' ' '4- tadli'miiUilil.'-tiiM at Madras. town 'lie I'15' lm. h .hh'tl4So Utfert ii,tin nd A W. MorfordAwe Saturday from the J.IyUitflf. L Utt. nan F. Arcnsmcler ..e 1.1..,. ti.bliilt Lt Thursday eviirK . L-ind F. J-Senn, wlttjnei Lk tft tbt locality. ru..vw Ln...lL nropricior of , ineKW. k..rwhard on t-rnoxeu Llat Saturday. ' . ,Jln7Wt the first of IIICcm where he :ocs wworean u.c ffaHne of Mr. nnd Mr4.;C. G, l.H flOUt" ' T- bflte arrival of n ion. y s..l...i 4.n In Inwn lookiriL' nficr uusmess mrmers CmrlyWce Lumber Co. - ' H.ldJ, who Ms a homestead : Aa plice, arrived last biindny from Washing10" , arw win spcnu te here. f IV. Pitman of the Chris at Madras held set vices at mdLamonta last Sunday. Mt; iccompamed" him. ,t Covey, Mr 'and Mrf. Hunt far Mian ho accompanied tatted as witnesses in n catfivjn blcoGri, leiumed last Thursday, ifitagenry. lid JI C. E. Rotish left Sun. sjog horseback for Shaniko, on w Portland, where tlicy will hk or more selecting Spniij; If Mr. Roush's store nt this plnce t Redfitld. chief engineer of the If Co. was in Madras Inst ! ri Ir Krdfield says a number of set teeming in and a large amount of tag sold in their irrigated tracts. .Hess has let a contract for a 5 dwelling house to be built at lis loll adjoining the lownsitc on The house will be 24x28 feet EM, lonsberry has the contract iBiuljjia went to Shaniko Satlir- fcuRto meet Mrs. Haialgia, who i from Portland,- where she ).rd Mrs lietlie several weeks pe Utter remained in Poitlaml to Hemedii ti&ument which she fcotng. .... ftcfcelberger and S. S. Clover Uu Ttiutsctay evenlnj? from I, where they have been working addition to the new Shaniko - Mr. Echelbergcr .had Id the work. ivWIi h If Kt ' ' I "IVI JUfl npleled, be a dance at -Fred FUJier' Nay evening, March so. The S'"" fur the benefit of School N 63, the Lyle Gap district, k recently completed a new The public is cordially m- atiend. 1 Jin. E, A 1 Jenkins, who have Chlco, California, for the rormore, arrived jn Madras last ahernoon, Tcv will remain M eeks Visitintf tient n...l . : business Interestf. w'ahoniesiend South of W C.WlUotj b lend Wa In town Inst Thursday afternoon on Ins way id Portland. . uuyt unioncuci? posnaMer. at 'tlnju vlllc, tettrscVerai days in iVndhis'iriiS week. . . 1 VV. P. M t L. I. Nichols was in town yest'cfdfiy from his hrtmesibnd near Culver. Under the now game law as paiscd by the lnt leglslaturei the ntlmber of -vtrout .thai can lawfully be enjight in one day is limited to fy The season opens April I nnd tuns to. November u Tho salo of Mr, Mad- ! Howard, manager of the D. 1. in town last Friday on P"e from Portland. Mr. Hnw. I there is nothimr nU In fltM vail. nl though the nrosneels nte F 'hat WOtk Will snn tiln n N Oregon r0l,d. Hc snvs that fw'neis Interests fire W ihW Pto.emove obstacles whlcVl are ""Mwciwn of the road'. owfortable cottai?e hrin,, i,'.,n ,.. arj on his nrohertV nd'lofnini. Pnhe flouili. has about been 'ana lH bt result, fnrnrr,.- Mfew davi iM- 1 1. nt infuse is very arranged, F building sites in thi, tocali.M. "'"fthe hill jus, south of town. ' and familv hnvi. tntA rlHo nnd will mnv in.n i. I. tW (ft tlM "Hprnpletej, iM Who Was lomtlniT nl Norlll Ilnnt, J ..... ' ch t ann woo W1f engineer of il, nrnnn v whiM. ,,, 'n, n survey up the 1(1,. I - ' umi I 0iru Mr. Delh.l f l ' (IHU MUHI "4 vi6 urP0ie of "garding railroads, present visit into not be lpnrni-,1 Im.i 11 has niiplnynttjH L. Vj. Allnigljiini, a ttmbcr cruiser who forinerlyrcsided in this locality, ling b en iu Jow-n durlnir the week. "JClmrlps T. Fcmbrbke of Voungs made jtrmi prOfif on hls homestead before Com iniisiohcr Tiifiicr 'nrftlity. ' J. K,' Wilson and wife, who have been living at Prinf-vflle lor some time", rc tltoted to fMdr.1s yoitirdhy. S. M, Tunsinll, .who has been visiihm . sous near Mudras during tho winter, expect to IcaVe in tile: next few days tor his home at. Hillsborp, ' "" v" I'-crry Rend and his datghter, Mrs. .fwrifil Turner, Were in town yesterday from Culver. Mrj; Frarik O'sbofn,'who hit been visiting at Culver, returned' with them. , . , , . lohij L, Shoo and his two daiiihlers were iji.'Mndra? tins morning oV(thcir way t'o Lnidlaw, where they will take ujujieir residence. Mr. Snoo is putiiiiu in n siw- mjl near Laidlaw, nnd part of the mn cbinfrfctf rtlrcndyon the grptind. Kugene Rockefeller, who spent some CM. S'roud nnd 'William Davenport of Princville w'cre in" town last Monday J 'i'lfesilay evening on his way home from ! ,ro,lt 15 Prohlbited at any time, , Uobert (Jnllowny lift Tuesday after- fomnlor Seattle,. Wnihington, h here he r""' 00 1,ieir way ( home from I'prt laniJ, Wlierc Ihey had Jiist nHI a carlortd oi'hogp from the Mntjrftf.cotiuiry. Tlty say rhat tjiey came out fairly well on the nhipmcjifaiid expect to gather together j another carload of hogs in tlfis vicinity in a couplc.'of weeks, 'They 'will be In jV(h'd ras the latter parr of the, month for that puipose. ' - , u J fr- U MONTCOMEiiy-HEWDiLL MARRIAGE ' Mr. Joseph P. Monfgomery and Miss Julia F. Newbill were .united in marriage UM .Sunday. March 7. 1000. at the home! lot the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. T, J. Newbill, near Grizzly, Kir. F. W.f Pitman, the Christian, .rniniier from, Vad ra$, pet forming the marriage ceremony. 1 lie .bride, and grcom irc well know and popular young people of. Grirzly, whre they will continue t6 make theiV home. ' ' t'me In Madras last I'll while cmftWd i "c . . , , . ,. , a r 'bunday .school, at. ta a-. ' -" pbi- i . ... . n .1. r i Oregd veying party, was in town this morning on his, wny to IJend, where" he has a position in the engineering departiitc'nt of life D. !. & . Co , ' Fcrd McAllister was In town Tuesday evening with u band of sheep which lie is taking to Shaniko, The sheep .will be shoyi of their wool at the Shaniko hhenr fiig cmrals, and will then be thipped to Portland to be sold for mutton. Dave Rogers, who has been spending the past six weeks visiting in the Willam ette villley, returned to Madras' Tuesday evening. Mr. Rogers old a tract of land which he owned near Tangent wli)e there. He says there k is much activity in teal estate in the valley, and good prices arc being paid 'for land there. The town of He nd is to have an elec trie lighting plant. A. M, DraktT, the original founder of the town find who hns recently come into possession of the prop erty again, will put in a dam and power p'aut just above the town nnd supply the power for both the lighting system and for pumping water for the city. Work will begin on the dam at once. C. Wawrinofsky', n rancher from the Madras section was in the city the Inst Of1 (he week. He reports farming condi tions are very good for a good grain crop this year, but does not believe that the acreage planted is much greater than that of last year. There is plenty of moisture in the ground nt present and the young grain is growing nicely. Crook County Journal, . 8ERVICES AT Mi E. CHURCH '-' Suntlny, March I4 ' ' ' At it a in., preaching- at Mountain' View schniilhomej 7530 p m., preaching at Madras m.j junior; Ladies Aid society .will meet Vcdnc5 day 2 pm. at . the -parsonage, - ' ' Tire Ladies Aid society cxfbangtr Sat tirday afternoon nt li. S! Larkin's store. G R. MoOKHEAi), j'astoh CIIOUCM OF CHRIST SERVICES Missionary sermon Sunday, 14th, tt a, m.f preaching in the evening at 700. Sunday school every Sunday 10 a. tn "Training- for Service" bible class meets every Wednesday evening nt 7:30. You are invited to attend these services. 15. F. W. PITMAN Pastor. t dward G. Pease Go. !nc THK SHANIKO STORfc t All kinds nilf -v T-trr-iT itr-H trivr SUMfc. i rlllNU inlw DRIED LOGAN ; BERRIES frL A delicacy that will serve like fresh fruit. TRY THEM Ndfthefn grown D. Ferry's Caarl PI WAJf r5 . 3 n H Vftaefcables mm I j " ' -S3 ALrALr.A m n packets , a of Garden Seees In packages, suitable for this locality Buy your garden took) now Spades, SHdvcIs, Garden Rakes,- Tree Pruner, Pruning Saws, Etc a r p rt i nrn fi nT II hit Mn I rnmmi UUll III ill The Great And Only Disinfectant Ana Vei3min Eradlcator i -A fn 2$ CARBOLINEUM AVENARIUS". Fqr spraying, fruit trees, painting the walk oif chicken houses, and in a thousand other, ways.to 1-1 UbI K1U Ur Ttili) , - "iriinrt nnniiinn dg n0t fan t0 see royal .:f 500 of the latest desirms of worsted and fancy suitings manufactured by the Royal Mills. ' ' ' ' '? f Every piece guaranteed all pure wool and thoroughly shrunk Not a thread of cotton or mer cerized cloth in the entire line. THEY ARE THE ONLY TAILORS IN THE WORLD who will giye,you a written guarantee with every suit, cuarante'dins their clothes to hold their style and fit until they are worn out. If you need, a new suit, call and see us at our Shaniko slofe, leave your measure r.! and aive the Roval Tailors a trial. Satisfaction atmrantfecd. - . '1 The Chief Study of This Store is to Satisfy its Customers Reliable Seeds So much hns already been said on the importance of buying your seeds from a reliable dealer that to repeat it is only waste of words. IXlsSS Seeds have proved their worth our increas ing business is proof muted that merit alone has made the 3. H. Lilly Co. fore most seedsmen on the Pacific Coast. Send for catalog, 120 page, illus trated, dc- j&a-jivc 1 wmms. cha 1 rri'.os a kot.l) 11 ! ADVlSHfrSE your lWunt.ti" In tho. Pioneer. It gets results. Regular lo dal advert IhIuk raten NO. 3951 . The First National Bank - t - OF PRI NEVILLE. OREGON , B, F. aixem, l'rcsldont. T, ir; Bi.i'wr?r, Canliler. Wiix Wcbzwkilkr Vice Prc, - II. BAI.DiViN, A5t. Cashier. ESTABLISHED 1 8D8 Capital, Burplm and Undlrldert $1 00,000.00 Profits I 1 P PPTFRSFM I it mm m mm m MaawBaaa ANTELOPE, OREGON t Watchmaker a Jeweler ! Jewelry of all kinds made to or der aad repaired. Sttriagt for Preciou Stoaej tnl&e. filacksmitiiing Plow Repairing, Wagon Work, And A. Specialty OF HORSESHOEING W. B.CHILDERS (Formerly The McULROY SHOP) MADRAS, OREGON FIRST-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED LthB PfONEEft, JOB OFFICE Turns out ueut, attractive printing, Good stock, tslear type, reasonable prices, M2 :3 1 If? 25 Get Ready--" For SPRING SEEDING) We Have DISK CULTIVATORS Willi 11 prepare your field rightly ""V 1 -VdiOVI 1 Ot D I El ft n lvic OFFICIAL DIRECTORY UNITED STATES President Willi mA It, taft VIcij.PreKldfpt .... 1 ......... .James 8, Sherman Secretary .01 ft ay.;, rhllander C. Knox Secretary of reasufy. .'. . .Franklin SlaoVeasn Secretary ot ;nterIor..,...t,..B, a, Balllngcr secretary or ;pr... ......J, M, DlcWnsofi bec.retaryof ftavy iiGcovqu Iv Meyer Secretary of Commtfcc..; Charles Nagel PostmMlcr,.Geperftl.J.....Fank H, Hitchcock Attofntiy Obnefal Otp. Uckersham Secretary of Agriculture.'..; Jaraea Wilson atATfc covflnor,w .AMlt.... . ....VV.; .V. !f; '( Senaori Bccrtarjr ot State . t ,;', , . Treasurer.,,, .,.,.,V.7.V.V..Vtt....... o a Ritnj nw. ''ouwt-ji ... ,. ' ICilol Dunnlway LOWS Qex tes TO OREGON Anprsey.flcr,?, . .A M Crawford rVW.Iftiastractloh J n Ackeraan State Prtfittfr ;1V8 Dunntn-.v Dfttrj' and Food Dommtsatpnor...f W Uatley JttllO. ProsBcu oilaln Congressmen a. W C Hawley Supremo Judgtfj JFR8MBcan i K Eakln SEVENTH JUDIOIAL DIS.TRIOT . . . ... . .. W LBrndshaw mtng Aty ;..FrcdW. Ws'o'A ,v OROOK OOUNTY Judgd....;,.,..., ...I.... tj. is TrtiMuter .."..,.. w r rrii Assessor, .m...;......!,.,, , j d IFolletl'd school BMpbrsnteadcrit v n. a. Fora snryujrpr.. , j. A. mca CorOnbr,,,.,,ui,iij1,,n J. A. McCall - -"..Mil . v . Comml4Sldiicr...i....i l,,.; j Jfcracs Iilco 1 Jt Uayley tJT6Hert iVitDlNot . iuallc,rt...u i.V. i'..1.,K, llrooks Con8tft . J M Mayes Koaa supervisor Uab nd,,h .Ti T i.K lrM- ,!!,- - f t, - DAILY During March And April From all parts of the. EAST - VIA UNION PACIFIC OREGON SHORT lVnE OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO. SOUTHERN PACIFIC $33 from Chicago 30.50 from St. Louis 25 from Omaha 25 from Kan'ai City Correspondingly lovf rates from all other points. 'f Write letters to everybody you know In the East and tell .them about these low colon latra(03, Baud them II tern ture about Oregon, or Rend their a'd dressea tj us and we will do It, IiV". thla way you can be a great help in the growth and progress Vif your etate Yol can prepay fares for anybne from auy place if you want to'. Deposit tbo uticeHfury mnmini with our local ajretit aKd he will tile- , graph ticket tirotnptly. Inquire of ocenta or write td ! ; Oen. Paa. AlT x Oreirbn Railroad fravtu uMirin 8outheru Paclflo Co. I tines 'lb 6reWuV 'UKILAINU OREQON ' .-.frr LIVERY Th best ift Sriattikd .Ooo StftCkt Cdrdful Drlvril &ef M Hiiy and afrifa Fed . At Vihy RUiibnfcbk Priced b. A, WoWell, Shaft!, bh m 4 1 v-. . jj -fie 1 - "i i s Hardware,. ,Q'K:eries Implements wect iVTADRAS, ORE. n' reviving i .u. . wTi about whicnothma ,0r0 Wednesday moming. 1