wy pAHM" Increasing Orp Outpul Will BO uisc" r.rm nff contrrcss is now Thfl V'J 7.. niva Dtnncv nnr. . .itn Rniiiu uuwiMf..-. . . - .-non. vii . . . i. xi.. wfMinBuw - i f 11. . i mi n i uiu - . . . "I in the r clBtmo or. an ..lATtnn . ... . RAnT 1 II LI 1 UUII J ' ""7 ,i ntt of carofu am ... nees . ...... :.i.nt worn "! -- . . . tka flVlQCIIto -"7". "i fflOny P1 j. ..mlniy BH an liv g metnoas nu - LIY I t XL.., ML rZ"&cMc. the unbo HUW ' . I i 1 . .. ...... IhhiI .V 1. i ... . n convormiH " " tj OTt tO aKncunu.i h""!'-""! ' . . .mnc. tho cultivation 0 nnd lorenm, " "wi'mu nnmOB Una mo HUiium mjj u. i . urn hhv null, id lint, nut !... n irroW CrODBi UWk wiujr iup IBIW" . a ll ll .i .nnfl OI UrOUlll. UUi. .... h.ri tho r noriou unu imvu bai 1DK "- x- .11 hp r inuuuuw 0 - ..i.M.nt of mo couiiiry nun viw ...j nraatwnm I or uiu juni. iiii-v . ni uat rtimvuiion hub uuuii mu am. am i ' . .ii!.;., influence mat nua conqucrcu " . . 1 1 11.. l.,i..nnH..na it i I nrinnu nnu liiii uuiiL'iiuunfl .l. t.ina nnri nrnirio countries W1SI .1.. J.nnnilntlKn til nrftd HP tlotl. Th Fourth Ury farming congress . j mm ..4i u ii tMAnttnry nr ifiitincrH. ninn a. ww w- r i will not oniy hwhww minrr f&rmorfl and dry farming i . -i - .mii r inn nurd nnr. il win in exposition of dry lurming product t .. .1.1.. n nn nihnr rnnntrif nn jrwitnesfcd. Thero nro piedBco ai- i -.(Lr- -Am UtvfAin Woof nrn ..t. rrt.n nrfrnn!9!Atlhn hv ntntna. to ut.. t nnili (a rlAinrr nnrf rnnnhlft un rfi iv - . . . . . t a i .1 doing; in the raising oi gram nnu . M.nna nfifVtntlf iTTitTfltfn . 1A r . v i a.t. i leaiurw ... . m.l.mlt ..MM rhd nrnn of tillBUlo Inncis in the iinn in i-iihiiiuiuliiuit diiihiii hiiu m r present condttiona oi aemana uy . i l ...ill t.i. U..i- DOOieaiL'uuur win iuot uuv iun 1 lt. I II . 4. good business judgment that the r firm nir districts bo lnvcBttcatea if 1 A 1 . .-.III H inose wno coiiwjniiuuio uliiiiik a s under tho ireo nomcatcaa law. I t s! a nnr) itn tkno f- 1 rn flnnd Tf til mi ii i n in 1 1 a liiii uuau iul. a u a u ii a a a be first taken. Each voar will ro- ) the Quality of lands to be disposed u government nomcsioaas. Dry Farming congress will bo 1 UJULU UJ VIDlla IIUAb Wft.bVUUa.1. Ill II I t t . 1 (i prictico. Tho Dry Farmine con- u announces that thero are 200.- (ttl nprna nf nrnhlA lnnn ntftTBlrlner Appropriate Ilreed. Tha lornnniit ultt lit itnlnit tt tiim 1 inner inctiir will tava ma nnr nrter ItlMlb 1V1I1U U U UUlj ID lljj Ml .1.... I I -. . ft T.lll ra Amprirnn fiiformiif ion llurcnu. Caller I wlih you wonltl tell me II I I I I At- - tre nas Decn nnr ciinnco in iuo " the S cent plcco wltbiu toe lost ten fifteen Tcnri. Mm at the DcskDeclclfdly there has. n Hn ninrvn i n. luti'r mnrM inin ! ii large as It used to be. Tho Ilenl Tli in ur. viuiueii wemunBr wiiy, nos oniy HI I i Know, nut tuo brldo is worth a -v,,uil A I UIlGVi t'V lllililcn. ' Ilcr fatnl gift of benuty N'l'HT rflllHnil thn ntr.n.nnf Of anybody'u heart at nil She - v ) uiuuitt m ua v V u i U 11 1 USE. OR T a iricr Xir a Leader la Pdlntou DenUi Work In I'ortiandA ut-of-Town People )qr ?AN DO THUIU KNTJIIK CUOWN. ,..AP. I'lATK WQIllf lis! A DAY l UllNfl II1HH TJM tfAtAlA4UUU Mrit.- 'I. VVP iittVvXr!.'.''" pmt or brliiiroa ore or. til AN I 7.X.S ,11U5 MOST 8KNSITIVK i ' ?" ItOOTH WITHOUT TIIK I.WAST lli".')"" HO0T8 WITHOUT TilM I.WAST ' "WDIUUENTS. nmm..rllnv Fr tho Next tmnnn nntra .""I IDVni n mi. fcjj "w '0" ----- iS-ISii -. icih ..... iw "."Bund nHlne..,:.,.,.M:',!'' tS niKKi.- . i' . 1 "Mitiitiiiiill...uiii vV -00 extraction;' ORK GUARANTEED 10 YEARS Wise Dental Co. (IMni 3 Blnim Wwhlaifton SU. PORTLAND, OREGON j, Fnrm Tclenliuucn. In eorno pnrts "of' tho country tele phones nro becoming very common. It seems that once a telephone) Is estab lished In tho family It 1b thero to stay. Othor sections of the country are very much behind tho times In this respect, probably becauso Ho ono has gone ahead with tho preliminary arrange ments. A farm tolophono Is not only a great luxury, but It (s fast becoming an ab solute necessity. With tho addition of moro business to tho farm every year and tho scarcity of labor anything that Haves steps Is worth money. When you get accustomed to doing business over tho telephono you realize Its great value. A short tlmo ago I heard a farmer ordor 100. bushels of seed oats by phono from another farmer about ten miles away. Ho had seen a sample at tho fair last fall and mado the ne gotiations accordingly. Tho business was transacted In about flvo minutes whllo the farmer was sitting at his desk after reading his morning mall left at the box by the rural delivery man. It would havo taken him all day to get his mall and drivo to the other farmer and buy his seed oats. Dut thero Is a social aide to farm llfo that Is fostered by the telephone. It often happens that a woman Is left nlono for tho day and .she can easily mako arrangements to havo a neigh bor call and spend the tlmo pleasant ly, instead of feeling lonely. Then It is bo easy to make social arrangements for evenings or to meet friends as oc casion requires. Th,ero aro always people In a neigh borhood who are publlc-aplritcd enough to go ahead with the necessary arrangements to establish a telephone service. Others should encourage them promptly by subscribing to the fund required. Everybody Is benefited, be causo tho arrangement is mutual in tho neighborhood. Agricultural Epltomist A Trnp Neat, The accompanying plan of trap ne3t is quite almple and can bo ma'do from a box of suitable size, 'it should be 12 or li inches square by 20 or 24 OI'KN. CLOSED. inches long. Tho slats should bo nailed to a cros8plece about one-quarter the distance from tho top. A couple of nails are driven through tho box and Into tho crossplece to swing on. Half way back, on the InBlde. a narrow ploco of board Is nailed, back of which tho nest Is mado. To set tho trap simply raise tho slats Inward from tho bottom 8 or 9 inches high and placo a small stick under ono of tho slats. As tho hen enters the door Is raised off tho stick, which falls to tho floor. There should be about live slatB for a box 12 or 14 Inches In width, slats closo against Inch atrip at bottom. When Veuclnlilen ainture. Tho following list will Bhow tho gar denef how long after planting tho va rious common vegetables will mature tholr growth and bo ready for use: MuhIi benna 40 to 05 days Pole beans CO to 80 days Hoots 00 to 80 days Early cabbngo 10 to 130 days Carrots 75 to 100 days Cauliflowers 100 to ISO days Celery ' 120 to 1C0 days Sweet corn .......... CO to 100 days Cucumbers M to 80 days Euirplants 100 to 140 days Onion seed, 180 if lr, dll'8 Onion ots 00 to 120 days Parsley .....30 to- 120 days Parsnips 125 to 100 days Pens ,' 40 to 80 days Peppers ...... 100 to 140 days White potatoes SO to 140 days Pumpkins 100 to 140 days ltadlsl.es 20 to 40 days Spinach 30 to 00 dayt Bush squashes 00 to 80 days Lato aquaBhes .120 to 100 days Tomatoes 100 to 140 days Turnips 110 to 140 days Study I'erlUUcr. A few Bimplo fertilizer maxims are so important that" thoy Bhould bo fixed in the miud. Per cent is only another way for Baying parts in 100. Fortlllzora may bo dlroct or indirect In action. Tho former contains need ed plant food, tho latter enables the plant to got food from soil or air. Llmo 1b not plant food under common conditions; it corrects a bad condition of soil sourness and unlocks soil material. Sulphato of Iron (coppor aB), Bulphato of copper (blue atone), sulphate of magnesia (Epsom Baits) and sulphato of llmo (gypsum) aro among thoso Indirect fertilizers. To Sliurpeu a I.mvn Mower. TiMrat romovo tho handle, to get It out of the way. Take d flat lllo and fllo tho edges of tho revolving ulados, being careful to fllo each blade allko, and evenly, bo all parts will strike the horizontal or Btatlonary blade evenly and allko at Its entlro length. File also the horizontal blade, then adjust tho rovolYlng blades bo thoy will slightly rub on, tho horizontal blade. 1 $ . ... . . Mi-rJloa;-. CoIerii.t ..,...' In tho way of treatment tho United elates Uureau of Animal fndustryhas discovered a vaccino which saves about 80-odd per cent after cholera np .pears in a herd, and a larger per cent if vaccinated before tho disease is ln troduced. Tlmo will demonstrate tho practicability of this mothod. The bacteriology department of the Kansas Stato Agricultural College 1ft also working along these lines, but Is not yet ready to announce anything but .progress. When symptoms of cholera appear In a herd, It is wise to dip the whole herd, disinfect tholr quarters thor oughly, give them a slight chango in feed, and add to this about flvo drops of tincture of prickly ash for each hundred pounds of hog once or twice a day. The old remedy of wood ashes and salt Is good In many instances. A little powdered sulphato of copper, dried sulphate of Iron or charcoal given dally when the animals are not perfectly healthy frequently does much good. After all, the old adage, an ounco of prevention Is worth a pound of cure, holds good hero. SnvcA the FertllUcr. Fertilizer Is expensive. By the old method of distributing It there was usually enough waBted to represent n pretty penny. Then came along a Virginia man and Invented the hand fer tilizer dropper. This de vice consists of an odd shaped bucket, running to a point at the bottom and having a small open ing there, through which tho content filters. A hineed valve, operated by n rod that leads to tho handlo of the bucket, controls the flow, Tho top of the rod Is connected to a crossbar, which runs under tho handlo of the buckot. This bar is in close reach, and, when resting on the top of the bucket the valve Is open. To close the valve the operator merely extends a flnger and lifts the bar, thus shutting off the fertilizer. The valve flares at the bottom, spreading tho fertilizer in a broad, fine stream. For small farms, gardens and lawns this device Is of great convenience, and is a money saver. Water for tho Clilcka. Take an ordinary baking ,pan and have tho tinsmith rivet on an "ear1 on ono "jlde for nailing to a tree. Have him also make' a hole- in the bottom In ono corner, that tho water can be let out every day and tho pan be kept clean. Nail tho pan to a tree about twelve Inches from the ground, bo the chicks can drink without get ting Into it with their feet. The birds will soon : discover that it is a flne place from which to get a drink on hot days. Sometimes they find, too, that It Is a convenient place for a bath, and this of course makes tho water dirty. But It Is not much trou ble to refill the pan with clean water, and this Bhould be done two or three times a day. Chickens and birds re quire a grea't deal of water, and they often suffer for lack of It Don't neg lect them. Boston Herald. Tlie Klntr Syntein of Ventilation. Ventilation for stables and barns Is now regarded as one of tho essentials to be provided for in construction. The King system as illustrated In the dla- rrra I-won? 8HOWIN0 THE VENTILATING FLUES. gram consists of two sets of flues, ono BOt to admit the fresh air, the other to furnish an escnpo for tho vitiated air. The inlet or fresh air flues should be placed not more than ten feet apart and located In the exterior walls of tho barn. The outlet may Include one or moro flues. An Uatinl. He bought a hoe, a rake, a spade, Some little seeds to sow, At last he got tho garden ;made Aud saw tlio green things grow. He work'd tho rows and bed3 each day j N Each little plant he knew, And as ho smiled, and sweat away, Oh, Joy,; how fast they grow. No flooila came down to wrist, things' out, Xo frosts to kill or blight; ' No neighbor's chlokans scratched about; No kino strayed in at night. Each seed he planted did its best And not n one did rot No other garden, East or West, Such veg'tnbles begot. But still this man did not enjoy These Veg'tnbles so new, For every night a neighbor's boy Htalo what tho garden grow. . , Puck. ' " ' ' Sprnytute to Kill Wccdn. Kill wqods by spraying.' To make tho spraying solution, empty a hun dred pound Back of sulphate of Iron Into a llfty-gallou barrel; fill to tho china with water and stir with a hoe for a few minutes until dissolved. Strain through several thicknesses of cheesecloth tacked over the manhole of the Bpraying machine. Apply with a powerful Bpraylng machine, produc ing a real mist, freo from drops. Use about fifty gallons to tho aero, and spray on, a bright, warm day, or on a dark, damp day; It docs not matter, bo long as rain, does not come within eighteen or twenty hours. This spray will not harm grain crops and will kill wild mustard and Various other W4Afa . . "It was a runaway match, wasn't It?" "Yettf but howcouldn't" run fast enough. . She caughl rlim," ' "You ought to saVe mouey for your family." "Yes but- " 'But what?" "My family Won't lot' mo." Cleveland Leader. '. ' Poetry Ib the art, of putting words together in such a ,ay as to give them their least-posBlblo commercial value. Puclc "J Martha Don't you think a 'cookery book Is fascinating- reading? Maud Yes', Indeed. It .contains so many stir ring Incidents. She How was your speech at tho club received the other nlghb? He When I sat down they said It was the best thing I ever did. Ashley Do you bavo much variety In your hoarding house? Seymour Well, we have three different names for tho meals. London World. "Nobody realizes the Immensity of space." Except the man who haB to fill a dally half column with alleged humor." Louisville Courier-Journal. "Tell mo frankly, sir, what do you think of my daughter's voice?" "Well, madam, I think she may' have a bril liant future In water. color painting." Figaro. Poll Clerk Mary' Gladys Jarley votes ballot number two hundred and . M. G. J. Oh. 'wait a moment, please I Give me that back! . I want to add a postscript. Puck. "You shouldn't treat your boy so harshly; you'll break his spirit" ''Well, ho'll probably get married some time, and ho might as well have It broken now!" Stray Stories. "Yes," said the, young wife, proudly, "father always gives something expen sive when he makes presents." "So I discovered when he gave you away," rejoined the young husband. Chicago Daily News. Irate Diner (to waiter who persist ently hovers about the table) What on earth are you waiting for, man? I don't want you. Walteir Excuse me, sir., but I am .responsible for the sil ver. Tit-Bits. Biggs, '11 Why are the tugs on tho Wisconsin river like the co-eds who walk up and down State street? Muggs, '12 And tho answer Is? Biggs, '11 Some toe out, and some toe In. Wisconsin Sphinx. "What is your principal object any how," asked the visiting foreigner. "In building that Panama canal?" "Well," answered the native, "we have an Idea It will limit the size of future battle ships." Chicago Tribune. "Foreign travel is very Improving," said the studious girl. "Yes," an swered Miss Cayenne; "although you caa't always tell where a person has been by the pictures on the post cards he sends homo." Washington Star. Tommy went fishing the other day without bis mother's permission. The next morning one of his chums met him and asked: "Did you catch any thing yesterday. Tommy?" "Not till I got home," was the rather sad re sponse. "What!" exclaimed Mrs. Flatlelgh. "You don't mean to tell me you pay a girl $10 a week for cooking?" "Oh, no." replied Mrs. Urbanvllle. "We only pay "her 2 a week for cooking. The other $8 is for staying." Chicago Dally News. Professor of Sociology If this alarming Increase In the dlvorco rata continues, twenty years from now tho Institution of the homo will no longer exl3t In America. Practical Student How Is that, professor? They all marry again, don't they? Puck. y . ; "A blgh financier should bo some thing of an economist, should ho not?" "I don'i think so," answered Mr. Dus tin Stax. "Tho object of the econ omist Is to see what he can get along with; that of the high financier Is to see what ho can ,get away with." Washington Star. A boy opce Inquired why leaves of tables woro so called, since they did not resemble leaves In the least. Not having received a satisfactory answer, he thought for some time and then Bald: ("I 'think I know now; they're called 'leaves becauso you can loavo them 'ufc or' leave them down." - "Be 'sure and keep inside tho libel laws." said the city editor to tho cub reporter. ('The cuu'b first obituary no tice read - as follows: "Tho alleged corp30.,qf Mr. John Smith, asserted by friends to havollved at No, 113 West Jones, street, was Bald to have been burled nt QreonhiU Cemetery yoster day." Cleveland Leader. " "Look at me!" exclaimed the stout, florid man, "Never a day's sickness In my llfo! ' And all duo to simple food. Why, gents, from the tlmo I was twonty to when I reached forty years .1 lived a regular life. None of thoso ojCtomlnatQ delicacies for mo! No lato hoursl Every, day, Bummer and winter, I went to bed at nine; got up at five; lived principally on cornod beet, and, corn bread, Worked hard gents, worked hard, from eight to one; then dinner, plain dinner; then an hour's exorcise and then Ex cuse me. Bill,'' interrupted, h stranger who. had. up to this rof rained from entering, tho dlscuBBlon: "hilt what ,Wert, you iu f0?j. ( I oL It relieves aJbetlilnir Troubles, cures Constipation S!l Flatulcncv. It T assimilates tlio Voad, regulates tho LSmTJrcl,, Mng h mi aleep... Tlio OhiUlreii'H Panacea Tlio Blotlier tf urieim. The Kind You to Always Boupi jLicars zao mguttnuio w In Use For Over 30 Years. TMC CtMTAUII tMfANr. TT MUflBAT TWtCT. WKMf TOnK CrTf. V Crushed Arfoin. Mrs. Denham Do you think that I shall be a good looking old woman7 Denham I don't know why you Bhould expect any such radical change. New York Press. Mothers will And Mr. Winilow Boothia Byrup tho'b. st retnedr to Mia for their cbOdrea luring tho tee thins period. K Literal Cbmiaainl. Heat It! Beat it!" cried the mas terful wife to her meek and .obedient husband. But ho did not go a step. She did not mean, him to. She was referring to the carpet hanging on tho line. Baltimore American. Better than gold Like it in color Hamlins Wizard Oil the best of all remedies for rheumatism, neuralgia, and all pain, soreness and inflamma tion. Tlio Cnnse of It. "The writer you Introduced me to the other day was not at all lmpo3lna in his appearance. In fact I thought he had a very poor carriage." "That may be because he Is nothing hut a hack." Baltimore American. Shake Into Vour Shoes Mien's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It ctrrca painful, swollen, smarting; nweatlnefect. Makea new ghocs'casy. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe 3tores. Don't accept any substitute. Sample FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted. Lo Hay, N. Y. Man's Pergdjr. Lawyer" You want to sue your hus band for breach of promise? Why, mad am, pardon me, but that's absurd. Fair Client Not at all, sir; ho prom ised ma a divorce, and he's gone back on it SOUR STOMACH "I used Cascarets and feel like a new nan. I have been a sufferer from dys pepsia and sour stomach for the last two rears. I have been taking medicine and ther drugs, but could find nofelief only br a short time. I will recommend Cascarets to my friends as the only thing For indigestion and sour stomach and to keep the bowels in good condition, rbey are very nice to eat." Harry Stuckley, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Pleasant. Palatable, Potent, Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe. 10c. 25c. 50c. Never sold In bulk. The gen uine tablet stamped C C C Guaranteed to euro or your money back. 936 DAISY FLY KILLER placed "y vhtrr. attrBrtt anilkllUU Sies f.t. ttaui. orna tnfuul, conTen lent.f bear, l.n.t lIxHMtL. Md' or muJ, eAooot tpill ir tip over, will not soil ot Jnjgra anytblnc jmm n fn iwi himiii ihhiai ilairlltlMd tax- tire. Of all dealers or rent prejjsJd for cents. HAROLD SOMERS, 150 DcKalb Ate., 8refci7n,H.Y. COFFEEl TEA SPICES BAKING POWDER . EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT CLOSSEr&DEVEiS PORTLAND. UrlE. A CURE FOR FITS The Treatment Is to Accomplish What Science Has Been Strug gling: to Attain for Centuries The Intense interest that has been manifested throughout the country by the wonderful cures that are being accomplished dally by epileptcide. still continues. It is really surprising the Task number of people who havo already been cured of fits and nervousness. In order that everybody may have a chance to test the medicine, large trial bottles, valuable literature. History of Epllepey and testimonials, will be Sent by mail absolutely free to all who write to the Dr. May Laboratory. US Pearl Street. New York City. PNU No, 28-09 . w UKH writing: to advertiser pleaao iu mil i nil snis paper. rr C. Gee Wo Tfae Chinese Doctor This wondef a! man has made a life study of the Eropertles ot Roots, (erba and Barks, and is giving the world the benefit of his service. No Mercury. Poisons or Drugs Used. No Operations or Cutting Guarantees to cure Catarrh. Asthma. Lung, Stomach and Kidney troubles, und all Private DiseascaofM n and Women. A SURr; CANCER CURE Just received from Pekin, China safe, sure and reliable. Unfailing in its works. If you cannot call write for symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4 ccr.ta in stamps, CONSULTATION TREE The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 162U Pint C.t. rar Mnr.nn D..l. I V. 1 Egg-Phosphate Crescent BAKING PfhWR will no ail TIM AXT maimcED ponds niu Cdoam DO BETTER A FULL POUND 25c. Get it from your Grocer Guaranteed under all Pure Food Laws v Improve Your Baking K C Baking Powder wiA do it! Get a can. Try it for vour FnvnrJf it doesn't raise better, more evenlv v,io-w if it isn't daintier, more delicate in flavor, we return your money. Everybody agrees K C has no equal. iff! BAKING WW POWDER MM' Pure, Wholesome, Economical.