The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, June 24, 1909, Image 8

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Land OHIce, The Dallw. Ore
gon, May 30, UK. Notloe hi Hereby
given that th State of Oregon 1mo
Uteri In tills office lis application, Ser
ial No, 04864, to eeleet under (tie pro
Visions or the Ant of 0mrc8 of AU
gttt 14, 1848, and the Aum Ptipplemcn
Ury and amHHtatory thereto, tu
uwiswi ato 32, tp Oe, r 15 e, W M.
Any and all person claiming ad
versely tlio Janda doporlbed, or deslrlni?
to object because ot the mineral char
ncter of the land, or for tiny other rea
bou, to the disposal to applicant
ytiotilil file thlr affidavits or pro
.teat in this office, ou or before tu
8th day of July;1000.
. 0i w MOORE,
m27.JyT V Itejdster.
jnoI Coal Land
I OMES TEA D. Notice for Tubll
ll cation. Department of theluter
lor, U S Laud Ollleo at The Dalles, Ore
gon, May 22, lBUfl.
Notlco la liftboy glvet that
of Madra, Oreiton, who, on Jnnua
ry 7, 1907, made Homestead Entry
serial No. 04IG0 No. 15627, foreeJi
uwj, suei iuu ueaej seo 12, tp 12 h
r 13 e, w m,
baa filed uotiue of intention to mak
final commutation proof, toestnbllsl
claim. to tlif land above described, be
fore Howard W. Turner, C S. Commls
siouer, at IiIh oftlce at Madraa, Ore
gon", ou the 6th day of July, 1009.
Claimant names as witnesses:
John V Sumner, WF Thomas, I
Hale. H I Alexander, all of Madras
Oregon-, v - "
, C.AV. Mookr,
in27-Jyl Kejjister
Not Coal'Land
Tf OMESTEAD. Notice tor Publl
cation. Department of the Ln'e
, rlor, U. 8. Lanu Office at The Dallea,
Oregon, May 13, 1900.
Notice is fiereby given that
of Helaier, Or ou, who, on November
1.1904, made Homestead Serial No
.03355 No. 13919, for wjuej, nisei see
27, tp9a, r!4e, w m,
Has filed notic of intention to make
tinal qonimutatlon proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Howard W. Turner, TJ. 8. Cmmia
siouer, at his office at Matjraa. Oregon
on the 80th day of Juue, 1009.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Alfred Martin, of Younga, Oregon
GELaugblin, John Thomas, of Mad
rns, Oregon; Jobu 0 Allen, of Helsler,
C. W. Moore,
jr20-27 Register
T SOLATED TRACT. Notice for Pub
llcatlon. FublloLand Sale Serial
.No 01158 The Dalles, Oregon, United
States Laud Office, May 24. 19U9.
Notice is bereoy given that, as di
rected by the Commissioner of the
fJeneral Laud Office, under provisions
4if Autof Cotujrew approved June 27
3906, Public No. 303, we will offer a
public sale to the highest bidder, at
10;15 o'clock a, m.,.on the 6th day of
July, 1909, next, at this office, the fol
lowing tract of land, towit: seiuwj sec
.23, tp 12 s, 15 e, w m.
Any persona claiming adversely the
ubove-riescriberi lands are advised to
file their clxiuis, or objections, ou or
before the day above desiguated for
m27-jyl O. W. Mooke, EelBter
f .Not CoaILaiid,
rj OMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca
t Ion, Depart tuent of the Interior,
V S Land Office atThe Dalles, Oregon,
June 6, 1909.
Notice Ih hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, ou January
. 2M.1909tniade Homestead Eutry Ser
!4aI'N?02167 for HwueM. i
-awj sec 9, tp 9 e, r 14 e, w m,
Has filed notice of In ten i loo to make
-rtuul 'live-year proof, to establish
claim to the laud above described be
fore Howard W. Turner, United States
Commission-rk Ma "file- Mt Mn,,,,,4
Oreuou, ou tlie 13ih day of July, 1909,
Claimant names as witnesses:
H L PrJday, Perry T Monroe, G
Karapfer, of Shanlko, Oregon; J H
Stewart, of Youngs, Oregon. (
0. W. Mookk,
J10-Jy8 Register
.SOLATED TRACT, Notice for Pub-
licatloo. Public lauu Hate. LWiai
No 01656 The Dalies, Oregon, U. S,
Land Office, Juue 2, 1009 Notloe Is
hereby given that, as dliected by the
Commissioner of the General Land
Office, under provisions of Aet of Con
gress approved Juno 27, 1906, Publlo
p-No 803, we will offeraf publlo sale to
the highest bidder, at 9:30 o'clock a,
m., on the 14th day of July, 1009,
next ,at this office, the following tract
of land, towit: eeiswi sec 2, tp 11
e, r 18 e. w m.
Any persona claiming' adversely the
ubovfc-deacrlbed lauds are advleed to
ij Jo their claims, or objeo'lpns, on or
before the day uboye designated for
bale. r
" 0, W. MOORE,
U lw.rt.liv tvM that tit it Miliar-
r the Biate of Oregon for Crook Coun
ty, appointed Administrator o,t the
estate of Ejlward Kutoher, deceased,
and all persous having claltna against
xald estate are hereby required to pre--eut
the same, duly verified, at the
law oMoe of M. E. Brluk at Prlueyille,
Oregon, within six mouths from the
late1 of the first publication of this
Dated and published first time June.
3rd, 1009. . J. W, BONES, .
Administrator of tho Estate of
Edward Kutoher, deosusbd.
Not Coal Land '
H0ME8TEAD. Notice for Publlca
tlon. Department of the lute
rlor, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, Juue 5, 1009.
Notloe la hereby given that -ORLANDO
of Madras, Oregon, who, on February
29, 1003, made Homestead Serial No
04341 No. 15906, for sej seo 20, tp 10
, r 13 e, w m,
Has filed notice of Intention to make
filial commutation proof, to oatablltih
idalm to the land above described, be
fore Howard W. Turner. TJ, S, Commls
siouer, at his office at Madras, Ore'
gon, on the 13th day of July, 1909,
Clalmtnt names as witueses:
John Wagonblast, John W Jones
Clarttace Watts, J J McDonald, all of
Madras, Oregon. '
O. W. Mookr,
J10-JA8 Kegtster
Nt OonI Laud
ESEItr LAND. Notice for PublU-ntion.
Depiintueiit f the Interior, U. S
Lamt Office at The Dalles, Oiegon, May
Notice Is hereby given that
of Shanlko, Oregon, who, on AprU 11
lSHKJ, tonde Desert Laiid -Entry Sena'i No,
023117 No. 631, for swtfawtf scollop" Us
rl4e, wm, : , ' ,
Ifaa filed notice of Intention to make
final Desert Land proof, to establish ctnim
to the land above described, before II. C,
Roojter, United States CoTiitisI6er at
Ids office at Antelope, Oregon, ou the 6th
day of Julj', 1990.
Claiuinnt names as witnesses:
Gotfi led Kampfer, Albert Kuinpfer, Ed'
ward Deliaven, of Slmuiko, Oreuon; Adiu
Barlow, of Madras, Oregon.
C. W. Mooiik,
jS-jyl lteglster
Not Coal Laud
XJL OMESTE A D. Notice for Publlca
K f tloiu Department of the Interior
U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, May 20, 1WW.
Notice is hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, who ou January 2,
1003. made Homestead Entry Serial
N . 02728 No. 11964, for the w)ow,
seiuwl, uwswi seo 26, tp 11 b, r 13 e,
w m,
Has filed notice of Intention to make
dual five-year proof, to establish
cluitu to tlie laud above described he
fore Howard "W. Turner, United States
CommiHsioner, at his office at Murirae,
On-con, ou the 6th day of July, 1909,
Claimant names us witnesses:
Jee Eades, B Pombro, W U Snook
J P Hub ii, all ot Madias, Oregon:
m27-yl. -Register
Not Coal Lnndl
TJ OMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca:
1 tJon. Department of the Interior
u.o- unn umce at lue uuiiev, ure
gon, June 11, 1909.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, ou April
20, 1901. made Homeftead Entry Ser
fil No 03147 No. 13391, for uej sec
35, tp 10 s, r 13 e, w m, Has
filed notice of Intention to make final
five-year proof, to establish claim
the laud above described, before
Howard W. Turner, U. S.. Commls
siouer, at his office at Madras, Oregon,
on tlie 20tb (Jay or July, 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses:
B C Dove. E V Doty, Anton Ratal
Kiu, Sttuiuei lluOefBiloli, uil.of.MtiUruB,
0. W. MoultB, '
jl7-Jy22 Register
Not Coal Land
LJ OMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca
tlou. Department of the Interior,
U. S. Laud Office at Tlie Dalles, Ore-
gon, juue 10, iuou.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, ou Novem
ber 21, 1007, made Homestead Serial
No 04200 No 15707, for eH awi, vfr
mi fee 10, tp 11 s, r 14 e, w m,
i us filed notice of luteutlon to make
final commutation proof, to establish,
claim to the land above described, be
fore Howard W. Turur, U, 8. Com
mlsloner at his office at Madras, Ore-
gou, on the 20th day of July, 1900. ;.
Claimant names as witnesses!
0 J Welleri ThowiM Fields, Mf,
Fields, Edward Bald tier, all of Mm'
ras, Oregou- ' - 4 I
' Jh MAP or
Ill T V B IK 3k ...
)l ' 'U I ,.N G T 0
I lf IIV IT ll -. -v -s tin -v I KW VIHCMIIt S ! f IB-
i4 ryy- AiVTOnTi1
Ill Jl I VN t S J?' J 1- . -VI? J. A.l.i... LI tTf J . f in
III V AW ' -?-W8fc?JSfc.- ' n
Sk hJH V,M ' v-A-iy-x-T-y-., 1
III I Uf ' t 1 y I I I 1 I r ? A. i- Fli
ill r . it vi I i v jv v i t i s - ,v"- i':;-
I R I 4 ' y I . ' I V. I rTnafil I . ."-''. IB
in r x : n
Is sure to be the Railroad Center of Central 0r
and investment in Town Property
Promises Biq ftetara
TO UtlN i
For a short time we are selling
Jots in Madras Townsite and
Residence Addition at very low
prices. You will want a lot in
MADRAS, and now the time to
invest to insure Big Returns.
I ,1 J