sm. t?4lr1rMV.'1 ffiS "hnt Una an unn nE record of euros of cdrc S. . cr.ip"8, catarrh. Bcro'u". nnpinlft. nervouaiifBB, mjih nnem a, nervousness, riij no. iuoo " "i i ,, WW 1 .r,inntlon and proportions oi tnW ty"lifrtM remedial tbeniorfl t , V fr00(l' tfarsnparllhi Tnn only to ou wolves, oo, there c2. llclno mokes lionlthy nnd - inn uiiHw . ,..... Tofo cnrnuaoles that twit t"o g0gcrw8 constantly attacking you. StncU Onmlfln.' of fnnn buildings; in fnct, many fiinn nfflnlt.K ..". um imiKo n miHinito in putting up too utor U M"" dlHCtisMns clabornto a liiilhlin which rnflit to en- . i. -.mrnTifinnn lllU I'lVniijUillri I lnrn mw fr-.t M..i..t.... ....... ..i -A4I niflfl""- I llV ! LW IIILIIIII HI 1 1 1 If ' 1 1) 1 1 T I'ftll ff I In ff Mtl JnOoni toward tho abolition of for kol.nK t)l(, ,(.c Th(J (MJo )uI(li J jambllnc ihg shown In llio drawing, wlilcli Is re- ocunw'"" " y 7, " """""-" i'rm nnu Homo, wm La wM Srnntor Ln KoHcttc. ,(t p W, l)01lt 0MC (Iliy. I(l)0). lfnrs'e Vnlun of Conntrr, Almost $2',00),000,000 Worth of horses nro owned In tlio United States, according to tho Year Hook of tho De partment of Agriculture, It Ib prob ablo that If tho horses were taken nt their real Value, Instead of their as sessed value, tlil figure would bo great ly Increased. According to this report, Ihoro nro 1!),002,000 horses In this coun try, with a value of $ 1(17,5:50,000, and tho average value per head Is S03.-10. Anybody known that has tried to buy CIipup mill niinnii. ,, ii,,,,.... horses of Into that tho average per An Icehouse Ih one- of tho simplest ,,t"1 in too small, for even an ordinary After nil, what In n j Tho framework was uuulo of refuse hnrd wood, somo iixl's and somo 2x()'s - . ii ..... II lUl'Ul' .Zsful tock gamble?" "Spilwcd nnd smiled. Then he an Jfrdbli own question neatly. In i lUcccHHful stock gamble," ho, li-rou Py for ""''"""'lug that you HSfftwl money that you hnvt-.i't Z ; then you bp" what you novor had toBorctuan It crcr cost" wo Bnftrr In Orrnt IlrHnln. Itillrlllrti Ulf aro In tho throes of .totter f.mlne. Tuo stale or nrrnirs JjKh now exists In Iomlon has never teo (ipcrie iircd before In tho memory j tie oldest living merchant That elty Liverpool. Manchester, Glasgow, Bristol and other emit centers of trade . . n rm in n hiiiio ai n.-iiiw. . . ...I.. L I 1 . . . ife Is no recervo 01 roiu mureu uui it ill, Many of the prominent nmr- j.. miniifnfliin'ri III Ktmhititl rr- nuc it.u.i... -- . tht not for ninny years have they wa worklne nt surh high pressure to , . I.... It I. - ..!! ,, JBCir pri-wi.n. Hllii1.riili. .,l.w. h,...l r.... iru tiiiiitw n t . . i i . ... I rllilllkl II 1111-11 WIIH linilllll tTl Ylllk IIIUII1II .iknttrp It w 11 uiMt Willi iiu enormous . . ' " i inline, uiie hm) nit: was mat e of sluilhu- materia! iih the sides, but of t j .. rrlee of Hl Tri-imon. Ht'iter nimllty. Benedict Airld dlitl In Ixindon June ' tilling, n simce Is left between the ......... I .....II i j. . ... U.1S01. His lire nner ins trtiison wan "' mm uio ice, to uo imeUed wltli i most unlinpny one. lie was avoided sawdust, Tho crevlcos between the tmen of lumor nnd on many occji- cnki nra filled with flue Ice shavings, ilots deilbfrni-iy Insulted. Ho r hf"t no sawdust Is used between or on tflfed connlderntile sum of money t'P of tho layers of leo until tho filling to the nrIMli z vernmcnt and made ' done, when about one foot of saw KrenI onsu- --f ul attempts to en- ,,UHt Is phtced on top. im ina iiiiiii'n iiiiu iiiiiiiiv r h w 1.1117 iiaji in Ht'i'iiri vi'ii 1 1 in i if in. nun ljUUPJ IV 'ili n iivtu HV Jill "' fi!MK IUU PlUUfl lllUHi ! nji tsivivM f isvi l - -n in iiiiaiv v in ted with credit In many parts of Important to locate tho Icehouse world nnd three years before hli where there Will be good drainage. In 18.' J wos made n lieutenant I'oor drainage at tho bottom of the r I I l" i r i fiKCIION-AI. VIEW OK ICUIIOUHK. IB. work horse Is worth mdro thun that However, tho showing Is vijry encour aging, in tlio last ton or twelve yenrs the number of horses In th!H country has almost doubled, and, Instead of there being too many horses, there are not enough to do all the business that Is required, and If It were not for the use of automobile trucks In the largo cities jho merchnnts of this country would bo hard pressed for methods of transportation for their goods, With business Increasing, as every sign did! eaten, there will be a greater demand than ever for horses during the com lug year. In view of this,' breeder can go on Increasing their business, with every confidence that all the horses thoy can produce will find a ready sale at a good figure. As for good trotters, horses capable of going out and winning In their-clnss, tho de mand Is greatly in excels of the shp ply. Auction Bale managers complain that there nro not euouuli of the good ones to supply the gentlemen who are In the market for likely prospects. Tim coming year will be n banner one In the horse business, esieclally In thi breeding business. Mnldncr Vme of itio I) Dir. This sketch shows an nrrangemoni far making use of the dog for carrying water. It simply consists of a wheel. a, 8 ft. In diameter and 18 In. wide, with room enough Inside for the dog to walk around, where be acts as n tread IK)0 I'OWKII KOII I'UMM.NO WATER. power, which causes the pump. c. to re volve. In southern California there nre MAPL A Flavoring It mAe syrup better than Maple. Jt jt Sold by grocer. Uotnff (ho Mmll, "What would you consider h dlplo- matr ' "A man who Is courteoua to bla cook." "Even when she happens to bo ma wife?" "Even then'r Blrmingnam Age-Herald. OWAltD J5, JlOnTOW. AnsarW nrl Chamlif, Lalrille, tt,li-aA,t Vet, (I. C prirollstn ueuk finn wv... to,' . r ' : . : (prr.H. CyknMo Soils. M4lilncnT2P7 ol ftill prlcollst -nton opt.llcnllon. tfenlrnl imd Urn- 8S; tivroacftl CMboaat & PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT U narnteorl to cure any ca of Itchtnsr, nilnd, Bteeainn or Protrudlntr Pilot In 6 to 14 days or money refunded. COc. Every German soldier's equipment In cludes & Bible and a baif-pound cake of chocolate. CITS B Villi! I)nco no pftttth i)iimi pnn- tlr rd l.r Dr. i .loa'i Oreat Noff J lie- torsr. Send for FREE (2.09 trial Uittla aaJ treattws. Dr. H. H. Kline. Id., Wl Arch Ht., Philadelphia, Pa. 1 f . 1. . I a - Enlightened Self-lntoroat. i the United States ono of the most jiiw rnnsniipii ih run njri riiiamniia at u iv n rri..... i.. '"; V- V'VT a il.Jf OI4JIIV nil" ..11.. . j 1 v ovarv non fiitnini tit sink rt m t Ico or allowing air to clrcujato at tho top will quickly siwl! the contents of the house. 1G72 A monthly post was established between Now York and Bostom 177f5 British undor Lord Dunmore de feated by the AincrlcanH at Norfolk, W. Va. 1777- WaslilnRtoii's army went Into win ter quarters at alley t-orgi;. 1787 Pennsylvania (the second State) ratified tlie federal constitution. 3789 The first circulating library was established in Halem, Mass. 1801 New York Historical Society in stituted..... Mpaln declared war against Great Britain. .. .Two-score of houses on Wall street, New York, destroyed by fire. 1807 An unusually lanre and brilliant meteor was seen In Connecticut. 1811 Americans under Gen., IlnrriRon left the battleground nt Tippecanoe on their return" to the United Sfates. 1810 Indiana admitted into"tio Union as the nineteenth State. 1817 Mississippi admitted to statehood. 1830 National Republican party, at Bal timore, nominated Henry Clay for President. .The first, locomotive built In the United States was fin ished nnd tested at the West Point (N. Y.) foundry. 1833 Thc,IIouse of Assembly in Jamaica passed a bill abolishing slavery. 1SJ.I Patent office and Washington burned. Tlio Force ot Hnlill, A certain accountant Is so devoted to bis profession that when be has notLliig else to do he casts up bis eyefc. MnthM win flnrt Mm. 'Wlnsiow's rvt!itaa ByruptlKJboBt romedr to ticolo their ch.'Wra luring the toothing period. T'lrre la MfH ntiv limit lo the hutlttaUsaffmennl t-orry, Wehnve been ImproTlnc f! ml vttblo eeedn for over o yeara. More than jcoo pfoole f-e wortTnir to mnke Perry's Seed c ut t yoif. Euy the best Ferry, Tor ale ererywhere. rennv'8 tsno r.tro innvhl ntcz ON ntCClUEBT. D. M. rERHY It COn Detroit; Mich. One But Knevr. -"Now, boys," asked the Sunday school : teacher, "when does Chrintmas come?" I ".Tea' after paw kills hi h.-iwcs! i promptly answered the urchin in thf cowhide boots. Chicago Tribune. CASTOR'S A Por Infants and Children. The Kind You llavs Always Bought Bears the Signature of "Ilorf did yon like the show last even ing?" "Fine. Would you believe It, I saw Mrs. Brown there with a s.trange man." Detroit Free Press. AIix for Rheumatism The following is & never failine rem postoflice !n edy for rheumatism, and if followed up it will effect a comnlete cure of the 1840 The first rej;irnont to fijpht against very worst cases: "Mix one-half pint .vioxico was orRanizeiJ in Pittsburg, of good whisky with one ounce of Ton's 1S.T-1 United States and Great Britain comnound and stdd one ounce of Svruo - - I " A concluded a treaty of commercial re- Sarsaparilla compound. Take in table ciprocity. spoonful dosea before each meal and at 1S,)C Christ church, Montreal, de- bed time." The ingredients car. be stroyeu by fire. procured at any drug store and easily 1SG1 Gen. Dbc issued an order for re- mixed at home. pnsals on Canadians because of the TOWER'S FISH BRAND WTERPR00f CI LED 6ARMENTS; , are cut on largo patterns.designcd ; ,to give the wearer .me uimosf comton ilGHT-DORABlE-CUMl irxttnecMitixT SKf&xtroK as-l taw a ircwu at utom.U3a. I.IrIiI for Slio Ilnrn. Light Is one of the great sanitary coiulltlous which promote vigorous health. If tho germs of tuberculosis Tit loni rmihiii a i nrit iiiiKiNiwi i inn iiri n uimrr Tiiiit end of thu season roinovo from tho tncir vitality Is destroyed, but their i owvmj it-it un nanu. inUB I ihivumik iwncr can uu nruwurveci ior ...I! .1 .1.. - I . . . . icuMiiK ww wsnuiuuy 01 unnt HCCOB wuvemi iiiuiuuh 11 kciii in a unrK rcccp- - 0 . , v- w v. vk uiivvilUt DylHlfii I MlVIUi regaraing primarily tho Interests of L Tho Stnto veterinarians who Inspect purciuscr, D. M. 1-orry & Co. have dairy accommodations now recommend u i " vuo in piuiiiy ui ii!i, aim mo new tiairy w.u. uvarn more nuouc reltauio bams are featured with nn Increased oy writlnir to D. M. Ferrvjfe Co.. .. c ... if .,n.i ,i. - " r i iiuiiii'vi ii tiiimwttn. ii uurniu u inu placed as to cause tlio sun nt some portion of the day to shine on all parts of tho floor, as tho rays will search for disease microbes nnd destroy them. Sunlight nets an a jtowerful disinfect ant, nnd nothing Is cheaper nor more effective In preventing disease than sunlight. Dark, underground stables are now condemned ns Insanitary and disease breeding. Dark stables aro often also DOO IOWEIt FOB I'UMI'IXO WATOl. a nuinucr or incse dog-power pumps, which cost less than $1.1. A good-sized dog can easily earn his living In an arrangement of this kind. Farm nnd Home. Twin I.ambff An experienced breeder says tliat lu din rilKf, rif tu-llln It la' tvnl! rn iMnn them with tho mother In a small, sep- 1S03 ;sjf Oliver Mowat, Biberal prime nra to pen for a day or two, in order St. Alban's raid: order annulled later by President Lincoln. lfcim I'rencli occupation of Rome ter- , ruinated. 18C8 All disputes between Mexico and the United States settled by treaty. 1S70 J. R. Rainey of South Carolina, tlio first negro ever elected to thei House of Representatives, sworn In. 1S72 Eleven servant irirls nerislicl in a. fire In the Fifth Avchuo Hotel, New lork. 1S3 New Eneland celebrated the tennial of the "Boston Tea Party." Contributed by a Smart AIcclc A statesman they called Nord Alexis Got a bin! on his right solar plcxis. . Then he looked about For a chance to get out. And inquired the way to Tcxis. ONION SEED , . f ... iwa ww OVVU ii sriAh i m r .. nia sbo rucler (of nlcbt ichooD-JWliat is &m Otlrtd Pupil A pair f ear- v iiiraco jtriuune. that thoy inny become acquainted, and to nvold the danger of one of tho lnmbs straying away, which may cause trou ble. When lambs aro born weakly more care Is required, nnd unless the minister of Ontario.- issued an ad dress declaring vigorously against American assimilation. 1803 A provincial plebiscite in Prince Howard Island supported prohibition of the liquor trafllc by an overwhelm ing majority. 60c. alb Per Salter's catalogue, pace 129 Largest srrowen of nnton nn(! '-vf a VT Eetxis in uie worra. uig catalog- free; or, send 1 6c In stamps nnd receive catalog- and 1.000 kernels each of onions, carrots, celery radishes; 1.500 each lettuce, rutabaga, tur nips; 100 parsley. 100 tomatoes. 100 melons; 1.200 charming flov.-er tevdr; n all 10.000 kernels, easily worth S1.00 rt nnr mnn. money. Or. tend 20c nnil j pks:. ot Earliest Peep O Day Sweet Corn. SAUER SEED CO., Db PC LaCrosse. Wis. MAKE OLD SILVER NEW Uxrrnll 'Ioa Insist that your wife Is a most ' do," answered Mr. Meokton. Rh ... ' v j lUlUE 2 Hl!it "siiutiuii ninr. A IlariralM r. Pttlcnt-Doctor, what do vn mii ...... V4 nunc; Axtor (looking nt cllnlr-ni ti,n-m. .mmm-umi ... nsH-ii, v. Detvs sentenced to six nre suckled soon after birth they nn months' Imprisonment for confront I. ... . 1. Ill 1 1 .11. W I ... ' huuib iii ucwiiie ciiineu iiiiu uie. lr oi court during tho great railroad the laniD Is too weak to stand up and strike In Chicago suck, It should be Isold up nnd some 1S98 Gen. Galixta Garcia, noted Cuban millv milked Into Its mouth, when It loader, died In Washington. will soon take the tent and help Itself, 1800 Mnj. Gen. Leonard Wood appoint or the ewe may be ueutlv laid tinon'her ed mlllturv covprnnr of rsii. damp and present especially favorable UIde nml tUo lamb brought to the teat 1000-Mgr. Montagnini; secretary of the ,l DOCSiYt Cost YOU a Cent to Lcam It rtll lilt ltin Tr m llin iM,nliiiln t i n I ... .... . I . . ' ' i " mm mm mm, "," ""u"'' " -"" ' i"i"- on us kiiocb or siue, una uem, as above i'aiwi Nunciature, expelled from simply send us your name and address, as feuiiwii in MiifiTL-iiiomH. niiuu un mi-- indicated. f ranco by the French covommont ..i . . , ... . .... i ..... piiiiiis, which nve oniy unuer mo hiici. i wiien Iluylnif "I'orlic-m." Have you some old. tarnished Knives, Forks and Spoons that look bad? Would you like to have them plated with pure sliver so they will look and wear like solid silver? SEND US YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS and srive us a list of what you have that needs rennlshlmr and we will send you by return mall full information and particulars how to tore ii uuno St UUie COSt, 1002 German r and Enrrlnn.i tntnn, ir. . ... , I.,. II.. .. l ...., I Wlirn Itnvlnir . . ' ...... ... ii ut uiu miiHiiui-iii, hiu iiiiiiiiiiii.' in mm -- ----- ... v . naval demonstration ninr v .... . ... ... .. i ir vnn iinnr rnnr vnni Ttnii.nim'a hnmi i . iiiiii-rciiiosis ii iki ninny oiuor tiiseitses, i " " - b" ezuela. and bams for housing Hvo stock should ,mvo tho cliolorn, do not rush over to 190iv-William I. Buchanan above, and we will do as we agree. OREGON PLATING WORKS. Silver Dtnsrtment 16th and Alder Street!. Portland. Oregon P NTJ ftnl a t. .- ir uno "DROMO omwTMii U llVl-r H. C . i llOMO WE. Look "Mirsauom In Ono Day. 26o. Ill- . ... uniirn. llnrn I wila, Ii . 7 four tlm rt 11.1 . vnanuo I bo constructed with plenty of windows to promote the sanitary condition of their occupants. Goodall's Farmer. Aulomnlla Clieese Press. This form of cheese press maintains n constant pressure for any desired length of 1 1 in o by menus of a rope see them. Keep nwny from them nnd do not let anybody from tho Infected lot como ncur your own hogs. If you buy pigs from t point distant from your own neighborhood, keep them by themselves for nt least two weeks, na during that thuo the disease will show If they have It. a week hereafter. Let mo nlono I" On ,l. - , n .. "ronsr Tnl. oaao&olt. I lrft m. - ' -7. .""rwm ou wnl,l t. t ... uu paid a Mmn II . - w wsius. lira nrim m mm m W0dy.''-Chlcw .Tribune. Olher Want. 4 ' Sorifliiim fur the Silo. Under Florida conditions sorghun. makes tho best nnd cheapest crop for tho silo. Analysis shows sorghum sllnge to bo a little richer In total dlgestlblo I nutrients than corn silage. - It makes a heavier field of green forage per acre annotated uniteu btates minister to Panama. jyiKJ rho new law sonaratlmr and state went Into forco in France. 1007 -Norwegian Parliament ponfrr.i tho Nobel priro upon President Koosevelt In recognition of his ser vices in ending the Itusso-Japanese war. Justice O. B. Elliott of State Supreme No. 3-09 WHEK writing to ndver Users pleaso mentlnn this paper. Tlc Tho Btason I MVo and Bell Store Men's $3.00 lb $3.60 Shaea ?aau Any Other 2Iannfactnrer ll Viast I -tt V. mTTT tS lentSt cf th mint cotcpWM CTjtaliiUa cf trjisni experts acd icUlxt thocxiikm 13 th -miauy. Tt MlacBoti ol ts Initzt tor a part a! th (Sim, sal trerrdi-.til of tts mik'jic la ertry dpsrtsiBt, Is lockrl -tcr by th belt taoro&kert In U la4iutiy. It 1 cazlA tiaiTTOa iurr orefnlly W. I. DoccUs iIums r Trait, rtm -wsold Ua ndenttid why tiny boll tUttr usp. at txtur, u4 ww Jon Uua say euUr ntxs. Uy Ucthodef TannlnitkeSotet makes them Mora Flexible and Longer Wearing than ana others. Sliom tor K.rry Member of the Fnmlly, II". Roy. Vmrn,3I lure nnd Chllilreal . Vor sale by slioe (trains PTrrywIirre. UriUIIUll 1 name and prt-e f-nmix-il on tottoin. rajtCaUryalUVatirzc:ulTily. CsUlog EuCtd tiilL W. L D0U0US, 147 Sfuxk St. B.-ocktoa. AUs. The 2 "FLYERS" .are the O. R. & N. fast through trains between PORTLAND and SPOKANE WM. McMURRAY, a P. A. Portland -"ir- a Egg-Phosphate ji fRESCENT HULD6 AU TIUTaNT iiiai peiced C W AND do;, EErnx A FULL POUND 25c Get It from your Grocer wrapped around a pulley at tho end nnd over a small pulley on a beam overhead. Tho 1-iO-pound weight ts suf- troubi, iu wi.n, D you .... tallied, free from any mcciiiinicni open .roaMi. .i. - -.- i "IBS- of wlint I uvci iiciiii. a.uo j-iu-iijiiiiu uviKiii, vi mu ald the lawvw0"' n t0 'mT' ,lcle,lt to ,0P 1,10 Bcmv Pfessod up whatever In your eotTlnir i hi' to tl, c,,ctm A closo cUwHQ ls ob than corn. The station favors Korirlmm . . - c i t v-1 . n i. v. i lit; hinmu niiniin, mM..An for sllago. tion of the Mlnnesoin Apmlnmv o:.i bclences nt the University of Minnwmtn Otiier addresses wero delivered by JudKC C. L, Jlrowu, Attorney General E. T in k.i nicuanrMi t - vt H'nai'.ii w . . . . . a let mv iitim... nl. . IIHllHflir AnnMM,.l V BiJfln', .. . . . ----"..v.j. - - niijr lOIlCC Winter 1'oiillry Note. When your bona slug know then that they nro feeling good and will lay. Hens will not lay well or thrivo un less they have plenty of sunlight. Keep the windows clpnn, Don't fuss around your hens too Young and Prof. II. J, Fletcher of tho mw bciiooi. Tiie discussions nil related io coiiumons in Minnesota. Tho overwhel mins defeat nf vi.M.t,n i. n.n , . .. . . ....... uonu oy vmnisie, togetiier with Carlisle's de- ciaive viwory over Kt..i.ouiH, goes to add 1 n lioitnr liexilllM ivmi uuru. , i. I bn cmiiu iuuiii n fl...,. ,. . i . ..... ,. , i mimw.. ...... ...wj ,.,..11 iv u luinnesora s uiorv. i-nriii.. i,. .... According to u.o esuu.a o mnue uy bo ,et nIono nt tmc8i Minnesota defeats wo Jr7tean,Tsu JL" Ttako tho chill off the' water, new?" to bo of strength JpSK , nvuriiKu vvr hkiu .u ,tit .t.iu-it ... t ,ny .,, c ,f Jmnncsota's. This HftH Minnesota's vIp. r. Texas this year Is only. about live bush- " .,. ,X .1..1.1, iJT". .1 tory Into its true lironnrtlniiH nml ),,.. i 1...1 .1... ..... .1.. I vuillli:iiir i" .. vv miiut llliu villi Tkroatnnrl 1. Ali&i'ftXe. -'il'marUllXr!? -"US. els below that of Iowa, ono of tho grentest of tho corn-produelng States. In tho amount produced It was esti mated that Texas would bo fifth In tho States of tho Union. This Is a union mipclled corn mlxetVwlth snow. how well the Gonhers nlavwl III Hnfuntl.... till llllnVl lllilln.iu 1AHlt..1. - nf H,l tn iioolna .j..., r... nvu iram ne- mu-i, .... wmutm iiiu I unisnii oy n '6(H)ro of ,17 to 0 old hens, Stuff them nnd thoy will beat Carlisle 11 t0 0. grow fat aim tenner not too tender Many nurlciiltiirn! mii-.'..., did showing compnred with what it hut 0UB t0 Br,lC0 ft hoarding liouso to the live stock show in Chicago this was only a few years n go, and ls ac- taoie, .l u1K Uiom .ninncsotn and Nebras- counted for by tho fact that tho Texas Throw somo rusty nails m tho drink- ' " " ,UM .V lll0st or o leading farmer is beginning to realize tho great lug trough. The lions need tho iron ns 5?,?. ,I,e,JW, rtlcJpatca in the nilvnntatro thoro'ls In raising his own a tonic. But do not lot anything olso 1 1! ,L Xl. n..,i i,rn.1. nnd In tho further fact besides clean water go in with the 11 .,1' " . T81" " 1110 l'h (!a 4 1 vttti, r - - osvv.i piiu.v, (i tanners boh - - j Cl that tho Toxiib Com arowors ABSocia. nails. Troutnmn of Manhattan, Knnnitted tlon hofl dono eonio iplnndld work In DrcsBcd fowls, wrapped in clean, his practical knowledge against the theo- tint- nnir nolntliiL' out tho blcsfllncs to wlilto minor nml. Docked In now ho retlcal exporloneo of tho pniin i... the fnnnor In growing corn, hut also will bring enough motis to pay well for fof ,t,l. ?' KJon Armour ngrleultural In promoting tlio stiuiy or soon soiee- tho trouuio. 11 is not- nimi to got top " "Jl r 1 7,'"U'B 10 W which Unn mid cultivation. Galveston Nows, prices by a llttlo thought nnd worir, I JJ" J "trlbuted for the most tail. Martha Washington I Comfort Shoes You will . ; ' ,t uimi wuuuine 1 .1 measure. I iio.r tit. 1 1 1 , - --"j ti tv.u u iriovo and l".s aa a stocklne. No host wcuon at TSTZi veor movement of the j'iSSffi suoeututes, Yotir dealer uiZ00.' Hefus J M uot wrtto to u. tS?nJff.TS! tt.W. t.h. nnjno of a tlealerwtu, WaaWt mm KTX m VtaHL.' aaaMMOaW F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Co. U4WAUttEE,wiSCONStM 2) ...... l V44U V ) UUU