BIG PROPERTY LOSS tie.uu ntftn neuunu. w 1 11 1 SIx-Feet Wall of Water Hashes Down Grand River. SEVEN DEAD AND EIGHT MISSING Heavy Rains and Melting Snow Mountains Turn Missouri Val ley Into Vast Soa. In Kansas City, July 8. Swollen by unprecedented rain and by melting snows from the Rocky mountains, the rivers of the Lower Missouri valley are out of their banks, causing damage in many parts of Missouri and Kansas. The results of the flood up to a late hour tonight were as follows: Train No. 5, of the Atchison, Tope ka & Santa Fe railway, which left Kansas City at 9 :25 a. m. for Denver, left the track at Pomona, Kan. Of the 10 coaches which made up tho train, a baggage and threo day coaches left the track and slid into 18 feet of water, A telephone message from Pomona, Kan., at midnight said the four-year old daughter of Mrs. Carrie Rose, of Chicago, had been drowned in tho wreck, lhree hundred other persons who had taken refuge on top of the an affected coaches were rescued by boats and quartered at nearby farmhouses. Pomona is almost completely inun dated, the Marias des Cygnes river at XI A. -I I 1 !J . umt point, neing mree mues wiae. a relief train was sent from Ottawa to night with food and other supplies for the passengers, who were said to have climbed on top of the coaches for refuge from the rising waters. In Kansas City the situation is threatening. In tho bottoms in the western section where are located tba stockyards, wholesale warehouses and manufacturing plants, the waters from the confluence of the Missouri and Kan sas rivers are lapping the danger line. Pattensburg,- a town in Missouri 50 miles north of Kansas City, is ten feet underwater, and its 1,500 inhabitants are in dire straits. Fifty row boats were, put on a special train at Kansas City this morning and hurried to the scene. Later reports say that the ma rooned citizens were all . removed to higher ground without loss of life, but that the property damage will be tre mendous. At Chilicothe, Ma, on the Grand river, six men were swept from a bridge this afternoon and were seen floating down the stream. Whether they reached shore or not was not learned. The bridge was carried out when a great wall of water six feet high swept down both forks of the Grand river and joined at Utica, continuing after that as one great flood. The water spread out all over the bottom lands and did great damage to farms and crops in its path. The water overwhelmed the railroad tracks, blocking traffic absolutely, and ana uroirgiit wrnr jiucoutt; ..wny on Sbnth through Madrap and it was understood at tha time that a very good line had .,l?een spenred. Recently, how ever, there have bppn rumors 0 ..negotiations for the purchase ',of the Oregon Trunk Line sur ,ve3T, and Harrirnan engineers , are now in the Held going over .4that Jine. If this investigation should demonstrate the sjipfii ority of the "Willow Creek .route Mit is not improbable that the Oregon Trunk survey will ljp purchased and adopted. Whi the right-of-way has already been purchased outright for the Trout Creek Iine the amount 01 money spent lor that is a ..very small item, if the Willow Creek route is found to be eas ier to operate and cheaper to .maintain, ihe Trout Creek .route necessitates two high . bridges, one across Trout, Creek nand the other over Willow Creek at this place, both of 1 which would be avoided by the line up Willow Creek canyon, ..and this alone might dent to turn the scale of that route. Northwest Wheat Crop Now Placed at 55,000,000 Bushels. Portland, July 9. Estimates com piled from data received from mors vthan 850 of the principal wheat ata tions of Oregon, Washington and Ida ho, indicato tho 1909 wheat yield for tho threo states to bo approximately 55,000,000 bushels, compared with 40,- 000,000 bushels last year, 60,000,000 bushels in 1907, and a fivo-yoar aver- ago of 48,600.000. Of tho threo states, Idaho has tho best crop, with Washington showing up exceedingly well, whilo Oregon, es pecially in the river counties, suffered from dry weather to such an extent that tho damage could not all bo re paired by the Into, rains. Somo of tho poor yiolds in Oregon have been offset in the totals by an increased acreago in now territory. Tho most noticeable increase of this nntoro is along tho Wallowa extension of tho O. R. & N. Another locality in which new acre age will aid in swelling tho totals is tho Haystack and Bnkeoven country. whero there is an Increaso of about 20 per cent in the acreage, with tho yield about 10 par cent better than last year. Sherman county is somewhat spot ted, and early in tho season the outlook was poor. 'Rains in tho latter part of June helped, however, and thore will bo a material increase over last year a output. Conditions in Wasco are sira liar to those in Sherman county. Umatilla, the banner wheat county of the Btate, is not coming up to its usual standard. The light lands suf fered by the dry weather early in the season, and the showers that came later wore not general throughout the county. Along tho Arlington branch of tho O. R. & N. the crop is light until Con don is reached. Around Condon, how ever, the outlook is far from eloomy. With the exception of about 20,000 acres, which have been taken by weeds, there will bo a pretty fair yield. Morrow county is not quite so good as Gilliam, but there, as elsewhere in the river counties, some very short stalks of wheat are turning out well filled heads. union county has an excellent crop and 40-buBbeI yields will not be uncom mon around Elgin and Summerville. The Willamette valley has ceased to be a figure in tho export wheat mar ket, but the yield ia an important fac tor in the milling business. Washington reports are uniformly good. Walla Walla, with its nover failing foothill land, promises an out put of 4,500,000 -bushels. Barley is also turning out well in this county, and has made some inroads on the wheat acreage. Columbia and Garfield counties are both expected to tum off record yields of wheat and barley. This region was favored with rain at a time when the river counties in Oregon were missed. Whitman, the banner wheat county of all the Northwest, gives excellent promire of breaking records, The acre age is large and the crop conditions are far above the average. Estimates run from 9,000,000 to 12.000,000 bushels. be 8uffi in favor The purchase of the Oregon Trunk Line survey! .would also, dispose of the con Uicts between tne two lines at ..other points along the Des . chutes River, which makes it lina Cruz, Mexico? Awas JrougnV hero today by tho steamer Columbia. The crew reported that two days before their departure a large party of Ameri can surveyors went into camp near the city. The mission of the party was not learned, but it was rumored in Sa lina Cruz that plans were being laid for a new railroad enterprise in which American capital was interested. Calvin Is Doing Nicely. San Francisco, July 8, The ondi tlqn of E. E. Calvin, vice president tnd general manager of the Southern P ci f c company, who underwent an opera tion for appendicitis Sunday, Ib report ei to be entirely satisfactory. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST OREGON MEN TO SPOKANE. Strong Delegation to Attend National Irrigation Congress. SalomGovornor Frank W. Benson has appointed tho delegates who will attend tho National Irrigation congress in Spokane representative of tho state of Oregon. In a fow days five more will bo appointed by C. N. McArthur, speaker of tho lato houso, ad flvo more will bo appointed by Jay Bowor- man, president of tho lato senate Fol lowing are tho delegates named by Gov ernor Benson : Professor P. L. Campbell, of Eu gene, president of tho university 01 Oregon; D. W. J. Kerr, of Corvallis, president of tho Oregon Agricultural college; C. W. Fulton, former United States senator; J. N. Teal, F. S. Stan ley, E. B. Piper. John T. WhiBtier, Tom Richardson, R. M. Brereton, C, B. Merrick, Joseph B. Knapp, all of Port land; Jay Bowerman, Condon; John H. Lewis, Salem; H. L. Holgate, Bo nanza; Francis M. Saxton, A. V. Swift, John L. Rand, Baker City; W. J. Furnish, Gilbert W. Pholps, Pondlo- ton; S. D. Potorson, Milton ; Walter M. Pierce, W. J. Snodgrass, La Grando; Clyde T. Hockett, Enterprise; Malcolm A. Moody, Tho Dalles; E. T. Early, Hood River; F. II. Hokpins, Central Point; J. D. Heard, Jackson villa: Dan P. Ras, Jacksonville; H. A, Brattain, Paisley; A. T. Buxton, W. A. Williams, Forest Grove; H. V. Gates, Dallas; H. A. Rands, Oregon City; Drew Barnum, Moro; Will R. King, Ontario; R. N. Donnelly, Rich mond; John Ellis, Frank White, Kla math Falls; H. C. Levens, Burns; F. E. Waite, Sutherlin, and Georgo E. Davis, Canyon Ciy. The list of delegates probably pre sents tho strongest selection over made in this state by a chief executive to attend any convention. It !b composed of leading men in all walks of life and all of them take a keen interest in tho science or irrigation r.very one of them has promised to attend tho congress. MUCH WHEAT SHIPPED. Portland Ships More Than the Puget bound Ports. U(lanH llitvinr f ha r 1 Ant ending June 30, Portland shipped in the neighborhood 01 3,uuu,uuu moro bushels of wheat than was sent from Puget sound, whilo from there not quite 1,000,000 moro barrels of flour was sent out. The wheat shipments to Europe from here were b,lsz,77o bushels, whilo those from Puget sound were 4,154,481 bushels; to the orient, South America and Africa, Portland shipped no wheat, Puget sound sending out 315,285 bush els. California wheat shipments from here were 2,932,861 bushels and from tho sound 2,032,492 bushels were ship ped. Wheat from Portland tc Mexico was 1G5,25'7 .ciB and from Puget AjeXfco it was 203,578 bushels. BUILD TO SIU8LAW. Holding Company Will Back Eugono & Wostern In Now Road. Rnrrnnn Thn EuffonO-SiUSlaW rail - o . ... . road, which has ontr boon talked or, appears now to soon bo a reality. Tho nronoaltlon to build tho road has roachod a point wharo tho promoters of tht ontcrpriBO fool that the puiiumg 01 tho lino is n certainty. Tho Lono Countv Asset comoanv. which was or ganized in Eugono last winter for tho niirnnan of nromotlnc tho lino, will bo tho holding company lor mo eugono Wpdtnrn Rnllwnv comnanv. which wn Incornoratod a fow weeks ago to build tho rond. Ofllcea have been opened horo and operations will bo directed by the aset company. It Is tho intention to oiler ror bbio 10, tha nconlo of Eucrcno and vicinity at least $150,000 of tho stock of tho Lnno County Assot company, tho funds to bo used in bulldlncr tho first section of 20 miles of tho road. Whon this has boon accomplished it is proposed to turn all tho assets over to tho Eugono & WcBfc- ern Railway company. issuing stock holders the same amount or stocK in mo railroad company as they have paid for in the asset company and to lesuo and sell tho bonds of tho railway company for tho purpose of completing tho road to Florence. Calf Costs Ten Thousand. Klamath Falls It took tho jury just 25 minutes to find a verdict for tho do fondant in tho Kelley-Arant damage suit, last of tho cases resulting from tho criminal prosecution of Jay A runt, who was indicted for tho larceny ol a calf moro than two years nco. Arni.t was twico tried on a chargo of larceny, tho first trial resulting in a disagree ment, while tho second acquitted him. Three cases resulted over tho ownership of tho calf. Tho calf involved in tho litigation was worth approximately $10. Tho money expended in litigation will aggregato closo to $10,000, and of this amount tho taxpayers of tho coun ty will bo forced to pay not less than $6,000. Summer School at Albany. Albany Tho Albany college summer school began with an enrollment of 43 pupils. President H. M. CrookB and County Superintendent Jackson are in chargo of tho work, assisted by Pro fessor L. A. Wiley, of Portland, and Professor Torbot, of Albany college. All branches of public school work, as well as teachers' reviow and Bible Btudy aro being taught. President Crooks reports that tho attendance will reach tho 100 mark. day at 10 a. m You are invited to attend these services . B. F. W. Pitman, Pastor. oniinrl tip lsJj-it-anftAfl.oinav'erypnpDu'ring the year just completed Port- id shipped the following amount of ur: To tho orient and Hawaii, 542, 3 barrels; Europe, 15,000 barrels; lifornia, 295,716 barrels. In the me order aro the shipments of flour m Puget Bound ports : Orient. 909,- i barrels; South America, 109,847 Trels; Europe, 23,681 barrels; Call nic, 278,556 barrels, and to Mexico, 00 barrels. The grand total for the -son, 1908-1909, being 26,811,269 ihels of wheat from hero and tho fMU. 1 season are 822,509 bushels. MENN0MTE SERVICES MADRAS July 11, at 11 a. m. and 7:Sd p. in. In Free JJethodUt Cliurch, 15 PAT. PUAIRffeCrery Sunday, flxcept July 11, t il a. irt, and 7:30 p. tn. in Opal Prairie Cliurrfi, union Snmlay school every San day flt ion. m. JCXIPER I1UTTE -Iiool HoutSs-Eyurj Bu , nay, except July iu at 3 n. m, Union Bun day school every Sunday at 2 p. m. MOUNTAIN VIKW bcliool HouwrFlrst ad Sd Sunday ofcr.cU month MU3Sti. m. On Ion Sumlfcy school. ry ffundii ; S:pO p, ra AH arc cordially irivjted to these terVicea, ARTHfJJt and MIS' A CRKAflijyutor. WANTED TO EXCIIANGE-Portland property for n wheat ranch. O, A. GRAHAM, 1034 Cleveland Avenue, Portland, Oregon. J16 4t For Sale WAN On "WOMAN) R 320-acpe South Aftd- Veteran BoutitV can Iiand Cepfcifieatek issued by the Department of the Intel Uir, uovern men t of Uari1 ada, Under tUe Volnnteer B-mnty Act, 1008. Good .for 320 of any Dominion Lund open for entry in A'l .l)erta Saskatchewan, or Manitoba. Any. person ?.ver the ace, of 18 years, -Man or -WomanT Jan ac quire; this -landiwitU tliie Ceriiiica yit,iout tfdfctlier -charge. For Immediate li&le, ; MKim. wi i or wtr La,tah county will probably harvest neatly 1,000,000 bushels of wheat, and Nez Perce and Idaho counties will have from 5,000,000 to 6,000,000 bushels. Surveyinf for New Road. Aiarshtield Lhler Lngineer of the C2Crlii2?.QieRon a Isaho' rail ropd, who has been making preliminary surveys, reports that in a few days tho first 12 miles will have been surveyed Ihe preliminary work or finding grado through tho mountains has been carried on in a thorough manner, and the engineer is pleased with tho result oiar. It is hoped to flniBh tho survey work before rail. PORTLAND MARKETS. w to m Nsws of Oushrrian't Daath Shock to Friends In Congrats, Washington, July T.'News that Francis W. CuBhman, representative from Washington, had passed away In New . York yestorday mbrnlnir, camo rr a groat shock to hia boat of frinnda In both branches of congress. Morn ing papers contained dispatches an nounclng ho had successfully passed his crisis and wan on tho road to rocov ory. It was not until tho members of congress reached tho cnpitol that they hoard of his death, and oven then word spread Blowly among tho membors, for tho liouao was not in Bosolon. In conformity with Mrs. CufihrnnnV wish, thoro will bo no congressional escort nppolntod to accompany tho re mains to Tacoma. but tho bodv will ba takon across tho continent by n ropro- T'1 today gftVo nn outli sentativo of tho 8orgcantat-Brms of tntlvo pluns for his m!?,? tho houso, who went to Now York this wet and South thlg uu "ijfl morning. Tho houso will not meet Tho proaldent h. .if. 'j II -MS ! Wm DW Tl SEATILEi executive Will V., , on South tn P.,, naNC QuIfSi,,,,, Washington, Juiy , , aft iivinu U' 0. ! until Thursday, At that timo Cunh-I man's death will bo announced, and ad journment probably bo taken out of re spect to his memory. Senator Pilos, who was with Mr. Cushman when tho end camo, rotumod to Washington last ovoning. Ho said Mr. Cushman passed away peacefully, being unconscious during hl laat hours. Horoic treatment was renortoj to as soon as Mr. Cushmon's condition took a turn for tho worse, but ho was so weakened that ho did not respond to treatment. Ho tink stoadily through the night and breathed his last at two minutes past S yesterday morning. HOLDS UP DANK. The proaldent hM.h IV... II oi viBiting Alaska 5 T. 2 becauao Mrs. Taftwll Jl1 go with him. Uwn Lt.0tUM today the prc8deK ? Beverly that Mr"?, W improving in health, l m'W ever, that ho Is h.V KW to tako tho lone Weiii'J ! g tt which will occunS.?AriPW AssoonnsthoUriff W way tho president J ton for IJoverly, to r ' '! " nopesto Begin hia VYeitem V pros dont will 7 ?v -topping forbid, "'wc vnming the Aluia, Pacinc exposition, tb Sfi aw.nguownwtlioSviithKeil Heavily Armed Bandit Works In Broad for a time at I'ortlard n," n,.Ul!rl.. will 1n ,V. L . Z W' ' -,.... w u. gurai oi Btostor j Everett, Wanh., July 7, Alone rob- bor held up Assistant Cuahlor B. C. OI of tho Hank of Commerce, u Oe08l0r T Bourne, and proceeding Uwc , for Save Trees Flames. San Diego Cal., July 9,Tho La Jolla grove of Torrey pines, said to be the only grove of those trees in South ern California, bad a -narrow escape from destruction by fire today. Occu pants of a passing automobile noticed that the underbrush in tho grove was burning and hastened to La Jolla for bolp. A party of fire fighters was summoned quickly to tho. scene. After several hours of hard work the flames were extinguished. New Buildings for Indians. Jamath Falls Superintendent H Wilson, of tho Klamath Indian res Mion. ia makinc nrennratinnii tn sr upon a campaign of improve- Ats. During the past week several ttractors have visited the agency to ii over tho ground for tho purpose of Mg diub lor mo construction or tne ;u inooern scnooi Duuaing wnicn be erected riurinc thn mimmnr. " bids will be forwarded to Washlnc Cand will not bo opened for several Oka. Work is to bo begun shortly IS largo gymnasium. Mr. Wilson eves that the Indians should bo giv- ill the exercise possible and with ,i end in View ho will endeavor to ve the gymnasium roomy and equlp- :t- a - i . r f , i . wiut u viow w muKing u aiiract- , The school grounds are to bo im vod and many of the old buildings ovated. Dam Has No Fish Ladder. IIIIb City AnglerB and others resid- in thin viMni f v fimnlnfn hof tUAiia. Mb of salmon in tho Santiam river 8 unablo to reach the natural spawn- ground above this city because the rtis Lumber company maintains a n without a fish ladder. As nearlv pry one in tho vicinity is connected some way wiin ino lumper company formal complaint has ever hpin Ide. The condition, however, is de- arable. Baker Courthouse Done, Baker City The County court has accepted tho new courthouse from C. A, Gray & Son, of Portland, who were contractors for tho interior work. The building is now completed and owaita the arrival of tho now office furniture. It has cost Baker .county less than tho $120,000 appropriated Asylum Imprqvements Awarded. SalemThe asylum board haB award ed the contract for improvements at tho asylum farm to Dennison & Mc Laren, of Salom, for $6,700. A new amusement hall will be built, the kit chen enlarged, tho main building ro roofed and the dining room repaired, Wheat Bluestem, milliner. $1.30 club, $1.181.20; valley, $1.17. Lorn Whole, $35 per ton: cracked $36 per ton. uBis xwo. i wnite, , S4UM4U.BO per ton. MillHtuflTi Prnn. t9f! KH tin inn . . VMw,wv , middlings, $33; shorts. $29W!32: chop. ?z4(g3u; roiiea parley, 5S435. way' Timothy, Willametto va ev. $17(fZ)20 per ton; Eastern Orciron. $20 WW, mixed, 1620. Grain Bogs 6&c each. fruits Apples, $1(&2.D0 per box: sirawDorries, ti.tbUQZ percrato; chor ries, 3(?510c per pound; gooseberries, 46c; aprlcota, $1.2C(T5l.C0 per box: currants, yc per pound; loganberries, $1.20 per crate; ruBpberriea, $1.50: ujuck caps, l. iwjjZ. Potatoos $11.75 per hundred: now, Z KGfjZXc per pound. Vegetables Asparaeuo. 7Ccff?;90e per dozen: beans, 8c; lettuce head. 25e per dozen; onions, 12C'ilGc; peop, 4(oc por pound; radishes, lEc per dozen. Butter City creamerv.cxtraB.2fi in fancy outsldo creamery. 2fjf7i26 Uc: store, 18c. Butter fat prices uveraeo lKcper pound undor reirular huttor prices. uggs urogon ranch, cand cd. 2fi( per dozen. roultry Hens, 12?13c: snrlncn. 11.:ifi . . ' . -p-i i us cr(j use; rooBiers, ucavc; ducks. young, J'Clac; geeao, young, 9m0c: fll.lnttn 10, m ..1... Anm n UU4.UJJ, Pork Fancy, 10c per pound. veai extras, 8(?8c nor nntmH. ..U rr-. 1 uiuiuary, c; neavy, oc. Hops 1U09 conracta. lflc nor nonnrl. 1908 crop, Il(?il2c: 1907 cron n. 1906 crop, 4c. ' Wool Eastern Orecron. 1G62Hr nnr pound; valley, fine, 23c; coarse, 21;c: mohair, choice, 240)2Cc. Cattle Steers, top, $4,C04.60;faIr to good, $44,2G; common, $3, 7E4; cows, top, $3,501 folr to good, $30 o.u, wimnon to medium, ?i:,D0(??2.75j calves, top, $G(g5.C0; heavy, $3.G0(a4: SnllV Btag8' ?2'7G3,2G; common, $22.G0. ' .-a2rDeBt ?88MB; alrtogood, $7,G0 7.76; stockers, $0 0.60 China fata, $6,7G7. Sheep Top wethorB, $4; fair to good, $3.603.76; ewes, c less on all grades; yearlingB, host, $4.JG; fair to good, $3.7G4; Bpring Jambs, g4.75 0 &0 son, or tuo uank or Lommerco, shortly boforo tho bank closed yesterday after noon, wounded Cashier J, L. Lyen and escaped with a few hundred dollars, He fled on a bicycle to the north end of tho city, then turned toward the waterfront. Hero his pursuers found tho satchol in which ho carried his money. It contained only $u, Dep. uties and citizens aro searching for the man. Bloodhounds havo been secured, When the robber entered tho bank ho thrust two ro vol vera into face and commanding him to throw up his hands, laid down ono gun and aolz cd all tho money ho could reach and placed it in his satchel. Ho paid no attention to tho few customers in tho bank. Cashier Lyen wan in tho rear end of tho building. Ho ran down an alley way nnd entered by tho front door to tako tho robber by surprise and crap pled with him. Tho robber shot three times, ono bullet passing through Ly en's jaw nnd neck, making a serious wound. Tho robber then fled, with :oth Lyen and Olson 'irsotlng at him. Uftfiiat was shot off and it la bellov cd ho was slightly wounded, Ho supposed to have had n blcyclo hidden in tho vicinity, for ho was next seen riding furiously north on ono. Ho was seen by hundreds of pcoplo, but before armed citizens and officers took up tho chuBo in automobiles ho disappeared. New Machine for Flying. Victoria, B. C, July 7. An airship which, tho inventor nucorts, will right Itself within a fow feet when started upsido down and will fly from Victoria to San Francisco in less than fivo hours, has been built by A. W. Gibson, a Scotch engineer. Tho Inventor pur poses to make hia first flight from Vic toria to the Scattlo exposition and hn offered to wager $1,000 that bo can go tho distance in half an hour. Tho airship embodies entirely now princi ples and is propelled by an engine weighing 222 pounds. Now York Tax. Roll Out. Now York, July 7. Andrew Carne gie and Mrs. Russell Sago aro each as sessed os possessing $6,000,000 worth of personal property in Now York City, on tho rolls prusentcd to tho board of aldermen today. John D. Rockefeller fl personal assessment is $2,600,000, and tnnt or seven members of tho Vendor bilt family oggregates $1,340,000, J. Piorpont Morgan Is down for $440,000, while the lato II. II. Rogers and Wil liam Rockefeller tiro cuch assessed $300,000. Lcnvlnir San Francis u.. will go to Los Anml stop for several day wits hU wiwjangji (be preside K0,80" Diego and then Into , and Now Mexico. If o,. pleasant and his Mr. Taft hopea to vliit h. vi. valloy before going to Loi Audi vviiiiiiK uui oi iuexica. ltu m. will stop for a time atEIPti iu vAjH-tia io meet maweM Mexico. After his stop at EI Pma tk dent will vlalt San Antooio, tk win inspect rort Bam UomIm. ho was Instrumental In bnllditrnd wier visuingAmiinwflDjIi preniueni expecu to smdU mttii on tno ranch or his brother, CP.! at Corpus Christ!, Tex. Continuing East, the rrei&th stop at Houston and go to ftor Or! to attend the meetine of lie 1 Waterways convention. Afttti Ing tho convontlon, Mr, Tift i stop for a time in the Biros 1 country of Louisiana, thelndof! gcllne and Arcadia. From there the president cccd to Jackson, Mis., thence to) gomery, Hirmlnghara and J From Macon the president will j Augusta. Leaving Aucu'ta the prciktet i to Savannah and thence UfUl northward trip to Waihfcgtan,,! ping at Wilraingtop, N. C, w I tnond, Vo. DAM THREAT ENS VALUY.) Great Pathfinder Structure Siidft In Perilous Shipe- Chevenno. Wvo.. July lM received hero tonfent IMiciMP dltions atthoPathfindetdiaiti said to be the largest In Ihi w rllkfl bniit on erittl i .ttnna Rnvontv men arewMlM and night to strengthen tit. m Thit imiinrnmpnt " has a force of men acalUrdiJ m L.. lril Tn'TPB jSSI rivor for moro man w xno oarn. ihrhik rivor b imw u K" sudden riao in tho alreim. Preparations have neenp' nnm tothodam II W"."""' - , nwny tho temporary oi - nl.o hetn owl I wornlng tho people living below In enso ot aunger. Man Convicted bPf'j o.n c.f.MM. July iw--1 ditlon case with. unU8,ua ' up for .hearing tms - United Htntca , Gunnison Ooro Finished. MAntfian "PnU T. I ft ITLm Inn MVIlfclUDU. U.t UUI V ! IIU I11E1LI w round of shota in tho East heading for Mosys don Amarn , tho GunnlBon Irrigation tunnol was fired deportment ww llit A fow wuraer hel two lainiiap, . .nd coBTt tho country, w . at 6 :30 o'clock this ovening. minutes lator workmen from tho l. . n .1 ! 1 - t- f 1 1 1 f A I . iiuauniK uuooit nunus inrougn tno upon- " , portgg' lu niv m-viIIam iahm a t i I mnfi ttnnoiniGCi vj , has beon undor construction four years representing nm . y, i cor. ly ho was eopvu - nnd a half. This project has been riedoutby tho Fcdoral Reclamation bureau at n cost of $3,600,000, It will furnish water for tho Irrigation of 160,000 acres of land. Hill to Invade Canada, Helena, Mont.. Ju y 7.-r-Thcro was filed with tho aocrotary of state today atiofilclol resolution adopted by the board of directors of tho Groat North ern railway, showing its purpose to construct a branch lino from Poplar,, vanoy county to tho Canadian bordor, a distanco of 80 miles. The Inference b that tho lino will bo oxtonded furth or north, tapplnir tho trralii fields of SuBkatchowon, thus Invading tho Cana- uiun ruci nc territory. . v - in tms bi ""-.,Vi.n nttornpt of oxtraditlon ... TriviW' Pek n. July lv'. ..Mtd l Bnn," "rn'Wrofthew Z ta funded edStatrs. An , mm BUOd tOOBy l"8 ' jliit-f of ' ncctnnt vice pr- ; irnpcrlnl boar as mcanniK rii n i recognized by we .-- mcnt, Use Oannon at OH Fire. Keofo, comm.-byF,,, Martinsville, III.. July 7. Fire, granon, fori' i. 1 l ... , . . '. - . .. nw .kirn "IIIUI JIIPl'---' ..,1. oiuru-u uy ngnrning in ono or tno uo, w i "t"' tnlnV on vX' 1 000 barrel tanks of tho Ohio Oil comJ ed thlfl Hy 30R, Qt: pony, wos brought under control ton tf", v "ZJ t0 eatDiBM I..Li mt 1.", ... .i l.. I nAilm(narV M v i iikv. i no tanK was punciureu ay : n orvw rA cannon shot and most of tho oil drained regulation i w v xniB nreventGd nn cxnioion. wmiw