The Madras pioneer. (Madras, Crook County, Or.) 1904-current, December 10, 1908, Image 7

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fintlinrcd from AH
ii.m uinnin
Paris oi iiio nwiu.
...nmrnnTIIP nilSY READER
. but Not Loss Intor
Ml imp--- . .. . ...
UH HPPn"'"
Outside tho Stnto.
rwro is believe! to have deserted
m inirmationai nava.
Tht. . n at London.
w, III tlic lUU'l i
til"'"" . ! -I ..I ...III.
, T4it,barR broker
n . i r. ciiiMi.ifuif
.. K
. .if inier ami two docks ourncu
. IVirll.illu
' j 1..,na is hurrying troops
in ihii
.1. irrtie
r...n mnworwi rcnori
.E" .,n n the army are on
i lo AiiccIm " has ,,ccn ar
... 'f having die for counter
mud uirv renorU
At. , i-lct frauds, particularly
Pimm ni Ik'M "Ut some hope for
il fiv-vcrv "f Governor-elect Cos-
- nl VIIMllIli:i"ll.
i d-,-iii,- reduced its
tunc between Omaha and
..II fl1 Illll .IIILJ L'llt
i fdrtwlc until to nrcflcnt
. t ...! t liniieft riff I
6 . r . !.,. tM1ii(ft
inn 4i wi
HfY M (' lias erected a, fine
... ... , i C, ,nl fnrrn.
i .. I ...I t-t linn Ikcm.! 5t1
All I" IH" uniivo
-. ... - ... i ...... n .niteiiiiiiinn nv
irti Aneclfn civil service employes
-t iirrii iui iiuiiiu ii v
Io irmrrs were killed and three ..I nvtilkctnti nf hi e
i West Virginia coal mine.
Uli Fllfint in s.iid to have iiltcd
l ...r......t f :..
mi Annrcws. oi i lie nnvv.
Morels and coal companies have
Rabbi Wise attacked New York
JSIl'il III 111' 1111 III 1II1M LIIUIUI v.
Inihf t nd.ird Oil dissolution case
A Chicago man imported a lot of
mi ri'inai iuc seized llicin as
tj trc worm i& oua.
Ibw'i lawyers continuo to fight to
Minnesota, Montana nnd tho Dakotns
UTinir zero wpfithnr
A Columbus, Ohio, city official has
o "O"
At the municipal olectionB just held
ausachusctts, several citioa went
lie floods in Arkansas havo not buu-
ihe property loss will bo enor-
Tl KOVernmpnt Innnlrv In!, iVin
......mi iiicitfi'r riiiu nnmin fir rujiit.
Fr persons nro dend ns a result of
- tawii l i,i iMirnr h rnnfi a nunnh'u
ti .
KMicals will causo a storm in tho
jV.i. i " u 'novo wj limit
H election frauds
" flIIBSOUrl fltu InHiftmonto
"iiiuiuiipoiis. which fn oc
K ih to bo reorganized.
'Rovcrnment of TlnuM nnnfln
ftlnC to llliim.a l.f-.. r I
Revenue ofneink nf a.. w i
m - - MMII A 4 Uli.iai.U
0 urs frnm Wn0,l..i..
SlBuel L. Clnmnna !... ....
iou uirthUay.
Two Jnnin.. . .
If a- . "viiiiuin Lll 1 1 II ll'Il fill
voo lives nro reported lost.
Two Piiii..i.K.t .
uuei nn.l i... "
". 4 COnfnronno r .
v wnsured,
A Callfft.i. .
H trnn.i ..... . ....w
? mung tnL. . .
The Rn...
q i .. . i - .vitiL hum nrnnrnrt A 1 ...
donbtfiuB,no ''PProvomont and it
th tnl.l II . W iUVUHl
' 6 mIdd!o of January.
Austrian Ambassador Threatens to Qo
Horns and Tension Is Serious.
London, Doc. l.A dispatch to tho
Tlmosfrom Constantinople nays that
tho tension between Austria and Tur
key is becoming moro serious. Tho
departuro of tho Austrian ambassador,
Marquis Pallavicini, will mean tho
comploto rupture of negotiations. It
ih difficult to seo how this can be avoid
ed by Turkoy whilo Austr.n maintains
hor demand for suppression of tho boy
cott by active interference of tho
porto. Ui.der tho new regime this is
impossible, no oven if tho government
issutd orders to that effect they would
i.ot bo obeyed.
Tho heads of tho guilds concerned
havo told tho grand vizier that tho boy
cott will be persisted in so long as Aus
tria pcru'Vores in her present uttitude.
A dlspa ch to the Times from Vien
na says tho mptror'o determination to
maintain peace is a hopeful sign.
There nro rumors that Marquis Pullu
vlcini is not likely to leave ConstHnii
n pie and ilu ro is much speculation
concerning tho long audlcnco which tho
ompuror granted today to Count Juhus
Andmssy, tno Hung, rian min stor of
tho interior, in view of ihu fact that
Count Andrassy was tho only Iiungn
iiun minister with the courago to op
poH th policy of the jinntxution of
Uosniu a d Herzegovina and predict
its probablo consequences.
TwentyOne Mako Easy Escapo From
Detention Shed.
Son Francisco, Dec. 1. Twenty-one
out of 110 Chinese held at the Pacific
Mail dock, pending the decision of tho
immigrniion officials as to whether or
not they were entitled to enter the
Unlcd S ates, escaped from the de-
ttntionBhed at Second and lirannan
streets about 12 o'clock lust night.
Four of them were recaptured in China
town today and returned to the shed.
Immlgrat on ofllcalB, tho local police
and tho officers of the Pacific Mali
SUamship company nro proa cuting a
v.gorcUB search for the others.
The Orientals cut the henvy wire
noting over ont' of the windows, sawtd
through two Iron bars and si d down a
water pipe. A nightwatchman discov
ered the open windows a few minutes
after the Chinese had "Ian .cd" with
out tho approval of the immigration
This Is the second time that Chinese
have escaped fn m tho rickety old de
tention shed. Last September four of
thorn nwniting dep nation, Bawed
their way to liberty ti roug.i tho roof.
Sensational charges made nt the time
by a petty officer of tho liner Mongol a
thut Cnineso wcr being lan led by the
proccHH of substitution, led to nn inv s-
t cation, which, however, did not dis
close anything tending to support the
Move to Consolidate Hearing of 35
Springfield Rioters.
Sprirgflcld, 111., Dec. 1. If plans
now under consideration by public
prosecutors of Ssngoman county are
realized, ono of tho biggest cases in
tho history of the country will be call
ed for tr al in tho Circuit court here
early next year. It is probablo t' at
tho cour will be asked if all tho caes
nrrn Inaf nltorrod rintrTH in the AULTUSt
outbreak in Springfield may bo tried at
If the court consents, indictments
ngnii at tho 35 defendants, chargl g
nanirniu will lu nslcpd of tho next
grand jury and tho cases w 11 be tried
In n consolidated nenrmg wun oo
fwtnnrn n Hcoro of lawvers for the
defense and probably three or four
. Y" I ! 1 1. ..
prosecutors, ino pian ib oucruu in wv
interest oi economy, r ivo cuouo m-
ready have been tried wit' out a con-
iilntlnn nnil If in Pfltimfktcd that B PB-
v iwvivii mum - -
rato hearings will cost tho county
Denver Has Heaviest Snow.
Denver, Dec. 1. Beginning last
'cht and continuing until lae this
afternoon, tho enstern pc rtion of Colo
rado waB visited by one of tho heaviest
fnllfl of snow over experienced in this
section, nt somo pjionts n now record
lw,lr. ..alnlilintinrl. TtlthlH cl V trUlll-
uuiiik v ...... . . - .
wny official dcclaro tho Bnow was tho
hardest thoy havo ever ueen cuiuiui.u
nlthoutrh tho weather
roport of tho actual precipitation here
ib only .'Jo incn. mery lorm i "
plow owned by tho tramwuy company
was prcBBcd into service.
Jury Freos Telegrapher.
Thompson, Mont., Dec. l.A ver-
OI not guilty Wb uruuuiii in
inc oy tno jury in mu tuoo n.v
. . tru.. ..II . nl...
ugainst u, a. nine uii, iuiu-
. n..rvl lultli prhnlniil
grupil opuruiui iiinir,v" " -
negligence resulting in t'-o fntnl wreck
..t niivn Inst Sontember, whon pas-
aenger train No. 5 and freig t trnin
No. 58 crashed tog- thcr on tho North
ern Pacific. Mitchell has been in
jail hero Binco tho timo tho wreck oc
curred, Mission Is of Diplomacy,
BaBsoTorro, Island of Guadeloupo,
Doc. i,President Castro, of Venezu
ola, arrived hero today aboard thj
Bteamer Guadoloupo, on hifl way to
Bordeaux. In roply to interviewers,
President Castro declared that tho ob
joct of hie journey was to settle somo
diplomatic business with tho French
news from the national capital I
Old Equipment Will Causo Railroads
to Soek Relief From Shippers.
Washington, Dee. r. Shortage o
rolling stock caused by the failure of
the railroads to keep up their equip
ment during the recent financial
stringency will result in swccpmik ad
vances m rates, according to the state
ment of members of the interstate
commerce commission.
"I have no doubt," said one of the
commissioners in explaining the situa
tion, "that an attempt will be made
all along the line to push up rates in
every possible way. The railroads
nave cultivated the impression that
they are not receiving sufficient
money to maintain their efficiency and
to good service and pay their
stockholders anything.
'As soon as business revives the
railroads all over the country arc go
ing to find themselves short of equip
ment. For two years they have bought
no rolling stock to speak of and they
have not kept their old equipment in
"The railroad managers will soon
begin announcing that they must get
more money to lay tracks and buy
cars and that to advance rates is the
only means of setting the needed
cash. Whether they will be permitted,
to enforce their highest rates is somc-
iiiiiik me commission cannot pass on
"Already the advances have begun.
The commission has before it one
case which involves an advance in
rates in all the southeast. There is
another case which involves advances
in the southwest.
Site Prices Too High.
Washington, Dec. 4. Assistant Sec
retary of the Treasury Winthrop haB
intimated that the prices asked for the
four sites in San Francisco suggested
as locations for the new Bubtreasury,
were too Bteep; higher than business
conditions in that city warranted and
more money than the Federal govern
ment proposed to pay. The choice of
one of these four sites may bo swayed
by the alacrity with which tho owners
of the property take the hint and re
duce their figures. The new subtreas
ury will bo a four-Btory structure of
classic design, constructed of stone
and concrete.
Uncle Sam to Keep Aloof.
Washington, Dec. 2. The United
States government has no present in
tention of intervening in Haytian
affairs. This statement is made on
the best of authority. The situation
on the island is an internal one and as
far as known hero it is to deal entirely
with th"e people. rJ he Haytian situa
tion is not complicated by the position
of the work of "cmigrados," which
obtains so frequently in Central Amer
ican revolutions. President Nord
Alexis has been in power a number of
years and for the time boing at least
there is no ground lor American inter
vention. Navy's Vital Need.
Washington, Dec. 1. The possibil
ity of the great Atlantic battleship
fleet, strong and powerful afloat, lying
weak and helpless because of lack of
coal, is shown in tho report of Admiral
Cowlc, chief of the bureau of equip
ment, to tho Navy department. Ac
cording to the report the crusie of the
fleet showB tho need of more colliers.
Had there been foreign complications
or n combination of foreign shipown
ers tho fleet mi ht have remained help
leiB in some foreign port.
Works for Const.
Washington, Dec. 3. The construc
tion of six torpedo boat3 by Pacific
coast builders has been suggested to
the president by Victor H. Metcalf,
former secretary of the navy, who is
preparing to leave Washington. Mr.
nietcau suggested inut mx ui mu uint
mosquito craft should be built or deliv
ered on the Pacific coast. Delivery on
the Pacific const would handicap East
ern builders so much that they would
be compelled to relinquish the contract.
China's Envoys at Washington.
Washington. Dec. 3. TaneShao Yi.
special envoy of the Chinese govern
ment, and Prince Tsai Fu, together
with attaches and secretaries bolonging
to tho official suite, 19 Chinese Btu
dents, attendants nnd servants, havo
arrived hero on their mission to tnnnK
President Roosevelt for tho romittance
of $1,000,000 of tho Boxer indemnity
fund. The vistiors occupy a house pre
pared particularly for their reception.
Damages Awarded Paper Mill Men
Wnnhlnt'ton. Dec. 8. Interstate
Commerce Commissioner Lano gavo a
decision today awarding reparation to
American lumber manufacturers and
others on account of tho Imposition of
unjust freight charges by the Southern
Pacific from the paper mills in Oregon
n nnnnn Junction. Pa., because of tho
onrrinrn' illllllllitv to SUtmlV Cars of the
Bizo ordered by tho shippers.
Hitchcock for Postmaster.
Wnshinrrton. Dec. 2. Whilo both
President-elect Taft and Frank H.
uifrhenck todav re torated their state
ment that no announcement had been
authorized, it Ib generally believed
that Hitchcock will bo tho now post
master general.
Keefe Commissioner of Immigration.
urnnMnn-tnn Doc. A. Daniel J.
rtf nnfrnlt. resident of tno
vuwvy w w -
Longshoremen's union, has accepted
the position OI commissioner kuiiuku ui
Government Printing Office Did Much
Campaign Work.
Washington, Dec. 3. Tho govern
ment printing office was an important
factor In tho recent presidential cam
paign. This institution turned out
for tho Republican and Democratic
parties 7,418,700 copies of speeches
delivered in congress, surpassing all
previous records by 3,000,000 copies
Tho total weight of campaign
speeches printed since tho beginning of
tho Sixtieth congress exceeds 400,000
pounds, or about 14 carloads. The
printed sheets would completely cover
45 square acres of ground, and if each
page could be laid end to end a bicycle
track 947 miles long could bo ob
The number of words contained In
this year's run of speeches has been
roughly estimated at 230 billion. With
the newspaper calculation of four read-
era to each copy, this would require
the assimilation of nearly a trillion
The printing of speeches in the gov'
ernment printing office for members of
the senate and house of representatives
has been reduced to an exact science
through years of experience. The
printing is paid for by the member of
congress drawing the rcqiiisitoin, but
the mailing is done by frank, at public
Federcl Statistics Show One Divorce
for Every 12 Weddings.
Washington, Dec. 1. A higher di
vorce rate in the United States than
any of the foreign countries where sta
tistics are available is announced by
the census bureau, which, in a bulletin
just is ued, says that at least one mar
riage in 12 in this country ultimately
terminates in divorce.
Divorce is now two nnd one-half
times as common, compared with the
manied population as it was 40 years
ago. Utah and Connecticut arc the
only two states showing a decreased
divorce rate for the past 20 years.
Feel Need of Uncle Sam.
Washington, Dec. 4. "To keep her
relations with the United States of the
most iriendly character is the keynote
of Japans' policy' This is the state
ment of John C. Laughlin, secretary of
the United States commission to the
Tokio exposition; who has just returned
from his trip to Japan and who today
commented on the treaty which in the
last few days has drawn the two na
tions closer than ever before. "The
people of Japan," he said, "realize
that they need the aid of the United
States to insure them against aggres
Condemnation Suits for Ground.
Washington, Dec. 1. The Federal
court in Hawaii will soon begin con
demnation suits for possession of land
for a new military post at Waikiki.
The post will be made the headquarters
of tho coast artillery branch of the
army. Prices for the property have
been agreed upon and no trouble is ex
pected. It is believed the government
will place dredges on the submerged
lnnds and use the material taken from
the bay for new boad building.
Let Fleet Go On Around.
Washington, Dec. 1. Senator Flint,
of C lifornia, announced today after a
conference with the president, that he
would take no p rt in a movement to
keep the bt tleship fleet in the Pacific
waterB. 'The senator said: "The pres
ident's aim was to send the fleet
around the world. It is now on its
way home. No reacon has arisen why
the journey should not be completed.'
Senator Flint said the president favor
ed more ships for the Pacific.
Public Printer Resigns.
Washington, Dec. 2. Public Printer
John S. Leach has sent his resignation
to President Roosevelt, asking to bo
returned to service in the Philippines.
Samuel B. Donnelly, of Brooklyn, N.
Y., former president of the Interna
tional Typographical union, was ap
pointed to succeed Mr. Leach. The
'change took effect December 1. It ib
said Mr. Leach s retirement was due
to tho president's opposition to some
of his policies.
Fleet to Put on Paint.
Washington, Dec. 2. The Navy de
partment has ordered that war color bo
applied to thoso naval vessels on the
west coast of tho United States. Ac
cordingly . a slate color will bo applied
to the West Virginia, Colorado, Penn
sylvania, Maryland, Tennessee, Wash
ington, California, South Dakota, St.
Louis, Oregon, Buffalo, Milwaukee and
Rainbow. Tho ships' forces will do
tho painting.
Assistant Secretary Saterlee.
Washington, Dec. 2. Herbert L.
Snterlee, of Now York, has been ten
dered the post of assistant secretary of
the navy, which was made acant by
Truman II. Newberry becoming secre
tary of tho navy, Saterlee is reputed
wealthy. Ho is a relative of J. P.
Morgan. ,
Denies Petroleum Report.
Washington, Dec. 4. "Alleged Oil
Prospects in Nevada" iBthe titlo of tho
preliminary report issued today by tho
United States geological survey, which
effectually disposes of claimB made
In certain quarters that tho Fections
Investigated abounded in petroleum
Rapid Rlso of Oklahoma River Causes
Great Damage
Guthrie, Okla., Nov. 30. As a re
sult of n 48-hour downpour in the vol
ley of tho Cottonwood river and ite
tributaries, the Cottonwood overflowed
hero yesterday afternoon. Severa!
hundred homes oro partially under
water in West Guthrie, and 3,000 per
sons are homeless.
The river at 6 o'clock lost night won
one foot higher than ever before in its
history and rising 12 inches an hour.
Hundreds of people who refused to
get out oi the flood district, believing
thatfthe river would not rise as rapidly
as it did, fired shots of distress during
the night, and hundreds of boats with
rescuers brought tho tardy ones to
places of safety.
It is believed that a few persons arc
still in their homes.
So rapid was the rise in tho Cotton
wood that 20 head of cattle in tho
affected district were drowned before
they could be got out of the waters
Streetcar service is completely at a
standstill. Tho city's water plant is
under water.
Five thousand dollars' worth of cot
ton belonging to the Farmers' Oil mill
was washed away, and 2,000 bales are
still in tho water. The Atchison, To-
peka & Santa Fe roundhouse and shops
are inundated.
All railroad trains in and out of
Guthrie have been annulled. .Near
Seward, Okla., the Santa Fe tracks are
out and the railroad bridge at Red
Rock has been washed out. Tho Mis
souri, Kansas & Texas and the Fort & Western railroads report
many miles of track out near this city.
The Denver, Enid and Gulf train is
waterbound at Crescent. The Eastern
Oklahoma railroad trains are being
held at Stillwater. According to re
ports reaching this city, many miles of
track on these two roads are either
washed out or so completely under
water that it is impossible to move
Oregon Bar Prosecutor Shot by Dis
barred Lawyer.
Portland, Nov. 30. Attorney Ralph
B. Fisher, prosecutor for the grievance
committee of the Oregon State Bar
as-ociation, was shot and killed almost
instantly at 1:30 o clock Saturday
afternoon by Attorney J. A. Finch,
who had been recently disbarred as the
result of charges of drunkenness that
were prosecuted by Mr. Fi her.
The tragedy occurred in Mr. Fisher s
private ofn:e, 322 Mohaw k building,
Third and Morrison streets. Miss
Verna Burkhart, Mr. Fisher's steno
grapher, was the only witness, and she
fled screaming from the room. The
assassin emerged deliberately from the
room where ray bin victim, walked
down the corridor and was about to
take the elevator when f eized by Dr.
H. F. Leonard, who detained him.
Finch was at once taken into the
office from which sulphurous smDke was
still pouring, and looked down upon the
prostrate form that he had slain. He
gazed coolly and apparently unmoved
upon the bleeding figure, uttered not a
word, turned and walked out in the
cuctody of the officers.
'I wouldn't speak to him, and I'll
get the rest of the bunch," Finch said
to one of the officers who rode in the
patrol wagon with him to the station.
At the city jail Finch positively de
nied the murder to Di trict Attorney
Cameron. He had been in his own
office nearly all day, he said, and had
not been near Mr. Fisher s office. He
talked confusedly and at times unintel-
lgibly, apparently under the influence
of either drugs or liquors, or premedi-
tatingly preparing grounds for the de
fense of insanity.
Fight Safety Appliance Law.
San Francisco, Nov. 30. The North
western Pacific railroad, a branch of
tho Harriman system, running 100
miles north of this city, has deter
mined to fight the constitutionality of
tho safety appliance act and make the
first test of the scope of its effective
ness. Almost all of the railroads are
to bo brought before United States
courts for alleged violations of the act
in not having fafety conveniences to
lessen tho chances of killing opera
tives, i ne company Claims tne law
does not apply to state traffic.
Impeach Von Buelow.
Berlin. Nov. 30. Tho Radical nnrtv
at a caucas today decided to introduce
a resolution in the reich tag for the
creation of a high impeachment court,
before which the chancellor could be
brought to answer for direliction in his
constitutional duties as between tho
emperor and the beonle. or in man
when, although not unconstitutional,
tne imperial acts through the chancel
lor may have caused geat danger to
the realm. '
Germany is for Open Door.
Cologne. Nov. 30. Tho Koeltanhn
Zeitung prints nn inspired Berlin dis
patch, in which it is stated that tho
American-Japanese treaty will be re-ceiv-
d with satisfaction evervwhprs.
"So far as Germany is concerned,"
says tne aispatch, "the principle of tho
'open door' agnes fully with what
Germany on various occasions has de
clared to bo desirable."
Produce Farm for N. P. Diners.
Billings. Mont. Nov. SO Th m.
tablidhmont of a farm by the Northern
Pacific Railroad company on which that
corporation would raise a large per
centage of the PupplieB used on its din
ng cars is the latest proportion men
tioned among tho probabilities for tho
immediate vicinity of Billings for tho
coming spring.
San Francisco Officer Disappears
From Patrol Launch.
After Having Served As Ruef s Jailor
and Police Chief. Quarreled
With Prosecution.
San Francisco, Dec. 1. William J.
Biggy, chief of police of this city, was
drowned late last night whilo return
ing across the bay in the police patrol
launch Patrol. Mr. Biggy had been at
Belvedere, a suburb, to call on Police
Commissioner Keil, who resides there.
He boarded the launch to return to the
city about 10 o'clock, and when tho
boat was out on the bay complained of
feeling cold to Engineer Murphy, tho
only other occupant of the launch. Mr.
Murphy advised him to go to the cabin
at the stem of the boat.
Mr. Murphy then went below to at
tend his engine and did not see the
chief again. He came on deck as the
boat neared the city and noticed that
the chief had disappeared. A search
of the boat failing to locate him, Mr.
Murphy made all speed to the dock,
where he reported the accident and
went out into the bay again to search
for the missing officer. Numerous
boats were hurried to the scene and a
careful search of the bay wa3 begun.
William J. Biggy was appointed
chief of police by Mayor Taylor after
the latter bad been placed in office
upon the removal of Mayor tu. a.
Schmitz. Biggy succeeded Jeremiah
F. Dinan, against whom the grand jury
returned an indictment in connection
with the bribery cases. When Abra
ham Ruef was arrested, the prosecu
tion asked that Biggy be appointed
elisor and be given the custody Ot the
prisoner. For eight months he held
this position and at the expiration of
that time was appointed chief of po
lice in September, 1907, through the
influence of the graft prosecution.
Ever since the suicide of Morris
Haas, the man who attempted to kill
Assistant District Attorney Heney and
who later took his own life at the coun
ty jail, the relations between the chief
and the graft prosecution have been
strained to the breaking point.
President Nord Alexis Says He Will
Fight to the Last.
Port an Prince, Dec. 1. Every hour
brings the revolutionary army nearer
to Port au Prince, and a feeling of im
pending disaster has taken possession
of the people. The advance guard of
General Antoine Simon's forces is now
not more than 25 or 30 miles from this
city, and the insurgents have swept all
before them.
The government losses at Anse a.
Veau and the rout of the loyal troops
have caused consternation among the
officials of the government, with possi
bly the exception of President Nord
Alexis. Every effort to have him take
himself out of the country has proved a
failure, 'and the president, who has
faced revolutions before, announces his
determination to fight to the last.
Root and Takahira Make Official the
Japanese Agreement.
Washington. Dec. 1. The Jananpsp-
American agreement was signed at
o :ju o ciock yesterday afternoon by
Secretary of State Root and Ambassa
dor Takahira.
The agreement is in theform of nntn.
which were exchanged as soon as the
signatures were officinllv affiYpd. Tm
notes merely embody in concrete form
tne sentiments that have been held for
a long time by both nations according
to a statement made at the State de
It was found desirable, it is surmised.
to?reduce them to writing becauan nf
the erroneous impressions existing.
Assassin's Trial Again Postponed.
San Frnnciuro. Tit 1 A rr in fVio
. - h.. V.
trial of I. Wan Chaeng, the Korean
who was one of the party that attacked
1 HI i A
ana Kinea tne American diplomat Dur
ham WhitA Rtnvpnu nf trio V
building, last February, has been nost-
poned. At the last continuance Judge
Cook announced that ho would permit
no further delay. The case was forced
to a continuance bv the fact that
Chaenc's attornsv. .TihIp-p Pnhnri.
rail, is engaged in another important
trial growing out of tho graft prosecu-
a.: mi. i i . n
won. ine trial is set ior December 7.
Must Forswear Oysters.
Sacramento. Cal.. Dec. 1. Dr. r
K. Foster, secretary of tho statu hrmrrf
of health, in his monthly bulletin issued
today, mukes tho somewhat startling;
declaration that a largo amount of th
cases of typhoid fever and other Bpo-
ruaic aiseases prevalent in California
are directly due to the consumption of
oysters, clams and fish taken from the
state rivers and bays. Ho declares
that the water products are diseased,
as a result of pollution of streams.
Magoon to Explain Cuban Loan.
Havana, Dec. 1. Provisional Gov
ernor Charlea E. Magoon loft this city
today for Washington to explain the
nature.of tho proposed Cuban loan of
$25,000,000 before the Treasury depart
ment officialB. Governor Magoon, bo
fore leaving, went over the matter
with President-elect Gomez.