The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, July 08, 1909, Image 6

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CHAPTER XXII (Continued.)
"Foolish business, Qren, very, I'm
afraid," he replied at loncth. "Nobody
I d ftooncr give her to, providing ho i
willing to tnkc you."
"Sly dear uncle, Mnudo nnd I
"Pooh I You needn't jro on about that.
. I never doubted that you and Maude had
settled It all boforo you did mo the honor
to consult me. But what are you to Hvo
ou? Your 400 a year won't keop
wife, Grcn, nnd I can't help you."
"Jso, but we can wait a bit; wo are
both young, and I shall bo making two
or three hundred a year at ray profession
very soon.
"Nonsense, boy; I know the law.
thoroughly believe you to be clever and
have no doubt the money will come in
course of time, but It's slow work very
Long engagements are not judicious."
"But 'this is not to be so very long
and Maude is good to wait a couple of
years or so for me."
"A couple of years," smiled the squire.
"What did the fee-book say last year
Fifty pounds."
"Not quite; very near it, though."
"I'm afraid you'll find It will take all
two years to double it. I don't doubt
your doing well at last, but it takes time,
it takes time. Still, Grcn, I'll not gain
say the match, and If at the end of next
year you can see your wny Into something
like 300 a year, exclusive of what yon
have, make a wedding of it, if you like.'
"Ten thousand thanks, uncle. This
case of yours will find mo practice. Bee
if it don't. I hnve no Intention of hid
ing my light under a bushel. I'll take
very good care, through my friends, the
case Js well talked of. , Only wait till
the Two Thousand is over, nnd seo what
details the sporting papers shall have
of It I Good-by. I will just run up and
tee my aunt and Maude, and then I'm
Grenvllle dashed into the drawing room,
where he found Mrs. Dcnison and his
"I'm just off to town, aunt, and have
come to wish you good-by, and to tell you
Vm to be your son-in-law, after all.
"Don't believe him, my mother," laugh
rd Maude, her eyes dancing with fun.
"We know better than that don't we? We
mustn't detain him, or he'll be too late
for' his dinner. Yon greedy thing ; you
won't Hvfr If you gourmandizo so
"Come here, Gren," said Mrs. Dcnison;
"has my husband consented to your mar
rying Maude?"
"Yes. aunt, as soon as I've got bread
and cheese enough to feed her on."
"My dear boy, I'm so glad! I was
obliged to be your enemy once, Gren'
couldn't help myself; but I'd rather you
took her than anyone!'
"Qh you, pother!'' cried Maude; "and
he fiajs he 11 feed" ffie on bread and chew,
and I like. I like strawberries and
"fu thing, aunt, but I. suppose I'd
better break off the match at once. Bet
ter that than come toa separate mainte
nance, you know. Bread and cheese is
a good lasting dish, but how she's to set
thruuzh the winters 1 don't know, on
what slit proposes."
"Ah, well, never mind." laughed Maude ;
"she yours now, and wont have a sep
arote maintenance. You'll have to feed
ber some way and you can't guess how
he cat. When are you going. Gren?"
In a very few minutes. I m going
to walk: will you come with me? Good-
bv. mint. Don't be afraid. I won't run
away with her, nt all events till straw
berries are well in, and thrcpeuco a pot
"Listen ; were lovers like that in
daj, mother? I used to dream, a little
while back, that when you had a lover, it
was all you could do to keep him from
ruuning away with you. Now I'm getting
qu'te clever about it, and know that
Gren would always much prefer to leave
me behind than his portmanteau.
"Coe away, Maude, and let's see If
we can nhut it ; you know we always
have a deal of trouble about that.
"Oh, yes, I always found you and
Thomas despairing over it, and it takes
all my Ingenuity to make those last three
or four packages fit in. Don't you think
he's making a wife of me, mother, a little
before hp's entitled to?"
"Go away, you foolish children. You
can quarrel and make up all the way to
the stution."
The refractory portmanteau was soon
reduced to subjection under Maude's
clever auspices, and then the two cousins
walked ncro.i the fields to the station.
"Your father's given you to rne, Maude,
as Boon as I can get together an Income
that wo can live upon."
She might be coquettish before her
mother, but she was meek euough to her
lover when they wore alone together.
"I hope I shall be a good wife to you,
Gren, You know I'm not extravagant,
however I may laugh about it."
"2o, ray darling, I know you better;
and If we have to begin with a little, I
hope you'll be able to spend lots of money
before Ioug."
"I never had any money to spend," said
the girl, gravely. "I've often had to want
a five-pound note, both for myself and
my poor people in the village."
"And will have nguln, pet. Wanting
money is the normal condition of ninety
nine hundredths of civilized humanity.
But you must turn back now, you have
come far enough. Good-by, and God bless
you," said Hose, as he clasped her In
his arms. "Mine now, forover, Isn't It?"
"Yes, Gren. Yours or no one's," she
replied, ns she lifted her lips shyly to his.
"Please write."
"Kvury day, dearest. Good-by;"' and,
with one more kiss, Grenvllle Itose tore
himself away.
Ifc-w he traveled up to town In the
name carriage with Poarman we have al
ready uwn. On his arrival nt Waterloo
Btctjon he Jumped Into a cab, nnd pro
ceded at once to the Temple. On euter
inr his rooms the first thing that caught
fcl yo was the figure of Silky DallUon,
who, comfortably ensconced In the easiest
chair In the room, was making, apparent
ly, some abstruso calculations on a piece
of paper, and referring froquently for
guidance to a tally bound bettlnir book.
"All right, old follow," hi said, In re
turn to Grenvlllo's greeting. "Wanted
to have a talk to you; know you would
come up by that train ; told tho old party
to get food for two at half-past seven
wants Just ten minutes. Go and wash
your hands, while I finish what 1 am
After the "bit of fish and beefsteak"
that constitute an ordinary bachelor din
ncr In chambers, tho two began to smoke,
"Now," said Dalllson, "'Bhall bo back
to dinner' of course meant, ns wo ngrocd
It should, that Pearman had yielded to
your terms. I was off to Plyart directly
l got your message, and we hnve had
busy afternoon of it. Wo rather woko up
tho Subscription Room nt Knightsbridge,
I flatter myself. From being an outsider
In the betting, we brought Coriander bnck
to 7 to 2, and mado him onco more first
favorite. I told you we had Pearraan In
a hole, nnd we had. I supposo you got a
lot ot money out of htm?"
"Yes, Indeed; wo mado him pay 10,
000 to let off our clnlra." And then
Grenvllla recounted his Interview with
'Very good; then he's now absolute
master of the horse agnln. Of course,
exactly what I expected from your tele
gram. Now I'll tell you what I've done.
In the first place, I laid, between us, or
rather Plyart did for us, 3,300 to 1.200
agaiust Coriander; that was beforo he
wan driven back In tho betting; of courso
that left us to win 1,200 if he was beat
or didn't start, After getting your tele
gram I wont down to Tattersalru, and,
with Plyart's assistance, got that whole
1,200 on the horse at long odds. We
now stand to win, betweon us 10,170 if
Coriander wins the Two Thousand, aud
just quits if he loses. Not a bad book,
By Jove I no ; and he's a good chance,
hasn't he?"
"Yen, on previous running, wonderful.
o know Pearman has backed him to win
him a lot of money. It's not likely he
would have paid you 10,000 to-day un
less he wns very confident about his
chance. To wind up with, his own com'
missioncr backed him to-day for a good
bit ot money, although ho had to take
shortish odds, owing to our having ap
propriated all the long prices against the
Grenviile's eyes sparkled, though ho
said nothing, but smoked on in silence
for a minute or two. Yea, if that should
come .off, ho might marry, Mnudo at onco!
Dallison had regarded him intently.
Suddenly be broke silenco:
I saw your eyo flash up, and then
you plunged Into a roverle. I had for
gotten the stake you told me you had on
this, when you first spoke to me about
it. Whether it's been any good to go so
far, of course I don't know; but you
stand as fair a chance as a man can do
of winning 5,080 noxt week, if that will
help you at all. There's no certainly
about anything In this world about how
long It's been a world, or about how long
we've been preying on each other In It.
Practically, mind, we are as much canni
bals ns ever, and eat each other up with
as much alacrity as the Feejee Islanders.
A good heavy city swindle gulp us down
much as a whale takes herrings; but
there's plenty of pike about, who do their
cannibalism one at a time, and not by
the shoal. Old Pearman was a pike of
renown; in fact, ho might have aspired
to the dignity of a shark, if he hadn't
been of a retiring disposition, and ever
anxious to hide his light nnder a bushel.
Young Pearman has a fair dash of the
pike about him, too. Which way he can
make most money out of Coriander I don't
know; but I should think, by winning;
and if I'm right In my conjecture, bar
accidents, we shall win our money, Gren."
"And if It is the other way?"
"Shan't lose It, thank goodness! But
I'm afraid If his book makes up a few
hundreds better on the lose, Coriander
will not run up to his previous perform
ances, we ve aone pretty wen; win or
lose, we stand a big stake to nothing.
Grenvllle mused far Into the night. Yes,
he had been playing for high stakes late
ly, and winning gamo after game. Let
this only come off, and lie should have
fairly won hJs sweet cousin Then the
thought came Into his head that he must
see it, and then St flashed across him that
Maude mur)t be with him. How he wns
to manage It, he didn't know. As inspira
tions flash across, mankind, so do supersti
tions. Coriander's winning tho Two
Thousand depended upon Maude and him
being there to nee.
"Ridiculous '," you'll say; Thero Is
pretty well as much romance and super
stition going about the world as hereto
fore; but our nineteenth century training
teaches us, above nil things, not to lay
ourselves open to ridicule. We may In
wardly admit such things ; we don't ac
knowledge them.
(To be continued.)
Uncle llunk'n I den.
It was Uncle Hank's first ride In a
parlor car, alio porter '.'nine around
nnd brushed him down with a whisk
"How much, bub?" drnwlcd Unclo
Hank, fumbling around In his pocket
for 'a nickel.
"Quarter will do, Bah," responded tho
porter, with open palm.
"Quarter will do? Say, do I get tho
whisk broom, too, for that?"
Sure Enough.
Kind Lady What nro those
ringing for?
Johnnie Jump Because somebody
pulling 'em I
Ilnm'i Horn Sound n "Wnrnlntr Not
in iltff Unredeemed,
To do ns Christ
did wo must lovo
na Ho did.
Onco got n, man
right in his heart
and his foot will
will not go far
Abovo tho black
est cloud thoro Is
plenty of light
God nevor chnnges His mind.
What men ofton call excusos God
falls lies.
Faith without works Is like a watch
without hands.
Truth novor stons chaBlng a lie
around tho world.
Give tho Lord a chonco and Ho will
will glvo you a chanco.
Our needs can nevor bo greater than
God's promises for their supply.
The man who delays to do tho right
thing Is not likely to ever do It.
Tho preacher should not forgot that
tho devil always goes to church.
Not what wo can do but what wo
can bear Is tho real test of chnractor.
If thero Is a tlmo when God Is espe
cially close to us It Is whon wc nro In
Following Christ ought to consist In
something more than wearing a rod
button and going to church In pleas
ant weather.
Tho man who looks toward tho well-
watered plains of Sodom with a long
ing eyo will soon bo wearing out shoo
leather In trying to got to them.
"Yes. dogs may bo all right,' re
luctantly admitted tho nervous man,
'but somehow I always was scared of
'em, and they all seem to realize tho
fact. This business of conquering a
dog by looking him straight In tho
eyo doesn't always work out tho right
way. 1 never cared to test the matter
myself, but I knew one fellow who
did. Ho lost part of his coat tall.
And thero Is a foolish saying that
barking dogs won't bite. Another
fallacy. I once knew an old shepherd-
dog that would bark and bite at tho
same time. I still carry a scar on my
shin as a proof.
"J was farming at the time, out In
Kansas, and tho dog belonged on tho
next farm. The old fellow who owned
hint said he wouldn't bite. Wo had
Just moved down from tho city, you
know, and It was necessary for me
to call at tho old farmer's house for
"At first Shep wouldn't allow me to
enter the gate. Shep was the dogs
name. I tried all sorts of Induce
ments called him by name In the
friendliest tone nt my command, or
threatened him with Imaginary stones.
Finally the old farmer would relieve
the situation by escorting me Into
tho yard, with Shep sneaking along
about two Inches In the rear of my
legs. Very comfortable.
'But aB time went on I became bet
ter acquainted with the shepherd dog,
and as long as I wore overalls and
toted my milk pall, he permitted me
to enter the front gato without chal
lenge. On these occasions he assumed
a benevolent air, as If he was really
granting me a large favor. It was a
"But one tlmo I called on the old
farmer on a matter of business, and
had discarded tho overalls and milk
pall. As I entered tho gate I saw a
book agent marching boldly up the
yard. The poor fool didn't know about
Shop, and ho failed to see the dog as
he camo tearing up the lane.
"Hey, there!' I shouted, In a warn
ing voice. 'Climb that tree quick or
that dog will chew you up!'
"But the poor chap didn't have tlm3
to budge, for Shep was traveling like
a Kansas tornado. I shut my oyes for
moment, from sheer pity, apd then
opened them again to view the trag
edy. That dog had, poBscd tho book
agent entirely, and was still coming.
He was after me."
"Witter for tho Iee.
Glvo tho boos plenty ot wator. Thoy
neod a great doal and will fly a long
dlstnnco to got It.
If thero Is no running Htroam or
lake of puro wator near It Is woll to
placo a pall of fresh wator noar tho
apalry evory day.
Boos uso wator to dlluto tho heavy,
thick honoy loft over from wlntor to
mako It suitable for the young larvao
nnd also to mnko tho coll wax pliable.
Bees should bo protected from tho
wind on tho north and west by a closo
sot hedgo or high fence.
All tho weeds should bo kopt down
In front of tho hives. Mow a plot 0
foot wldo and then cut tho weeds and
grass closo to tho ground with a hoo.
An hour onco a week spont oil the
caro ot tho bees will bring largor re
turns for tho effort thnn any other
labor on the farm.
A newspaper man In Chicago, who
lives a few miles out In tho country,
last year sold $225 worth of honoy to
thrco big hotels. Ho says ho did not
spend moro than an hour a week look
Ing after his bees during tho soason.
F. and D. Journal,
Feed for Chirk.
Feed chickens tho first day or two
apon a mixture of broad crumbs
grated fine aud hard-boiled egg chop
ped lino. Keop water beforo them
In a small fountain, 60 they can drink
but not got Into It. In n fow dayn
feed upon rolled oats, finely cracked
corn and any small seeds. Add a
Alrnlfn I'lixuUnir.
It should not bo forgotton that tho
spring Is tho proper tlmo to proparo
tno airaira crop that Is to bo plantod
noxt fall. The ground which Is ox
pocted to ho usod for this crop should
not bo planted to small grain; nolthor
should corn procodo alfalfa, bocnusa
tho ground will not bo kopt frco of
woods nnd grass. Tho best pronara
tory crop for alfalfa Is cow pons thon
aftor tho vinos nro removed or plowed
under tho ground should bo woll
broken nnd kon,t clonn of weeds and
grass by surface cultivation until It
Is soodod In alfalfa tho following fall.
Peanuts may bo grown Instead of cow
pons, If tho crop Is considered moro
desirable, as It Is perhaps, but thoy
must bo kopt well cultivated nnd es
pecially allow np earth grass to grow
In tho crop. Chicago Inter Ocoan.
Villus of ii ftmnll Ktrrnm,
An Interesting example of tho valuo
of a small stream for light and power
purposes may bo found near Sacra'
mcnto, Cal. A trout stream has boon
damned up and tho power In tho form
of electricity has been tiHod for doing
such light work as washing and Iron
lug, also for cooking nnd lighting in
tho homo of tha owner, As ilia stream
Is vory small during tho dry months,
an old miner's ditch has boon dammed
to form n reservoir of 100,000 cubic
feet capacity. Tho plant cost fl.ttOO
and In a Blnglo year has dono $700
worth of work.
I'nrtntile Cnmilnir Mncihliie,
A machine bv which tho farmer cat.
prepare and can his frultn, (omntocs,
corn, beans, or any other farm produce
which can bo canned, in tho fields or
ffl. , 1
f fh i
(2) .",' j
m fJ . my........ r-v -... -., c
III I'oMncrlpt.
It was Saturday, and Mrs, Cushman,
having arrayed Bobby In his' Sunday
best, was endeavoring to keop him
occupied while she dressed hurriedly,
pending a visit to tho photographer.
Write mother n lettor on your cellu
loid tablets," she coaxed.
Bobby looked out of tho window and
across the street for Inspiration and
found It His fingers moved briskly,
and In less than three minutes ho was
displaying his letter and pressing It
upon his mother attention. ,
" 'Dear mother she read. 'Tho boya
ncross tne street in tno Lothrop's
ard are playing a new gamo, I
nhould like to Bee It. May I go?
" 'Your affecshonate son, Bob
"That Is rather short, Bobby," she
said, still coaxing him, with a glance
at tho clock. "You go back to your
room and write mother a llttlo postscript
Bobby departed Joyously, hut when
tho last refractory hook had yielded
and his mother, drawing on her
gloves, hurried to his room, It was
On Bobhy's desk lay tho letter, with
the desired addition:
"P. S. I have went. Bob,"
Men have their troubles tho same ns
women, but tney have less to say
Mxmt them.
Thero are as many sides to a story
m there Are people who tell It
There Is a difference of opinion regarding tho pulling ability of each
horse In n team. Some are of tho opinion that tho homo ahead Is pulling
the most, and vice versa.
Tho draft on each horse depends entirely on tho rolntlvo lengths of tho
lover arms, and tho lengths of tho li-vor nrms depend on tho position of the
clevis pins with rospect to the draw pin. In upper diagram (1) the clevis
pins and tho draw pin are In a straight lino, hence the levor nrni Is tho per
pendicular distance from tho draw pin (A) to tho lino of draft of each hore.
Tho lever arms In this caso aro A. B. and A. C. which are cmial. no matter
how much ono horse Is ahead of tho .other. One horse always pulls tho twnio
amount as the other.
In diagram (2) tho clevis pins are behind the draw pin, and when ono
horso pulls ahead of tho other hi levor arm (A. C) becomes longer and
(A. B.) tho lever arm of tho one behind becomes nhortor. In this caso the
horse ahead, having a largo lover arm, has the advnntitgo and pulls Jena
thnn tho one behind.
In dlngrarn (3) tho clevis pins nro nhead of tho draw pin, and whon
ono horso pulls ahead his lever arm shortens nnd tho lover arm of tho ono
behind lengthens. Tho horso ahead, having the lover arm shortor, pulls more
than tho horso behind.
little beef scraps to the food. In the
course of two weeks whole wheat can
be given. This Is tho dry method of
feeding, which Is coming into vogue
quite extensively. Here Is another
method of feeding: Mix dry two parts
of corn meal, ono part of finely ground
wheat bran and one part of beef
wraps. Aftor they are thoroughly
mixed add boiling water In sufficient
quantity to make a stiff dough. Cover
the vessel and let It cook. Feed tho
dough warm or cold, but never hot.
Denver Field and Farm.
itiiuinir I'Ik.
Tho cheapest way to put gains on
young pigs Is through tho sow. She
has a strong digestion and can turn
coarse grains and pasture Into easily
digosted milk. Cnrerul experiments
show that a pound of weight taken
from tho sow will mako more than 1
pound of gain ou tho pigs, tho flesh
of tho young animals containing moro
water. Tho sow should bo fed to pro
duce a high milk ylold, and tho pigs
should be kept with her until thoy got
to eating a full feed of grain and pasture.
Mo run it llii-Nt,
Forty years ago the Morgans wore
fho favorUo road horses. This strain
traces to n slnglo ancestor, Justin Mon
gan, foaled In Vermont In 1793, his
blood being largely thoroughbred.
From him descended tho Blackhawk,
Bashaw, Golddust, Kthan Allon, Ben
Franklin and Gon. Knox and Daniel
Lambert families. Tho Morgan typo
Is short of leg, thick and round barrel,
Intelligent and of great couraco and
Method of Cultivation Compared.
The farmors of tho North Atlantic
states during the last census year
each produced about $084 worth of
farm crops, while tho averairo South
Atlantic states farmer mado only $484,
though thq Southern farmor nvoragod
108 acres per farm nnd tho Northern
wrmer oniy so acres.
orchards In which the vegotnblo or
fruit Is growing, Is described In Popu
lar Mechnnlcs. Mountod ou a wheel
barrow arrangement, tho machine can
bo pushed from ono orchard to another
or from a tomato patch to a cornlleld
as necessity requires. Water for the
process Is heated by a kerosene burner.
UlHldllliMT Offfne.
In handling geoHo thoy should nlway
bo taken by the nock, nnd whon lifted
from tho ground tho body should be
turned with tho back toward tho pop
son handling It. In that position it
cannot strike, and will remain n.uIot
and docile. Tho body can bo partly
supported by seizing tjio llrst Joint of
tho wing with ono hand. If tho goose
Ih hold facing ono, it will ntriko hard
blows with IU wings or scratch with
its feet.
Work Hour of l"iirm-r.
Prof. Boss of tho Minnesota Agrlcul
tural Collogo, says that statistics of
tho actual hours of labor on tho
nine hours, n day In summer and be
tweon four and Hvo In wlntor. Prof.
Bailey of tho Farm Llfo Commission
tells tho story of tho Bchoolma'nm
working from 0 to 4 until sho married
a farmor, nnd had to work from 4 to
0. Moral, schoolma'ums mako good
wives for farmers. OborJIn Times.
'I'm ii ni I m it ( I ii nr.
In transplanting any vegetable
plants let It bo dono In the oyonlng,
If possible Press tho soil flrnily about
tho roots and wntor woll, If, aftor tho
water disappears, dry earth Is cov
ered over tho wot, It will provont bak
ing of tho soil about tho roots whon
tho sun comos out noxt day.
Vnlue of (lunlltr
Extra largo specimens of vegetables
nre all right for exhibition purposes
and to win prizes with, but they nro
not what the average consumer wants
and Is willing to pay freight on,
Quality, uniformity of size and smooth
nui are what the average man waati.
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..II 4 . J.l.l 1
iuum uui now uu uemra.'
An tiroht tmn1nvt fflf fill Tl
uA.Nrv tt tl AAA rr mrviMl
wvw rv'
charged after nerrlngiltaotiHl
.. . ... j .
lirougnt an action tor im us;
sustained and which be Dljtlt
in tn inn iimn or imi. dqi r
rlii,lliui tn M. rlrM fnfcrlll!
quent suit or suite for dimysij
fnir after t he trial onmia-a.
nges were agreed upon tr p
ilinntn nlnlntlff be lllOfedttf
on tho complaint. jn.pj-t
plaintiff. Another actios tuwj
for wages which accrued itel
verdict. The Unltta bum
Court held In Flanden t 0
n u a Cn 181 FedCW I
tni. notwithstanding ft I
lanllnn that there wj
' nf action erJitaiy
,bioctlon not being nta WSJ
llrst trial could not nvFm
The Idaho BupitM " Jl
v. Iludge, & t'uc "'71
rued an election
r..l- t-Aiw1liiri "
,.. ii.. ,iutr ft coun wk-.i
ill ,. ,,M
.inf...nnt tO bold 11
III Ul U""""' .. -IUi
district judge Mcaw
Piial jneiigio'""
, Ik. cfnlindl Of
miurrcu on i .-j
irI.dlct.on of the dUra
failure to ai. ,
ute a cbuw - , ji
-i.lnla but Itet
1 "n"c.;".trictcoaitiI
n.1 lurlsdlctlonln
law and mow- , -
of stawiory
created vj " iM
could le.Igna. -j
.it also cl8irnr
uetlowa 1
alttturo 11M ' M i
mtlon wai '0,.ww
ltonal ouest oni
.ereln, tnore " - ,
Ing tho ir MWP
other than (
the Conawi",
..... 1IM V
in iuh
raw." . .....(iin
didn't ecem p
little Wdpej
me very ln.t tbU
vre ero you
llllrt HIS IB""- J
feet b
, molt I