The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, July 08, 1909, Image 2

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Populaco Floos From Its Temporary
Homos to American Section.
Mossino, July 2. Mcsalna expert-
StrSQQle IS 011 Between TInpIate oncedtwotorrificcatthquakoBhocksnt
about 7:30 o clock yesterday morning.
Mills and Union Employes.
Four States Are Affected afid Almost
7,000 Men Are Idle Trust
Will Mako Fight.
Pittsburg, July 1. Fifteen plants
were crippled or entirely tied up at
midnight by tho strike order that went
into effect in tho union sheet and tin
plate mills of the United States Steel
corporation, according- to tho claims
made by the officials of the Amalga
mated Association of Iron, Steel &
Tinplate workers. Tho number of men
on strike is estimated at 7,000.
Tho strike is the outcome of tho open
shop order posted four weeks ago by
the American Sheet & Tinplate com
pany at all its mills throughout West
Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio and In
Defeat for tho Amalgamated associ
ation, it is said, virtually means the
taking away of its power in the affairs
of the United States Steel corporation,
of which the American Sheet & Tin
plate company is a subsidiary.
A wage agreement has been reached
by the Amalgamated Association of
Iron, Steel & Tinworkers and repre
sentatives of the independent sheet and
tin plate manufacturers.
Two Hundred and Twenty New Ones
Effective in Illinois.
Chicago, July 1. Two hundred and
twenty new laws passed by the last
Illinois legislature went into effect to
day. Some of the big measures are
not operative before next January,
notably the hazardous machinery act
and the board of control, which takes
over all charitable institutions. The
chief laws effective today are:
Forbidding women to work in fac
tories, or any place where machinery
is employed, more than 10 hours a day.
This does not apply to mercantile es
Permitting automobile drivers to de
fend themselves in court under law
permitting "reasonable speed."
Authorizing the city of Chicago to
add $16,00P,000to its bonded indebted
Permitting "white Blaves" to testify
when their husbands "are involved."
Making it a felony to detain any
woman in a resort on charge of debt.
Providing for the examination and
licensing of barbers.
Inheritance tax law, which will add
millions to state revenue.
Punishing landlords who bar children
from flats.
Creating forest preserves.
Pawnbrokers required to hold all ar
tides a year and cutting interest to 3
per cent a month.
8300,000,000 FOR NAVY.
They woro accompanied by a roaring
sound, and aro said to have had a
stronger and moro undulatory move
ment than tho earthquake of last Do
comber, which destroyed Messinn, Rcg
gioand other cities; laid wnBto many
villages in Calabria, and killed 200,000
Although tho shocks today had no
such terrible consequences, tho 25,000
residents of tho city were thrown into
terror. They ran into tho Btreets panic-
strickon, and last night nearly tho en
tire population encamped in tho open
places, fearing to return to the struc
tures that havo served them as homes
sinco the city was destroyed. Tho
broken walls of the old ruins wero
thrown to the ground, and Messina was
for a few minutes smothored in a cloud
of dust
The casualties wero few, and tho
only persons killed, so far as known,
were a young woman and her child.
Tho woman had come hero only a ,fcw
days ago, and had settled in rooms that
the great earthquake had left undam
The first Bhock was followed quickly
by a second shock, and tho people fled
pellmell to tho American quarter,
which they seemed to feel was their
safest place of refuge. So great was
tho rush to the American houses that
the authorities wero unablo to check
the invasion.
The Boldiers soon drew a cordon
around the square and a guard was
mounted at the bridge leading to it,
Many of the panic-stricken people were
driven off, and orders were issued that,
pending further instructions, no one
should be permitted to occupy the
American quarter.
All commerce ceased in the city and
tho places of business along the sea-
front wero closed.
JReggio suffered almost as severe a
shock as Messina, but no -casualties
have been reported at that place.
Tho seismic disturbance was felt at
Taormina, but no damage was dono
there. Within 24 hours the shocks at
Messina numbered 23.
Land Opening by Deschutes Irrigation
Company Must Walt.
Salem After listening toon oxtond
cd argument by C. E. S. Wood, repre
senting A. M. Drake, of Bond, tho dot)
ort land board decided to hold up tho
application of (ho Doschutos Irrigation
& Power company for tho opening to
salo of 2,320 acres of land, embraced
in its latest Caroy act project on tho
Deschutes until tho board can find time
personally to inspect tho projoct at its
forthcoming visit to Eaatorn Oregon,
within n month.
Wood made an exhaustive argumont,
charging that tho Deschutes Irrigation
& Power company is not complying
with tho plans and specifications for
tho reclamation of the arid lands under
its Carey land contracts with tho state;
that it is wrongfully diverting tho
water taken from tho Doschutes for
tho reclamation of one segregation for
the temporary reclamation of lands
listed under another contract so it can
placo tho land on tho market; that tho
company is heavily burdened with fl
nancial difficulties and has mortgaged
tho settlors' rights to cover its defi
ciencies; that it can never insuro the
settler a perpetual water right under
tho circumstances which now exist and
are in prospect; and charging the des
ert land board with open violation of
its obligations to tho state and the Bot
tier undor tho provisions of the Carey
act and tho irrigation laws of tho Btato
in granting the irrigation company in'
creases of lien and other privileges.
Vast Tract In Northorn Morrow to Be
Cut Into Small Tracts.
Pendleton Moro than 18,000 acres
of wheat land in tho northorn part of
Morrow county aro to bo colonized by
thrifts German and Hungarian fanv
llios. according to J. G. Crawford, of
..... ... .
He bbvb that tho J. is. wooiory Cs
tntn. cons stlncr of th IB acroago or
nractlcallv lovol land, has boon taken
ovor by a Portland roal eBtato firm,
which has already mado arrangements
to put 1,000 families on tho tract, and
that tho colonization will bo comploto
by fall.
Th s is probably tho largest tract
farming land in Morrow county and
offors an idoal oDDortunlty for n colo
nization scliomo of this kind.
It is said that tho heads of many of
theso families aro men of means and
that tho immlirrnnta will nrovo a valu
able addition to tho county.
Mr. Crawford is also authority for
the statemont that tho crops of Mor
row county aro to bo much hotter this
senson thon was expected a fow weeks
ago. Then it was considered that a
total falluro was inovitnblu, but now
it is believed almost an average crop
will bo harvested.
Tho unusuul season of cool weather
which hns provailcd over Eastern Ore
gon this spring and summer has turned
out to bo a blessing for tho farmers,
for with tho customary amount of hot
weather this season's crops would have
been burned up, as tho precipitation
has been practically nothing.
Aoronauts Almost Frooxe at Altltud
of 10,000 Feet,
St. Louis, Juno SO.Whlpped help
lessly to and iro by n uu-miie gain In
a donso, black storm cloud, 10,000
foot nbovo tho earth, John Berry and
M. A. Hoimann today woro very near
Berry, tho winner of tho Indlanap
III' nUlrrn.5
i.iii i mivmnti r.
w n n uiLiiiinii ihiil-.
a""vwHiuii iiuvrnw .it. i
ri iirnti a- . n hi
oils distance cup, and Hoimann, who is
Booking n balloon pilot's
tho balloon Molba shortly
Thoy woro carriod swiftly
asconded in
after noon.
to nn nltitudo of 10,000 feot Into a
thunder storm. Hero tho frail bag-was
dashod about by a hurricane.
At times tho balloon lay on a lovol
with tho basket as tho wtckor wan
pitched high up by tho wind. Tho two
men, coatloss and freezing, throw out
Enters New Vn-i, u. .
H, ,,"
nil Itnllnaf ivnt tit a twi I lrrM I if Ml ii I now zone Tnl n
(III UMi jmu t jruv iiiu asuuvwM nwmvi aiui I ' - m j 1
and tied tho appendix, but In Kooaovelthosnlb.if.., t
frail cords
frail cords and tied tho appendix, but in Hooaovolt hospital fn i ""ll
, in splto of this tho bag telescoped and in a critical condition i! ul
or ,. .... , . n ,ni.Li , .. """'un last nUi ?
tho balloon camo down as a parachute, at midnight tho n.iii.J., M imI
Describing his pltal hold out llttlo W.!:0.1. m
rv. Tl... .. J" i 01 ..... -
Tlinv lnndud snfolV.
" - "innnn.i i.
oxnorionco. uorry Bait.: cry Tnov in tM 0I Hem.
"Whon wo ontorod Uio storm cloud it wan doubtfullf hn Sm M for
at a height of 10,000 foot tho atmoa- night. no woudi aurriTe th,,'
phoro was bo black wo could scarcely
boo tho Bwaying bog above us. Tho
feeling of bolng carried helplessly
toward what appeared to bo certain
destruction was one I hopo novor to ox- ono, was successful but htf i!!isltt
perionco again. After wo onturcd tho covered from It nncumfti! j " M
L1-...1 . i.. -. ....... ., n'u .u . f '"-monia dew u il
nr. r...i
ouuiiinnn nnt... i . i
Juno 21 t . ; ;"7luin"Wp!uih
mo romovul of on abeess n m ,otf
Tho f,nr., i .. l,c?s ln nl neck. 3
cloud wo woro in a cold, ponotrating Tho diBonso readied the ctiti i 1
mist which noarly frozo us." yostorday, and, contrary to th
r"wu" 01 n" t took a ntiM "
1 1
tho worse
Francis W,
Francis W. Cusbman ivm un u
Accident on Torpodoboat Hull Badly catcd at tho local h ah iWI
Injures Firemen. Pleasant Vlow nLl".0,041 41
o. c . oft r.i a d n nnvlnw l,t. i..ui M ,"a
of tho torpedo boat Hull woro badly ?.u "uring tho summir viCitiM J
Good Progress Being
struction Work on
Dallas Tho Salom,
His Machine
Expenditure Necessary to Save British
Empire, Says Beresford.
London, July 1. Advocating a plan
of naval expansion, already submitted
to the admiralty, which practically pro
vides the doubling of Great Britain's
immense sea force, Admiral Lord
Charles Beresford today declared the
national situation was more serious
than was generally known. Ho said
there was no use in precipitating a
panic, but it was best to be on the safo
Ten dreadnaughts in addition to the
four provisional ships already provid
ed for, will be built before March 81,
1914, under the admiral's plan. The
scheme also includes 16 second class
cruisers, 18 commerce protecting cruis
ers and 20 ships of a new type similar
to torpedo boat destroyers, but larger.
His estimate of the cost of this plan
is about $300,000,000.
Slot Machines Barred.
San Francisco, July 1. With the
coming of midnight last night the
whirr and rattle of nearly 4,000 slot
machines in this city was stilled and
nickels will be a drug on the market.
The ordinance placing all manner of
nickel-m-the-Blot cigar and drink
gambling devices under the ban went
into effect July 1, and the police have
received orders to rigidly enforce the
prohibition. It was estimated when
the supervisors were considering the
ordinance that $12,000,000 has been
placed annually in these devices.
Orvillo Wright Handles
at Will.
Washington, July 2. Calm and con
fident, Orvillo Wright late last night
encircled the Fort Myer drill grounds
time after time in his. aeroplane in
three separate flights. Ho was seen
by thousands.
Shortly before 8 o'clock the aero
plane was wheeled from its shed to the
starting track. Previously the field
had been cleared by a troop of cavalry.
After the motor had been tested, the
propellers wero cranked and Orville
turned on the motor and released tho
machine. As it neared the end of the
starting rail., Orville turned up the
forward horizontal rudder and the
machine arose into the air. It was a
beautiful start.
Down the field the aeroplane sailed,
curved gracefully about the lower end
and back up the east side of the field
along tho edge of Arlington cemetery.
The first round was made in 50 sec
onds. Five times the machine circled
the field, attaining a height that varied
from 15 to 30 feet On the sixth
round Mr. Wright came to earth with
in 100 feet of the starting point, com
pleting the flight in exactly five min
The landing was perfect, the ma
chine swooping down in successive
glides until within a few feet of the
earth, when Orville pulled the string
that stops his motor and the aeroplane
glided smoothly over the grasR on its
skids until it came to a stop. Again
the aeroplane was placed in position on
the starting rail, the motor started.
and again the machine encircled the
field with ease and grace. Mr. Wright
approached dangerously near the start
ing tower and flew within a few feet
of the stables that line the field. It
was noticed that at times the motor
skipped, but this seemed to have no
effect on operating the aeroplane.
Fino Impoaod on Road.
Salem -Attorney General Crawford
has commenced action against tho Cor-
vallis & Eastern railroad for the collec
tion of tho penalty for tho alleged fail
ure of tho railroad company to comply
with the railroad commission act.
Some time ago the commission, oftor
an investigation of a complaint of in
adequate depot facilities at LyonB, or
dered tho railroad company to build a
new dopot The company hauled in a
couple of old froight cars and rigged
them up as an evasion of the law, and
tho nttomoy general was requested to
commence action to colloct the fino of
Made in Con-
New Lino.
Falls City.&
Western railway company will have
completed the work of tracklaying on
its new line from Dallas to Salem by
the middlo of August, and regular
freight and passenger servico will bo
established within a month from that
The grading work is practically com
pleted. having been carried to within
two miles of tho West Salem terminal.
Steel has been laid as far as the Pierce
Riggs farm near Eola, a distance of ?10 000 provided by tho law.
uuuui Jiiuu luuua jrum xsauuB. Jiiiy
about six miles of track remain to be
The new track contains few bridges,
the most important being the Brunk
bridge over the Rickreall river at Eola.
No bridge will be built across the Wil
lamette river, tho road terminating on
the Polk county side, in West Salem.
Communication with the Marion coun
ty side will be carried on by means of
a launch service, which has already
been established.
Tho company will install for its pas
senger service 011 the now line, one of
the new gasolino cars similar to those
which the Southern Pacific plans to
put in uso on some of its Oregon lines
wator boy" on nllA
work. On eomnletin. m.
on MllrJ. t
....vuui, Ulliu Bl UW in r
in ha mnvi tn W
" " 1 " ,V "tmmg. There
scalded last night by tho bursting 01 a
boiler tube. B. F. King, fireman, is
so severely injured that is feared ho
cannot recover. Tho boat was but
slightly damaged and repairs havo a!
ritnrW lifiAn mttrlrt.
mi ai J . 1 - t w 1 1 uiiiiiiii I't 1 iir iiirn nij Lr
ino uinur injuruu ure; o. m. jvod-i: ;" using 1 tot.
n t n . 1 utiv on n ranch a iiui .
oris, waier icnuor; rrancin urawioru, , r - mur i i!i
firoman; John It. Carter, llroman; i'. aiwaKhoolletda,.i
Newton Carish, coal passer. Tho last uurlnff this period he took tip tin
four oro seriously injured, but expected ?. '8W "?dinR ;.by blmwlf, wiU fed
to survive. "-lo," n,' ?
Thn nri.oli.nnf nofiirroil nn thn II. tin AC 1110 CIOS0 01 th IS time k nWi
vessel woo passing down tho entrance J? "J.8 TJ MmitWtolc4?l
of tho bay to Sausallto, whero sho wasr"0"""'" nna oupwne bar. BiJ
to havo remained ovor night prepara- """Tu r U"V.' ,B?, "heak.e.tI
tory to starting for Scattla this morn- tYWBl taai"' eo"'l,nK ,n Jumt Wt
hns sinco boon his permtotot koiM. J
DIT Alrnfrnr tnlnnrl thn ntnni-tnrr trnnr
Prior to his eltction toconertnUU5l
, - . ..-ti
wept wrong and tho engines wore u i f. , . , K,.n3' maAlw I
-topped while ropoirs wero attempted, "v""' l F'"' II
As tho vesBol drifted with tho tide, a , " r usnmsn WMnoainiW;!
Prineville Countv Survivor Prm! A. tube in one of tho starboard boilcre Y iwpnwieani lor cwgrtu 5b
- - J ' - - - - ihm ft.-. .-., til i i m
Rico has just completed tho survey of Wow out, opening a long crack, from ? " TJ?
which a cloud of hissing, scalding " i , . , "r'll
steam escaped. Five men woro in tho e,0?Ud by twheUn pz mJitiit j
Hugo Private Water Project.
a privato irrigation project on tho
Ochoco east of this place. It will be
orie of tho largest private irrigation
projects in tho county. Tho lands
effected oro owned by T. JI. Lafollette,
E. T. Slay ton and J. S. Watklns, tho
entire acreage comprising moro than
2,000 acres. Tho canal will hold 1,2U0
incnes 01 water and win bo six miles
long. Tho cost will bo about $5,000.
Construction work will begin as soon
as the plats of tho survey ore approved
by the state desert land board
Chautauqua Grounds Improved.
Oregon City The work of improve
ment of the Chautauqua grounds at
Gladstone is being pushed. Fourteen
hundred feet of fence is being built on
the front side of the park. A good
pump and an adequate water system
are being installed. The Ladies' aid,
of the Christian church of Gladstone
will havo charge of the restaurant on
tho grounds. Rev. W. H. Selleck.
pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal
church of balem, will respond to Con
gressman Hawloy's address of welcome.
Ashland Wants Mountain.
Ashland The Ashland Commercial
club will petition Governor Benson's
recently appointed Btato board of geo
graphers to change the name of Ash
land butte, the source of Ashland's
water supply and one of the chief scen
ic attractions of this vicinity, from
Siskiyou peak, which is Bald to havo
been applied to it by some of tho gov
ernment publications, to Mount Ash-
iana. a resolution to tnis ellect was
passed at a recent meeting of the club.
Helena Has Cloudburst.
Helena, Mont., July 1. A cloudburst
in the mountains south of this city this
afternoon wrought much damage in the
city and adjacent country. Small
streams and dry gulcheB In tho vicinity
became raging torrents. Main streot
carried a foot of water and the cellars
of scores of business houses were flood
ed. It is feared that the damage has
been great in the Prickly Pear valley
and in the Missouri river bottoms. Re
ports from there are anxiously awaited.
May Fly Across Channel.
Calais, July 1. Herbert Latham,
Couont do Lambert and Henri Farman
are at present on the coast near here,
awaiting favorable weather conditions
to attempt an aeroplane flight across
tho British channel for a prize of $5,
000 offored by a London paper. French
torpedo boats are being held in readi
ness to aid the aviators in their flight
nd resuce them in case of need.
Bell Sees War Cloud.
Leavenworth, Kan., July 2. Gene
ral Franklin Bell, chief of staff, in a
speech before the assembled service
schools at Fort Leavenworth today, de
clared that he saw indications of war
and insisted that the day of interna
tional peace was far off. "There is
mucn tan. or arbitration and peace
congresses, and it is even implied that
there is to be no further use for armies
and navies." said General Bell. "There
had not been a period of 30 years in
the history of this country without a
Open Land Near Burns.
Burns The local United States land
offico has been notified that the Harney
Valley Improvement company sogrega- 15c; peaH. 34c per pound; radlBhes.
.urey lut uu.Ji; rnUDBro, 3QiJHC ner
Two Plants In Prospect.
Milwaukie At an adjourned meotirir
oi tho Milwaukie council a 20 year
irancniso was granted J. L. Johnson Si.
Lo. to construct and operato a water
works plant east of the Southorn Vtcl
nc railroad. The ordinonco grant ng
ino irancniso was passed as drawn un
without amendment. It obligates tho
company to provide wator free for fire
protection. Tho plant is undor con
struction. Milwaukio will then havo
two water companies.
Wheat - BlueBtem mi Hncr. $1.30!
ciud, i.itnyi.zv; valley, $1.J7.
Corn Whole, S35 per ton : cracked.
n '
$ju per ion.
Oats No. 1 whlto, $41 per ton.
May Timothy, Willamette vallov.
miZU per ton; Eastern Oregon, $20
bruits Apples. Sl(f2.G0 ner box?
Birawnernea, a !. per crate; chor
ries, (avc per pound : cooseberr es. A
Oijte per pound; currants, 8c per pound;
loganberries, $1.2G(f))2 percrato; rasp-
ucrriea, (j;.o per crate.
1'otatoes $1621.50 ner hundrmi.
Vegetables Asnaracrus.
rlnr.nn r Inttnnn finri.t OR. ntx
boiler room at tho timo and thoy
scumbled toward tho hatchway and
deck, fighting their way through .tho
dense vapor, with sculding water drip
ping on them from tho deck plates
King wns tho lost man to reach tho
ladder, and as ho stumbled to tho bot
tom rung a second tubo blow out, King
rccoiving tho full forco of ita chargo
or steam. Aided by his companions.
ho roached tho deck and a few mo
ments later tho exhaust valvca emp
tied tho crippled boiler of steam.
each succeeding election, aod Iisor?
sorving his cixth term.
Bret Harts Land Shaken.
Downlovillo, Cal., July 3.-AM
every night for more than a tm'J
earthquake shocks have ktn tipP j
enccd here, and their frequeuT
caused considerable uiiemctH. Saetil
tho rathor sevcro trcmblor cf Jmilnj
there havo been frequent lijttfffj
shocks, most of them aufllcientJj (-;!
ccptiblo to awaken people. Peft
living at Poker flat y Mount Ftojl
ia mo seat oi mo uuiurutJiw. i.
country has reportea some m (
quakes nn bolng quite Mvere, urs
quakes oro rare In Siefra county, j
tion, known as the famous
lands, has been canceled; and these
landa, 59,000 acres of which aro locat
ed closo to burns, will be opened at
once to public entry. It i'b thought
that every aero of this land will be
taken in a vory short time.
Six-Inch Guns Arrive.
Salem Tho two big six inch guns
from tho battleBhio Oregon promised
the city of Salem, havo arrived and
Buslnoss Men Don't Want Comrress
to Tax Corporations,
Washington, Juno 30. A flood of
telegrams, nearly equalling that which
swamped the wires during tho anti
ranroad pass light, is pouring in upon
senators in opposition to tho corpora
tion tax bill. Moat of tho telegrams
come from persons interested in build
ing and loan associations, but practl
cally every character of corporations r.XnSeVI
represented. Most of tho senators ro- at, owing to ?. J j
celved from 12 to 50 toletrrams today "ke. . HT 2LJ
and immr, t i.i inn containing o.uuu K-..v.
In view of tho vohomcnt tone of the
protests and tho fact that tho toicgrams
aro from prominont business men,
somo senators plcdtred to vote for tho
administration program said today that
tllOV Bra dnilhtfnl nn tn thn wlnrlnm nf
the r course. todav. urceu uio wk.,m
, V r IMMin
Unless thoro in a chantro of sentl- flees everywhere to mcuw ff:T
ment throughout tho country, it would a needod army """"."'Jrfiai:
not surpriso many mombora of congross don declares Englana ia
doned in conferonco and tho inhorltanco tost for her notional lexiaiw".
tax, which was adopted by tho houso.
biiouiu bo restored to tho tariff bill.
Steamer Burnt At Dock.
Stockton, Csl July 3. The ijuxl
Isloton, of tho caliiorouirwi
-n .-.. ttil it sM-'
000, burned to tho water' MpJ
dock hero early today, tw amm
cargo had been removed before Use J
Btarted. There ws noiiauiwi
tho vessel. The flro iteW b wm
after hold, whoro iicouiaiwi".
f crude dd
la Annealed Tor
Victorio, B. C, Juifc-A.r.
i DLXr.
nenoon, oi """ VV ...; ft'1
. r iLi iiwirion iiuukvi ..
ntion program said today that recior oi wo
doubtful as to tho wisdom of mons church, n a public ,.
Bn. todav. urired tho clergy to PSi
i to st'curo I
and navy i
Butter City creamery, extras, 26ic
pur pouna; iancy outside creamery,
-soify-uc; Btore, lc. Butter fat
prices average iy2c per pound under
regular uutter prices.
r-gKB urcgon ranch, cand ed.
5T.O1- .!. ' '
pur uu-Ull
Johnson ravr. "
.TnekBon. Alien , -' -:.,'.jai
Johnson, of.MlmjaTiJ
.I.l-wi imvn HL I1IL.IJV
of tho depart- ho,P 0 'TuSndf
tho Unlvefslty with Jr IjJ
Investigate Sulphured Fruit.
Berkeley. Cal.. Juno
Alonzo E. Taylor, head
ment nf nnlhnlnou nf
of Pnllfn-n' ".""f. Z .a" . affairs. Whore worn , , ,Jt(
referee board appointed by former Vhc'a iBlJZR influence fc P
Preoident Roosevelt will nrobahlv visit bottw where refining J
Ilena. 12GV12 W.c nor hnnnrl . California Within tho cominir month to ValOllt. . -
lGHnc; rooatcrs, 8ffi9c : Mnvostlgato tho merits of fruit drying
Bomb Fiend is Caught.
Chicago, July 2. Felix Sharkey,
once a terror to the police, but now
crippled and gray, today divulged all
he know of tho Jong eerieB of bomb
outrages which hove mystified tho po
lice of Chicago. State's Attorney Way
man, to whom Sharkey told his story,
laid an embargo of silence upon the
narrator and tho police officials who
were present at the interview. Yes
terday Sharkey refused to talk, but a
nightin jail conquered bim.
Arctic Explorer Safe?
Winnipeg, July 2. A rumor cornea
from the far North that Georgo Cald
well, the explorer who Joft three years
ago to make a trip from Hudson bay
westward to Slavo lake and down to
Edmonton, and who had been given up
as lost, la reported by a native runner
to be Bafe. Caldwell is now probably
at Fullerton,
dUCkS. VOUnCT. 12rt.)lar- ...n ' and CUrlncr 111 thn -lllrilui nrnnnaa
.!1I 4U .. naiA'".... " .. ."'""' h-v.,., jUUK, --- - j - ,
. w v,.u ah.i-v.iwii- wi uio vuifivc, vurKeyB, ic; squabs, $2(S2.25 iByor returned yostorday from au
cherry fair, The guns will bo mounted
on the state house lawn after the fair.
They were procurred through tho Ore
gon delegation nt Washington and coBt
tho city of Salom only the freight.
Monmouth Normal Opens.
Monmouth Tho enrollment of tho
Bummer norma school ia very satisfac
tory, there being betwoen 80 and 100
enrolled tho first day. Next week
Professor L. R. Trovers' course begins
and from 80 to 50 additional Btudonts
aro expected. Prospects are for tho
most successful summer normal ever
held at this place.
Big Prices for Farms,
Jacksonville William Stewart this
week sold to somo Wisconsin parties
his 170 acre farm and orchard two miles
north of Jacksonville for $85,000, an
average of $500 per pcre. Another
tract; of 213 acres near the Stewart
farm was gold this week for $80,009.
St. Gall, BW,w..
ropean tour and ntoppod In Boston to young woman riiircsd.
attond n nnanlnn nf thn hn,.l ,.--. caucrht n a cavo-in oi . &
tttrv Of Avrlnilltlirn Wltnnn tultl nrnh. nt'l. WBS dUg 0UV ,
ably accompany tho board. suffered nB0loB? but mtinff ",l
during " r'u. moistaw
per dozen
Pork Fancy. 10c nor noimrl
Veal Extras. 8(9,8 14c nnr
ordinary, 7c; heavy, Cc.
ll-Itnn IftAA a .
'""!' ju coniracLR. lllo n-
PnU1' 1008 crop, 11c; 1007 crop, Cc; The5 Duck Cach Bufc
" . o. Alon j j 80.--A former v.
ytooi i-UBiern urecron. .(fiir.9Hn nn. lncr nonr hnm Una a.n-f.i - ...
J , . ' F - -!.. .. lV I f I " " ..w.w IIIIU U.HIrVU u iivvr III11UO
uuuiiu; VUlieV. i nc. 'A'Ac ... trv. nn nna .hiif In t.
21c; mohair, choice, 2.25c. profitable to him. Thin mn tminnH a
i - steers, top, $4.504.C0: ock of ducks that ho has raised to
kvuu, 'j.oc.!i..u; common, nuntlor notato hues, nm now an
fair to
her clothing, on which l
ally trickled. ,
Pliched Ban'" ,n. ?,r;. .ul!i
A n,,n. July 3. AtJ I Sfl
yeslerdoy In honor - h, n mou Mv-w-
A MUlf
Troops were
.ailed out, i
Arti ie ' ,"""i",i tuwmon, -" i'uiuiu uugs, anu now an
iorAo' 8-B03.0B; fair "ounces that ho is ready to rent thq
tO gOOd. SS.25(?3.r0 .immnn fnoila nl,f .t t. n-t.
l'Jlnrl iT' t0,p' .50; has teatimonlnla from Batisflod client- the soldiers JJ" d lAjf,
y0 riMS noighborhood, and declares that pitched I b-tti. XaA
persons wcv ",
8.25; common, $202.50.
--rrile8t' 88'16; fair to good,
&Btcker8' ?00.60; China
fats, $0.75(.7.
Hiieep Top wothors. $4! fair tn
his tr lined birda bring him an incomo
i uu a week.
, Atlantic Cbl f,e
Road. Calpna on
Will Ralso Wages Again.
Koadlng, Fa Junp 80,Tho
ttnnA n Knan 7K . . ' .,' . vo neaaing, ra junp 80. -Tho Jload- wa pna ui- : ..Ma on . i
WSS&Stlr !"ron company posted notlcea today 1,600 piIIm f S
MmAlhlu1 thaJPtof tho reduction In wage tho Commercial I c3,wd
m 1 2B a'lb(y' BPri"K 1-mbs, $4,75 mado last Fobruary would bo restored! line between Newfoun
' aiuiciiiiiiiiu- iiinu n
, York.