Items Gathered from All parts ol the World, . , PARED FOR THE BUSY READER CALL FOR CONGRESS. Trani-MliilMlppI Commercial Body 10 meet in Denver, Donver, March 23. Secretary Ar- wur a, ITIinciS. 01 tho Trnnn.M gi o. slppi Commercial congress, today Ib flued tho official cnll for th i?nth . nual session of that association, to bo hold In Donvor Autruat lfi tn 91 tn. ciuslvo, of this year. Added Interest attaches to this mcoting from tho fact PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS IN BRIEF RAILWAY DEMONSTRATION. Fvarv afatv Device Knswn Will He ceiv Test at VY.-F. itxpesmon. RettU. March 22. Actual demon- titration of everr railway safety de vice, approved and unaxploited, will be made dally in the transportation uuuu- FRENCH JARIFF ItP irtWiR MfM riiss ManyM emm in Mkn. .. inortflnt but eitlng Hoppon'nK8 ,rom rom" Outtldo tho otato. that President Taft will hn nmonnt n,i ...i n..-.i hij.ii ...ui.u i . . ,....., alm ullu u,lu Uj iiiiBniB-uuiJi. wiuuu bantu take part in tho nrococdlntrn. a rJ.n.. .n i- ui.i ...... u- attendance of ropreflentatiVcs of the been diacuaflimr tho lumber schedule Not Loss Intor- kntln-Amorlcan countries is also ox- when ho was intcrrunted bv tho MIs- K?S i I .?in . i8toc,.os '"tor- sisslpplan, who InBiBted that the lum national rolat ons between this country ber manufacturers, of whom Fordriey - wav Awuuunvu UJL OUULIl un i I fltirrn I tirna nni Im tMtnf Vyiw nnit i 1 - - - . - wp.. ntio ijivy nviu in t uuow x viuuuj ..i.. W. Fairbanks is visiting In urn..". , ythernw""""- F. i-onn of Izalco. Salvador, la las navo uo-'nro. n.Tnwa legislature has voted down tn consequent stimulating commcr K - uraarantoo bill. c al dove opmont in the trons-MiBBls- HWH ---- tho. following questions Twenty-two uoai -1 win como unuer uiscusBlon: 1 . t.w. hflen condemned to doath. National tnfnnn with . cm.u Mxh on. 1 Mandav. March 22. . mx)i ...iw.i i 4 . V - .. T ir-i.i.. i t . on mil. tir-t,l Unrh 99 Thorn torn Inw nnrt vnrrtn or tno AlRBKa-i Uttun-t - fnnw nf lh., tnrtCP .lohnfo (n hn TiniiBn IntrnflllCflfl In tho Benato today 495 bills OlfiC OXPOaitlon, Which Will OpflH OH jvaBrelioved for a timo today by a and four joint resolutions. Heyburn Juno 1 in Heatuo. ..... u rrsinc ! irrCPTCl reintroduced tho dju provjaing zor a xno iransporianwH ' AREMbAn InAuL 1 new executive departmonc to do Known Doing nurriea w coropjMnuu.ouu as tho department of mines. spurs, switches and "Ya" are aay Annuities for ex-presidents and tho laid for tho most complete exemplifica widowsof ex-presidents nro provided tlon of general and special railway In a bill introduced by McCumber. traffic ever attempted on tno grounae Flint intrroduccd 8 bill directing tho or an exposition, secretory of war to establish a line or so deBirous were eastern locomwuvo steamers along tho Atlantic coast builders of taking advantage of reach operated by tho Panama railroad, and ing tho Oriental field through the rao- thintr about It." appropriating $10,000,000 therefor, dium of the Seattle fair, that they pro vided tno major portion oi wio u,uuu one, wcro Y"u -""'"'" uo wwrrcu, accoramg said that Byrd "did not know a damned hi mo oxecuttvo committed. nn1 fhla la u.i xm I -t,fir, .... . . i unuK uuvub tv. uiwiviJiiuwuK a uiscuBsion or questions of a political Opposed to Fordney was Howland of Ho reintroduced the bill appropriating IIBlurv. nrhn wnnlnA iUa, nrrulitof n a fori 1 RRH Iflft in rnfmhllrfln thfl Southern .... I IT .IV IJ.UUUV. m.auwrM w.wv.AWV w w.vhbv - ..nntr.nM . . . . I " m 1 . " . UVDIUUJI IflluoU IIUGBLIOIIH OL ClftflAf frt- I nn tk. rtt,.n annlrn . i . ... . ----- - - i v.. v.iu aavu iidm vviiuin yyi.v lOtlOnS With thn nnilthnrn rnnutillni. I... ti-.. -j r.i. tt. J r " " ... vnllrnnrlu linvn iln. I mill. If.i , " v"o rou m iurin Brouno, anu xnu- AH Middle wpV""V5r" rwerenco 10 tno cany con of Arkansas, both of whom ar- iJed to rcawn. ulo wUWiuvn iu wio r anoma canal and raigncd tho Payne bill for not accom plishing what it was pretended it would do, while Humphroy of Wash ington advocated a tariff on shingles finri himhnit H I rM AMAiinh rr anahiA vnn awonaj aoionso, with Bpcciol rofor- lumber and shingle manufacturers of United State Exports Hard Hit by Proposed New Schedules and Business Men Anxious. Pacific Railroad company for its expen ditures in controlling tho break in tho Colorado river loveo In 1906. Washincton. March 22. Tho tariff Bill held full sway in tho house today. Tho measure was promptly pat before tho body immediately after it convened. Payne of New York, chafgwan of tho British Columbia employing cheap Ori ental labor. c.nntor Dcpow Bays Rooflovolt loved onco to tho needs of tho Pacific coaat his state to compete with those of committee on ways and means, spoke I ."..1 roarinoand tho ncod of eovommnnt tn leavvi a . . . ; . f tostlntr a rifle Jn ,uPDUU?'n nnd maintenance; so 6V'V-; i.i nv.T ...utnk, wwi a iiitiurui resources, ipped with an eloc ric light which Thf8 prom,808 to bj ono of Ieadi quosiions to como bexoro tho b!c aim to uo latiun w wb" . i ..ti i .1 J if..,! oroooBCS to duuu Bureau v" .... . it.. f ..u w twn ana mm uium uti w iiJV - fetr arise. fn the recall election for mayor or Ancre ea. oconre iuinucc nj' ,1 shout 2.000 votes moro that his t competitor. .Ouecn Liliuokollni, of Hawaii, uhmbcen to WoahinKton in tho in u... , , - ... ... UU of her claim against mo gov- gntDt, is hopoful that her et been In vain. Cwtro says ho will start a rovoiu i on arrival In Venezuoia. PbjBlcinrm have abandoned hope of jaTing the mo ox mauomo juoujchku Mrt. Picrro Lorillard, wifo of tho Llatco magnate, committed suicldo in Fuhington, Ctulition in tho Gorman relchstag Is olenand Chancellor von Iiuelow's r is again tottering. Colorado legislature has modi the direct primary measure by licg the convention plan. hta Whitla kidnapers have been in Icted in Ohio, but will bo turned over p Pennsylvania for prosecution. like speaker" of tho Novada houso ac nes the senate of fraud in connection Bith the report on a defunct bank. Porto Rican delegates to congress t 7 tariff has ruined tho coffee industry i that self government is a farce. A Russian woman has been arrested Mo, daring tho past 30 years, has rid PO women of troublesomo husbands. imncciieorEc, 0i sorvia, has re- paced his rights to tho throno, fol- wing nowspaper charges of murder. Carnegie proposes on Anirlo-Amori- la alliance. t.. New York and New Jeraov receive . .. . iiorra meaaures with apathy. (Use of tho severest blizzards of the lr has just swept Oklahoma. line Whitla boy has identified his rinapers and tho house whero ho was conirrpHH. Irrigation and tho reclamation of semi. arid lands will also bo taken un. as will waterway Imnrovoments. dralnncrn of nubmorged lands, scientific dry farm ing, Alaska, soparato statehonod for Now Mexico and Arizona, narcels nost. postal savings banks, insurance, trade relations with Mexico, Central and bouth America. Gulf oorta and tho rail. r,oada, Panama canal, Hawaii, imml gratiop, good roads, sugar beet and cano Industry, Baratarlaand Lafourche, visit has national finance, consular st rvico. STRIKE IS OVER. Paris Postal Employes Sue for Poace and Aro Mot Half Way. Paris, March 23. Tho creot striko of the employes of tho postofllce depart ment, .which virtually has isolated Paris and cut off Franco from commu nication with tho outsido world for tho past week, collapsed today. Tho strike committeo decided to call off tho em ployes and mado tho first move to effect a sottlement, virtually sulnjr for neace. Tho government will meet tho commit teo half way. Representatives of tho linemen called today upon M. Barthou, minister of public works, ostensibly for the purpose of protesting against tho charges that thoy had cut tho wires, but during; tho course of tho Interview they communi- . A M t 9 A . cnica to tno mtnistor tno terms on which tho allied associations collec tively would resume work. Theao wore: First, tho resignation Thursday, March 24. Washington, March 26. Almost ev- ory shado of opinion on tariff revision was represented today on the Payno bill. After a crcncral assault by Un derwood of Alabama, tho bill was de fended by Crumpacker of Indiana, ono of Its framers, who is a pronounced ad vocate of freo raw materials and such tariff on finished products as will fos ter home manufactures without breed ing monopolistic trusts. Then came Shoppard, of Texas, with an attack on the sincerity of tho Republicans in carrying out their revision pledge. Kuestcrmann of Wisconsin, denounced tno countervailing duty on oil as a boon to tho Standard, but Smith of Colorado, and Vrceland of Now York, said this duty was not on the Standard, but on tho producer of crude oil. The bill was called up by Payno im mediately after the body convened, and the debate was opened by Underwood of Alabama, who spoke at length in opposition. Washington, March 25. Senator Chamberlain introduced his first bills today. They provldo for increases in pensions to S16 to survivors of tho In dian war and granting several private pension increases. Senator Bourne in troduced a bill providing for four col- for four hours and ten minutes in ex planation of tho bill. Then, somewhat fatigued, ho suspended until tomorrow. Ho was subjected to a cross nro or questions. Faync, in speaking or tho maximum and minimum features of tho bill, pre dicted that France, Germany and other European countries would hasten so to equalize thoir duties on American pro ducts that they would derive tho bene fit of the minimum rates offered. New Star Field for Flag? Washington, March 26. A now "Old Glory" is proposed in a bill recently introduced by Representative Ansber- ry, of Ohio, to amend the section of the revised statutes which relates to the design of the American flag. A new formation of tho stars is suggest ed. They would bo arranged "in five arcs in combination, the centers of the arcs to bo the apices of a regular pent agon, the radius of the arcs to be equal to one side or the pentagon." As to tho size of tho stars, the bill prescribes that their radius shall be equal to "one- rourth tho distance of the stars from center to center." Provision for add ing new stars for new states might bo made by extending the arcs. . which the construction of tho transpor tation building has cost, in order that the structure should be of ample size for their most complicated illsutrations. Locomotives of all makes and an periods will be exhibited. Everything, from the old "bay burners" of the cot ton belt, to tho big transcontinental mogul will bo shown under full steam. A modern passenger train, eauipped with tho last work in Pullman service, lights, brakes and wireless alarms will bo a daily show. The electric end of transportation will be given as complete exhibition as its rival. A fully equipped modern trolley as well as a new underground trolley, which it is claimed, does away. with all previous objections to tho un derground system, will be displayed in operation. Every known farm vehicle, reapers, stackers, harvesters, plows and all else, even to the harness for tbe horses, will be shown and the big traction harvest ers found working throughout the West, will have a place, with all of their latest improvements. FOOD SUPPLY AFFEC TED. French Telegraph Strike Continues and Famine Threatens. Paris, March 22. The government issued a reassuring statement tonight concerning the striko, in which the sit uation was Baid to be notably improv ed, many of the strikers, especially the telephone girls, having returned to Washington, March 23. Tho atten tion of American manufacturers will not for the next few months be entire ly focused upon the proposed tariff re vision in this country. Franca propose to reviso its tariff, and in the changes to be made the United States is vitally interested. If tho proposed French tariff bill Bbould be enacted into Jaw in its present shape, American trado would be injuriously affected. Some of interesting facts in regard to the new measure are prepared by N. I. Stone, tariff expert of tho de partment of commerce and labor. It is proposed to advance the general rate on canned meats of 20 franca per 100 kilos to 30 francs, an increase of. B0 per cent, leaving the minimum rate of 15 franca unchanged. Under the existing agreement iresfe apples and pears are admitted at the rate of 2 francs per 100 kilos. It I proposed to advance the minimum rate to 5 francs, an increase of 150 per cent, and to increase the general rate from 5 to 8 francs. It is proposed to increase the minimum rate on bops from 30 to 40 francs, and the general from 45 to 60 francs per 100 kilos. Far more numerous sure toe tan If changes on articles which are not af fected by the commercial agreement between France and this country. Among the more important of these, changes the following may be men tioned, the rate being given in francs per 100 kilos: Meat extracts, general rate increased from 40 to 45 francs; cotton seed, now admitted free, to be subject to a duty of 1.50 francs; peanuts, now admitted free, to be subject to a duty of 2.50 Must Prove Necessity. Washington, March 27. Senator Bourne, who is making a strenuous lection districts in Oregon at,Cooa bay, fight to prevent the removal of depart- JST uT-6 t ug y u Yaquina, Astoria and Portland. ment headquarters from Vancouver t?-6 J11 Rnv th nm, sii ;:- fu... u t with the administration of the Work. The strike leaders, on tho oth or hand, were loudly proclaiming war francs, and preserved vegetables, duty iaj mo uui, anu iuccu aid uiBqujciioK increased from 20 to 4 francs. rumors or railroad and other co-opera tive strikes. Disclosures in connection with the strike indicate that the abuses and fa voritism charged have been largely due ASSIGNMENTS ARE GIVEN. Wednesday, March 24, Washington, March 24. Declaring among other things that a mistake was maae in tno royno bill in not arrang ing tho revision on the basis of raising revenue only on every element. Clark of M. Simyan, under secretary of posts of Missouri, the minority leader, held and telegraphs; second, that no em- the attention of the house for moro ploycB should bo dismissed on account of tho strike. They desired also the assurance that tho delegates of tho association hereafter should bo per mitted to Jay their griovancoa directly beioro tho minister of public works. M. Barthou received tho deputation in a conciliatory spirit,. Ho said tho government could not discuss tho resig nation of an official except with parlia ment, but he gavo tho delegation tho satisfaction it domanded on other points. than five hours today in discussincr the measure. Incidentally he pointed out tests filed with the president that much timo would have been saved rowiry 0I war the War department produce proof posi tive oi tneir assertions that tho mili tary interests of the government will be best subserved before he would sanction the change. Senator Bourne is anxious to receive from tho commer cial associations of Portland a com. pleto showing why the change should not be made, to strengthen his nm- and see- in the consideration of the bill had the Democratic members of the committee been consulted about its provisions. Clark spoke in characteristic stylo and frequently moved the house to applause and laughter. At tho conclusion of his remarks he received an ovation from tho Democratic members. Washington, March 24. The tariff Canal Open in 1915 Sure. Washington, March 24.- It dovel- oped today that during a recent con versation between President Taf t and Chairman Goethals, of the Isthmian canal commission, the president ex pressed his desire that the canal be completed by the Fourth of July, 1913. colonel ooethals. however, is nnt nt. post and telegraph service. xne iacK oi iooa in tne capital, an outcome of the impossibility of for warding payments, is making itself felt today, and provision dealers de clare that if there is no improvement tne city in a few days probably will be confronted with famine conditions. The loss to business in Paris alone is variously estimated at from $600,000 to 81,200,000. Only a few wires todav connect Europe Paris with and the out side world. The government has formallv notifi- J A I J fl A 1 , . - eu me Binders xnac 45 noura 01 irrace win do auowea uiem to return to work. mier wmca meir aismiBsai will be ir revocable. NEW JAP CRISIS IN SOUTH. The governor of Novada Iisb signed otatcment with regard to tho wining 0111 which 1b a comnrom ae " k' itheguranaranteo plan of Oklahoma, it is expected that a world's fair wMneid in Panama in 1912. tho Premier Clomenceau met the depute- bill to bo recommended by tho senate all sanguine of nv bm, Countv Official in naiir-i -t-. tlnn Intm nnrl nnnftrmnA XT T)otf hnn'a I PftmmJtffln nn finnnrA will Via vnarltr r I sn..t.- k.U: x . i . - I .. . ' . v- .. wiiii.iiivu .... mwv..wm w i - - ----- -.. ........ ww. ww i ivDuii. uuiuuiikT lu nifl nflrorntrtM canal io oxpocted to bo NT the ned. litis renortari thnt nrnfi ir.. "wuck uy n tornado, but wires -uwn ana nothinn- flofinitn mm hi, dm, franc Hpfi nAii. u ""Ben, De OVOd tn lin ihn mnnt find- w gang of Bufo crackers that over 'ea in that city. w 7? expects that tho actual trial liklhAlm ...111 t . . -.-"'" win uotrin m nnntit n Six Jurorti hflVft nnur rinnn "j-na -eo temporarily passod. ho.fc a Patrolman at Pueblo - iuoui w ho caught. IP....L . .. sinkers Insist on the dlBmlss- "'wyan, nnd movwln thnir nlnt. ohas loft whore ho will embark for Vene- Boston Ib to have a miiarto the 1 "ancisco. P'vt to kill th 'Cmi 'Cd nnd 1,200 nrr0Btl, 1 twill. fn,. "n man J .' "'u w wo ; i-r bribery. crusado against ono conducted at i i indicted at soe!fcte,aBonato has pasaed the f,;,,r"wi,,ft tt .wartl of ? ltl .l"0 Kidnapers of tho A l.m i f ueed fnni,. , , , 11,18 8,80 oe0 deth, "e k,dnPlne punhhnble Franci. t instth nn ' Ty .haa Protoftted - urogon. TOr Ooorrrn n proBBofRuBsia la a nervous fc?-Vlca Prn.lJ ... . . . Fulton as of Now wns ap. At tho conclusion of theao private interviews with tho ministers, tho striko committee mot and decided upon tho rcBumntion of work tomorrow. This decision was announced at a mass meeting at which 5,000 strikers wero present. attitude bo reported on tho day the Payne bill passes the house, according to tho present intentions of tho Republi can membors of tho committee who aro holding daily sessions. Consideration of tho schedules on earthenware and pottery was begun nnd concluded to day. Poace Pact Assured. City of Moxico, March 23. -It is now believed a certainty that a confer onco of tho five presidents of Central Amorican republics will bo held Boon. Word has roachod hero that Presidents Cabrera, of Guatemala; Davilla, of Honduras, and Zelaya, of Nicaragua, havo agreed to tho proposed mooting. It is thought that Prosidont Figueroa, of Salvador, and tho president of Costa Rica will consent to Bcntout by M. Echeverria, of tho Central American branch of tho bureau of American republics. Tuesday, March 23. Washington, March 23. Occupying the entire session of the houso todav Payne, of New York, chairman of the committee on ways and means, con cluded his speech in explanation of tho tariit bill. He waa on his feet almost all of tho five hours and ten minutes that he had tho floor. At times ho gave evidence of being greatly fa tigued. In his arguments ho took tho posi pressed opinion that January 1. 191K will seo the canal open to navigation. Tafl's Chair Broaks Down. Washington. March 2G. Proa?nt auic severed another link Mnn.f!-ln--,j .1 :..."" him with the Roosevelt administration s at Tuesday when, as ex-PrMonf pM. -i... :-..'!. .!: .D8? psia tDe f, . ? - . - ' wc-rvT MA 111 LillH cirv. mnof Northwest Senators Get Places on ' Various Committees. Washington, March 23. During the 61st congress Northwestern senators will have committee assignments as follows: Bourne Fisheries, chairman: com merce, public expenditures, printing-; coast defeases, postoffices, pablie health, railroads. Chamberlain Agriculture and for estry, public lands, irrigation, Philip pines, printing, Pacific railroads, ex penditures in Interior department. trues Coast survey, chairman: com merce, judiciary, revision xf laws, Pa cific islands, pensions, territories. Jones Industrial expositions, chair man; public lands, irritration. Cana dian relations, coast defenses, conser vation or national resources, cornora- tions organized in the District of Co lumbia. Heyburn Manufactures, chairman joint committee on revision of the laws of the United States, chair ma; conservation of natural resources, im migration, mines and mining, Philip pines, privileges and elections, nublic yen was sailing out of New York har- Dor lor Airica, ho broke the chair for merly occupied bv hiai The chair was borne frnm tho wku. TT . . - -- MIIHO House anu sent to a local nhnn tm pairs. Collect Poll Tax; Strike Snag. uxnarrt. Cal.. March 22. Srii labor trouble is threatened in the beet fields here over the situation rt-wat,? by the attempt to collect a county poll buildings and grounds, public lands. itoiu uiu ov Japanese livinrr in iJOratl Kduratinn nnrt lof.r. .V.;. man; expenditures in tho Navy de- lnteroceanic canals, irritra tion judiciary, standards, weights and re- Kansas Wins Boundarv Suit. Washington. March 27 Tho rTtf oi,-...- n w 'wu owies oupremo court in an opinion written by Justice Oliver uuiuioo uaiuv ueciuea oanfmanf Tkn L sre 11 i iire Biicrm ana aenutv as sessors in many instances seized horses and goods owned by the Japanese and later forced them to pay under threats or, selling their property. some 01 the Jananeso hum nimn.. il : ... - .oil, iw umer parts or the state whero Japanese labor is in demand, leaving the beetgrowers in serious ntmita laborers. Tonight the sheriff and it is probable the county will recede ! measures. tho invitation tion that tho bill would not injure the 1B 5fy "il0 d,uputo in favor fr0,m lts, Position and return the money ria, president tin plate or steel rail industries of tho L n B th? on? controversy collected. V , UUUM laiana in tho Ml8 souri river near Kansas City. United States, and free hides would not bo a monace to the farmers. mi ri ia 1 luo inneruanco tax, ne said, was preforablo to an incomo tax, becauso t A. 1 .1 ... A . it wouio not give rise to noriurv or fraud. Ho hold also that an incomo tax was unconstitutional. Clark, of Missouri, followed and had or rjin MtTKrS- J&i...-d China stirred Judge and Attorney for Alaaka. branches of the Tstato Wrf.?" .- - aiusmg a breack Washington. March 97 p..r,i.!i. I passed a bill remilfttincr m ..i rpi. ' . . . .""'ucill 11 rni , ..." . o Vi j-uxv wv iiominnron irk,. -n 1 iimuui. 110 mil civao tn nil a- i rtt . ... .1. Lyons ta bo United Itnf.TTl lol option and to i Hn, IT J'T' Z3-LUtle Willie Cuts Drinking Time. Island Is Cause of Trouble. Tokio, March 23 . Snecint f?r patches received by Jananeso from Hongkong and Pekin indicate that the effort which is beino- nH. o- Canton to again inflame the Chineso against tho Japanese and bring about a renewal of tho bovcott goods, because of the alleged oceti na tion of Pratas island hv guano dealers, is apparently a move ment on tho part of some imlmn.. propagandists to keep ill feeling be- Balkan Trouble Ends, Belgrade, March 23, Pcaco is re garded as assured. It was semi-ofilci- ally stated tonight that tho powers would invito Sorvia tomorrow to de- claro tho Question of tho annexation of proceeded but a minute Bosnia and Herzegovina settled and to at the suggestion of Payn disarm and dlschargo its rcsorvists. ed and the house adjourned Furthermore, it was said, tho Soman government would accodo to this re quest, thus opening tho way for diroct negotiations between Austria and Scr via for a commercial agreomont judge of uiviaion or tho dis- ,"""" "k a uoparaie vote. Sa- the a, who has caused the police of Governor Cosgrovo Improves, Paso Roblos Hot SpringB, Cal., March 23. That Governor Cosgrovo is Payno said that the men who wanted tho Dingloy duty on lumber rotalned wero those who wore interested in on immense lot of stumpage and who wero aciuated solely by motives of greed. Speak Good Word for Spokane. rvasnington. Mnrh 9" o Piles and Jones today called on lours shall be from n n V a iTil ? ojr, waa returned to his m. wv.4 vukiun aro to no hn H n n tion. It is believed tha tv, Lsn :.. .L. . " Will 'um" mo signature of Spry. improving so rapidly ho will be able to still to roallzo a goldon fortuno, but If tho duty wero removed entirely on I postmaster general and urgod that qnn. lumber, ho said, it would bo of groat I kane bo designated as headquarters nf k ' " u,Bcc recent y created in tho Northwest. No a.tni... u"1 WV44 oonoiit to tho Amorican people and Would enablo the men ho had referred to lonvo for Washington by May 1 to asBumo tho reins of government in that state, is tho opinion of Dr. F, W. Sawyor, managing director, who Bays tho reports ho has to give out are highly encouraging. not such a golden fortune as wore tho duty to be kept on. taken. Half Billion in Suhw I New York, March 22.-Tho remark. aoio scope- of Creator New York's phina forprovid hi? ndem,nt f "i?"8 : ib inmcaiea in a atatnmonf !Rtl1nr1 Iia.a J .... . w :r MAiy, wnicn unco wun an agreement entered into between the boy's father and an agent of the kidnapers here today, tho boy was placed on a strntfn,. u akirts of the city after 8 o'clock" Winter Home on Coast. Santa Barbara. Col ht.i, oo n . Harr man has wired J. H. Harringl ton, of the Texan Pnrifl "n7 Honey Fights Powell Also. Woahlngton. March 25. nnlno-n WinUnrnhnm. nf Alnub-o unn monded tho reappointment of T. Cader Powoll, of Portland, as United States marshall at Nome. Alaska. He 13 Warships Ready In 1012, Borlin, March 23. In vlow of tho assertions mado in tho British houso of Mr. Powoll's Alaska rocord is Bplendld. commons that Gormany, in tho spring Tho only person protesting against Mr! ""t ..v., . vw m .ui'ijuiiii.iiiuiii, iu rranciB j. Henoy, and It is understood that T. C. iiecker, whilo horo as Mr. HflnnB of of them of tho big-gun typo, .tho Navy department authorizes the statement that in the autumn or lum uormany representative, will enter objection to sentativo ..L I A. 1 has been 3 "SEW. tonnols and riST l BC,t Wence.' uiZ . M "ocuneo the volvincr L, V . . " - ablv hTn r'f"' "iuv"a w Pb- " cnu oi the pres- governorship of Porto ministry to Cuba. Rico and the the ' - v4' AVI all his South vl:L l"." hold a " y.v "vulcn."WHl Sanitarium for Tuberculosis. ent year. Washington, March pr a ' Jap Sh5P Plan Voyage. tho a Week's nf.. ' that ho will not go to Son FraJcIsc?. Finds Two New Rh..i. . .align, -riB, ajarch ras&sttSft&a not . ! 3 v" -""'intitoiy, will have 18 such vessels. ir. roweii as wen as to Mr, Fulton,