The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, February 25, 1909, Image 6

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Total Appropriations of $950,000
Reported to House.
Beside Columbia, Bills Provide
Federal Buildings and Surveys
of Yakima and Willamette.
Washington, Feb. 20. Two bills re
ported to tho house of representatives
today carry an aggregate appropriation
of $950,000 for the mouth of the Co
lumbia river. The sundry civil bill
contains $250,000 to complete outstand
ing contracts, and the river and harbor
bill carries $500,000 for new contracts,
and $200,000 for repairing and operat
ing the dredge. The Bundry civil bill
also carries $164,700 for completing
the existing contract on the Celilo
Tho sundry civil bill also carries ap
propriations of $114,400 for two double
barracks and $42,000 for a field artil
lery barracks at Vancouver, and $2,000
for new barracks at Fort Stevens ; and
also items to complete public buildings
at Eugene, $20,000; La Grande, $45,
000; Spokane, $75,000, and Walla
Walla, $40,000. Crater Lake park
gets but $3,000.
In the rivers and harbors bill no sin
gle channel or improvement is to be al
lotted more than $50,000 out of the ap
propriation for emergencies.
Six hundred thousand dollars is ap
ppropriated for investigations, surveys,
contingencies and incidental repairs
for river and harbors for which there
is no special appropriation. The most
important waterways for which pre
liminary surveys and examinations
are provided aside from the Interacos
tal Waterway across the Atlantic and
Goulf coasts are:
Oakland harbor, Monterey bay, Wil
mington harbor, Humboldt bay and
the Sacramento and Feather rivers,
California; Kahului harbor, on the is
land of Maui, and Kanappe bay, on
Kani island, Hawa i; the Chicago and
Rock rivers, Illinois; the harbors and
rivers at or near Chicago, including
Chicago harbor.
Preliminary surveys of .the Colum
bia, Yakima and lower Willamette riv
ers, in Oregon and Washington ; Are
cebo harbor, Porto Rico; Aransas Pass
harbor and Sabin Pass and the Port
Arthur ship canal are also provided for.
Others are the Grand river, Utah; Ta
coma harbor and the Columbia river,
Heney Warns Defense He Will Not
Take Insults in Future.
San Francisco) Feb. 20. Recalling
the attempted assassination of last
November, Francis J. Heney today
charged that Henry Ach, attorney for
Abraham Ruef, knew of the intention
of Morris Haas to shoot the prosecutor.
The accusation was flung at the attor
neys for the defense during one of the
most heated exchanges that have oc
curred during the trial of Patrick Cal
noun, and before the session assumed
its usual calm complexion Judge Wil
liam P. Lawlor had threatened two of
the belligerent atorneys with imprison
ment in the county jail. There were
references to .armed gun men, to the
use of dynamite and to the prospects of
imprisonment before the court succeed
ed in inducing both sides to lay aside
the immediate basis of disagreement
and cease their objectionable references
Telegraph Companies Expect Weeks
of. Repair Work.
Chicago, Fob. ID. In point of dam
ago dono, it wiis learned today that tho
storms of last Saturday, Sunday and
Monday were the worst oyer cxpori
tm m m 4
enced by the telegraph companies and
railroads. Thousands upon thousands
of poles are atill down, and hundreds
of miles of wires are prostrate.
Throughout tho states of Indiana,
Ohio, Now York, West Virginia, Penn
sylvania, Maryland, New Jorsoy, Doto
ware and all of Now England, tclo'
graphic servico is curtailed, and in sec
tions discontinued. One Eastern rail
road alono is said to have lost 80 miles,
of cable. Every repair man in tho
afflicted territory is still working to
the limit, but resetting polos in frozen
ground is slow work and it will bo
weeks, it is said, before normal condi
tions arc restored.
Quakes Swallow Whole Villages With
Teheran, Feb. 19. Tho government
of Burujurd, a town in Southwestern
Persia, has sent out agents to investi
gate tho damage wrought by the earth
quake of January 23. The center of
disturbance apparently was two days
journoy from Burujurd. Up to tho
present time only meager reports have
reached here. The devastation was
particularly severe in tho mountainous
region between Burujurd and Luristan
province. It has been already estab
lished that 15 villages were wholly or
partially destroyed and it is estimated
that the total number will undoubtedly
be more than 50.
Only a small proportion of the inhab
itants or the area where shocks were
most severe escaped. Some villages
disappeared completely, and no trace
can bo found of tho hamlets of Bahrem
and Leben. It appears that not a sin
gle soul belonging to these communi
ties was left alive. A severe quako
was felt at Ispahan, 100 miles away,
the morning of January 23.
German Chancellor Again in Kaiser's
Favor as Advisor.
Berlin, Feb. 19. "Upon the
Hostile Races Ready to Fly at Each
Other's Throats.
Constantinople, Feb. 20. The old
troubles in Macedonia threaten to
break out again as badly as ever and
strong measures are needed to restore
tranquility in Asia minor, especially in
Diarbekir, Kaisanyeh and Bassoora,
where the Mussulmans and Armenians
are about to fly at each other's throats.
One of the strange symptoms devel
oping here is the fact that naval offi
cers are holding meetings on all war
ships "to consider the attitiude of the
new minister of marine." Army ofii
cers are also holding meetings.
Turkey before long may be convulsed
with massacres and civil war, although
the pressure exerted by the menacing
external situation tends to prevent an
outbreak fof internal strife.
Nevada Dooms Gambling.
Carson, Nov., Feb. 20. By a voto
of 26 to 19 the members of tho Nevada
assembly today ordered that the bill to
prohibit licensed gambling within the
state be made a special order of busi
ness next Wednesday afternoon. The
committee on public morals reported
the bill today, recommending that it bo
amended to make the bill effective
from January 10, 1910, instead of
from September 1, 1909, The bill in
this form will undoubtedly pass.
Grove Made National Park.
Washington, Feb. 20. The presir
dent today signed the bill making the
Calaveras big tree grove a national
park. Tho pen which the president
used was handed to Representative
Smith, of California, to be presented
to Mrs. Lovell White, president of the
California Outdoor Art league.
tion of the finance problem depends the
power and Bafety of the nation."
These words, spoken by Chancellor
von Buelow, in an address delivered
before the German Agricultural asso
ciation, signalize the government's
purpose to push tho fight for the
finance bill with increased vigor, taken
with the chancellor's declaration that
he "is likely to remain in office longer
than his adversaries hope."
'Ihey are thought to mean that
Prince von Buelow is again restored to
favor, since it is improbable that ho
would make such a remark without the
authorization of the kaiser.
The forthcoming fight in the reichs
tag promises to assume an acutely
critical character, as every important
feature of Prince von Buelow's plan
for increasing the nation's revenue is
violently opposed by one faction or an
other. On the other hand, the steady
increase in the annual deficit in time
of peace is creating a situation which
the government feels to be impossible
Object to Panama Line,
Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 19. By a
vote of 43 to 30, the amendment by
Assemblyman Grove L. Johnson, of
Sacramento, striking out all references
to the report of United States Senator
Joseph L. Bristow, of Kansas, special
Panama Railroad commissioner, in the
resolution by Senator J. BrSanford,
calling upon congress to establish a
government owned line.-of steamships
between California ports and Panama
was made this afternoon by the lower
house of the legisliaturo. This places
the assembly on record as being op
posed to the proposed b plan to estab
lish a steamship line to compete with
the Harriman interests.
High Honor to Dr. Angell.
Ann Arbor, Mich., Feb. 19. Dr.
James B. Angell submitted his resig
nation as president of the University
of Michigan today and was offered by
the regents the position of chancellor
at a salary of $4,000 a year, with the
continued free use of the president's
mansion. The duties of the chancel
lorship are to be such as suggested by
the new president, and as Dr. Angell
may be willing and able to perform.
Dr. Angell recently celebrated his 80th
birthday, and has been president of the
university since J 871.
Forty Winks Wrecks Train.
Billings, Mont., Feb. 19. -Alleging
that Engineer BelBinger, of tho pas
senger train which was wrecked at
Young's Point on the Northern Pacific
railway, on tho morning of September
25 last, sending 20 persons to death,
was asleep, while tho flagmen were
trying to give him tho signal of dan
ger, James T. Hickey and Willard F.
Smith, conductor of tho freight train,
were acquitted of the manslaughter
charge tonight'.
Porto Rico Given Tremble.
San Juan, Porto Rico, Feb, 19.
Heavy earthquakes were felt through
out the island of Pprto Rico at 3 o'clock
this morning. The inhabitants wero
awakened by the oscillations and their
alarm was great. No damage was
done, however. The vibrations lasted
for at least 20 seconds, and the move
ment was from east to west. Tho
weather today is very stormy.
Friday, February 10.
Salom, Fob. 19. Tho senate this af
ternoon, on recommendation of tho
ways and moans committeo, killed 1
succession house bills appropriating
510U.000 each for Weston, Ashland
and Monmouth, by indefinite postpone
ment, rejectod minority amendments
to tho Monmouth bill appropriating
$10,000 each for tho normals for the
rest of tho school year, and $70,000 for
permanently continuing Monmouth.
Both houses have adopted tho joint
resolution proposing a constitutional
amondment for tho division of tho Btato
into 30 senatorial and 60 representa
tive districts, with ono member from
each district.
Tha armory bill, practically tho
same as tho people voted down last
Juno, has passed both houses.
During tho evening session tho mem
bora of tho houso presented Speaker
McArthur with a fino gold watch and
County division fights will not
bother tho legislature hereafter, a bil
having been passed leaving tho matter
to tho voters of tho district affected,
Tho house passed tho bill raising an
propriations for stato fairpromiums
from 20,000 to S30.000 for two years,
Tho bill had already pas3c-d tho senate,
Tho cenato .bill for an experimental
farm in Eastorn Oregon has passed tho
house, carrying an appropriation of
$7,600 per year.
The water code bill was passed by
tho houso with only ono vote against it.
Tho insurance bill, creating an msur
nnce commissioner, has passed tho
house. The measure will bring a net
income of $20,000 a year to tho state,
it is estimated.
The senate passed tho house bill for
extension of tho portago road with only
five votes against it.
At tho 1910 election tho people will
have a chance to voto on tho Eastern
Oregon asylum, both houses having
passed the bill.
The game and fish laws of tho state
are to bo published and 10,000 copies
distributed free, according to a senate
bill passed today.
The bill abolishing secret societies
in high schools has been passed by the
senate and . received tho approval of
the house today.
Thursday, February 18.
Salem, Feb. 18. The senate killed
appropriation bills today which will
mean a net saving of $101,091.69 to
the state.
The senate bill exempting municipal
bonds from taxation was passed by tho
Reform taxation amendments allow
ing segregation of stato and county
taxation, as favored by the state
grange, will be submitted to the peo
ple in 1910.
By a senate bill passed by tho house
today, minors will not be allowed to
engage in any game of cards, pool or
other public amusement in a public
Tho house passed the senate bill re
quiring that all male persons beforo
securing a marriage license must pre
sent a certificate of health not more
than 12 hours old.
Owners of bank stock are not to he
made liable for tho mismanagement of
the bank or its debts, the house having
refused to pass such a measure.
The senate bill requiring operators
of warehouses to have storage rates
plainly stated on receipts passed the
At the night session the senate pass
ed tho house bill appropriating $7,000
for claims against the Drain normal
At tho night session the houso an
propriated $362,000 for improvements
of state insitutions at Salem and in
creased thc.agricultural college main
tenance appropriation from $50,000 to
?80,000 a year.
By tho terms of tho new. military
code bill Adjutant General Finzer will
hold his place during good service,
which practically means life.
Wednesday, February 17.
Salem, Feb. 17. The governor sent
special message to the legislature to
day urging tho passage of a consittu-
tional amendment providing for stato
construction and operation of railroads.
Central Oregon is tho territory tho
governor aims to help and such a bill
is pending, but its passage is doubtful.
lho house refused to consider tho
bill providing that county assessors
should assess at actual value and fix
the levy on a basis of 60 per cent of
that amount.
The senate passed the house bill fix
ing a bounty on scalps of coyotes, cou
gars, wildcats and wolves.
Tho charity appropriation bill as
passed by the house carries a total of
Two examiners of Btato banks and
tro deputies are provided for in a bill
passed by tho house.
The house passed a bill abandoning
the Drain normal and authorizing tho
regents to turn tho property over to
tho common school district of Drain.
Tho senate passed a bill nrovidincr
for a free ferry over tho Willamette at
Independence and another measure re-
auirimr all doors of public bulldingB
and halls shall opon outward.
Tim houso nnBsud n senato bill mak
Inir 10 hours a dav's work for females
in tolophono and tolcgrah officoB,
Tho senate wavB and monna commit
teo is not in favor of three normnla
and further changes may bo mado bo
foro tho session is ended.
Tuosdny, February 10.
Salom, Feb. 16. Appropriations for
$318,000 paBsod in tho houso touay,
and for $10,000 in tho senate. Yes
torday tho total in tho houso was $1,
730.000 nnd in tho Bonnto $726,000.
Tho houso tonight reconsidered tho
voto bv wh ch the $26,000 appropria
tion for tho Alaska-Yukon exposition
was defoatod and passed tho appro
nriation. At a lato hour tho houso
also considered and passed tho $200,
000 annronriation for an Eastern Oro-
con asylum.
Appropriations for about $1,000,000
moro have passed ono or both housos,
and continuing appropriations of past
sessions amount to $500,000 additional,
with allowances mado for iteniB in this
Bossion's budget These flguroH phow
that tho Btato expenditures for tho noxt
two years may exceed $4,000,000, and
will probably not fall short of that
Tho senate today voted 820,000 for
buildings and grounds for a tubercular
sanitarium; provided for a third judgo
in tho Second judicial circuit; passed
the Columbia river pilotage bill; put
to a voto of the people tho question of
number and location of normal schools,
and provided $10,000 for a bridgo
across the Snuko river at Ontario.
Tho houso killed Orton's bank guar
antecbill; authorized counth-B to levy
not to exceed a -mill tax for adver
tising purposes; appropriated $50,000
for Indian war Burvivors, and voted
$210,000 to the agricultural college.
Both houses will adjourn Bine die
Saturday and night sessions aro boing
held in an effort to get all pending
bills disposed of beforo that time.
Monday, February 16.
Salem, Feb. 15. Tho houso today
passed tho general appropriation bill
for 1909-10. Tho deficiency appropria
tion bill was also passed and $75,000
for extension of the state portage rail
way. A great many other measures
got through, but for tho most part they
were of local character.
Tho Benato was in a slaying mood
and killed 13 bills. Some of them
were important and on loss strenuous
days would havo provoked hours of debate.
Tho senato also passed the bill in
creasing the state fair appropriation
from $10,000 to $15,000 per year.
In tho afternoon both houses and
many pioneers of the state united in
commemorating tho 50th anniversary
of tho admission of this Btato to the
Union. Tho exercises wero held in
tho hall of representatives and many
prominent men spoke.
At a session tonight tho senate
passed a bill appropriating 3100,000
for ono normal Bchool at Portland, as
opposed to tho bills passed by the
house for $318,000 for threo normals
cut down tho agricultural college moln-
tenance appropriation and voted down
bill for a new $60,000 agricltural
college at Union.
Tho appropriation bills passed bv
tho hoUBO amounted to $1,727,000, cut-
ung me uiiis oniy ?2,440.
Saturday, February 13.
Salem, Feb. 13. By a voto of 8 to
18, tho senate this afternoon refused
to kill Senator Norton's bill requiring
long distance telephono companies to
connect their lines with local tolo
phone lines.
D A. T . t . a...
ornaior jcnnson'H roatl mil. over
which a big fight was expected passed
wiinout mucn opposition, tho obfect on
al features having been eliminated.
'lho bill appropriating $20,000 for
maintenance of tho Union experiment
siaiion was passed.
lho senato passed tho bill carrvint?
un appropriation 01 X1U.UUU for the em.
ployment of a master fire warden for
two yeara.
balom, Feb. 13. Beals' bill impos-
iiik u siaio nccnso or 55 on h nrri
and pool rooms was killed in tho houso
aBt night by Jndefinito postponement.
on motion of Campboll of Clackamas.
Revival of Hop Industry.
Salem Hop contracts fur in
of the contracts for a similar period
for last year, and advices received by
growers and dealero hero from every
hopxenter in Orctron. indicate
derful revival of tho hop industry. Tho
prevailing price in contracts is 10
cents, and thousands of pounds aro bo
ng contracted ror by all tho doalers
here. Reports from Oreiron Cltv .mil.
cato a condition oven moro favorable to
nopgrowers man that found hero.
tr m -
AcnpUlco Dazod by Thoator Horror,
Duo to Incompetence-.
Mexico City, Fob. 17. Lato dis
patches from Acapulco, whom tho
Flores thoator was burned whilo tho
Btructuro was crowded at n perform
ance given In honor of Governor Dnml-
on Flores, of tho Btato or uuorroro,
bring varying estimates or tho looa or
llfo. They ugreo In doclarlng, how-
avor. that the uonti win oxcoou uuu,
whilo soma placo tho flguro as high an
350. Most of tho dond wero burned
- . ... . . i wub miinin i.Anr n -.. ni
Apnnu co in t nzetl uv tho catantronho. ...n. ... vr vrcamurv ..... m
--. . : ,. . . ------ wmi z. in.i . . h wu..
Ch06o Factor... o
Tlllnmm,t,a. . H14 RP0M.
tlVO nHBOelfttlr,. L- HlSCl-M..
i -iviuiin nnvA . -
nuni roporto for . Unit .
uuny nnaoe ' Fit,'
aoutii I'rairlo, En- CW
I v f mi m . UI'HUHa 1. "1
iiuait inrnit iiir.. . M.r
muo lactones Miw,i..J,wr Un
I . ... --vi, n ll,., -l
"line nnd the f, ;LwH
All business at tho .port lias ceased, ln"c S" W, 3
fh nhnnu hnvn rinaiifl nnrl thn norm In I wjy uunncr fn t
w -..r - ' t i iimniiM r r . i n . , v kup it. ,
nm orowi nir tho churchoB whoro imiRB- 1 Ui " in 1907. t-.. Wt
uuni'u m nr. th mm "mil i..
wl I out-dUtnnco th"
"Hivunt or .
1 ft A ----- iiuilUIIMh.1.J
- . . MliU 1 II I twl
Mhenn Tl, w.r0wi".
pointmonta that if u" . " ohm.
i... j. " "uoJcoun,L
uhvb nna nrrnr. jj
T ll a " 1 vi a liiuiu.
aro to hnvn ,!!." ,Pa' ta
Orogon Leads In to.i
rcndloton-Wlth n
t w r.wii an fit n
I,m, .. "iC' 7 WP
. . - . - ""rf W..1W. DUiLfl in lit. ir. .
.11111. .1 1 . . . ms un
v ikio WACOM on f nr..i,
win aiiubu in inn ni.i.i..-
lull iiui Tiiirrn mfiiii. ... f
..w. ... inmin u HVH,1 , A.,
in . . "t
nn "ituiu wi more
aro crowding tho churchoB whoro mnna
os aro boing eolobrated for tho dond,
Tho firo, which spread with incredl
bio rapidity through tho immenso wood
en and ndobo structure, was duo, It is
charged, to tho carelessness and Inox
porlcnco of tho oporator of tho moving
picture machlno. There was an explo
sion, a burst of fiamo, which ignited
tho bunting used for decoration, nnd in
a few minutes tho cntiro Btructuro was
in llnmefl.
Tho oxlts wero all In tho front part
of tho building, which waa almoat Im
mediately turned into n wall of firo and
tho peoplo woro entrapped. Tho wo
men and children Buffered moat and
comprise a majority of tho dead.
A search of tho ruins has thus far ro
vealcd no recognizable human form.
Charred bodies, from which logs and
arms havo been burned, havo been
taken from tho ruins, nnd on there waa
no chanco of identifying thorn, nil havo
been buried in n common trench.
California Legislator Says Ho
Letters to Prove It.
San Francisco, Fob. 17. That
o, i-ou. i7.-umc tnifl whilo tho kvnr.r. .i.T.?'S
country was on tho verge of war w h states was only 7 1-IO muT
a nuvui power ui mu uriuui. rucuiiuy
assortion of btato Senator
was tho assortton oi btato
Richard J. Welch, who is hero with a
legislative committeo which is imiti
gating tho Isluis crock project. Welch
"If you had Been tho correspondence
that passed between President Rooko-
velt, Governor Gillett and Speaker
Stanton that 1 have aeon, you would
know that thoro was only a short Mmo
ago tho danger or a contllct between
two great naval powers of tho Pacific."
This statement was mado in answer
to tho argument of an opponent of tho
Islais creek project that supporters of
tho plan had attempted to gain sup
port for It by maintaining that a gov
eminent navy yard would bo estab
lished at Hunters point. Welch Insist
ed that bucIi n navy yard woujd bo
built within the noxt ten years.
Buying Gilliam Sheep.
Condon Gilliam county and Condon
have been visited this last week or 10
days by four or five sheepmen from
Montana and Wyoming. Ono Montana
man from Fort Benton bought 10,000
noja or mtxea yearlings for April de
livery to Condon for $4 a head with
the wool on. Tho prevailing price for
sheep is $4 a head with tho woo J -n
and $3 after being sheared. From ull
indications wool will bo a good price
t is year.
To Adyertlse Oregon.
Portlond Tho half million of circu-
ars advertising Oregon. wht,h u
Commercial club has had printed, havo
been Issued and will bo placed in all
business letters sent out of iim af...
Tho circulars advertiBo tho $25 coloni&t
iuuu w y.uKoii irom Middle Western
points nnd announce that tickets can
bo purchased to any point in Orogon as
cheaply as to Portland,
Salem to Have Pure Water
Salom-At n meeting of the Joint
committeo of tho Capital Water com
mission and tho Salem council It was
definitely decided to establish a moun
tain water system for Salqm, which
will furnish not only this city, but a
of the state inatitutions, with a gupply
of puro water, l i
Exclusion Memorial Expected to Pass
Segregation Fight Ahead.
Helena, Feb. 17. After having can
vassed tho houso thoroughly, Renrc-
Bentaiivo iNorton, or silver uow, nn-
nounccB that tho memorial of which ho
is the author, asking that congress
continue in force tho Chinese exclusion
act and enlarge its ncopo to include nil
Mongolians, will pass tho houso by a
large majority. There aro mnny mem
bers of labor unlonB in tho houso, nnd
many other members whoso constitu
ents aro largely union men and thoy
wiii, tney declare, support tho measure.
At tho present timo tho bill la in tho
committeo on labor, but a report will
uo mnoe tins wecK.
Speaker McDowoll referred tho bill
which would exclude Mongolians from
tho public schools to tho commlt,tuo on
military affairs and Norton declares
ho will havo it re-referred to the com
mittee on education. That this bill
will not pass seems certain.
Arguo Land Grant Caso.
Los Angolos, Feb. 17. Argument
in mo uregon & Ca iforn a rni road
and grant caso will bo mado on a do-
murrer in tho United States Circuit
court at Portland on March 1. Trnpy
C. Becker, special assistant to Attor
ney General Bonaparte in tho proBccu-
nun vi uiu yrcgon cases, nas just ro
turned from tho East and will loavo to
morrow for Portland. Tho caso In
volves about 2.300.000 acres of rich
Oregon land, said to bo valued nt about
10,000,000 at a low cat tnntfl. Mr.
Harriman's California lawvorn. W. V.
tl I 1 n "
m-iiiiiumu, is iJunno. wi nnnnnr
against Mr. Becker and B. D. Town-
Bonu, who is associated with him.
Build Schools in Russia.
St. PetcrBburir. Fob. 17 Thn mln.
Istorof education todav inlrv1npd n
bill boforo tho douma'
l... ... . ""'o w
uuiiuing iunu lor tho orect on of 14R.
170 new primary schools throughout
uio empire with n ton voarn. 'Vhnun
BchoolR aro to bo built and mnlntnlnnrl
k.. i -. i .. .. .
nm pruvinciui authorities on Gov
ernment subsidy. A substitute pro-
yiuiiK jur general compulsory educa
tion is to bo discussed ns Boon nn thn
ugruriun donate is terminated.
No Boys to Bo "Snortv."
Sacrnmonto, Feb. 17, Tho nBBemhly
piiBsed a bill today by Grovo L. John
son making it a misdemeanor for n
minor to uttend u cockfight, prizefight
2L1")r8ernco' nnd fixing a penalty of
$60 fino or 25 duyB In jail for Icbbcob or
uwnors or piaces whoro puch contests
ru nviu to aiiow minora to enter.
Four Caught In Mlno,
Benton. III.. Fob. 17 aunn ta r 1 ft
f tl' D??rJnK Coal company, Boulh of
, ,,H,n 'w up tonight. Tho oxplo
b on wrecked and chokod tho main air
BhOftB. U Will 1)0 hours hnfnrn nhl
can reach tho four entombed mon there,
'l'ltnit1 In 1 i 1. 1. I I M .a
Cold Eradicalej Mjnr.
Pendleton Arcnniini . .t.
r . .- ... . o wit
uuruuu oi animal imJojlrr. &
tno scourrn nf hni.... ..
" wa iivi ut-iiti ii. una I aul
.. . -"'"le.
a,. , , . . ...
Sawmills All Runnlnr,
wukuiKu utuvc every thvmn
thin lninlll.. tm -. .ll ..
VAin.b iu iiuLunn rnru
in euppiy me urgent denualto
ll ll M I .. ...... ... . 1
uuii uuBiiiintn iu ever list IJ
ing up ueyonu nil exwcUtbn
numuer or naw iiwn iinon m m
and their construction will start
soon na tho weather will permit.
Few Poach Bud FroiM.
.....!! . .11, . .. i.
A C11UIULU I 'uiuaLiuu izuuniTui
1 -1 if ..! ,
kinds of fruit this season, vita
it.i- it . . i.. i
ijo8biiio exci'DLion ui ucacuci ai
reports of frozen peach tracts hre
mado. but tlie concensus of ocinkt
LJIU La IILLIIl 1111 liailliirC flUMili
as tho result oi Uio cola weatitrw
First Year Prosperous.
i:winia 'nai 'i nn iramid if iypt rt
CKchatiL'u has just closed its lint rta
iliu ui(juiiiatiuii Jtoo iuj'iM.ui.--
loaus oi iron, uu taiuiui'
labeled and neatly nacked. Afwp
inir nil exnenses. mnimamiwiu'
Polk County Farm l Sc!i
irnnmnnlli Annthir Mlt CI
. . i . . . .1 . writf
noinrf mo uocKie niucvt w ""r:
i irfirrnn niiiiLiiiinui wiv - .
Inrirn irncAst In Polk COBntt.
. I,. inM vHm into
lWlb) 1.111 ' ' - , 1
fn-ma o.wl nrr!, 11 rdft. and IDOCfl 01
. .4 . 1 1 1 If M.IU '--- F - .
planting will bo done this spring.
nuirAntlne Is Rslsed.
a 1 . ft IM III
un i inrnnLii m an " .
Ullllilll .tw....
mi t . -...inM wnirn iun
auiiu iiiDiiuu uoj.-.-i ,
. . i : . nn .ruiuu
i rrt anmn iimu vii
i .... i a inhtheris. b
Huvurui cuoub Mij-
Turkey red, 08c(l;rvaucM
white, fS1.50e
n.iMn i wh to. sai.evw""-
tr mi.nnti,u. w ameivo i-j
$181C; Eastern urewwi
clover, $12Cffiia;
grain hoy, VfiW, cbwj
14.50; vetch, W-SMU-M
APP 08 Yocftws.f -'
BweotB, 2c pound.
On bno-Oregon, $hlW r
urou. ... i.25
m. m m i i n iirniMn. wt-'
yuKumuiwM - - im ,m.
.l.m 1 .fill! UOBWl .(
.1 . ... l.linun "iU tfLU y i " I . ..ill
nnrsh.V. BOO dOZCP Pa?'
nauash. Mc pound w"
2.25. . .JirtS.
fancy outsido r-j-fct
nlnr hllttor Dticvo. .
1 ZIU("- .1.
. " . . T T . il I 111,1,1 Ul '
poultry-""'"' JZZ, noiUA
noun- frvers. iOOt'VW ,,k(,
lirf?il2c: young, l:tfd
lUTiVll r;.
VoRl-Extra, iwav"'"
8o; hoftvy, ec. .-..urg,!
wu iu mno nopo ior thoir Uvea.
Pork I'flncy, w-'