.1 unrirun . ui main a:. life" " , 0f Hiytpp'' Mi !f lbvn nvn Tl3esdn$ .ylle .l.lV, . .1.-11 iVIH lli enoc , ... , n,born.wl llbert QJMri. i" . . I-.. u of K N. fllllam Sat 0 11)5 "" njlbfr was m t"n Hut aniur- .1 l.nfrt nVV Cut .V. .. ..t.., nf V .inrruiver, W.i., - . . . II..- . .. tr.., in nou in if nurr uu (HUH r.--; . ..... m this ''" "c ",,. Luedilcmirn returnbd Sun- from Wi.mfiHR. when Edward flnl- upk-i . t.r ln hrhii sneml - ... ii.iii liriilitv Inok- yt or mc - ' hi l Mtinii' l"lmes interest, i.fr hu Ik mic nt Hutler, U1J jiu, J C. Rotiinson, Mrs. Satunl.iv to see ilh vninf JUS U"f V. Wairi a ritiiicr from the u urn, in town Monday. tUU!iu itn iay ' 15 l,'T " " ... mj. r iii'iiv. HI I ' t . . ' .!-.. 11- 1 .1 MM 1 V jliril. .ill. ilim .ill tttt M unlay Irr tile . i .1.--.. - 1 the rerv i' n, wncic uiqy c riinp.PK (lilt. i. w ho liiis been Ihmm V HMD ' i.t-: U (III JjfltCi 1 1. 1. ii luVti; eiiil . ii h next yctr ai rtihrtu r.i Snni A. McCnnnell wAs in town yes terdny from UU hoinistead near Ctodked Uivcr. Jfohn.L, CnmpfiHI hfAi rented the Mnd bis Mrht Mntkct nnd will combine the wo thops nt this place, He moved into 'hlj iielvs (uaners yesterday. Genrce Kodinnn, I V. Llmbangh nnd Jolip I'cck, nnd (heir fnmilies, returned lust 'lucjdny from Hood Uivcr, where tlicy have been spending cvcral weeks duiinj; ilih berry season. Littil Rising, who was formerly gov ernment farmer nt the Wnrmsptiitj; reser ve ion, lias been employed as storekeeper f"r W H See & Co. at Ihr) juency K. Chalmlpka, who is a member of the firm and 1ms conducted the business, ckpects I'o quit the npency in the next two weeks, and he and Mrs. Chalupka will return to their old home in Michigan Inr a visit,' Lnicr.th',y will return and settle some where on this cont. The people of Upper Willow Cteck in the vicinily of the Compton Sc Ore saw mill are nrranginR a- good old fashioned independence Day celebration, The eel cbrntioh will be held Monday July 5, and games and sports of nil kinds will be in dulged in. There will nlso be dancing, and a platform 45x7? feet is being built for thnt purpose. An invitation is ex tended to the people of this section to participate in ihe celebration, and ?i good time if promised. At the next meeting of the Cnumy Fanners Union, which will occur at Madras the second Wednesday in this monih, the question of scouring govern jiient aid in irrigating this section will be taken up, It is Understood that an open ......i..... ..in 1.. 1..1.1 ...i.-.i.. .1.: Hrnn ar. 1 Mi'. C. L. Heal) I ,. . c . Ijjjj t"iiiv. viisi.uj3i .ii, .iiiu iiic uiijiiics mrn oi-Hie Inn o will lie-asked to co operate. A strong movement should be organoid anil prompt action taken, in oidei that tiie nnjier may be called to Sectet.uy Hnliin gcr's altrntion dlirlng Iii prrence on this coast, It is undristnod that the 8cnnary will tif invlinl by prominent irrtgationists of 'oftlnnd to.vm't tlii! Di-rhUtes c"'in try, Jn which f Vent he pas through A party oi business men of l'h"neville composed of Jake Donne. Guy Lafoilctte, C. M, Stroud, OitMr Claypool and ohe or two others whose names were not learned, spent several hours in Madras l.vi Sun day looking over lite town. CARD OF TrlANKS We, the Baptist ChltrcK of Madras, wish to extend otir thanks to die citizens of Madras and vicinity for ihrfr kind aid nnd assistance irt caiing for the delegates to the Middle Oregon Hnptist Associa tion, which recently met with us We heartily, apprrciate the excellent attend ance, and thf tiumcrti'us courf-sies shown us by members of other denominations. Respectfully, I. D. Hrown, Mo'deratprj S. !'. Loving, Clerk. Edward G. Pease uo. inc. the: shaniko store enno OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere grati tude lo our friends and neighbors for their f kindness nnd sympathy in our sudden, be reavement, and our appreciation of the heroic efforts of those who genciously assisted in the search for the body of our dear son and brother. Mr. and Mrs. G W Kidder and Children, i -,...., r.l...J I fur a big llas r ' t). The picnic o id of Rev. J , ! liuilc, nmlj a ui the 1 . ' 1 ' ..i ... ... . ,y, lb - s ' .Taylor i" rm'irri of t! . tb.have .if ' , il .in llie '"Hi ""6 .1 111 , . . . ''lit... U 11 T ' 'I.' ' 1 111 111 IIU .. C-..I..I ...... M. 'I.. i ittijri.in,; from an extended mlwJ, wlirrr -p ha!i been-re iilliam Hrui-tf-itrr and wifei'who ipein!ii)M 11 r Winter nt',Mcd on ilieir u ,y birk ti.Madm5 driving art , ntountitlns byf . . . : n ntiA i.miia '! Ooroe Hurt. I iy. " fi.M man in this : .r of Jlarrnnnn " 1 ol the time ;!, ho have been olwjy t, ,. , hf.t tnu-n last V in.l hlrl r. ...-.1 I UShatl tlie:r 1 hp. . nn q.rn. I-. 1 .. ........ II unit I . .. ... lil..l 1 . . !JltlMVHMlll 'wyury m in., valley and, the ncmininnl.i I,. 1 1 .l. .l.f- A Loni; .f I ri uilir will nrr-nnw Lourks r- m h-nce. which thev '!. and Mr ,,m Mrs Vnnnke e out to the L.nrh of their son, long's f ,.1,,-r, who recently Medful, n rfisi(e wjih. -him. v...nc, mi w:it initirfrt tit u accident here srveral tnomhs ...n . no,., . ie 1 ... his been , wofng treatmtjnt mjmies. Mr 1 ... nih,., fu.. '"fim the rlf. ds of mln rmt ''more srtu, ,h(ll, tVns thought Mhe RoWton, supervisor in tills "road h" had prepared n number of nbaKi fot the county roads in c. and they a P nnw beinu erect- civ rmr ... dl'lia and distances to other hlch Hie roads cmi ntHt ,,,ev 5 great il, "..i. u Seflinrt f Eddy nil p. A. Wdrtln- 'Ji'ofway (u.ei.i, f..r .1.. n... "-"i nrae rn 1.. .. .. ,ll vwHiincicu I1ICI1 "U tttllnli I... .1.. .. . k-10t,ner left for the upper por "f.t alone Hm i tlititBo ti..i .1. o ti,jLiiMira. 11111 'Slri retnninurl iii- r ... SIM.. ,u. Wu Ml) a few b nt- i... 1.. . M-.h ,,,u cxccpiionsi ana - ..m rciUSCd. Mr.'Fi rtO -'""'emrmtion s It il t i;-. m ntir. it, 1. 1 11 ,t . h Hat. , v only a few the Ins section, POPULAR MADRAS COUPLE WEDS Sunday evening, June 27, I")'1), at tlm mr. the bnde' parents six miles South of Madri. Mr Anders D Ander son and Miss Eftio A. Taylor were united in marriage, (lie wedding ceremony being performed by Ucv G. R. Moot head of the Madras Methodist churrh The' wed ding was a quiet home .aff.iir, only the relatives of the bride being present to wit ness the soIcumTiation of the happy event. Mr. Anderson is n ptoiperous and progressive young farmer on Agency I'htins, having bein among the early set tlers of that section. He is also active in the farmers' organization in this county, being secretary of the County Union, and is deserVed'y popular amng all who know hint The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs H K W. Taylor, and has 'ep the popular lencher 'if the Mud Sitings school for several years paSt. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are receiving the congratulations and good wishes, ol (lielr. hosts of friends. They will continue to reside in this locality. SERVICES AT M. E. CHURCH Sunday school at to a. rh,; Epworth League at 7:15 p m. Seivices in the morning at 1 1 o'clock and, in the evening at 8. . Talk to the Children at close of Sun day school A cordial invitation is extended to all Window 'sale next Saturday afternoon at llS Larkin's store. Ice cream will be served. (h II. -MOOR MEAD, Pastor. CHURCH OF CHRIST SERVICES Set vires in Odd Fellows hall. Sunday ?chool at 10 a. m. Preaching at lamoota Saturday at 8 p. m and Sunday morning at it. Preach tng at (ruzly Sunday evening at 8. You are invited to attend these services. H. F. W. Pitman, Pastor. rBErTTTtrwf ' - ring Goods We are receiving daily dur Spring8 line of . DRY GOODS, SHOES MEN'S AND WOMEN'S FURNISHINGS An elegant line in all departments FISHING TACKLE WE HAVl A COMPLETE AND ENTIRELY NEW ST08K Telescope Rods, Bfimboo Rods, jointed Bamboo Rodsj Bamboo Poles-long and short, Reels, King fisher Trout Lines-, Black Spanish Leaders, Imported Leaders Etc. ) Everything Needful For A First-Class Fishing Outfit c CALL km SEE US AT OUR SHANIKO STORE The GhiM Study of This Store Is to Satisfy fts Customers 9 ...H mamwm ortanity CALLS-DON'T NEGtLECTT Opp I Best Soil lest Climate-Bast Water pcksfflitliifig We are ready to locate parties on QESERT AND WITH yATER RIGHT Plow Repairing, Wagon Work. A Specialty OT HORSESHOEING" iW. B.CHILDERS (Itbrnterly The McELRQY SHOP) MADRAS, OREGON TOWN LOTS, rS. Personal Property HANDLED BY NOT D. W. BAR MADRAS, OREGON ; OfSce at Ecsidenco, South Main St, iiiST mnH enw Enables Vou to get Irrigated Lands at Low Cost, These lands vtfill sell for $50 to $80 per acre WHEN RECLAIMED FOB PARTICtJLAES, SEE JOSEPH G. HOUSTON, Madras I . miMUMiia & oil -i m I I . L I V 1 Dating the Sgasoa 1909 : -Via the MADRAS, ORE. GROCERIES, HARDWAR - - IMPLEMENTS - '" We can furnish you with a fine outfit PLIES, LEADERS, Etc., Etc-. "T V IS UNIVERSAL STOVES ... RANGES OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION GO. OREGON SHORT LINEw AND UNION PA IFtC RAILROAD 'Prora. Portland, Seattle, Spokane) Tacoma, AVallaAt&t and all ioints- on The O. R. & NT line To OmHHfl and Rtattn $66 To RS CITY and tetattn $66 To ST. IiOUIS and Return.., 67 50 To CHICAGO and Rettim . . . . . 72 5$ And to other prlnclivxl cities in tlio EnHt, MidUla West and South, ciirreTondinijIy low fares. On Sale June 2, 3; July 2, 3 August 11, 12 .' $50 To DENVER and Return, - On Sale Alny tf, July 1, August 11 Going ttauslt lllnit 10dys fiom date of sale, ilmil return llm!t"bct 31 These tlokots present sotno very ettmqtlvo featnreM jn the wav of sl'on over privilege and choice or r tile, then by eu.b hV(l W80ngnT muKB Hiuo trips to many Intoreatitiir nol T0UkU UllUfor,a V bo hnd at aViHgl WILLIAM MoMtfRRAY, GcuDral Passenger Agent, Porilaiiil. Oregon ERY The best in ShAniko ;Cjo6d Stock. Carelu! Drlverk Best of 'Hay arid Grain Fea At Very VdHab Priced 'Atei, Shahikd, h II .1 me wav Hirm.... . .ir. 0' ranri. ..... ir . ,u me mouth of , . . . 1 . 11 w Y I u