r Pl'dhaer l'ubllshod ovcry Thursday By THE P10NKEU rUBtlSlUmj CO.- 8UB80HIPTION RATE! One year $1.50 Six mouths 4 85 Three months.. 50 A.UVKUTI8INO 11ATK9 ON Arn.lCA.TION Entered as sebond class matter August ,211, 1004. at tho Postorfico at Madras. Ore under tha Act of Confess of March 8,1879, THURSDAY FEB. l8, 1909 PORTLAND TAKES hjotlCE Wonders never cease. The Portland Chamber of Commerce appears to have at last awnk eued to the idea that the busi nese interests of tbat dity should do something to encourage rail road' building in Central Ore gon. For 10 years and more Central Oregon has been drying its need of a railroad, without ever a response that promised any assistance from the busi ness interests of Portland. And all of a sudden there is a tie inendous stirriug in Portland's commercial organization, and much talk about what Hani man has not done and what the 'State should do, just as though this idea of helping Central Or egon get a railroad was some thing novel and tremendously interesting which had just been sprung upon them. The most entertaining part of the Whole performance is, that during all these years when Har rimaa never moved a peg tow ards railroad building in Central Oregon, it was impossible to get the ear of a Portland busiuess man -on the subject of the trans portation needs of this section bf the state, And now, when " there appears to be a real pros pect of the immediate construe tion of the Harriman road into Central Oregon, the business men of Portland have suddenly awakened to the transportation needs of this long neglected and much-abused Bection, although .the newspapers of .Portland and the entire state have printed volumes on the subject. Peo ple in Central Oregon are be ginning to feel prelty euie that jthe Harriman road will be built, or at least start to build, this Spring, but they will be, heVertheless, appreciative of this feudden manifestation of inter- 1 est on the part of Portland com mercial interests, to whom a road into Central Oregon will mean as much in a wav as it Will to Central Oregon. The troublja has always been -that Portland, ,al though it gets a good deal of business in Cen tral Oregon, has had only the dimmest and most vague ideas ,of what and where that country e. Central Oregon has always ,been a terra incognita to the business men of the metropolis pf the state, and beyond the knowledge that "cut there" is a great big country whose devel opment is being retarded be cause of a lack of transporta tion facilities, they know noth ing about our country and have never tried to learn anything about it. Most of the business men of Portland do not know whether Central Oregon is East or West of the Cascades, North br South of the Columbia river, 'ior anything about the tremen flou8 commercial possibilities bf this country when it shall be developed by the coming of a railroad. They know nothing about its million acres of wheat land, its hundreds of thousands of acres under irrigation, its 'great forests of fir and yellow pine, and ,its undeveloped min eral wealth. These are apart (bf the groat undeveloped re sources of denjral Oregon,, which forbears have, been crying out tp the misineoq interests 01 .a - . . mm 'ortland for aid in securinor ietWr transportaton facilities, ittftt that they Wight tootir their Wealth inttf the ollahMela or trade, and which Until ndw HrtVtt never had a responsive echo. water talri hAlstfi The water code desired by irriimtionistS throughout the" state hns passed the Senate and will pass the Hotise Without se rious opposition. The water code as passed is practically the same as that prepared by the Conservation Commission and carries the emergency clause so that it will go into efl'eot immediately Upon its sig nature by the Governor. The on!' amendment proposed Was by Senator Bowerman whose amendment provides that the State Engineer and the two division superintendents' be elected by -the people instead of being appointed by the Gov ernor, his contention being that this would tend to make them more careful of their duties. The water code is one of the most important pieces of lepjs lation with which the preseu session has had to deal, and the passage of the act will be ap proved in every section of the state where water rights are o any importance. CHUCH OF CHRIST SERVICES Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a . Bible study class every Wednesday evening at 7:30. Preaching at Madras 2d and 4th Sun days in each month. Preaching at Willow Creek Saturday evening at 7:30 heb. 20, and bunday morning at 1 1 a. m. Feb. 2!, and at La- monta Sunday evening at 7:30. B. F. V. Pitman, Pastor. SERVICES AT M. E. CHURCH Sunday, February 21, Sunday school at 10 a. m.: preaching at 1 1 a. m. and 7:30 p. m ; junior Lergue at 3 p. m j Ep worth League at 6:45 P-m- Sunday, Feb. 28, preaching at Vibbert schoolhouse in the morning and at Mad ras in the evening. The Ladies Aid Society will have their cooked, food sale Saturday afternoon at B. S. Larkin's store. Call on them. G. R. MOOR HEAD, Pastor. focHle Herse LtateCRt H prepared expressly for. the seeds d beriemen and riFickmcii. It is pewrrfti! aad pcne tratinz liafmeat, a rtmiy far Merges, cits. A. jwtWs tMfcrecaliM for fb relief M pta. ai (he test Mmtat tor sfTAHptutai sm-mms. UftCQttaled (or curia;! wouttt aid Injuries ef BARBED, WIRE m4 for heath cuts, abrssionstitres and bruises. Pacific Hw. JLfejfe($ci is feW 1 uutMtti. No 4Heri!? l or help! w fa so many .ways, JUt fells to satisfy, we authorize all dealer&ie refund (he pwchase price. ixtiu 4ncc ottu rirrv c(nt HOyTPffiMICAL CO.,loiTUNP. 0r. BT d"!BiJM FRCli DAYLIGHT STAGE Tlieru will be s daylight etage leavlug Milras for Shanlko every morning. The Htage will leave from the Green Hotel. J. W. Livingston. tf Public SalS PUBLIC BALE-IIaving decided tp quit farming, I will Bell at public Bale at my ranch 5 miles East of Madras, on Haycreek road, on Thursday, March 4, 1909, commencing at 10 o'clock sharp, the fol lowing property, towit: IIOKSKH, COWB, Ko-3 head of Howe, 2 Kiitdlnga, weight about liWU cacIi, 1 umru, weight about VOOf 2 milch rouaj ihellOu.H H(J18 juonhi old 1 yearling bull; iwwa with '1kj 4 dozen chicken. ' J'AUJIINa lih'l.KiIET8-l et hcilvyworV )iarnt'Mj J chain liar nlsif U buggV. kwQ tun iilng order? 3-Uieh. IlorilAQU wgonji 10-liich wttlklug jilow;2MeelliiJiftrrow:j mowor: Mc Connie k blndvr, Used one NtfMoirc , Ml8CK;vLANKOt- Whtfulbartp. evcrl borrnln, welt ropu 19 e'pt ynts, 2 d,rllli, I drill lug hnmmtr, SO buahel iota(ou, !,lioueioil goodM and ottitir tool nuo uftpeU totiiiuiit oui to mention, Machinery cud tooli Nil ih good condition. : i, , TKUM8 OF (iKHowei)!oqe,'lial( cM, balances months time. Oilier iiifojierty.fvi thoe, purchaser giving nolo wlli ajijirovert necurlty, 8unu jler iW, CmIi. , . CIIAHI.KH 'iyjNaTA4-AK,tiMjevr, , & 3t WkLLer, Ownor. , BooiLLET aftavv FREE m mmmUm m. . X . A. MADRAS, FARMERS EVlRY SATUfifJAY MlRNlHG AT MADRAS Beginning Snturday, Feb. 20. (here will be nn Auction Sale at Madras, wIihih farmers can dbposu of nto'j, im plements, or an v article tliny liav for tale. Notify thn ouqnoneer in advance ana ne this space. The sale will Building, Madras. Property of , commission. List your property if you have anything to sell. Auction Every Saturday COL.W. H. REYNOLD Auctioneer 121 LUMBER Of all kinds, 1 -2 million feet of dry LUMBER at GRIZZLY UKl lAWMILi Address; Culver, Oregon 5H ;,iorir tittrftim - " ' MMhk J flPMfc i. WlUdliiy wuii waic Gomrnghciftg at orice 1 am going to make & GREAT SLAUGHTER IN PRICES Having decided to CHOSE OUT hiy entire stock of GROCERIES, SHOES, HATS ftllV mi ii ir t" " - 1 " ' in "" "" "" ' AND CAPS, CLOTHING ,, And in fact everything, excepting hiy which I shall continue lo carryi My TERMS ARB GASH jor all ooods off'crfcd fit n 'drscott stock Va tlbsCd oiir. . My the price df each article or line, so buy come in and toll mc what you QUOTE YOU IVIY liOOlESf FIGURES I will reduce the price of CLOTHING 1-3 OFF Regular Pric3 SHOES 1-3 HATS & CAPS 1-3 UNDERWEAR 1-3 DRY GOODS 1-3 it ii it On all Groceries I will reduce the price ac cording to cost, but No Reduction will be made on Sugar and Flour. C. m t AUCTION ! win Jt8i yonr properly in be held in the Loveall all descriptions sold on 111 - ...J;ttt ...i k Hardware and Implements, pfr$L sal tie t ' 1 md U ti o atu to continue until the list is too large to enumerate J vi only say that before yp'd want and I will it a it tt it ,( tt it sAnford OREGON tm mm A tm n mm mm m mm m Mi. A A mW. m Mm k Mk m 4 m. A mm B S m ITT V THE HRPPN HOI H. B. TTURpIn, Proprietor House thoroughly trenovatcd. Good service. Tables well suDoficd.. Headqtlartcrs for twl- ing men, and tne transient trade MlB Bargain While They Lgg! Dlginning next Monday, Fcbmnry At I 2 cans Economy Cream $1.00 .. .. ... - i . ia.i; ... ji .ii,. i ii iii.ii.ji.mii-"" wijii""" iMiii'Iii'iiiim'iimiIIMiIiim.i.i'IiiIiiiiii.imiii.i'ii''i'1'""'1'" ' MadraTradingCo. r rr r5"M to'tJr . MANA . iiimiiiiiiiii in i m ion Ski ... it a. JTt. tnh wp my wbj Tsv wi A"