i N J - iln",'V ."jt l. 'V. '-i' Pioneer Trie Madras hi v ALL RIPS OF GARDEN VEGETABLES EASTERN ORECtiN Capital Stock, $50,000 Deposits, $250,000 ! EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Rochester, N, Y. mm mm A full lipe of Pho Try n bottle of Mur MADRAS, MOORE LIVINGSTON Prop!. Good JVIcals and Ctean Beds Hcadouarterfl fof Commercial Alcn, Freighters-, bmflM' Union ana EVERYBODY ELSE Lutfetyj Rscd,& Sale Stable GIVE OS A CALL AND YOU WILL GO AWAY HAPPt a EAT MARKET tf, Li; CAmPBELiD, Pvop., MADRAS BEEF, PORK, VEAL Wc Iinvc the hest Hnc of Fresh Meats in the country THEIR Mit ft 6. IUmiltok, Trcs. E. II. Fjibncu, Vice-Pros. J. C. Fowlib, Cslir. ankins Co. FOREIGN EXCHANGE I0UCHT AND SOLO DRAFTS ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD SHANIKO, OREGON A. E. CROSBY EVERYTHING, JN DRUGS & KODAKS .THE DALLES, OREGON Exclusive Agent For f 9 to supplies always on hand. Printing and developing done. Mailorders will receive our prompt attention. Write for our new 1909 CATALOG ine's Udlno! Devel oper. Will develop any Plate or Paper A. E. CROSBY U ROBINSON'S BIG STORE NOTICE Hereafter out1 store will be closed o'clook Satbrday nights and ykiil ferrfiain closed uniii Monday Hiomlti. Our Jo&l customers are requested id observe th'is rule, and purchase their Sunday supplfe during thS week. J, C. & M. A. ROBINSON GENERAL MERCHANTS MADRAS, tfRBGON CROOk'cOUNTyoREGO PROFESSIONAL CARDS. oWard W, TURNER U. S. COMMISSIONER , NOTARY P U BL I C, UAOKA8 OKEUON 0, c. cduvEn r ' NOTARY PUBLIC JuBtido of the "Pence CULVKtl l'UKOlKCt CULVER OREGON Wi It. 8NOOK & SURGEUH Ohlc'6 ili littig 8tor4. MADKAB fylAX LUEDDEMAHN HOTARY PUBLIC s Pioneer Building MADRAS OREGON Jf II. HANEH ABSTRACTER OF TITLES NOTAItY PUBLIC Kir Iimurftqre.'LlfQ Iiuurancc, Burcty Bondii Iteul Kataic, CpnvujftiicliiK IMUNKVILIiE, OIIEOON t t t t NO. 3851 . The First National Bank OF PRINEVILLE, OREGON U. F. AU.KW, Pretdcnt. T. 31, Bawwjn, Caililer. xvtu. Wt'nxKii.KR VJco Viet. IX. Baldwin, A-wt. Casliler. ESTABLISHED 1088 Capital, Surplus lid Undivided Fronts $100,000.00 A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. DEALERS IN Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods -:-: UOOTS AND S1I0K3 HATS AND CAr8 THE DALLES OREGON List your property . -with: VAN TASSEL LAND GO. Wo linvo mrro buyers than wp j huve Imxl for eulo OR A VAN TASSEL, Alanagcr Madras, Orfei'on- i The Plfint-er fclv'a you the homo ami eminty news and ltepft ynu In (nucli with your Rurioiiinllnir. Bubecribe i for It. Price $1.80 per year. THURSDAY, JUNE MADRAS TEAMS Wifi BOTH BALL GAMES Beat Warrpsprlng Indiana In Baaeball Arid Basket Ball"Retiir'n Game Saturday v Tho 'MaUra'i tennis won Vdth garnes ,p!ayed'with the Varmsprthi? Indians at the agency last Baturday, tnc uaseunn Ufain from this place defeating tho In dians by a Score of lb to l) in ah eleven inning game, and the piria' nasKci-i.nn team from the Madras, school defeating t.o .mi-Ib' at tbo Indian School by a score oflGto. 10,41 . f?n.K niui were greatly enjoyed .by the large crowd bf Bpectators, many of wbom Wfntfrom Madras and vicinity to wit ness them. The baselmll game, which was played first, was a crackinggood game and was bitterly contesteU fr'dnl the time gamo was called until the last man scored. The two teams were evenly matched and at the end of the ninth inning the score was a tic 7 to 7. Neither team scored in the ,10th innings but in the 11th the Indians, who came to the bat first, got in two runs. When Madras came to the bat the first two men were struck out, but the team rallied alter jbat, and wllh several safe hits managed to get three men across tbe ho.tne plate before the final out was made, giving the jiame to Madras by one score. Sup erintendent Covey umpired the game in a very fair and impartial manner. The basket ball game was also a spir ited contest throuchout, both teams putting up a good game. Tiie Indian girls were a little confuBed by what had been their erroneous interpretation of one of tho rules regarding a foul, and this placed them at a slight disadvan tage, bftt they played a good clean gamo of basketball. Professor W. It. Cook umpired this game in a manner very satisfactory to both teams. t ppt. Cfl.yey Qf the jyarjjipprin.g reser vation' and, the other inenibpre 9 the very eflicieht government cbrpa at the agency, spared no pains to make the occasion a pleasant one for the visitors and the members of the ball teams and their friends who accompanied them were greatly plenped at the hospitality shown them. In the evening an enler- tainnient was given Ht the Indian school followed by a concert in the dining room by the Indian hand daring which refreshments were served. A large crowd from Madras and vicin ity attended the games, and many stayed over for the w entertainment in tho evening. CharleS Smith, the ferry man on tho Deschutes, estimates the crowd which crossed "the ftvry from this side at fully 150. , ite;Uirn games will be played at Mad ras w,th, the Indians heat Saturday June 5, w,hc;H tho "Warmsprmg baseball tea 111 and two' baeketba)! teams from the Indian. sc"io0l will .cbnteat for honors with the, Madras a8fibilj,.tcam fipd .tjc first and eccorfd basketball teijms from the Madras .school, Tltero vill be.,a large crowd over from the reservation to witness these gunes. Those who played in the Madras teams last Saturday were; Hasketbnl) Ethel Klann, Jennie IJarper, Lorena Hill, Lea Mayes and 2ura Livingston, llaeobnll John Campbell, Tom Mad- dron, Ed Brown, W. Henderson, Carl Galloway, 0. Dickinson, Thad Disney, Gus Monner, Perry Henderson. PRINEVILLE CLUB ADVERTISES CROOK Commercial Organization S'ondi Out Folder Advertising Crook " County i . Utto "fymeville Comrrterclal tfluh lms i8s,npr.,ftfoldor deeefiptivo of Crook county, .which ft will distribute wl.lel i an pJTqrto advertise the resources ui HMR. v-uuiiiy. Among 1110 irtcis set for0i iti tho folder are the followhic re- gurdlng the nrea of tho county i "Orook county lias an area of more than 3000 square miles, or eonal to flint of tho state of Massachusetts and greuf er mat 01 the states of Rhode Island, Connecticut and Delaware combined, There included in forest reserves or Indiun res ervations. There are 1,500,000 acres of government land subiect ti ontrv nnilnr J the land laws, and while iiQt all of this is larmmg land, there is enough good average farm land open to entry to pro vide 100-acro farms for soon fnmiiioa Mlwn are 602 000 acres of patented tlm- ; uer iana wmoh contain more than Beyen billion feet of standing dne timber. KVgaidtntf this Imnledlate neVj'tlbu, the 3, 009. " 1 . llWlll IW 11 .' " '.I- ;. -r. ( dcacriptiVo folder says: "Tho fforth western portion of this rouhty, compris ing a quarter of a million acres, Is roll ing plains and is devoted almost exclu sively td wheat raising. Ahout one ultih nt this area was in cultivation in ID08 arid produced one millfon bushels of Wheat. These cultivated Janafioeii at $10 to $20 per acre." WILL EXTEND DUFUR ROAD FARTHER SOUTH Portland. Or.. May 20 While llarrl- manis filling and backing and tying l.imo1f m in local knots with tiirt pro posed Deschutes railroad, I he ownera of the Great Southern, the lino running West of the Deschutes from The Dalles to Dtifu'r, arc preparing to go ahead ex tending their line South into Central Oregon. President John Heimrich of the fareat Southern has returned from an inspec tion trip over its route takon with E. B. Spaulding and M. P. Smith, capitalists rjfSookane. durinc which they drove over a considerable portion of the couu trv. both In tho direction of Tych Val- Jey and the Juniper Flats, South of Du- fur. As a result of this trip a crow of surveyors will be started out the first of next month surveying routes into Tygh Valley and into the timber towards Mount Hood. Mr. Heimrich stated this morning that ono of the two routes would be selected and grading would be done next Winter. If the Deschutes road is built it is evi dent that it will takeaway much of the business that now cornea to tho Great Southern fioiri . the country East Qf the Deschutes river and the decision to ex tend the independent road is probably an effort to forestall any such move on the part of the Harriman line. FARMERS PICNIC WED- NESDAY, JUNE 9TH Public fa Invited To Big Gathering Of Farmers At Madras Next Wednesday Preparations nrn going' forwafd fdr the biz gathering of farmers to be held here next Wednesday, June 9, and the occas ion promises to bring a record crowd to Madras. The picnic is being given by the County Farmers Union and all of the branch unions will be here in a body. In the murping n closed session of tho County Union will be held for the trans action of. businesa. President Svkea of the state organization of farmers will be present and address this meeting. At noon 11 big basket dinner will bo served and In the afternoon n literary and mns ical iiroerafn will be civen atSauford'i hall, to which the public generally is invited.,, , , Frominen.l (nf meisl rd.rri all otdr the cotipty ,flj ftjie ,ii a,tt,endance fit. this Catherine', and he t6-rn rill lm turned w . ,w.. , f--r- !T - - ovei to the tillers of the aolWnr the day. ClVE I LOTS FOR SCHOOL SITE Tho Sladraa Townsito Company has donated to the Madras school district eight lots surrounding the present loca tion of the school building for school purposes, and the lots will be deeded to the district at once. The present site of tho school was selected several years ago, at which time tho townsite company agreed to give four lots to the district, but through some oversight tho lots were never deeded. This oversight was discovered recently and Mr. Rea, secretary of the townsite company' stated that they were ready to deed the lota at any tlfno. However, as there was some discussion at the timo bl the advisability of changing tho location of the achoolhome it was thought best to wait until this question was disposed of, and since the directors hnVn iIpM.!! build the now schoolhotise at theBanie location tho townsite company agrees to donate eight lots, bo that the school may hate ample recfeation grounds. MRS, STUNK MEETS WITH ACCIKNT Mrs. William 8teinke met wif li painful accident last Sunday. In BOmo miVmtler her chair tilted over backwards with her and Mrs. Stoinke foil ,m w arm, fracturing tho elbow and dislocat ing one of tho bones of' tho lower arm. Dr, Barrett was called in andtwed. the fracture, since whtek tipiq Mra,, Steinke has been retting as easy no could be hoped for. . ', f . Mrs Steinko'a suffering is ,n!fdpd to by her distress over the con,diUoiUf,hcr huaband, who was injurel r : several moutha ago in a runaway aeqld,ei)t nnd 18 now confined nt the hospital' InThe Dallea. Mr. Steinke has. been making very Plowprogresa tovwijB. recovery., and Mrs. fii&nWo. i,UB " I'deal over his eouditloa. PL&NS FOR SCHOOL BUILDING ADOPTED it" Director Of Madras District Decide Upon;2-Story Building With. VrV", felQht Rooma ' ,JVr 4 - -- rr t l-V-.' V Tit. A'lTMtn'r hi -the Madras ecliool. v district have -finally adopted plaiis for t S the new schoolhouee to bo erecica ni Madras, and work will be begun tipoii the building as soon as tne contract. b be let. A call for bids oh the construc tion ol the building, which will he let by contract, has been issued, and tl contract will be let on the 8th of this mon,th. After that work will be star ted Just as soon as the lumber, has .beeiii placed upon the groundi and it is intend-." ed that the building shall bo ready for- , occupancy by the time the nexnerm wt t , school begins. . . ,v' , The new schoolbouae id td so a two-, story building with eight TdorHfli four t ' on cacli floor. Only the four rooms on' - the lower floor will be unisnco atinis;, time, and the others will be finishetl " they are required. The four xoonis&L j- lower floor will furnisli adequate accora. mnflationa tot the school at the present time, and it itia found later that sddi'. tional roorti ia required, one or more rooms upstairs can be finished as they are needed The directors will have. only about $3500 at beir disposal for the construction of the building at this time, and that amount is insnfficieni W finish tho entire btulding The exterior. -.. of the building, however, will be fin-; ' tshed so as not to detract from the lit- "r tractiVeneas of it? appearance. . -? It ia believed that a number of bid4' will be turned, iti td the directors, ad practically all of tbe contrfiqfara and. linilders reaidinc: In tliia localitV have signified their iiitefatlon df biddjng uport t tne worE. WARM WEATHER F0L-" ; LOWS THE SHOWER? , The lb'ng drouth was broken last week by two tery refreshing showers. 'At Mad ras, local weather olrver. Re" Sayi the precipitation totalled .34 of an Inch; and in some outlying districts tho rain-,, fall was even heavier than this. Fol lowing the rains there has been n mark-, ed change In the weather, and on two days the. goverptnerit thermometer reg istered tJO degrees. The warm Weather has been acconl panied by frequent thunder showers and Tuesday afternoon there was a" heavy shower of rain accompanied by hail. Although the shower did not la!j; more than five minutes nt this nlace: ; .there was n precipitation bf,.0S.ot an inch. North - of Madras, on Agtncy, Plains, the rain fell . inxtb'rrenbi nnd tljq precipitation wad. fully double that, in, Madras. Tho- warm" weather continue? and there is prbthlse of more rain. 6UYS LAHD ifi CfiHAOA ' Mr. aiid Mrs. Conrad St raiser and -; their daughter left Monday morning for, Cnmrose, Alta, tiahadn, where, Mr.) Stra3aer recently bought 11 half section of land. A good portion ol tho. land ia. already ih crop and Mr. Strasaer eays pe has good prospects of getting n. bUmner cron off of it this aleo owns 200 acres of jand ih this vicin ity, most of which ia in crop this year, and Ida son will look after that for him. Otto Stfasser left several w.eeks ago for oanada, and expects to locate in the same locality in yhlch bis father hna purchased land. There are .several other families in this district who are expecting to go to Canada dririwr the nf csent Summer. All of them who omi larYd in this district, uowever, are noKimg . oil tcj. It;atid say they einect to .retnrii- tH rirnrift hhi..,f,. when thia section gets bettfcr triihspor tauon lacuuies. . HAIL STfJRH AT GRIZZLY DaveBarriett recoived, a 'phono rnes sage from the Grimly tako sawmill yea-. torday, paying that; heavy hail etonn visited that ftectioh tift thb county Tubs day afternoon1 RuMlkfey-bio slight dam age. Tho hall.hffinofl ula ... lmvl.Qen nftivi&jiA iieji'8 eggaud . iVf,injlbw'lMia efd brqkeu out by thW jwa.ife j,e ittm m Ik progress. Ther Lwaa aloo'figoM ehower of niln hi thai? -mw i-.i?raB, uregon, n East, f rrf Aim! fonrtr, will sell nil kinds of jftwrnamUfo or Block; f8r, wilesa-si'-oUlty, Will go HHywher to qr- PKOll or fedinlntni btyJcu. V..i- ,1 vl