The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, March 25, 1909, Image 4

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    Not Goal Land
VpIMBElt LAND. Notice orlnbl.
cation. Department of the Into
rtor, United Suites Lmd Oflleo nt T? lie
))ls, Oregon. January 2", 1009.
Xntico Is hereby trlven thiu
of SIstors, OreuoM, who, on SeptonV
lpr 8, 15)08. made Timber nnd S'nne
sworn statement, Serlul N. 0050, for
eris, w)st'i see 31, tp 11 s, r,ll e, w
Hub HIimI ii"llooof intention to make
final proof, to ftnbllHli claim to the
Jtuiil above dwntibtll, befrire II C.
Ellis', U. S. Commissioner, at hlsnllleo
at Bend, Oregon, oil tho 15th day of
April, 1900.
Claimant untnes ns
Charles I Uroi'k, of Bund, d'egon ;
Frank 11 Mnrloo, of Luldlnw, Oregon.
c. v. mookb,
14 8 lleu'ster.
tS'ot Cwl LhihI
HOMESTEAD Notire lor Puhlloa
tton iVp-rtnient of tlt Inte
i inr, TJ S Lnn.t Ollb'e nl the Halle?, Or
egon, March 20, JW.
Notice 1 hereby Riven thnt
of Mil'iie, 0'L'"ii, wtm, on AuiMHt 25,
W02, mtiio II nteteiitl Entry tSef1l
N. 079 No. HSU', fr si c 28, Ay
0 r 18 e, w m,
II is, R'.Qtl noti' tit"iM(M lonk
Dual five-, ear j-unfj to t-inhlirh claim
to ttie l.Hinl above des-crthpd, before
Howard W. Tnrnor. U. S Cimmlsd-ti-r,
at his ofli e tu Mudm-, Oregon, or
the 5th day f My, 100B.
Claimant nattier as vltnwa.;
r C C F.ix, Miles F oc, A 11 Irfcey, m
Mdrs, r; V N Vi"bert, of
Votings, Ortgoi-.
C. W. Moouu.
m25-s29 Itxinter
Cul LmiiiI
HTMMBER LAND. N-uee fir Pobli-
iStlion, D-purtmeni nf the Intel
br, L' S Lvn OfVW tl The Dalles, Ore
g n, January 18, 19(H).
Notice Is h-et- giver that
of UemJ, Oretoo, who, on Septem
lierlO, 1908, niile Timber Mini Smc
t-worn ftateni' nt, seilul No. 01015, for
n,4 n w ftx 21i 'P 12 -, r 11 e, w in,
hn filed notice of Intention to miik
final proof, to t-Mnlilili claim to I Ik
land ab ve itt-seribeit, before II. C.
JJIlif, D. S. Commissioner, at his of
lice at lWni, Oregon, on the 3rd daj
of April, 19f0.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Frank H Mm ion, of L-iUJiaw, Ore
gn; Samuel C Caldwell, of lijuil. Or
C. W. MooitE,
Not Coal Lund
TJ OMESTEAD. Notice for Puhlica-
tiou. Depaitmeint of tlie Interior,
U.S.Ljud OfliueatTlie Dalles, Oregon,
March 20," 19Qfl Notice is hereby
given that
of Culver, Oregon, who on July 7,
1907, made IIomeKteml Entry Ser
ial N 0-1171 No. 15842, for JseJ eec
21 and uiwi eo 28, tp 12 a, r 13 e.
w m, r Hip
Hied notice of intention to make Anal
com 111 ulation proof, to establish claim
to the land above drf&cfwiid. before
Howard V. Turner TJ. S. Commission
er, utbis nt Mad rue, Oregon, on
the 4th day of May , 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses:
E N Gillam, L S Lambert, George
JJodinan, of Madras, Oregon; Albert
Yocum, of Culver Oregon,
m25-n39 a w. MbpuH, Rfglster
Not Qoiil Lhik!
TIMBER LAND, Notice for Publi
cation, Deirtment of tho Inte
rior U. S. Lnnd Office, The DalleH,
Oregon, Januury II,' 1009.' ,
Notice Ib lieiebi' give.n that
of Prinoville. Oreuon. who on October 1
29, 1908. made timber and atone appll
cation eerlwl No. 01515, for the eeK
bwj, ejspf and nei'tel see 5, tp l h,
10 e, w in,
has filed not iff of intention to make
final timber and htone proof, to estab
Hell olaim to the land above described
before Warren JJrowr:, Coutiy Clerk,
nt his office at ivineville, Oregon, 011
the 2nd day of April, 1909.
Claimant names as wltiioHt;8:
Wade II Iluiton, Henry A Fonter,
I)avid P AdainMon, Itobert G Smith,
all of Pnuoville, Oregon.
C. W. Moouu,
J2l-t)25 Register.
Not Coul JxmdJ
OTIOE For Publication. United
RiiiIoh r ,11 oil OfllnM. Tho DiIIph.
Oregon, February 11, 1809.
Notice Is hereby given that the
tate of Oregon has Hied in tiifs ofllco
Its application, Burial No 0:2407, lose
jeot under the provisions of .the Ac of
. . a . 1) m t rt tft . At-
congress 01 August it, 100, auu uie
Aots fiiipplemeniary thereby, the w)
nei and ejnwj' of sec 2B, tp 10 s, r 18 e,
. Any and' nil persons claiming ad
versely Uift, Jands described,. orcjesjr
jng to objept because of the mineral
character of the Jujuj, or fpr any, qtUer ,
reason, to tne ajBp,cvjn,i, i(),.oppfpiy,
abould (lie their affidavits of protest in
Hila office, ou or before the 1st day of
April, 1000.
tNot Coal Land
HOMESTEAD. Nntlco for" I'uoji-,
cation. Department of tho In
torlor. U S Land Olllce nt Tho Dalles,
Oregon, Mirch to', 1009. 4
Notice Ih hereby; given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on December
20, 1005, made Homestead liiitry Ser
ial No 0376S No. 14851, for 8v& see
10, tp 11 s, r.13 e, w m,
Has 11 led notice of intention to make
final eommuiatinn proof, to establish
olaim 10 the land above described, be-,
fore Howard V. Tumor, tj S. Commis
sioner! at his ofll -o nt Madras, Ore
gon, on the 8th day of Miy, 1000.
Claittinnt names 119 wituc-sea:
A A Frank, W ,t Cowherd, V A Tay
lor, It A Harvey, all of Madras, Ore-
80M- k
0. W. MoontJ,
niSv2fl Itegisilor
tNot O01I Land "
TJ OMEsTKAD. Notico for I'ubHoa-
lion. Department of the Interior,
0. S. Lund Olllco at T,fie DttDvf, Ore
on, Mansh 10, 1009.
Notice Im hereby given Hint
fomierly Laura A. Cos,
nf Culver, Oregon, who, on April L
19(13, nvule Ilomebtwiil Entry Suria
No 0284ti No 124C0, for peinn, Q 'il,
i 'i' iwi wl -co 22, tp 18 ,
r 13 e. w ui,
hag lib d notice of intention to mnke
lion I live-year proof; to establish
tjtwim in the IhihI above deserlbed, be
f re Unwind W. Turner, TJ S. CJom
mttiiloner, nt IiIhoIII- o at Mndras. Ore
enn.on tl-e 22'id day of April, 1900.
Claimant mimes as witness: '
Setli Crawfonl, A Y Euiita, George
Dintsoii, Fulton liauta, all 01 Culver,
C. AV. Mpohk,
odS i22 Hegiter
v- Not Coal Lauit)
LJOMESTEAD. Nolieef-r P.tblk-a
iin. Department of lle Interior,
U. S. L1111I Olllce at Thy D.lle, Ore
mu, February 27, 1900.
Notice Is hereby given tha
of Mdrart, Oregon, who, on ()otnbe
15, 1903, made Homestead Entry Ser-,
i ll No 0300V No. 120S0, for Hvii-.
eiiv sec 2(J and euwi. zee SO, ipll
-, r 13 e, v m, Hat.
filed notice of intention to make final
five-year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
Frank Osborn, L7. S. Commissioner, at
his office ac Madras Oregon, on the
8th day of April, 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Conrad Siras-er, W II Snook, II K
Nisson, J A Eades, all of Madras, Ore
gon. C. W. MooiiB,
m4-aS ' Register
the Interior, U. S.
The Dalles, Oregom
Land Olllce,
February 18,
A sufficient contest having been filed
In this office by
t'ontestnnt, against Homestoitd Ser
ial No 01373 Entry No. 14035. miu!
Decembers, 1004, for nei, ssvse
iksw4 sec 11, tp 18 s, r e, w m, by
Clyde B. Creek, contehtee. In. which
it is tiUeged that said Clyde Creel
has wholly aotuidoned said truut of
laud for more than six mouths last
past and that said abandonment still
exists; that said alleged absence was
not due to bis employment in the
army, navy or marine corps or the
United States in tinio of war,
Said partiee are hereby noti fled to
appear, respond, and otter evidence
touching said allocation at 10 o'clock
a, m on April J, jyirj, neiore
Max Lueddemauu, a notary public at
ids office ijt Madras, Oregon, and that
llnal hearing, will be held at 10 o'clock
m.. on April 8, 1900, before the
Register and Receiver at The United
dtates Lund Office in The Dalle, Ore
The sai J cotitehtanj.bavinir, in a pjoper
all)duv,lt, Died February 15 1008, set
forth factij,tat a(tertju,e
diligence personal oervlce or thU 110
lice cannot be made, it is hereby or
dered and directed that sucli notice be
given by due and proper publication.
Louis II. AitNE&tf.N',
f2o-m2fi Receiver.
Not Coal LhihI
OME3TEAD, Notice For I'ublica
tiou. Department of the Ulterior,
United States Land, The Dalles,
Oregon, Mrcli 9, 1009,
Notice Ih hereby civen that
Rocky C.R obison, one of the heirs
and for the heirs t
nuuv liooiBuu, voeueaueoi 111.
r..t... F.' .I..-. iv
or Mudrue, Uregon, who, on Junolu,
.... . j
1905, made Homestead Entry Serial
No 03030 No. 14551, for ne sec 22, tp
11 0 r 13 e, w it)
Has Hied notice of Intention to nnike
final commutation proof, to establish
claim to the land above descilbed,
before Howard W. "furner, H, 8. Com
missioner, .at his, office at Madras,
Oregon, on the 22nd day of April,'
Claimant names as witnesses:
WiJJiyra Maddron, William A Elll,
Anderson L WlllianiH, Isaac D Brown,
all of Madras, Oregon.,
0. W. Mookk,
ml8a22 Register
,- - W- ' " " ' 'T-IW T, HI. nil 1 , I .
If Mim 1 V 1 ,i'''i'1 g-
MAP or
coLu&BiAnjT" Proposed railroads
Jk wS IT w ray'
y" "K, Jf ! 'LAKE
L7 : , : !
WL'Ll;l'"'""l"W. "" I I II I illJ.llH. I. Ii 1 11 m r I I.III.IHI.I1W,
i sarv to toe Kuiroaa center ox central ureguui
Promises Big IRieinPft
. . - .1 l -1-lurk. V.' ' .
and invest ment in Town Property
For a sHdrt time we are selling
lots Sn Madras ToWnsite. and
Residence Addition at very lovJ
prices. You will want a lot in
MADRAS and now the time to
invest to insure Big Retuins
DON P. RKA, Agent