The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, April 15, 1909, Image 3

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    Get Rid of Spring Humors
or offoto manors sccumuintea in uio blood during tho winter
such disfiguring and painful troubles as bolls, nimnlcB.
'Tiber eruptions, also weakness, loss of appetite, that tired fooling.
"!.,, Mt medicine to take Is Hood's Snrsaparllla, which thoroughly
tbo blood, and effects permanent euros by giving healthy func-
. i activity to tho stomach, liver, kldnoys, bowels and 'skin,
good' Sftrsaparllla effects its wonderful cures, not simply because it
in sarsnpnrilla, but because it combines tho utmost remedial values
.t on Hffnront intrrodlents. eacli irrofltlv nl
. .i.i. ..ii(llfir combination, Theso innrndinnfa nr it,n
? that successful physicianB prescribe for tho samo diseases and ail.
f, Tlioro is no real substituto lor Wood's Sarsapanlla. If urged to
i ny preparation said to bo "just as good," yon may bo suro it is jn
! V costs less to mak'e, tind yields tho dealer a larger profit.
Begin taking Hood's Sarsaparilla today, in tho usual liquid form or in
dilated tablets known as 6arBatabs. 100 Doses One Dollar.
. ....... tlnrertnln About JroU.
I. (hero's ono thing nbont
',crf..ii You slwnys know whero to
... Tht SO.
y0 ltr wncn
: titinMO OIIININ1!. Look
!?urs of E. W. OROVH. Used tho
'!, the Tronblo Was,
j... wh don't you make up your
JTnt and settle down?" .
- " ,Ji t t,..nt nit!( CfOt LT(la. fl
mo, uj, jv w
for Infants and uimaren.
KM You Have Always Btueht
Llmlled Anililllon.
ifKni Bay, Ilorus, II you erpfct as
.l u iA Atia nf Hi fnrMnMlw
Rami I don't, I'd w auallctl to be
wel; on of the six bent.
For Farms in tho Northwest
from people who aro on tho way
mm hn Knot nnrl MiiMIn V..a-
tnd can place you in touch with
buyers with money.
Ut ns hear what you havo for sale
420 Lumber Exchange UuMng
is is ii nncrBi
It Will
ii !? . ,vr o uio rai u wool
II Suits crer pnxluenl. Made to can-
Y' rouMmtilcn. mciuurwiMit blanks.
JbKiUlr tuarantfo my la, fit and work
auuiiporxoMr moner back.
Salem Woolen Mills
i arecuton lanjff
patterns. desland
,,tne utmost comfort
AJTatt ( tOlTM.UIA.
No IlnulM,
lllri ni
itiiw iiraraic, may I r-7-call on
"No, Indeed, Ir; you hnve known me
sir monthH, and you'ro now ncnt mo a
picturo postcard."
One on Undo lllrura.
City NlecoWell, Unclo Hlrnm, how
did you enjoy tbo tea with the slices of
lemon In It?
Unclo Hlram-tfea? Gosh, pall I
thought that was puro out-and-out cir
cus lomonado.
In Scnrch of Informndou.
Pcto de flckpockct Wot ye lookla t
that paper fur?
Watty do Winder SmasherI Tfant to
And out whutlidr them dl'monds I lifted
out o' that plato class front las' night is
wuth $5 or ?.",000. Chicago Tribune.
Sad Ce.
"I never was so shocked In my life,'
said Mrs. Lapsllnir. "Pcarley Winter
ferecn is trying to set a divorce from hej
hutband, she says she has found our
that they made a mistake when they wen
married; he Isn't her real Inflnlllve."
Tho octopus appetite clamored for pulp
uver tne rountry ue hungrily strode.
Ht swallowed a forest or two at a gulp
And picked his teeth with the fork
of the road.
Chlcsjo Tribune.
Titers Aro Exceptions.
Borne necessary things, you'll note.
Can never be done by rule.
You can't learn how to milk a roat
At a correspondence school.
Losing; JVo Opportunity.
"Jtfow that we're to be under civil ser.
vice," said the crossroads postmaster.
'and I may have to tako an examination
some day, I'd better be Hlckinc uo nil
the information I can."
Tliercuhon he proceeded to read all th
postal cards. Chicago Tribune.
What Could She Dof
The Young Man I wish to thank
you, air, for giving mo your assistance
In persuading your daughter to marry
Tho Old Man Sir, I waa violently
opjwscd to tho mntcli.
Tho Young Man I know It Cleve
land Leader.
Iff mm
n rn Unur Uln I "J
u mi sunns bmrsi
" w iivui IffUH 1
d P,.c!r?Pho'!?-"A New. Scientific
Art h..f ",Tnuon tor Ihoie vvii
rWottC7J,''ffW?.,.w oliS it
i ot
va lor liv.
ronu TliUriftwfn.
roiiiiona kt horn.
inuaumauy im
urinui nana rortln
w.ioritftiiM l
iio flnhlnlsotloii
i one compUli
flu U m d omx nj
tun, wb,i ior
rurtnut nm for
tlfctory lirnrln
the one comiiUlnlr
unnofCMitry uoh iin
una ul
la n tiny (ilootrlo tel.
PQOIiaj llit nil ou
the pur, iiml whlcU,
lli lntnt It l ki.
Wlod, nm-'nlflri tho
ouml wavet la iuoIi
llbtlr. oluimr an
frtxiutmtly hurnitul
parlcoa trurupun,
noma, tuliea, -r
annua, (una, t . Jl
finlMM., ..I
iti7h ,",,frOlaMM MionUhlns, In'
BIO ' i;V."i UUl ntca UMt. i-t .
ml It ta 1 1 .J.Vi?J".V. "i
a Uro.
'MiLTfJPbl''oofflno or prtlou.
K!,SS!rs,wBiW ndPllft of
HiT;,r?' t 0111,1a
''Uffl'KlJ.,,llPluilnd. Tntnn'tn
W.UH , K
llo Uzplnlna.
"Why is It, professor," asked the young
man with the bad eye, "that when Chris
topher Columbus discovered this country
ho didn't settle down and stay here?"
"Doubtless you are aware, my young
friend," answered tho professor, "that the
Spanish form of his name was Chrlstoval
"Yes. slr.
"Well, a colon does not mean a full
stop. We will return now, young gentle
men, to the consideration of tht lesson."
Chicago Tribune.
MU Claim io DlaUnotlosu
The rising statesman on his wedding
tour was revisiting the scenes of his
"This, my dear," he said to his bride,
"Is the old homestead where I was bom,
Do you eco that ancient log cabin?"
"You have no idea what strange emo
tions All me when I look at that little
cabin, Myrtllla. I I wasn't born in it,
you know."
tun as Hkttn ot Tree Trunks In si
Lnke. JVovr n Metropolis,
The story of tho founding of tho City
of Mexico Is ono of tho most extraor
dinary tali's lit history. It happened
In 3825, at least it began a long titno
bwforo that, but was an accomplished
fact about (X)0 years ago,
In tho first place, says the Itosary
Mitgay.lne, imagine nil almost Inacces
sible mountain, crowned with n valley
at tho height of 8,000 feet above the
level of the sen. In tho center of thW
valley wntf nn immense lake When tht
Aztecs arrived, led by tho priests of
tho god r,t war, they found it In the
poKHCBslon of hostllo tribes.
For that reason and . because tho
priests declared that In a certain part
of lUo lnho whero boro stood nn do-
rntlou of stones nn eagle had been scon
devouring a serpent, they began the
construction of tho city on the Spot, Im-
mediately over the deepest wntera of
the lake. There had long existed a
prophecy among tho Aztecs that their
wanderings would end when they
should have reached a place whero the
priests would behold an engJe restln;
oji a cactus plant devouring a serpent.
Confident that they had found the
spot ordained to bo their abiding homo,
thoy began to constVupt rafts of the
trunks of trees, covering them with
thick lnyers of earth, upon which they
built rude huts of more or less nolldlty.
Croups of dwellings soon began to form
themselves hi regular order, thus de
termining the primitive streets of the
new city.
They also constructed boats and oars
of different sizes, useful In peace and
war, and, while certain of their num
ber occupied themselves in dofendlnjj
their homes and brethren from tho on
slaughts of hostile tribes, others con
tinued to Improve nnd enlarge the new
city. Gradually the lako was filled up
una terraces arose, ono after another,
lu tho plnco once occupied by the deep
This was in itself a herculean labor,
unsurpassed in Ingenuity and durability
by any similar work of ancient or mod-
tin times. Upon tho first of theso ter
races was constructed tho Teocalll, or
flacrlllcial temple. It was begun in 1210
and not completed until 1825, a period
of 109 years, from which time may be
dated tho official foundation of Tenoch-
tltlan, to-day the modern city of Mex
oxOfoe bowels; ceawscs
fts system G$ecucxy ;
assvste oWveiovexcomwi
To geVvfe bewei(ci .
O MANurMrruorD ny the
Fig Syrup Co.
Deep Hem, Amenities,
The shark waa reviling the skate.
"You're such a cheap ono!" said
"Worse than that," sighed the skate
"I've even been accused of being a dla
tant relative of yours."
Which the listening lobsters, being
merely lobsters, considered fairly good
repartee for that locality. Chicago Trib
Hi Usanl Ilcsouroe,
The Muntoburns, who had been Invited
to tho fashlonablo wedding, were late In
"I am sorry," said the usher at the
door, "but every seat in the church is
"That means, of course," irritably an
swered Mr. Muntoburn, "that "I'vo got
to hustle out and buy five tickets from
some scalper I" Chicago Tribune.
IVHllnir to Oblige.
Cook Lady (at intelligence offlco)
Before I ongago with you I'd like to
nsk a fow questions. How many serv
ants do you'keop?
Tho Woman Two.
Cook Lady Whero do you 11 va?
Tho Woman (meekly) Oh, that
doesn't mattor, Wo aro willing to
inovo nnywhero you want to go.
Nnthlnur I)eft"nlte.
The detective was trying to get a clew.
"When your husband left you," he
said, "did he drop any Intimation as to
where be might be going c
"No, sir," answered the sharp cninnea,
thin lipped woman. "All ho said was
that he wanted to get away, that he was
going to get away, and he didn't care a
dura where he went." Chicago Tribune.
A fliTorina uied the some ss lemon or vsnlllt.
I)y dluolvinir KTSDulsted sugar in water and
addlnc Maplclne. a delicious .yrupUmadeand
a syrup better than maple. m Mapletpf is told by
grows, It not send 'J5c for 3 ox, bottle and
recipe book. Cratcsnt Ms. Co., Seattle, Wsu
aiexfco's Ji'evr niscoverleo.
rt. r m .
xavt ucograpnicnt commission ap
pointed seven yenra ago to map the
towns of (Mexico has reported the dis
covery of 7,670 towns which were not
oflicinlly known to exist and were sur-
Ject to no Federal control. While some
of thcso places range from 5,000 to
15,000, population, most of them are
presumably small vlllnges.
A Mexican hill village, few of whose
people can read or write, might easily
exist for years happily unconscious
that it was living under any govern
ment at all. A mule path over a pass
connects the Tillage sufficiently with
tho outside world. The sun shines, tho
crops grow, wants are few, the old In
dian tribal customs furnish nil tho
needed law, nnd having no history, tho
land is hnppy.
'mero aro disadvantages in helng
named, catalogued and put on the map.
Theso 7,070 idyllic towns will now be
lnvadod by drummers, phonographs,
fancy waistcoats, automobiles, lawyers,
corn doctors, book agents. Snlome
dancers, penny arcades, handbooks. on
etiquette and politics nnd there will bo
no plnco left where tho simple llfo
may bo led. These geographers have
tuuca io answer ior.
An estimate by the geological survey
places the country's production of Port
land cement in 1008 at 40,000,000 barrels,
a Uecrcaso irom iwt oi neany yssr
T . - I , i . . i .. .. l.a .
in case oi acciuum:?, cum, wuuimn. uumo,
scalds, sprains, bruises, etc., nothing will
so qtilok) v tiike awav nil pain and soreness
as Uamllns Wizard Oil.
TjRsatUfled Z,OBvIar.
"I've often thought," Mrs. Lapsling
was saying, "I should love to see that
wonderful atmospheric freenomenon they
call the garage In the desert."
Votkra will find Mrs. Wlnslow Boothia
Syrup tho best remedy to nso lor their coUdwa
during the teething period.
About 75,000 fox skins are sold out of
Maine every year. Very few of the sly
animals aro shot. Many are killed by the
us? of poisoned bait, while hundreds are
killed In drives.
Pettit's Eye Salve for 25c
relieves tired or overworeed eyes,
stops eyo aches, congested, inflamed
or sore eyes. All druggists or Howard
Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.
1st Vacatloa Time.
"Are you familiar with "The Man
Without a Country?" asked the student
of English literature.
"No," replied the pretty summer girl.
"but I am familiar with the country
Without a man." LI fa-
Tlw Girl (pasain her fair -ver
lib fcrew) There, Arthur 1 Hava I
charmed your headache away7
Arthur You have, dear I You're y
watch Uazclf
PA SCO OINTMENT Is cusrantocd to core snr
ease of Itchlnsr. Blind, Bleeding: or Protruding
Piles In 6 to 14 drs or money refunded. fcOc
The 1'roleuaor.
Tho Doctor I can't help feeling sorry
for my friend Iluddlcford. Ho owned
Quite nn extensive chain of golf parks,
and he's Just gone Into bankruptcy.
The Professor I see; his chain was no
stronger than his weakest links, Chicago
Tribune. .
CIT t- Vltaa" Dance aoa orrona Jrm
rll3n.nUr ear4 try Dr. I: AM '0'JJ".g?:
rtorer. Bond lor 7MS SJ.00 trtal botll and
tjCu. Kline. W., 831 Arch Bt PhlladalphU, fa-
Amateur Dramatist Well, you've seen
my ploy. Tell roc what you think of It.
Dramatic Critic I will. I'll give you
some straight talk.
. Amateur Dramatist Straight talk?
Great Scott I Aro yoa going to draw
the deadly parallel on mo?
Tor Craw I 1 W
"I was troubled with cramp in th
stomach for six years. I triad many
kinds of medicine, also waa treat
by three doctors.
"The satd that I had nervous if
pepsla, I took tho mcdlclntvfor tw
years, then I got sick again nd gav
up all hopes of getting cured
"I saw a testimonial of a man whoa
case Was similar to mind, befnff cured
by Peruna, so thought I would give II
a trial I procured a bottlo at once,
and commenced taking It.
! havo taken nineteen bottles, and
am entirely cured.. I beltovo Porun
Is all that la claimed for Mra. d.
C. Jamison, 01 Marchant 8t Watson.
Uo, 16-09
WHEW tfrlHnir to mlvr
mention this pnper.
to ndvariiserfj pleass
rvn.iu.HU, (ike.
Plnfc Eye, Fplzeotk,
Shipping Fever
and Catarrhal fever
Snro euro and positive preventive. BO matter how horses o t any as
are Infected or "expod." liquid, ssirta on tha tangve: orU cn th
Bxxl and Glands, cipeU tho potsonons grerms Iran the body. Cares B is
temper in Dossand Bhcep and Cholera In Poultry. Iarxft semnsrHv
stoclc remedy. Cores La Grippo among human bcfaij nnd W a fine Kid'
ney remedy. COc and SI a bottle; 5 and $10 a dozen. CatthUont, ev.
It. Show to your drueltt. whowlllKetlt or yoa. Frco Booklet. JDto
temper. Canct and Cures." Special affents wanted.
Vs' i - - '
Get it from
your Grocr
bs. fcs
Canton Flows, Harrows
Planters, Listers, Cultivators
Stalk Cutters, Potato Diggers
Beet Implements, Carts
Garden Tools, &c
67 Years of "Kncwcg How" Hamraerai
Into Etoy ot Ibea.
Over 1490 DifTcrept Styles and, Sizes, t
meet all conditions In all kinds ol soil. Note
for Strength. Simplicity and Easts oi Oceratioa.
Vo aro tbo originators ol manr oi tho best
known Implements madc,aod tho cxclasKo fcat
Tea are protected by patents. When job pay oat
yeer money gsttbeksst. Eipcrimcnts are espcariT.
Insist on getting- 3?. A. O. implements from your 3eW.
A natif Ifnllv 111nfra,m4 Pimnhu, P If TI Pitalur.
H1 be mailed frea oa request. Remember P. & P. Canton Implements bare been la tho load Isc
over two-thirds ot a century and aro backed by an naqaalified guarantee. AskSsrCstsisg Ks.,194
Pariin ft Orendorff Co., Canton, III,
PACIFIC IMPLEMENT CO., Seneral Agents, Saa FraaclsM.
B. HAYMAN, Agent, Les Aneeles.
Color mora sroadatMivhtiir nnrf futi. . . mM mmaam nssr
colors slUtwool and cotton equally wM
Man Money.
Tho system of atoning for death or
bodily Injuries lnJlictod on others by
pnyliip dnnmges Is ns old as the curli
est Teutonic lnws, praised by Tncltus.
Tho trespasser was always required to
mnko peaeo with tho aggrieved family
of tho victim by "Wer-Geld."
"Wer" is tho ancient German for
man. "Geld,". now, ns In tho dayB of
wotnn, means mouey. s
Damages wero assessed In accord
qnce with tho rank nnd wealth of, tho
njured party, nnd the money was
paid over In tho presenco of tho whole
community, its acceptance forestalling
feuds. Indeed, tho recognition of Wer-
Gold ("money for tho mnn" killed) by
law precluded further bloodshed or
other forms of revenge.
If tho slayer wbh not rich enough to
pay tho required sunt, he turned over
to tho Injured parties his sbna as
slaves. If his sous wero not sufficient
gun rant eo for tho pnymont of tho
debt, tho slayer himself had to turn
bondsman, both tho letter nnd tho
spirit of tho law requiring that the
full nmount of dnmngo Inflicted, be
recovered by tho aggrieved parties.
Now York World.
tiiSajljjiiMB8lSBSBMSSSS. asaarSSaEsSsV
tTfl i
wnon tne announcement was mnrt.
seyoral months ago that Mr. Taft would
uso an automobile during hid term a3
president, much rivalry dovoloped
among tho leading manufacturers for
tho honor of soiling him a car nnrl th
public watched with interest to seo
what Mr. Taf t'a choicb would be. The
D ' 1 . m . . ...
4 IC8raenc " His Family in Their White StM
i rr!n,t!ieir,abors were completed,
tho ofilciala reported unanimously to
HMvoroi xne White, and,
accordingly, a car of this make waa im'
mediately ordered from tho manufac
World' Mont ConUy Garment,
Tho most wonderful, costly and mag
nificent garment In the world is. tho knowlntr ones nrrl.Vt w v. ,1
Oucen ot Slnm's Etntn mnuHo ivhU Cf.nn,n.' ,f CT " " io
" utuuiuui nuuiu uo soiectea and thriv i "j v uv nine n
sho wears only about onco a year. pointed out that Preal.w ... L ,naa b0?n 'n almost constant uao. The
It Is literally covered with diamonds. ad used Whito Rtnnma I.ZZ ... I na3 not ben a day when tho nrB?rif
turere, Tho White Company of Clevo-
The new car wm ni;.,n.,i r
Taft in Washington a fow daya before
hia inauguration and aince that time it
cmornlds, rubles and sapphires In fact, at hia summer home at OyBter Bay and
with almost, orcry known precious had recommended this make to Mr
inic aa uio most desirable.
If it woro nossiblo for It to come intn This prediction nroeArl i
tho market It would nrobablv brine? though Mr. Taft did not ri "
Bomothlng In tho neighborhood of $5,. Mr, Iloosevolt'a recommendation buL
000.000. with hia usual thoroutrhn
od to have an investigation mart f oi,
OooA VooA tor Stock. the principal makes.
Do you think alfalfa muffins could asked Mveral officers of iho wf, j.
be nppotizin,, partment to look Intn VT ,
"I don't seo why thoy shouldn't be h'ra nd tney tested many rnakea of
to horses and mules," Birmingham car8 visited a number of factorlea bo
Age-Ilernld. , iey might see what materlala
I WflTA tmnrf anrl 42 a t . -
1 1 ' " I I " mw4 CallUa 11I1HI1V. TnfttF ftAMA.7 A. 1 - -""O
II y T Ah n M S. m . a. 1. II a I MJ II ... mr w rf mmm . ww kK nu I JSM 1 I II T r SS Ann 1-1 I
r mu-ov ww iuwj a recoraa oi the different tvnfi 1 Dr ", ' reP'y wo aro
opportunity w do grasps, otter, cars m public conUjta and In nrlvato Tan'La.T- OI catalog. Mr.,
day when th nmnMnnf
ZV0 !ny havo
T.V i i ,it"uul 8runa the nat bn
?L?"U h,?.new car. It ia hinted
v..v. uKea last travelinur and
that when he rides out lnt iE
m0' insist that
tnCl'A,..?wkin.B manager of the Pa-
w.wu urancn oi The Whito Com
paay, 1470 Market street, San Frat
Cisco, aaid recently to a correspondent
of this paper: "We are receiving
many inquiries each day asking for full
wise you may ftud u missing,
1 ASM,, p
I Model
eXBCLlV HlTA a nr. tl
uorwpower White Steam
et except that his car has the United
Mates coat of arms painted on either
door. In other words, when we make
IZ? fS Prosidwnt of the United
States there is no way in which wo can
make it any better than the car whick
fromuB anybody 0l8e' can Pwhase
Mr. Taf t'B car say that although they
TeorLde35uU8 ohing a car like
Mr. Taft's, they are afraid that such a
car is somewhat larger and more x
pensivo than thoy desire. In reply to
nG'on ttt6ra 1 out thBk Model
l0.for Power car is exactly )ik
our 40 horse DOTor mrwli nv,.i.
gards tho size of the different SrJT
The principle of construction is exacUr
the same and the smaller car wmmmZ
all the deairahln nj,oiin V aL9
iTvll 10 0Uler word, I BolRt est
SLJ ,cn Mcuro tdupllclu
J . Taft's car for $4,000, or
of the same qualities but of smaller dN
mensions for only $2,000. Judglnr by
the demand for Whit 8"
best arid most, dsirUe m$ki,'
5 TJ-
it ?