The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, May 20, 1909, Image 2

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CHAPTEK XII. (Continued.)
And that weak mother, who under her
husband's Influence, .had for the last week
done nil she could to nhct the sale of
the daughter she loved so, wept bitterly
now her end was accomplished.
"Don't cry, mother," said Maude, gent
ly: "I will do all you wish. I would
rather not know more about It than I am
obliged to just yet. And one thing more.
I must when all's settled, you know,
there can be no harm then I must write
to bid Gren good-by; you'll let me do
that, mother, won't you?"
It was all over. The bright Maude of
some few weeks back, with her high spir
its and ringing laugh, was scarcely to be
recognized in the pale spiritless girl who
moped about the house now. Hearts
don't break nowadays; hut when young
ladies dispose of their affections Injudi
ciously, the Intervention of the authorities
is wont to be followed by a short inter
val of sorrow and sadness.
Harold lenison, upou hearing his
daughter's decision, made n mighty gulp,
and, swallowing as much pride ns might
have set up two or three county families,
penned n letter to lawyer Pearman.
It was an awkward epistle to compose,
but the squire showed himself quite equal
to the occasion. The sum of it was this :
He first apologized, in a haughty manner,
for what he was pleased to term his curt
ness at their last interview. In the en
cumbered state of his property he had
thought it but riglit to lay the proposal
before Miss Denison, who, it appeared,
took a different and perhaps more sensi
ble view of it than she had done in the
first instance. He should, therefore, be
happy to welcome the visits of Mr. Pear
man, junior, to (iliun.
"Told you so. Sam told you so," said
old Pearman, when he received this pre
cious epistle. "He only wanted time and
line enough. I've done my part, boy. It
Is in your hands now: but I think you'll
Ind it all pretty smooth sailing."
A little after six in the morning. The
April sun has just succeeded in breaking
through the morning mist, and the air
still has a crackle of frost in it. At
the foot of a small knoll, surmounted by
a little clump of Scotch fir, stand three
men, engaged in earnest conversation.
Carefully sheeted, with stable boys on
their backs, some seven or eight thorough
breds pace majestically round and round
the little hillock. On the side these men
are standing, stretches a considerable ex
panse of velvety turf-down. A series of
slender white poles mark out a wide ovnl
road, somewhere about a mile In circum
ference. That broad, green, ribbon-like
track is what is termed the Mannersiey
Gallop, and the ground upon which Mr.
Pearman's horses take their daily exer
cise. The gentleman In the pepper-and-salt
Buit, single-breasted coat, longish waist
coat and low-crowned hat, is Martin Py
croft, trainer. He fiddles with the ash
plant in his hand, and seems rather to
demur to something that his companion
Sam Pearman seems to insist on.
As for the third member of the confer
ence, a bright, wiry, dark little man, he
looks as if his opinion must be asked
pretty decidedly before he intends commit
ting himself on any point. He is a jockey
of some considerable eminence in his pro
fession. "Can't do any harm, Martin. lie might
just as well have a spin with the old
horse as go his usual gallop."
"Well. I'd rather Mr. Pearman wait
till he is quite wound up before trying
him. You must do as you please, sir.
No horse can be doing better; but contin
ually trying does take the heart out of
them, you know, sir."
"Of course it does; hut mind, we
haven't galloped Coriander beside another
this year. We suppose him to be quite
as good and better than he was last au
tumn, but we've never ascertained. I
mean to know this morning."
In the meantime the string has halted,
the sheets are removed, and then, led by
the head lad on a veteran of four seasons'
standing, the youngsters proceed in In
dian file round the course at a half-speed
gallop. Then comes more walking for
twenty minutes or so, succeeded by an
other steady canter, towards the finish of
which the pace is considerably Improved
the rate of progression being always
regulated by the rider of the leading
horse, who lias, of course, received his
Instructions from the trainer beforehand.
More walking, then more cantering, at
the conclusion of which Martin Pycroft
bays quietly :
"Take 'em home, William, and tell,
those boys to bring Loadstone and Cori
ander up here."
Merely replying, "All right, sir," Wil
liam turned his horse's head in the direc
tion of the stables.
A minute or two, and a couple of stable
boys walk the horses to where Pearman,
Pycroft and "the rigid rider to orders"
lire standing.
"Jump off and strip Vm," says the
trainer. The boys slip off the backs. of
their respective mounts, and hold them
by the head while Pycroft unlooses C'ori
nnder's surcingle, whips off the sheets
with a dexterous hand, and proceeds to
adjust a light racing asddle on that
equine celebrity' back. Jim, assisted by
Pearman, performs the same ollice for
"Now, sir," says Martin, "before we
Bee how they are together, we had better
just let 'em have a quiet canter. Jim, you
get up on Coriander. You, young' "tin,"
be continued, addressing the lad who had
been upon Loadstone, "get on your own
horse, and lead round a nice strong can
ter, making It a little quicker from the
bush home than in the dip; but no gallop
ing In earnest, mlud."
"Looks and moves well, sir, don't he?"
said Martin, as Coriander, uuder Jim's
masterly bands, after two or three angry
Batches at bis bit, settled down Into
the long, low sweeping stride character
istic of the most thoroughbred horses
that distinguish themselves on a race
And now the pair come striding along
towards the knoll, whero they are pulled
"Go kind?" inquires Mjr. Pycroft,
"Nico 'oss to ride can put him any
where," observes Jim, sentcntiously.
"Walk 'em about nbit, while wo get
the saddle cloths ready."
Jim and the boy duly go into the scale.
Another muttered conversation between
Pycroft and his master; then the saddles
were removed, the leaded cloths carefully
adjusted, the saddles replaced over them,
the long surcingles passed carefully over,
and Coriander and Loadstono were ready
for their trial.
"Give them their orders, Martin, and
then come here and see it. Mind, they'ro
to start from the three-quarter-of-a-mlle
post. Who's to start 'cm?"
"All right, 8ir; I told William to come
back, and here he is. You go down with
'em, Will. Hush in, mind. Here, Jim,
you ride the old horse, of course, this
time. Get off, and come right along. I
don't mean ride his head off, but take the
lead, and keep it."
"All right !" And Jim walked the grey
leisurely down alongside William, to the
starting post.
"Now, look here, boy," said Mr. Py
croft, advancing to the stripling who was
on Coriander; "you have au idea of rid
ing, you have. Now, don't go and make
an exhibition of yourself this morning.
Mind, if you do it here, I shall take care
you don't get much chance of doing It in
public. Attend to what I say to you.
Get off as well as you can. Jim's pretty
safe to do you there; but, even if he
don't, mind, yod're to wait on him till you
come to the quarter-mile prt from home.
You know it. Run up to h'im then. Hut,
whatever Jim does, whether he begins rid
ing or whether he doesn't, you're not
to begin in earnest till within fifty yards
of home. I'll forgive you if you wait
too long, and lose it that way;. but if you
come too soon and ride him to a stand
still, we shan't want you for light-weights
at Newmarket or anywhere else."
The lad walked his horse after Load
stone with a very serious face. Like all
boys in a racing stable, of course the
height of his ambition was to become a
jockey. He was not a little proud of
being in charge of such a celebrity ns
Coriander. For, be it known to the unin
itiated that every race horse in a big sta
ble is looked hfter by his own boy, nnd
that these boys, when their horse is one
of distinction, are immensely proud of
him. They groom him, ride him at exer
cise in short, almost live with him.
Coriander was the first crack that had
fallen to young Alien's care, and he firm
ly believed such a flyer never existed.
Now anxious moment! he was to ride
him in his trial. He looked even at that
as a great rise in his profession. It is
true he had ridden in two or three trials
before, but then he had generally been on
something that had had no earthly chance
to win. Suppose he should make a mess
of it this morning; Mr. Pycroft would
never givo him another chance, perhaps.
No wonder the boy looks rather seri
ous. But they arc at the post. A couple
of false starts trfke plac, in consequnece
of young Allen's eagerness to get well off.
"Stop a bit, young 'un," said Jim,
laughing; "be a little steady. Mind, it
ain't a race, and I won't want to get
the best of you. I only want to get away
fair. How a starter would walk down
your throat if you carried on like this I"
The remonstrance had the desired effect,
and the next time they were away, Jim
having a little the best of it, though not
much. Once off, the boy's nerves stead
ied directly. He waited patiently till he
came to the quarter post, and then ran
up abreast of Loadstone. Locked togeth
er, they went for the next two hundred
yards, and then Jim began wliat is term
ed in racing parlance "fiddling" at his
horse; It means riding him a little. He
drew near a length ahead, but the boy
sat still. '"Wait till within fifty yards
of home, whatever Jim does," he mutter
ed, "and I will, if I'm beat for It."
A few strides more, and he saw that
Loadstone could hardly hold the lead he
had obtained. Gradually he was creep
ing up to him again, though still quiet on
his horse. A little more, nnd Jim began
to ride ids horse In earnest, and this was
the hardest trial the boy had undergone
yet. For a moment Jim forged ahead,
and looked like leaving him altogether;
then he seemed to hang; and now surely
he was within fifty yards of home. Was
he? Yes! He sat down nnd shook up
Coriandor, pawed Jim easily, nnd went
past the knoll a couple of lengths in
"You'll do, young 'un," said Jim, good
naturedly, as they pulled" up their horses.
"Don't quite know what orders you got,
but cau pretty well guess. You stick as
close to what you're told to do, and keep
your head as cool as you did this time,
and you'll find yourself first past the
post at Epsom some of these days."
"Well, Martin, I think that'll about
do," laughed Pearman, as the trial fin
ished. "It will be n good horse that has
the best of Coriander three weeks from
"Yes, sir; he's better even than I
thought he was, and I know I haven't
worked him up to his best yet. I've no
fear of his not going on well, for I never
trained a better constJtutioned colt In my
life; and though we didn't try him quite
the full distance this morning, I've no
doubt of his getting the Itowlcy Mile
as well as he's done his three-quarters
this morning."
"You did that very well, my lad," he
continued, addressing Allen. "This morn
ing's ride will be a little In your pocket,
If we've luck, and you pay attention to
my next orders ; and they are Hold your
torurue. You'll get riding beforo you're
I many months older. Well, Jim, what do
you think?"
Tho jockey jumped off his horse and
handed him over to the boy Hint bad
first been on him. When out of earshot,
ho replied, "I'll win the Guineas, bar ac
cidents, unless there's n great three-year-old
whoso nnmo wo haven't heard on."
Sam Pearman, in the meantime, seat
ed on the soft grass, was busily glancing
ocr n ncnt memorandum book, "Yes,"
he muttered, "stakes nnd nil, It will be a
goodlsh bit to win. It's n bigger thins
thnn I over pulled off yet, nnd I havo
had some Very tidy wins In my time
We'll bo off home now. Martin eh? Good
enough, Jim, Isn't It?"
"Wish I'd your book on it, sir," was tho
that worthy's reply.
"Well, you and Martin will find thnt
I've jiot forgotten to do something In
that way for you when it's landed,"
laughed Pearman. "For the present, good
by" Must win eh?" snld tho trainer.
"Can't lose," responded tho jockey,
"unless I'm knocked over."
Old Pearmnn had shown perfect knowl
edge of mankind on the receipt of Denl
son's letter. Ho had gone over to Gllnu
the next morning. The old lnwyor was
quite master of the situation.
The squire felt quito grateful to his
visitor for the tact nnd delicacy with
which ho paved the way for his retreat
from nn awkward position. It was, per
haps, this wonderful quality which had
helped Pearman on in the world more
than anything. Even those who had been
most closely shorn were always Impressed
to tholr dying day that, If they could havo
pulled through the swamp of Impecuni
oslty their recklessness had plunged them
into, Pearman would havo done it.
Denison wns no fool where his Interests
were concerned. He had, It is true, been
guilty of the grossest folly in squander
ing a fine property ; but lie was not weak
enough to look upon the lawyer as a ben
efactor. "Well, Mr. Pearman," he snld, "wo
had best let bygones be bygones. If I
wns sharp upon you the other day in
speech, you retaliated on the mortgage;
and you had tho best of it. Come In nnd
So the old gentleman lunched at Gllnn,
nnd wns Introduced to Mrs. Denison and
his future daughter-in-law. Maude took
but little notice of him; but her mother,
having now made up her mind to tho
match, was fuvorably impressed. Mr.
Pearman, in fact, dressed quite as tho
old respectable confidential solicitor, nnd
acted the part extremely well. Poor Mrs.
Denison, having mnde up her mind to
meet her ideal of a low turf attorney, de
rived principally from uovels, was most
agreeably astonished.
That the son would quickly follow in
his father's footsteps was a matter of
course; and here again the Gllnn family
were destined to bo pleasantly surprised.
Sam Pearman, though he had not nil, yet
inherited a fair proportion of his father's
tact. The old gentleman, too, had given
him one or two valuable hints. He pre
sented himself very quietly, was very sub
dued nnd respectful, but by no means
demonstrative in his attentions to Maude;
talked just a shade of racing, to gratify
the squire, letting it drop as quickly as
opportunity served; chatted pleasantly on
all the topics of the day, nnd took his
departure after the delivery of a neat
anecdote that made even Mrs. Denison
Poor Maude, she had sat very pale
through the visit; but even she felt k
species, of mild gratitude for the llttlo
her accredited suitor had sought from
her on this occasion. She felt that sho
could marry the man to save Glinn to her
parents, but that any lovemaklng before
hand would be unendurable. If he would
continue to treat her with quiet courtesy,
she could bear it ; but to yield her lips to
him, she felt was beyond her. That lov
ers claim such favors she knew; but tho
girl had a strong touch of romance in her,
and vowed no kiss should be laid on her
cheek until she was irrevocably severed
from Grenvlllc Rose. S1ie still clung to
an undefined hope that he might rescue
her yet. " Poor child ! her case looks sad
enough now; but there are n good many
fitful changes in this world's great kaleid
oscope. Men cut their throats premature
ly, nnd humanity generally declines strug
gling, just as better times are about to
dawn. "More judicious to play the gamo.
out than throw down the cards," hold
good in life
(To be continued.)
"How In the woild could you un
derstand wlmt that conductor said,
when his mouth was full of transfers?"
queried the short man on the Imclc
"Itacliclor, eh?" asked the tall mun.
"Sure tiling!"
"Thought so. You nee, I could un
derstand him because his words sound
ed exactly llko my wife'H when her
mouth Ih full of hairpins."
Tom .Miic-Ii for Mhiiiiiiii.
"What's tho jnntter with your eye,
"The boy next door struck me, mam
ma." "Wlint for, pray?"
"He said I struck him first."
"And did you?"
"No; honest, I didn't, mamma!"
"Well, why didn't you ?" Yonkcra
dentin Hint.
Jnck Every night I would etnnd
under her window nnd givo n slight
Dick And you hnve censed?
Jnck Had to. The neighbors start
ed lKmlmrd!ng mo with packages of
cough drops,
I'ohnIIiIo IlreukiltMViiN,
Penrl Her father heard sho was go
ing to elope in an automobile and ho
was furious.
Ruby Indeed !
Pearl Yes; ho snld automobile
could not ho trusted. Advised her t4
clone In a cab.
Natural Deduction,
Said She I wonder how theso spirit
ual communications are written?
Said Ho With a medium pen or pen
cil, I Imagine.
JIMi .lilt
Four-Homo Kvoncr.
This particular form of four-horso
ovener is entered to work with ono
horso in the furrow unit tho other
three on tho land. To got an even
draft will perhaps require some ad
justment of the left hand double tree
and the proper plueo to attach the
chain to the plow beam can bo found
by experiment. The two double trees
nro of tho ordinary length and the
stick used for ovener needs to bo tough
oak and live feet four Inches In length.
The two pulleyH should be large enough
to allow a small link log chain to work
through them. Two bolts are required
for the pulleys, and 'two pieces of strap
iron two Inches wide, used as braces.
The Illustration does not Indicate ex
actly the distances between the dif
ferent points which should be as fol
lows: From the right end to (he first
pulley, 7 Inches; from the point of
attachment of the plow to the center
of right hand pulley. lr.Vi Inches; from
the point of attachment of tho plow
to the center of the left hand pulley
SVj Inches. This places the two pul
leys almost 24 Inches apart. At the
left end hnve.three or more holes Into
which the double tree for left hand
team can bo hitched.
For nn even distribution of tho draft
the proper point of attachment of tho
left hand double tree will depend sole
ly upon the point of attachment of the
chain to the plow. If the chain Is enr
rled far back, Its draft will bo differ
ent from what It would be (f It were
attached closer to the nose end of tho
plow. Assuming thnt tho angle of at-
$ua or rouu-itoasB kveneu.
tnchmeut of the chain to the plow Is
30 degrees tho left hand double tree
should he attached to the main piece
of tho evener nt n point about IM1?
Inches from tho (mint of attachment
of the plow to the double tree. There
Is no reason why this evener should
not work on any kind of plow provid
ed that the lengths of the parts un
adjusted to suit the distance of the
point of attachment of the main tree
from the furrow and that there .Is a
rigid brace to which to attach the
Trenltuciil fur I'olnlo .Nonli.
It Is true that ns early ns 1812 n
German Investigator suggested that the
trouble was caused by a parasitic or-
gaiilsm, but later it was definitely de
termined that the fungus, KoroHporltnn
Bcables, which he had Isolated, was not
invariably the canes of the trouble. It
was not until 1800 that Prof. Holley
dcfinltoJy determined that potato scab
was caused by a fungus parasite. Un
til resistant strains could be bred up
it was necessary that some lompornry
preventive be applied, says Farm.
Stock nnd Home. Treatment of (.ca
bles may be made by the use of for
malin or corrosive sublimate (bichlo
ride of mercury). The latter Is per
Imps the most effective, but it Hliould
be hnndlcd with the greatest caution,
an it is a very powerful jiolson when
taken Internally. The solution Is pre
pared by dissolving two ounces of cor
rosive subllmnto In two gallons of hot
water. When tho poison Is well dis
solved, add twelve gallons of water,
making fourteen gallons In all. The
potatoes, which should bo reasonably
clean, should be put in a gunny sack
and the whole suspended In the nnlu
tlon for nn hour and a half. Then
empty them out on a floor to dry thor
oughly before cutting and planting.
IVunIi for NiirTy Htoi-U,
Dipping nursery stock in llmo-siil-
phur wash or other Insecticides has re
cently been much advocated as a sub
stitute for fiiiiilgatlonwlthhydrocyanlc
acid gas. Tho station at Geneva, N. Y.,
finds, however, that this treatment, If
used nt all, must be handled with care
to secure scale destruction without In
juring tho trees. With the sulphur
wash, exposure of tho trees for too
long n time or nt too high toiiiper-vturo
resulted In Injury; while with any of
tho materials used, exposiiro of tho
roots to tho mlxturo resulted In serious
Injury to the stock. For nurserymen
the station still recommends fumigation
as most effective and least Hablo to
Injury, and would ndvlso orchnrdlsts
to use tho lime-sulphur as a spray
after the trees are set, rather thnn n
n dip when they nro received. Farm
To "Wool tlrovrera.
Don t two hinder twlno or any other
kind In tying lleeccrt savo the regular
wool twine. Tho trade generally nindo
extra efforts last year to havo this dot
rlmcntnl custom discontinued, and did
do much then to erndlcnto It, This
yenr most of tho mills nnd lending
dealers reiterate tnoir determination
not to handlo wool tied with ulsal
twine, ns It rendora tho wool unfit for
dyeing: hence, If growers or thoso pre
paring wool for market oxpoet to find
rendy sale and top prices for their
wools, they must ndhoro to- this nd
vice. Higher prices and actlvo compe
tition for tho receipts, If properly nnd
carefully handled, Is confidently antlcl
liated In tills market the coming sea
son, and shippers nro nlso advised thnt
In order to renllxo tho best results con
slgumeiits should bo sold hero on tho
open market, where all buyers can conit
pete for them.
To Hold (lie (Into Open,
A piece of timber -ixd two feet long,
with a notch In .one cud :tx(l Inches, n
piece 2x4 two fei't long with ono end
beveled nnd n notch 2Mj.xO Inches cut
In position ns shown In sketch serves
to hold the gate open. The dotted
lines show the position of tho holder as
the gate Is forced over tho bevel, The
post should be set to correspond with
the height of the gate when oiK'i). If
the gate drags on the ground there
Is something wrong; hang tho gate a
little bit higher. The end opposite tho
notch of the holder should bo tho heav
iest so as to keep the notch In position
on the gate.
Coiircriilfiir Hojrif.
A hog Is a hog frequently because ho
Is given no opportunity to Im cleanly
anil decent. There are fanners who
believe a hog would die If not allowed
to wallow In mini and lllth, while oth
ers are of the opinion tiiat tho hog
should have plenty of clean water. Tho
hog needs a great deal of' water In hot
weather, and If ho cannot get It ho
will take mud n.f the next best thing.
A hog rushes to a luudhole to cool
off. He rouies out nnd tho mud dries
on his skin. Tho next mud hath he
lakes adds another layer to that al
ready dried on, and In ti short time
the pores of his skin are completely
clogged with mud. Now. a hog cannot
thrive with his pores all clogged up
any better than n man. If a hog has
act (wm to a deep pool of water, as ho
should In hot weather, he will keep
lean mid thrive much more than If
he lies around In a mudholo mnde
lilthy by continued use. Most farmers
who supply a bathing place for their
hogs make them so shallow that they
are soon converted Into iiiiiilliolcs. On
our farm we usually keep from thirty
to fifty pigs, nnd they have n ool of
water fed by a stream, nnd It Is deep
enough for them to swim In. Tho
sides are dug down sharp'", ""d were
laid with cobblestones for n distance
of four or live feet from the water's
edge. The pool was always clean; wo
never hnvo trouble with mango or lice,
and when on two occasions cholern
swept thiougli the country our hogs
were not nfTcctcd. The hogs novcr
used the pool unless the weather was
extremely hot.
A Smooth l-'leld.
It worries the good farmer to sco
his iiclghltors plowing the fields round
and round the same way yenr after
year. Ho knows that by-niuMiy there
will bo deep furrows all over tho farm,
and all the while these might be avoid
ed. How? Change the order of things
this spring by going out Into tho cen
ter of the Held where tho (lend furrow
Is and turning it full tho first thing.
Then gee around Instead df haw, ns
Is usually done, plowing back to tho
place of beginning. Keep tills Up to
the end and you will have no ditch In
the middle, hut a field that Is nice and
smooth and good to look upou. It may
be n little awkward turning round to
tho right where one has always been
In the habit of turning to the lert, but
you will soon get acr-ustomed to it, and
so will the horses.
CIiiiiiimIoii HoUtclii Hull,
Illinois State Fair, 1008.
Amilylnir Miiiii to (lie HolL
As a rule all compact clay holls may
bo greatly benefited by tho application
of one ton of lime per acre, Just after
hrenklntr nn. either In full or snrinir.
and thoroughly mixed with tho earth.
Lluio Hliould not bo applied with ma
nure of any kind, hut tho latter (ma
nure) may ho applied as a top dress
ing and worked In by cultivation of
tho crop, Ono nppllcatlbn of Utna
every llvo years Is usually sulllclent
. o.aunouK (n V I k
desert i Ttblta.
thoro ;
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docs, and when angered It
ui vu i ii m n success oa of
kui. ii is supposed thst the bi
.A. ,.. . .
or the giia hns a drug-like effect i
sects, nnd an II nn )a
considerable distance, U Is bellen
that this Is the way n cstcbei t
H Legal Information
Til lllillltiff ItAtrt fa4l lit V..
York Bujipleiiieut, 1057, pUlstU n
It I. -A..! I... .... L... .(.It Ll.L u.
tnyiitvu fj till HUtVUIVWIIV TSUJVU
(limtffi'Mir lint! htfm rmnfivl tnri
to tme ror mm own pleasure b; tit e
tkt THttttti ft -JkStSktAlJLr1 4ntnhi I
tho lower court but on aweal fc&l
VrtriV UttttrfttitA PAitrf r0riMif1 tt mm
t)n rAinw1 flint lit ft Miflnffoitr rtf 1m
miKngea in nny uusiuess pi cetroa
it tit a unit nr fit initirr. nnn inn
tittfiiituufmi in ii- tits mflMifn Eiiif
difference ns to defendant's littlSj
The Alabama statutes of m np
Intlug freight and passeegtr nta I
i,in,u,ii,. I,iiuIik wire dediiti I
valid as denying due process of kill
. mi u .... b
the united hiuu-s urcuu wm
Central of Georgia Hallway urn?
vs. Itallrond Commission of Alii
nit i..,i,.c,il linunrtf-r. 023. Tt I
tin were to etlloln IbtStliK
cent from enforcing tuese fstatote3
. n t- ttv
derenso wns mat wu "
ngnlnst the Stale, and LejondtoJ
Indict on of tlio reuenii
wmrt held otherwise.
,.i.ihm ..,i.i dor lirfttlier K 1
only heirs under their witWJ
vhlch gave tlio wnaa r"-7j
rythlng. Piniiunr w -uto
nn agreement by wM "
ecelve one-thlni inr w -
testing the will. Tlieffiii"
.,.!. (ml WII Oil
grcement. In wood i .
8 Northeastern Ite porter, w.
' ........... ..,rt Of MlMC&lW
ireiuo .iiiuiiiii. Amh.di
.... ...... nlll.nnirh a ffllt WW1!
ourt to enforce ""P
,, it did not rreve..t mV
urlHdlctlon under '"'
IIII J,"'"""" - .1
. t,v Apiitnr. JS
gaiiisi ii"-' . jt
The Wisconsin tenement boc q
rhlch provided tnai
LOUHenuiHt lmverro(3
uenslons, mm m i "
he ordinary TZA
o water supply co m
nd that nny iwiw j (
-Monti sbould ? . :1J
Tlsohuicnt. wns nci.v- ,
tloniU in no"""- ne
. . ......Alt VK. i- zm
Northwestern m; rj, tMt
,to wib wen rl-bt to
u.,,nid relinquish '" J
rent "",,.. ,ny W '
,r thnn tnKo - , tfct
iforcln thopcna l; y
property vwm
Tho Limine!'1 I'T.h.msdiw
.i mi nn iuiii ' . t.
relief HhoiiM . - UOirm
during the .'"SSU
' iV ,t,
M il.Alf SIISIU CI' ..IT I
nl aim '" "' .nrsuc1
from ft CIUUl "
other Hoiirro.
organ'"" d pjjwj
lug Anicrlcnn na
With ccn-
will not
accuses hlu'i