.....wbyfjgsv.yy.r 2 TJhe Madras Pioneer '- 1 IHibllshod ovoty Thursday by 1 -rriiE riONKEit mulish ifift co. fsUflsoipiioXrtATts: ' One yenr........ . ...4. .$1.50 months.. .K5 Three month ,,.. .60 At'RltTISIIl liATKS ON AJUMilOATlOS . Eiitorett as second class matter August 29, 1901, At the -I'ostoMca at Madrrts, Ore., under the Act of Congress of March 8; 187U. ... . .1 . . it, ,, - THURSDAY - JULY 15, 1909 SOME LIFE THERE YET , Tho Oregon Trunk Line mil- road in the Deschutes canyoi .appenra to be a flead project, so far as any prospects for the im mediate construction of a rail road are concerned, but under the laws governing rights-of way for railroads across govern ment land the project still has life enough to be annoying to pie Harriman euterpnse in the Deschutes canyon. Although Uie Oregon Trunk Line dis plays no intention of building soon, or ever, while the Harri inan line is making every effort to get construction under way, the former road is able to 'oc cupy" its government right-of- ,way along the river to the ex elusion of the Harriman road, where their surveys conflict, be cause the Oregon Trunk Line's .survey and maps were filed first tin the land office. This is one of the obstacles which the Har riman people are having to overcome in getting their right-of-way matters cleared up. At the time the surveys for ,lhese two lines were made the tOregon Trunk Line started one crew of surveyors at Madras,, .surveying down Willow Creek ..while the Harriman surveyors were on the lower stretches of the river, and by filings its tmaps in the land office the Oregon Trunk Line succeeded in bottling up the Willow Creek route. The Harriman survey ors found a way out of the Des chutes canyon up Trout Creek and brought their line out that way on South through Madran, und it was understood at that time that a very good Ijne had ,,been secured. Recently, how ever, there have been rumors of ..negotiations for the purchase ',of the Oregon Trunk Line sur vey, and Harriman engineers .are now in the field going over .tthat line. If this investigation should demonstrate the supfri ority of the Willow Creek .route ..it is not improbable that the Oregon Trunk survey will b purchased and adopted. While the right-of-way has already been pnrchased outright for the Trout Creek line) the nmonnt 01 money spent tor tnat is a ..very small item, if the Willow Creek route is found to be ens ier to operate and cheaper to maintain. The Trout Creek -route . necessitates two high ; bridges, one across Trout Creek nand the oilier oVer Willow Creek at this place, both of which would be avoided by the line up Willow Creek canyon, ..and this alone might be suffi cient to turn the scale in favor of that route. The purchase of the Oregon Trunk Line survey! would also, dispose of the con flicts between the two lines at .other points along the Dea- , chutes River, which makes it strongly probable that the Har .. riman people will desire to ac quire those rights. i S i..Jkm y 1 1 1 RECALLS AN OLD FIQHT ' 1 The report from 'Prineville pf ..the damaged condition of the . foundation .walls under tlje new courtho'Use recalls a Very bitter . fight made several yenr$ ago ugainst the construction of the bujlding, undel a former county administration. The fight wax t pd very warm, and practically "very resident of the county es 11 f rtrTiirtri poused the causO of one ilcfa or the other to tho controversy A perpetual injunction was tin ally secured against the county court, enjoining it frdtn letting a contract for the new, building or any portion of it, if 6U0I1 con tract would incur an indebted Hess in excess of the constitu tional ' limit 01 $5000 As the cbunty did not have the money to build the Entire courthouse at that time, the county court then let ti contract for tho foun dattou only, and it was in this manner that the courthouse wan built in sections, the superstrvtc-' Hire being later built under the present administration. ' The old sectional leeling in this county has died out, and the news of the faulty founda tion of the new courthouse over which there was so much dis cord is the ' first thing to recall it in some, time. Crook county has a magnificent courthouse building, one of the finest in the state, atid the citizens of all sec tions of the county take a par douaUle pride in it. It ia to be regiutted that the building lias proved a disappointment in any particular, aud consollug to know that the county couit will take steps at once to remedy it, so that the fine new structure will not be endangered. SERVICES AT M. E. CHURCH Sunday school at 10 a. nt.; Epwotth League at 7:15 p. m. Sunday July 18, preaching both morn intr and evening. c..... 1..!.. r n.i;;,.in. .... """""j 3i jv - vices will commence at 10130 Sermon by Dr. R.idcr of Portland .basket dinner at 1:30; services at 2:30, Dr. bkipworth; evangelistic services at 6 p. m. Besides Drs Rader and Skipwoith, other visiting ministers will be present: All are invited to come and spend a goodly and profit- able day together. G. R. Moorhead, Pastor. . Window sale next Saturday afternoon at B S. Larkin store. Ice cream will be served. CHURCH OF CHRIST SERVICES Seivices in Odd Fellows hall. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at Willow Creek Sunday, uly 16. at it a.m., preaching at' 8. p m; Sunday July 18 at Lamonta. ' . I Sunday school at Lamonta every bpn- day at 10 a. m. - You are invited to attend these services, B. F. W. Pitman, Pastor, MENN0MTE SERVICES MADRAS July 11, at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. in Free Aletbodist Cliurch, OI'AL PRAIRIE Every 8undy, except July 11, At 11 a. irt. and 7:30 p. m. iti Opal Prairie Church, Union Bonday school every Sun day at lu a. m JCSTl'ER UUTTE Scliool Jtou,-Exr5r gun day, except July it, at 3 p. in, Union 8uu day chool every Sunday at 2 p. m. MOUNTAIN VIKW bchool HoutT-FIrt and 3dSundy of each month AW'tsap.m. Un- Ion Sunday fchcol.cvery8uniuij0:OT p. ra. , All are cordiajlv irfvltcd to these tehrtcer ARTiiujt and iii.s'A CRKAflUXator. WANTJJD TO EXCIIANGE-Portland property for n wheat raneli.-O, A. GRAHAM, 1034 Cleveland Avenue, Portland, Oregon. J16 4t For Sale '(MAN OR -WOMAN) A 320-aeP South Afri- Can Veteran Bounty Ltanci Gepfcmeatek - Jstied by tlm Department of the liileiior.uo vein men tot Uan ada, under the Volunteer B')titity Act, 1008. Good .for 820 of any Dominion Land open for entry in Al .bertn Saskatchewan, . or Manitoba. Any. person over the age. of IS years, -Man or - Woman, Jan ac quire: tliio jaud .AvitU this CertUiuavte without tfur.ther charge. For tm mediate ftale, 8800, Wtiie or wire, , - , t , . y -r h L. E TELFORD, I dSllMter St.JWOHtD, Cafl. n: : A. E. PETERSON SMANIKO, OREGON ! Watchmate and Iev6ler Jewelry of jtil kindi nude tw or der tad repaired, jSettinjjl for I'reuoui oione muac. EIDQT.niARB MIHBU nil ADaUTCCB 4 Eft Pacific ttofse Liniment Is prepared expressly tor the needs ol horsemen and ranchmen. It is a powerful aad penc tratlng liniment, remedy for emergen.' cics. A soothing embrocation for the relief of pain, and the best liniment for sprains and soreness.'' Unequalcd tor curing the wounds and .InJ.uriesoI BARBED WIRE and for. hewing cut?, abrasions, sores and bruises. Pacific Horse Liniment Is fully guaranteed. No other is SO fcnod or helpful In so many ways. If It tails to satisfy, we authorize all dealers to refund the purchase price. cxtr unoc lomii rirrv ccnts HOYT CHKMICAU CO., Pohtmno, Oftb ' Fc rti'in ov J. 0. & M. A, Eobinson Not Coul Land OOME8TEAD. Notion for l'uhll catfnn. Department of tie Inte rior, U. S. Lund Oflloo at Tho PatleB Oregon, June 17, 1000. Notion is hereby given Hint ROBERTA GARY, of Lnmonta, Oregon, who, on July 2ft, lUOl. niHilo Homestead, (Serial No. 0326BJ No 18682, for eswl, wjHel 8eo S, tp ll2 8, r 14 e, w 111, Has fileil notice of Intention to make tlnnl live-year proof) to eMnhlltdi claim to the laud above described, before Howard W. Turner. tJ. B. GomtnlRHl.m er, at his olllco at Madras, Oregon, on the 2Htli day of July, 1009. Claimant names aa witnesses: J B Brown, of Culver, Oregon, Em ma' O Sumner, R Cook, of Madras. A.......... I t I. I. III.. Ulc"ui '"' ci ' ' i?v,..r, Oregon. C. W. MOORE, J24Jy22 .Register;' -, . r f Not Coal Lanil HOMESTEAD. Notice for Puhllca- M M. tlou. Department of tho fnte rior, U. S. Lamt Olllco ut The Dalles, Oregon, Juue 16, 1000, ' Notice Is hereby glveu that CHRIST HARI, of Madras, Oregnp, who, on December 16, 1903, nuiilo Homestead, S-tIhI No 03016 No. 18124, for(eiH J, bwhw! sec 29 and sej see 80, tplls, r 18 0, W M, Has tiled notice nf intention to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above desorihed, before Howard W. Turner, TJ. 8. Commission er, ut his olllce ut Madras, Oregon, on .1... anil. .I.... . 9 T..I.. t nnn MW "a Clafmatit names as witnesses: Ohrls Ilegenauer, Fred Ilenske, Dan iel Arusmeler, of Mndros, Oregon; Jack Dee, of Grizzly, Oregon. C. W. MooitE, J24-Jy22 Register. Not Coal 'Land HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publica tion, Department of tho Interior U.S. Laml Ofllce at The Dalles, Ore- gH, June 29, 1009. 3r.W a !,.! yion .f J.3" "L J "Xi-itiZuu i w"'v" "V" J'""", ,.. ,.; one w m iieirs juiii tor ine neira oi , Jens Clrl8ttansen, ueceaseil 0f Youngs, Oregon, who on June 12. 1003, made Homestead Entry Serial NTo. 02038 No. 12739, for the wMseJ vvuej sec 19, tp 9 s, r 14 o, w m, Has tiled notice of intention to make (Inal five-year proof, to establish claim to the laud above described be fore Howard W Turner, United States Commissioner, at his ofllce ut Madras, Oreuoii) on the 12th day of August, 1000. Claimant names us witnesses: LT Larson, L B Larson, W Brown 'i" of Youngs, Oregonj C C Fox, of ' c. w. moorr Iy8-al2 Beglster iol Coal Land HI OME8TEADi Notlco for Fubll cation, Departmentof the Inter ior, P A Laud Oillce atThe Dalles, Ore gon, June 29, 1009. Notice is hereby given that PETER MARNAOH, Jl7 of Madras, Oregon, who, on Decern' her 4;. 1903, made Homestead Entry seitalNo. 030303 No. 18000, for se seo-.82 tp II f, r 18 e, w m, n a 'Ali-nl tinilnii e 0 Inlatillftit Ih "W"'1 uve-jrenr prwiii, w roiaoiisi) clali JuiU'L'l described, be' ..LI n . ,u . m . i . I . I i fore Howard w, ffiarneri u. a. Commls- elonor, tat g'tf f'fflce at Madras, Ore gon, flu the Vftli day, of August, 1000. Claimant names us wJtneBst'sl H K NiBBon'. Jokenh MartUtDbi J 11 Homey, Qeoge Kllltugbedk, all of oiauras, uregon. r , C. W. MobiiJi, y8-12 ..ReKlator - '1 St? en the Jotlcp to Tho Pi tn the future parties attetidinar fiinerals nt the 'HaloCetneterv ate reailesled to leave their dogs at iiome1) iJlonoV(b tie. their h.orjes to the cemetery fetyje.,. , Dy order of Board of TrUste'eir. jyl ifrl iTi if. Vn Mi CLASSIFIED LOCALS t KOtt HALK F'v licntl frond hone. Rr tmrtlouuwrt n J. W, HoneH, nd nilnUtralor Jid Kii'ohfer oMUie. Mud- run. Orviroil. ft PAINTING ami I'npor HiiiirIiik iflrflt class worknmiiHhlp. OflH on(orjul- X dross J. M. Larson, MiulritSc BUlLDEUS nnd PKOOllATOltS Come in nnd aeo our OIiI-NhihoI ttr nishea and" 8tains Somethl'tiK entire ly now. S. C. A M. A. HoWiiboH, LOTS POH.SAUi Oil HAP. - FT n short time only ,th Madras Towu slte Oomimiiy Is od'orlng lots for stile at vrv low lirloee. Thoir udvorlNu- tm-utoti the Imolt page ut tills paper coiitnltis map showing loontlnn of Miulras with rofrono to tin M'veml railroad clitvevM through this sfu lion. Conalriiotlon Of either or these ronds will niatce Madras the trading center of n largo territory. The tlmt to buy Is now, hofori the'' railroad starts, when prices will advance. t HIDES BOUGHT HlghoiUmsh pi tee paid lot hides of all klhtlit. J, W. Livingston, Mbdras, tf AUCTIONEERINO-Col. W. 11. Rey nolds, of Mtdras, Oregon, an Hunt eru Auotloni'wr, will sell all kinds ol Itieri'liandlHe or stmjk farm snleia specialty. Will gi any wimre lu Or egon or niljnlnlnif slates. Regular prices. Call on or write Col. W II KKVNOI.DS. or A. O. Hanford. slfi-.tt THE J"hu h. Campbell Market of Madras wl'l buy pork, veal, mutton and eggs, Jl -tf The Pioneer gives you the hotuu nnd county news nnd keeps you In lout'li wMli your surroundings. Bulscrlhe for It. Prlco $1.50 per year. sWall Paper! NEW STOCK-NEW STYLES PARLOR. INGRAIN & KITCHEN PAPERS IFURNITURE! i LOUCKS BRO 4 MADRAS, OREGON : T. B. TUCKER Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing WAGON AND PLOW WORK Firsl-Cta fori Boaraiiicel Uocttlal In the old ttmnhn nhnn MADRAS, OREOON . v. Not Coul land fjOME3TJ5AD.-N.Mice for .I'ublioa- Hon, DtMiartmeul.of the Interior. U. 8. Luid Ollice, The Dalles, Oruon, June 11, 1009. Notice Is hereby given Hint WILLIAM II. LANOFOHD, , of Haystack, OreRnn, who, on July 1, 1903 and additional .Innuury 30, 19iW, made Homestead, Herlal Not. 02047 itnd 08408, No. 127fc0, 14100, foi nUel. seiH'i sec 10 and swjiwi 20, ti 12 s, r 14 e, w in, Has filed notice of Intention to make, mini five-year proof, to eslabllfih claim to the laud above described, be fore Wurren Brown, County Clerk, at his ofllce at Prineville, Oregon, on the 2?th day of July, 1009. Claimant names a wltnoasust Homer Alexandur, of Madras, Ore roii; Glen atldBewuy, John A Dobklns, Edmund Ilealy, of Culver, Oregon, 0. W. MoniiK. ' - Jy22 Register Not Coiil Kandl HOME.6 Him. 0ME8TBAD. Notice for PuMlant Department of the Interior. U. H. Land Ollloe atTlie Dallns. (imimn. June SB, JUul), Notice Is hereby given that , , WILLIAM 11. 1IUUK. r-f Culver, On-got), .wh(J, on August 10, i002, niade ftomentead (dora Nof 02041) No. 11172, for ik.iw'l. m-l-wU sfco20and silni'1 Seo80, tpl'Js,,rJ4 llledHOIICo of Intention to, make 'fliiul five-yuar proor, lo ectahlUli claim In tho laud . ubovb described, tit.fore lillcslook at hlaorntiu. atMadrfH,Oregoin,oii Ord doy of Auttiut, ltJOD. OlMltilttlJt names as tt.ltuusaeVl Jerry Aqli'oy, William Satin. Alhr ealus, Emery BeeleB, all of Umuttta, - J20 0, W. Mooiiu. ItoKlster M' - f - V1"'11 - ''1 Hi'inli nil. PLACE YOUR 0 hor extras and repair. peering, Hodge, aK Champion and pian' harvesting machine! with me as early as pos: sible so as save delays Repairs are cash goods MADRAS tllliL German Restaura & BAKERY, PRED BECK, MADRAS, OREGON nm -Good Meals 25 Cents PRESH bREAD Evary Day Tli r re loaves, 25 ct. XjocaerirLgr Rosma in Ccnnecticn; AUNSEi nftln i iiw 1 1 nn iimn mm iMiiujalJjii Sunut Macailnc' offer the rradra ti this pirtrtfitwt WOMAN'S' HOME COMPANIOM 1.20J sJO.UQf i -'- Illustrated In four colfwlihlUVj SPECIAL SALE 1Q 'OFF For one week- bdeinning Monday July Jandtfi ing Saturday July 24, we will offer for sale One-Third Off regular price a fine line of LADIES' STAPLE and FANCY COLLARS Rjmmna in nnV. frnm 50c to $ I tlk fk I a good assortment of Ladies' Wath Belts. NO OLD STOCK-ALL THIS SEASON'S GOODS MadrasTr'adingCo, r p RniRH. . MANAGER A JL . fcHw iii ililliiiiiniilld fl- ltl IK KIM Mil ii i III 1 1 "II "' EAT JOB PRINJS N ' rf you need teTte'R ti&M ENVEl-OPES, or other Com ti,t OHiMtincr. includin iiioi vini ii",moi ii a Special ftuled job .work of w -J kind, felve us yor oraer, IN 0RK AND m. A.VM RaiMd Qermaa Cwt Do- COCCr vllh your ctitt. btiutlAil m!tns.iriw SUNSET MAGAZINE an rNncico, euroinii