The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, February 04, 1909, Image 7

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    f OF THE DAY
,uv Items Gathered fro AI
farts oi we
of tha
ago, is
. ,nt but Not Loss Inten
in.,."'" . .
Htlng mpponwa-"
Outstdo tho State
L l.J In Kt. I'OlCri'MUIK IH HVUl.
iiiirust Be mom. iib w
August . , recovc-
D.nlt Consianio ywjuunn,
French actor
Thc deadlock In tho Illinois icgiBia-
ton continues, thOUgn uoimma u iwa-
. .... -.,, t
tf.yorltose,of Ml wbukoc, vy b., is
j.rmlncd to stick to ma poncy oi
t i.Mfd that PreBldont Roosevelt
tiiui California to tako no action on
rvRnnnlRh Btcntnor Trinidad ram
t-j.H unk an unknown uoigian
httimer and eight Hvoa wore lost.
Et.Senator W. A. Clark la reported
k, 1 at tho head of a company who
hrill manufacture tho new oxplosive,
, 200clerkB in tho office of tho
n 1 A... Tllf t ..
U,..mrft oi UOOK county, lllinOIH,
.Mrh I mostly Chicago, havo ntruck
for more pay for overtime,
Like Michigan i so polluted with
Itkeiewago from tno uniumot river
tat the new $3,000,000 Southwest
llssd tunnel may provo uboIcbs.
Orfiron'B "electoral mcsaengcrhaa not
1 w ....... . I II
Ijtt reached Washington,- nor naa ino
fiscsienccrfrom Montana. Thoy will
Isotbe fined, as tho roturna havo been
hut by mail.
Wheat sells in Portland markets at
Attorney Jcromo wnnta to prosecuto
canal scandal caso.
Chinese laundries aro accused of
jipreading leprosy in Chicago.
The Oklahoma grand jury has found
three true bills in their land fraud in-qaiiy.
The Prussian diet has turned down
wveral measures favoring election ro-
I forms.
Signals from five imprisoned miners
Stetr Pittsburg havo ceased, and they
tie given up for dead.
Governor Gillett has sent a special
Icesisgeto tho California legislature
Isgilnst anti-Jap bills.
Captain Scalby. of tho lost Atlantic
Iliser Republic, was given a great ova
tion upon his arrival in New York.
A Jananeso prince was sotrctlv mar-
rid to a Hungarian woman and now ho
uahls whole family aro in diBgraco.
floods In a California river carried
.. '
I wee railroad restaurants out to sea.
(and the entire city of Santa. Maria is
s, a dinger.
A Woman in HurHnrrtn. Wnh..
. n t
Iflrave out three burglaro at tho point,
pi mpiy rovoiver. 'inon Bho locKcd
we door and fainted.
Jeffries, retired honvvwnirriit nhnm.
Plon pugilist, has signed a contract to
War On tho Vnudovllln ntntrn tlirniirrh
tthe largo citiea of tho East. .
A outer factional light
we United Mineworkcra
mahM ni. ... . ..
-ii.uui nue emigration ana
Continue Friendly Relations.
Washington, Jan. 20. MarquiaKat
surfl, prlmo minister of Japan, and
Count Komura, minifltor of foreign
affairs, recently explained nt Tokio to
Fra-icla B, Loomis, commissioner-general
to tho Japanese exposition, in a
Hones or mierviowB of uncommon in-
tcroat and of great political import
ance, tho nttltudo and position of the
Japancso government in respect to tho
Friday, January 20.
Washington, Jan. 29. As soon oa
ho could get tho floor today, Raincy, of
i'llnols, read to tho houso tho cable
gram which ho recoived from C. P,
Taft yesterday in which tho brother of
tho presiucnt-clcrt
i$ ?? nnBi Rl betwon Jnpnn ovor had any business association with
William Nelson Cromwell or any Inter-
and tha United States.
I was deeply und agreeably Im
prcaocd," said Mr. Loomis, "with tho
aircct, explicit and what Boomed to mo
satisfactory statement of Count TCnmit.
ra, minister of foroign affalrB, respect- on Tuesday.
mg ino umtcd atatea. His utterances "Tho country
nnu iimm, uit-ur wnu coruiai.
"Count Komura and
tat at any tlmo In tho Isthmus of Pan
arna In tho message, ho asked Rainey
to retract his statements regarding
Mr. Taft, which ho mado in his speech
Jfinnn'n nnntrn,
tions wero for peaco and that, bo far aa
tho United States waa concerned. hl
country most heartily dcalrcd to pro
sorvo unbroken and unimpaired tho his
wry or tho friendship betwoen Japan
and tho United States. Ho uaid the
people of Japan had long folt that tho
uniioa Btaies had been not only a kind
will bo clad to know
that Mr, TaftV namo is being used
there without his consent." ho said
Tho omnibus claims bill, carrying an
appropriation of about $3,000,000;
wnicn has ocen ravorab v acted unon
by tho houBo of representatives, was
passed by tho senate today with an
amendment repealing tho law allowing
tho reference of Southern war claims
to tho court of claims by the senate or
friend to Japan, but a very dcpondnblo houso of representatives.
uiiu nullum one, nnu uiai inis govern
ment earnestly desired this nmirnhln
relationship to continue and would loy
ally endeavor to do its utmost to main
tain it. Ho declared tho actions of
this government had borne out it
words and promises.
"in tho matter of emigration of Jan
nncso laborers, " Bald Count Komura,
"we aro doing our utmost to work In
hnrmony with the. government of tho
united btatefl and to meet its wishes.
Wo are eneriretic in discouracincr cmi
grntion to tho United States and else
where excopt to Coren. Formosa and
parts of Manchuria. It Ib tho definite
policy of the government of Japan to
concentrate its surplus populations
mat winch is disposed to emigrate in
these parts of tho Orient which I have
mentioned. There Is onnortunitv for a
very jargo number of our peop'o in Co
rea. They can bq of general assist
ance in modernirincr tho dovelonment
... . - . . -
oi mat country and can add vastly to
tia productiveness, and at the uamo
timo better their own class.
occurred in
The Amorican battleships Maino and
.wutouri recoived a warm welcome at
navana harbor.
m mayor of Portland declares that
we entire police forco Bhall become a
wai squau."
a serious cla8h occurred between
mlca) "aval offlcers and tho police
--ioiBemcB, h ranee,
n .
w w w Pa88cngorB and crew of tho
't liner Republic heartily pralao tho
brvcry of tho captain. .
Montana farmers havo lost tholr suit
m "fOBnoltorflto compol abato
meof tho smoke nuisance,
nile?n minor8 aro entombed by an
tK ?,in. a Pennsylvania mine, and
tht is little hope for any of them.
Hflt.jenKconforcnco at Whito
ren 1 """UI piaco to raise cnu-
. Carrie Nation attomntod to lncturo
hKn,'butwna forcl to quit by
JJjei and rotten eggs from tho audi-
Thfi Riiri. .... . m
tebat. 3 refuBed 10 dcfln tho luw on
in arm!,!1!8 "wted by tho Alton road
Wealing from its rocont big flno.
h'ghtmare CU "COr
Jhfl Houso haa refused to Incroaso
farmer wrb
an attack of
of Rear-Ad"
, nmBKQ.
of Mt.
Ann .1 "
COn frr Attn mon nova .Tn.
over A& t0 ?ve tho Pwr of veto
"'American legislation,
A JiAn...
toWlrH' n. rwomnnnaa ben atoallng
Lieofhar vlctima asking forgive-
Flotilla Arrives at Bay City 125
Out From Naw York.
San Francisco, Jan. 2C Weather-
beaten and Btaincd by tho Btorms of
many ocas, the lightship flotilla sailed
nto port today, 125 days out from Now
York. Tho little fleet, consisting of
three lightships and, thno lighthouse
tenders, mado Its voyage of more than
14,000 miles without mishap, and Cap
tain Albert Mertz, who is in command.
a highly pleased with the performance
of his staunch littlo craft. Out of
Callao, the lightships wero taken in
tow by tho tenders to savo coal,' and
176 miles wero covered in this way.
i ho IlRhtshin Columbia River. No.
08, will go north. to guard tho entrance
of tho stream af tor which sho ia named.
Tho Swlftaure, No. 93, and the tender
Manzanitn go to tho Straits of Fuca,
tho entrance to Pugot Sound. Tho Ho
tel and tender bcquaia will remain
hero, and tho tender Kuqui goes to
Presldont-elect Taft and Party
bark on U. S. Cruisers.
Charleston, S. C, Jan. 20. Presi
dent-elect Taft and wifo and many
Tho houso committee on interstate
commerce today decided to report no
general railroad legislation this ses
Frances Folsoni Cleveland, widow of
cx-l'resldent Cleveland, and Mary Lord
Harrison, widow of ex-President Har
rison, wero today granted the franking
privilege for lifo by tho provisions of
a house bill passed by tho senate.
The law permitting either houso of
congress to refer Civil war claims to
the court of claims for adjudication
will be repealed if an amendment to
tho omnibus claims bill which was
adopted today by tho senate becomes a
A plan for harmonizing tho views of
republican senators who have been at
variance on the re-enlistment of negro
soldiers of tho Twenty-fifth rceiment.
discharged on account of the Browns
villo aiTair, was laid beforo tho senate
today by Aidrich and accepted by advo
catcs of other similar measures.
Thursday, January 28.
Washington, Jan. 28. Almost tho
ontiro sess on of tho house was taken
up today with a discussion of the con
ference report on tho bill providing for
the taking of the next census. A pro
vision granting to tho director of the
census the right to have the printing
of reports done by private concerns, in
case such action should be deemed ad
visable, was agreed to. The confer
ence report was adopted.
Tho army appropriation bill had been
brieily discussed when tho house ad
Representative Humphrey, of Wash'
ington, haa introduced a bill intended
to provide for a system of auxiliary
police in Alaska. The bill authorizes
the attorney-general to appoint as spe
cial "peace olhcers" such employes of
the Alaska school service as may be
designated by tho secretary of Hie in
terior. Theso olhcers will have autho
rity to arrest any person violating or
charged with violating the Alaska
criminal code, and persons so arrested
Bhall be taken beforo a United States
commissioner or othor judicial officer
for trial.
Tho omnibus claims bill was beforo
tho senate today. Various amend
ments were proposed, tho vote on tho
amendment to repeal the Tucker act,
under which' war claims are sent to the
court of claims, boing postponed until
Forakcr gave notice that tomorrow
newspaper correspondents, a corps of he would ca up his bn, for the ron.
expert ongincers and other distinguish
cd friends, will begin tomorrow morn
intr a cruiso that will end at New Or-
leana February 13.
Mr. Taft and hia immediate party
will sail on tho North Carolina and the
othora will go on tho Montana. Both
boats will bo crowded to tho limit
Returning from Panama tho Taft party
will bo transferred from tho warships
to tho scout cruisers Birmingham and
Salem for tho trip up tho mouth of the
Mississippi river. Tliis arrangement
will permit tho North Carolina and
Montana to assist in escorting homo
tho battleship fleet on its return from
tho world-wide cruiso.
Year's Yield $80,130,000.
Ottawa, Ont., Jan. 26. One of the
most important and interesting depart
mental reports over issued from tho
covernmont offices is that which has
just appeared from the department of
m nes. Tho report buowb in the ag
gregate a mineral production for all
Canada valued at in juuy,
as compared with only a littlo over
S20.000.000 12 voarB aero. In that
nortlon of tho report devoted to tho
Yukon it is stated that tho total pro
duction of cold from 1895 to 1907 was
California Race Tracks Doomed,
San Francisco, Jan. 20, That rac-J amendment by Gardner,
ing In tho state of California is doomed
and that tho present season at tho fa
mous Emoryvlllo and banta Anita
courses will mark tho passing of tho
'Bport of kings," Is tho opinion of tho
mnioritv of race followora at Sacra-
monto. Tho passage of tho Walker-
Otis anti-racotrack bill by an over
whelming majority in tho lower house
haa spread consternation in tho ranks
of tho opponents of tho proposod law.
Fire Scares Passengers.
Konmoro, Ireland, Jan, 20. Twon-
tv-four nasBontrora on tho packet from
Liverpool to Cork had a thrilling expo
rlonco on Saturday night. Flro was
discovered on tho ship and with great
difficulty all tho passengers wero trans
ferred to a nassimr ship. Thoy wero
landed at Holyhead this morning. The
statement of tho soldiers of tho Twen
ty-fifth regiment, who wero discharged
without honor, on account of the
Brownsville, Texas, shooting, August
13-14, 190G.
Ormsby McHarg, who has returned
hero from Oregon, says there will be a
contest instituted 'against seating Senator-elect
Tho basis of tho contest will claim
that certain members of the legislature
wero not permitted to exercise thoir
constitutional privilege of individual
choice in tho selection 'of a senator.
This contention, if established. Mc
Harg believes, will result in prevent'
ing Chamberlain from retaining his
Beat. '
Wednesday, January 27.
Washington, Jan. 27. Tho houso
proceedings began today with tho
adoption of tho special committee re
port, recommending the expunging
from tho record of tho recent speech
of Willott, of New York, denunciatory
of Proaident Roosovelt.
Whon tho postoffico appropriation
bill was road for amendment in tho
houso today tho provisions covering
tho per diem allowanco'of inspectors as
well as their traveling expenses wero
stricken out op points of ordor, but
later restored.
A Btorm of debate was raised bv an
of Massachu--
neBseo. that "hundreds' of rural car
riers Wero acting as salesmen for busi
ness houses."
To conservo tho surplus waters of
Brownsville Ratses SI Per Capita for
Peblfclfy Campafgn.
Brownsville Tho Brownsville- Com-
Sfrlkas Near Point Where) Valencia
Was Lost Two Y.ears Ago
Victoria, B. C, Jan. 2d. Tho Amer
ican four-masted schooner Soqucl, Cap
tain Jamicson, from Callao, duo Do
comber 9, to Port Townscnd in ballast,
is a total wreck on Seabird Rocks, at
Ur mnnfh nf Pnetlfinn Ttfltf. elflSfl to
navigable Btrcama in time , of flood and Lhore tho 6tcamcr Valencia was lost mowlal clab hold iWr
siore mem in wavereiiuuu until muu v ,.t. i in u., tu m ioe iucbuhv ium, mwi nug""
drouth. Renresentetlvo'Lover. of South "V-"'V" J tendance in Its history and much en
' . . . . ... i vi-jir.s m'tj. i . . - f
Cnrolinn. has introduced a bill Wh en r j r thusiaam. Atrain was the recora ore-
nrov desfortho co-operation of states k."""0' TT ken, Brownsville haa tho distinction
w--- . i ri t- whv i II i ii in hi nil i-r iiji in b xunii' i . . .
with each other or with the United ":', ZtJ t t , of beiner the only town in tho Pacific
States for tho protection of water- Z'lJ llTnnara Northwest that has raised a publicity
t e i .t.1 rri. uiii I - -" -j 7-----0 -z-
sncuB oi imviBuu iu Dhcu.d. when two 0f th0 maBts camodown soon
proviuesa commission, w ue anuwri flf te , th e Bchooner drovo on the rocks.
Tho steamers Tees and Lebro, the
latter carrying tho crew of tho wrecked
Bamfleld creek motor lifeboat, with
difficulty rescued fivo of the crew.
fund of $1 per capita without outside
Last night President Holloway an
nounced that every single businessman
in the city had contributed to the pub
licity fund, which now reaches ovor
wu tX' v,.f BmamnA Mrino- S1500 and is still growing. Tho whola
, t,af ArnA with the publicity spirit and the cm-
du v uio nviu niiiivuv.utvniii.ut i - 0 r .
rru t,nf i,A v,rr, ii-r izens are arranging o oncurpuio iiDer-
wfth iimVnn w any. 'xno uaiapooia vaney ia one oi
as a result of a falling spar Btriking the best in tho state, but ita resources
him, could not be got off, and darkness
left on board the
went to Bamfleld
came. They were
wreck and the Tecs
to land those saved
Tho United States revenue cutter
Manning, on special detail as life-sav
ing packet, put out from Neah bay at
4:30 this afternoon to render assistance
to tho wrecked craft. She took with
her the lifesaving crew of Waahdl is
land station. The Manning found the
Soquel bo firmly impaled on jagged
have never been exploited abroad to
any extent It contains some of tho
beat agricultural, fruit, grazing and
timber lands in the state.
To aid in placing Brownsville "on
the map" the women of tho city havo
become imbued with the spirit of prog
ress and enthusiasm and last night met
35 strong and organized an auxiliary
to the club. Much enthusiasm pre
vailed. Tho object of tho women's
club ia to obtain chiefly a public park,
rocks that there is small chance she cleaner streets and alleys and to pro-. $
will ever be gotten afloat again.
The five men rescued by the Tees
wero recovered from one of the Sea-
bird rocks, which are almost awash at
high water. They reached the rocks
early this morning, They had built a
fire on the rock with driftwood and
were huddled about the fire awaiting
mote civic improvement throughout
the town and county. Offlcers were
elected as follows: Mrs. Wayne Stan
ard, president; Mrs. W. J. Hooker,
secretary; Mrs. Clara McCoy, treasurer.
the National Forest Reservation com
mission, to pass upon lands which aro
necessary for the regulation of navl
gablo streams, as recommended for tho
purchase by tho secretary of agricul
Washington, Jan. 27, Senate lead
ers havo drafted a bill for the 8 settle
mcnt of tho Brownsville question,
which meets with the approval of Pres
ident Roosevelt and Senator Foraker.
It provides for tho appointment of a
commission of general officers to con
aider all applications of the discharged
negro soldiers for re-enlistment. Tho
conclusions of tbo commission are not
to be final, but must be submitted to
tho War department for- review. If
the commission finds that there is no
evidence to connect tne applicant for
re-enlistment with tho Brownsville
affair the applicant is to be restored
to service in tho army. The bill has
not yet been made public.
Tuesday, January 20.
Washington, Jan. 26. "Under the
control of the speaker of tho house and
tho enormous power with which ho ia
armed, can the individual member
properly discharge his duties to the
nation?" This query was propounded
today by Murdock of Jtansas in a
speech in the house,
Murdock mado four concrete proposi
tions. In one ho cited a case in which,
he said, a secret service agent under a
congressional commission had been
paid over $28 a day, which was an out
rageous Bum, and the second, in which
for 23 years tho president of tho Mich
igan Central railroad had been paid
$1000 a year as a mail messenger to
make up pay for transportation of
mails on railroads, which Murdock said
could not bo done under the lawB.
As a third instance he charged that
an excess of payment of 335,000 a year
had been made to the Eads bridge at
bt. Louis for mail charges. The fourth
was the payment by the house of rep
resentatives itself of $500 a year for a
trivial clerical duty.
"And now," he said, "I challenge
any member of this body who ib not a
chairman of an appropriation commit
tee ta a correction through congres
sional action in these four ltemn I havo
cited, over the opposition of the speak
er or without his consent or that of
any of the chairmen.
A bitter attack on William Nelson
Cromwell, President Obaldia, of Pana
ma, and others, by Rainey of Illinois,
was made in the . house today. The
postoffice appropriation bill was under
consideration, but Rainey spoke under
license of general debate and was un
sparing in his charges of corruption
agamBt the persons named. Stevens,
of Minnesota, and Kusterman. of Wis
consin, expressed their disapproval of
his remarks and entered a defense of
the accused.
Saturday, January 23.
Washington, Jan. 23. A large num
ber of pension.bills were passed by the
houso today and by the decisive vote of
az to 103 tho house refused to increase
the pension of Julia B. Coghlan. widow
oiatear-Admiral Coghlan, U. S. N.,
irom sou a month, as recommended bv
..... wi,i,tVg v uvuoiuuD, .u oj.uu. ua i limit- nnira Kinna no., tu uiu navwara is irvinir tn omnn.
Zr;eihrm ,8rme,ndrnt . ?ffere.dby blo weather will result in much illness. match.with(- A. C. for the latter
w 10 wicow maae an as it will plant the germs of pneumo- 01 ebruary-
increase, nia and kindred ailmnta
ii ib, ne said, "for the widow of rf;.!. ,.. ,l..i . .
tho mnn Wfch fiA u. r " . mmu urjy w,nas are
;T , h It V7 ' C- " - FesPns"e tor the peculiar conditions
Will Remain In Car at Oakland Till S,
P. Road Is Cleared.
San Francisco, Jan. 25. Governor-
elect Cosgrove is not so soon to leave
California for the north. He was due
to leave this afternoon at 2 o'clock,
but word came that the Southern Paci
fic lines were blocked and he will re
main in his private car indefinitely un
til he can go through without delay.
It will probably be several days before
his car moves.
In the meantime he is located at'the
Oakland mole, as his physicians believe
it would be unwise for him to go to a
hotel. Tho place is not adapted to
quiet, as trains are moving at all hours
of the night, but the governor is deter
mined to make the best of a bad situa
tion. The car is so equipped that all
meals can be Berved without his mov
ing from the train.
It is said by those close to the gover
nor that ho obstinately refuses to dis
cuss tho political situation, but that he
is anxious to return to Olympia to set
tle the tangle as to who is governor of
the state of Washington.
Chicago Experiences Warmest Winter
Weather in 39 Years.
Chicago. Jan. 25. Chicago todav
experienced the warmest January
weather since 1870. The temperature
reached 66 above, the former record
being 65. this point being reached in
1870, and again in 1876. January 29,
jyub, the temperature reached 61
above, but only for a brief time.
ioday people went about thinlv-clad.
forsaking wraps, and in homes and
qihees all heat was shut off and win
dows and doors thrown open to the
limit. Physicians sav the unseasonn-
Irrlgation Congress Forms Big Pro
ject for Sandridge Country.
La Grande Preliminary steps in
the formation of an incorporation capi
talized at S600.000 have been taken at
the Irrigation Congress, held here and
attended by qver 400 farmers. The di
rect result of the meeting was the
adoption of a report which provides for
incorporation and the closing of tno
subscription books on April 1, when
the construction of the gigantic project
will begin on one of two plans, name-'
ly, the irrigation of 20,000 acres by
building a long canal to the Sandridge'
country, or by irrigation 15,000 acres
south and east of La Grande by build
ing a less expensive canal in an
other direction. The cost price for the
water under either project will be $20
an acre.
The detailed plans for the project
were prepared by Engineer Young,
whose report points out how the Mead
ow Brook canyon, 18 miles up the
Grande Ronde river from La Grande,
is the outlet for an abundance of water.
Where the canyon widens into, the riv
er, nature has provided stone walls a
distance of -about 100 feet apart. Here
it is that a huge cement dam is to be
built Theend3 are to be imbedded
into the solid rock on either side, pre
venting possibility of washouts or
leaks. Thus harnessed, the canyon
will in the spring store enough water
in a natural rock basin behind it to
cover 20,000 acres of land with one
foot of water.
U. of O. Takes Up Wrestling.
University of Oregon, Eugene The
university students have taken un
wrestling with a great deal of zeal.
Twenty or 30 are out on the mat every
afternoon. Joe La Salle, who had thn
match recently with O'Connell in Port
land, is being conditioned bv Train.-
Hayward and at the same time is
teaching wrestling to the students.
iiill Hayward
sotts, providing for an addltlonal'500
dorks, assistant superintendents, pri
vate secretaries, etc, at stations of
tho $1100 class. Tho amendment was
adopted. A further amendment wnn
agreed to, providing that the 500 ad
ditional employes shall bo taken from
those of tho $1000 class.
It wsb brought out by Slma, of Ten-
. .
o irong opposition to the increase
was made by Hull, of Iowa. Loudpn-
slager, of Now Jersey, Campbell, of
imnaas, ana aims, of Tennessee, on
the ground that there was nothincr un-
I J - . A . - -
usuui in me case to demand this nnn.
cial consideration.
Consideration of a bill to nrohlhit
tne importation of opium except for
mcaicinat purposes was prevented hv
ayne, of New York, on tha cronnfl
mat sucn action would reduce tho na-
ciaeaiy warmer weather prevails
throughout the middle west and tho
snow is disappearing everywhere. One
peculiarity of the unusual weather is
tno soggy nature of the atmosphere,
ijiuainK it mmcuic to breathe.
Duke Again Triumphant.
wasnington. Jan. 25. Thnf v,
Duke do Abruzzi is the only man who
has succeeded in reaching the top of
juuuiii. Ob Alias, in Alnnkn
Barley Feed. S27(SI27.E0 TWr inn
brewing, $28. . '
Wheat Bluestem. 81.05; eluh GO.
fife, 92c; red Russian. 90c; 4n.fnM
96c; valley, 95c.
Oats No. 1 white, $33.50 per ton.
Hay Timothy. Willamette
$16 per ton; Eastern Orecon. Sl7R)i.
clover, $1213; alfalfa, $14; graia
hay, $1213.
Fruits Apples, 76c(5)$3 ner hn-r-
pears, $11.75 per box; quinces, $1
1.25 per box; cranberries. S14.K0TJik
per barrel; persimmons, $112.5.
i-oiatoes jm.zdQj01.5O per hundred;
tlonal revenue $1,000,000 a month and ought out in tho' consideration 'by the 8Woe Potatoei, 2c per pound.
would nbtjessen the use of tho drug.
nouse committee on foreign affairs of
tno appropriation asked for marlfinir
l li ... 11,,. ai..i. i , . . r
uuiuckv inmans. i w,u -muoMui oounaarv. i hin mnnn.
T AM m. I . . -"""U
uan. so, Xhe secre- "n is ono or the nenkq whivv, ..
To Help
tnrV of thh Jnforini- lino m-J I nrnaanA Kv. tl.
- ,,u utiEU luuua-abi"""-"-" my uni uuuiiuarv lino and in nn
to pass a bill in tho interest of wmor. evidenco of lha rtimpniK
. rrftiw iiuvw iun.uu ill if ir i viira wuiiv ui uiurKinir tma hminHnMi u
mpntn nnrl anfr4 nllnf '"1 . . .. U. A T? . """""jr uu
i ui-im ciiwiriiivuia uuvu Liirnon i vwccii aiiuku nnn i :nnnrm
...... i i ... . i w
oui, mi dq vaiueieBs, or of
Ho urges tho passage of
ing that where the surnlus Inn,? nf n
inaian reservation havo been thrown a farmer. Hvino-
Onions Oregon. $1
Vegetables Turnips. S1.B0 (7f. l ir
per sack; carrots, $1.251.50; pars
nips, Sl.60ff81.75: beets. Sl.Kfti -7K.
horseradish, 810c per pound; arti
chokes, $1.40 per dozen; beans. 2Ka
per pound; cabbage. 2Uc ner rnA.
cauliflower, $2 per crate; eggplant.'
11c per pound; parsley. 80c Dor liostpn
peas, 20c per pound; peppers. 15ff!20e
per pound; pumpkins, lfiMic
Oayuse War Bill Passes.
Washington; Jan, 28. The Benato
passed tho bill previously passed by
tho houso authorizing uottlement and
payment of claims of volunteers serv
ing In tho CayuBo Indian war and their
hoirs. The beneficiaries under the bill
aro John Minto, Charles Bonds, Ellen
E. Hackott, Missouri A. Cornelius,
Mary J, Kelzur, Amanda Roeso. Marv
packet waa beachod and burned to the E. Cornahan, Polly O. Butlor arid
water's edge. Sarah E, Schaatz.
Man Dies of Niehtmare.
Eugene, Or., Jan, 25. Marion Nice,
open to aettlement, Indians on said early Saturday morning whilom
reservation who have been alloted land the Bnell nf LZ" r vi?.under Ul per pound,
S Wea mv in usual health yesterday, but has bin l
mm seiect ouuject to nightmare for a nnmhoH
years. When hla wlfo
early in tho morning by the groaning
of ts nB pam no Particular
relinquish tholr allotmnntn
In lieu lands of equal area from the un
appropriated portion of tho
Noted Army Officer Retires.
Washington, Jan. 27. After 40
years of distinguished eervlco in the
army, Colonel David A.
placed on tho retired Hat today by ope-
fancy outside creamery, 35(S36c; store,
lovsfcui, per puuim.
Eggs Oregon ranch. d(rtA 1.
dozen; Eastern, 8035e.
attention, such spells being not unusual Vu,try-Hen,B. 12&13 Pr ponsd;
with Nice. When he failed to So his Prinff',larKe' clK213c; smaJlfll
wife found him dead. 20c; mixed, 1213c; ducks, 1920e:
8co, ivwuc; turkeys, 1820c.
Thug, Dynamite Bank. L-!xi' miOXc pet powxl;
jpreaonia. Kan.. Jan. 9k ::",;w"' uk
r"ww'' "4 v" fKo, limit, uoipnel Lyle bank at New Anw. Z iU"1rncy 8fc per ttowid;
lesves an enviab e record. Tn nHlM "1.' -"-"'.:vu"'"y-a weai largo, b8c.
to his military career he h uTT. T WS MS of Hops-1908. choice 7 .
?Putatlon as an Inventor and an rapKZliraS fA' W
:J"'.JF)31 ttlo tLiXStSa: 6cc; 1906,llKc;M
AuguBta, ua., as bank, 'They then broke Into the svi- iniJ "Kon, Rvers,
of the AUgusU arsenal toolhouse ana securing hi Pr pound, according to
lance officer, cuped. "cung a nandcar, e, nge; -ralley, 15 163116; j
ed a reputation aa
been stationed
nd chief ordnance
1 choidr, 181e.