tW 1 1 Wt Mihui The Madras Pioneer ' Published every Thursday by THE PlONEKK PUBLISHING co.- EUD803IPTllbN RATE8: Onaypar $1.50 BlxWonthtf i .86 Tlirco months. .,,,.. .60 Att VKUTIBISO "A.TKS Ott AlTI.lpA.TION , . Entered ns second clnss muticr Angus" 1D0J, nt the i'ostofflpo at Madras, Ore., tlndor tho Act of Consrbss of March 8, 187i. T- .". THURSDAV - MAR. 13, 1909 Hint he will take a practical view of Ujw Question mid '$ive dun weight to ,the itltetBatft of Central 0 regoii. All the fnbtd will bu in hi& 1 land 8 as Soon ns tho investigAtion ( oun he :otu ploted, and there will hdtbe much delay after that before n decision is given. 7v NEE&j OF OUR ScAoOL ' Theachool meeting to beheld next 'Saturday is ndt called fori the purpose of voting upon an Issue of bonds, and such a vote cannot be taken as the formal ity n?cessaiy in calling a meet lhg for that . purpose .been observed. has not Tlif nnmriMH 1 . x I this meeting ia to asceriain the sentiment of the voters in the district upon the question of - making soilie improvement in tue school minding and to learn whether these improve meats, if made, are to consist bf an entirely new building, 01 merely additions to the. old building. When the Heutimmt v of the district is learned, the 'proper steps will be taken to carry out those wishesi There appears td be a differ - ence of opinion regarding the advisability of building a new schooihouse at this time, those opposing it advocating a bond issue large enough only to make some additions to the present bnilding. I'his would host only a few hundred dol lars, while a new building would entail the expenditure ot about $3000. All parties Upon the necessity for more room for the school. i With all due regard for the opinion of . others upon question, we believe it would be jfalse economjr to attempt to .make additions to the present building, with any expectation ,of providing comfortable quar ters for our growing school. .Such an arrangement would, ai the best, be but a temporary . makeshift, and as a new schnol hous will unquestionably lmv to be built within the next j'ear .or so at tue iartuest, this ex penditure would be wasted. . An additional bond issue of B3000 would necessitate the first ear a levy of not to ex ,ceed two mills to keep the in ,terest paid, and it would grow iess each year, as the property valuation iq the Madras district is growing rapidly. For $3000 the district could build a coui 01 table and modern school house, and one that would 'greatly increase the efficiency .of our school, and it is to be EVErVcITIZEN A "BOOSTER1' A number of the business men of Madras hnVe been adorning the back of their let ter heads with a new hiap of Central biegoh, showing the routes of the various railroads project d into this section; The map is ji good one of this sec tion of the state and shows (he unqueatioimbl' strong strategic position of Madras with refer ence to any future railroad con slruction, at the very gateway to Central Oregon. The slogan, "every citizen a booster," seems to have taken hold of the town. The presence in this section of the ricfltt of way agent of th jOeabhutea Railroad Indicates mi abundance of faith on th pail bf Ihe railroad peoplu, in tho Bntisfnctoi'y settlement their difficulties in the Des chutes canyon. Over here itt Central Oregon the people are spelling "dam sites' with an "h" at the end of the first word. The Interior Department is offered a fine op- portuuitj' to engage in spelling reform, by prompt, and favora ble action on the application for right-of-way now pending in that department. Pacific Horse .Unlrocnt Is prepared expressly tor the needs Of horscnlen and ranchmen. It Is a. powerful aod pene tratlng liniment, a remedy tor emtrgen cies. A soothing embrecatlort lor the relief of pals, aod th bbst liniment for sprains and soreness.'' Unequalcd for curing the wounds and Injuries ol BARKED WIRE and for healing cuts, abrasions, sores and bruises. Pacific Horse Liniment to fully guaranteed. No other Is so good or helpful in so many ways. If it tails to satisfy, we authorize ah (balers to refund the purchase price. cxtha uncc norma rim ccht Hoyt Chemical Co,, poktund, oc . . FARMS TOWN y av a wj & Personal Property RllYiNfi fiRAIN SAMS handled by THROUGH UNION D. W. BARNETT Onioe, lli.oin 10, GREliN HOTEL r, Tint Vnnn TJnnnnnfTT TiTitti IRn Pendleton, Or., March 13. Mot luiu nupwtj wiiu mo Contracts to furnish 1.250,000 MADRAS, OREGON grain nags to the larmers ol Umatilla county will be made as a rt-sult ot action taken to day at a double meeting of the giain growers of this country. The couuhf.organizatioii .of the umers' Union entered into the negotiations with the Kerr, Gif- fold Company for upward of a million sacks, the priqe being in the vicinity of 6 14 cents, while the executive committee ff llii Tnlttrirl ft3 .... in ?lr.kifrA,.iif Association closed a contract with the Balfour, Guthrie Com pany Jor OUU.UUU. The price paid for the latter is not given out. but it is known that bids as low as $6. 20 a hundred weie received. The meeting of the Farmers' Union was probably the largest of any simijar.organization ever held in Pendleton. The attend' ance was so great that all could iot get inside the hall. Several new members were initiated L and additions to the different local unions were reported. IRRIGATION CODE IS l0T DEFECTIVE NO. 3851 The First National Bank OF PRINEVILLK, OREGON B. K. ALUM, President! T. If, Balkwik, Caaliler. WlI.I. WlIKIWEILf.R VI co Vi&t. 11., Mst. Ckuhlcr. ESTABLISHED 1888 (Uipltsl, Surplus and Undivided l'rofltn $100,000.00 CLASSIFIED LOCALS hoped that this plan will find sufficient advocates to secure its adoption next Saturday. Secretary Ballinger of the In terior Department, who has .promised to give consideration .to all the interests at stake in the Deschutes canypn right-of way question now pending be fore that department and ren- 1 1 aer a decision promptly, was .one of the original incorpora tors of the Oregon Trunk Line railroad, which ran a sur,vey up the Deschutes as far as Madras. His relation w.ith that compan'', thowexerx which was, dqubtless that of attorney, will have no significance or bearing on the Question now, u.nless through i 1 a. .i V. -1 1. umi conneciiou ne suau nave gained some familiarity with conditions as they exist in this section, whicji( would be qf as sistance to hifhJ( in fairly decid ing the 49fion at issije. The new secretary ,ia a, citizen of a neighbor ,stt, Vv.ashingion, (an.d knpw ovy,. enti,ry the development p'fj, all sections of this country depends upon ado- Aim that gives reason to believe GOOD CHICKEN DINNER Every Sunday at tlie Halm Hotel 25 Cftitn W. C. Moon-, Prr. mil If LOTS FOR SALE C1IHA1'. - F -r.i. ttliort titue only tlm iMmlrnH Town Kite Compiiiiy is ollVrluj,' lota for sule at very Iw jirfceH. Tlioir uilverll-n-menton the buuk pue of thin paper contiiliiH iiihu chowliii; Inoiijon of Miidraf with referei-ce to tlfcj -everul i ml I road t-urveyn through tit iu m-a tloit. Coiislructfnn of either of lliene roads will make TiIuilrjtH Hid trad I on center of u ro territory. The Unit to buy la low, linfore the rullroud ftlurtn, when priceH will advitnce, BARBERSHOP EEORGE T, ROWAff. Prop', $g 'class TON- ORIAL - WORK 1- BATHS Mndros, Oregon PROFESSIONAL CARDS. HOWARD W. TURNER U. St COMPIISSIONER NofiinY PUBLIC MAPItAS Oil BOON Q( G. COLLVEf? NOTARY PUBLIC Justice of tho Pcico COI.VKH I'llECIMCT CULVER OREGON 11. 3N00K phIVcian 1 SURkON onico hi Drue Store MADKAS 0 unci ON ? 1 JAX LUtUDEMANrf NOTARY PUBLIC IMonecr UulMlttt MADRAS OREGON Jt H. HAHER ABSTRACTER OF TITLES NOTARY I'UJILIC Fire Insurnnrc, I.Ke Inaiirixnoe, 8tirety llomt Ileal Kstste, Conveyancing I'RINKVILLE. OltKQON A complele biipply of legal lihtiik fi) -ule iiicludliiK witrrxiity and ijull oliilin leedH, real, chattel and !rop morl-jam-H etc. .luBtlce coiirl litmikH nud juntlci oiin work iiHpi'tdtilly. Notary I'uhllu I. J. HrookH. PAINTING and Paper HangiiiL' First- claaa workmanship. Call on, or ad dress J. hi. Lareen, Madras, 8EED OATrt For Sale-Grey oat at Joe Mitrnach'ii place, 6rullesHouth west of Madras. ml 8 WALL PAPER Call and limped the new aeaorlment lust received at Louckfl Bros,' Furniture Store. Op' poslte JIoTnKuart & Bye. m25 In a written opinion puhmit- ted to the Governor and the Suit Engineer, Attorney Gen eral Crawford holds that the emergency clame in the irriga- FARM FOR BALE 100 acrea of laud tinn code is Pllfficient, thereby hpown as the Voung place, Uj miles i PVMrsincr s,n n'nhiinn irivP.n hv NE of Madras. For full particulars " V "";"" o- I , ' a're88 HATTIE J. WEBSTER, Him a iew uaya ueioro tuui uie 4t.u8 Portland, Oregon. clause was insnllicient nnd (lie law would not go into effect for 90 davs. H. L. Holgate of Bonanza and P. M. Saxton of Baker .City, who were appointed water com miasioners nnder the act,( have already taken tip the duties or their ofiice. ' DAYLIGHT STAGE There will be a daylight atuge leaving Madras for Shuulko every morning. The stage will leave from the Green Hotel. J. W. Livingston. tf HOME CURED BACON At Madras Meat Market. tf Bulucrihe for the home news. the Ploiietr and get ITIce l.en per vear. Rlacksmithing A Goetf Clu'fi&lri(r d'fVer We have arranged fora uhblnw rate with the publishers of Cnrhflbell's Scien tific F armcr and are able (o offer It to ,qur subscribers for only 50 cents in addition ' Plow epafl'lllg'j Waggon ,0 thc -ubscrlpli9n ,i?rlce of, .the Pioneer, Work1 AAnd fk gtfcctaXiv 3 offer npp,es tp bo,p ncw sub'cr'p' yjr nv-noiorivypiiiV4 The scicmmc, Fanner fotQIiel by Mn IPormttlv TH McP.LUOV SHOP) MADRAS, jgRECStiN AD.VERTrE your Wats" In Uie Pioneer, ..t gets results, TgUrtr lo cal advertising rates , ;riiT H. W. Campbell. ibe oUcinfllor of what is known as th,(p1"Catrqellxstern"of dry farming. His magatiU njille(J wjth use .fill Information for, tht,fafmer in sectio.os where the rajpfall Is deficient or irregular, and every fanner in lliis. auction ehould be a subscrjbjr( The fejjular sllbscrlplloti I price is i per year, First-class IP " f B OH I H and Prami Delivery AT PIONEER Job - Office Not Coal Land UOME8TEAD. Notice for I'uhlN 1 cation. Department of the Jnte. r,lor,,U. B. L-tnd Otllue at The Dalles. Oregon, Marcli fi, 1009. Notloo is hereby given that WILLIAM J, SAYYBaU. of Hay Creek, Oregon, who, on May 5, 1002, made Homestead Entry No, 10780, ffierlwl 02003); for njne.1 see 12 and ejsejtf sec 1, t It h, r 10 0, w m, Mas filed notice of intention to make Anal flvo yeor proof, (o estuhlls!, olalm n uie land above described before iVarren Brown, County Olerk. at bin ofiice at l'rlnevlle, Oregon, on the 81 d day of May, 1009 Claimant umes as wltiieaHeni Wade Huston, of Prliievllle. Oregon 1 A O Klbbee, A V Warren, of Hay Crpok, Oregoiij 0 M 1 n ' Ash wood, Oregon, ml8 u20 0. W. M ipilK, Register irifnnrn--c-rn ini i irn LUMBER Of all kinds. 1 -2 million feet of dry LUMBER at grizzLy Lake sawmill Address, Culver, Oregon IMPORTED BELGIAN STALLlOf xijl x i" m t Sired by "Brilliant de Coyghem I Dam. "Charlotte Cordav " ' j . - - j i $ Color, bright bay age five yeari A perfect type of .the draft hdr! Imported from Belgjuni July, typ ' Will make the season at following piacij William Harper's Baiicii--m? : Madras- -Wednesdays and Saturdays Emil Zeillke'S ,RaHCll-Tliursdays and Friday Single service, $10; Seasof $15; Insure colt on foot, $20 Terms: rulers Belgian Horse fe W. H. Harper, Manager; J. A. Coulter, Secret) ........... H GREEN HOTffl H. B. TURPIN, Proprietor House thoroughly renovated. Uood seroc& l Tables well supplied. Headquarters for travel J lllg IllCUi rtliu iliu iirtiiriuuv Cr) Ot?EG0fl r n U INSEl HI. il Sunttt Miln oflra the rtJ cf ihli p9 ' REVIEW OF REVIEWS . . JIUNSET MAAAZINC . . . 1eof WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION 1.2S) 1Hr, F'RPP HriVh your order. uUf"' &Lrf3 AND rtttt intriiUd In four colon with 1M Wirtrt" AU FOB! $3.00 SUNSET MAGAZINE MAM rAHCICO, C-l"nn.- Business A young man loves a y.oung IndyJ that is lii ' lllPHB. TIih vnVino. Inrlv 1()V1B tll VOllng BW : that, its her WiairiHea. Pryity 'noon they get ar' ried': that a the r bus nesa. l-nter inv v. wiling coituin thingH in the way of b'RY GOODS', GROCERIES, SHOi'Si Etc; j Tlmt Is oar lnslnsii, for wo ltove Hit At reasaSWe prices f . -t ' "ill f .( i!'UDii Mid as 1 ra C. E, RoUSH, Ming to. MANAGE -tmm