4 i o , , , . . . - - - J i i ii IlnmriilR Mkni j. niiK'"" : w ! ,,,,, fnrt.la Hko rTc'li'alUor A '.Monnco of tlio mlddlo ngcs Is rn,f,ils!icil by tho Jocfti press, rt trflf TIIIICS MOSCOW icuui mijn. C . . A. H rllUlllllllllUHAll 'i,ionfe in Moscow about eighteen iifA Her ucnuty, uowevcr, in- .Afi n i ii'ii v ' - tit ii r iKni ii'r. A" " , I,.,.;. ...td. fin, pre tOpelCfiSiy I" " i......ir rnliwted ' nil nr. ..hMa mi n v i v- i - i - - .1. niifnin nn uuruimcuuii tu " nfimipii to live m perfect so- yion, attcmlcil oniy uy nn eiucny l.tl.-A KOIl O I1IU11U1B IIUU JUUHI4 iri liewui to visit, mo residence . i...aiiiii nffnrlnir tho Rcrvniils tno uu'";i'"' ... rtn p ror BMU. UI1CO BIIO "t .nrnn 1)1(1 IC1IHKII1I1 POrCO llltl. .... .. ..irnnxi inn imroncss. huuko- HU . . , . .w il.o linnilK'HM ttsotl to uuv uiner- .. . . . ... Mia iinnllAttr rltl .hn t flrtJCK'fl ItUlu " !.- iriiu . i.iniiiifimt. Iirtil L'ood mnnhors ami n...i.ia nuirnrfiiitlonni talents. njiui'i"""- -" --' ...... i.nnMtKIIIlM nDlFflll HlA Tog DSrOIlW I'lHIIIIIIII uoiviu itiv . iii., aim ivmiui mirnr Iifi snrv. . imiv'a tmi Id. Tlio nensnnt clrl SB tt tt ' V ' reed and became tlio baroness' mnld. 1 Hi(l 11 III- lllll ll'H III lllirilll'l Iflll . forlnlKlit. nnd then roveulcu "her- r m a young uuhhImh iioblcninn njcd MaximoiT, wno, mKiiiB iiuvnn . - 1.1a tntf Imlt ntwl rntitninvlnn .i. .u.xh tlm tin vtlnra ttH f t itti(rtl '11. I ! 4 It i rtw nrittl tlfl tf itAKonttAM. 1 till. 4FOIIII tlt1nvtn ! .1 eilca in coming moimi nrtor montii a mnni wi, uicn working as a . l.l,. . .4.1 1. ge took iInco n vtek or so ago. Tlio rr hg IuhI liccoiuo known In society cici in Moscow, Tho llrrnth. f nrofiiii fir ri iii'iiitiiv norwnn nnn odor, Tlilfl Is (Hiu)valcnt to enylnK a disagreeable odor 1h In abHoluto ii n Nnit nivnnrn f unrn iu r tii n m presence or wnicn. nitliouun not ni - .j r . -. expired nlr. nfimntl tfll li hnil linih 1u tint ni rrifntli, oiul it In n kindness nnd a Tne trouble can almost ahvnvH hAMAHA.I IM i.1 i . It Is the duty of one ho ninicted ni rni nntA VY ODD till- fllfrntntif ictulltlltiAfi - tjati iiiii n be determined. Locnl troubles u ui i in nnnni nnaiinAu mm r Aim iiiiimi ( i kLn. UL Ul U11U ' vuov u very iqui ureaui ; can bo relieved In nmnv ensos h Tiff tnmr. ..i(n...n. ...... . fiF Tt i . tiuve through each nostril bov i time? n dny. Tho nnsnl douche, ho ! recommended, should be used only mo uirectlon nf i ntivnii.in ' uuen ino innco or on ot tno odor. Decayed teeth, or -.uoHuoii of food nartlclea aU - iiuuu iuiwoon tiirt inotn. nr ii mwun iv i n Hiirirtii tn rmtt Htim vt, .ijiT iiritiii. iTiiiir inn nn nil -"vHI UlllfllTJINllIlI IV. "I 1 1 1 T .-v . HUH HI Wn8ll W,I yy,,,, y r thi. fti " . "no, Xlltril, llinv Im nit nArn.tkti.. , iii uie uacK or iiiomniiMi. "IU "0 ruJllOVed Willi nnnni. nr . " ot xilO Hand oa of n nnir llIM fill. ... tli- ' " .---.- ... u ill nnv lln, II... 11 Vnii in...... . . . ' imt-iy to (leclnro Hfllf n von8inntio!i. fminolnllv In fftA, 1 18 wo" Known that thTi"' 1lon8' for wnpli will' Amount nf .... . . . v. mum will nrron irivn n . "v uigntrrponhln mnii4. . n. too. .ntrr :?.uw ,,,,vo u,u,r - . u iuo m-tompored norson "wtniT IB tlllla ni. I.. ""ii tlmti M .... Ulll.'. ; I ' OUlUOm HIV ATAIlUf. 1 ' CfllASM HHif 10,000 Klflfs;' A BnClC Of lllnll U'li(r-li luff Ii Jionllis kq 1ms Just landed In Ureinor " wnwi., flyn the Now York Times. miicu H JPrt NOW York it lin. over 30,000 miles hi nn nnw tn ko tho United titntes nrmored cruiser MiiwauKco, ror tho ofllccrs nnd men or which It wns Inlcnilod. ly caught tip with tho big cruiser this ui mail una ueon to Snn Frnnclsdo, mcu 10 Honolulu, nnl Imnt unM FrnnclSCO: JlOXt to lnwimn iiouuiirns, duck to Snn Francisco acnlii. urn, iiiiuny io jsremertou. hen n shlti Is nt sen mwi iiw. i..'.,i of Its stny lit any ono port Is uncer tain tho nnvy dophrtinent directs tho relatives nnd frlcndH nf ir men of that ship to uddrcBrtnlt letters ior ino snip in euro of tho postmaster in mew xont. in tim pmmnit - r" iiw iu thliiffs tho .MIIwntikcc'H mall In the Now iorK postomce nccuinulatcd until there wus a well-fllled wick of lnt parcels walling for shipment. uno day in Inst July this sack of man wns nlaccd niton r1 i. tnat tr,oii train nnd hurried to Chlwi wns rrnnsshlppcd to ono of tho trans continental expresses for Snn Francis co, wnero the Milwaukee wns In port. Uut beforo tho mall arrived nnnimmi. (Kir HOKCrft Of the Mllu'nnlrrm r.l,.,.,l a hurry-up order from Wnniitniftn.. n finll for Honolulu. On tho day before tlln MllivnnlroA wns uuo in Honolulu the sack of mnll was started ou tho snmo loiimnv in fust mnll steamer, but the Milwaukee wnH j.uuu nines out, bound for Pnnn mn, C.OOO miles nwny. when thn mull steamer waB slchtcd off Honolulu. Tu-n days later tho sack wns on Its way back io oau uraucisco, where It arrived In duo time, nnd its the Mllwnukon wnu still between l,r00. and 2,000 miles out of rnnamn then, tho Snn Frnnelseo postmnster hustled tho hue on a Pnnn mn-bound steamer. The cruiser, how ever, reached Pnnnma first, only to be ordered to Amnpnla. Honduras, a thou sand miles to tho north, and was well on her Journey when the mall steamer firmed. The Pnnnma postmaster found thnt n vessel was Jcnvine for Amnnnla within iforty-clght hours, nnd ho transshipped ino bock or mull to that steamer, but tho Milwaukee was stcamlne full sheed oncK to Han Francisco when tho sack reached Amnnala. Tho nostinuster tticro forwarded it to Snn Francisco Axnln tlio sack missed connection, ns tne jniwnukeo had sailed for Bremer ton, Wash. Arrlvlnjr there, tho cruiser was put In reserve, and tlio baa of mail again forwarded from San FranclBco this time by rnll flnnlly renched the uont und wns delivered to tho men. CLOTHES AND THE STAGE. Wlnt 'nn Arlrcm I.t-nrim Aliout the Art of IlldlvlilunlKv In T)roa. Tho nctrcKs soon learns to approach tho subject of dress In n way that rare ly occurs to tho average woman upon whom Its necessity Is not enforced though that necessity oxistH In ordinary life quite as much ns on the stace. and overlooking It Is the secret of much ot tho bud dressing wo boo. savs Julia .Muriowe m women's Homo Companion. mi... i. 1 . .. . ... it xiiu uiu in uuuiiu iu wcur ciuuies that will keen her In the picture, and such favorablo attention as sho attracts by her clothes Is duo to tho deslirn. material or Btylo of the trown Itself only so far ns theso nil molt Into tho scene in which they nro worn. I loW much tho nvcrncc woman could learn In this ono particular from the hard school of stage experience! How few women know how to cIiooro oven n houso gown thnt is In hnrmony with tho surroundings of their own homes. Of course, dressing for tho street Is moro dllllcult. but even there ordinary forethought would proyent many of tho selections in dress which American women allow themselves. Dressing for tho social function Is tho most dlfilcult of nil, on this very account, for there each woman is nt tho mercy of other women nrcscnt. most of whom linva dressed with no thought of tho environ ment, while on tho stage tho uclress knows thut every other costume, like her own, hns been cnlculntod for tho picture. And this principle nllows plenty of lntltudo for Individual tasto and Judir- mont In dress, Even wo stage women dovolop Ideas of our own nnd hnvo our fuvorlto kinds of costumes. I .don't know of n part In which I tnko more comfort than Parthenin in "Ingomnr, and I bollOvo In the artistic lines, und graceful freedom possioio in tlio loose, llowmg styio or (tress in voguo uororo tho days xtr stays aim princess gowns Snake PnrinlnK Umttfrncllve - Bt Thriven Jm Autrnll, Snnke fnrrndtcr In not nn attractive occupation, but It has moro than ono rotnt-y In' tho Australian common wealth and In the neighborhood of Sydney tho Industry has been carried on for sovcrnl years by nn Individual, who, while disclaiming nil knowlcdgo of tho snake charntltic nrr. appears to hnyo nn extensive knowledge of tho reptiles and thoir ways. In addition to tlio snakes. largo numbers of frocs. nnd eyen tonds, nro carefully reared, partly ns food for tho reptiles and partly for scientific purposes. . Tho snakes arc caucht in the bush. a work frequently necessitating many miles of wandcrlmr and loner hours of patient watching, for the snake Is a suspicious creature, generally moro alarmed at tho slclit at a man. than tho man at It. Tho hunter omnlovs n couple of forked sticks ns a raenns of capture, with one tho reptllo is Pinned by any part of Its bodv to tho ground, after which It Is fixed by tho neck with tho other. This done, tho captor with finger nnd thumb grnBps tho head at the side of tho laws, and thus has tho reptile safe nnd hnrin- less nnd drops It, tnll first, into n sugnr bag. The Sydney Board of Health Is reg ularly supplied with venomous snakes from which tho poison used In prepar ing "snake antidotes'' Is obtained by "milking." This Is described as a most Interesting performance. "Before rallk IiiK time the sunkes are well fed. after ward becoming excited 'when n glass, similar to a watch class, covered with tho finest eutta nercha. Is nut into the cngo. Tho Infuriated reptiles blto vic iously through tho guttn perchn, leav ing tiny drops of poison on the pre pared glass. This "mllklUK" Is In variably performed durlnc tlio summer months, when the creatures are most nctlvo and fierce, and the nolson most virulent. Numerous vicious specimens nro kept In cages at tho offices of the Sydney Health Department to bo "milked" and when somewhat worn out nro returned to tho snake farm to recuperate. After the snakes have, be come usoless for "mllklnc" nnrnosM they nro sold to taxidermists or zoo logical gardens. There Is always n good market for now or rare speci mens. Several hundred sunkes have been collected nt ono time on the farm, where they nro kept In bags or boxes, tno intter being covered nt the ton with small mesh wire netting. At the bot tom of each receptacle Is a little bran or straw, nnd bccaslonally a few old rues. The venom obtained 'rom tho snnkes Is understood to bo of creat vnlue, the quantity being extremely limited, nnd it rarely. If ever, loses nnv of Its poisonous qualities and has to bo handled with the greatest care. mmmmm in liniii in l.iJllMlllll,l,ll7uwLuJ KM w jVl.!Oirnf. .TUPii npvn AclabkPepfii(tei6rAs strnita ling iiacFoocfantlRcguta- Promotes DigcsltonJCketM-j nrceirvf1 .r Tnn t.itn witter OpuM.Morphioe iwrlftttraLj Ill Jlcmha Stta" jUxSmBa jtnktteti Worn.Con'utst(ms.rcvms!i- iwwdLOSOFdiox TacSiirSe Sifatwe af KEVV YORK. - . , . I -r 1. 4- t,A wmr'Utr-'h luLBi 1 Tlio jlna xou Jtxavo Aiwy jwuu , . m nr Imii luinia -tllA MmAtON AC. nd hm been made ndr hi pr- fS7j m)tial gapervislon mice itminey. . , -V A. .1 ft n-. tttll- All Counterfeits, Imitations anu"ons-Kut Z. Experiments that trifle witti nntl endanger the health of Infants and CliUdrcn Experience against JZxpQrljncHU , ( What is CASTOR I A Catoria is harmless substitute for Castor Oil. Pare goric, Drops and Southing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. It. contains neither Opium, Morphine sor other JJarcotlo substance. Its ago Is it guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Foverlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and vYintt Colic. It relieves Teothlngr Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, j-cgrulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving: healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS; Bears the Signature of Guaranteed i Exact Copy of V7rpper. The KM You Haie Always BougM in Use For Over 30 Years TMC CKKTlUn MHMRT. TT WHMUIV BTtMCT. Terminology. Our woman suffragists Insist They are not readr vet To cast aside tho stately "gist," And substitute a "gette." Mothers will find .Mrs, "Winslow's SootWsg ou, tun urBtreuicuT w ubhi w memiii u aw AlLlni. .tin taalhln. AccordlRSf to CoHtract. House Owner You failed, to pay your rent last month. What are yoa going to uo about it Tcnnnt Ob I suppose I'll do as yoa said when I rented It Houso Owner What did' I say7 Tenant You said I must pay in ad vance or not at all. , MAPLEINE A Sinmiw wA lite rase as kxaoa or vaaflla. Br dis$6lvMi&. Kiasalftted agr in vMer Bi addinK Mapldne, s delicious yrtrp Is md and a eyrap better thaa suple Mapleine Is sold br grocers. IT not send 35c for 2 ou bottle and recipe book. Crncat Mf. C., Smttit, Wn. Sllsht Mlatake. Harker I met Smythe a week ifter he had faced tho parson and he de clared that he had married his Ideal. Parker Well? Harkei" A year later he confessed his mistake said It was his ordeal in- std of his Ideal he had married. CoafdeBea num.. Man "With the Buleinir Brow What are yoa scowling about? JVIan With the Balbous Nosei-rd like to nunch vour hMrl far mil. Ynn tnA me I ought to rad "Heferees of a Bache lor.'' I POt It at thn nnhllc llhrnrv nnil put In an hour or two trying: to read It, ana mere ain't tne nrst blamed word In the book, from first to last, about nrlze uguuHjr i Extensive beds of lobstora am tn Ko planted soon In the waters of tlio Rrltfah Columbia, and it is expected that In four or nve years the lobster-taking industry will be established on a large scaled lfij. iit. r a. VsV m isr-v m Kn,i I uauubc ior iMir- ,rentl1' for tho physician Mriiya aiacovor tho cause. "lefftUt at Il.ud. . i aitenrifwi ...i "una nirfnfmni,n -"Maiii'ii iini an im sooa ono. oney any" Politician Ono Thlnir He Could Not Hnvc AlthouKh thero was no sort of tov which could bo bousht nnd for which Harold had expressed a.deslro that wns not In his possession, ho still hnd his unsfitlsflod longings, "i know whnt I wish I wns, motnor," no saiu ono day, when his own big brother had gono nwny find tho llttlo boy ncross lio stroot was 111. ' "Yes, donr," said his mother. "Perhaps you can po it, iiarom mquior will hoip you. Is It to piny soldier?'' "No, iudpedl" said Harold, scornful ly." "I Just wish I wns tvd llttlo dogs, so I could play 'together." These Dreumy Fcllovra. ttnnuA-lnnt "flncrAru nnA trnlrlnn halt If Blghcdt'tho 'poet, as' ho thought,' of 'his best girl. . If ho'd only seen tho bills from her manicuro and hair specialist MTho Bo licMlah. , I' . - 1 You probably expect more of a f rtaud "You seem to bo very fond of vnnr dolly," remnrked tho visitor. "Yes." re plied small Margie. "She's so different from most people. Sho never interrupts me when I'm talking."' Ono Sunday morulns n minister's wife saw her son chnsluir tho hens with a stick. Sho went to tho door to in. vcstlgata nnd heard hlra say,': "I'll teach you to lay eggs In n minister's family on Sunday morning I" Ono duy nt BChool small Loin was called upon to explain tho difference between cllmnto nnd weather. "Cli mate," answered tho llttlo miss, "is whnt wo have with us all tho time, but wenther only Insts n few days." Llttlo Jo; Oh. mammal Look nt tho poor, llttlo dog without a tnll 1 The people who own him ought to nttend to It. Mnmmn But what could thev do? Llttlo Joe Why, they could tnko him to a tailor and hnvo n now tnll made. Mnster Waller, aged C, had eaten tho soft portions of his toast a' breakfast, ami plica tno crusts on lily plate. "When I wns a llttlo boy." remarked his father. "I always ato tlio crusts of my toast." "Did you like them?" nsked tho little fellow, cheerfully. "Yes," replied tho parent. "You mnv hnvo these," replied Mnster Walter, pushing his plato ncross tho luble. Little Wilbur was ontlrn? ,imiiiAi with his mother, Presently buc noticed iuiu po was eating nis jelly with his spoon. "Wilbur, dear," 8hb .Baid to him, "you must not eat your Jollr with your spoon." "I bayo to, mother," ho ropued., "No, dear, you don't hnvo to. Put your Jelly on your bread." "I did put it on my bread, mother," said Wll bur, "but it wouldn't stay there; It's oc nervous." -! , ' A Gleam1 of Hope Golf Is notably n Jong nnd dlfilcult snmo.. Moreover, coif experts rn i. wuys auspicious of tho' ultlmntp profit cloncy of n now plnyer. A writer In tho Skptch recounts tho following conver. satlon between an. old 'Scotch Blonnl and a would-bo golfor, Tho nuin- ttftim 1a n fl tlAfin n l.l.ln ... 1 . 4 1 mw uu uvvu nuH U10 OtUOr though of his gnmo. f,Na, yo'll no mak a gwoffor," ho" saldi "yo'vo begin owor Into. But lt'n ..Bf possible if yo pr-raotlso hnrrd. "Vnrrn hnrrd, 3 for, twa-three years, vo mlcht-r" , ... "Yos?" inquired thother.' cTnt. anUy. ' . " "Ye mlcht bogin to hao a cllmmnn that yo'll nover koutho Mudlmonta n ,th game, ".'. i I Tho girl who smackB Of fraahnaiui tho full confidence of tho Weil-Informed of tho World and the Commendation ol tho most eminent physicians it was essen tial that tho component parts of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna should be known to and approved by them: there fore, the California Fig Syrup Co. pub lishes a full statement with every package. Tho perfect purity and uniformity of pro duct, which they demand in a laxative remedy of an ethical character, aro assured by the Company's original method of man ufacturo known to tho Company only. Tho figa of California aro used in the production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna to promote tho pleasant tasto, but the medicinal principles aro obtained from plants known to act most beneficially. To get its beneficial effects always buy ino genuine manufactured bv tho Cnli. fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale uy mi icacung druggists. Bad Breath ,4For tnnntha T Karl m-mif ftnKUtl. stomach and used all kinds of medicines. My tongue has been actually as green as crass, tnv b truth weelcsago a f riend recommended Cascarets and after using them I can willingly and cheerfullv sav that tiv inn. 1 cured me. I therefor let wm VnnniiisiT shall recommend them to any one suffer- "'K euca Lrouoies. ' v.nas. II. ilal pern, 114 E. 7th St., New York, N. Y. HeasanU Palatable. Potent. Tasto Good. PrS ??odA-NXer Sicken, Weaken or Gripe. I0c.2Sc. 50c. Nover sold tn bulk. The Sen nine tablet stamped CCG Guarateed to euro or your money back. 923 Of persons stricken with Insanity aboat one-third recover. DAISY FLY KILLER 1ae4 any. where, attract. aillcHlH ftfc Jitttt. eiea. on1 meiiMI, 000 Tea !', cuean. LxH H immii. Cu aot a la r Ha orer, wiU unt oe taju any- inilm, or ant vr3A for 0 otmuT KWU SGME8S.IB0 UeK Am.. S'klju., H. T. COFFEEC TEA SPICES BAKINfi POWDER - EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT CIOSSCT&DEYEtS muuwa UftK. i P N U No. 25-09 v rw HEW vrrltlnjc to advertise ra monoiiB tBii paper. pi RESCEIMT Egg-Plxphat BAKINC pnwnFP A FULL POUND 25c .5e.ViUrom juui uiuwr WUDOAU Ttt ANT BC11FRK2D POWDER HU These Farmers are Buildint Rural Telephone Line DR. W. A nnar Years Leader In ratnleaa Dental ' Work.in Portland. Ai. V r i vm-ui-iown reopie BKIIK3E AND PUATK WORK IN A DAY li necessary. POSITI VRr.v t. . t tv4, A "AY If Va Vt.A v . iMSJxr, Day gkbrww o Molar crownV.T.. .... .M Gold or enamel fllu " ' .W GooaJrofcUrptas .:,M: "J ThpWtr rubW pit;'. 5-M PIrJaeitraeWi... T" 7.90 AIA WORK; GUAKAJHTXXo' II TAJrbS DJT- W- A. wi wivwrmwm ana It is the most valuable ihfncr o W VWU1 munity to possess. It puts the doctor, merchant, broker, depot, post office, rela Uvea and friends all within Immediate reach. It protecta the home and dqes away with the isolation of farm llfo that drives the boya and gkla to the big cities. Htve You a Rural Telephone? aayo not, cut out this Miivtr- your address we will send you at onTA7t Z tfXlu ttTr , . --"U.IHUIHU.llJ Oft "How to Build Knral Xeleplione Iies MfJ ieir fjn W hBV haIiI Ir... .. Tha coat is very low where each tnh "H'lP' build the line. Get y" rfa"i; doctor and merchant interested, it hall. th.m ad the whole community aa well iw yw. ACT TO-DAY iwatrm WSTEN CENTKAI, The Wise DeiUl CoJ pP rSSSSsSSS S, nmc Saa iaa;hse ' ,1 I . t j, ' . 4 ' -. I - a ?Jfe; I ; 4Jp v ft it i Ja .. . " 'V if: it j.'j if V h thaa you ar willing to give. wis a gooa many saiaolca. v Unlittd St(t t-y. MI..po1I. Mar,) T.WUhmw, . lka Mk .