The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, July 15, 1909, Image 5

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    ill rr V in'fin - M 1 -fcitii rat rr
... 1:.,,.. Lur--- '--'" i'r,-'l'"vtl -tMnmikmii
- ' V Tit '1 -
J I. i
I t iia., nrnwn were, n.vtowii
r . r w Pnrrith were
r J MM. "
5 B,o, firo.lllnc.St tocher
cnumm "B "'
v Al;cv!'ri
tortnlt Friday from their lioi.u-
Rouih of iM M.'idrftit;irn(iipf!
. . i it., rminiv ient the Inst
A ... r r nnimitn wni.lrj.totvo-
.iiendintf Ihe mcrting 01 - mc
nnd' (iniilglHct
town lnjt.FrijJny
Culver looking n((cr
home near
r J Drooks and A S. Phillip
Uttndance at the meeilnir .01 tor
toortat lr!ncville dunti the tv.cek.
j j.osj, who rcids near Sagc-
was n vhlior in aiauriis
He left the Inst of the
stay in Wnlln
an exlrnded
G, R Moorlicad lett I uesaay
ffor Antelope and is expecltd
lywiih Mrs. Moorhead,nnd the
bo nave onen vinwng rici
s for the pait sue weeks.
lad Mn. J T. Hobinson nnd, "if 11
Miss Grn e, led last Sundry
i Utiles. Mr KobinsDh will re
llc, blit Mrs. Riliron and
rite wljl spend several mOnllo
Dickersont who has been visiting
nd lor stVeral weeks, returned
nt Thursday. Mr. Ukkerjnn
ill nroof upon his homestead on
PUms luesuay uomre uommis
5kmner, who has been employed
:erper fnr the H 3. & L.Co. HI
:, his resigned Ins 1olliin nnd
fnr Ms hnme in Michigan in n
He visited hfcnds in Madras
lys the last of the week.
Weirman, who has been visit-
is in Madras fnr io days, left
morning for Portland, . going
e mountains horseback by the
iniite. During his slay In Madras
fmnn survejed and platted (he
n addition.
ior Benson has appointed 41
tnrrprcsent Oregon at the 171I1
lorwrcss, wntcii meets nt So'
;Ut 9 to 14 Inclusive. Among
jointed was Hon P. Ken of Mad
Rea expects to attend the ses
e congress
i Mrs. Jesse Stearns of Pott-
m Madras Inst Saturday forc-
thtir. way to the railroad from
iMe they have been spending
'; Mr. sfenrns if. attornev
. . - -
J, U I', Co. and has n number
us at Hend.
Wooley, travehni! salesman for
Weill Co, of Portland. vn In
Friday. Mr, VVoolcy's dauiih-
ipnied htm on the nrcsent
the Interior, hut ttunnfrl
home of Mrs. J G, Holier at
y. where she will visit until .Mr.
return front the interior.
i Mrs. lSdw,ud Chalotipka nnd
IT" Warmspting. nnd Mr,
wrrirteinann and V H. Wler.
ymuras snent n nnn nn r twr
hospitable home of Afr. nnll
'Iiam lloegli at the Cove Orchard
!e" Kiver the last
!" has one of the best impfoVed
auraciive fruit taiichcb in Cen.
m nd Incidentally he has ihe
'team In the statt nt his dttor.
cllie Reynolds of,.
i'K'd to teach In
noi lor the
."f, wu.
Charm r .1..-. .1 ....
J. 'cc oi me interme-
.-;t.uu. 11119 11UU
n as a teacher ahd tomes
"tnniendetl . 'him v.r
fin0.tire now considering nppli
cm Qlher teachers, two mpre of
; lu 0.5 selected. Prof, V. R.
'""clpftl and Mis. i,vnM. rnr
Mediate trades ih.
ltlled so far.
return, Sunday hRer.
" 'P 10 North Yftltlmn. Wh.
0n,?( Hme BL'O nt11 hnt.U.
'CO Of hf1rc .1.1.
'"W Utl n VnlluKl 1 1.-
. 1 ..iiiuio iiuiac oc"
iJombrow nnil drovp lilm
I advised Hf 1. 1;.. v... t
r. ,iiicr uy some 01
.uiwuwu icimweq
t North Vnfr,. 'L 1 li..
.ha SBC?
nf t. ' 'Iff 'ui V Yi
' norses. so U
the an TZ TO
,1,1 , , " nurse was
driven oiTr bnt-Mr-Dom-
i it r. 1 . . !i
ueen unable td locate
Perry Read of Culver was a visitor in
town yesterday. ' ;
Hofii 10 the wife of Fred, Green Tue
i.'.i.. f. '; '
6 J.oting was,A yn.l(or in (oivy Inji
Tliufsday from lW home near Crooked
Edward Uetlavbfi and Ibe Srunft
f;(,,lV, ,'fuesday" from" the nidqt pf
1 rout Mfeek . . .
Mlsi Coliifnbra Thronson of-Pflrirtilu.
Is visitlilg hs'vweck. at lliji hoine U M fs,'
vi. . Kooinson. , .
Ota Vantasscl ' and fifmilv catne' over
Horn .Sister 'Monday and soenl several
days in Madras! ,
Hoscue Howard, manager of (he De-
Cllllies lrrlLMli'on SC P6wtr Co.! vinl In
town last Saturday on 'his way to poit-
latid. .
Albert enike, wlip" hat bren vKftiiiij
for two weeks witti' his ,on, jE'inil.'in this
locnliiy, left yesterday afternoon lor his
home in Iowa,
Coitftled Kampfcr was in town last
Tuesday from his home on lower Trout
L'leek, acting as a witness in the home-
lead proof of Edward DeHaven,
Mrs, I C Robinson returned Tuesday
nfternoon from Antelope, where he has
been visiting her parents, Mr and Airs.
I'lipmas Ufogan. HeMisler, Miss 'Fran-
crs Hrogan, accompanied her on her re
turn, and will vijft in Madras forborne
Mr and Mrs. E Chaloupka of Warm
firing visited friepJs in Madras the latier
part ol the week. Mr. Chalmipkn has
iposcd of his interests at the agency
ind he nnd hs wife left yesterday for
their old horiie in Charlevoix. Micbiaan.
They will visit, there for several months
and will theh leturn to Oregon, wheie
they will make their home.
Mrs, Theodore Rieger has purchased
the quarter section of land belonging: to
Mrs. Ci W. Pnrri'ib, and which adjoins
the Kieger Ki.mcilfead. The la'hd'ls well
located and is well improved, Mrs.
Reiger has acquired a good piece of prop.
W H See was In town Tuesday, He
wjfs Teturnfrig.'frm a'vfiitS the Wwm
spri.lg ngency, where, he Jia$ busfilcsl ltl
J iPHorpcy . and ;'familyleft Ihe latter
part of the week fcir "llllknap Springs,
.where they will enjoy an outing for a
month or more. t
( ' Mrs, LInna U, Wtlod returned. Tuesday
from Prhieyllle-where she has .been visit
ing frierids. She- vi accompanle'd by
'Mrs. Thron Thrrfnson wh6 is vuiiirlir at
the home of MVsM' A UbbtriiOn.
William Blair of near Porter Spring
canyon, was a visitor in town yesterday. ;
... 1
He says a clew of railroad engineers are I
camped at the mouth of Trout Creek and
are laying out (he steel bridue which.
crosses the creek about a mile and a half
above its mouth. There are 14 men In
this parly, and another party Is exptfcTcd
tomorrow to begin work in that vicinity,
'STWIBBH , ,n in i ii. ..i i 1 ; L
0. Pease Go
. , . ------ r r
rrty. Mr.G.lJ. Hnnta, who has been'
farming the, land, exptcls to leave 'soon'
f... v.i.'i..:' 111...V1.. .
m iiiuiii iiiniiii,!, yviisniiigion, anji irom
her thinks he will ;o the Alberta coun-
His family will accompany him. Mr.
Hnnta is winding, up his affairs here and
expects to leave in a short time,
L E Lawrence and L Doonar were in
town yesterday looking nfter matters for
Ihe Pioneer Telcginph & Telephone Co.'
Tiey are arranging to, . makc-, number of
improvements in the telephone r
'his place nnd in this end of thccotinty,
and are going over the line for that pur
pose. One of the first improvements to
be made will be to connect the Madras
-Hire up with Haycrerk, giving a more
direct connection with Shar.tko and out
side points. The wire has been ordered
10 finish out this line and service will l-e
ipi tied over it In a few days. The toll
rate lo Shaiiiko will also be reduced lo cot
cents, the rate heretolotc having been $1
Messrs Lawrence and Doonar foutld the
me in bad shape, and some of the. wire
and poles belonging to the company has
been removed. They hve offere'd a re
ward for information leading to- the con
viclion of any future offenders, ns ih'crc is
Matute protecting telephone . nnd tele
graph lines.
Ward Farrell has" been enjoying a visit
from his friend, William Tompkins of
Portland, the past week
Ffefl Wild spent a few vdays in Prine
ville on business. last week.
j, Mrs. A. H Farnswortb, wlo has'been I
quite seriously ill, has recovered sufficient .!
ly to be taken to her- .home at. Kent, !
Washington. Mr Farnswortb accom-'
pamed her, !
Mr. Youngs mother, Mrs.' Whitttng
ton, is still quite ill .but hopes are enter
tained for her recovery.
Miss Edyth Hideout closed a very suc
cessful term of school here July 2. The
evening of that day al) (he parents of the
children attendirtg-,chiol:wcre invited to
join them 'in an enteitainmenf, at which
refreshments consisting of fee cream, cake
and lemonade were served. The pupi's
not absent during ihe term of four months
were Marvil Akeyson, Uick Young, and
Esther, Alice and Lora Coburn. .Some
of these children walk'ed 3 miles to and
from school.
e I
Regular services will be, .held Sunday,
Ware receiving daily 6'ur SrihfiT line of.
t "pry GOODS, SHOES ?
An elegant line in all departments
..... . 1 1 1
Telesc5b Rods, Barabo6 Rods, Jointed BAmboo RodJ
Bamboo Po1es--long and hort, ReelJr, King Fishfer Trout
Lirieij Black Spanish Leaders, Imported .Leaders, Etc.
.mm. m M mm . mm m mV 1 ' ( t Ml k ft
:) Everv mm Neeoru hor a urst-uiass mm uunn c
4 W tmw '
m Chief Siddy of m Store k to Satisfy ltsCystomirs
uly ?y, by ihe pastor at 'the usual place-.
special subject ,at it a. rri, "Christian
Signaturei'' ,at 8 p.. m., "subbed, "Cilften's
3f Heaven." '
Vou are invited to these services. '
ADVERSE your "-Yani8" In the
Pinnoer. It jreta renultP. Regular lo
cal advert Isliiu' rjton
Mllhfifrlltu fl ilia tlrttA ..n.l Mn
x I'.iirri ..lilt ucb
IIih .iirv,r;iew'(M-.. P'ort $1 fin (iff vear
mi. I.
A reward of $Sj Is offered for informs
lion leading to the conviction of any per '
son or persons guilty of the cffTisc of
cutting the lines, destroying or removing
the poles, or interfering in any way with
the property of the Pioneer T elegraph Si
Telephone Co, tf
Pioneer Telegrtjli & Teleplioiis Co,
A large stoqk pf Seasoned Rough, also
a good assortment of Dressed and Finishing lum
ber of all kinds at the company's mill. Call up
by phone or address $Lt gk-
Xjanaoaxta, Oregon
Plow Repairing, Wagtail
Work. A Specialty Of
(Forraeriy The McEUOY SHOP)
8t Personal PROfeRTY
OSBoe at Besiden6e, South Main St, , )
5 r H ft.
f 'V
- - IMPLEMENTS - - 1
aw m v jlh .wv '
--Smn ' m j. t. i .
11 is i tiLiKJim
We can furnish you w th a fine outfit ' r,iP
UBS, tEAbERS, Etc, Etc
' 1 1 u
on the Belen cuTon-aeTTicn-minKT
district will be developed in the Man
zano mountains in Torrance county,
New Mexico.
A fact that adds romantic interest
to the gold discovery is that the region.
is adjacent to the deserted city, which
is supposed to have been Spanish and
which is known as firnn On
There are legendary Btoriesof oldSpan-
isn mines wnicn are supposed to have
been productive hundreds of years ago.
but which were abandoned. Now that
gold has been discovered in the region
these stories aro being revived and
many are flockine into tho mountainn
and are.staking out claims everywhere.
ine discovery of gold is largely due
to one of the engineers of the com
pany, who is located at tho
offices in Chicago. Not along ago this
engineer was warning trade between
Belen and Willard and while in a deep
cut he nicked un a chunk nt hnlioaf
which had a chemical stain upon it.
The stone was brought to Chicago, and
it Was found to ho hioMv infnaori
gold. Some of the ballast which was
being used on the Belen cutoff was then
sent for and was found to assay about
$3 worth of gold to the ton.
Country Lures City Folk.
NOW York. Julv 5. Morn
000.000 nersons. one-thirH th nnnni.
tion of Manhattan, left this city Satur
day to spend the holiday and week end
in- the country. It wan th A rrro toot
exodus in the history of New York and
riot several umca was averted nmong
tho throngs that filled the steamboat
piers. Evorv trollev ear. trntn nnA
steamboat was taxed to its canaeltw
and more than 30,000 mon, women and
children wore compelled to return to
their homes because thn
' witwvt tliUU
craft could not accommodato them.
Educator Says Nothing is Right.
Denver. Julv K.
whole present day school Byatem is
radically wrong and that American
homes and society are directly respon-
rnut two deaths and nine serious injur
ies. Small cities in Now Jersey and
Pennsylvania and Far Western locali
ties seemed most patriotic in casual
ties this year. In every case this can
be traced to lax police regulations.
Congressman from Washington Passes
Away at New York.
New York, July 6. Francis W.
Cushman, representative in congress
from Washington, died at 5 o'clock
this morning at the Rosevelt hospital
from pneumonia. At the bedside at
the time were, besides the doctors and
nurses, United States Senator Samuel
H. Piles, of Washinrrtnn.
S. Burleigh, of this city, a lifo long
Congressman Cushman underwent an
operation a Bhort time ago and pneu
monia resulted.
Senator Piles and Mr. BnrliVh whn
had been with the patient almost con
stantly Bince bis condition became eer-
fnnn aniA tV.
meiita iur mo seguing or the body
Powers Block Russians.
Pekin. Julv 6 Ci
faria-Hungary and the United States
have notified China that they do not
reCOBmize the nroli
between Russia and China dflvlnprl r.
administration of the Russian railroad
area in Manchuria. These powers de
clare also that thn 1
right to reside in the international set
tlement in Uhina roust originate with
the treaty nowers. Tho noor.ftot
on this subject, which were opened last
month, are now blocked for an indefi
nite time.
Mud Blocks Royal Gorge;
Canon Citv. Colo.. Julv r, Tf . rn
ported that 600 feet of Rio Granda
irucK just rjeyond the Royal Gorgo,
!!ff, rnfiUffllUCIfll
fhS "best in Shariikd
m refill Drivers
mm -rr w ir
, -1