The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, February 25, 1909, Image 8

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    . .: 111! ll
Sortie &&mpbfeU AdvicB
Early THlafcd
No longer should the farmer
wait for wartn settled weather
before ha begins the work o
preparing the land for crop.
It is not a question of getting
qome seed into the soil ant
then trusting to Providence to
send the ruin at jnnt the right
time and in just the propei
quantity to permit the seed to
germinate hud coax it to grow a
stalk upon which a little grain
iuny mature sufficiently to make
fair milling or feeding stuff of
bore or less valiiej usually less.
Oh no; soie.nde.hu8 chutiged the
whole plan: it has raised the
standard of the farmer and his
farm home to a ranch higher
plane where brighter hopes
-$id' him "look up and be
yond that old struggle for ex
istence plane that has driven so
htauv bright ambitious bovs
and girls from the bleak, lonely
and unattractive farm home to
the alluring music aud glitter
of the city. But we will refrain
from the too often sad tale that
is not rarely told;
Science bids its go out into
the field with an idea that
means business with a pnipose
We begin stirring the soil early
in the Spring to save tho moist
ure. This moisture is needed
to assist us in preparing the
soil that we may obtain a seed
Hud root bed that is most fuvor
able lo quick germination and
rapid early growth. There is no
one thing that is so Utile under
stood and yet of so vital impor
tance as that correct or ideal
physical condition of the soil.
The possible yield of many a
field of corn oas, and other
crops has been reduced half 01
three quarters by allowing a
portion of the moisture to
escape in early Spring, not un-
frequently so much that when
the plowing is done the soi
breaks up cloddy. These clod
t . t
or jumps aujiougn some raav
be small go inlo the bottom o
the furrow and no mechanic;!
work will i educe these lumps
to a sufficient lineness to obtai
the best soil condition. Too
much air is ever present to pel
mit of a perfect root system or
t 4 .-.. .
to promote nitriHcatioii and
btliei cheriiica'l action fiecedsar
b prtftjjotb that desirable vigor
bus growth.
( If your plowing' was don
last autumn then gt over you
neiu eany mux tne acme or
some other tool that will loosei
Not boat Lnntl
HdMESTEADt Nnttce For PubUoa
Hon. llepartmant of tho Interior!
United States Land Otlleo, Tho Italics,
Oregon, January 2Sl, lDOl).
Notice Is hereby given that
OHAftLES T. miBrtbKis,
of Voting, Oregon, who, on fletitetu
tier I fri 100$, matin Ubmestead Entry
Serial ifo OJ&lO No. 1510, for
sea 25, tp 0 s, r 13 o, w in,
tins filed notice of lnlentlou to innko
llnal commutation proof, to establish
claim to the livnd abovo descilbed,
liefore tfrank Oflvirn, ji, H. Commis
sioner, at IiIb offil'e a. Madras, tjre
iron, on the 8tli dny of March, 15)00.
Claimant names as witnessed
C F Klann, George Monitor, Wll
Until Brttwuhlll, Anthony Montier, all
of Madras", Oregon.
C. W. Moobb,
(4 tii 4 Register
(Not Col Land
tJOMESTEAD. Notice for Public.
tlon. Department of the Inte
rior) U 8 Lund Office at Tho Dalles) Or
egon, tfnnuury 14, 1000.
Not leu Is hereby given that
pf If adrap, Oregon, who, on ,Qctoher 20,
I00q, mu. la Hi.mostead Entry Serial
No021fl:i No. 1S0I8, for nw4swl, w.
nwj seo &5 and sw sw$ boo 20, tp ll s,
r 13 e, w m,
IltiB Hied notice of Intention to make
ttnal hVtcyeur proof, to e"tahlh otallh
to the luiid above e.prltiedi heforo
frnt float Land
10MESTEAD. Holloa for Mill
il nuiimi. tlnnartment of the Into
rlnr, U. S. hand OflU nt 'i'lio l)alles
Oreiiou, January H, iuuu,
Nolloe Is herohy given that
of Madran. Orearon. who, on Maroh 15,
1002. made homentoad Entry 8rla
N 1)2 1 fill No. 10511, for mi sou 22, tp
t) b, r 18 e, w in.
Has filed notice Qf Intention to make
flnal five-year proof, lo establish olalni
lit ilm html nhove described befote
Frank Ofiuoro, U. S. Couimlsidnner, at
Frank 0horit, tf. H. CminlAHhinlr, at uh ollloe at Madras, Oregon) oil tin
hlahltl.-e nt Madras, Oreuiill, dn tub Mat (y of March, lUOO
let nay or March, I00. Claimant names as witnessed
Claimant names a witnesses! Charlea Dillon. John A Coulter
Henry II Cook, Hans K Nlssem Jo- 8umuel u jsdmundsnn, Ooorge Dillon,
Pepnuuinion, jesaeA ii-ans, ail or i of Mu,ru8 Oregon
MaaraB, uregon. 0i w MOORBI
CiAV.MoonE, 21-r20 KegtStcr
Not Conl Land
tiOMESTEAD. Notice forPubllca
A linn. Department of the Interior;
O. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
iron, February 10, 1000.
Notice Is hereby given that
f Madras, OreKOtij who, on June 2lj
1002, male H
No 02608 No,
10 a, r 14 e, w m,
Has filed notice of Intention to make
dual five-year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Frank 0-born, (J. S. CommU
dinner, at his office at Madras, Oregou,
m the 22ud day of March, 1000.
Claimant names as witnesses:
W II 8tonehocker, S P Lovinjr, W S
Criswell, of Madras. Oregon: L A
Young, of Youngs, Oreison.
C. W. -AIoonB,
fl8-ml8 Register.
(Notooal Lan.lj npIMBEU LAND, Notice for Publh
tJOMESTEAD. Notice for tfubll- 1 mll 1)ermrlmplt of tho tote-
cation. Department of the In- ro u 8 Lhiu ofllco, Tho Dalles,
tenor. U. 6 mini OMlee at Tho Dalles, Oregon, January ll 190b.
uregon, uanuary m, tm Notcu 8 heleby Kiveil that
aouw is nereoy given mat VAIUNA NOULE,
John H. JaoKSON, f Pilnovlllp( OrPKi wh" on Oordber
ro.nooLn.t p.,r rMuri-i nfMadUs, Oregon, w ho, on January 29, 1008. mudu timber and stone appll
. . , 1 Inn inH 11 . 1 h re... I rli.l Vn OI.MA tir Mim tixtf
111'Jn tnr nul aim DO I,. Jim. Ilimie HUIUCBH'IIII UMIIV loci- ""i"ii ov .... r
4.auv, u. 4 uuu .u, . . I t ,... ...1 ...1 ) in..
iai xmo uznzj Sin luaw, lor. nwi sec iu, vJi 'a"11' o--"-? bcuu, i-p,
tp 10 s, r 13, e w m, 10 e, w m,
Has filed notice of Intention to make has llled notice of Intention to make
final five-year noof. to estahllsh claim Html timber and stone proofi to eatab.
to the land'ahovo described, before llsli claim to the land above described,
Frank Osborn, U. S. Commli-slonor, at before Warren ilrowti, Oouuty Clerk,
hiHolllt'o at Madras, Oreirmi, on the at hm office at Prlnevitle, Oregon, on
2nd diy orMurch, 1000.
ClidmHUt niimea as witnesses:
"WllliMm C Moore, William II Han
nen, Waller S Williams, Henry J
Braustelter, all of Madras, Oregon.
O. Mix llB,
J21.f2o Jtegisler
Not Coal Land
the 2nd dny of April, 1000.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Wailn II Huston, Henry A Foster,
D ivlil p Adauisou, Robert U Smttli,
all of Prtuevllle, Oregou.
C. W. MooitBj
I J21-in25 Register.
Not Goal Land
T'lMBElt LAND. Notice forPubll-
pHtlnn. tlonnrfmonf. nf tia Tnto.
i 1 " .
about two inches of the solid
. soil, breaking it into clods, not
oust. This condition paves the
way for better crops in many
different vays. It stops the
loss of wiiter by evaporation
admits the air proper Quantities
and keeps the salts and alkalis
down in the soil; thus prevent
ing the crusting. It also in
. . . ... i i.
creases the moisture at the top
of the lirm soil beneath the
mulch. Then when you deposit
your seed for the crop in this
iine firm moist there is bat one
thing necessary to bring np the
grain and promote vjgorous
growth and that is warm sunny
weather. H. W. Campboll in
"Scientific Farmer."
A Oood Clubbing Offer
Wc have arranged for a clubbing rate
vyith the publishers of Campbell's Scien
iific Farmer an are able to offer it to our
subscribers for only 50 cents in addition
Wtht subscnpllon price of trie Pioneer.
This ofer applies to both new subsenp
tiros anil renewals of old subscriptions,
i The Scientific Farmer is edited by Mr.
-I. W. Campbell,' tlje originator of what
s knorn as the "Campbell system" of dry
arrntng. iiis magazine is filled with use
ml inforfnalton, for tlie farmer incccfions
wrerejlhe rainfall is eficieni or irregular,
and every farmer in his section should be
a subscriber. The regular subscription
price is Si per year.
'1. Subscribe for
foe home news.
the Ploueer and get
Price $1.60 per year.
Not Coat Laud
TJOMESTEAD. Notice for Puhlloa.
4 Atl'ti. Department "t the Interior.
U. S. Laud O 111 co at The Dalles, Ore
rlor. United States Land Office at The 8"' J''Uary 14, 1000.
Dilles. Orecori. January 27. 1000. Notice is heieby given that
Notice Is hereby given that HUGH B. DAVIS.
ARTHUR KING, of Ma-lms, Oregon, who, on March 15,
of Si8tors, Oregon, , who, on Septem- 1002, made Homestead Eiitry LSerial
ber 8, 1008, made Timber am! Stoue No 021821 No. 10510, for nil seo 22, in
sworn statement, Serial No. 0950, for 1 0 s, r 13 e, w m,
aesei, wsei sec 31. tp ll s, r ll e, w na8 fle, notce of ntenton to make
Has filed notice of intention to make
final proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before II. C.
Ellis, TJ. S. Commissioner, at bis office
at Bend, Oregon, on the 15th day of
April, 1009.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Charles L Brock, of Bend, Oregon;
Frank H Marioo, of Laidlaw, Oregou.
C. W. Mooue,
f4a8 Register.
Not Coal LhihI
LJOMESTEAD. Notice for Publlon
Hon. Department of the Interior,
U.S.LMnd.OfilcatTho Dalles, Oregon,
F.'bruary I, 1001). Notice is hereby
given that
of IIycrek, Oregon, who bn March
3, 10O4, made Homestead Entry Ser
Inl No 02338 No. 13204, for seeeol
tp 11 8, r 14 e, w m,
Has filed notice of Intention to make
dual live-year proof, to establish claim llnal fivcyear proof, to establish
10 the land above described, before claim to the land above described be
Frank Osbora. TJ. 8. Commlestoiier at fe Frank Osborn. United States Com
his ollloa at Madras. Oregou, ou the mlssionur, at his office nt Madras, Or
1st dy of March, 1009. t'Kon, on the 16tli day of Maroh, 1000.
Claimant names as witnessed Clalmaut names as ltneise:
Charles Dillon, John A Coulter. Ed Kutcher. A V Warren. John X
Now In
CONTEST NOTICE. Department of
the Iuterior, U. S. Land Offke,
The Dalies,
Oregon, February 18,
Samuel II Eduiuuilfou, George Dillon,
all of Madras, Oregon.
J2M25 Register.
tNot Coal Laud
HOMESTEAD. Notice for Puldica
tioti. Department of the Inte
rior, U. 8. Land Oitlce at The Dalles,
Oregon, Jauuary 14, 1000, Notice Is
hereby given that
of umver, Oregon, vho, dn Mayl,
1005, made Homestead Entry Serin!
Foley, James Klce, all of Haycrvelt
fll-mll 0. W. Moobk, K-glster
A sufficient contest having been filed
In tills office by
GUSTAVE c. behrman,
t a. . r. I 1- " w
voHietuitni. againsi iioraesiea.i L.-3er- No(l2188J No. 14120, for Lot 4 and
lal No 01373 Entry No. 14035. made awJi. J, wjswinecl, tp 13 h, r 12 e. w
neswi sec 11, tp id f, r ii e, w m oy Uh(i riIei, JintIce f iIltlltIoi, t make ii.ureK, contesiee. in w.' ' fhml flve yeHr proof; to esiabllMh claim'
has wholly aoandoned said tract
land for more tnau six mouth
iNot Coal Laud
nriMBER LAND. Notice for Publl
m tlllll . Tldniiplniunt f llm Tr...
lor, U 6 Land OIllcoatThe Dalles, Ore
gon, January 18, 1009.
Notlco Is hereby glvct that
of Bend, Oregon i who. on Sentem
ber 10; 1008, made Timber and Stone
sworn statement, seilal No. 01015, for
nflHwl tea 31, tp 12 s, r 11 e, w m,
lias tiled notice of Intention to mak
final proof, to establish claim to the
land lib- vo dencrlbed. before 11. fl
Dreek l0 j , a,im. desorlhed, before E,I,H C S. Cmiiileflloer, at IiIh of-
,ot Mf TtM OsUohi; D. 0. ommiioner, nco,Bt 'd. Oregon, on the 8rd day
HJaHt athisoniueat Madras, Oregon,' on the f AprllJ 10('0.
tStill O...I .1. .. .. t t. vlii ....J. .it. 'I
past and that said abandonment still
exists; that said alleged absence was
not due to his employment In the
army, navy or marine corps of the
United States In time of war.'
Said parties are hereby notified to
appear; respond, and oiler evidence
touching eald allegation at 10 o'clock
a, m on April J. 1UUU, before
Max Lueddeman
his olllce at Madras
it 1 I III I I. 1.1 . . tn - I l
iiuui tieuriug win we. neiu ui iu o-uiock j .
. a mod .1... -coiuury i, iuuu.
RocUior tt,wl TfPfr f Ti.o ITnitoH uubb ' iiBreoy given inaC
States Land Office in The Dullee Ore
2nd day of March, 1009.
Clalmaut names us witnesses:
William C Barber, AVilllam 0 Ual-
ston Gt-orge II Onborn, James P R)ad,
all of Culver, Oregon.
C. AY. MoonE.
21-f26. Register.
fNot Coal Laud
Claimant names as witnesses
lrnnk ll Marlon, pf Laidlaw, Ore.
gon j eamuei U Caldwell, of Bend, Or
C. AY. MooitBi
f4-al IteL'lHtnr
Not Coal iindj
n a notarVnubTa! LJ OMEeJTEAD. Notice for Publlca- MOIIOB For Publication,
ra's Oref a5 th Ji " Apartment of the Interior, N S'e Ofllce, The
I be. held at 10 o'clock Oillctt nt Tlio Duller Ore j 4 ,
xiouce is nereby given that the
State of Oregon has died I n thin nf !
WILLIAM C. BARBER1, ,tfl application, Serial No 02457, to e-
of Culver, Oregon, who, on January 10, lecl unUer u,e Provisions of the Act of
f I
VebldUhlURtitlM;lnmabr TtCTr UoB,1wh?Ml Entry Serial
amdavlt tiled Ftfbruarv IB 1003 set " o2ln J for vmi. seiswi, nel-twi Ada supplementary thoreto. the w-
andnwiWeclv;tpl3, r 12 e, wm, - elnw of sec 2d, tpirJa.rK,
.i l t.t I IllIH fill l linf lcH' nt llllnntlrvx in mntru
tleftnnotbe made. It la herebv or. al five-year proof, to establish . " P"8"''8 claiming nd-
, . ,r . I venseiv liih lanini irn
lered and directed that such notice be C)M,m v described, be- . , ' i : " "I ' ";.,co,r'
tore rraiiK Usuoru. u. B
given by due and proper publication
Loom II. Arneson,
f25-ro25 Receiver,
Vot Coal Land
for Publics-
Com mis.
doner, at his olllce at Madras, Oregou, 1
on the 15th day of March, 1000.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Claude C Lamsoiij Thomas Alder
dyce, Robert C Osborn, Joseph R Men-
rltlon. Denarthentof tli Interior. ,,0U,mll ' Cu,vr. Oregon.
U fl Land Office at The Dalles.' 6Yeon , u' w' MooMB,
pvhr..nrvf mmf. '4'm11 , Register
, .J . . , .,
Notice In hereby gltfetJ.lIiat
of Madrasj Oregon, who, on October 1,
1007. made Homestead Entry Serial
No 02201 No. 167&, for sw sec ll.,f p
11 8( r 14 Of w tat
(lied notice of Intention lo make flnal
commutation proof, to establish claim
the laud above described before
Frank Osborn( V, B, Cotutnlsslooeri at
Ing lo ibject because of tho
cllnraetbr nf the land, or for any other
reason, to tho dlonjwal to nnnllcat...
should file their affidavits of protftstln
this office, on or before thu 1st day of
April, 1000.
C. AV. Mooii.
fl8-m25 Tif,ii;
) 1. '! :-r-""
Notice for Pub.
Public Land Sale Serial
T , j." ' Z. oiates t.and tiincei Deo 14 100H
Dec 2i, 1008 Notice la hereby Notlco ,8 h9n$ "v'
n that the fetate ,nf, Oregon luui ri!Btal, h
as dl
kivoii iiihi, ujp Kiaie.m, uregon nan ri.ntfi u n.. n .t...i ' .
tiled in this office ltd appllcattlon, Ber. . 7 . " u,h"w or the
lal No, mad, to. uelect under the pro- Genertt' Ltt Office, Under provisions
VISION Of tlie ilCtiOI CmisrManf All. OIAOlOr UOIIirreHIl ntrnwiOi..! T...... ni
gust 14, 1848, and the Acts fupplemen;, 1000, Puhllo-ffo. 803, wo will oflVr i
mr, M.ereui, u,e y8uW eo xv, tp 10 ,m,,0 8uIe , "
8, r 14 VI W. M. ft. ,r. ,..,,.,. u ... " I
- I uti'j u uiuuu hi ui,, on the LOtli duv of
(IJr h uii iiniuio umiuiiug uii- uauuary nuxti nt tbla m ri
his office at Madras, Oregom on the veraely the lands decrlbbdj or defllrlng lowing tract of land, towltl selsel son
15th day of March, 1000. 10 Wi Because ot in mlnerdl Ohar. 83, tp 10 a. and 8euei seo 4, tn 18 s r
Claitnant names ai witnesses: " i w m,
i mi ri w r viiniiB wn un w nt a. .... - . . . a
Ed Kutcher, of Hay Creek, Oregon; 7"' 11 "'""M lH Prsons claiming adversely tl10
T7.1......1 t ini: nri( ti Buuuiu uiti muir niuuHviiB or nra auove-ULHeriif(ii 1h.hi. .. .!..,.: . .
iVU"B,u hirttm?V. """" Ln. .!.(. rti,tt ,........ ', . -- uv,eu to
William F Fleius; f Madras, Oregou. . hib mmr Biaime, or objections, on or
O.AY. MooB, '', r WM.h "Z "toul uy noV" designated for
..While Prices Arclj
Pri8es - will be jraiscj vhf
: l i j j. i
rcinruciu bLctrtb ana preset
prices offer exceptional
portunity for profitable
vestment in good prbj
' i . ' ' .
Business Lots
lesidence Lots
Terms Easy
Buy at Once
"v.-w, iua, u, )y, WOoitB( Roilster