The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, July 15, 1909, Image 7

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Rntltnwnri fpnm hi
ir 1 1 1111.1 iiuiiiui u mm vua mmm
parts or me worm,
Important but not uoso intor
eitlng Happenings trom roinia
Outsldo tho Stato.
,Austro-Hungnrion union longai
Handrcdfl of now cases of cholera
ppearwK u
f..1 nnn nf thn Pnrtnirilnnn
.ia niiuuuii " - - - - c
iiuvm ... A l
to marry un siiuuriuuu
k.Vi aiiitrniraLLUB iiuvu duwvduvu
viiau ui...- o . .
a t l I- I .1 !
Mhmmador now nun kvuii uiimur
dance to tno King anu queen
jex"u" - ,7'
..IhltroMnn rllllnf.
I1C1U ' " ' -
o in n -
JwllI shown gnin of GO per cont
- itMQ
. .. . .fii.- j. T A
nrflvcntccl tho olopoment of a white
.... .uU n nuirrn Thn nlnrr! tnnn
n. nockofollor hno crlven an
m nnn inn fn iUn tinnnmi Tviti
Mnt rtt CftV fill I llllll
nwvil " T ' 1 f '
terere earthquako shock ia ro
I In India.
H IjUlUlilUlUli V V VIM Vl Wit VI
-I. I .
nan in hii inivuLLL'H iiuvu iuiuuu uii
n nhn a nvn nnnt TAhnrnn nun
lhah haa prepared to Hoc.
Anfffllnq tn rfnrm niifn nnnpfi mnn
. ii i . . i i.
1 II. . 1 A f 1 -
. i . . ir f . .i ii. .
hp in a miivh. in rmiirH m ii
f t. t . t -
n miRnniiri i nnnn nnvn nnmin Tn
. le&vintr death nnd ruin in thoir
fl .11.. ri rt . t
w - r
tbe property damugo will roan $1,
r unrr nniimi innun i una n
i n i n 1 1 ii' if 1 1 1 3k ill iiiiii nnn nunw v i i
ripnositn. Thn iilrnira nf (tin Imnlf
conducted by threo Indians.
mi. . . - i rr . i
me neavy raina.
inn mnn iran ism mi Ktt mm vri n inn
in mo Arctic ocean with 19 per-
ays it 1b not irulltv of violAt nc
anti-trust laws.
neat naa neen (mmntrml in Navai a
th& Avi.AMn I .1 1 I . . T
am units cum woainor
PH in rv n
0- (Mill id AVIVAkWU itWIU
v nn htn M-i. .i. a. ft i
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01 Lnfl ftfrnnrn niralAm la
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II 1 .
i 7 "vmuwd VttiiUUO UOIU)
suwuno in mo wesc.
- w- "Mil VUlUUrilLlUIlH HI1UW 1 1
Bnd 9 771 lni.A,1 rnut tH
r . t iiguiVU, 1 IB UIIW
leas than last year's record.
A; Benson, convicted at San Fran
-vw.0MU.r w uoxraua mo kov
nni nf i . .. .1 r -
. .uu, hud ouun Bent w iirio
servn ilia
,a OUni,ullcu Qt ono year.
LfllRh an (T. ...u.. ...mi
...... u.nuKUM,eB W1 uppcm
w tho king.
TirinYo - v .
eefllrnd 'j rrnn
California boy carried un in
1 tho
1 . . 1,1 ino "nwniian pinnta
irouuio have, boon nrnfH rnr ir(fi.
nn nt.ii.-i . :
uit has boon started in Oklnhnmn
--- w Hnmn town intn in
u r i4uu flofondanta.
"Ok 13 P ntninrl I.- a. 1 L
the PnnrtU ni. mn jp t
.- - w 1 1 . 1 iu mi iiinr
! U L' M r II T thn II. . - tn
lrinnll.. I . ' A w...w.
1 fntl.i. 1 .
. r.i uro uoa up by floods,
111 VyOlOradO hnvn Anna i amj
-iHiUU nr inn nnn l ii..j
.'iiuiMiriDin tu r m
uakes (.! ..: r:.
47ncon!.," rJB .varying
to 620 fenf. nn a,lf
"UK0 Wn nm n Tiivnin.
cro,elil0'Vs,,y m' "Ifl "UccoBsor
crwnB his daughter, IB 'yea
Harrlman Muat Not Labor So Stran-
uoualy as In Past.
Vienna, Austria, July 0. Edward
lh Harrimnn, tho 'American railroad
wizard, mut network oKainaohnrd
or so continuously us ho has dono in
tho past. This is tho edict 6f Dr.
Adoir btruempell, tho noted Vienna
apecialist, who has diagnosed Harri
man'B ailmont as inciplotjt paralysis,
in ooeaionco to thla edict ia Harri
man b only safety.
For tho present, doclaros Profossor
scruempoll, Mr. Harrimnn must have
comploto quiot. To this end his meals
nro now bolng served in his room, and
ho only emerges therefrom onco a day
to tako tho mild exercise which has
been prescribed as n part of his course
or troatment.
'lho course of troatment throuei
which Mr. Hsrriman is now being put
is intonaca to euro his nervous troubl
.. .1 I. I.f ...A . . .
unu gei mm into as gooa physical con
dition as possible, aftor which an en
tireiy now course of treatment will bo
inaugurated in an effort to relievo tho
paralysis which is affectinK his Umbo
This cannot bo cured, Mr. Harrlman
haB beon informed, but its acuto sympt
oms can do renovea nna its progress
r r i. .
mre, narriman is romainlntr con
ntantly by his side, and her ministra
Hons form an important feature of the
course of treatment being given him.
German Invents a Now Game Much
Less Pangerous to Play.
Paris, July 6. A now camo of tho
diabolo typo is springing into favor
hero, and as tho American patents have
neon taken out, "la funda" will no
doubt bo seen before Ion.? in America,
"La funda" is a now form of slintr. as
t . . . . . . . '
us namo snown. a littlo bntr on
wooden framework is fixed on a swivel
into a sort of tennis racket without
strings or top. Tho bottom of tho bag
is open, and two strong india rubber
bands ptovont the ball, a tennis ball.
from falling through. The gamo is to
sling tho ball from ono player to an
other or up into the air, to be caught
by tho same player at will.
It needs a certain amount of skit
and is certainly less dangerous and just
as healthy as diabolo. Tho inventor
is a young German named Seeger, who
in a comonstr&tion which ho travo the
other afternoon threw a tennis ball
nigner man tno chimneys oi a seven-
story house and caught it again with
out apparent effort.
Pleasure Launches Imperilled,
but Reach Shoro Safely.
Salt Lake, July G. A wind storm
swept over Great Salt lake last even
ing, dashed the heavy water in huge
broadsides against tho Saltnir pavilion
and threatened tho oxistenco of two
small pleasure boats cruising off shore.
After a struggle with tho wind and
tho waves in which tho voyagers were
drenched with salt water, tho launches
regained the pavilion.
In making; a landing, ono of tbe
boats was dashed against tho ' pier and
badly damaged. No one, however, was
injured. Tho gale, though of brief
duration, was one of the most violent
n tho history of tho lako. Rumors
that ono of tho boats had gone down
with GO passengers reached hero and
thcro was great anxiety until the out
come was known.
Ship Fruit by Auto Now.
London, July G. An experiment
which is being watched with much in
terest by tho wholesale dealers in fruit
and vegetables at Covent Garden and
other markets in tho metropolis is bo
ng mado a connection with the con
veying of fruit and vegetables from
ong distances by motor. Yesterday
a' motor van containing almost a lecord
oad of graves and othor fruit, cucum
bers nnd vegotableB, arrived at tho
market from Worthing, tho journoy
being over GO miles. No. damage wht
over was dono to tho contents of the
packages, und tho motor arrived fully
an hour before tho merchandise which
had been dispatched by train.
Filipinos Go To Hawaii.
Manila, July G.A message from
Gobu states that 260 islanders have
loft that port bound for Hawaii to
work on tho sugar plantations under
contracts mado with the agents of tho
Hawaiian Planters' association. Other
parties nro being recruited in various
parts of tho islands and will loavo for
Hawaii soon. Tho departure of these
aborors has excited a great deal of un
friendly criticism hero, as for years
he labor supply in tho I'hiuppinos has
boon unequal to tho demand and this
may cause, a ehortago. . s,:
Friday, duly 0,
WaBhlneton. July 9. During a ses
alon lnntlhcr nearlv four hours, tho sen
nto today passed tho Philippine tariff
bill, and the bill automatically contin
uing tho Porto Itican budget. Only a
nominal resistance was offered by the
minority to tho measure An amend
mont to tho Philippine bill by John
ston. of Alabama, declaring tho inten
tion of the United States oventually to
grant independence to tho Philippines,
was rejected.
Washington, July 9. Tho tariff bjl
is now in tho hands of tho conference
committee1. After an hour and a half
of debate tho house today, by a voto of
178 to 151. disagreed to tho senate
amendments. Eighteen Republicans
voted acrainst sendinc tho bill to con
ference, and ono Democrat voted with
the Republican majority.
Washington. July 9. Tho house and
senate conferees on the tariff bill this
afternoon mapped out the program for
tho many sessions they must hold, to
make tho final draft of tho measuie
An agreement may bo reached in 10
days, thoucrh the house conferees arc
expected bitterly to contest many of tho
senate amendments.
Senator Aldrich and Representative
Payne arc fearful lest the final action
on tho conference report in tho two
housos be delayed, and an effort is be
ing made to have President Taft tako
part in the threatened controversy.
Thursday, July 8.
Washington, July 8. The tariff bill
passed tho senate just after 11 o'clock
torfight by a voto of 45 to 34. Ten
Republicans voted with the Democrats
against the bill and ono Democrat vot
ed for the bill.
As it passed the senate, the bill con
tains almost 400 paragraphs. Tho
senate mado 840 amendments to the
house bill, many of which were added
today. Consequently the enrolling
clerks oro finding tho preparation of
tho bill for tho house an arduous task.
They hayo been following as closely
upon the heels of tho Benate as was
possible, and have tho work well in
hand, but say they probably will not be
able to complete their labors before
late tomorrow.
There will bo no delay in sending
the tariff bill to conference after it
reaches the house. It is expected that
the bill wiil be sent to that body by the
senate la to tomorrow. Tho house will
met daily from now until tho end of
the session.
As soon as tho bill is received, Dal
ffell is expected to offer a resolution by
which tho house will disagree to the
senate amendments en bloc and agree
to a conference.
Going to Rescue Cook.
Now York, July G.rCaptaVS'nmudl
W, Bartlott, of BriguB, N. P., and
Horbert L. Brldgman, of Brooklyn. N,
Y havb purchased and nro equipping"
a steamer for a voyage to Utah, North
Greenland, Paory'fl base station, about
July 16.- Tho vesaol will endeavor to;
bring Dr. rrouericK a. i;ook nomo nnu,
will also nrobablv tako north Mene. tho
young Eskimo, who with1 a number ' of
lis countrymen came to the United
BtateB 12 yoarB ago.
Rhodesia to Bo Bought?
Capetown, Cnpo Colony, July G. It'
s rfcportod from Bualawayo Itydessa,
hat General louis uotna, ..premier .oi
helTransvanl, at thoroquest of tho
South African national convention will
offer, th.chartorod South Africa cqm
Pny..SJ100,QP0,PQ0 for tho purchase, of
Rhodesia, by United South Africa.
Wednesday, July 7.
Washington, jmy 7. with a gene
ral understanding that the final vote
on tho tariff bill should be taken by 4
o'clock tomorrow afternoon, the senate
adjourned at 7 o'clock thin evening.
The arrangement for a voto tomorrow
was arrived at as an alternative for a
.session tonight. Tho income tax ques
tion, including tho corporation tax
provision and inheritance tax, received
much attention in the senate today
and the Straight income advocates were
afforded the opportunity to cet a vote
in favor of the income tax as opposed
to the corporation tax. Tho income
tax was defeated by 48 to 7 and with
the corporation tax provision securely
established as a part of the bill, there
was considerable effort to amend it.
Tuesday. July 6.
Washington, July 6. The Republi
can majority of the senate finance com
mittee today stirred up a hornets' nest
by reporting tho new schedule, of to
bacco taxes as having been recom
mended when it had not even been, sub
mitted to tho minority members, much
less laid beforo a meeting of tho whole
committeo. Aldrich was forced to
back water and recognize tho rights of
tho minority. ,, ,
Aldrich said that he would call a
mooting of tho finance committeo for
tomorrow morning, giving the minor-
ty members a chanco to express their
All sections of tbe bill that senators
do not desiro to reserve for' furthnr
amendment' will now" be agreed to en
bloc. Tho senate then will consider
the tobacco amendment, tho only
amendment not adopted . in committee
of tho "whole. , .
Monday, duly 6.
Washington, July- 6; By unanimous
vote tho senate today adopted the redo-
ution submitting to tho Btateiecisln-
turoB thoMncomo tax amendment to tho
Fedoral copstitution. Then it devoted
Itfl attention to tho administrative
features of tho tariff bill and adouted
them. Tho tobacco schodulo will be
enslored tomorrow 'with' a" ,f other
uncompleted details and then tho bill
will bo reported from commlttntn of
"tho wholo to the -senate. Tho onlv
subject likely to provoke debate ' is the
tobacco schedule,- The proceedings afi
tor tho bill is reported will bo brief
and tho bill will then go to conference.
Wrights Displease Army Officers.4
Washington,- July' 8. -Tho Blgnal
corps ofllcora concerned Jn the aero
plane trials oxhiblt signs of irritation
at tho apparent unconcern of thn
Wright brothers regarding matters
which to tho army officers seem ex
ceedingly important. Brigadier Gone-
ral James Allon, chief Bignarofilcer.
and every momber of tho corna want
members 'of tho hoqso to witneBB the
flights that congress may? treat mora
kindly requeaU for appropriations.
Saturday, July 3.
Waahlntrttm. Julv 3. Senator Aid
rich achieved another sweeping victory
this afternoon when, by a vote of moro
than 2 to I, tho maximum ana mini
mum feature of tho senate tariff bil
was naased. This goea into effect on
March 1, 1910. It empowers tho pres
ident to add 25 per cent ad valorem to
all existing schedules, whether on tho
freo list or dutiable, to those countries
diocrlminating against tho United
In other words, where foreign na
tions are disposed to accept trade with
America on the basis of the 'adminis
trative tariff bill, Boon to bo enacted,
tho statute will not be elastic, but wil
stand as passed. But where nations
prohibit, by excessive taxes, goods pro
duced in this country, tho president
may retaliate by tho simple issuance
of a nroelamation addinc 25 per cent
advalorem tn everything coming into
American ports from such restrictive
Tho bill aims particularly at France.
The French people, as well as tho Ger
mans, but tbe latter to a less obnoxious
extent, fearful of tho progress of tho
American manufacturer, have been
raising item after item, bo it was ex
plained today, until now American
goods are almost prohibited from enter
intr French and German territories.
There remain 17 other administrative
features of the tariff bill to dispose of
before it goes to the house. The report
is tonight that tbe senate will- have
each of them out of the wsy by Thurs
day, and that on Monday, July 12, the
lower branch of congress will begin tbe
consideration of tbe measure.
Service Tests Will Be Held in
Northwest Cities Generally.
Washington, July 9. Civil service
examinations to fill vacancies in the
government departmental service in
Washington are to be held generally
throughout the country this coming
fall, and will cover appointments as
clerks, stenographers, typewriters, etc.
The examinations will be; held at Port
land September 8 and 20 and October
i3; at Astoria, Baker City and Eu
gene, September 8 ana October 13;
Grants Pass, September 18, and Pen
dleton, September 30.
In Washington the examinations will
be held at Seattle September 8, 23 and
October 13; Spokane, September 8 and
29; Pullman, Bellingham, North Yaki
ma and Port Townsend, September 8
and October 13, and additional examin
ations at Bellingtam September 15 and'
North Yakima September 28.
The Idaho examinations, .will bo held
at UoiBQ September 8 and October 1
and 13; Pocatello, October 4, and Moe
cow, September 8 and October 13.
Census Officers Named.
Washington, July 6. Robert M.
Pindell will be appointed in a few days
as appointment cleric of tbe census bu
reau, one of the most important poai
tions in the government service. The
appointment of A. H. Baldwin, to be
chief clerk, vice William S. Rossiter,
resigned, also was agreed upon at a
conference today between Secretary
Nagel and Director Durand. Charles
S. Sloane, now serving an geographer
of the census, was appointed permanent
Manufacturers Are. Aroused.
TIT I ' L T 1 r ,
wBaiiuiKum, juiy rroDosea in
creases in the internal revenue taxes
on all forms of manufactured' tobacco
have brought a veritable hornots' nest
about tho heads of the senate commit
teo on finance. An estimate of the
increased revenues that would be pro
duced was received, by the senate com
mittee today. If no decrease in con
sumption ia occasioned by the proposed
increase, n would raise about ?20,000,
000 more than now collected.
Cannon WW Leave Vacancy,
Washington. July 9. It haa henn
decided by Speaker Cannon not to fill
tho vacancy on the ways and means
committee resulting from the death of
Representative CuBhman. That conu
mittee will not meet again to consider
tariff legislation and until another
tariff'biil is framed, will be leas im.
portant than it has been thia session.
The Republicans still have
of four.
Twenty-One Lose Places.
Washington, July 10. Seventeen In.
Bpoctors and four rovenue agents on
tho denatured alcohol rolla of the in
ternal rovenuo bureau have beon dis
missed becauso thoir services are no
onger needed. The exnectation thnt
denatured alcohol would rnnko rapid
Btrides in sunnlantintr rrnnnlitin no o
motive power for email farm enirlnnn.
automobiles, etc., haa not held good.
Fear Dark Enumerators.
Washington. Julv fl. Cnn
n.i.u, wha thoy BUPP80 to bo tho pos
sibility that negroes may be 8Vnt into
tho homoa of white
-.4w w vim
bouth aa consuB enumerators Demo
cratio mombera of congress will urge
President Taft to give instructions that
only white enumerators bo employed in
districts south of the Mason and Dixon
Corporations Plan Fight.
Washington, July 10.-Confirmatlon
5-?fieXiPectat!-9n ,n many nrtera
;that the largo corporations of tho coun
try will Boek. to hold nip tho collection,
pf taxea under tho corporation tax bill
by an appeal to tho courts to teat the
const tutionallty of the law, was given
here today by a prominent official of
the Treasury department. .
gar -rvti Sv Cattle Ark Scarce
and Corn Hfeft.
New York, July 5. The beef trust
has again ordered tho price of Ita pro-
duct raised fourteen cento jluuui
tn 9ft eanta for porter
i... ,i otrintn sfoakit.ia tho nrice.
iiuunn oiiu vr
Thirty cents will be demanded for the
- i-ii
latter cuts in a low ciays, wniie v-
honf will vmfc the dealer 10?i cents
a nound. as against tho hitherto pro-
vailing price 01 iu cents
The high price of corn and the scar
city of cattle are the reasona bsbikhbu
htf the, trunk for the increase in prices.
Aa to why cattle flhould beny scarcer
now than at any other time no answer
10 forthcoming.
T?nfn(l httrhtra exnlaln that 1
working people are too poor to buy
hnoff ihat thorn is a lessening in the
rtamnnd nnd conseauentlV a raising
w . . . . ... 1 1 T..
tho nrico. It la DOintea out mat raw
fnn'o fnmoy in vahnat htut increased the
Wl . 1
demand for com as an article of human
consumption, and that therefore the
orice of that grain has bo increased
that It is no longer profitable to raise
corn-fed cattle.
Thn nfflpflrn nf the beef trust in the
East are very reticent in discussing
the condition of tho beei maricec
.When an expression of opinion.,, was
sought from the representatives of the
big leaders in the trust, such as Ar
mour's and Swift's, tho inquirer was
TfirrMl from ono official to another.
Finally a vacuo statement was made
to tha effect that the market was nor
mal and that existing prices were due
to natural trade conditions.
Work Suspended at Messina on Ac
count of Hot Weather.
Rome, July 5. Thousands of bodies
of the victims of the December earth-
auake that devastated Messina are
still in the ruins of that city and will
not be dug out to receive burial until
winter. In an effort to convince King
Victor that it is doing every possible
thing toward the ends desired in Mes
sina, the interior department today
submitted its first comprehensive re
port. It is understood tonight that the
king, though not doubting the honesty
of the officials, was angry that there
had been so much delay, and bad de
manded speedier work.
In reply to tbe accusation that no
excavation bad been made in the ruins,
the Interior department declares it has
been found necessary to suspend all
work of this nature during the warm
weather. Up to that time 30,000 bod
ies had been recovered. An average
of 300 bodies were removed .daily in
April and 900 bodies were awaiting
burial lor lack of grave diggers.
Santa Fe Road Bed Rich in Precious
Chicago. July 5. Officials of the
Santa Fe road are inclined to believe
that through the accidental discovery
of cold and Conner in tho hallaqt tiapH
on the Belen cut-off a new rich mining
district will be develoned in the Man-
zano mountains in Torrance county.
New Mexico. .
A fact that adds romantic interest
to the gold discovery ia that the region
18 adjacent to tno deserted city, which
is aupnoseti to have been Snanish and
which is known as Rran Ouivnrn.
There are legendary stories of old Span-
isn mines wnicn are supposed to have
been productive hundreds of years ago,
but which were abandoned. Now that
gold has been discovered in the region
tnese stories are being revived and
manv are flookiner into tho mnnntnina
and are.Btaking out claims every where.
ino discovery of gold is Iarcelv due
to one or tne engineers of the com
pany, who ia located at the general
offices in Chicago. Not along ago this
engineer waa walking track between
Belen and Willnrd and while in n deep
cut he nicked un a chunk- of hniinat
which had a chemical Btain upon it.
The stone was brought to Chicago, and
it was found to be highly infused with
gold. Some of the ballast: toTiiVTi nna
being" used on tho Bolen cutoff wa3 then
Bent ior and waa round to assay about
?3 worth of gold to the ton.
Country Lures City Folk.
New York. Julv 5. More than 1.-
000.000 nersons. one-third thn nnmiin.
tion of Manhattan, left thia city Satur
day to spend tho holiday and week end
in- the COUntrV. It was thn nranfonl
exodus in the history of New York and
riot several times waB averted nmnnrr
tho throngs that filled t ho BtpAmhnnf
piers. Evory trolley car, train nnd
steamboat Was taxed to ita
and more than 30,000 men, women and
cuuuren were compelled to return to
their homes because thn
craft could not accommodate them.
Educator Says Nothing is Right.
Denver. Julv K. Pho
Whole present day school Bystem ia
radically wrong and that American
homeB and society are directly respon-
Rlllln fni. nlnmni.ii IH 1.1 I . . .
in iuu tscnooiB wnicn
COrrunt morula nnrl mnlrn Am. j
A. m nnld T I 1r.11.MI
w,ii...llMij, , w, miuxeui, superintend
ent of Bchoola at Memphis, Saturday
uivi'r wviim uiiu ino camp or tne
vention at-he council meeting' prepar
atory tn tli
rf .,m ujivuuiii uti convention..
Trust In No Danger.
New York. .Tnlv K mn.
probability that there will be any prose
cution of the sugar trust until Auguat,
wbenr United States Dtrcit Attorney
Wise, who sailed Snttirda 17 I'M Tl....
returria to New York. The failure pf
the Federal grand jury to file indlct
taenta in ita Investigation of the Amer
ican Sugar Refining company adda to
thla Impression.
Tmfs Kill Every Max f Jiklri's
Filijino OiUaws.
Jikfri, One of Many Famou Outlaws
Remaining In Joio, Had Made
Many Murderous Raids
Manila, July 6. In a desperate fight
near Patian, on Jolo Island, yesterday,
kiri. the famous 'Moro outlaw chief.
waa killed and bia entiro band flXtorm
inatftd bv detachments of regulars and
constabulary under Captain George L.
Biram, of the Sixth United atates cav
alry, operating in conjuntion witn a
naval flotilla of the mosquito neet un
der Lieutenant Commander Signor.
ThA American loss was one private
killed and three officers and 20 enlisted
men and one saiior wounueu.
Cantain Biram'a cavalry, with a few
scouts and constabulary and a detach
ment of sailors under Lieutenant tom
mander Signor, located and attacked
tho outlaws in the mountains far from
the coast. The Moros fled and took
refuge in a large cave. Tbe column
of troops and Bailors surrounded the
place, but Jikiri refused to surrender.
A concerted attack was made, tne
Moros fighting desperately in the
mouth of the cave until the last mera-hi-
of thn hnnd .-u dead. t'Aa vet but
fnar Aataila nf thn fitrht faaVO been TO
ceived here.
Jikiri waa nna nf thn most famOUB
outlaws remaining in the islands. Ever,
since the American occupation be naa
fought the whites and has led raid af
ter raid.
Annual Patriotic Carnage is Greatly
Chicago, July 6. With three days'
celebration of the nation's birthday
this year, the remarkable fact Btands
out boldly that the annual carnage baa
been decreased to a great degree. Ad
vices from all points up to midnight
show that in all large cities new rules
and their strict enforcement have
checked the customary slaughter of
In New York there were but four
deaths for the three days. In Chicago,
usually drenched with blood under the
guise of patriotism, there was not &
single death for the three days. In
"Washington there were no deaths and
no injuries, and only the smallest fire
crackers were permitted.
Five deaths are reported from the
state of Massachusetts, one each in
Boston and other large cities. One
death is reported from Philadelphia.
The entire state of Oklahoma reports
but two deaths and nine seriouB injur
ies. Small citiea in New Jersey and
Pennsylvania and Far Western locali
ties Beemed most patriotic in casual
ties this year. In every case this can
be traced to lax police regulations.
Congressman from Washington Passes
Away at New York.
New York. Julv 6. Franeia W.
Cushman, representative in congress
from Washington, died at B o'elnlr
thia morning at the Rosevelt hospital
from pneumonia. At the bedaide at
the time were, besides the doctom nnd
nurses, United States Senator Samuel
H. Piles, of Washington, and Andrew
S. Burleigh, of thi3 city, a life long
Congressman Cushman underwent mm
operation a Bhort time ago and pneu
monia resulted.
Senator Piles and Mr. Burleirrh.
had been with the patient almost con
stantly since hia condition became ser
ious, said thoy would make arrange
ments for tho sending of the body to
Powers Block Russians.
Pekin. Julv 6 ftront Rritnin a.,
tria-Hungary and the United States
have notified China that th l)V tin nnf
recognize . the preliminary agreement
between Russia and China devised for
administration of tho Russian railroad
area in Manchuria. These powers de
clare alSO that thn nvaa nfTnnfJnr.
right to reside in tho international set
tlement in Uhina must originate with
the treatv nowors. Th
on this subject, which were opened last
month, are now blocked for an indefi
nite time.
Mud Blocks, Royal Gorge;
Canon Citv. Colo.. .Tniw n t j
ported that 600 feet of Rid Grande
tracKjuac beyond the Royal Gorge, at
Parkdalo, la completely covered un
With mud and rinnria
.v.i.i luiug mac
night nnd today. No. 1 Rio Grande
passenger train waB tonight backed to
Pueblo, and will be run out over the
Colorado Midland. The traffic through
mW? ,n th9 -R Grande probably
Will Da tiftd nn. fni OA i i.-
road can be cleared.
Revolution In Colombia. '
Guayaauil. Ecuador
yate cablegram from Nuen'a atatea
that a rnvnlnlU. 1 t.i. .
--- ,Iua uroxen out at
Barranqu Ua, tho most Important com
mercial city qt Colombia, against Gen-
Went in the. abaance, of President
Reyea, and in favor of Gonzale. Va