&The Madras Pioneer 1 iMibllsln'd every Tbtir8(iiiyiy ' -rllK llOSi.l5 I'UULbUlKU'CO.- BUB80nlP.TION RATES': ' Oho jenr ,-. . . . t . . . ', lV-50 4$lx innnllis...., i. .... Three monti9.r...-AivtjaA,s. WX A.IVKitTlHtNO I1ATK ApPItA.TOX Entered as (second class matter .YniniS Sj, at tho l'ostnfflcb at MniirnR, Ore., under tlio Actof Congress of Mnroh 8, 187V- THURSDAY - AlR. 23, 1909 tVXHg DESCHUTES ROUTE v "!T.Iti Pesoinues cunyon lia? 110 toun'Ugw and never will afford arty. It is, in fact, the most v6rthltiS8, chimerical .'railroad proposition we luivj ever heaid of,.ifs one assm being its scenic beautyi There are, if we re member aright, five ranches in the canj'on froiS the Columbia to the mouth of Crooked rive, Thege belong respectively to G. L. llohr, M. A. Moody (Sherar't Bridge). Willis. W. Brown, C. P. ' U'Ren and Itobert O'Donnell, the last named being above the ;. right of way. Quite an induce tneut for the expenditure ol ; eight millions." J .;:Tliat is the way, the Prine ville Review sums Up the Des chutes railroadt proposition, bui Editor Ken nedj' will lind few believers in,-a statement, wlmse I abstirdkies are so apparent. hen he talks of the tiaffli' possibilities of the territory u be traversed bj' the Deschutes e load, he assumes that all the tonnage for the road is to by produced in the canyon. He should climb up the sides of the canyon to the . plateaus bordering the river on both sides, and learn something , of the vast empire that lies there waiting for the railroad. A railroad up the Deschutes ' would develop tonnage all 1 along the route and on both ; sides for a goo 1 part of the wayi'A Western Sherman coun ty j'-Jtbe Tygh Ridge and Junipei Flat countries, the Bakeoven country and other" wheat dis tricts" on both sides of the TJ-s chutes- would produce an im mense amount of traffic for a railioad in the canyon. There are few ranches on the Des chutes between Trout creek and Crooked river, but the railroad alter it passes the mouth ol Trout creek would traverse ' wheat belt larger than many of the New England states. Im mediately South of this lie large , ureas of irrigated land, running back to the vast belts of yellow pine, whose traffic possibilities wheil developed aie past coin putation'. It would mean some thing to a railroad to be able to handle all this traffic over a waler level route, where the ex penses of operation are the minimum. Another phase of . the ques Hon which appears to have es caped the Review is that the Deschutes road is not destined, alone, for a feeder for the 0. It. & N. It is part of tbtJ plan for the development of the flairi man domain in Oregon," and eventually will be extended through to connect with the Klamath road leading up ftom v California. It would not only develop Central Oregon and se cure the Hard man interests against all rivals in that trans portation field, bin It would provide the best route for heavy traffic between the North and California. WHFN THE RAILROAD COMES Crook county and the let of Central Oregon is not pelting ilti almre of the titMiellfs from tli coloniHtb' movement lo Ore gon, Huid to hi the greatest in ihw history. nf iht stntnnd iIip i etitioii id I hut we Imv o up lruiio Wtluion fuulilile. MjprU tiiun iittlfof tho coloulets bomlilfl to the I3ntsHip Northwest .are set tlijtg OK'gOii, but they are Undine rJioiuvB along the rail roads and in cemtnuutties wjth, ItthsV reach of the rail lines, ami very lew of them drift out 00 to 100 miles olf Mib ruMroud ii seaiolr tif 'huin08 It js in tins way- that the "bottling up" of Central Oregon for many years past has retarded Its set? tlement and development. However, Central Oregon is thotit to couie into its owiu With the building of a railroad into this long-neglected seoiibn thousands of homeseekers will pour in, for no other section of the state 'has so many attrac tions fur. that class of immiura turn. A majority of these enii- giants from the Middle West have been crowded out by the high price, of lands, or forced out hy ihe rigorous Winters, and Central Oregon, with its milder climate and its million f acres of cheap wheat lands and irrigated farms will be a ' land of promise" to ihenrwhen the railroad has been built in. Pacific Horse Liniment h prepared expressly tor the needs of hort emen and ranchmen. It is a powerful and pene trating liniment, a remedy for emergen des. A soothing embrocation for the relief of pain, and the best liniment for sprains and soreness.' Unequaled for curing the wounds and injuries of BARBED WIRE and for healing cuts, abrasions, sores and bruises. Pacific Horse Liniment is 'fully guaranteed. No other is so good or helpful in so many ways, If it fails to satisfy, we authorize all dealers to refund the purchase price, CXTNA URSC BOTTIH tITTt ClflT Hoyt Chemical Co., poin?, qc. BOOKLET M)0 FREE lor &ate oy J. 0. & M. A. Robinson Not Coul Land H0M: ft 1 tio OMESTEAD. Nonce for Pubii.ja- n. Department of the Interior. O. 8. Lnnd Office, The Dalles, Oregon, April 12, 1909, Notice ia heieby Riven that maod c, Mcdonald, of Madrae, Oregon, who, on Septeiu her 21, 1007, mode horpehtcad Entry Seiial No 04717 No. 15714, for ee mc 29, tp 10 f, r 13 e. w m, has filed notice of intention to make dual com mutation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be. fore Howard W( Turner. U. S. Commla aioner, at his olllce at 3Iadraf, Oregou, on ibeSOtbday of May',, 1909. Cltifmanl names as wltncaes: CT McCall, J J aicDouald, W F Sherrod, D.R JIuUoLald, all of Mad rap, Oregon. b. W. Moons, a22-nj20 ReglHter f BOLATED TRACT. Notice for Pub- lication. Public Land 8ale. Serial No 0172 The Dalle, Oregon, U. 8. Land Olli-e, April 13, 1909 Notice is hereby given thai, as directed by the Cotnmieaiouer of the General Laud Olllce, under provlsltiua of Act of Con gress approved June 27, 1900, Public No 303, Wb will oiler ut public aalq to tho highest bidder, at 9:45 o'clock a. in., ou the 25th day of May, 1009, next ,at tliia olllce, the following tract of land, lowlt: dwi-tej sec 4, tp 12 s, r 14 e. w m. Any persons claiming adversely the abovt-described lands aro advised to file their claims, or ol'JeotloiiH, on or before the day above designated for sale. . O. W. MOORE, u22-id20 Reuiuer. Not Coal Lund HOMESTEAD. Notice- for Publiua tin.. n.............' ,.r ,i. r.. tion, Detiartmeut of the lute rior, U. S. Land Offlo- at The Dalle, Oregon, March 20, 1909. Notice is hereby uiven that JIOMEU ALEXANDER, of Madras, Oregon, who, on October 20, I0U3, made Homestead Entry Serial No 03il2J No. iOUlT, for hot I, sto2 and lot 3 and 4, sec 1 tp 12 ) r 13 e( w in, llus tiled niitico of intention to make final flvo year proof) to establish claim to the laud above di-norlbed, bt-fore Howard W, Turnori U. B, Cotuttilt-slou. or, at bis olllce al Madras Oregbii ou the4ih day of May, 1009, ClHlmant iianiea us witnesses: O W Kidder, il II Uddk, tl. liale, of Madrai ()itoi.J Wllllitm tl Bmita, of .Culvert Oregon, . ' , . . C Vi MooitiJ, mSO-nStf MitUft, CLASSIFIED L00AI-S AUflTipWiyNG-rCol, Vf. H, Uoy. tUlls. uf lifadrufl, Oregon, an I5wt era A'loilohtor, will sell all kind ol merchandise or stock j farm miles a speotuliy, Will o anywhere In Or t'ROn or adjoining states. HeRtilar prices. Call on or write Cot. W. II. nEYKOLDS, or A..C. Sanfonl. lilft'3t SftTTfaiJ UlV-lVrsous knowing Ihunir sables iutlebtotl to Win. SlL'llike will lilrne nail at onue, ut tho fttore, for Ktftlletnent. Yours truly, J. E. Bed lutfllelil, for 'm 8elnko. wl5-.1i PAINTING and Piipor HanBinu-Flrst-clrtea workmanship. Cull on, or ad dress J. M. "fiu-sen, Madras. A ouiilei supply of lotfal lilioiku Tor -itlo Itioluillni: wnrrauty tunl ii(t qlnlai (U'IhIh, ruiil, cliullel ami orop niorti'Ut'S, do. .1 list lt:o oou rt liluiikH aiitl joHlleu iiuit work peulutly. Notary Putilio t. .1. Hrookn. DAYLIGHT STAGJ5 Tlitru will lion (luyllulu Htugo leavlniC' MtdrnH Tor Sluinlko every niornlng Tlio btuge will leuve tram tlm Ilulin ILUil. J. Vi LlvhiKHt tf IIOM E C1 V R ED BACON-At MuilroR Mfio Mnrkfi. tf MONEY TQ J.OANI Imvo mmiey to loan 00 dei'dmi land, M-iX J.ueddo niHiiii, MKtlraft. CHICKENS I will pay uaslffor tlioin Call and make arraiiKemoniH to make mo weekly ilt-Ji vttrlt-a. A. C. Sanford, Mad ran. nJJ2-4t PHOTOGHAPI1S-L. S Lam.-rl, Hie traveling photogranher, will Iih at Madras April 23, 24, 20 ami 27. Low prlofH, Now Ik tliu lime to ft ymir piotnre taken. Work unaranteed. OTATE 8ELECTION. Not too fr PuMii-nti'Mi. United 8iate.s Land OfllcH, The Dalle-, Oregon, April 13. 1009. Nitlct Ih liorely clven that State of Oregon lia filed in litis olliot its ap tdieution, Sonal N 017.)0, to Hulect un der the provisions of the Act of C'n iret)sof Annum 14, 1818, and Ihe AntB MipplenieiHary uml ann-ndatory there to, tho iiwie4 to 20, lp 14 c, r 12 e, W. M. ' Any and all person.1 claltntin; ad veruely t holuiids ilosunb. -d, nr deslrhnr to ohjeot lieciuse of the miner il oh ir Hoterof the land, or for any other rea Hon, to the dixpoeal to afipllcant, uliotild tile their uninavlti'of.protext in i this olliee, mi or before the 23r.h day of May; 1008. n22-n.27 O. V. Moojn:, Iteulcter iNot Coal T.u mi II OMESTEAD. N tlc for Pnbli- I Set tion, Departnieni of the lute ior, U S Land Olllce at Thejlallef, Ore- jir.n, April 8, 1009. Notice is hereby filvtv that ANDERS D. ANDERSON, of Madras, Oreuou, who, on Decem ber 4, J003, iuioIh Ilometitead Entry seiial No. 03037 No. 13091, for w swj; sec 13 and eiil sec 14, lp 10 r, r 13 e, w m, 'has filed notice of Intention lo make fiual live-yeur proof, to establish claim to the laud ab .ve described, be fore Howard W, Turner. U. S. Commis sioner, at Ills office at Madras, Ore gon, ou the 2lt day of May, 10d9. Claimant names as wlticses: Charles R Hayes, S P Lovlow, W II Cojik, John A Coultur, all of Madras, Oregon. j, C. V. MOORE, a!5-m20 Register Not Coal Laud HO CK OMESTEAD. Noilcj for Pubil- iiillon. DHpartmcnt of tl e lute rior, U. S. Lind Olllce at The Dalles, Oregon, March 5, 1009. Notice Is lipreby given tliat WILLIAM J. SAYYEAU, of Hay Creek, Oregon, who, ou May 5, 1902, made Homestead Entry No. 10789, fSerlal 02003) for nine sec 12 and eiie) sec 1, tp 1 1 s, r 10 e, w in, Has filed notice of intention to make final five. year proof, to estiihllsli claim lo the laud above decriled before Warren brown, County Clerk, at his Olllce at Prlnevllle, Oregou, ou tho 3id day of May, 1009 Claimant iMmea as wltnee1: Watte Huston, of Prlnevllle, Oregon; G Klbbee, A V Warren, of Hay t reek, Oregon; C 31 M.:Pliersou, of Ash wood, Oregou O. W. MOORE, tnl8 i20 Register Reliable Seeds So much has already been said on the ' Importance of buying your seeds from ' tt reliable dealer that to repeat it is only waste of word. tiUA Seeds have proved their worth our Increas ing business is proof indeed that merit alone has made the Chas. H. Lilly Co. fore most seedsmen on the mm Pstific Coast. Send for catalog-, 120 pace, illus BsiBhi SUMMER SHOES HARNESS H Full Lino Heavy WorK Horness, Fancy Drlvlnjt HnrnesBJ COLLARS, WHIPS, flnltcrs, 0tc lUc B. s. LARKIN MADRAS, ORB. I A. L PETERSEN I ANTELOPE, ORE00N ! Watchmaker : id Jeweler! one Icweltv of all kindi made to or der and repaired. Setting lor Precious Stonei made. t FinST-CLASS WORK CUARANTEED J fWall Paperj NEW STOCK-NEW STYLES I PARLOR, INGRAIN & I KITCHEN PAPERS t IFURNITUREj ILOUCKS BROS! t MADRAS, OREGON J t T. B. TUCKER Horseshoeing anil i General Blacksmifhing J WAGON AND PLOW WORK First-Class Wtri GnaraiitecS Lucittal in the old llrmiliH hp AlADRAS, OltUQON & Personal Property HANDLED Y D. W. BARNETT Ofil-e, Room 10, ORE EN HOTEL MADRAS, OREGON HIST OXITH fllE Prince Corbet BAY PERCHERON STALLION Will make the season until July 20, as followBt Madras, Mondays, Thura and 8atardaysj Voazia & Brown Banch, Tuesdays and Wednesdays At Homo Eanoli, Pridays. TEEMSS5 single eervioej $10 seasonj w ltuure ooit on loot, $15, PETER MARHACH, OWNER Plow Repairing, Wagon Work. A Specialty Of HORSESHOEING W. B. CHILDERS (Pormerly The MclU.ROV SHOP) MADRAS, OREGON Not Cool Land LJ OMKlsAD. Notice for Publli a 1 Hon, Department of the Interior, U S Land OlileeatThe Dalles, Oregon, Moroli 19, 1009. Notice N hereby given that LEWI IS, HAICBR, of Miidrae, Oregon, who, on Novonw "ur W'2 ,n,,,,, Homestead Kniry C8,r,al N" -osl No. 11082, for seo lu.Ji 1 s w m, Kms fileirnotlce of Intention to make FARliS, LOTs! l I Rlacksmitliing dual (lveyear proof, to establish claim lo (lie land above dcxarlbod be. f'r HoWard W. Turnen Unltnl States Commissioner, al his (1fflt!e at Matlms. On-iton, on Lbo Soth duy of April, 1009. Clalihuiit names as witnesses; H'trry W Gani, Sufntiel Haberslloh, Thomas U Ttickt-r, Don P Rea, ail of Madras, Oregon, CUV MUoltM. liejililur UUM.NI ENCING Saturday, April 24, I will sell at Publlo aJ AH my lines except Hart ware ana implements. A-VVI J LAIBII ViiC uiusi p;o ad otner lines. Sale Begins 10 A. IW. I A. C. San for MADRAS, OREGON ruJ w u RPVMni no a . ... Y7t7mi7D TCr?Ti Ii ll U . I .III .1 1. -r It .... do it yourself the County will do it for you wvd co'leel cost. ir Now if you will store ana buy some ol those Wfcfcufcrf rfc and put them in your harrow, you can destroy all w and cultivate your Summer-fallow at the same tunc J5" Shipment due the 1 7th. luotet Maxaslnq Teri th xtnitt el tbli fW ' of tb year rcvicv or ncviEW3 , $3.ooi ALL sunsct magazine: .... 1" woman's Home companion um uu i i.i-u. uimt.ted In four eolon wltft ir mr uiin vnur rrncr. mswuitu r,w- " ' SUNSET MAGAZINE A?X jffiL Jt72. jCTV. jvTw jtAi ifTV vTV mTh iiV JT. Jf7KJlT.&3k&jfy& New Spring Gojj We have Just receled our Spring DRY GOODS, Waistings. Embroideries, T rr Krr..' a " m rLfB Also new line of upi li ly vvairvmw , jrt w-m SIS r I U I K I I I I f V' Call and get your choice before the line is broken h k hn 1 i a VIHf IlirlS I IAU1WK W( bit tVSWM ill alitf HIWflilMiMiMli VwWlr1Pf!npii'' Hi! MIU K 9 I For Sale By SAM Madras IMWl mil klAfltA A.C