II MffV O n . t... ualnir Cwtenreto for J. "I .hlch I lmvebccn afflicted G filleted CflB- ifinv Wrl tne more relief than any Teiveanieniororelef T allnfl ri ' riiArn in tiiv iftnciiy r .. . ... i friend .il that tlicy arc reprrsciil ted." 111. .1 Pilstsblo, roieni, iw u Urlpa. tren- lfamtodCCC. ouMiuicou a to m -tailed. ... ,... inmv. bnrber. aid the 1 WPrT. ' . ui, t th. man 1 man's l.. odd r. u""' v .... mtlm lmki at tuo " i in n khluiju. aid uVi I nCTOf in."'- - itrop i a tho 11 i.-.i. wnnr licnil where .m inp UHU w - in i. Mn't crow a uiutu Ion year r" .,i-Ve nre raising a fund to n vain.'! . rrin nuns j . iii-n nf mv nlaycrs and cot a l.j ih nrlpft lor llicni. iiuiiuiuu n II-. Wln.lntv'a flnfithlnff in. Time to Ho Alone. .imp. children, talu flic) .i.. linn nut In tho vard and olnv. But wee watcning papa my wio sum .... ...mini." tiwv nnswercu. .i t.. it lint lie coins to iar r DC Li H'" ' ' " -i .i, t.nnil In the stairway nrettv t Ann't wont vou to near mi ajojje le will use. uiucago jiiiuuan. liiuinl Otiiinrtunltlei. So your wife Is a auffragctto? Why -fihfl doesn't want to vote' an j if 1 nntt nn . 'ahn wnntfl in . ...t.n Wncttiltirrrnn C3 Little childrpn nro Buffering every v in tho year with sprains, bruises, tj, bumps and burns. Hamlins Wiz- Oil is banlshlntr tneso acnes ana ins every day in tho xatxr, tho world er. Chronic. "Away down In her heart," ald the irdln houne philosopher, "every worn- f . t ... . iiri .HM ..l.M. pptDi the always wanta to know the . ... I ,11 .1.. I'roof Conolualve, lAWftS UAIlliJIIJIlll, ' 'AUK l-9tl that MlM Kmythe wai walklne In f f a Ti i i r tir i ii vim miniv ri ii u.' t. m Witness Well, a mouso ran across the r nriiL ill irmii ill unr null hum ii.vir To Drcal: In New Sha. tsttibot. sweating, achliiK', swollen JccU , - i Oct the Axt Tm," said the retired auctioneer. r.ar rinv nr mina i m M Ahit Mrr i. ni.i i. with all the ortclnal bark on him: a spicier lor a O-ccut tucatcr." Iloir llin Trnnlil. MnrtA. Entelle I don't suppoBe you have . " "w t.l.lU IIVAt u i,t,v. Maxbellc- Glad to know it, dear. lias M marrlprl .Amn tfmn nv 'T.ima ' Why. Sure! Tommy Jir. Tucker It's the short and and "WM V WUVUVI A4iV Vuciiiloii I n vsi. Tou say Oiliulcr worker last sum. "Oh. nn Inf. t,. ... . , juoi mi iimum " unrvaru ui puiiui Piiiiiuiiiu ecu" IV Ihn ... 11.1 - . -v nwim imuilKMUUl. 1110 UVLTURO . r w Mb utuavuii uiuu J I DR. lf & urifiv Work In Portland. U -nf-T w v t ie i guuiu Dnmiuinii...i . M Argil in arm. n... ..." . . "411W H IMi'Ll ...1. . . " " Pn UUKNTS, ni uncertainty. .or the iTnvf T7i. I Will ! www nv or uorca. bHn.. . Vf M M "I. I. .11. ...... ........a,, . T'"- .7. viuvyn. . ,,. B111K.Z J7'J RO '.iractloni. ... ' " V,.. ' I.. .......... .... .uu uuaraNTEED IS YEAR " ana Manager 1 Wise Dental Co. PORTLAND, OREOOM I ItdleeiiiliKr n NcuIpcIlmI Onrdort. Discouraging as a neglected garden may appear, it is not beyond redemp tion, oven so lato in tho season but it must bo taken hold of at onco Stunted and falling crops, choked by weeds, should be pulled out at onco weeds and all, and burned, and tho ground plowed or spndod, and replant- ed. How much moro satisfactory and profltablo it might havo been to have planted only half tho space, and work' ed it well, than to havo scattered tho avallablo labor over tho entire ground and do nothing to perfection. A garden with rows upon rows of all tho delicious vegetables of mid summer and not a weed to be found, Is Indeed a pleasant picture But how fow of that class nro foundl Instead of cholco vegetables there aro rank weeds, and whore order and beauty should reign, desolation stares at one in too many family gardens, caused In tho majority of cases by simply "bit- 'tig off moro than wo can chaw." Clirnp Corn Cultivator. An excellent home-mado device for usn in cultivating corn and other crops whom frequent work is desired to hold tho dust mulch Is shown in tho cut. Tho sldo pieces should be at least A HOMK-JlADE CUI.TIVATOII. 5 feet long and mndo of oak or other hard wood 3 Inches wide and l'j Inches thick. Tho rear pieces can be mado of any width to accommodate tho distance between tho rows. The teeth aro made of forty CO-d spikes, which aro driven in clear up to tho head. An Iron ring Is fastened to the front end, while tho handles aro taken from an old plow. Any handy man enn mnko a cultivator of this kind which is tho best I over used. P. B, Trcadwny, in Farm and Homo. Hnliiliiir Kumltrntlon. It takes some Ingenuity to burn sul phur in a vessel, as it tends to smoth er flames. If sovoral pounds are to bo burned, a flro of cobs or Btlcks soaked with kerosene must bo built above tho sulphur and kept burning until you sco tho bluo flame -of the sulphur licking up through tho wood blaze. Ono way to disinfect tho poultry houso with sulphur is to dissolve one- half pint of turpentine and one-half pint of tar in one-half gallon of koro' sene. Sonk corncobs in this solution, and when ready to burn out tho poul try houso for lice or gorms of disease havo ready a sharp-pointed piece of Iron to thrust in tho ends of tho cobs, set n lighted match to it nnd while It burns pass tho cob over tho roosts, cracks in tho henhouso nnd every where about It. This shcoild be dono every week for n month or more. Agricultural Epitomlst. Hyatcm of Ventilation. Details of tho King system of Ven tilation nro shown in tho diagram. The outside of board wall is Indicated by A and the opening for admission J3 -, -f 3 TVS v of air is at C. On tho right thero Is shown a cross scctipn of wall with outsldo oponlng nt D nnd insldo opon- lng at B. A vnlvo la arrangod at ID to rogulato tho supply of fresh air. Tho Fecil of Colin mill Cnlvea. It is a mlstako to allow tho colts and calves to go onto pasturo skin nuro. Keop thorn in good flesh with hay and grain foods. Corn nnd clover hay nro about tho host foods for these young animals, and thoy will eat them all tho year round. Dry clover hay Is relished by all cattlo and horses, ovon when on good summer pasturo, and It Is a good thing to give thorn dally feed of It. dontu for Mlllr. Tho great goat Industry Is occupy ing considerable attention in tho East. Sovonty-seven goats havo been accept ed for registration by tho American Milk Goat Association during tho yoar. Ono hundred and eighty-seven aro now on record. Any goat yielding ono quart or moro of milk a day Is eli EX m i gible. 'in ,f- '"1 ' 3E0KGB MEREDITH. I ,ggsjpjggg Cimtw Giving Botrn 9II1U. John Burrows, the well-known scien tist, in regard to cows giving down their milk snys: Many persons think that giving dqwn or holding up tho milk by tho cow is n voluntary act. In fact, thoy fancy tho udder as a vessel filled with milk, and that tho cow r'oloases or withholds it Just as sho chooses. But tho uddor is a manufactory; it is filled with blood, from which tho milk 1b manufactured whilo you milk. This process is con trolled by tho cow's nervous system. When sho Is excited or in any way disturbed, as by strangers or by tak ing away her calf or any other cause, tho process Is arrested and tho milk will not flow. Tho nervous energy goes olsowhero. Tho whole process is as involuntary as is digestion in man and is disturbed or arrested in about tho Bame way. Middlemen. Retailers aro necessary according to present mothods of doing business and until farmers organize a selling force of their own middlemen will continue to toll tho farmers' grist as thorough ly as the trafllo will bear. Peaches may rot on tho ground in Missouri whilo selling for 2 cents each In Chi cago, but tho farmer in Missouri Is helpless because ho has no represen tative In tho market center. Tho time will come when farmers will have an agent at each central point to handlo farm products nnd distribute them either to tho consumer or retail gro cer. When that time comes farmers will como nearer getting what they work for. It Is JUBt as necessary to sell right as to farm right. Agricul tural Epitomlst AVnute of Timber. Tho prodigal waste of timber during tho last forty years is estimated to average ?G0,000,000 annually, or ap proximately 52,000,000,000 worth of timber wasted. It 1b time thero was a national movement to conserve, our national resources nnd arrest tho pro digal wasto of our forests and the de pletion of tho -fertility of tho land. While Undo Sam is no longer rich enough to give everybody a farm, thero is plenty of agricultural land to Bupport a population, of 500,000,000 in tho United States, Texas alone being capablo of maintaining 80,000,000 peo ple if all hor arable land were under cultivation to cereals, fruits and vege tablesFarmer's and Drover's Jour nal. I'nliK of Homed Cattle. Horned cattlo and horned sheep are. rapidly disappearing. Many of tho cattle bred and fed in the corn belt aro hornless. Breeds of Jhi8 kind aro growing In popularity. In tho moun tainous country and on tho plains wild cattlo needed long horns for tho protection of themselves and their young. Now, however, with the1 plains thickly settled and with few wild anf mats tho cattle do not need horns Among tho hornless breeds aro the Galloway, Angus, Red Poll and Polled Shorthorns. Polled Jersey and Polled Hereford aro nlso coming Into favor. By tho application of caustic potash tho growth of tho horns Is prevented in the young calf. Inter Ocean. Cn'ro of tho Pnmlly Coir. Close confinement, with impure air and lack of exposure? Is as prejudicial to tho health of milch cows as to that of human beings. Some recently pro mulgated theories of dark, warm Btnblos and no exercise for profltablo milk production nro without a rational basis and certain to lead to disas trous results sooner or Inter. Expo sure to storms nnd cold is equally in jurious to tho health and profit of cows. A judicious mean Is tho pro vision for moderate exercise In tho open nlr and Bunshino, and the appli cation of tho same common sense enro for tho comfort of cows which ono would approve for members of hla own household. Krtrm aicnnliiwa. Provldo ample pasture for tho calvei. Fit yoursolf to tho weather. Don't get all out of kink because tho weather Is. Tho work of raising chickens has only begun whon you get tho downy things out of tho shell. It is claimed that nn orchard In the State of Delaware has an annual in come of $10,000 from 200 acres of applo trees. Have a driveway right through youx barn. It will prove valuablo In many ways, especially In tho matter of keep ing it clean, Nothing bettor for growing swine than good pasturage, and thero Is no moro economical mothod of raising thorn, either. The Connectioult Experiment Station recommends that for the best results in hatching, eggs not over flvo days old bo used. Poultry and dairy products have al most doubled In prico in the past ten years. Eggs and milk aro still rising in averago price. An excollent feed for all kinds of young stock la flno cut clover hay, cooked and steeped in boiling water and mixed with Bait, bran and corn meat KmkIIxIi nemlera Tlirotiarhoni World Mourn llerttlt of Jforelliit. Ocorgo Meredith, English poet and novelist, who passed nway recently in his unpretontlous cottage in Box Hill, Surrey, has endenre-I himself to En glish readers throughout tho world for many years. Ho wan born in Hamp shire, Eng., Feb. 12, 1828, nnd was loft an orphnn early in llfo. Until tho ago of 15 ho was educated in Germany, and beforo ho was 23 yearo oid ho had published pooms nnd a novel. Ho de voted himself to writing. "Tho Ordeal of Richard Feverel," which was pub lished In 18G0, was received with great praise and has been widely read sinco then. His early life in London was an unceasing struggle against poverty, and he wan hampered nt tho outset of his literary career with pecuniary dif ficulties. Mn Meredith possessed In a marked degreo the three grand qualities which aro essential to tho making of the nov elistanalytical power, narrative ca pacity and humor. A notablo featuro of tho genius of Meredith was his pow;er of under standing women. There is hardly a moro lovable woman in any fiction than Diana Merlon; then In "Tho Ad- OKOROK MKKEDITir. ventures of Harry Richmond" we meet with that exquisite creation Princess Ottilia, and in "Emilia in. England," with Emilia herself, .the wild child of nature. Mr. Meredith was-a serious humor ist. Hl3 books are replete with quaint drolleries, but his fun was the out come of his cynical way of looking at human nature. "Life," he says in "The Ordeal of Richard B'everel," "Is a su njeme procession with Ironic laughter of gods in the background." The laughter Is, not nil that of tho gods, for Georgo Meredith laughed, too, though there was a splco of sadness In his laughter, as one of who had looked out upon the world and had found little there to' cheer him. Nay, Meredith's humor suggested that he mada, haBte to laugh lest be should weep, and at best his laughter was charged with bitterness. Mr. Meredith married twice. His first wlfo was a daughter of Thomas Love Peacock, an English humorist, to whom ho dedicated one of his first books. After twelve years his wife died, leaving him. one son, and Mr. Meredith married again and settled down at Box Hill. Surrey. His second wife died Sept. 17, ,1885, leaving a son and a daughter. Of lato years he lived quietly at Box Hill. He kept himself in almost complete seclusion, seeking recreation mainly in long country walks. Ho was regarded as the dean of English men of letters, and received from the King the Order of Merltt. On his 80th birthday, Feb. 21, last year, he was honored by the leading literary men of Great Britain with an nddress of con gratulation. His American admirers also sent their greetings, drawn up by Prof. Charles Eliot Norton, and signed by such men as Mnrk Twain, Henry James, Richard Watson Gilder, George W. Cablo nnd William Dean Howells. Mr. C. Dusty-Rhodes Is taklnc . much needed recreation at Indian Lake. Quito CIcun, Manager You say this Is a tilay of the Blums, Is It a clean nlav? Author It couldn't bo cleaner. Tha hero Is a whlto wings nnd the heroine Is a washerwoman. -Baltlmoro Ameri can. Croaaed. "Father, what are wrinkles?' "Frotwork, my boy. fretwork."-ln. dependent. Even in thn fnm nftim i.i., they nro wearing this spring, thero nro Bomo women who claim they haven't tholr "rights." Taklnif thn nvavner .i.. . vji uiu worm, therO IS Ann nawannnAM nn aaa ft i x..l "'vvs m o,uu inhabitants. ear ALCOHOL 3 PEIt CENT. AVcgefablePrcparallonfirAs sfmilalinSifcFwdamllMte llnpicStornachsandBowfeof v. ah oat, Promotes DigestfonEtful nessandltXontalnsneiifcr Opium.Morphlns norlliaeraL SSSm 91 NOT N ARC OTIC. IecfOMIkSSWLlUlitill ii Ihepksf Sftd" JhxhdttSJlp jliisttttd" mHagtmrianr. mm Worms jConvulswns.reven5a- nes3 andLOSS OF FacS'nafc Signature of NEW YOBK. rL i EMM !' Wm II ssaaaM fernracedunderlhTFood! jlafjjB4MMsisT Exact Copy of Wrapper. When Ile'ai "It." The fanner's life has cares and joys. His work is long and bard and rough; He slaves from dawn till after dark, To raise and grow and own enough. But there's a bright side to his life, His sorrows he can always drown When, with his team, he's hired t haul A busted auto back to town. -Los Angeles Express. Accomrtodatlncr. First Passenger Pardon me, but would you mind loaning mo your spec tacles a moment? Second Passenger With pleasure, Eir. First Passenger Thanks, awfully, and now, as you can no longer read your newspaper, would you kindly pas3 It over to me? More Urjientlr Needed. ' Salesman (at bookstore) Perhaps fhi.s is what you are looking for. It's a work entitled "Housekeeping Madp Easy." Tells you all about Anxious Customer -Xo ; we've got that, naven't you a book called "Moving Made Easy?--Clilcaeo Tribune. No Objection to Telllns;. 'Do tell me, Pulsatilla," begged the girl under the Inverted waste basket, "the secret of that wonderful blonde hair of yours. It defies detection." "I will," .aid the girl under the In verted coal scuttle, "if you won't tell anybody else. I selected for my grand mother and mother two women who hwf 'air just like min." Uyou snfftr from Pita, FaUlns81ekneii. Spasms or liaa children, or frlnds that do o, xaj New Dls eoT.rr will tIUt them, and all you ara aakeU to doiitotenJforaFraeB-ttlot Dr. Mny'a Eplleptlcldo Cure. It hat eared t nuund wlier eTeiytnlnc el" failed. 8ot free with dirntlons EipreM Prepaid. Unaranteed by May Medical lhoratory. under the NattonalFmvt and DrncaAct, JnneSOth. 1P08. Guar anty No. 1B97J. riee t le AOK and fuU adireis Hit. TV. H. MAY, 548 I'enrl Street, New York City. mim 3 $ l :t Crescent WILL DO ALL T1UTAKT IB&I fKiCfD POWDER WILL 4 1 rUh11! amuHimium C DO AND A FULL do :r nrrrtx Cheapness vs. Quality In the matter of food vou can't afford to sacrifice Quality for is right and good but are dear at any price. ur if .OUNCES j Is economical not Cheap, Try it The best at any price or your money eVAQUES lUAMfw' Chicago. GASTORIA Tor Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA tmi oirr"n company, mw hor cmr. ft ' I vr -J DAISY FLY KILLER placed any. where, attracts o.d kill, all Htee Meat, clean, onu mental. conTetv lent.rb.ap. JLata alleeanoa. Xada i of metal, cannot pin or tip orer. will not soil or ' Injurs anrtclna'. fln.r.ntpefi .Twv tire. Of all dealers or sent prepaid for SI cents. HAHOLp SOKERS. 150 DeKalb Are., BreekljcN.Y. COFFEEC TEA SPIGES DAKINB POWDER ' EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT CMSSET&DEVEitS PORTLAND. ORE. C. Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor This worulefu man tuta made a life study of the Sropertles of Roots, terba and Barks, and is ?ivinsr the world the benefit of his services. No Mercury, Poisons or Drues Used. No Operations or Cutting; Guarantees to cure Catarrh. Asthma. Lunr, Stomach and -Kidney troubled, uad all Private diseases of M n and Women. A SUITC CANCER CURE Just received from Felt in, China safe, aura and reliable. Unfailing in its works. If you cannot call, write for symptom blank' and circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamp. CONSULTATION TRl The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. PNU No. 26-09 UKK writing: to s-dvcrtliera ples iuquiiii titis paper BAKING PnWR POUND 25c Get it from your Grocer Cheapness. Economy inferior food products BAKING POWDER back. MFG. CO. 3Baraa4a4 HSMlar aJJ Twtm FmhI tmwm