The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, February 25, 1909, Image 7

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    I U I III' I I M
Items Gaflicrcil from AH
Parts of the woria,
-inin rnoTHF RllSY READER
. hut Not Loss Intir
" ' . r Dnlnta
tiling HapponinB... ' w
Outitdo tho Stato.
, ..... hfivo decided that tho
..ii fortune nt k
. .. i.-. Berlin on ncco'int of
number of beggars bothering
ilfl. .
a. United States Bent fl,UU0,UZU
jj to tho Italian earthquake auf-
n 1lnm1 (inn linked tho HOW-
.0fmlzo tho Independence of
Guardians havo been appointed for a
"w L-i t,n rnvn flimt V bo-
.in nni ll' ui w j
f Vila PXLruviiKuiiwvo
Wi " "
A number of tho Danish royal fnm
(wrc on tho cruiser which was
' i , n frnltrht steamer.
Fifty villages and 50,000 acres of
j imdnr water in Prussia no a
-u i hn F.i im river uoimr out ot its
Tnins cannot got across tho Rocky
i!m in I Alnrflllfl (in UCUUUIIL UL
heavy Bnoiv. All roads havo largo
Grind Dote Vladimir is said to havo
. i..,Aiimr1 tn n ronsnirncv to nn-
llkw fnr the cznr and an in-
ill U w ik i j - -i -
An immenso irrigation achemo la
toed in Now Mexico wnicn win
iter 500,000 acrcB. Tho largest dam
11 1, Knilf rt ufvn
iDflWUriU Will MM i V V UWftW
ruai it m.
I has incorporated a company to
1 1 .it .l iM Irnn rin
fiowrnor Olllctt will sign tho bill
A permanent torlff reform organlzn-
Three San rrnncisco iircmen were
. ! 1 y .,
English and Soctch suiTrdgottca
a riot in an attempt to inter
' ti.i a r.l.
Tie KftncflB lotriRlntura has nnsscd a
ill prohibiting tho na!o of liquor by
California sonata has gone on
favoring election of United
ih ipnninrj nv nirnnr vnrn nr mn
The International opium confcrcnco
ueuion at Shanghai. China, in an
Frequent quarrels botwen opposing
is not yet complete and 12 sncc ml
The opening of tho Portland gato-
t could go to tho Sound over Harrl-
Hnc to Portland and from thuro
rliill roads, would affect ' railroads
King Edward has opened tho British
ii airinnr
EiDloaion of
MWin at Fort Worden. Wash., beat
'lori iownBeim pollco.
KilleA Ifnnnn a AnlnrmlnnA 'n mnlrn
"igbt in Wright'B aeroplane.
Governor Mnrrta V.nn 1 , .1 JV. l.tll
-wi.m iiuo DIKIIUU HIU Mill
n rwi iuuiiio in aiuiuunu.
IteBCnato is likolv to recommend
I hlf JL. . -
ww iuivv nit vcimr in inn in
An Uttomnf il. ii t
...,,v iu iuvivu inn linLi.jiiii
i in mu Luiiiornia locisinmro
At the present rtltn n mnnlli Hl tin
a rcri n i- ... .
tl hf -
"-v.jr VBOU,
The CAllfnmln I t l '
.. . "-"viiib iiuhki nun nnnifri 11
r..Ln.. . "
. uwia nuuiiiir
"w ur norsoraees.
1 resident FnirhnnUn nlonn n
Pwound tho world, as soon ns Ho
mco, going woBt.
mviy wiiiiinnn nv n xtnmnn in.
uiiegcu Blander.
10S Angeles Will hnlil n nnoMnl 1o..
.... viiuuju nuLLtinaur ix
iiarpnr under tho rocall act.
. B,ia is milltlnrr
war with Sorvla.
A.Mexican at Gumlnlnlnn lino nof
lOmen SUfrrnfrUf 1,l
w again Btorm parliament.
CS!"0"' protested
A Sin Pra.l
An. . -"iiiiiDCO wnman una innnntil
ni... uuruii nuuiH minu
iiLte,Jnd,,n8' of Mexico, are
-WUUIUI Un tmnno Loir, knnn
Dsv -J 1 - - - "IV1 hi UU IJI1 llllllll
" w mo acono.
ich . unroura timnnei
noro Trittvinl.. in i
Wife. i.. jr vi iuut auuve
5"Pntt! they will
vu imvigaiion.
Taft Say Most- of His Advisors Havo
Boon Tentatively Solicited.
Washington, Fob. lOiAs soon
rrosiuont-cicct Taft finds a sultablo
man for secretary of war, his cabinet
will bo comploto; that la, tentatively
complete. It will bo subject to chongo
ony tlmo boforo tho 4th of March. If
conditions ariso which, In tho opinion
or Air. Taft, justify modification.
uut it can bo said on tho authority
or ono oi Mr. Taft'a closest advisers
that eight of tho nino cabinet officers
havo been conditionally chosen, and
soven out of tho eight havo Bignlflcd
tnoir WilllngncBs to onter tho cabinet
If tho formal tondor is made.
it Should also bo Bald that, aside
irwn wio sinio nna postolllce portfolios
nono or the cabinot officos havo bb vet
ucch iinuiiy anu lormaiiy disposed of,
mm mo incoming prcsiucnt can, with
out vno sugntcBt Drcach of good faith
maKo any cnangos In hia present pro
Kruiwnu wnicn 10 mm Boom nro
Tho soloctlono bo far are :
Bccrotary of Stato Philander 0,
tt.nox, i'cnnBylvania.
Secretary of tho Treasury George
M. Reynolds. Illinois. Or Momn nf Vior
Illinois man.
Attornoy General Georero W. Wick.
ersnam, wow xork.
i'oatma8lcr Genera Frank IL
HltChCOCK, MassachuBotts.
Secretary of tho Navv Gcortro
L. Moyer, Massachusetts.
Secrotary of tho Intcrior--Rlchard A.
Halllnger, Waflhlngton.
Secretary of Acrriculturo .TnmnB
Wilson, Iowa.
Secrotary of Commerco and Labor
Uharlcs Nagll, Missouri.
ico Piles Up on American Sldo and
Two Men Cross on Rocks.
Niagara Falls, N, Y., Fob. 10.
Only a tiny rivulet, not deep or swift
enough to carry a pulp log over tho
brink, is flowing over tho American
sldo of Niagara Falls. A strong
nortneast wind which has blown since
Friday, has held back tho water and
allowed tho Ico to gain a foothold. Two
employes of tho Amorlcan reservation
walked from Prospect Point nearly to
uutn island this morning.
A great wall of Ico runs from the
head of Goat island to tho American
mainland, through which only tiny
streams arc ablo to trickle. This wall
hnB oven encroached on tho Canadian
channel, extending out some 200 feet
beyond tho Third Siater Island and
Gxeotly diminiflliinir tho flow over the
Horseshoo. Only tho very apox of tho
Canadian falls is left, and that is rob
bed of hulf of Its flow. Tho gorge be
low is choked and tho rapids have lost
their fury, whilo the whirlpool ib
barely in motion.
This is only tho third tlmo that this
combination of wind nnd ice has thus
affected tho falls slnco tho whitu man
camo hero. Tho other occasions were
on March 29, 1848, and on March 22,
Grateful for Aid Rendered to Earth
quake Sufforors.
ftaltimoro, ieu. lu. "My govern
ment has many things for which to
thnnk tho peoplo of America since the
earthquako in Southern Italy," said
Bnron des Planches, tho Italian ambas
sador at Washington, In an interview
"Besides tho great monetary nssiBt
ancc nnd tho sympathy wo havo receiv
ed, wo arc grateful for tho scientific
information which wo havo received
and tho vuluablo hints which have been
glvon us by tho United States geolog
ical survey. This information will, bo
of moro lasting benofit to Italy than
ovon tho grcnt sums of money that
have been sent to our people."
Messina was going to rebuild, ho
said, but profiting by tho lessons of the
San Francisco disaster, it would be
done on different lines. v
Wheat Men In Combine.
Hnstings, Neb., Feb. 16. Organiza
tion of tho Winter Whoatgrowers' as
sociation of Nebraska, Kansas and Ok
lahoma was completed Saturday at tho
closo of a three days' mass meeting of
farmers of tho threo states. Tho pur-
. t ii . f tt
poso is to control mo price oi winter
wheat About 200 farmers signed a
pledgo agreeing not to sell thoir next
year's crop for less than tho prico to
bo fixed at a delegato convention, ex
cept after 80 dayB' notico to tho direc
tors and falluro to get tho agreed prico.
A fund of $500 was raised to push tho
work of organization.
Down With All Trusts.
Des Moines, Ir., Feb. 10. Tho piost
sweopinp; anti-trust law over drafted
in Iowa will bo introduced m uie nouso
today. Its purposo iB to stamp out
tho grocors' trust, tho coal dealers' and
tho Ico trustB, and oven tho doctors'
trust. Tho latter aro charged with
fixing oxccbsIvo prices. Imprisonment
in tho penitentiary for not loss than ono
year, nor lor moro mnn ien yeure, ib
proyidod for persons convicted oi vio
lating tho law.
Storms In Middle West.
Chlcairo. Feb. 10. A heavy fall of
sleot and snow, driren by a high wind,
Interfered with transportation and
eorlously interrupted wire communica
tion over a largo portion oi tno jjbko
Michigan district today, Tho storm
was general through tho central West.
Northern Illinois, Northorn Indiana,
Missouri and Kansas had little commu
nication with the outside world by
wire tonight.
Friday, February 10,
Washington, Ifeb. 19, Tho army
bill, appropriating $106,039,050, was
passBed by tho Bonato today. There
was littlo discussion upon tho measure
except upon tho senato amendment ap
propriatlng 3fi0,000 for tho construc
tion of roads in Alaska, Which was
agreed upon. On motion of Mr. War
rcn an amendment appropriating $127,
000 to construct a national roadway
from tho national cemetery at St
Louis to Jefferson barracks was agreed
to. A senate amendment added $4,
910,056 to tho amount carried by tho
measure as It passed tho house. Of
that total $1,248,010 wns to incrcaso
tho pay of various enlisted men and
$1,500,000 was for tho construction of
barracks and quarters.
vvasnington, i'eD. xv, two more
disputes between the president and
congress wore revived today when the
house committco on appropriations re
ported tho sundry civil appropriation
bill. One was in regard to tho limita
tion of tho ubo of the secret service of
tho Treasury department. Tho other
was tho appropriation for tho exam
ination of accounts of railroads under
section 20 of tho Hepburn rato law.
Tho bill, the largest of all tho genera
supply bills, carries an appropriation
of $137,220,007. or $2,000,000 less
than tho estimate.
Tho house this afternoon adopted an
amendment to the fortification bill ap
propriating $250,000 for the fortifica
tion of the harbor at San Pedro, Cal
The amendment provides that tho
money bo oxpended'for tho reclama
tion of land to be used for fortifica
tions," but there was no specification
as to tho amount of land and "no spe
fic place mentioned."
Thursday, February IS.
Washington, Feb. 18. An acrid cx
change of words took placo in tho sen
ato today between La Follotte, who
was criticism? tho mothods of that
body In handling appropriation bills,
and Penrose, chairman of tho commit
tee on postoffices and postroads, who
waB in charge of tho postofflco bill.
which was passed, carrying approppri
ations of over $232,000,000.
Washington, Feb. 18. The contro
versy over tho legislative appropria
tion bill, in connection with tho salary
of tho secretary of stato and regarding
the ineligibility of Senator Knox for
that office, was settled in tho houso of
representatives today when the bill
was sent to conferenco and the commit
tco was authorized to consider tho sal-
ury provision aa ii in disagreement.
This gives tho committee power to re
duce tho pay from $12,000, to $8,000,
its former figure.
The bill codifying and amending the
penal laws of tho United States was
passed and tho fortifications bill was
discussed. Various attacks on the
house rules wero mndo by Hubbard
and Hepburn of Iowa. Tho latter as
Berted that members had botrayed their
trust and prostrated themselves at the
feet of the speaker, who, he said, had
been made a tyrant The bill was
pending when the houso took a recess
until tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 17.
Washington, Feb. 17. Tho naval
bill, carrying total appropriations of
about 130,000,000, was passed today
by the senato after being under consid
eration for threo days. Tho bill was
changed by tho restoration of the
house provisions for two battleships of
26,000 tons displacement, to cost $6,-
000,000 each.
An ineffectual effort was made to
defeat tho amendment for restoring
marine corps to battleships and cruis
ers, which was placed in tho measure
while tho senate was proceeding in tho
committeo of tho whole.
Senator La Follotta addressed the
senate upon his amendment to create
a commission to consider a plan for
consolidating tho work of tho navy in
a smaller number of yards or stations.
Ho said no senator who had a navy
yard in his state should bo made a
member of tho committeo on naval
ntfair, but Messrs. Fryo, Flint and
others suggested that if such a policy
wero generally adopted in the commit
teo on commerco, agriculture, etc.. tho
result would becomo ridiculous.
Washington, Feb. 17. An attempt
to abolish capital punishment under
Federal laws today blocked the con
clusion of consideration of the penal
codo bill in tho house, sitting in com
mitteo of tho whole. Tho most im
portant amendment incorporated in tho
bill waB ono to regulate interstate
hipment of intoxicating liquors.
Tuesday, February 10.
Washington, Feb. 16. Tho Mexico
and Arizona Btatohood bill, which
passed tho houso yesterday, was refer
red today by tho Benato to tho commit
teo on territories after considerable
maneuvering on tho floor, and tho dis
cussion informally of a number of sug
gestions looking to tho pasuge of tho
bill ut the present session.
Tho committeo will meet on Friday
to consider tho bill, but it Is not bo
Hftved It will bo reported during- this
Washington, Fob. 16. This being
still tho legislative day oi yesterday,
the houso today, for tho most part, de
voted itself to consideration of bills
under suspension of tho rules. A num
ber were passed, among them being
Requiringrtho equipmentof ocean-going
vessels with wireless apparatus.
Providing for tho reorganization and
enlistment of tho naval academy Band
Creating an additional judgeship for
tho Western district of Washington.
Amending: tho interstate commerce
laws to make it a misdemeanor for any
Interstate carrier to make any false
entry or record pertaining to its buai
Enlarging tho membership of tho In
terstate Commerco commission from
seven to nine.
Authorizing tho secretary of agricul
ture to dcclaro a quarantine against
the importation, of diseased nursery
stock affected with injurious insects.
Tho Indian appropriation bill, carry.
ing an appropriation of $U,7'il,000,
was parsed.
Monday, February .16.
Washington, Feb. 15; Complying
with a recommendation mado by the
conferenco on tho caro of dependent
children, which met m this city Janu
ary 25, President Roosevelt today sent
to congress a special message urging
tho creation of a children's bureau
within tho department of tho interior,
and legislation to make the recom
mendations of the conferenco directly
effective in the District of Columbia
and the territories.
Washington, Feb. 15. The house
provision in the naval bill that no part
of the appropriation for powder should
be paid to any trust or monopoly, "ex
cept in tho event of an emergency,'
was the subject of considerable criti
cism in the senato today. That it was
for the purpose of hoodwinking the
public and would not really affect the
purchase of powder to any appreciable
extent was charged by Cummins.
The senate materially amended a
provision making a lump appropriation
for the pay of the clerical, drafting.
inspection and messenger force at navy
yards and naval stations and other eta.
tions and offices under tho Navy depart
ment. The entire question will go to
Washington. Feb. 15. The struggle
of Arizona and New Mexico for sepa
rpte statehood was rewarded today so
far as the house of representatives is
concerned, when that body, under ous:
pension of rules, unanimously passed
the bill granting separate statehood to
the two territories.
Hamilton, of Michigan, having the
measure in charge, spoke briefly in
support ot ic iie said it was not a
party question. Both sides, he declar
ed, were now rallying to fulfill party
Saturday, February 13.
wasnmgton, jverj. 13. The ominous
figure "13" dominated in the Btatus of
tho regular general appropriation bills
in congress today. There aro 13 of
these great supply bills regularly en
acted at each . session and today, the
18th of tho month, there are 11 of
theso measures yet to bo passed by tho
senate in the 13 days remaining of this
congress on which they can be consid
ered and enacted into law. Of these
bills seven havo not been acted on by
the house.
Whilo 15 legislative days remain.
not including March 4, when congress
must adjourn at noon, one of these days
must be devoted to eulotries and an
other to tho pas -age of billa providing
for the ro-enlistment of soldiers of tha
25th regiment, who were charged with
naving snot up iJrownsville.
Washington, Feb. 13. A varietv of
subjects was discussed in tho house of
representatives today. Tho Indian ap
propriation bill technically was under
consideration, but many members
availed themselves of the opportunity
for general debate.
Lamar, of Florida, arcrued for thn
amendment of thp railroad rata law,
saying tho law was insufficient to cover
tho cases included in its provisions.
Madden, of Illinois, referred to in
creases in, freight rates since tho
freight law went into effect. Mumhv.
of Wisconsin, dolivorerd an eulogy of
Lincoln. Washburn, of Massachusetts.
favored a modification of tho Shermnn
anti-trust law in order that it might bo
less burdensome. Hayes, of Califor
nia, attacked tho rules of tho house.
Langloy, of Kentucky, criticised the
administration of affairs of tho Choc
taw Indians. Sherman, of New York.
explained tho provisions of ho Indian
oui, wnue roster, or. Vermont, pleaded
for an adjustment of nostal
affecting merchandiBo sent through tho
Secretary Garflold Threatens to Sua
pend Klamath WorK.
Washington. Feb. 15. J. Newel
of tho reclamation service, stated to
day that orders had been iBSUed tq shut
down work on tno juamoin irrigation
project, pending 'adjustment of diflfer
etnetm between tho government and tho
Bottlers. This announcement follows
h Hprlnlnn hv Secretary Garflold that
settlers mUBt pay the annual malnte
nnncfl clmrp-o of 75 cents per acre, bo
ginning, May 1 next, and must make
ten eaual annual payments of $3 each
ner acra for tho water right the first
water payment falling duo May
MariV settlors havo announced that
thov cannot nay $30 per aero for iv'ater.
but, as this is the actual proportionate
cost of buildine tho project, tho aecrc
tary cannot accept less. Ho requested
tho Water Users' association to inform
Tiim what it is willing to do under the
circumstances, but as It has not made
reply, ho felt obliged to stop further
construction until satisfactory agree
ment is reached. The settlers, under
the first unit of the project which Is
comrjleted. will be furnished water
this coming season, if they pay the
maintenance charge, but unless there
is a speedy agreement construction of
the Clear lake reservoir will not be
carried forward and tho second unit
of tho oroiect will remain undeveloped
Meantime, Engineer juurpny, tn
charge of tha Klamath project, has
been called to Washington and will be
succeeded by W. W Slecht
F. W. Hanna, another reclamation
engineer, has been sent to resume the
preliminary work of the Malheur pro
ject and, if the Klamath controversy
is not adjusted, work may be concen
trated at Malheur.
Daring Early Morning Holdup Carried
Out Near Denver.
Denver, Feb. 15. That tho hold-up
of the westbound Denver & Rio Grande
passenger train, near Denver, at 3:15
this morning, was the work of three
instead of two robbers and that the
robbery of the mail car gave them a
oot of possibly $35,000, are indicated
by the investigation of the railroad and
polico officials today. So far no tangi
ble clew to the identity or whereabouts
of the robbers has been found, but it
seems probable that the men came to
Denver and are now hiding in this city.
The exact amount secured by the
robbers cannot bo ascertained. It is
known, however, that the registered
mail sack from Colorado Springs to
Denver was empty and that little of
value was in the Pueblo-DenVer sack.
Tho sack from Portland, Colo., to Den
ver, however, contained $400 of money
order funds consigned to the Denver
The robbery was remarkable for its
originality and daring. It took place
within eight miles of Denver, within
less than two miles of Fort Logan, the
unitea btates military reservation,
and at a spot whero habitations are
plentiful. Yet so thorough was the
work of tha robbers and so well were
their plans laid that they had fully an
hour and a half start of the officers.
Search of tho vicinity of the hold-up
indicates that a third man and possibly
a fourth were engaged in the robbery:
that a rubber-tired buggy was in wait
ing for the actual hold-ups and that
torpedoes and red signal fires were
used unsuccessfully in an attempt to
stop the train before the automatic
revolvers of the two men on the train
were used in doing this.
Farewell to His Church,
Washington, Fob. 18, In tho littlo
Grace Roformed church, which" ho has
attended over sinco ho has been in
Washington, President Roosevelt to
night waB glvon a farewell reception
by tho members of tho congregation.
After few remarks, tn which ho spoko
of tho pleasure ho had found in attend-
ng the services there, and roferred
to tho fact that he had not been absent
from a Binglo communion service when
he was in the city.
$500,000 for Columbia.
Washington, Fob, 17. In addition
to items horotoforo enumerated, tho
rivor and harbor bill, Boon to bo report
ed to the houflo, will carry $600,000 for
continuation of tho work on the jetty
2Lhe mouth of tho Columbia river,
$200,000 for repairing and operating
the dredge Chinook. $100,000 for con
tinuing improvement of the Portland-to-the-Bea,
channel, together with a sur
vey of this part of the river, looking to
procuring of a 30-foot channel,
Government Engineers Uraiimous for
f Present Canal Plan.
Washington, Feb. 15. Colonel
Georgo W. Goethals, chairman of the
athmian Canal commission, and the
members of the board of engineers ap
pointed by President Roosevelt who
went to Panama with President-elect
Taft reached Washington today. The
board will report unanimously in favor
ot cqntmuing the lock plan. Colonel
Goethals said:
"I repeat what I said to you a year
ago, and that is that tho canal will be
completed and ships will bo traversing
it by reoruary i, work on the
waterway is going ahead splendidly. I
am to appear before the house commit
tee on apropriations Mondatf. when I
will bo prepared to give an estimate of
what the canal will cost.
"in my judgment the character of
tho canal to bo built has not ehnncrwi
. . -
in tne least. The most accentnhln
pian is mac oi tno lock canal, which is
that now under construction. Anv
dangor of ships bumping into tho gates
or other parts of the locks, about which
somo apprehension has been expressed,
will bo entirely averted by electrical
devices by which tho vessels will bo
kept under control at all times."
Plan Disaster Warnings,
St. Petersburg, Feb. 15. A renort
tias beon nresontod to tho " PnouJnn
Meteoroloigcal Congress, In session
here, on the use of seismorrranha to
prevent mine disasters. These disas
ters are UBually preceded for several
days by alight movements of the strata
by which explosive gases are. released
or w men inaicato coming earth Blides,
The installation of seismographs would
give ample warning of disasters arh
ing from these two causes.
Not Satisfied With Law.
Des Moines, Iowa, Feb. 15. A peti
tion signed by 10,000 names was re
ceived by Senator B. Cosaon today ask
ing for rosubmis8ion to the votorBof
Iowa of tha Btate constitutional amend
ment providing for absolute prohibi
tion. The Bigners are from pratcically
every town and village In the state.
Sixty Villages Ruined anl Naiy
People Are Klliei
Big ShocklCame January 23, but Re
port dust Gets Out Gulf
Swallowed Cities.
Teheran, Persia, Feb. 18. The mys
tery of the great earthquako recorded
on instruments in various parts of tho
world on January 23 is solved today by
reports that 60 villages were destroyed
and 6,000 persons lost thoir lives In an
earthquake in-tho province of Luristan
in western Persia. The trcmblor oc
curred on January 23, but owing to do
lays by the provisional authorities
news of the quako did not reach tho
capital until today.
According to the records of the local
seismograph violent earthquake shocks
were recorded on January ana re
ports were received from other observ
atories of earth waves but the location
of the disturbance could notbe deter
The government has issued orders
to the various departments requesting
further information as to the necessity
of food, clothing and medical supplies.
Seismic instruments showed that tho
tremblor was more violent than that
occurring in Sicily and Calabria in
Southern Italy.
At least 12,000 cattle were killed.
Refugees are still flocking to Burijurs,
according to late dispatches. The
quake covered an enormous area which
was sparsely populated but it is report
ed that the general lose of life was
along the shore of the Persian gulf
where nearly every village jn the pro
vince was engulfed.
Close Canadian Halibut Grounds to
American Fishermen.
Vancouver, B. C, Feb. 18. Vancou
ver nshmg interests were surprised
today to learn that the Dominion gov
ernment has decided, under the treaty
of London, to lay claim to the waters
of Hecate strait and Dixon entrance.
Heretofore these waters, which lie be
tween the Queen Charlotte islands and
the mainland of British Columbia,
have been regarded as open Bea.
American halibut nshmg steamers
by the score frequent these straits.
which are 50 to 70 miles wide, and
which contain the best halibut grounds
on the coast American vessels were
not molested so long as they kept out
side the three-mile limit
Tonight the following telegram was
received by the, Vancouver board of
trade from O. M. Hays, president of
the Grand Trunk Pacific railway.
whose, western terminus is Prince Ru
pert: "The Dominion government ia
now building a vessel and proposes to
rent another, providing the protection
called for. The minister of fisheries
also states that it is now conceded that
Hecate strait, as well as Dixon en
trance, belong to Canada."
Mr. Hays' statement is regarded as
official. If Canada enforces this prop
osition, scores of halibut vessels from
Seattle and Tacoma will be excluded
from the best fishing grounds in the
north. The New England Fishing com
pany will also probably bo forced to
operate its American - vessels out of
some American port, instead of from
Vancouver, as at present
While Miscegenation Bill Fails, Land
Measure May Succeed.
Helena. Mont. Feb: 18. Thn
on its third readincr. bv a vote of ss tn
24, rejected today tho senate miscege
nation nui. uayberg introduced tho
bill in the house which would
after five years, tho holding of lands
in Montana by aliens. It ir aimed at
the Japanese, and is said to be rmtiwn-
ed after tho measure which caused a
protest from President Roosevelt
The miscegenation bill, which for
bids intermarriage between Caucasians
and Africans, Mongolians and persona
of African or Mongolian descent, was
recommended by the house yesterday
in committee of tha who1i hut: mnnu
who had favored it wore absent tnlnu
or had changed their votes. A strong-
vuurt win oe maoo to have the bill
passed at its re-reading tomorrow.
Refuses to Prosecute.
San Francisco. Fob. 18 Th
liminary hearing in the police court of
the soven counts of perjury
charged against Charles P. Snell, grow
ing out of the case of tho government
against Dr. E. B. Porrln
vr 4
BenBon, was begun today, but so many
novel points wero raised that Judge
Shortall continued it until Friday, The
district attorney decl&rnrl ho ua
jurisdiction and United States District
Attorney uevun refused.
Queen to Rebuild Town,
Rome. Feb. 18 Ouaa
decided to undertake with her own
ju-ivuie lunas me reconstruction of a
town unon the outHklrtn nr vrnt-
the hill whero tho Hghthouae stood.
,000 inhabitants. Un moioaf.,
sonaljy is directing tha plana, Th
name of the town 1b to be Regia
rv Inna