..V7 n I-' t -i .MM. fir The Madras Pioneer Published every Thursday by -tHE-J'lp&EKU I'UltMSIttNO CO. subscription rates: . , Ono yenr ........?1.M) Six months...... ,,4.. .83 Throe liiontlis. .50 EilWre4ajb'oMd clns9 matter Attgnfcl ZifilWltlMl'oorfipo nt Jltulras, (jro., iialsr,tfi6 Afit of Gonjjrois of March 3, 187& THURSDAY APR. i, itjod" THE WATER-LEVEL ROUTE t'ORTLArJD TO lint, A more optimistic view, however 8 to hope tlmt this ngreement. will optin th6 way for the Ilunlnmn interests to actuir tln Willow krvkk route, which would insure to this auO1 lion the brist jiossile tr-aitspor-tatioii "nullities when the' Des chutes road is built. INCORPORATE Thetovvn of Madras, should iucorpon'e, if for.no other iea kuu th t tho community might iImmi be in position to NO. 3851 . The First National Bank d PnlHgviuEi dfi'EdSN h. 1'. AUSN, I'fOTKlMtli . , , , T. M. IHUttjH. OMhlbr. Vtt,i. U'ui(iiVRi.SR Vleol'.rfes. it. 1UU1VIN, A-Wt. CftMllMr. ESTABLISHED 1000 (tapUnl, Burplim ami Uwllvltlcit $100,000.00 I'tOlltH Reliable Seeds In an editorial on tijp'ormit tnPrcJal ndvahlkge- derived by Portland from her water-level railroads, the Oreouiaii snyi "Paramount to nil other trans porta Hon questions before the oitj' today is the additiqu to our matchless system of water level railroad lines of the line up Hie Deschutes, a line over which a car started. 140 miles inland can travel almost by gravity to the Columbia river, and thence on into Portland, at a minimum expenditure for power. No lime should be lost in organising a movement that will force the Government to do what is right in this matter of such vital importance to so vast an area of territory." The Deschutes route would perpetuate the commercial su premacy of Portland in the great Central Oregon country, and Portland business men are doing all they can to make pos sible the construction of that road. Incidentally, it would give this section no small amount pf prestige to have a water-level' haul to the Portland markets, insuring least expense in marketing all its products, and correspondingly higher X) rices here. So much has already been said on the u..r,..,... importance or Duyintr your sccas irom 1 i I:. 1.1- !,. t M...t ) . nnlir .5- GEORGE Tf RdWAN, Prop- HIGH CLASS TON SORIAL - WORK n ii BATHS Atadrae, Oraffoti upen which tlm health of its members may depend. Th town has no, water system and no sewerage, and aiay not hav thvin for a ntiniber of year come. This hiakes the pnh l-m of 'sanitation dUik-ult, bu it iIim mm'rt iiTi n.n t.iii t. 'PliMi-e ' CMSf area few simple but vt'ry im-j SuaLkSs hot-taut sanitary inetisures which a local city government Could enforce, and which would do much to BarVcuard the health of the community. And the health of the community is the matter of iitst importance. .waste of words. ti Seeds have proved their worth our increas ing business is proof indeed that I merit alone has made the The A SPRING DRESS farm i us district which retches for miles fiom Madras on all sides never presents a liner picture than it does at this season of the 3ear, with its cov ering of gren, although later on it may look more attractive i o the farmer, when the golden grain stands read' for the hat vest. And, it might be added that it never looked better at this season than it does right now, foi "the Madras country' never had on a liner Spring dreas than it is wearing this year. DEATH OF ED. KUTCHER 4 Piineville Review , This city was deepljT shocked at the sudden death of Edward Jvntcher, which occurred about b b'clock yesterday morning after several days of semi-delir ium. He was brought up Tuea day from Hay creek for treat ment, and while mentally un balanced was able to eat and le around town. Deceased vas 06 years old and a Mason. lie janie to Crook county about 30 years ago and settled near.Hay creek, where he has since re sided. He was unmarried. Death was due lo fsiulty bear.t .action that forced too much blood to the brain. The ftlasonic lodge of this city has taken charge of the funeral, which will take place here to day or tomorrow. Mr. Kutcher bad been a great traveller in liis earlier days, having been around the world four different times, and although an English man by birth he became a Ma eon in France, it is said, 40 years ago, and . served 25 years in the United Sta,tes navj A sister, near Haycreek, survives him. There will probably Ije fewer accidents on the Cow Canyon grade when the improvements now under way are completed. The priucipal work which is be ing undertaken now is the building of a new road in the lower portion of the canj'on, to avoid the steep, pull over the horni but the money available for the xtopose will be made to go as far as possible, and it is intended that the upper uortiou of the grade also shall be im proved. Cow Canyon grade is one of the most dangeious loads in Central Oregon, and the accidents there have been comparatively few, considering the chat icter of.jhe.road. PROFESSIONAL. CARDS.' ri tt T ill most seedsmen on the n Pacific Coast. Send for catalogj-120 KK. tinnfl Utile. (Scnp- tivfc MAD HAS U. S. C0MMI8S10HSH NOTARY PUBLIC 0HiUS CLASSIFIED LOCALS FOlt SALE Four Rood horsen, 1200 pounds anil over, 2 nets hftivy farui lmrness; U now wiigmif, one etulto ruck bed, tbo other n 8)5 Iiiwuroh with 550 gallon wntur tank. Oiin bo seen nt Ilalui sttAile, W, 0. jiootj tf- w2Z . LUMBER AT QUiWA litCIS-The Grizzlv Iike Lumber Co, ha JnSt' tliUBhcd plnnfui: a nine lotot iniii1 rlcl of nil kinds, mitl will start tliu saw m tho 28tl Just. As tin: com psuiy mill Ima n lurge nmouut of ilry luinticr on hand It' will bo utile to gHtlxfy ull cotnero. m25 4t GOOD CHICKEN DIKKEIt Every , Sunday at the IIkIiii Hotel 25 cents V. C. Jloore, Prop. mil tf LOTS FOR SALE CHEAP, -For a short time-only thtt MmiraH Town file Company Ih olfering lota for hiiIs at very low prices. Their ailvurllM ment on the lunik page of tills paper qontaliiH mtip ehoivliiK Ioc.it Ion of Madras with reference to thuVeveral rnilroail urvey through thl sec tion. Constructloja Of either of them ronilH will make Maiiran the trailing cotter of a larue terrltot-y. The time 10 bnv 1b now. before tliu rnllroml BtartH, when prices will uilvunce. 0, C. COLLVEH NOTARY PUBLIC Justice of tbe Poaco CUI'VKtl l'ltKCINCT CULVER OREGON f H.tlsgoK PIIYSICIAil & SURGEON OAlce In tUK Store. MADRAS OltEOON fAX LUEDDEMANN . NOTARY PUBLIC i'lonwr Uiiltihni; MADRAS OREGON FARMS, X, &. Personau Property HANDLqD Y , W. BARNETT Olllee, Room 10, UHE1SN HOTEL MADRAS, OREdON aisx aiiTH qe Plow KopaifiZTr hRsesho2 W. B. CHILD MADRAS, 5 IMPORTED BELGIAN 4 STALUOfJ Sired by "Brilliant de Coyghem" Dam, "Charlotte Corday." ' roasts' -anrf yas' ja. uv J6X. JX. piacejii in This is the flood senson Crooked river, owing to.the melting suowa in he niquntains from which the river is fed, and the muddy f tonent which it pours into, the Deechutes has adly polluted the waters of that usually crysttvl-clear stream. T lie Deschutes has also raised several feet below the mouth of Crooked river as the result of the high water in that stream. THE GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT The reported ,,geitlem,an'18 agreement" between Harriman and flill regarding trallic mat ters in Oregon, reached at their Hcent San Francisco meeting, doubtless also included an agreement regarding the jivfus on by Hill , of any of T-Iarri-pan's sacred domain Jn this state. If so, it puts a quietus pn any hopes Central Oregon may have hud for the const! uc Uon of the Oregon Trunk Line, supposed to have Hill backing, up the Deschutes canyon, if the Oregon Trunk ,Liie hud ever beeji built j,t would un questionably have been by PUBLIC SALE Hill's, mpngy, ..as.,a feeder for the. North Ba.nk road, but the so-palled gentleman's agt cement Knocks that Mif" into a cocked Hnvliig div ided 10 move to California oh account of my win)' health, I will Mil at l'ub- lluuolion at my ranch iniloa North ot Madran, on Agency Plain. SatuVday, April 10, 1909, coruinejioing ut 10 o'clock a. m, the following property: 8 IIKAD OF HOItHI'.H-6 work Jiorso; Hclgli IngfroriiJOW (o HOO poundjj 2 two-yeltr-old coltg. . , 2 MILCH C"0WS-1 Cyeririold Jersey mllcll cow 1 2year.old J8rey lic!Wr freeh In July. 6 POZKN CIII0KKN8 FAItMIKQ iMl'rEMBN'r8-0nc li-hich Mc Bherry drill; one 'J-bottom Byrocnso gang plow : I UUe harrow ; twe S-scctloii ieel har rowi li&tudebalter half truck 3-lnoh wngon; l water tapk, 470gBllousj 2 set work liarncxn.. JIOUSElloLt) (JOOPS of all decrJi,tlonn, tjieludlng o;ib etoul range and oniJ ncwhig inaclililu will Lk old, i ,TltMS OF frAhl5-A weilll of nix montlm will be given on viuns over $10, purch aer glv Ing not wltli-approved security; -All uUi- HO and under, enih. Klght por nt Intercut on tlmt) enliif. a ils(jUil of -per cent will be given for canh, on tlmd talcs, ' Ho proparty to lo moved until term of eale uro complied with. i ' Lunch will hts ervv6h tl)i(undii Col. W, II, llKVNpLD8, Aivilop(ier. a, a. JJlNDKlt, Owner. PAINTING nml Paper Hanging First class workmanship. Call- on, or ad dress J. M. Larecn, Madras. WA LL PAPER Call nml lnm;a thL new ntmortuieiit Just received ut Lonoke J3ro.' Furniture Store. Orj pnslto MuTiiuuart & Hyo. ni23 FARM FOR SALE-ICOiicres nf Inml kuiuvti a the Yhiihj; plnue, Bi iiiIIph NE f Milran. For full pttrtlculuiH uillre83 II ATTI E J. WEHSTER, U-a8 Portlrtud, Oregon. v DAYLIGHT 5T,iGE TMer.. will lien dnylilit biiiyo leiivln Mtilnm for Sliuiilko evnry moriiliig. Tim t-1 1 1 u i will leave from tlie Orei'ti Hotel. J. "W. LiviiigHtotu , tf --! HOME CURED IJACON At AIudruH Meat Market. tf Not Coh! Lhii.I HOMESTEAD. Notice for Pulilica. tlou. Department of the Inte rior, U. S. Lniid OflicH at The Dallea, Oregon, March 20, 1009, Notice Is herehy Klveu that HOMER ALEXANDER, of Mud ran, Oregon, who, on October 20, 1003) made Homestead Entry Serial No 03012 No. 13017, for Lot I, nee 2 and lot 3 mid 4, tco 1, tp 12 h, r 13 e, w rn, Huh tiled jiiHice of intention to make final flve-yeur proof, toemabllub claim to the land nhove deHcrlhed, before Howard W, Tunier, V. H. CoinmibHlon er, ut hia olllno at Madrau, Oregon, on the 4lh day of Muy, 1000. Olnimant names uh vlmpfinp: G W Ivliider, II II Co,.k, 1 L- Hale, of Madran, Oregonj WlJIIitm.II Btttitn. of Culver, Oregon. C. W. MoollK, m25.a20 Reglstur. ,8u.bscrJ!i fQr, fio lippccr ni),t tho homo news. Price $1.60 per year. Not Cool Land -fj OSrESTKAP. Notice for Publlua. 'ftlou, Department of the Interior, U 8 LundOOIceatTheDuileH, Oregon, Mrh 10, 1009. Notice Ih hereby given I hat LEWIS E, BAKER, k of MadruH, Oregon, who, oil Novem her 1, 1002, mudo HpmeatC'ad Entry Serial N 020SlJ jo. llfj2, for lie hco 21, tpl0, rl8e, w m, ' KaR filed notice of Id tent fori to make lllilil five-year proof, to . eijtrthllflh claim to the laud above .dencrllmd bo fore Howard 7i Turnen-iUtiltfd, aiaten ComiiilKHloner, ut hl o(IUe."t MadruH, Oregon, on tho 80th daof April, 1009, Claimant name ut wtneHHcp:. , H'rry W Gurd, B.iintft IlabercHch, TJiOroua 1) Tucker, 'Don P Reu, ail of Bladifiii, Oregon . i : . . rf. C. V. MqpliK, .,. m26-u2t) RugUtor J H. HAH EH ABSTRACTER OF TITLES NOTARY l'OBUC Pire Inuraare, tlf hnursiice, umy Jtondt J'.ertl Kitat. Conveyancing I'ntNKVILl.It. OtlKCOS A omnplete Mtppty of legal hlttnkx for 'ale Including warranty mid ijull rlnlm deeiif, real, ehatird ami eroo inortguucH, etc. Just Ice court ldnnkn hii.I Jnwllot? court work a Hieulnlty. Notary I'ublio F. .1. Hrookfl. , ya perrect type ot the draft hor jmnoriea irom kcio-tutn . n u, i A ' q UHVll Will make the season at following g William Harper' Ranch-X11 MadraS-WciInesdays and Satur: Elllil Zeillke'S RailCl--TIiursdaysandPr!days XTerms: sP,Qt sfervice, $10; Season X $15; Insure colt on foot. S20 l itch moid whgim mm h v w. H. Harper, Mahager; J. A. Coulter, Secretary o iHh GREEN HOTE 1 TtX 9tUXQXrjttX9i2LWnftOI&1$atfB ami - . I igliIBi9E QAH :.. miu Prnmnt Mkm I I II li FfllllHDIII m I iti i minwiiiimiiimwui r as m , " "' -1 III! " UK. mill).. llll ilimiii mil '"IT MiimM1" f rioE Cost $ m m I-I. 12. TURPIN, Proprietor riouse thoroughly renovated, uood service. Tables well supplied. Headquarters for travel' ing men, and the transient trade , mADAS, h OEGOfl UNSE1 Sunset Mcx&ifne otfera the render of IhU TSr tb but or uio ywr REVIEW OP, REVIEWS . . . $3,001 ALL FOB SUNSET MAGAZINE . v . . 1.oV n ff WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION 1.25J fW'uw and FREE xixsj S2?2SSRSRfiS5r SUNSET MAGAZINE i in ! iiii niw iTiiwmrw i !H Not Coal Lund 0ME8TKAD. Noiloo for Ptibll- thin. Dnpt;rlmont of tl olnto. rJor,.IJ. B Land Ollli ut 'fho Dulles, Oreatnn, Rluroh 5, 1909. Notion Ih heroliy gtvtm (hat ( Wtt.T.IAM .T RiVVlJ'Att of liuy Greek, Om'kom, who, on Muy , 1002, made Homestead JJntry No, 10789, f8erl.il 02003) , for nim-I neo 12 und eiHe Ht-o 1, tp 11 h, r 10 o, w m, Iasiilod notlco of Intention (o tnulrii flnul flo-year proof, lo entiihllsh olulm to tho laud, above deearlbed before Warren Urdwn, Coimiy Clerk, ut hln oltjors ttt,Prliievllle, Oreuon' on tho tiny Of Slay, 1009 Clnimwiit namoH hh wluiejin Wttdo iuatmi, of Prliievlile, Oregon? 0 Klbbee, A V Warieu. of Hav Creek, Oregon C M MPherson, of Auhwopd, Orftgon., , ,., O. IV. M00JU3, Iteyinter :nl8 26 We have Just receled our Spring DftV GOODS, Waitings, Embroideries, Laces, Trimmings, Etc Also a new line of Spring Walking Shoes Call and gt 5our choice before M line is broken IMllMMlllill,,li,lliil'illli,lMjllt'tllt,lllM''ni)il,l','',"" MadrMTradingCo.