOJfB. Is sot on 2xC ln. runners and tho hoUso If 0 ft. 4 In. long and 7 ft. 8 In. wldo, A tight, smooth floor, with no cracks or knot holes, is ossontlnl. Tho framo will allow 10 ft boards and battoua to bo Bawcd In two. At ench end of the houso Is a door 2 ft. wido nnd 2 ft. C In. high, which slips up and down between grooves or cleats, and Is hold up by a ropo passing through a small pulloy at tho rldgo. It Is quite deslrablo to havo doors nt both ends. A necessary adjunct to a sanitary pen Is tho ventilator In tho roof. Two of tho 12 In. roof boards nro sawed off coMi'urrai noci house. a fow Inches from tho rldgo. Strips 2 In. thick nro nailed above tho battens, which will raise tho venttlntor 3 In, above tho roof boards and glvo ample vontllntlon while preventing direct drafts. Farm and Home. Milk mill Illklncr. Many peoplo bellovo that milk Is ready-mndo and stored In tho udder of tho cow Blmply awaiting tho nillkor. This impression Is corrected by tho statement of tho well-known scientist. John Burroughs, who says: "Most persons think that giving down or holding up the milk by tho cow Is n voluntary act In fact, they fancy that the udder Is a vessel filled with milk, and that tho cow releases or withholds It just as sho chooses. But tbo udder is a manufactory; It Is tilled with blood from which tho milk la manufactured whllo you milk. This process Is controlled by tho cow's nervous system; when sho Is oxclted or In any way disturbed, as by a stranger, or by taking nway her calf, or .any othor cause, the process Is ar rested and the milk will not flow. Tho nervous energy goes elsewhere Tho whole process Is ns Involuntary as Is digestion In man and Is disturbed or arrested In about tho same way. In diana Farmer. stopimure of Milk rioiT. A very common trouhlo In ovorv dairy Is to And nn animal with tho point of tho teat closed, cither dim to a bruise of teat itself or to infection of the milk duct which causes a lit tle scab to form, and unless this Is properly handled with caro and clean liness the Infection Is npt to cause a oss of tho entire quarter. Thoroughly wash tho part In on antiseptic solu tion: then dip a teat nluc Into n i.nni. Ing ointment and Insert It. allowing same to remain from ono milking to another. In this mannor nlosuro can bo overcomo in a very slmnlo and . lsfnctory way. A milking tube should not do used if It can pobh b v bo nvnM. ed, aB there Is much danger of In foot- ins Uio entire quarter bv lt nn Denver Field nnd Farm. Vlwor In t)i Flock. The period of usefulness of mnA sheep varies much with tho breed as well ns with Individuals of tho samo breed. Some become unprofltnblo at throo or four yenrs of nge, othorB at ten or twelvo or oven oldor. Whr.nn. a sheop begins to show slgnB of, weak ness, oviaence or dlscaso or lack of thrift and vigor It should bo romoved from tho flock. "All Is lost that IN poured Into a cracked dish:" nil I loat that Is put Into an unthrifty sheep worse than lost often, m diseased sheep may do groat darnngo to mo hock, nna wnon ono loses thrift It loses Its natural nowor to rninf easo. Nature has marked such a ono for destruction, nnd tho shephord should forestall nature by disposing of It Orango Judd Rarmor. Creamery Duller Production. rPll n 1000 AAHDIIU . . 1 . . ...w "V" wviiaua buvu lUO tOtal Amount, nf prMmorif ). , - iuitur iiiaaa in the United States as 420,120,000 pounds. Tn Kin! Mm fllrliro. ... 1 . ."' ..w .loutva increased to r.11 ionnnA .. it i- . . . .. vu,-iuVvvv, mm iv m esiimatoa that the 1910 figures will ronM, ..n.. .wvw AUJIJT (49 900,090 pounds. ' The VnvtH Crenm flepnrnter, Buttor making In tho homo dairy And creamery hnn boon Almost revo lutionized by tho Introduction of tho farm suparntor, which sepnratos cream from milk by a contrltugal process. Tho shallow pun or crock ayatom nnd tho doop-aottlng system havo boon largely eliminated, and with tholr oxlt a considerable part of tho drudgory of tho household dltmp poarod. Tho farmer la now no longor required to make tho daily trip to tho croamoryj ho can retain tho skim milk to feed his calvos and pigs nnd do llvor tho croAm, awoot, ovory othor day, whon properly enrod for, nnd this substitution of cream delivery for milk dollvory by cronmory patrons saves thorn labor nnd millions of dol lars yearly In expense Roport Socro tary United States Departmo'iit of Agriculture TUn tout Cud. "I wish," said an experienced voter! nary, "that I had all tho cloth which tins boon wasted In manufacturing cuds to roplaco thoso "lost" This la ono of tho dregs of auporatltlon which still clings In soino places. Tho cud la returned to tho mouth after enter ing tho first ntomnch, and ltd loss la gonornlly nn Indication of Indlgoatlon. This la most provnlcnt In wlntor, whon cows nro heavily gralnod. Should It appear In summer when thoy nro on pasture but receiving aomo grain, It la woll to romovo tho latter ration for n fow days. After a day or two glvo 1 pound of Epsom salts and 2 ouncos ground ginger root mixed In two quarts of warm wator. After sho re sumes hor cud teed for a tlmo on green grnss and good liny, gradually working back to tho grain ration. Drnnnilta for Trra I'lnnllng?. Holes for treo planting, according to tho Engineering Itecord, havo boon excavated by tho Ing Ialnnd Hall way by blasting with dy, unite A holo about two foot doop wns first dug with a postholo augur at an anglo of about 35 degrees with tho surface nnd londcd with halt a Btlck of 40 per cent dynamite This shot makes a holo about two fcot deep and threo feet In dlamotor, leaving tho earth In tho bottom pulverized suitably for plant ing. It 's stated that two men can thus oxcavato 2C0 holes per ten-hour day at a cost of about IYj cents per holo. 1'lowern an foot!. An Interesting development of the uso of flowers for food la recorded In tho dally pnpors, says tho London Globe. The uao of candled petals of tho violet ns n nwcotment has long boon known, but tho practice la now arising of preserving flowers whole. You may now buy n hunch, say of vlo lots, for your buttonhole and after ward eat thorn. An a matter of fact, a number of flowers nro habitually eaten. Cloves, enpors, cauliflowers and artichokes nro all flowers, or parts of flowers, beforo tho blossoms havo ex panded. I'lrkln for Curlntr Mwtfa, Fourteen pounds aalt, four ounces saltpeter, two ounces enloratus, flvo pounds brown sugar, tnblcspoonful of red pepper, twelvo gallons of wator, to bo mixed In n cold state. Tho above quantity la sufficient for 400 pounds. If tho plcklo gets moldy, boll and cool and uso again. For pickling bcof, four gallons of wnter, one nnd a half pounds of brown sugar, nix pounds salt two and a half ounces of saltpeW to a hundred pounds of bcof. Rural Now Yorker. ConirrrftNloiml Hccdn. The National Government Is becom ing moro liberal to tho agricultural Interests each year.' Tho appropria tion hill has reported, covering all appropriations mado for tho Agricul tural Department, amounts this year to 113,773,270, which Is an Increase of $889,450 over that of last season Tho forestry sarvlco has secured an lucreaso of $500,000 for flro protec tion. Last year's forest lircs woro an object lesson. I'ur Milk. Certified milk soils In all largo cities for about twlco tho prlco of othor milk. It Is absolutely clean, no Im purities being allowed to got Into tho milk. A layer of flno cheesecloth Is stretched over tho milk pall, a Itryor of ahsorbont cotton is placed upon that, then another ploco of choosecloth. Thero Is no sediment In tho bottom of tho milk vcssols of milk treated In this way. It la not oxponslva either, Wnr on llnil Heed. flood work In detecting adulterated soeds Is being cnrrlod on by tho De partment of Agriculture. Of 1,471 samples of scods taken Inst year 102 samples woro found adulterated or mlsbrandod. Tho department publishes tho results of tho tost, togethor with tho names of tho Arms that sold tho seed. Iff Is clnlmod that slnctf this work began tho Irndo In ndultoratod soods has fnllon off greatly. 8uu Jond Hcnle, b , Tho San Joso scale Is tho' Insect' that should bo sought out and fought at all soasons of tho year. It Is a soft-bodied Insect protected by a waxy covering which can bo ponetrntod only by very corrosive chemicals, Qwjrig to Injury to foliage, those chemicals jiniBt bo used In winter or when tho troes uro dormant The Aptilo Country of ISurope, Nprmandy Is tho applo country of Europe. Qormany la its host customer. Tho apples 'which could not be sold wore turned Into 73,000,00 gallons of cider, which la tho favorite boverago af tk Inhabitant of Nsr tkra frMM. 10D2 DrldRot m.t.Art . lom. Ma 7 " n tl l7non.... ' WU" 1 nper money flr,t and u.,,i i ... -"o-Aiino of stage, WM .t 17CC A bnnkrunfrv . tho iu.n,i; v.-rr.'w? "08-Rlot taDo. ' .'J or tha ... . .-" u tnlaslflnon 177G Ooncrnl i3iUe,J . 1770Tho LeBUifii , . ibs now ilamwhi -... I -"...minion of the Ual 1801 Tho Pasha f t.i,h , .1 war against the Ualtdfttf 1800-Brltlh Hmiiij .1 to abolish the elate tnit J 1831-Klng of the Nethtrlujjf uuruu 1118 QeCIJlOQ OS til dary oueitlon and tho British pouwbul 1835 Flvo Bnanlih hanged In Boiton. 1838 Congress tho new territory of it'i 1R40 firon 13v.lii., j . ,. in Paris. 1851 San Franclico rlrliiw. mltteo was formed. 1854 The Morrlmac of CM fame was launched it Cliarleatown nary nri 18G1 Confederates riraiti4 per's Kerry after deitrorlif available property. 18C2 Federals under Geotra defeated br the Onaf, under General Jackuatl of I'ort Republic tise.i s....r..t...i.. p &Qvu tsufjivuuiuivs uuut yar Ewell defeated the YtMt Yler General Mllror at tKr. Vn. w., ' . 1804 Grant began to tnotiali nrrtdd inn .inmpa r nr m VI Jli III V W v w " - to attack Richmond hoa 1805 Russell A Alger breteltei bjJ jor general ol Tolupten fc gallnnt errlc9....wuiuav Sharkey appointed (onm S 4IIIMUDa.l'!J. 4 I860 Dominion Parliament net .i . ... I. is.rtrl W10 ursi nuio " -togs at Ottawa. 1SC8 Senate passed adoM for the States of . In. Cj una, Houin uuwi Loulsana, Alabama and Fls ....Urge section of Manja iu.1. .in.trm'M by fire .... , in rhlreftoo. J8Y1 uruni mvi " w . ,, . nnriunUt!ra ,i i,ili for th wl!,J Colorado to the Union- j 1880-Oeneral J. B, lnted for PgWjJ National urw- .i i .oo. anm,,nt 3. Tllden of ! 3 declined to becjiM JJJ rr the President nf Nathan Hldt . num. od ,n uaiuw.-. iROt-Massacrca In iW1'1" funeral Parliament pM w a 14 Sea bin- ISOS-N-ilonal Ilepu Uonjnmui riniu. v. '.....l.ln V im Iu at mo, in. w " . .i g 1897-ProBiacni or am ""T lOOlDodlcatlon of )phll building In rd"11 ' ed an nn ni Tnwn OI (1ViJ -'-- dcsirw- s compio."" cloudburst, U)d iftfiK Sweden lean recognUo j flament lffwW of un, , t Now YorK w lres deni w cm national ain 01 sources.. . t arettes too -i demonstrate '