The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, June 24, 1909, Image 4

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' .Is 1 5 r ' ; r ii '. t. 1 r . ka. . M . , n . a. a a . .
The Madras Pioneer
Published every Thursday by
the pioneeU ruLisnlN co.-
eutiaoniPTioN nATfes:
, One yfcnr.. i Vi. .... $1.60
Six months .i. ...... ....!.. .85
Thrcu months. .50
; Entered fts second class matter AtRli9t
2W, 1004, nt tlio rostofficQ nt Madtas, Ore,
under tho Act of Congress of Mnrch 8,1S7.
The announcement comes
Ixom" Washington or the ap-
. proval by Secretary Ballinger
of the right-of-way maps for the
Harritrmu road up the Des
chutes canyon to Central Ore
. gon, and immediately following
this comes a statement from
General Manager O'Brien re
garding the plans of the com
pany. Mr. O'Brien says that
the only obstacles now iu the
way of the construction of the
Deschutes line are the private
power projects along the river,
aud that negotiations for a set
tlement with these interests will
be begun at once, aud if an
amicable settlement is not ef
fected, condemnation proceed
1 ings will be instituted. He be
lieves these matters can be ad-,
justed in SO days, and that the
company will be read' to nek
for bids on the work by that
" time.
n Mr. O'Brien's statement is
both definite and emphatic, and
it gives a positive assurance to
the residents of Central Oregon
of the eaily construction of the
Wg-delayed railroad. That the
announcement means just what
it says no one who has kept in
.touch with the railroad situa
tion in this state in the past six
months can doubt. The tem
per of the citizens of this state
. on the subject of the Central
Oivgpu railroad was shown at
. the last session of the legisla
ture, when a measure was intro
duced and passed by a large
majoiity, pioposing a ronstitti
tioual amendment which would
permit the state to build rail
roads. Later a number of the
.important shippers of Portland,
who have a dirert interest in
fthe construction of the Central
Oregon road, practically agreed
.that unless the.Harriman prom
,i&es to build the Cen'ral Oregon
load were fulfilled, all of their
, freight would be Touted over
"other lines than those controlled
tby Mr. Harriman. While it
.cannot be said that these nWs-,
( tires forced Mr. Harriinnn into
, building the Central Oregon1
railroad, for it Is generally be-t
.lieved that the promise made
by him at Pelican Bay two
years ago was given in good
faith, still it may be taken ft
granted that Mr. Harritnan's
representatives in this stat,e will
not still further try the temper
jof the people of Oregon by
,)naking promises which they do
hot intend to fulfill. . v
Back of all o,ther reason, for';
believing thai .the. Central Ore
gon railroad is going to be built
jat this time4 however, is the
, knowledge that Central Oregon
,is in every sfcnse ot tjie word
4 ready for the railroad. It i& the
.largest section in tho United
States without a railroad, but
, Mr. Harriman has differed, from
James J. Hill, in that . he has
been confessedly ayerse'Jo
(building railroads into new sec
, tions until those sections had
developed to a poinfc,where they
, would afford sufficient traffic to
.hmke the ruUroad, profitable.
iAnd, if Mr. Hani man would
not, no one else could. But,
.Central Oregon . has made great
1 progress in. its development in
j the past few .years, With its
immense acreage of wheat
toeing brought .under , cultiva
tion, its large greatf of lskud be
ing reclaimed through irriga
lion under the OArey Act, and
its immense forests of yellow
Dine timlK-r, iu tho hands of
private owners Who, will soon
be foiced to draw Upon it for
their lumber supply because of
the decreasing supply in other
localities, the building of Hie
Deschutes lino will nlako of
Central Oregon Jtlie richest Held
iu the state for the development
of traffic for a railroad These
facts alone should be a suffi
cient guarantee of the good
faith of the latest railroad news,
if guarantee were necessary.
The government is opening
up to settlement lauds in the
Flathead Indian reservation in
Montana, the Coenr D'Alene
reservation in Idaho aud the
3poKane lands in Washington,
the total area to be thrown
open aggregating 700,000 acres.
These, lands to be opened in
olude timber, grafting and farm
ing lands and there are many
very valuable claims, so the
opening is attracting more at
tention than any other public
land opening which has been
held in this country. The value
of some ot the lunds to be
thrown open is estimated as
high as $100 per acre, this be
ing especiall' true of the land
in the Coenr D'AIene reserva
tion, which includes some of the
finest wheat lands in Idaho.
The selections for these lands
will be b' a drawing held at
Coenr D'Alene, Idaho, August
9. and it is estimated that fully
150,000 people will participate
in the drawing. The registra
tion of those who ekpect to par
ticipate will begin )uly JR, and
the registration will close Au
gust 5. Four days later the
drawing will begin and con
tinue daily until a number of
sealed envelopes equal to the
nnjribei of claims subject to en
try have been drawn. Entry
upon the lands .will be made
beginning April 10, 1910, in the
order in which the, applications
were selected in drawing.
Theland thrown 'open will pro
vide for 4300 entries of 160
acres each. Those whose names
are among the first to be drawn
out at the official drawing will
secure fclaims worth from ten
thoVisabd to twenty thousand
cation, lietuthtltic
Reply ing to an editoiial in a
leeeut issue of the Pioneer, cu Hi
ing ntieiition tn,, fe need ofj
signboards on county roads in!
this eid of the coiyity, County!
Judge Ellis calls our attention
to section 30 of the Eoad Laws,i
which provide as follows: (., (
"Every supervisor shalerect
and keep up at the forks of
every highway and eybry cross
ing, of public, roads within his
road! district a guide or finger
bpar,d, .containing an insciip
tion. In legible letters, directing
the way and specifying the dis
tance to the next town or pub
lic place situated on each road
Judge Ellis has written to the
supei Visor in this road district
and other districts in the boun
ty where signboards haye. not
been erected, calling thelr; at
tention to the law and asking
them, to comply with it in time
to make a report to the July
term of county court. -
It loo tor Piibll.
tlotu DeMlvtHtoiit ftf thft Inte
rior, TJ, f3, Laud Onlqe At Tho Dalles
Oregon, Juno i7, li)0s),
Ifotloe 9 horotw Ktveit that
ot Lartjonta, OtpKnn,) who oji July
lDoJ, tii ado jllorieVeail, (Serial No.
032581 No 18082, for oiswj, wsej eeo
8, tp 12 , r 14 o, w ni,
Una lllpil natlcb (if tutentldu to make
11,11111 4iVo-ypat proofj to etnblleh claim
lb the land above described, boforo
Hbitafd tf Ttlfnorl tJ. 8. Coramlsslhii
er, at hla oftlce at Madras, drcirou, on
the 2t)th day pr July, 1009.
. Claimant natiiea aa wltnessoot
i B Brown, or Culver, dregou, t!ni
ma 0 fiuranorj W B. Cook, of Madras.
Oreo; iirohlo Kiwell, of Prlnevllle,
Dregou. ' i i ,
J24Jy2d Rcglatek'
t tNot Coal Liiud
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca-
tlon. Department of the Inte
rior. Ui S. Land 6fflc at Tho Dallep,
OreRon, June 10, 1000. Notice Is
hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on December
10, 1003, made Homestead, Serial N'
03040 No. 18124, for eiswj, Hwjswi sec
20 and sejsei eeo SO, tp 11 c, r 13 ,
W M,
Has tiled notice of intention to make
final five-year proof, to eat abll ah claim
to tho land above described, before
Howard W. Turner, U. S. Commission
er, at hla ofilue at Madras, Orenor on
the 20th day of July, 1D09.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Chris Hegenahert Fred Heunke, Dan
iel Arnsmeler, of Mnilras, Oregon;
Jack Dee, of Qrlzcly, Oiegon.
C. W. Moonc,
J24-Jy22 Roister.
UaNC15 AT Msll;UVILU3 Haturriay
evening, July fl. Ticket, $1, Inolud.
Ing supper. Everybody tnvlied. t W. H, lUy
Hold's, bf Mdrisj Ort'K"i KrtHl'
ern Auotlnnferj will soil all Kiwie or
merchHUdlsonr atookj ftrn sales u
BpclHlly,, W'll irn any whi-n In Or
eKDn nr ndjolnlinr stales. Bejrnlar
prices., Ortll n r wrllo Col. W II
UrcVNOUJf. or A. O. Hanfurd. nlfi-SI
PAINTING and laor llanglnir l'lrsb
clnsa workinnusldp, Cull on, or ad
dress. J. M. Lurscii, Madraa.
Conie lit and suo our Cld-Nninul Vur
nlslied and Btnlna. Sotnetnlim entire
ly new. J. 0. A M. A. Kobluson.
LOTS FOll 8AWJ OltEAl'. - Fr n
Hhort time only tint Madras Town
site Company la allerluK lota for sale
Ht very low prices. Their udverilHe
inentoit the baok pago of this paper
pontnlns map showing liHon of
Madras with reference tn the several
railroad surveys thromih tills se
tlon. Coimtrnctlon of either of these
roads will make Madrna tll trading
center of a Isrgo territory. The tlm
to buy Is now, bfon flu railroad
starts, when prices will advance,
HIDES BOUOVIT IlUhiwleaih prloe
paid loi hide of all kinds. J. W.
Livingston, Minima. If
jWall Paperl
place Your
For extras and repair
Deermg, Hodge, Acme
Ghamoion ahri du-5
harvesting mafchihew
J with meds early as ria-w
X sible so as Save ciela
:Repair 8re cSsH yeSSi
nA ni rD
Trout Creek
Mills 14 mile from I laverock. Bough Lumber 111,00 iu
... -. . . . . ' - r I HWJW
the null, iioorin mm iinjstung lumber fSO.OO iho
...1.... Ii. tnitnvlliktl nt.Yl 1 I I.' !. r ... . .
-'I noHBVJU, I
Scivices In Odd Fellows ball.
Sunday school at jo a. m.
Preaching next Sunday At II Attn.)
followed by communion', Preaching In
the evening at 8 p, m,
You are invited to attend these services.
D. F, W, PITMAN, Partor.
The Pioneer gives you the home and
county news and keeps you 1b touch
with your, gurroud,ln((. BuLoribe
fdr It, Pric $1.60 pr year,
Pacific Horse Liniment Is prepared
expressly (or the needs of horsemen and
ranchmen. It is a powerful and pene
trating liniment, a remedy (or emergen
cies; A seothing embrocation (or the
reJiell-palo, and the best liniment (or
spraina apd soreness? Unequaled (or
curing .the- wounds, and Injuries of
BARBED WIRE and tnr healing- cats,
abrasions, sores and bruises. Pacific
Horse Liniment is fully guaranteed.
No other Is so good or helpful in so many
ways. If It (alls to satisfy, we authorize
all dealers to refund the purchase price.
Hoyt Chemical Co., pcktland, oat.
For Suln br J. 0, & M. A. Eobinson
V , , T
i vv a. lvi ii no. r. vt
I Watchmaker
d Jeweler!
Jewcliyof all kind made to or-
tier and repaired. Selling! for
Preciout Stone made.
SUMMONS. In tlio Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Crook County.
Fred W. Wilson, Plalntlffy
Albert a. tJolIoin and
Mary J. Colloni, , .
DcfpndnntA. .. i , ,
'I'd Aljiert A. ICpilom and Mary J. Gollom,
I 'ityfiyiiJohta, nndeaehotyon:
n theuutuofif .tlio btito of Orrgoil you
and each o you .are Iicieby required fo
appear audi nnyer the complaint filed
against you , lu. -the above entitled court
and cause, on qr before the 18th day of
October, 1WW, and If you fall to ko appear
and aii8,ver,, or otherwise plead to said
complaint on or beforp said date, the
plaintlfr will apply to the Court tor the
relief prayed for In ald complain;, to-wlt:
For judgment against you nud each of jOu
for the sum of 61800, together with Inter
est thereon from December 28, 1002, at the
rate ot 8 per cent per nuliUim h tf. fl. tionl
Coin of the present standard value; for the
further sum of SB00 attorney fees antl ftir
plalutlll's costs and tllhlmrsenioiAs mntlu
und expended In tills suit.
flint a decree be made foV tho ftalo ot
the east half of Bfclloti twenty-eight
(iH) lh Township nineteen "W south of
Hniigo ten (10) cast of the Wlllariietto
Meridian In Crook tiounty, Oregon-, by the
sheriff b this county) according' to lav
and the prattlcu of tlih collrf) Und the phi
Cel'ds ot the sale t)f saltl prem.sth be w thbiflntljufactloli of the rtliovoVle
seilbe'd'dofeHilalit anU tliflt tlie defendants
and each of theiii be foVeVur bah'Ctl and
fort-closed frotn all rlu'it or equity of
de1l))tloh In and to said premises, except
as provided by fitatiUej that execution
Istift; herein and that the Hhcriff plate the
jAiVchasUr of isald propeVty at witch sufe
In possession.. thereof olid foV flu'cli other
ahd I urtftdr ilHt na HiAy to tile court seem
meet atidl'Mirtablu,
Tfils published by tlio order
of the Hon. W. ir.tMradhliHw-, Jiilfte ht tile
above nailied yui mu4o und ehtered
herein on Mu U, ittfy, . which oMerpie-
Bei'llies that tlilneiiuiliioimbu published for
slKcuiiBeuittlvu wwljfl'ln the i:ii(llnsA'lo4
neerj a Weekly fatJWaiK'p'uf. oL gfjnctnbblp
filiation published In OrookCoulityjUi'i)-'
goiii y.
Dato of flrst Publication ilfayZO, 1W.
Date of last publication July li JVOV. ,
(he borne uew Priee 1,M pr VMh
Horseshoeing and
General Blacksmiihing
Firsi-Class wort GnaranW
Lritin'lcd in the old llrfiolm thou
U N S Ei
- tyv u tm
AND F"RE!El wl,h f01,r Clt5r txiutttul tttakn,
and TRCC uur,ttd In fpur colon wlihJUW
an rMNCitco, eurom
t " tt" i m mil i ii wii.ii. .nn-.-nM .-,i.....u... w . .w-
-f -.WM .I....UMM ..i. .MM. ... i.. ..iu.i.1 in, I,,,,, , ,M ,,, ,
Not Col lijtnl
OMUSTEAD.-Kotitfo for PuldHa-
lion. Dtiiirlrnpnl. nt llm liiluplnr
U. B. Land Ofllcej Tlio Dttllel Oregon,
Juno 11, lOW).
Notlno Ih Inreb3' fiVpn fhat
of Huystuck, OreK'i", who, O't duly 1,
lbQ&uud udditionul duiiUurj 8(100),
made llntm-tend,, Herlal Num. 02l3lt
und u34l)8, Not i2t0, HlCU, for nVe'i.
erel nee 1) ntid nwvvl xec 20, tp 12
, r 14 e, w tn,
Has filed noticn of Intention fo mako
llnal fiVe-yeur prof) .to eslahllsli
Ofttlrti to the land above descflbeij, he
ftre Wurriin Binwn, County t)ierk, at
Ida ollict! utjlVlneYille, Oregotn on the
2ith day of 'July, 1&II0.
Clalinunt names uh
Homer lexahdr ,9 MlraH, Ore
Kon; Oletj lldgewny, John. A Uohklha,
Bdtuund Heaiy, tif ulyer, Oregom
0, W. Idooltb,
JI7 Jy2i Ileglater
lhllentljjn. luhllo Lund Balei
fifrlal jfn.tjljffo, Utjlted'tjUtes Ivind
Omee, The I)jillen, Oregon, June ID,
10m). KntlPB Is .hernVy feiVii that, m
directed; y tbj OolriWilloMer Of tins
GeiM-rHl rtHin Olllce', umer provlslomt
nf. Aft of CoHgreK1.Hip'oVed,Jjn 27,
lUllD. rtlhllCrrNo.TJIia. WVHIII nttWrMt
ynpin 8J t9 t,u OlgljH.n-hhlUer) m
u;iij ;iook( h01 , nn lia,P).,drtyf,'f
Auut, ilfJip, nekr, (,l j)ib oiJlnl-, ihe
HiiJtjwing,tra!tnf hiid,ao wltt Jek
,Auy,RrepltB.olluiUje AiiVerauIy tho
ab)v-ilepDrlt4bd lunda )Bro IftdvlB'ud 'to
die tlietr,oaliiia, Ur hbjectldlla) viur
uefolu the Uuy nliyVq Heelkudted Tor
WlW ,'1.1 O. SlntM
The Mmm Mi
m 11 v wtiivMNfWS wiwvmv;
The Fills Wear Is Always Tte Best
If you get goods of us you get NEW
GOODS. No bankrupt stock No
shelf-worn goods. NO JUNK.
- I J .
" m mm mm II' I I I V Mr t
M 1 II MB 1 f 1 Ml M. teJL ,
1 v v m mm m m i a wf
- w ni tm 1 1 Hun f 1 iiu linn n r" "" 'i'""11"
pat Ann PRiMTl
Hf yo'u nWed LETTER HBM
fc.NVbIaOPfc,b or ui" -'u
T. t .. L.. . Jj
MZ -4 JJH I m i I JL A v
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