The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, July 08, 1909, Image 8

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S. Land OlHce, Tlio Dallas. Ore
gnu, May 0, 1000. Notice Is hereb
given Umt the State of Oregon hn
filed lu thin (.fllcc Us application, Bur
ial No. 04804, to Helei-.t under tilt pro
visions of the Act of Congress of An
.gust 14, 1348, and thi Ac 8 cupplu'uen
tary aul hnnndatnry thereto, the
uwiawi 8i-o 32. tp 0i, r 15 e, "V. M.
Any ntul till persona tilnltnlux ad
versely tlio landx described, or deidrin
to object lifecmiso at the mineral char
ncter of the land, or for any other rea
son, to tlio disposal to applicant,
HtiouUl file thetr affidavits of pro
test in this office, on or befoie the
BtU duy of July, looo.
' ' , 0. W. MOORE,
. ni27-iyl-A . KeuUter.
, tin ft? i i. ;
' Not Conl Land
. TJOMEHTEAO. Notice Tor Publloa
T'.ttftii. ' Department of tho Interior.
T.T. l3. JLaud Olfiee at I ho Dalles, Ore
.gon, July 1, lOuO.
"Notice Is hereby given that
of Madras, Oivl'oo, who, on February
. 24, 1905, ma-h' Homcsteatl Serial No
034S7 No. 14220, for uwj sec 21, tp 11
s, r 13 e, w tn,
baa filed nnMr-p of intention to make
final five-year proof, to i-stablinh
clafin to the IhmI above described, he-
. fore Howard W, Turner, U. S. Conimlo
tdoner, at bin v Mice at Madra, Oregon,
on the 10th dy of Align!', 1900.
' Claimant itiuuea ua witnesses:
A ,L yiMlrtiiiM, V A Kills, X A Tai
lor, Ern'bk Galloway, all of " Madras,
Oregon. , ,
G. W. MpoitE,y
jy8-a5 Heglster
N it Coal jliitia ;. ,
H OME.STEAD. Notice. Iqr Puhlt.
cutioii. Department of tho lne
rior.TJ. S. Land Office at TnePalles,
Oregon, June 23. 1909.
Notice is hereby given that "
of Madras, Oregon, who, on May 11,
1904, "''made Homestead Serial No.
03i74 No. 13475, for sejsej sec 6,
Wi, neswi xeo 5, tp 11 s, r 14 e, w ui.
Has filed not lee of intention to make
linal five-year proof, to establish
ulaim to the lund above described, be
fore Howard W.vTnrner. U. S, Commis
sioner, at hi office at Mudras, Oregou,
on the 3rd day of August, 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses:
George 8 Mays, N P Poulsen, N S
Jennings, Chailes Bye, all of Madras,
O. W. MooitE,
Jyl'j29. Register
Is hereby given that tho under
slKtietl has been, by the County Court
or the Btnte of Oregon for Crook Colin
ty, appointed Administrator ut the
estate of Edward Kutuher, deuuated,
and all persons having claims against
mild estate ure hereby required to pro
sent tbe same, duly verified, at the
law oflleu of M. 12, Brluk at Prluevllle,
Oregon, within six months from the
date of the first publication of this
notice. ' 1 s
Dated and published first (line Juue
3rd, 1909. J. W. BONES,
Administrator of tbe Eituto of
Edward KUtober, deolrtBCd.
Not Coal Land
0MESTEAD. Notice for Pulillea
Hon. Department of the lute
dor. U. S Lain! Otfioo at The Dalits,
Oregou, Juue 5, 1900.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on February
20, 1003, made Hometitead Serial N
114341 No. 15000, for setf seo 20, tp 10,
s, r 13 e, w m,
Has filed notice of intention to make
final commutation proof, to establish
claim to tho land nbove deorlhed, be
fore Howard V. Turner. TJ. S.Connhla
sinner, Ht his office at. Madras, Ore
gon, on thel3lh day of July, 1909.
Claim tut names as witne-ses:
John Wagotiblast, John AV Jones,
Clarence Watts, J J McDonald, all of
.Madras, Oregou,
O. W. MooltB,
JlO-jj 8 Register
Not Coal hand.
nFSERT LANDJiotlco for Publication
ti Department of the Iuturlor, 17. a
Land Ollco ai The Dalles, Otegoii, May
Notice Is hereby given that
of Shnnlko, Oregou, who, on April 14
1900, made Desert Land Kntry Serial No
02307 No. 031, for swwK- sec 11, tp 0 s
rll e,,v ni,
Has tiled notice of intention to mid:
final Desert Land proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before ILC,
Hooper, United States CoT.missIuer at
his office at Antelope, Oregon, on tho (ith
day of July,. 1900.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Gotfiied Kanipfer, Albert Kampfoi Ed
uard DelJaven.of Shanlko, Oregon; Adle
Barlow, of Madras, Oregon.
C. W. Moouk,
j3-jl Kegister-
T SOLATED TRACT. Notice for Pub
Ilcatiou. Public Laud Sale Serial
No 011581 The Dalies, Oregon, United
States LauiLOilice, May 24. 1009.
Notice Is licit by given that, as di
rected by the Commicsiouer of the
General Laud Olfice, under provisions
of Aut of CougrtBs approved Juue 27
1906, Public N. 303, we will offer ui
public sale to the highest bidder, ut
10:15 o'clock a. in., on the 6th day of
July, 1009, next, at tbh office, the ful
lowlng.tract of laud, tow it: sejuw sec
3, tp 12 s, 15 e, w in.
Any persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are advised to
file their claims, or objections, on or
before tbe day above designated for
m27.jyl C. W. MooitE, Register
Not Coal Land "
TJ OM EST BAD. Notice for Publiia
' tlon, Dmri ment of the Interior,
V S Land Otlice utThe Dallesj Oregon
June 6, 1009.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Madrae, Oregon, who, on January
2, 1009, made Homestead Entry Ser
ial No 02167 for HivoeJ. siuwi, 'wi
jswjt seo 0, tp 9 p, r 14 e, w m, filed not fee of Intention to make
ijnal five-year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described be
fore Howard W, Turner, United States
Coininibsioiier, m his office at Madras.
Oregon, on the 18th day of July, 1009.
Claimant. names as witnesses:
H L Priday, Perry T Monroe, G
Kampfer, of Shanlko, Oregon: J II
Stewart, of Youngs, Oregon.
C, W. Moobk,
jl0-Jy8 RegiBter
ISOLATED TRACT. Notice for Pub
lication. Public Laml Bale. Serial
No 01056 The Dalles, Oregon, U. S.
Laud Ofil'-e, June 2, 1000. Notice Ib
Jiereby given ilial, as directed by the
Commissioner of the General Land
Office, under pi " visions of Aet of Con
iirefaa approved June 27. 1000, Publlo
No 803, we will ofierut publlo salo to
the highest bidder, At 9:30 o'clock a.
iii ou the 14th day of July, 1000,
next .afthlB office, the following tract
of Jand, towiti aejstvj ice 2, tp ll
u, r.13 e. w to.
Any persons claiming adversely the
nbovt-descrlbed laiuis are adyUed to
llle their claims, or obleoilons, ou or
tieforottio day above designated for
, ' v Ct W. MOORE,
Not Coal Land
HOMESTEAD. Notice lor Publico,
linn llfiiHrininnt of tlio Tlilu
rlor, U S Laud Office at The Dalles, Or
egon, Juno 29, 1009.
Notice Is hereby given that
"f Youngs, Oregon, who, on Juno 1
1003, mude Homestead S-rlal No
02914 No. 12674, for wfctei, eJw'K
fee 18, tp 9 a, r 14 e, W M,
Has filed notice of intention to make
Dual live-year proof, to establish
claim ro the land above desuritied, be
fore Howard W, Tumor. U. S. Commis
sioner, at his office at Madras, Ore
gon ou the 12th day or August, 1000.
Claimant names as witnesses:
LT Larson, L H Larson," W Biown
bill, of Youngs, Oregon; C C Fox, of
Madras, 'Oregon,
C, W. J.iooitB,
j8-al2 Regiter
Not Coal Land
TJ 0 M EST BAD. Notice for Publlca
'lion. Department of th Interior,
U. S L-ind Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, June 11, 1900,
Notice Is hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on Apcil
20, 1001, made Homestead Entry Ser
ial No 03147 No. 13391, for lie feuc
35. to 10 s, r 13 e, w m, Has
filed notice of intention to rnuko final
five-year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
Howard "W. Turner, U. S. Commls-
nioner, at his office at-Madras, Oregon,
on the 20th day of July, 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses:
B 0 Dove, E V Doty, Anton Ratal
i;la. Samuel Haberstloh, ull of Madras,
C, W. Mooiib,
j!7-Jy22 t Register
Not Coul Land
HOMESTEAD. Notico for Publica
tion, Department .of I he Interior,
U. i. Laud Office at The Dalles, Ore-
gon, June 1U, iuuu.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on Nnvem
her 21, 1007, made Homestead Serial'
No 04260 No 16707, for ejtf nwl,
nei seo 10, tp 11 a, r 14 ew no,
has filed notlco of Intention to make
final commutation proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Howard W. Turuer, U. S. Com
mlsalotier, at his office at Madras, Ore
gon, on the 20th day of July, 1000.
Claimant names aa witnesses;
G J Weljer, Thomas Fields, W IT
fields, Edward Balduer, all of Mud
ras,, Oregou- 4 J
... ,
' ' MAt4 or m
. SX jiiOWINO LOCATION " V.- - I'll
MADRAS- . '. I
coA,.- Pr6posedlroads ' I
WtIB'0'X' L.J ji jj f
fA' . ' W c j; mm. 0 R J 1
A C-, j-cr V V v IV . A r-rl.miiiiH.J- Vi
L W 3$&h J ih ..... Y
in J cz ix ' if..!. r f
1 U I I I i i rt '-i 1 LUT' Jk i I t V
v crrT-r-"
in ) v-c r. i w j rr 'ii .f
III r-J . r- M V f' f tSwwx . . . a u r
III .rT J -w if ift-z, 'fir' " 1 X I r i ' ''rk k- t i
tenr4rr, S; if"""" " -'v.
ML-l : I A
' ' ' " ."!' i. i . i . n IJ Li-' 1 '' -J' I IH' )IMillilUHl-
rr a. i Trv o -j , f sm l 4 .
is -sure xo oe xoe Kaiiroao enxer ot ueotrai urcj
. and investment in Town Property
For a short time we are selling
lots in Madras Townsite and
Residence Addition at very low
prices. You will want a lot in
MADRAS, and now the time to
invest to insure Big Returns
PON P. REA. Agent
f u ... Ileuth