The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, January 07, 1909, Image 8

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    Not Col Lmi
Hot Col Laad Not Goal Land aoi uoai mini
riKSKRT LARD. Nbtlca tot PHUUrtWorf.
U Department jf tlio Interior, V. H.
Lnnd Office at Tho Dalles, Orcgoh,D
comber 10, 1908
Notico Is hereby given that
bf Prlnevllle, Oregon, who, on May 1,
1005, tnado Desert Entry (Serial tNo,
0332) No. 658,. for sw ne, sjf nwji wk.
swjif sec 20. wfsp$f,sec 111 and cJifncj sec
sec Ho, tp is , r la e, w m,
Hits filed-notice of Intention to hmlce
final Desert proof, to establish Claim
tb tlfo land above." described, before. War-
h'li brown, .(Anlnty Clerk, at his office at
si'rlnevllle. Orcitom on tlio fcstli day of
damtary, 1909.
' Claimant unities as witnesses:
Otha D Allinglmm, Frank Rodyfeltt
Frank Bellman, Arthur 0 Alllnshani, all
'Of Sisters, Orvfioni
C. V. Mbomi
d24-J23 Register
St Coal. Ltthd
TIMBER LAND. NOlieo for lHlUlica-
' tlon. Department of tho li.terlor, U.
S. Land Ofllco at The Dallesi Oregon, No
vemberlO,190S. Notice Is hereby given that
M Prinerille, Oregon, who, on October 27,
1908, made Timber and Stouts Application
Xo. 01501, for Ffuw& n'fsw sec 22, tp
12 s, r It ej w m.
Has ficd notice of intention to make final
Umber and stone proof, to establish claim
lo the laud above described, beforo H. C.
Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at his office at
Bend, Oregon, on the 22nd day of danu
ary, 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses:
James H Davis, Edward R italterman,
ht PrlncvUIe, Oregon; Charles L Brock, of
Bend, Oregon; Francis II Marion, of Lald-
law, Oregon.
nl9-jlt Register.
uv. t in vt-.i n..i.ii m nuvBWEiin . hul. Hi... I nrslMRKH LAND. llOllCd ror ruuii
1 nailnn. ThroHml; ftf ih. Ti. li Hon. DenartMent of tlio Interior. I 1 Ofttlon, Department of the ioter
Pi ti..ti..i si.i.m T.....1 nMnA .i tii. it. K. t.nn.i nmna . Tin. Tllrn. tlrp. lor, TJ a Land Offlco atTliB UrtlloKj ure
ri.1l,. n.n Mnnmlur If) IftfM I wnn TWll...r 1 l(VnK. UOII. OlJI. 8. 1B0S. iSOUCO IS HUruujr
Notice la hereby Riven that Notloo la hereby lven that K ,VBL l" TtttiMi?tL
of Prlnevllle, Oregon, who on OoloH of Grltaly. Oreifon. who. on May 1, ,mi: m. itwfl. mmlo Tlmbor and
Imbor anil
ikfor Hw.
hv(v rbU 8,
of Prlnevllle, Oregouj
.....i.u on. ionH ma
ber20, 1006, made Timber aud Bllone hho2, tnado IIomeBteail Bntry Serial jfitnno Aiiplleatlnn No. 01124
Apploatfou No. OIWS, for wiswi, wtf. No 010721 No. 10755. Mr el co 30: to nwl aeo 4 .ami nw aud aw
11. ... I . ' ' " I ... IB H. .11 A( llf I1
aei, iifjupj acc , ip is b, r u o, w tu, 19 a. r 18 e. w ttti ' . i
Has filed notice of Intention to mako ,lnR ,Mi no.lnn of H,lhhllhH It) mntio b lllfjrt. unUW.or iniwimn w .
r.i ,imh ,t .h i..f. ioi.. - - - . . . L. final tltnoer anu bioi e pro...,
.u...v. i.o,.nu- uim, iivovvcar Droon m eowiunan n,, ii, , tin. iitmi nrmvo iifBormuni
iuii claim to me ianu Hiove uesoriUfU. ni.i,.! t.i itm latin ni.nin .imnil.H. I. im i...r,., if ri tsiii. 11. H. Cnnm 8 on
iiMiinn. I . .. l ii . i: u ....... ... .i I... nniiut ! IImiuI. Oroiroii. nil
er. at his offlca t Bendi Oresom on Li k . ..i.Hi.. xt..i.. n the 18 li day of January, 101
il,.MJ.L..r.f iHhll .. . . . . 'I rilnlmntil. II Bin la HU WllHHSSPflt
i..v uu j ... U.....U.J, iu, on Hie aanu Uty of January. 1WU. w"" . .. . ,.,..,i . I . .. - I TUntlinti 11 Miinnn. llllffll ll iunciion.
u.oiuci. a uiairaant names us wltueflacp; : .vvr Vi: ... . . 'i... ii...,....iii. nit nt
V.i jnr.) U TJattnrmnn 1J...iM. X -,-r llllineB a urucu, u....u
t IVIIIIlim OH II II. Ol XjUIUOIIIII. UreilOIII I)l...nlll.. llrnirnll.
. . ..... M . 1 ' ' ' 1 IIUD11HVI V.B"H
' . ' . i h . n . ...inn ..ill. . m.. ... a. ........ . ii . . . . i
iu,ul,,u..,...,11r1u,C8u uames Keonan jr.i raul fraiiK, Frank
uurooK, oi Jtienu, uregonj rranois u Lyon?, of Gristly, Oregon.
Marion, of Laldlaw, Oregon. n. Wi Mboltti.
Ui Wl WOORHl MlV.tdl Duolilui. t I..:... I J-"
11117 j 1. -I XVCK'OICII
0. W. Moouk,
Publication, United
iCot Coal Land
W OMESTEAD. Notice for . Pnblica
tion. Departnient of tlio Interior, U.
"S: Land Offibe at The Dalles, Oregon, No
vember 28, 19.8.
Notice Is hereby given that
'of Madras, Oregon, who, on February 1,
iilo2, mnde Homestead Entry Serial No,
01728 No. lo356, for seJi sec 54, tp 9 s, r
13 e, w in,
lias fded notice of intention to make final
five-year proof, lo establish claim to the
land ahove ddscribed, before Frank Os-
bom, U. y. Commlssioneri at his oflice nt
Madras, Oregon, on the Oth day of Janu-
Claimant names as witnesses:
Georgo.M Gould, A P tilarfc, 0 F Klann,
x it l ucKcr, uu oi jjauras, uregon.
C. W. ilOORE,
dS-31,, Register.
-.t. Not Coal Land
, liJOilESTEAD. Notice for Publifation.
Department of the Interior) U. S.
Land Otf.ce at The Dalles, Oregori, No
vember 20, 1908.
Notico is hereby given that
bf Madras, Oregon, who, on February H,
1903, uiadtt Homestead Entry Serial No.
01650 No. 12119, for sejf sec 35j tp 10 s, r
18 e, w m,
Has filed notice of intention to make final
five-year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described before Frank Os
born. U. S. Commissioner, at Ills office at
Madras, Oregon, on the 31t day of Decem
ber, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses:
" J D Mayes, George Mayes, G VT Rich
ardson, B C Dove, all of Madras, Oregon.
h2kl3l Register.
Not Coal Laudj
TJ OMESTEAD. Notice for Publi.a-
Hon, Department of the Interior
U S Land Oflice atThe Dalles, Oregon
December 4, 1008.
Notice Is hereby given that
bf Madras. Oregon, who, on October
31, 1907, made Homestead Eotry (Ser
al No 018201 No. 15758, for wisej, ae
bw and seinwK see 0, tp 10 e, r 14 e
w ra
Has1 &ikd HdllcS of Intention to make
final commutation proof, to establish
claim to the land above desciibed
before Frank Osborn, H. 8. Commls
siotier, at his office at Madras, Ore
gon, on the 20th day of January
Claimant names as witnesses:
Otto L Hohlfehl, Fred Fisher, George
II White, John Thomas, all of Madras
C. W. MdbHB,
dl7-J14 Register
Not Coal lnnd
Not Coal Lrtnd J OMESTBAD. Notico For Publlba-
- OMESTEAD. Notlbe for Pnblica- I I tIou. Departmant of the Interior!
tlon; Department of tho IntcrlonUi TT..toi a r -.i Mm i.- Hn-
a T , Hoi Jl rrl... Ti.ll.. n V. w """ x..-x....l,0,
S - Oregon, December 1008
1 AJ IflA In linBnltal hIiihii I Iim 4
Notice Is hereby given that " iK7,
Tiiiiiirt n tti'iMti ALVIN P. f LAttKi
of Madras, Oregon, who, on May 29, 1902, ot Madras. Oregon, vhi) on ditnttary
made Homestead Entry Serial No 01673 1 su, 1U(, matte Uomeateatl .Entry Itivr
No. 10986, for seswjf, s)fsef sec 28 and lal N- 0I80J No. 10352, for8wuw,
ueKm-'K sec 33, tp 10 s, r 14 e, w in,
has filed notice of Intention to make final
five-year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Frank Os-
liorn, TJ. 8. Commissioner, at Ids office at
Madras, Oregon, on the 31st day ol De
cember, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses:
sejnwl, nwJiRV?Jaud nelwj sec 84,
tp 0 tKr 13 p, w m,
has tiled notice of Intention lo make
final five-year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
Frank Osborn, V, 8. Commissioner, at
hla office at Madras, Oregon, on the
viiiiiutiiii. minim w titiiiuoara. i -j
Ed Kutcher, of Bhantko, Oregon; Harry 14th da of January, 1900.
uoiHUet, of Hay ureek, Uregon; . U a
Cowles, William SCriswell.of Madras,
ii25-iiSl p. W. MOORfcl, Register.
Claimant names as wltuesses:
Harvey L Bell, OeOrgo It Monrhead,
Hrry W Gard, Hugh R Davis, all ol
Mudra?, Orcyou.
C. W. Mooiik,
d!0 JI4 Register
A States Land Olllcu, Tho Dllesj
Oreiron, Delietuber 0, 1008.
Notleo Is horcby glvon that the
State of Oregon haa filed In this orflco
Its application, Serial No OlSOU, In Be
leot lihtler the provisions of the AUt of
CUnrtftsof August 14, 1848, and the
Aols Atinnlemeuiary therelu, tho ntj-
t "eo 12, tp li a, r 12 e, w ui.
Any aud alt persons claiming ad
versely tho lands desorlhed, or desir
ing to object because' of tho mineral
cnnracier oi me taiiu, or ior nuy nmi
reason, to tho disposal to applicant,
should (Ho their affidavits of protest In
this office, on or beforo tho Cth day of
February, 1009.
0. w. Moolti:,
d!7J21 IteglBter
Not Coal Land
Jj OMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca
4 A tion. Department of tho Interior
TJ. S. Land Oflice at The Dalles, Ore
gon, December li, 1008.
Notice is hereby given that
THOMAS KEENAN, one of the heirs gnu. November 10. 1908.
and for the belts of Jamea Keenan. Notice Is hereby given that
Not Coal Lund
X'MBER LAND. Notice for Publloa-
.1 . . -r . . . .
nun. .Leiianiueiii 01 1110 xuieruir,
U. S. Land Office at The lilies, Oie-
of Grizzly, Oregon, who, on January
2, 1002, made Homestead Entry Ser
lal N.i 01071 No. 10213, for seiuwi, p)i
ii-l and uwjsei sec 29, tp 12 p, r 15 e,
w ra,
Has filed notice of Intention to make
final five-year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
fore Frank Osborn-, U. 8. Commls
sioner, at his oflice at Madras, Oregon,
on lhe22ud day ol January, 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses:
of Prlnevllle, Oregon, who, on October
90 10(19 mnilu Tlmllup uiwl a.nlla A...
plication No. 01405, for wjsej, seiaw
cec 22 and ueinwj eeo 27, tp 12 s, r 11
e, W M,
Has filed notice of intention to make
flual timber aud stone proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above described.
before ii. V. bills, U. S. Uoramisslon-
er, at his office at Bend, Oregon, on
me zzmi day or January, 1UU9.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Not Coal Lnutl
'IMBER LAND. Notice for Publication.
Depaitm-ut of the Interior. U. 8.
Land Oflice at The Dalle?, Oregon, Novem
ber 12, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Bend, Oregon, who, on October 27,
10, 1908 made Timber aud Stone Applica
tion No. 01500, for nwjsojf and neJfswJC
sec 21, tp 11 h, r 10 e, w m,
Has filed notice of intention to mako final
timber and stone proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before 11. C.
Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at his oflice
at Bend, Oregon, on tlio 29th day of Jan
uary, llW.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Samuel C Caldwell, Charles L 11 rock,
Huston Bean, of Bend, Oregon; Francis 11
Marlon, of Laldlaw, Oregon.
0. W. M OORE,
n26-J21 Register
James B Davis, Pleasant N Turner.
itMin.rv. o.. rr.mni n . oi frtueviiie, Uregon; (JliarlesliUriiek,
V, illlam Saun, of Limonta, Oregon; B . n ' w't- it. Mrlo
. .. .1 xr T ... c. T I . . ' " ' - '
rtiiursw luunuw, iui risunr, juuica I oi LitltllaW; UreifOU.
Keenan, Jr, of Grizzly, Oregon.
. . C.W.MOORE.
d!7-J2l Register.
Not Coal Land
TIMBER LAND, Notice for Publi-
cation, Department of the lute
rior, TJ. 8. Land Office, The Dalles,
Oregon, October 16, 1D08. Notice is
heleby given that
OMESTEAD. Notice for Publication
Departnient of the Ulterior, U
S. Lan 1 Office Ht Tile Dalles, Uregon
December 5, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Hay Creek, Oregon, who, on June 8,
1903) made Homestead Entry Serial No
fiot coal Land olKC3 No. 12718, for Lot 2 anil 3 aud se
npLMBER LAND, Notice for Iuhli- "wtf.wKnetf sec 5, tp 12 s; r 18 e, w in,
nutlnn. llnniirlniput oft I lin lulu
D. W.
nor, TJ. 8. Land Oflice at The Dalles,
Oregon, Novemtjr 2-5, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that
of Sisters, Oregon, who, on September
12, 1907, made Timber and Stone ap
Has filed notice of Intention to make film
five year proof, to e talillsh cla in
to the land above described, Itefure Frank
usiiorii, u. a, Uotnmissloner, at ins olilci:
at Madras, Oregon, on the loth day of Jan
nary, iwv.
Claimant names as witnesses
Harry Dnchlen, William Duchlen
Ralph Moore. Roy Chitwood. all of iinv
To fon ' , , h 7 I u PHcatlon Serial No 0700 No. 4317, for
1Q lOllQ ma tit f Imhaf atlfl armia iinnll. I ' k J ' I
' ' I ttlZnX ftltiurl aofiR in V4 u rlln w m. lillillll
c. w.
fNot Coai Lahdl
IT OMESTEAD. Notice for Publl-
cation. Department of the In
Jerior. U. S Laud Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, November la, lwa.
Notice is hereby given that
bf Madras, Oregon, who, on March 10,
1003, made Homestead Entry (Serial
No 01542 No. 12224, for Lots 5; fJ and 7
and eUwi sec 0. tp 12 s. r 13, w m.
lids iled notice of int6htlbu Ui make
hiittl five-year poof; to establish claim
Id 1116 land gbove described, before
ffttk flsffotfi filS; CommlBBloner, at
UldoHlcb fit Madras, Oretron, on the
Ml day of December, 1008.
Claimant n miles as witnesses:
.Pauline tlegnqr; "tf WawrJnofsUy,
JFred Henske; 11 Dombrowe, all of Mad
fflfi; Oregon.
. . t). tf. Moolili!,
Iil7-d24 Register
' ADVERTISE your "Wants" In the
Pioneer. It gets results. Regular lo
ttvl advertising rates.
cation No. 01045, for the nejnr sec 20
aud nnw2 sec 21, tp 12 s, r 11 e, w m,
has filed notice of intention to make
final timber and stone proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above described,
before II. (J. Bills, U, S. Commission
er, at his office at Bend, Oregon, on
me oi ii uay oi January, jvwj;
Ciuimaul names as witnesses:
Arthur Kiug Charles L Broclcj both
of Bend. Oregon : Frank' It: Marion.
J Huston Bean; both of Laldlaw, Ore
gon. C. W. Mooitfej
n5-d31 Register.
Has tiled notico of Intention to make
final limber mid stone proof, lo estab
lish claim to the laud above described,
before the Register and Receiver of
the United Slates L-tud Olllcu at The
Dalles; Oregon, on the 16th day of
February, lOOu.
Clal Ulan t n aides as wltnes'sep!
Frttnk Uutterworth, Eva A "Steele,
Not Coal Laud
I I OMESTEAD. Notice for l'lildlca
I I tlon. Department of the Interior,
U.S. Laud Office at The D.i lies, Oreuon
December 0, lllo8.
Notice Is hereby glVen that
of Culver, Oregon, who, on Juno 11, 1907,
made Homestead Bnlrv Burial "Kn nihil'.
Frank Boolh, Cnarles L Brock, all of No. 1551C; for Lot 2, sec 18, tplUsjrJl
c, and se).fuef sec 13, tp 13 s, r 1.1
e, w m,
Sisters, Oregon.
C. W. Moo KB,
Not Coal Land
TJf OMESTEAD. Notice for Publlca-
1 tion. Department of tho Inte
rior, TJ SLaud Office at The Dalles, Or
egon, December 2, 1008.
Notice is hereby given that
of Madras, Oregon, who, on April 15,
1902, made Homestead Entry Serial
No 01770 No. 10078 for suw and
Lots 3 aud 4, sec 1. tp 12 s, r 12 e, w m,
Has filed notice of intention to make
llnal five-year proof: to establish claim
to the land above described, before
Frank Osborn, U. 8. Commissioner, at
his office at, Madras, Oregon, on the
14th day of jfanuary, IfJOP.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Emll Zemke, Pauline Degner, VV 0
Blanchard, Joseph Marnach, all of
Madras, Oregon,
C. W. MooHB,
dlO-J7 Register
Not Coal Laud
1. 1
lor Publl
cation. Department of the Inte
rior.TJ. 8. Land Olllce at The Dalles,
Oregon, December 15, 1008.
Notice is hereby given that
William J. Sayyeau,
of Hay Creek, Oregon, who, on May
5, 1002, made Homestead Entry Ser
rial no 02003 No. 10789, fpr ujuel sec
12, ejsej, sec 1, tp Us, r IB e, w m,
Has filed notice of Intention to make
final live-year proof, to establish
claim to the land above described, be
IT '
has filed notice of Intention tri make flnnl
Commutation proof, to ostablldli claim to
me land above described; uuforu Frank
Osborn. U.S. CoiiuiiUslonor: rit liil ofllco
at ju auras, Uregon, on tlio loth day of Jan
uary, iwu.
Claimant names as witnesses;
James T Robinson, of Jfadras, Oregon:
ii springer, uiay Hiillur, Robert P John
sun, all of Culver, Oregon.
dlo-JH C. W. MOORE, Resistor.
xjOTICE For Publication-United Statu
x Land Olllce, The Dalles, Oreuon. Nov.
20, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that Statu of Ore
gon has fifed hi tlds oflice Its application,
oeriai ao. uweo, to select under the pro
..( ( m At.. A a m n .
. I n x. if n r, t . ViniollH Ol III!) ACl Ot UOIIgrCSH or AllgllHt
j. iouu. wBuu.ii, u i u, 11( win. ami tuo acts sunn i-iiu-nlnrv l...r...
at Ills ollll-e at Madras, Oregon, on the to. the si4seil nec 211, tp 12 , r 10 e. and
15th day of February, 1009. Kojfnetf and Jot 1 of see 1, tp 13 r 10 o.
w .. . Any aud
all persons clalinliig adversely the lands
described or eslrlih? to obket becauso of
the nil leral character qf thu land, or for
Allll Alllflli A.. At... Iff li . a '
Claimant names as witnesses:
C M MoPherson, of Ash wood, dre-
on; Wude Huston, of Prlnevllle; Ore:
ISOLATED TRACT, Notice for Pub
1 llcation. Public Land Sale Serial
No 016981 The Dalle, Oregon, United
States Land Oflice, Dec. 14, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that, as dl
reefed by the Commissioner of the
General Laud Office, under provisions
Act of Congress approved June 27,
1000, Public No. 803, we will offer at
gon ; A V Wandn, A G Kibbee, of if ay n"0tel,,if,'J,,,',to, 'N'?! to appl!-
?i , n cant, should file the r a hdavlts of protest
Creek, Oregon. this ohjco on or beforo Urn Btu'diyol
( O..W. MooltK, January; 1909. '
J7 111 Register 0. W. MOORE. .
ISOLATED TRACT'. Notice lojc Vub.
llcation. Public Laud Bale. .Serial
.No 0340 The Dalles, Oregon, U. S.
Land Office, Deo. 15, 1008. Notice is
hereby given that, as directed by tho
Commissioner of the General Land
Olllce, under provisions of Aet of Con-
8. Land Oflice, Tho Dalles, Oregon.
November 20, ill, 8.
Notico Is Imrel.v
con Has Hied in tills oflico Ito application,
nubile sale to tho 1 Mieat liidder Z e approved June 2?. lM, Puhllo T, . ,! " Slil "r the pro-
" "H We nigiiest milder, at iu o'clock a. "i " acw Hiippiementary
anuary next, at this oflice, the fol m on the 4th day of Fehrdafy next, thereto, the lot 1, (nwliiwK) of sec IK tn
lowing tract of land, towlt: seisei sec t this oflice, the following tract ol lo h, r 14 ei w in.
, tp 12 s. and seicei sec 4, tp 18 o, r '4' wm" ' Bec lPldr . Any aud all persons clalinliig adversely
. ' ' We. wni. the lands ilesnrli.f.,1 r .1 ... ...A
c " a.. i.ii., -iI...::j. 41.. i; mwujeci
ujr iu.ou.,o U1U.1IUU5 i..Tmiiijr hio uTaiuo i uio mineral character of the
1 ,.v , 1 ., nuy ijureuuo i
jxuy ijciouiib uiujujiuK uurerseiT ino 1 ... ., ..., , ..... ... . " ...v 1.1. uu
a1tn.,.,tna,n.0.i i.i, aoovfc-ueaorioeu ibuos are aovieeti to lann, or ior any oilier reason! tnl imtlu.
m Tair,TZ 7 m Tm flle their claims, or ohecllops, on or posal to ..pnllcant, should lllo tllfc'lr an -
file their claims, or objections, oa or mt0 th(J day above designated for vltsof pro'test In this oOlco 0" orj" ro
beforo the day above dealgnaled for sale; , the Uth day oMnnunry. 19o9.
0. W. MOORJ5,
O. W. Moonfc, Realfiter I d24-J28
b. W. MOORE,
Prices Ire h
r- iit' tL'i .
rrices win oe raised wh(
railroad start? and prej
prices offer exceptional of
rvrtvi in? "f-"i i iwif!!.. 1i ,
jut LuuiL,y iwi IUULclOie lfin
vestment in good properh
Prices Right
Buy ai 0