, - ,. -r, - -enrr .eato Ml 1 lie naaras riuiicc ... ... j . t m" . -r .- .. . . . .1 .Ji i . I, . .. i i j 1 , i ,m ' 77 iiiinii inr hm mwn nn ifcMtn i . - MADRAS, CROOK COUNTY OREGON. THUGSDAti. APRIfc 2i JB08. NO. P 1 I ADRAS LIVERY GOOD RIGS. GOOD TEAMS W. LIVINGSTON, Prop. I. lUXtlTO.fi k II. Fjiifticii; fylcb-Prts. J. 0. Fowme, Celir. t : : SHANIKO, OREGON t EASTERN OREGON Banking Co FOREIGN EXCHANGE I0UCHT AND SOLO DRAFTS ON ALL PARTS OF THE WOULD it . . Deposits, $250,000 AJL A W W W W VWV W W W W WWW WW WW W W W W W w Y - - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JjOWARD V. TURNER U. S. COMMISSIONER NOTARY PUBLI6 RIGHT-OF-WAY UP DESCHUTES GRANTED MADKAS 0, 0. COLLVER NOTARY PUBLIC Jnstlco of thd Ponco CUlVKIl I'HK!KCT Maps Approved And Ob stacles TO Road Removed CULVER If. BNOOJC PHYSlGiAU SRGEDK Office in Drue Store. oregon OFFICIALS SAY WORK . WILL COMMENCE SOON MADKAS OKE00N MAX LUEDDEMANN NOTARY PUlLIC i'lorccr IiullUfng MADRA8 OREGON rout Creek Sawmills ASHWDOD, bRfeGON NOT IN THE TRUST ill miles from Hnyt'rcok ilodgJi Lumber $11.00 per tliottsntld nt sTJ. FlooniiR nml fltiieliliiK lumber $30.00 per thousand. Other ,n-.. i.i.i nun it r r.11.1 f i i ni.' ta I'lOjiuriiun. fuurcsa unu. iv. ijiju, viir.t iHinvo'ij jregon A. E, CROSBY U.I I I'M HtOI'RlKTOft , t , 11 .1 1 1 Comp eta I.lneol ruK. Mediclneii. Clicrti!cfl!. Kodldiold nefmcdlc. 1rli , Htrjrdinliio !id l'tut Dcntroycfs. SlUrk Vo04 ml Dlpi of nil kind. A I I U'U OltEGON MADRAS MEAT' market JAMES W. HURT, PROPRIETOR Jj H. HANER ABSTRACTER OF TITLES NOTAHV VVGUO Plte Iniinrnnce, Wfd Ifturnce, 8urefrHond HelKitat, Conrdynholdg J'UINEVirXE, OKEOON NO. 3851 The First . National Bank OF PR I NEVILLE, OREGON II. r, Ai.r.rK( Prenldenti Will, Wubwilir Vice I'rt'i II. OMbHiU, Alii. CMlilcr. ESTABLISHED 1888 Cnpllnl, Hurplun nd Undivided $100,000.00 I'roflU ! A. M. WILLIAMS & CU. f rabk To Bh hklacll Uibf W GoVSrii'- ' rrlent HoVlVe Irrigation -Tro , . jeetHarrlfnah Aeatl , Accept Terrhs A (Hepatch from Wflsliihgtori gays Hint the implication of tbe H-arriman railroad for ft right-of-way up the Des chutes canyon will be approved by 8ec retary'Uallinger in a few daya subject to a stipulation that the railroad com pany shall later raise its grade eo as to allow the river to be dammed at certain paints, if the government shall decide to go ahead with its irrigation project. ThiB stipulation has been agreed to by Iie liarriman interests. The dispatch states further that there is no materinltcoti flict between the Deschutes Railroad and the Oregon Trunk Line, both of Which npplied for righta-of-way through the canyon, and that as soon as the rou tine handling of the applications caii be completed they will be appr.oved by the Secretary. Secretary Ballfngei' states that the reclamation project for which the government desired to Use the power of the UeschUtes river lias not been abandoned, but that ia not the intention to enter Immediately upon.lta construction'. The nonrdval the Di'Echiites GOVERNMENT UE8 TO REGOVER LAND of DEAlKiia lit Dry Goods, Clothing, Furnishing Goods i-o-: nooTa AND BlIOEfl IIAT8 ANt) OAl'B THE DALLES OHECOH List pur property ' rv - . KtbH AND CURED MEATS Fish, Vegetables and Country Produce GON VAN TASSEL LAND CO, We Inwo mi re buyers (bun wp have land fur snle ORA VAN TASSEL, Alanajjer Madras, Oregon The Pioneer kIvpb you the borne ami county news and keeps you hi touch with ynur surroundings. SUbccrlbe for It. i'rleo $1.60 per year. 1 1Mli l l Ml III 0 1 . . -1 .'. . "'" 1,111 1 T ROBINSON'S BIG STORE! 1 ct.iiiiii..h..i...iWwiW..- tmmit,Mi,n,rjtmnmmXMm mmmm in n Line Just Received FOR MEN, WOMEN AND- CHILDREN suMmer shoes STRAW HATS i -tf 1 1 jii .. tbtj riKUof-way.fbr road remoyca the Ia?t serious obstacle" td tile construction of the liarriman railroad into Central Ore gon, and ilnally disposes of tbe question as' to which roUle will be followed. General Manager O'Brien and Chief En gineer Boschko of the 0. fl. & N. Com pany have stated repeatedly within the last few weefesf that nh soon aa the right-of-way was approved Contracts would be let and the assembling of con struction forces would begin, the engU neering department of the railroad ha' gone ahead with the prepnratioh of its plans nnd specifications' for the con struction of the Deschutes row. and doubtless tliia evidence of cood faith on the pan Of the, railroad colnpany'luid mijch influence in eccuilhg. the prouipL "I'prpvaiot lie,rlght-of.Wtty fllapB after ineinvestlpatioh was.inade Tho filial surveys have all been inadei the prt-linx4 lmviy (letaila nave been woi kisl nm. nml it is stated by the, railroad ofOeials. that .i. . ". r uiu imuiB are aii...reauy to suUinlt fof- uuia on me construction work. A few slight obstaclbs.to tUo construe- uon oi mo roail reluain td.bo dioMBetl u, uuv it is noi ue neve t .that nnv n these will cahse seriotiB delriy. At se. eral pf.ihts along the river there is con flict between the surveys of the Dea. clAitcs rood and the Oregon Trunk Line. inn mo aispatcn Says that tlieso are not material, and in any event the Dps etiutes road could utlliiio tho rll..nr.. way oi mo other lino under the Canvon xnconiyouier ohstacles are nri vate power and Iiiigation projects, but u is noi uoiieveu tluit the railroad chm pnliy will liavo any dimcnltv uiu u eeuiemeni Willi theili. Beveral Weeks O'Bricu stated Chnrcihc fraud on tlie part df tho eh tj I J , m T , trymeji, the government ,tlroiigh U. S. Aflnmov MrHoiirt. hflH tirousht Bllitlin the federal court nt Portland to refover land acquired under four homestead en tries for which patents were issued in lDOi. In each of the cases tho entry- men are accused of actlrig as dummies for tfib owners of the land, and a vigor oua effort will bo made to restore tho land enibfaccd in these entries to the public dtiniain. Among those involved in the com plaints is Jacob Kasser a Crook county stockman residing on Cherry Creek, kaeser was the stockman who gave If." Thomai, a bogus peclal agent, a check for.lUOO to "quiet" the title to biff land, apd before the check was presented for payment, notified the bank not to pay it, and then caused Thpmas to be ar rested. Thomas is now under sentence to lg months at McNeil's Island.' It was prObabiy due to this transaction that the. government investigated the title to. the Kaseer land, and tbe suit (o annul the patents is the result. JUDGE BEAN GETS - FEDERAL JUDGESHIP Judge ftobcrt B. Bean of tho State Supreme Court has been appointed United States District Judge for Oregon, his appointment having been sent to the Senate hy President Taft last Thursday This appointment is for the new federal judgeship for Oregoni created br the last session of Congress, There Had been a demand from Eastern Oregon for a new federal district) but Congress in stead of creating a hew district granted an 'additional judge. Ex-Senator Ful ton was an applicant for appointment to the new judgeship but was not named because tif the many protests filed, and Judge Bean. Who had the endorsement ui mtf iuuiinoiuan uar, was men nameu ITEMS FROM OUR EXCHANGES I 1 . e carry a full line bf General Merchandise and FARMER'S SUPPLIES ... i . . t n , i 1 taken for trade ami in aceourit at 98c per bushel until May J. C. & M. A. ffOBINSON GENERAL .. MERCHANtS 1 ago Oenural Mahaoer that it wan the ifatentlmi of tho Harrlinan Ihtereste tb pot a large .uruuo, men in me Held and construct me line Willi all possible speed; as ebon as the liulit-of.wnv wn ni..i Pending the Si tllulutnt of thn Hirhtihf. way difllultles in tho ennvtim neeotin. .1-..-. tr i . . . - ---o - moiib iar ngni. ai tray dter thh fnlnnl. dcrof thfa Uho lmvo been whAr -l. tll0 fe,a'eda wefo asked nntiui, canyon, rijatfer was disposed of, Th rlBllt-oN.way ageht of the 0, It. A.N Pflinpany, haft interviewed most hf , P.wixef s, of Inhd through which the lino pnssop, aid he stated whll In t,i.-h several weeks ago that eVfe'Miiing wn8 n readicss ty tr0B0 up th negW,R. soon a ,)0tice halved from W nlliltigtoli df tho abhroval m niops. Tho Desbhlttea ll.il! legal riamo of thn Tt..fci..j i .... "wi"H line, is projected from tho Iriduth dl tho Jjel chutes river to ltedmond. ri nie. 130 miles. It loavoH thn it.i..,- ..... Plains, country d on South At mond by way of Trail Ornju,i New Court House About Ready Princvillp Journal Crook county's new court house will be ready to turli over td the couniy on May 1. It Is passible that the May term of circuit court will bo held in the new building. Contractor -Shipp says that al of the interior work is now practi cally finished, and so is tbe outside witl the exception of installing the pillars on the porches. curing me past week the concrete work In tho vaults and in tho oorcl floors tfas pnt in, the plumbing ia nbont linisheil and the painters and finishers are putting oh the final touches, A gjeat improvement has been.mn.de in iqe apijearan.ee .of Jhe fquare, by, re. he inboU,t; t moving uie ttfiba except those margin o.tlia Vai Tiie yard i9 being bcnvilfedlli anti tho water pipes mr irrigating tho lawn nro being laid. It will qnlr be n short time until the courthouse is sUrroUnded by a fltld laWn. The big clock now keeps time as steady as the sun lho new furniture tor tho, several of- ncea will not Arrive until libout Julv. J.ne lurnlturo for thn mirt. rm ...tn not be purchased this year aa there are noinndson hand for" tho nurnoao nnd the county court does not seo fit to incur any Indebtedness at this time. As soon as the lunds are available this hand BoniQ.room Will bo nrmronrintpiv fi nished, and, in thb, toeantimo thnnW Dencnes, tablea and desks wjll here suuneu amf made td serto the needs temporarily, . . ,-,,r, ,1- .,. " Mti Hfibd AtiandoHdd fdrllnhd telegram It id liecdliilii iiioro . ,1... . v u..y inaitiia ptdiUotera of the Alount UIki xtauway & Power Company have abafiddiled their project alto.THU,nr t.. fui.j uuvicea nracticnllv tn n.,.t rf... 1 . ,, . "tV UUWl 7B .eeu ricelved by Ideal financial Interests which were in in lili...... interest in the promotion of tho tract tion ami power scheme. It is under stood lint thb 0!rkca, of 1.08 Angeles, whd rtro supposed td have furnished whitteVer ainews df war hnvn" so fa, hate notified these Portland in. terests that nothing Inhrn u-nnlil l. .1 i by illtni toward develdplng their righto m Kunming n road, 1 w i . " u. ..rues wanting, in ihrlnp u.u,,. to mm on i,x.,hV.,&. .?.: :;..: i . . T"'"" "ur will hUBe bring Bama.b'DrdrA ti,u L i 1000. aa wn,tll abut dowp" about PHrtle3 HEW HOTEL BUILDIKG OOH FOjf MAPJSAS' J. W. Llvlnflton to Erect Now Two " Story Biilldlng tin Hfs Prpp " .- ' brty " - ,1. W. tivihgston has -decided to put up a new hotel building in Madras, anir will begin at oncu on the construction? of a buildihg' for that purpose, 30 by 70 feet in dimensions. Tbe new hotel will be built on the corner just North of tho Green Hotel, on property Mr. Living ston bought several years ago from A; W. Boyce. tho old building Which is nt.;. present-located on tho ground is bcjng movedeome distance West of its pros', ent location, to make room for the new building. Lumber for tho new hotel baa already been ordered and wl aoorl be on the ground. The new building wjli cpflsist df Iwf : stories, nnd ill be 80 by 70 feet In di mensionS) and will be eo rarjged that . an "li0 can be added later wheii tleeed The lower floor Will contain an office" 30x510 feet in size, the" remainder" of the lower floor being utilized for (th& dining room and kitchen. Mr. Livingston says that when the new building 'Is com4 pleted hff expects td ,have a moddriily arranged and np-to,-dato hostelry. VorJc', will be begun at 'once, and the bnilditig will be hurried to completion as rapidly aa possible. There is considerable, travel . through Madras ndW and tills is expect ' ed to bd greatly increased, when thd , Central Oregon railroad Btart9 construe1 tion, and the new hotel will be require! to take care of tbe traveling public. -V!i 7'-, si t , . t mi ? I INSTRUCTIONS ANENT ' !15 320-ABR HOMESTEAD The following letter to Registers ami Recehjrs o' local, land offices will be of ;: interest to a number df people in this section f Gerttlemeji i it b& been brought td . the attention of this office that in cer tain bffices applications for entry under he enlarged homestead act of February 19, 11)09, Public No. SIS, ate1 being rej, T" ccived and. eiispehded. Thb following ? instructions are issued eo that no rnis;" y, understanding may esiat as to the rightl '. : pf sdeh applicants. - ? 1 " The iqstfttctions uilder lhii act have been approved but have not as Vet beeii printed lor distribution. The "said in ' . structionej however,' contain the follow- ' inni "Frohi tifaie to tirpe Hsfs dbslcrjatinc , , the lands which are sbbfect to entrv ' 1 under this act wjlt bo sent tovoiu and " Imnlediateli- upon receipt tif such listk, , j-ou win note upon the tract books oppo site the tracts so designated, "Designate 1 i, Act February 10. IfflW .Until siiclf , HetR have been received, in vonr ofilco; . 1 no application, tp. entr ehbhiil b& reX - ceived and nd ebtfiek nltowwl nhiiolk this net." otl are, thettfproi dlrfccted that nnv applicatldns. under 4aia,.hcU.fbr" lanllij' rJ not listed, should KB iriihedtate ' ': jectcd nnd the partlnS notifletl that they;n will gain no rigi by the filing of sqch applications or by appeal from there- ection thereof. ; No rights whatever cab be acbuired under said act. either hi? Hhh1iHiti.n a setttemeht; prior to the time thUliaia are received in the local land office. Very respectfully, FRED DENNETT, , Commissioner. 4: ( SETTLERS COMING BY THE THOUSANDS During the first month of thn Rn.i.,.. colonlisatioh movement tn Mm pn.si Northvveat all previous, t-pv-nMi ..i invt been broken, hi thb tiumUei' -of flew eet tlera coming (0 Oiecoh. iififl luk hnrru mad hne alpno have .t!& year carrieti, twice aa maby colunlita in the first foml Weeks as thoy did ln.,n cofmannndin period last year. , Froih figiirea gath ered from the Ilarrlmah litieaitis esti mated that by the .end.hf Ar.rti i. ' will havu brought Into Oregon, Wash, Biuu nnH,,Muj h(?ltjrJoft!i .tlmu 45,000 Ait " i' t.o Spring WnwaL uponthesy ' ' A fa' ' flfiuriw k baco, ediciJqu of between !' ' Rt iyjpQ and W.000 nkyi setlcra during tlie ' rfi t-U - iharodf'";'?"-'-' ' a f uewnf !r?t,wa, colonist uiavctiien't. is shown by thb fac that, more.tlmn Eif Pot e df Ihb tickets 8old to the H n .vrvzon. K'efv ..,.i,...i...!fc lown we cannot title ). .1 m QbM,.i58rorn)ur:. .uf, ,T, f