rif Rt at Madras. !jdof Culver wa in town yes, P' . ... ,n .un in town Monday . ,urtr country. W"lown Monday r hleJ Smith ai IrWrt Mon-, P . . ..r....,nrinL' ftrV. . L r Jj Wim of I,en(I Wfl$ lm iyonhcrway.ol'oXlnnd. ' , Wall nnte proof last MtJrf AasM .,d five miles Smith' of 9 I lis. 11. UC'' week Ronn wn in (OiVn I he ltir home near t?lrtr find ie.nio yceidyo their wiiy Qhftiffl C Konliuon rcturmu ... - i i 1 1 daughter of I'rinc to the rancher from was In town'tho E c n.nun. a monrer f)5 " ,puek country. I tie ck. i . . L.... 7 H,.tnlcttrr. wtio nns pecn. .. -...i L.-be mnter nt .Mcomm, iiu...u Liohuhomc on Amicy Plains. L L 1). Hrown left this morning for Ljstteihe goes to attend at th,c bed--...Mm son. who is critically ill. .......Anlll nf AfllclonC WilS it) .e....Uv murilini' On lllS WAV J1 MM "J " " he li.ii business in i U.hi, nn mail MlllffVisOr of tllf fl WHK.II IIU.,s ....v........ .i; mlimt I fir roiintV niCCt lllf 01 n McGhee came out from The .l.t..Mf .It. uilf nnrt li.lt hopi! .........I ihul lit 111 li'.mftl.ld f II T' 1. ... nnl1 f M V .AM Pflrt 1, Ui IIH.HCI ill.U v,, .. r.Mn. iitf aii u.-in.r'.t inu unuf. ' . . 1 1. a an! II Mnv. fnrt proof was made belore Lom- 1 . I - . turner ruonoay on inc name- t If I. T .1 ( 1 - Divii, on the North end of Agency Diiney nnu (aimiy came up . l . . .1. . . l. . . .. .1 icend two weeks in (own while - .1 I rr rarim inn iiihii iiii iiic iiirui . Phillin. whfi hn hnil rhnrrn i f r - o ' t . i ! . t anoifi tor soine nine naiL niis cp (he hotel and moved with his w mi rancn adjoining tnc towtutte A WVifK hie laltl IIim ImUl i. u. jonnston anti her mother. irernomeat Loluntbus, Ohio. J'nneville the last ol the wctk, w aosencc tier cia&ses writ- llnthtM it ! , i iM wiiiiuciiL aiiccmis.iii , . ""viwul. Mil i ill rii.tr n iipciinii muiumi ii.li uccn 111 II1B tut lays l,e fountj prjccs s ,g,, CWW not handle them. d Mrs. Glenn Loucks returned . i-iigcnc, wuere tnc hll hin nil.., t... I uiirnuiiiK ousincss coi Vf expect to reside in Mndrns Dtftnt ...I ...II ..I ..... . r v..,, ,H1 nl laK(. Up ln(,r res, 03 Mr. Lourks' h(im-tnfl in n "Cook left Monday for the Wtnij . - . .... -- Mimer. He has had n " iwi expencnce in dry land 'in ins new situitlon 6n the '"lay evening, March 19, Tie "Rttn fur 1 n. r. . . w n:ill UI ocnooi U0( mc LyIe Gnp dl8(r)6tf 1st repcnil.. 1-.- . pi i:iiiiiiiiriFri n n.iti hn,... .. ' ' " III. IIIIMIir1 IB lAt'llnllai o returned last Monday . "e ua es. whrm hn r-'i iwo months receiving mH .."" tie Was Onerntfrt nnon nt , " "ospital in lanuarv. Einre I lm L . 1 " w - uccn B lUUfltf unlninrr in -no says that his health Is n 1 11 3 n 1 1 . . l5' Commissioned ninnt th . vu,ll Monday, and hnrlihrei. bmn proor,, t,,e fir day. ma rptifiM...! . Miney Weri. lnt.- 1... .u Willlam C, Barber was In town Tues day from Iiii home on Op.ll I'ralrio, W. Vi Myers, editor of (lie Lafdlnw Clironlcle, was in town last Friday on his way to Portland. Albert W. Woodard was In town Tues day, making final pioof on hib homestead In the Culver neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs, Frank 0bnrn went up to Culver yesterday to spend the remain der ol the week vimtlnij relatives. William llrownhill of Yotinus was in town Tuesday, 011 lits way to I'rincville to attend the meutiiif; of road supervisors, which is called for the 4th. J. Hi Jftskson was in town Tuesday, making final proof upon his homestead on Agency Plains. W. S. Vyilliams and William 11. Hunnon were Ins witnesses. While here the firit of the vvrek, Paul C, Hates adjusted the loss for the Home Insurance Company on the Kulp house hold floods recently destroyed by lire. Mr. Kulp held a policy for $1000, and the amount of the policy will be paid in lull. Paul C. Hates and F. J. Senn of Port land have been in this vicinity duilng the past week, looking over the country with n view to rnakmir same investments in Irttal. Mr. Senh was in here for several weeks in the early part of last Dcceinbtr and secured some options at that tunc. , Supt. Covey was In town last Friday morning front the Warmsprinj; agency, on his way to Portland, He was accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Hunt and four Indians, who will appear as witneises in the ltderal court at Portland, in a case in which an Indian is charged with breaking into the dormitory at the Indian school At the agency. hey were all good spellers who at tended the old fashioned spelling bee at the Methodist church last Friday evening, but some of the goodly number who at tended proved- themselves a little better than the others by "siandinn unn'lonL'er. Professor W, K. Cook, teacher of the in tcrmediale grades in the Madras school, war the last man l,up,u finally going down in defeat befoic the word "exhila rate," Fred Davis and Dave Harnett chose tides for the match, Dave's side winning, but Mr. Davis had to leave be fore the match was over. Another spell ing match will be held at the public school building Fiiday evening, March 12, to which the public is invited. A. B. Farnsworth and George McFar I tnd of Seattle were in town the last of the week. They spent several days in j this locality, looking over the country, with ii view to making some investments in lund. Tuesday Mr. Farnsworth closed a deal with John C. Trotter for his quarter section of land near Sage Brush springs. He also purchased a team of horses, a wagon and some other personal property from Mr. Trotter, aud expects to move onto his new land within the next 60 days Mr. Farnsworth has a ranch near Kent, Washington, but expects to move to this locality to make his home, as he thinks the climate will be beneficial to his family and himself. He and John Trotter were in town Tuesday afternoon fixing up the transfers of the property. The entertainment given last Tuesday evening at ganford'n hall by the Young Ladies Club was well attended, and the sum of $12.35 wi cleared over and above expenses, for the charitable purpose for which tho entertainment was given, A pleasing program consisting of songs, recitations and tableaux was presented, Bishop Paddock ol the Eastern Oregon district of the Episcopal church held ser vices In thn new M, E church building in Madras last night. Although only a short notice had been gtvrn of the Hih"p'8 visit to Madras and his pretence here was not widely known,, a good sizd con gregation tutned out to participate in the service and to hear his vcry'nblc and help ful discourse. Bishop Paddock Is an elo qtient and earnest talker, and his sermon at the church last evening was an intel lectual treat to nil who heard him. He is just returning from a ,visit to Prineville and Bend, and leaves this afternoon for Antelope. Edward 0. Pease Go. Inc. THE SHANIKO STORK 9 inWIH-MCTAGCART'COMTEST DECIDED Notice wai received by the parties in interest, last Monday, of. a decision in the conleU recently brought by Robprt Irwin against the homestead entry of John Mc Tnggart. The office at Thp Dalles upheld the contentions of the contestant, deciding the case against Mr. McTnggart, This contest was brought on the ground ol a failure of residence, and the local laud oflice decided that Mr, McTaggart and his fimily had not made a sufficient resi dence upon the laud. Thirty days was at lowed fur an appeal, and Mr. McTaggart says that he wiil appeal the case to the Commissioner of the General Land Orifice. This case was heard belore Max Lued demann, referee, January 23, and a large amount of evidence was introduced by both panirs to the contest. Considerable local interest was manifested in the out come of the casp. CHUCH OF CHRIST SERVICES Preaching at Lamonta Saturday even ing March 6 at 7:30 and Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock; services at Willow Creek Sunday evening at 7:.to. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. in. On account of a visiting minister holding services in town Wednesday even ing, the Training for Service class will meet Thursday evening. You are invited to attend these services. B. F. W. Pitman, Pastor. all pi 0 Rf ill SOMETHING NEW " DRIED LOGAN BERRIES t&fe. A delicacy that will serve like fresh fruit. TRY THEM 0 III I rn Northern grown D. M. Ferry's Seeds-Flowers and Vegetables All kinds of Garden Seees in packages, suitable for this locality . ONION ALFALFA II 1 11 E Hi T II TUT Buy your garden tools now Spades, Shovels, Garden Rakes, Tree Primers, Pruning Saws, Etc. 17 . Thf HrAflf And Onlv Disinfectant U A Mm "w A w A m. m m m. - ' And Vermin Eradicator CARBOLINEUM AVENARIUS ' For spraying fruit trees, painting the walls of chicken houses, and in a thousand other Ways to GET RID OF PESTS Do not fail to see the ROYAL TAILORS' new sample book for Spring and Summer, containing 500 of the latest designs of worsted and fancy suitings manufactured by the Royal Mills. Every piece guaranteed all pure wool and thoroughly shrunk. Not a thread or cotton or mer cerized cloth in thp entire Une, THEY ARE THE ONLY TAILORS IN THE WORLD who will giye you a written guarantee with every suit, guaranteeing their clothes to hold their style and fit until they are worn out. If you need a new suit, call and see us at our Shaniko store, leave your measure and give the Royal Tailors a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed. Smashing SUCCESS-: The Chief Study of This Store Is to Satisfy Its Customers 1 SERVICES AT M. E. CHURCH Sunday, February 28, Sunday school at 10 n, tn.; preaching at 1 1 a. m. and 7:30 p m : junior League at 3 p. m ; Ep worth League at 645 p. in. The Ladies Aid society exchange Sat urday afternoon at B. S. Larkin's store. G. It. MOORHEAD, Pastor. Card Of Thanks Mrs. Brown and I desire to extend our thanks to the Young Ladies Club and others who assisted in the entertainment Tuesday evening, ol which we were the beneficiaries We are deeply grateful for the very material nid. given us. Rev. I. D BROWN NO. 3851. The First National Bank OF PRINEVILLE. OREGON B. F. A 1. lex, I'rwiltleut. T. M. Baldwin, Cantiler. VTiM. WunxwEiLER Vlco Pres. H. Baldwin, Awt. Coxliler. ESTABLISHED 1888 Capital, Surplus and Undivided SI 00.000.00 front ! A. E. PETERSEN I I ANTELOPE, OREGON I Watchmaker ! I tt d. Jeweler ! Jewelry of all kind made to or der and repaired. Setting for Preciou Stone made. Rlacksmithing Plow Repairing, Wagon Work, And A Specialty OF HORSESHOEING W. B.CHILDERS (Formerly The McKLROY SHOP) MADRAS, OREGON FIRST-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED THE PIONEER JOB OFFICE Turns out noat, attractive printing. - Good alock, clear type, reasouable prices. a&'KVfe n Got For SPRING SEEDING; We Hav K CULTIVATOR! Which will prepare your field rightly McTAGGART .& BYE "a"',S.?.E,", MADRAS, ORE. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY UNITED 8TATE8 President Theodore Itootoveli Vice-Ficldnt Charles V Fairbanks Secretary ot Sato EUhu Hoot Secretary of Traatry Goorge B Corteljou Secretary of Interior Jas R Garfield j Secretary nt War Luke E. Wright secretary or xavy...; Ylctor H Jietealf Secretary of Commerce.. OscntStrauss Postmaster General ,,Uc.QYq.q Jjllpygr Attorney General Of Bonaparte Secretary of Agriculture.,,..... James Wilson STATE Governor .,.,...GQQrgo E, Cpamherlaln Secretary qt Btato , y. Wv Benson Treasurer ....,,.,,,., Q'A Steel At tornoy Gpnflrnl , , , ; . M Crawford Supt. VWlpInstrUPMoh... J If AcVerroan Stato Printer , ,.,...WSDunuiwy Dairy (Wd'Food fipinwisslonor J W Bailey U 8 Senators CWFulton JJ Bourne Jr Congressmen ,... I w C Kauley '" ' I WU Ellis , , (FA Moore Supromo Judges. R s Ucan K Eatln 8EVENTH JUDIOIAL DI8TBI0T Jutlgo , W LBradshaw Prosecuting Attorney Fred W. Wilson CROOK COUNTY Jud80 II. C, Ellis Clerk..,...,,,,,,, ....Warren Brown Sheriff , M,.i..Frwlc Elklns Treasurer ..4.. ,.! W'F King Asoor. .,,. rV-.iJDiaFoUetto School Supprsntandent.., rt. a. Ford Surveyor F, A. Rico Coroner ; , j, A, McCall CommUsIonor... ,,, 1 James Rice ' MtHBayloy KUTOHER PliECINOT Juat,;0 F. J. Brooks ConsaW J M Mayes Road Supervisor Livingston Nature Provides BUT ONE CALIFORNIA It Is the natural winter borne nf many thousand of the world's best people. Under Ihegentlu influeneeof its mild Winter climate, every amuse ment and recreation abounds. Such battling, boatiug, fish ing, driving-: such picnic, par ties aud "jolificatlous." 03 Ai geies, Paso Rubles, Hot Springs, Hotel del Monte, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Santa. Monicii, Venire, Long Beach, Pnuta Cruz, or a score of simi lar resorts and you will find health, congenial surround ings, hospitable associates, - . fault!es accommodations aud . numberless attractions and-, ' conveniences. TheO.R.&N.CO,: ooNNEormo with Southern Pacific Co, Makes inexpensive round trip excursion rates' to California A six mouths stopover ticket SHANIKO to LOS ANGELES and return is $67.oo Corresponding- rates are In effect to other points. We have some very dlllnctive lltera, ture covering California's Winter r.v sorts, and will take plenaure In jjlvirtu you all of the Information ami assist ance at our command. For tickets, sleeping car rcservat etc., call on, telegraph or wrt E, J, WILSON, Local Apt. Mio, Or. OR WM; McMURRAY Ocn. Poa. Agt, PORTLAND, OREOON I LIVERY The best in Shaniko dobd Stock. Careful Drivers Best of Hay and Grain Fed At Very Reasonable Prices D. A. Howell, Shanik, - It"' .1 1, ) I? 4? 'Til m '.Sr. W t ? :-9 is occupying r'H,:ni lw office used by Com- 'vrn, 4 ir. lurutr Or; f