N' OTIOE FOH PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Ollloe, Tho Dalles, Ore gon, May 20, ltKtO. Nollce la heiebj given (hat the State or Oregon ho Med In thin office its application, Bur ial No. 04604, to seleet Under the pro visions of the Act of CniiRreSs of Alt gust 14, 1848, and tho Ac'8 supplemen tary ami amendatory thereto, the uwjawl sec 82. tp 0s, r 15 e, W. M. Any and all persona nlalmtUir ad versely tho luitilnileporlheil,or desiring to obeot because ot the mineral char acter of tho land, or for any other rea son, to tho dinposal to applicant, Miould file thir aflhltivlls of pro test In this otlloe, ou or befoie the 8th day of July, 1009. 0. W. MOORE, ni27-yl llejjlster. isol Coal Land HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publl Cation. Department of the Inter lor, U S Lmttl OMlceatTtie Dalles, Ore gon, May 22, 11M). JSotiee Isho't-by giver that CLYDE C. I1EALY, of Madras, Oregon, who, on Janua ry 7, 1007, Hindu Homestead Entry seilal No. 04U10 No. 15627, for sej uwi, suei uuU ueaej seo 12, tp 12 s, r 13 e, w m, lias filed notice of intention to make flual commuiiiiinn proof, to establish claim to the land nbove described, be fore Howard W. Turner. U. S. CommU Hioner, at hi i.frlce at -Madras, Ore gon, on the Oih day of July, 10oO. Claimant names us witnesses: John P Sumner, WF Thomas, I L Hale, 11 1 Atex.uder, all of Madras, Oregon. C. W. Moo KB, m27-jyl Register Not Coal Land HOMESTEAD. Notice lor Publl cation. Department of the In'e lior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, June 23, 1909. Notice is hereby given that JEM C. KAAS, of Madras, Ort-iron, who, on May 11, 1004, made Homesteml Serial No. i3i74 No. 13475, for seisei sec 6, s-t-vvj, nt-wj sec 5, tp 11 a, r 14 e, w m, Has filed notice of intention to make Jlnal five-year proof, to establish i-'aiin to the land nbove described, be lore Howard 7. Turner, U. S. CmmiH eiouer, at his office ai Madras. Oregon, on the 3rrt day of Ausust,. 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: GeorgeS Mays, N P Poulaen, NS Jennings, Chat lea Bye, all of Madras," Oregon. C. W. Moore, Jyl j9 Register T SOLATED TRACT. Notice for Pub- llcation. I'uMio Land Sale Serial No 011581 The Dalles, Oregon, United ritatea Laud Olliee, May 24. 19.9. Notice is holt iiy given that, as di rected by the Commissioner of the (General Land Otli-je, under provisions of A;t of CoiijiriKs approved June 27, 3006, Public N.i. 303, we will ofler ai ).ublic sale to the highest bidder, at 10:15 o'clock n. oi., on the flth day of July, 1900, next, at this office, the fol lowing tract of laud, tovvlt: sejuwi sec 28, tp 12 s, 15 e, w m. Any persons claiming alversely the tibuve described lands are advised to their claim, or objections, on or before. the day uoovo Urcigtmtcd f-r hide. m27-jyl C.'AV. Moouk. Register .t Coal Land . TJ OMESTEAD. Notice for Publk-a- tlon, DepHrimntof the Interior, V S Laud Office ut The DuIJutt, Oiegon, June 5, 1009. loticei beiehy given that 33DWARD DkHAVEN, of Madras, Oregon, who, on January 2, 1909, niado Homestead -Entry Ser ial No 02107J forswne.4nwi, nwi hw sec 0, tp 0 a, i 14 e, w m, 7 'Mb filed notice of Intention to make mial five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described be fore Howard W. Turner. United plates Commissioner, his office ut Madras. Oreiron, on the 13. h day of July, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: H L Friday, Perry T Monroe, G Kumpfer, of Shaniko, Oregon; J II Stewart, of Youngs, Oregon. C. V. Moouk,' J10-Jy8 Register T SOLATED TRACT. Not ice or Pub- lication. Public Land Hule. Serial No 01050 The Dalles, Oregon, U. S. Land Offi e, J.ine 2, 101)9. Nollce is hereby given ihat, as (lliected by the Commissioner of the General Lund Office, uuder piivllous of Act of Con gress approved June 27, 1000, Public --No 303, we will offer at public sale to the highest bidder, ut 0:30 o'clock a, ih on tho 14th day of July, 1000, -uext ,ut this office, tho following tract of land, towlt: uelswl Bec2, tp 11 , r 18 e. w ft. Any persons claiming adversely the nbovt-descrlbed lands are advised to te their claims, or objections, ou or before tho day above designated for Bale. C. W. MOORE, JlOJyfl Register. NOTICE TO CREDIT0113. Notice Is hereby iclveii that the under -dmied has bten, by the County Court of the Hiate of Oregon for Crook tun iv. HiHMiluted Administrator of tho estate of Edward Kutcher, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to pro- enl tho same, duly Vertllei, at I no liiw olllco of M. E. Brink at Prlnevllle, Oregon, vvlihlu six months from the dale of the first publication of this notloe. Din d and published first time June 3rd, 1009. J. W. BONES, Administrator of the Estate of Edward Kutaher, deceased. Not Coal Land HOMESTEAD. Notice Tor Publica tion. Department of the Inte rior, U. S Land Office at Tho DaIIcs, Oregon, June 5, 1009. Notice Is hprhv given that ORLANDO 0. DIOKERSON, of Madras, Oregon, who, on February 20. 1908. made Homestead Serial No 114341 No. 160UG, for sejtf seo 20; tp 10 r 13 e, w m, Has filed notice of Intention to make final commutation proof, to establish elaim to the land above desorlbed, be fore Howard W. Turner, TJ, S, Commis sioner, at his office at Madras, Ore gon, ou the 13th day of July, 1909, Claim nit names as witue-ses: .Tuini Wiiirotililitst. John XV Jones Clarence Watts, J J McDonald, nil of Madras, Oregon. O. W. MooltB, J10ji8 Register Not Coal Land rkKSERT LAND. Notice for Publication U Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Ofllce at The Dalles, Oiegon, May 2(3, 1909 Notice is hereby given that Eft MA 1). KAMl'FEK, of Shaniko, Oregon, who, on April 14, 1900, made. Desert Land Entry berial No, 02SU7 No. tWl, for swjfswtf sec 11, tp Us, i ll e, w in, Has filed notice of intention to make fnal Dosert Land proof, to establish claim to the land above, described, before 11. C. Uooper, United States CoxniUslo"er at Ids office at Antelope, Oregon, on the 6tll day of July, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: Cot f iifd Knmpfer, Albert Kampfer, Ed ward Dilluven, of Shaniko, Oregon; Adlc Bjrlow, of Madias, Oregon. C. W.-Mookk, jiJ-jj 1 Register Not Coal Laud r I DAf KSTI3 A D. Notice for Publlca A- tion. Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gou, May 20, 1909. Notice Is hereby lven that- HENRY GROB, f Madras, Oregon, who ou January 2 1903, made Honrtsteud Entry .Serial Ni . 027 .'8 No. 11904, hr the wuw, seiuwL uwiiWj sec 20, tp 11 s, r 13 e, w m, His llled notice of Intention to make tinal five-year r.iof, to establish clnlin to tile laud ah0vedesuribed be fore Howard W. Turner. United States Commirsioiier, at. his office at Madras, Oreuon, on the 0th day of July, 1909. C aimant nnniKS as witnesses: Josxe. Ei-les, B Doaihro, V H Snook, J P Hahu, all ol Mudra-, Oregon. C. W. MOORE, m27yl Register Not Coal Landl HOMESTEAD. Notice f-r Publlca tlon. Dc-partmeiit of the Iuttrfor, fj. S Lmd Office at The bulles, Ore gon, June 11, 1009. Notice is hereby given that HERBERT E. JACOBS, of Madras, Oregon, who, on April 20, 1901, made HomeFtead Entry Ser ial No 03147 No. 13391, for nej feec 35, tp 10 s, r 13 e, w m, Hub filed notice of intention (o make final llveyear proof, to establish claim to the laud abuve described, before Howjird W. Turner, O. S. Commls sioner, at his office at Madras, Oregon, on the 20th day of July, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: B C Dove, E V Doty. Anton Batal 4ia. Samuel Habcrstlch, all of Madras, Oregon. C. W. MooiiE, jl7-Jy22 Register Not Coal Laud HOMEdTEAD. Notice for Puhllca tion. Department of the Interior, 0. S. Land Office ut The Dalles, Ore gou, June 10, 1909. Notice is hereby given I hut JOHN E1SENRE10H, of Madras, Oregon, who, on Novem ber 21, 1007, mado Homestead Serial No 04200 No 15707, for uwi, wj nej seo 10, tp 11 s, r 14 e, w m, lias fihd notice of intention to make final commutation proof, to establish clulm to the laud ubove described, be fore Howard W. Turner, V. 8. Com mlsiloner, ut his office at Madras, Ore gon, on the 20th day of July, 1009, Claimant names as witnesses! G J Wellefi Thomaa Fields, W F Fields, EJwttrd Baldner, ull of Mud rus, Oregou- C, W. AlOOKK, J17-Jyl0 Aitr GATEWAY TO CENTRAL lil s MAP OF . ' ' madras , ' coluIbi Proposed a railroads r f: hi LI . V A SL-ilrts-r-. P 111 I I IX V I .4. m- I V II III v-, --y-s. " Ill l J V ' fJ -- 1. r I 11-., " -v - Ut.T- -1 mnm f f I T ) KA' '-v N V . HiVw!r-A C'' l AW" WHEELER a"vNT hi ?x-J C-V 1 1 v m. a 1 -r- " "m w -jt - - i t - . -.1 1 k A m- 1 m 1 I? (XL J ' V' Jf u J i " iiMr j u II i 1 V I T' I St i .... ill r .11 Vi.txua Qr v. r t,M rv - .v -a.'. t c J w t a If I rV V 1 V7n.'JL.V 1 ' I . S I i - - . n i vt i.Nvr c-tfi 1 v 1 u 'V ? S If I . rflr-l'v S ' '.. .-..1 Ill -V -- HI I " I -IW I ' I' w -fJ'1. l I ' I . " V f II, , 1 1 1 t I Ml.. 111 s' -I r- 1 . I I jTnDILl I t . m. t r- I M 3 Ml V!r7.iS. 7 I I . 1 l U t 1 in t - - rv r a v t : - 1 1 1 iij 1 ,u 11 v k 1 . r 1 1 d 1 i i At' I v f m ti a ir p to mis Madras Townsite . i a i 11 s s w r v h a ft x & and investment in Town Property NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY .WHILE PRICES ARE LOW For a short time we are selling lots in Madras Townsite and Residence Addition at very low prices. You will want a lot in MADRAS, and now the time to invest to insure Big Returns DON R RKA, 4 S r i k w r a b vi i m a i & Agent