DEATH LIST GROWS WOE S IMMENSE. Victims of Earthquake Estimated at One Hundred Thousand, WHOLE PROVINCES LAID WASTE Almost Entirt Population of Reggio Exterminated Sicilian Hotels Filled With Tourists. Rome, Dec 30. One hundred thou sand dead; Messina, on the Island of Sicily, and Reggio and a score of towns in southern Italy, overwhelmed; the entire Calabrian region laid waste that is the earthquake's record so far as at present known. Reports are comincr slowly into Rome on account of the most complete destruction of tho disaster in Southern Italy and Si Earthquake Victims of Italy May Nun ber Over 150,000. ....... Results of Earthquake. Killed, 100,000 to 200,00(h Iniurcd. 800.000 to 500.000. Homeless, estimated at 1,000.000. Cities over 10,000 population de stroyed, 15. Smaller towns destroyed, estimat ed, 50. Warshipssunk, (torpedo boats) 12. Ships sunk by tidal wave, GOO. Many American tourists among the dead. Formation of Straits of Messina changed. Historic Scylla and Charybdis de stroyed. Etna and Stromboli, volcanoes, in eruption. Second and third shocks felt in. Sicily. Pnltln frt Annlinn ialna nf rllane. Xrf v l v fcv tuivu VUV) UIUUO ter feared. I i ii i . 1 OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST OPEN BIG TRACT. 40,000 Acroa In Eastern Oregon to Bo Placed on Markot. Valo -Settlement of tho Willow Creek valley, lying north of this city is to commence, tho Willow River Land & Irrigation company having an nounccd that a block of 4,000 acres, divided into tracts of 20 and 40 acres will bo placed on the markot beforo March 1. The company's double reser voir system at tho head of Willow creek is practically completed ; that is. the lower dam is finished and full of water and the upper dam will bo com pleted in 60 days. Tho company announces that it has tho land 4 secured options on all of which it proposes to irrigato and will Rome, Jam 2. Tho immensity of PC" t to settlers as fast as ditches can we consirucicu unu put in upuriv The land will bo sold to pract nlaccs. that It 5a now osh'mnil thnk i in nnn cal horticulturalista at a reasonable lhe death total in Messina ranges persons perished in Messina and Reg- rate from 12.000 to 50,000: that of Reggio, ; i a i.- . I tincr wiiicn, w.w, us iw - have been devastated and thousands of the entire non ilatW at Pall. 1000 are victims m these places must bo added rnrtpH it n.i.-inn inno' to the roll. In the face of thesa awful Coscnza. 500. and half the population total3 all Italy stands appalled. . Nor nas me iuu aeain use yet oeen report ed of Bagnara, about 4000. The Monte- leouc region has been devastated and RipOsa, Seminara, San Giovanni, Scilla, out fruit trees is commenced next spring, D. M. Brogan, president of tho com pany, has left for tho coast, well satis fled with tho progress made by his men on tho reservoirs. Before leaving Mr. Brogan announced tho practical Shiploads of fugetives have arrvived completion of the company's plans. Lazzaro and Cannitello and all other at Naples and other porta and tho vast I "Tho company aims to settlo tho majority of these are sorely injured. vuuey wim practical norncuHuriBia, Other thousands remain near the ruins he said "and the lnnd WM not bo sold of their homes or wander half starved, in larger tracts than 40 acres to any half naked over the land. The forces ono purchaser. The purchaser must that on Mondav overwhelmed the eitina sign an agreement to commence work also destroyed the meannhf anqtnnnnpp. on his land immediately. We do not - 1 Telegraphic communication has been wanc tne iana w De noja UP DV five cu communes and villages on the straits are in rums, The king and queen of Italy arc now on their way to Messina, having sailed last night from Naples aboard the bat tleship Vittono limmanuele. I he pope has shown the greatest distress at the calamity, and he himself was the first to enntrihute n sum amnnntini' tn I established With Messina. thf finnnm- I latere. $200,000 to the relief of the afflicted, tus having been set up in a railway A corP3 of engineers from tho coast British, French and Russian warships station. Messages that hnve eomi nvpr under b. Ashford is now in tho hold are steaming toward the south, and the line, though they have been meagre platting out tho land and laying out already several of the ships of Great jn detail, show that hone is eone the townsite of. Brogan at the head of Britain and Kussia nave periormed lie- xi,; :,-. u..i. tho vallev. In tho near future a rn 1 roic service in the work ot rescue. " w . , . ... - road will ho eonntrnctpd from Vale It is feared that many foreigners T ' t .- i c t. i mere nanaiui oi survivors is oeinp m ' oohik1d huiv ""i""" 3 Tr" ' cared for by the rescuing forces, but tion facilities at their doors. A power other places were crowded with tour- their distress is great and it has been plant will be erected at tho upper dam ists. inline is Known oi tne late oi mvicuacu uji ui iccviu icy wina mail--" the diplomatic representatives of the followed the deluge of rain. Destitu- Tne people of Valo aro deeply inter powers stationed at these posts, al- tiori is nppalling. There is little food ested in the development . of the com though the Italian government is and less water. pany'a plans, which mean a largo in Of Messina's 90,000 population, it is crease in the productiveness of the . - . - - I A. - - X - 1 - 4 A 1 believed that fully 70,000 perished, country triDutary to mis city. Accora Forty thousand neoDle died in Repirio. ng to government estimates the" com - . . . i , . , . , Catania, the largest city nearest the pany s reservoir system can De aeveiop- scene of the disaster, is crowded with ea to water yu.uuu acres, wnicn m- biiried for day's and weeks. Those refugees, and the continuous Btream of eludes practically all of the available who escaped death, many of whom are fugitives coming in, the sight of the agricultural and horticultural land in badly injured, are making their way wounded and the repetition of real or ine vaney. bv the thousands to the nearest nlace I imntnnnrv enrthntinlron hava an alarm. I of refutre. Their sufferines even now oH tho nonnlnfinn fViof fkoir o tin.. DUNBAR WINS SUIT. LJ " U " I W..V U1II11UH W 1 T C WW.l."' must be intense, as they are without fag uncontrollable. There is no lonzer using every effort to relieve the anx lety felt on this account. There is the gravest danger that a pestilence will follow the destruction of the towns. On account of the vast havoc wrought, bodies will He un- food or clothing. Stunned at the magnitude of the ca lamity which has overtaken fellow- countrymen, all Italy mourns tonight for the stricken province of Calabria and the Island of Sicily. Accus any place where the refugees may find Case Against Former Secretary Re shelter. versed and Dismissed fPL a. ? - -1 ? 1 rr 1 1 . I .me Kuvenunent is niminir aimcuiiv ci r i t. i .1- in ascertaining tne late ot many lor- f,.,ia tr. tlm eigners who were in the earthquake for fees collected unlawfully, but to . 1 A. A.t A.! x ii. 1 I . . tomed lor centuries to earthquakes, ieiM. me wme oi tne catastropne, in- the persons alone trom whom unau Italy stands ever in dread, but nonelquiries concerning whom are cominclthorizcd collections were made, the was prepared for the disaster which in from all parts of the crlobe. The com- supreme court has reversed the case the fraction of a minute yesterday de- mander of the Russian hattlpshin. Art. being prosecuted against R I. Dun- vastated cities and towns and caused miral MnkhnrWtr whirh imivi with bar. former secretary of state by At .1.. j--.!. r i j , ........ ...... , r '.. ine ucain oi inousanus San Francisco Remembers 1006. fugitives at Naples today, qonfirms the tor"cy y H .Mac.Mahon of this city t nf ua jaot, nr iTn. a on behalf of the state for the recovery a Mthe. death of the American f $,00fooo alleged to have been consul at Messina. Arthur S. Chenev. i ' .r..n.. a......... i.:. s tiivj.wi Arw. w. j aim 111a wim. wiiu were uuripfi in I n ( I rj . Taylor issued a proclamation yester- ruins of the consulate. Tlw. vt ,,, W..V!. it -iIhW-,i day afternoon stating that the re-1 Late disDatches state that the eitv n,,.,ir 'im.i rolWtP.i i.. f,.,.c witi,,,,,. iiiai iiii CU11111UU11U11& uc aeni 10 rvncn : Knicht. treasurer of the California adjacent are destroyed. branch of the American National Red The king has telegraphed Premier Cross, 502 California street, San Fran- Giolitti informing him that Reggio is cisco. contributions will also be re- in the same awful condition as Messina ceived by B enjamin Idc Wheeler, and announcing that n Ttnnsinn qtmmnr These collec the secretary dur as secretary of state, between the years of 1890 and 1007. Ihcy were received for (he hi ing ol various papers, issuing com missions and licenses, recording docu ments and copvmg public records: and it was further alleged that he had "I .r .u r ft "1 i f . . ilml u w.l IllllllCt illlLKUU 1 1 I.I I III: 11.111 president of the California,, branch of with 500 injured will arrive at Naples appropriated these sums to his own the Ked Cross, at Berkeley. tomorrow. His Majesty asks that all use when they had been collected for preparations be made for their recen- the use and benefit of the state. tion at the hospitals. The foundation for the plaintiffs Dispatches from Catania describe right to recover was pascn on tne pro- Messina aa nmwnrJnn. liWo k.. !n. visions ol the constitution in article nanf , rru r. A wllicll IS .aS folloWS tn the hniMiiur. tt,nf nf f foii "T1,e secretary of state shall receive "'fl" va.uw ..wm . v-v Awi.b j, I Pnlv.. rI 91 rflfi m .. .1 -I. -II . . .. - . - I 1.: x. ,. j" . .. li ..HUM..! Miiiil i .iuu Jim Ml.lll m urst ine sea receded tor a great "'"'"s -' wor. ox uc-atrucuun. reccivc np fecs and pCnilI,s,,cs w,,lt. oisiance irom ine snore and men it i j.hb niraii. vi mcsainu. ib now cnoitea I ,.,.,.r fr tlm nnrfnrnnn-. of .) . r . ... .1 ... m ... I I'-- w ..... m.i owcjji. luinaiu wiiii ii cincnuuus vio- wiui curptteu ui men unu tn Rial, lence. The water, advancing in a huge General Marazi, commandant at Ca- wave, swept before it every house and tanzaro, has telegraphed to the gov- bmlding for a thousand feet from the ernment that he has tried vainly for Tidal Wave Destructive. Rome, Dec. 30. Many hundreds of living persons are still beneath the ruins in Calabrian towns, but it is ouite impossible to relieve them. At Riposto the tidal wave was terrific. 1 i; TM . , , . """""I" mitt lias U1CU vailllV 1U1 rSsTZ TeVoaJ: arMmEa h' from 10 to 20 feet. roads are impassable and the shore Opera Company to Give Benefit. Los Angeles, Dec 30. Arrange ments are being made by the manage ment of the Lambardi grand opera has been so torn and twisted, as far as he traveled in Calabria, that it was im possible to approach by water. tics. Oregon Midland to Cross State. Portland. Articles of incorporation for the Oregon Midland railway have been filed by Miller Murdoch, as at torney for the road, flic stated can italizafion is $100,000. and the line is proposed to be built from Wciscr, Idaho, across Oregon to Tillamook. The incorporators arc C. M. Conry, a timber cruiser; Miller Murdoch, R. A. Laples and John r. McUrsdcl. The railroad is planned to cut cast and west across Oregon, beginning at Weidler. the southern terminus of the P. & I. N., and its promoters are said Consul's Family All Dead. WAHhinfrtrn .Tnn 1 Thn TtrltuV. ... . -.. I ' ' " ' ft " ' J w .. ... W1IW0II company, wnicn is lining an engage- consul at Messina is reported injured iiiuiii. ucrc. iu kivc a series oi neriorm- and nia wife nnrt rhi riren rionri Tho ances for the benefit of the Italian ambassador says it is reported that ZVrnnL 7.S";h .V. "f nine A-meana w-ere-n Trinacria to have an understanding with one of merlv lived in the rtrvastntrrt HistriVts afc 1CBB,nB wnicn is saiu to do tne KOCKy mountain roads, once said lSnityii totally destroyed It is known, how- to he the Denver. Northwestern & relief fund for the aid of their suffer- ever' that some of the guests escaped. Pacific, although m no official informa- ing countrymen. The foreign office reported that several t,on l,as heen B'vcn out concerning ioreign nations are nurrying warships f"v" r """ !' Roosevelt Senda Masiir. to the scene to offer nuBian Th ,,ne? P,ans for a croSS-qrcgon Washington. Dec. 30. President ambassador has dispatched consular Roosevelt sent a cable message of officers in quest of information con condolence Jo King Victor Emmanuel cerning subjects. yesterday expressing the sympathy of the American people m the misfor- Believes Americans Escaped. tunc iii.u iius uciaiicn iiaiv. ine road and havd'surcyors in the field at present, but this line is entirely; out side of anything that Ilarriman is do ing in the east and west route. Tied Ud Temporarily. t 1 A l 1 n f ' i president sai.l the Amerimn TJntln,,,! "'ur uriBcom Portland. On account of low water Red Cross society would issue an ' turned mtc this, afternoon from the the locks in Yamhill river are closed peal for contributions, and would com- Iore,B" oince, wnere no went to maKo temporarily and as a result the stcam municate with the Italian Red Cross. lno."-ry about Americans who may hayci er J.cona plying between this city and - ueen in uaiauria ano Sicily at tne time i iuooininviuc uu ucuh inrccn io nc New Yorlt Plans Aid. oi ine disaster. it is not believed " '. ji".-ws pi uhuic nin New York. Dec. 30. Benefit ner. there were any Americans at either formances for the earthauake victims Messina or Reggio when these cities and survivors were planned today for were demolished, with the exception, early dates, by the Metropolitan opera' of course, of American Consul Cheney cuiiilidiiy, many oi WHOSe members nnrt h n wife nt. 'rnnrmtnn luif tin naa are from the devastated regions. Sig- ualtles have been renorted. ;ior Caruso reiterated his intention of donating his week's salary of $2500 to the fund. Other operatic stars sub scribed gepcrously. hill river route several months ago by the Yamhill River Navigation com pany and has been doing a good busi ness right along. But with the locks closed the larger portion of the busi ness is cut oit and hence the craft has been tied up for the time being. in NEW DOUGLAS ORCHARDS. Two Hundred Thousand Fruit Trooa Will Bo Planted This Year Roscburg. Upwards of 200,000 Irrcs will he nlantcfl ill Douglas COUII ty this year. Among the heaviest planters arc the Suthcrlin Land & Water conmanv. 50.000: W. C. Hard ing Land company,, 35,000: other loca realty firms combined, about 50,000; Individual fruitgrowers in all sections of the county, from one to mo acres U u. vvmte. ot fliynie urccK, wu plant 100 acres to apples on a tract o fine river bottom land near that place The two lame companies above men tioncd arc located on the main line of the Southern Pacific. 12 miles north of Roscburg. Most of the trees arc Spitzcnbcrg and Newtown Pippin ap ulcs. and Barlctt pears. I here' arc also quite a 'number nf walnuts, as well as prunes and peaches. One of the largest prune orchard tn southern Oregon is located Looking Glass vallev. eight ' mile southeast of Roscburg. It is one mile square, and the rows arc all in perfect alignment, making a pretty sight the spring when the trees are bloom. This orchard is owned by George Marsh. There is also a tract of fruit trees comprising over 100 acres in Chenowcth park orchard, near Yoncalla. The Winston fruit section comprises over 200 acres of apples pears and prunes. ft is from one of these orchards that the record crop of the year was liar vested, bringing the owner $2400 per acre. This section afco produces some of the finest pears in the world., uoug las county is first in the market nl most every year with strawberries, While this section is known to he the best protected from frost and drouths there arc seasoifs when there are not extremely full crops in all parts of the county, but a total -failure "is not known. Report Road to Extend. aalctn. lhc sale Pf 510 acres oi agricultural land south of this city few days ago to a prominent Portlan. business man has created the imprcs sion that the extension of the Oregon lilcctric southward is practically ccr tain. The sale was made, to A. II. Bir- rcll, and, though the consideration was mentioned as only $10, it is under stood that the real consideration was in the neighborhood of $22,000. The ranch sold was the Sarah K. Klcppin place, on what is known as the blough road. It is presumed by those who have discussed the matter that Mr, Birrcll had studied the situation and became convinced that the Oregon hlcctric will be extended. Puter Case Dismissed. Salem. The three state land fraud cases pending against S. A. D. Puter have been dismissed on motion of Dis trict Attorney McNary. i he statute provides that applications for the pur chase of state laud must be sworn to before a notary public or a county clerk. The applications which Puter made and which were alleged to be fraudulent were sworn to before the clerk of the slate land board. Mr. Mc Nary snid that after investigating the question thoroughly he is convinced that this affidavit docs not constitute perjury, and therefore he would dis miss the cases. Formulate Watar Code. Salem. The bill for a new water code for Oregon will be completed on aiiuary 0 at a meeting to be held iu this city by the water committee of the Oregon Conservation Commis sion, J. N. Hart, of Baker county, and R J. Miller, of Linn county, perform ing the work. At the meeting here on January it is expected that nor ly all the members of the water com mittee will be present and go over the bill thoroughly. Appointment Is Approved. The Dalles. Asa G. Stogsdill, .the retiring assessor of Wasco county. France Goes to Rescue. Red Cross Devotes 50,000. Washington, Jan. 1. The executive society ot a meeting today decided to ia bfc.!PR?i?, IJ813"1 ,p.os. Pans. Uec. 30. France vesterdav c"u eu wonBocieiy ovr . m ,,. Tnn,l!irv i while the . t - . - " . i wwi mi. i l. j iL. .. i MMijtv " - f , - - oraereu tne oatuesiiips justice and y. ummmmn o nu nurj iuu on anppintinent of Ed Hostetlcr as post Vente. together with three destroyers, hand from tho contributions to tho fund master has' not been confirmed, It is to proceed to Messina under forced for tho relief of San Francisco follow- an assured 'facf that it will be, since uraugnt 19 am m i;,P worK oi rescue. ing ine eartnquaico ol 1U00. j there is no opposition. PORTLAND MARKETS. Barley Feed, $27 per ton: brewing. $28. Wheat Hhicstem, 07c; club, 00(g) lc; fife, 01c; red Russian. '88c: 40- fold, 03c; valley, Olc. Oats No. I white. $32 00 per ton. Hay Timothy. Willamette valley.. 514.00 per ton; eastern Uregon, $10fl0 Gl7; clover. $12; alfalfa. $12GM3: grain hay, $12(?iin. hriuts Apples. 7acffl$2.7n ner box: pears, $ltf?1.75 per box; ipiinces. $!() per hox; cranberries. $14.!iO&Zil5 per barrel; persimmons, $1(1.23. potatoes 80((i00c per cwt.; sweet potatoes, 22c per pound. Onions $lfrt!.25 per 100 pounds Vegetables Turnips, $1.25 per sack: carrots, $1; parsnips, $1.25; beets, 1.50: horseradish. 8ffC10c ner nound: Artichokes, $l(fgl 25 per dozen; beans, sue per pound; cauhage, lilJc per pound; cauliflower. $1.25 ner dozen; celery, $4.&o per crate; cucumbers. $2 z.ou per oox; egg piant, nc per pound; lettuce, 75c?D$l per box parsley, HOc per dozen; peas, 15c pound; peppers, 15(?j20c per pound; pumpkins, JtftUc per poiiuu; radisnes, noc per dozen; spinach, 2c per pound: sprouts, ine per. pound; squash, lUc per pound;, .91,, iww, IJuttcr City creamery, extras. 3fl .ii ti i.iiity uiiisiiie creamery, uuifruise per pound; store, 1820c. Uggs Oregon ranch. 40c: enstpnis nnS,... 1" ' ' .niti'.iac per dozen. Poultry Hens, 12c per pound: spring, large lliCC12c: small. MrfT) !..-.. ... . ----.u IlllXCU, IIJC: UUCKS. IRfiDiJc- geese, lie; turkeys, 1820c; dressed inrKoys, suiQivac. Veal Kxtra, 00c per pound; or dinary, 78c; heavy, 5c. Pork Fancy, 7j8c per pound; large, 07c Mutton c7c per pound; lambs, 88lc . , Hops-1008. choice, 7tfD7k per pound; good prime, 6(ffi0k; fair prime. iooo Vcjjc lm' 6 ' 1007' 82ic t Y?l??9tcrn 0reBn. average best. 1014c ner pound, according to shrinkage; villcy, 15(JDl0!c. Mohair Choice, I8l0c per ppund. f(UEF IS SENTENCED. Maximum Term of 14 Yonrt Given Deposed Boss, San Francisco, Dec. ,11. Fourteen years In the penitentiary, the max! mum. is the sentence inctcd out to Abraham Rucf, who for four years di reeled the political destinies of Snn Francisco as adviser of the ndminis trntion of Eugene E. ScluniU, mayor of the city, Judgment was pronounced nt the close of a day devoted to legal battle, wherein the defense sought to Intro dnce many reasons for a new tria When Judge William P. Lawlor had denied this nnd other motions involv ing delay, the defendant arose at the court's command and stood unmoved through the recital of judgment There was no demonstration on the part of the spectators during the pro ceedings in die court room, nor later when Rucf, having entered the prison van in the custody of a deputy sheriff, started iu the dusk on his long ride to the county iatl. Hcforq the adjournment of court no ticc of anneal had been filed on bchnl of the defendant and the court had signed a writ of probable cause. Which will act as a stay of execution. In a , trial that was prolonged through a period of nearly four months Rucf was convicted, Decent ber 10, of bribing John J. Furey,- an cx-supcrvisor, to favor the award o an overhead trolley franchise to the United Railroads, litis was one o 114 indictments returned against Rucf by the Oliver grand jury, Which heard 10 Supervisors confess the acceptance of bribes in several matters involving public service corporations. One of the many incidents that tended to make the trial of Rucf re markablc was the shooting of Assist ant District Attorney F. J. Hcney by Morris Haas, an cx-convict, whose past record was exposed by the prose cutor after the would-be Slayer had been accepted as a member of the jury. Hans subsequently committed suicide in the county jail. WAR CLOUD AGAIN. j Banzai" and "Hooray" Can't Keep Peaco In Far Ent. Tokio. Dec. 31. Although the rc ccption given tlc. United States bat tleship fleet by the Japanese was pro nounced one of the most pleasant and interesting incidents nf the world cruise and went far toward casing the strained relations between the two countries, and although much good feeling hai followed the recent publi cation of the agreement between Sec retary of State Root and Ambassador lakalura. the consensus of opinion among Americans in the orient is that unless the temporary good will is im mediately strengthened little of politi cal value will result. II M . . . vimc no u Diomaiic crisis ii e. pected to develop between the two countries in the near future, owing to the condition of the finances of japan, yci uic icar is ocing general v ex- pressed among Americans here that the apparent sincerity of the welcome to the fleet and the svmnathetie tnn pf the five articles recently exchanged nciwccn t nc two powers may deceive the people of the United ini,-. believing that no danger to the na tion's interests now exists in the far cast, any failure at this time to build up the position of Amcrici mi the Pi. cific. the naval strategists declare. Will ultimately result in national disaster i nnt a compelled peace is the onlv certain peace which will come to the east, despite the protestations of friendship bv lan.m. is the unk'rcnl belief of those men who arc experi enced in oriental notifies and who in case of trouble, will be entrusted with ine dcicnse ot the national interests. DISASTER IN COAL MINE Four Men Dead nnd 25 Entombed In Prcahontas District, niucfield. W. Va.. Dec. .11.-1 our men are known to be dead and prob acy a.i more were entombed as the result of an explosion which occurred ii me lick urancn colliery, owned by he Pocahontas Coal company, the argest coil mining concern in ntnh. western Vircinia. It i not tnmvn v. actiy now many men were in the mine .ii uic nine. The men leave the mine nftrr whnt is known as the "running" and many of the 52 at work were not in the mine wncn the explosion occurred. High, teen of the entombed men have been taken out of the colliery alive. The rescuing parties have been tin. able to get into the shaft because of uic lire and smoke. KfcLltVt SUFFER Vtrk In EarilimnLn nuuuuuu TO MANY BAD CRIMlium mm Hiitvrr Mill Latest Estlmnlo of 0 c. .. . sxceiit oa UUU ailcrht BI...I.. - . .,, contI n Earthquako 20rtt, Romo, Jon. 2 - am. . BtorleB aro coming horrors In Southed luiT, ' tiiiueuius niri-nrii. . . """trai vlsiui res n to i Tit r , twiin,uu iiiinTB.kHj r . t n i i r - vHii viiii.i! I'll - i mm fi aiii.i. ' " fvir. ca i i ' j wvt iLti im nnrtiHui. . which torpedo hnt. r"?r - nil unn nnrittfi... dilTerent villas. nai" Slight shockH Wt.rr ..It I. it .. ---jf iiiuiei ner ih. Bhocka keep up tho alarm Jr. nt on. Oun ..!.. . " " another at 9 o'clock. Fl " ! linrninn. n knu.l. . i . . v . "n" lukiiniinnu r.n i.iuru man naif the populate miu v-uuai. Luwns nni. villnn.. I... Riiicci. rroiessor Hicco. dlri Vi i. .' . iuu uimiii viiiiirv n r muai innu!K i nc run . ' . ; MM' VAbt'lU UU.UUU. iiikLi uu.i rnPMh rw. 'vvhimi Uw ii,n irnorii ! tlUWV Ul&l IU 'ti'iiii n iiii.ii wini nmAHd I"----'! Sill Lliril IlliU IFM CULGOA WILL GIVE SUPPLIES Hll Mllrl. Cnnil UJLi.L D...I Will Not Need. iiwiiiiitHiiii wuii. l, i man . iuj flcruttny or tho data show kt stores aboard thn nnval mnni. . cuigoa, now at Suez, discloses qralj. i r iu . ..tin ma i. . . . : i i .. tho battleships. This cunnet h I. a 7 i er it. .. .i iiirini ri linn iiii mamvammm i been mid beforo Secretary NeUnr, who in keeping tho State dtartetat i I. . i . j? .j... iiuvmeu rvguruing ino iccauoa ci i ships and avallablo fcod retoarcei In tho caso of the battleship;, tost time must elapse before the Culm a reach the earthquako regfon. Today tho Navy department mi a communication with Admrtl Spenj, who said that ho would want 25,C$ tons of coal for his shins at Pert lib whero tho program of the Navy V pnrtmcnt con tempi la ted their etal'cf. Contributions for the csrtkcih BufTorerfl continuo to arrive at ti American lied Cross hcadquirUn. Miss Mabel T, Boardman, a rrrfnte of tho oxccutlvo committee, ra & work there. OCTOPUS BEGS OFF. Anti-Somites Rago In Finland. St. Petersburg, Dec. 31. Basing their action on ancient and obsolete anti-Semitic statutes, the Russian authorities in Finland have inaugu rated a wholesale nrrnrmtlnn n( 1 to. brews and are driving them from their i.unica mio uic ticids to starve and freeze. Reports nf tcrrit.l. nrr,.r;...f and appalling loss of life come from all parts of the dependency. The weather Is extremely severe and the hunted Hebrews, stripped of their household goods nnd iiunblc to secure lood, herd toacthcr fill 1 ll flitmir "ntr- crcd fields and die. China Want Loan, Pckin. Dec ai 1 developing the Canton-IIankow rail roan, tllC C lillCSt! unvprmnniit linj ,1.'. rncted its foreign agent to attempt to place a lonn w th llr tUli !?r.m.i. r.?. man and lapancsc banks. The action ui.owB me laiiurc of the government hi a domestic loa io pay shareholders le.cgrapii system. Fearing a second niiurc to secure money for the road, the government 1ms -,i i. dent to raise money outside China, a. i i tn c-.t.. n',A( FramM'1 Jiaiicaru wu utp" .v"i - - sourl Rulings. JefTorson City, Mo., Jn. motion for a rehearing in the mm ouBtcr suit against it, filed In JM nremo court hero today, the SttpW Oil company of Indiana asked tot- .fiu.'mi in r.riiii... in iiiidov. . it conforms to rules ana Ww that moy bo loltl down by the cowl court for a remittanco of tho cm e nnn imiuMl nn tho ItepobW w company, on tho ground that this ti appeal nro signed by Alfred V. f h i T.l. HtaKWl UL V-IllCUgU, UI." -.. (0, Kansas City, attorneys for W f? pany. Mr. Ilagcrman will iw K Now York tomorrow to consult wi tho chief offlcerfl of the ml' While tho company has filed i b fnr n rlmnrlno-. It 19 m..m . Standard Oil ottonrneya m modification of tho recent AeW". tho jupromo court, Hndley will not consent to " tion of tho decision unless the W court orders it. South Gets Prler, Atlanta, Ga No News Fpjm Ooraul VeW Havn. Tl.. nn " If-!... I , '"'7Y WW...... wet, ou. Friends here have received no word fro' Pr- .Arthur Chenev. of Ynl. Class Of 1880. nn..s..l oi t.' Nllla. It is feared tli-if I,,. i heen killed. " ' f "uvc prohibition laws went InW tor-,n tn fliroo southern stv, .... - Carolina, Mlflsissipp Georgia in tho only other f teff f aickftirnrv iirmiiwi . ,i . i a iaw wnicn ocv-ivb - rnma ec'! in i nn a nnu uvv i. wie govcrnnicm- ,u "?" Zuunnh the of the national i so flweoplng InltorZZtaA measuro,. proniPiuvi lt will drive ealoona out. . . ... ii Lir. i.i ntiiiiiuuik. 0i irewiw,, tj-I nrofcSSOr W A .t,nm nhvs cs nt JollllS "l'n"::..l,nrftiti iiiiii f in r: ui Liav t.iij nw. i, tlnlted States on "'VMiVt .iiMiititrjiB i iaw i j.Ani) crniriifrri limy im r- r--, , .i.t w" the n It y i " .ri.7h,i or sinking of the cartn