REV0LUTI0N1STSWIN Depose Haytlan President and Select New Leader. ALEXIS TAKES REFUGE ON SHIP Immense Crowd Hoot and Curse Fal len Ruler as He Goes Aboard French Training Ship. Port au Prince, Dec 3. President Nord Alexis has been deposed and is now safe on board the French training ship Duguay Trouin, and Port au Princo is in the hands of the revolu tionists. General Antoine Simon, leader of the insurgents, is marching up the peninsula with an army of 5,000, and a new president, General Legitime, has been proclaimed. At the last moment President Alexis yielded to the urging of those about him, and decided to take refuge aboard the French warship. An immense crowd of men and wo men had assembled at tho wharf, and the arrival of tho presidential carriage, escorted by a battalion of infantry and a squadron of cavalrry under command of General Hippolyte, was the signal for tumult and riot All along the route the people who lined the streets shouted, jeered and cursed at the fal len president, but when the landing stage was reached the mob lost all re straint. The scene was tragic and shameful. Infuriated women broko through the cordon of troops and shrieked the coarsest insults in the very face of the president, who strove bravely to appear undismayed. General Canal is doing everything possible to maintain order. Infantry and cavalry patrol the streets and, al though a panicky feeling remains, there is little danger to the foreigners. Armed sailors from the two Ameri can cruisers and the French cruiser in the harbor were landed at 1 :30 today. BIGGY WANTED TO RESIGN. Conflicting Reports of His Intentions Given Out. San Francisco, Deo. 3. After 48 hours' search no trace of Chief of Po lice Biggy's body has been found. Ru mors and surmises that the chief is in hiding are without foundation. The mayor and police commissioners in tended to keep him in office, notwith standing charges that he was incompe tent. That Chief Biggy offered his resig nation to Police, Commissioner Hugo D. Keil an hour before his death, and during the period of his visit to the commissioner's home at Belvedere, be came known today. Keil admits that the missing official offered to surrender his pos tion in the hope that the com missioners would be relieved of news paper criticism, to which Biggy felt they had been subjected on his ac count, but Keil. according to bis own eclarat on, refused to accept or con sider the proposal, and advised the chief that the members of the board would not entertain the idea of his re signing under fire. COSGROVE CANNOT LIVE. ADMIT CUTTING OUT SHARP. Union Pacific Coal Men Confess Dis crimination, Deny Conspiracy. Salt Lake City, Dec, 3. In the United States District court today, J. M. Moore, western sales agent for the Union Pacific Coal company, and a de fendant in the case, admitted that he had cut off the coal supply of D. J. Sharp, a Salt Lake coal dealer, because Sharp insisted upon cutting the retail price of Wyoming coal 50 cents a ton. Mr. Moore, who, with Everett Buck ingham, traffic manager of the Oregon Short Line, and others, is charged with conspiracy in restraint of trade, de nied the conspiracy and defended hia action toward Mr. Sharp by saying that the dealer had violated the condi tions under which the coal was sold to him, and that his actions tended to dis arrange the tariff schedules of the coal compaany. Range War in New Mexico. Eaat Las Vegas, N. M., Doc 3. Mounted police have been dispatched to Boaz, northeast of Roswell, N. M., by Governor Curry to Bettlo a cattle war that has been raging there for the past few weeks. Cattle have been slaught ered and a bloody clash between the opposng forces in feared. Forty cat tle were killed last week by settlers who claimed their crops were being damaged by the herds of the Littlefield company. The settlers also seized GO head of cattle in payment for alleged damages. New Ruler Crowned. Pokin, Doc. 3. Tho coronation of Pu Yi, ornperor of China, took place today in tho imperial palace, where, according to tho traditions of the throne, he was given the new name of Hsungtung. Tho ceremonies lacked tho brilliancy of former coronations, owing to tho recent doath of Emporor Kwang Hsu and the downgor cmprois. During the coromony today the regular mourning colors, white and blue, gave place to red, the social color. Fines Salt Company $10,000. Grand RapidB, Mich., Doc 3. Judge Knappen, in tho United States Difitr ct court, fined the Sterna Salt & Lumber company, of Ludington, $10,000 today for having accepted rebates from the Pore Marquette railway. Condition of Washington's Governor Eeloct Becomes Moro Serious. Paso Roblcs, Oil., Dec. 4. Gov-crnor-clcct Cosgrpvc's condition has become more serious. An operation has been Dcrformcd by Drs. Dresser and Sawyer. Dr. Dresser says: "I don't think he can hold out two weeks longer." A specialist of Berkeley is here on the case and said: "Chronic disease is getting him. Even if he survives for some time, he will cer tainly not be able to return to hia home state for inauguration as gov ernor." After a consultation the specialist said that he thought everything was being done for the governor and ap proved the course of treatment, and it was decided to continue the course as heretofore. Paso Roblcs, Hot Springs, Cal., Dec. 4. Govcrnor-clcct Cosgrovc of Washington was reported late last night to he somewhat improved. Dr. F. G. Rcinhardt, of the University of California, was in consultation yester day with Dr. Dresser, the attending physician, regarding Mr. Cosgrovc's condition and approved the course of treatment that is being administered to him. Dr. Dresser said shortly be fore midnight that the patient was resting well and that he had appeared to be somewhat stronger. The report that the Governor-elect had under gone an operation yesterday is un founded. TRY TO LOCATE MONEY. Prosecution" In Ruef Trial Trying to Prove Bribery. San Francisco, Dec. 4. In the Ruef bribery trial yesterday the prosecution endeavored to show by the testimony of Adam Dahlcr, acting treasurer of the United Railroads, that the $200, 000 drawn by Tircy L. Ford from the mint was never turned over- to the company. Mr. uanier sam tnat nc re tained all the gold coming in and de posited all currency and checks. He said that after the graft inquiry had begun in 190G, George E. Starr, the company s treasurer, went east witn a number of vouchers and books to be cxperted. George WMcutt, secretary of the United Railroads, testified regarding the books in his charge. The pro posed introduction of a letter which Wilcutt said lie had at his office, and wiucn is supposed to contain some reference to the $200,000 drawn by Ford, led to a wordy clash between attorneys. William M. Abbott, assistant coun sel tor the United Kamvays, was called, but on advice of his counsel refused to testify on the ground that he was under indictment in connection with the trolley franchise matter. Judge Lawlor overruled the objec tions and compelled him to testify. He then related the incident of his trip to the mint with Ford, when th latter obtained one of the install ments of the $200,000 made payabl to the order of Patrick Calhoun. PILLAGERS'RULE CITY. Troops Disperse Haytian Mob With Volley, Killing Twelve. Fort au Prince, Dec. 4. Ior many hours during the night following th flight of Nord Alexis riot and pillage nrevniled in 'Port au Prince. The populace, maddened by the spirit of revolt, turned from the skiff that car ried the deposed president to th French training ship, Duguay Trouin and cave full vent to Its passions, 1 looted stores and residences, fought over the booty and was held in check only by an armed force hastily path ercd together by General Poidcvin which fired a volley into the mob and drove the rioters from street to street and finally into seclusion. Twelve persons were killed and many wound ed before order was restored. So serious did the situation become that a committee of public safety, composed of the most prominent mm tary leaders, was organized. Scores of citzens were placed under arms to assist the loywl troops in patrolling the city and comparative tranquillity now reigns. The American. Frcncli and German ministers decided early in the morning that they could trust m the arrange ments made by the committee to mnintain order, but they jointly gave notice that, if trouble occurred again they would land forces from tlie war ships. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST STATE HOPES TO WIN SUIT. Chances Good for Recovery of $300, 000 Civil War Expenses. Salem. Attorney-General Crawford has rcccfvcd a letter from the law firm of Ralston & Siddous, of Washing ton, D. C. informing him that the case of the State of Oregon against the United States was argued before the United States court of claims on No vember 27 and that the state's chance of winning thei suit is good. The state's claim is for approximately $300,000 on account of expenditures made by this state during the civil war in enlisting and maintaining vol unteer troops for the service of the United Stales. The state has a contract with the Washington attorneys by which the state agrees to nay them as their fee to per cent of all the money collected by tlicni and turned into the treas ury. The balance of the amount col lected is to he turned into the irre ducible school fund. NYSSA FAVORS PROJECT. Vant Large Warehouse. Helena, Mont., Dec. 4. Montana sheepmen, including the members of the state board of sheep commission ers, met here today in conference with representatives of the Chicago Associ ation of Commerce respecting the building in that city of a wool ware house to cost $400,000. Very liberal terms have been offered and while no definite action was taken at this after noon's meeting, the project is general ly favorably received. The sheep com' mission announces that it has no im portant recommendations to make. Sought Throughout Land. Loa Angeles, Dec. 4, Theodore S. Lowe, formerly agont at a Now York sub Nation of tho United States Ex press company, was arrested in a local cafe tonight on a charire of embezzle ment, proferrod by his former employ ers. Ho is accused of having appro proprmted $450 of the company's funds three months ago. Officers throughout tho country havo sought him since. Lowo intimates that his, people have money enough to settle the difficulty. Fired by Incendiary. Rod Lodge, Mont., Dec. 4. General Manager C. R. Claghorn, of tho North westorn Improvement company, who hag made a thorough investigation of the cause which led to the groat dlsaa tor on November ?.0, has come to the conclusion that tho fire in atope No. was of incendiary origin, and today offered a reward of $2, 500 for tho ar rest and conviction of tho guilty party, Dry Land Owners Anxious for Work to Begin on Water System. Ontario Probably tho best and most enthusiastic meeting to foster favor able feeling for the Malheur irrigation project was held at Nyssa last week. Mayor Boydcll had charge of tho meet ing and Mr. Griffith, secretary of tho Boi3e-Payette Waterusers' association, and Ecveral others spoke, showing tho advantages of government irrigation and drainage. Tho object of tho meeting was to get tho co-operation of dry land own ers and men who own water rights in asking tho government to go to work at onco. Resolutions to this effect were drawn up and signed by all pres ent. There were probably 150 dry land owners and waterusers in attend ance. Tho government engineer showed that the object of irrigation is not alone to put water on the land, but to drain tho water off after it has fulfill ed its purpose, and to reclaim tho al kali land. The government represent atives aro ready to go to work as soon as the people show that they want the Malheur project bad enough to support it in tho right way. The Nyssa meet ing emphasizes that the people aro be ginning to realize tho importance of government irrigation. After the meeting tho people of Nyssa gave a banquet in honor of thoso present from outside points Cannot Give Jobs to Secure Votes. Salem Although many, if not all tho candidates for president of the sen ate or speaker of the house may not be aware of tho fact, yet their campaigns for election come within the regula tions of tho corrupt practices act adopted by the people last June. Sec tion 10 of tho set specifically provides that tho term "public offico" shall apply to the presiding officer of either branch of the legislature. Such candi dates would not, however, bo bound by secti6n 8 of the act, limiting campaign expenditures, for that section applies only to the candidate who has receiv ed the nomination to a public office." Pendleton Wants Library. , Pendleton The women of Pendleton havo taken upon themselves the task of saving the city's public library from abandonment. At a recent mass meet ing a plan of campaign was outlined and a big public reception, the first step, will be held soon. It is desired to havo Miss Marvin, state librarian, present, and the date will be arranged to suit her convenience. The library will bo housed in the new city hall and will bo in charge of a competent libra rian. It is also proposed to raise funds sufficient to make valuable ad ditions in tho way of books and period icals so that it will be more efficient ADVERTISE OREGON FIR. I nmhnr Mnnufncturora to Carry On Vigorous Campaign In East. Portland Tho Oregon & Washington Lumber Manufacturers' association, at its last monthly mcctinv took up tho mnttor of extensively advertising uro gon fir for interior finish in tho Eastern markets. It has been discovered that tho beautiful surfaco of tho wood which Is so plentiful out hero is now attracting attention in tho East, but at tho samo timn It in considered ndvisablo to do Homo missionary woik to trot it Intro duccd on n lnriro Bcalo. How to go about it has not yet been decided upon, but tho matter has hoi n loft with n committeo to formulate tho most effective Bystcm. A unique ex hibit will in nil probability bo sent to the larirer Eastern conters to bo placed on display for n certain length of tinio In each citv. Tho material will also bo brought to tho attention of leading architects. Honrv B. Miller. American c-snsu ceneral. Yokohama, made n highly in terestintr talk to tho assembled lumber men, speaking principally upon tho lumber situ tion and timber resources in Janan. China and Manchuria. Ho said that China, especially, will always nrove a market for Pacific ci-nst urn ber, since that country is entirely de nuded of anvthinir in tho way of for ests. Manchuria, on tho other hand ho said, has largo bodies of fine timber which eventuallv will enter Into coin- petition with other sources of supply Votes New Water System. Li Grande The city of La Grande will have a new water system that will convey high mountain water 18 miles to this city with a 1,300 f. ot pressure as the result of the adoption of the now city charter at a special election. The vote cast was exceedingly small, but tho majority in favor of tho new chart er large. Construction of tho water system will begin at once, and will bo finished by next summer, at a cost of $1G0,Q00. Coos Bay Road Revives. Roseburg Tho project of a railroad from Roseburg to Coos bay was reviv ed again when M. M. Johnson, assist ant secretary of the Equitable Savings & Loan association, and treasurer of the Columbia Life & Trust company, of Portland, arrived in this citv and immediately sot about looking to the possibilities of an electric line be tween tho two places. Mr. Jackson will go to Coos bay in furtherance of this project. Shoopmen Meet at Baker. Baker City Tho largest attendance that the Baker-Union-Grnnt counties Woolgrowers' association has had since ts organization was the session hold hero last week.. The mooting was do- voted to a genoral discussion of tonics that aro of vital interost to tho Bheop-men. First Irrigatod Tract. Blalock Roy M. Jones, of Silverton who has been engaged by tho M. J . Leo company to superintend tho plant ing and cultivation of strawberries at the old Blalock orchard, reports that he has planted in tho last 10 days 87,000 Clark Seedling strawberry plants. Tho company will plant about 40 acres to strawberries alone. This tract of land has in the past produced berries which were earlier than either Hood River or Kennewick. It is believed that It was one of tho first pieces of land in the Columbia river basin to bo put under water. Dr. Blalock, of Walla Walla, having planted it to fruit about 25 years ago and pumped water from the Columbia for irrigating purposes. Lane's Poultry Show. Eugene Tho Lane County Poultry association will hold its annunl fair in Eugene December 21-24. Tho Com mercial club is taking an active inter est. The Becrctary of the poultry asso c ation and the manager of tho club h ve secured silver cups from the fol lowing business men: R. A. Booth, S. H. Friendly, Griffin Hardware con pany, F. E. Dunn, John H. Hartog. Linn Drug company. Other prizes h ivc al o been O. R. fit N. Promises Sidetrack. Baker City. The O. R. & N. has advi.scd the commercial organization here that it is ready to build side tracks for the new mill whenever they arc needed. This ends the controversy that was on between this city and the company over the mill matter. Buys Pendleton Business College. Pendleton. Professor E. O. Dra per, of the Moscow Business college, has purchased the Pendleton huMn- college of Miss M. M. Slattcry. of Spokane, and has taken possession Professor Draper has taksn charge and win make t'cndlctou his home. PORTLAND MARKETS. Takes Chickens to Japan. Eugono K. Kaknada. a Jananoso. who has boon porter at tho Hotel Gross for Bcvoral years, has startod to Jupan with 14 coops of tho finost bred chickens to he found in Luno countv. He is going to introduce thoso Ameri can birds In Japan and raise poultry there, Fruits Applos, 75c$2 por box; pears, $1($.25 per box; grapes, $1Qi, i.ou per craie; quinces, $iiil.Zb por box; cranberries, $12.50 per barrel; casabas, 2c per pound; huckleberries, 10(f15cpor pound; porsimmons,- $1 Lib per box. Potatoes 75(7?85c per hundred: sweet potatoes, zowsjjf c per pound. Unions ? ice per 100 pounds. Tf t - rrt - vuuuuimes lurnipa, JbiW.'i.2f nor i . sacK; carrots, parsnips, $1,26; beets, $1.25; horfieradish, 8(tfi0c per pound; artichokes, 90cftf$l per dozen: beans, 10tfyl4c per pound; cabbage, 1 (ftlc por pound; cauliflower, 75c(fi$l per dozen; celery, 40(fr75c per dozen; cucumbers, $2tfj2.50perbox; eggplant, 15c por pound; lettuce, $lf 1.25 por box; parsley, 15c per dozen; peas, 10c per pound; peppers, 10ff);J4cnornound! pumpkins, hfjlc per pound; radishes. 12J4c per dozen; flpinnch, 2c nor bound: sprouts, 9;10c per pound; Kquash, 1 Clc per pound; tomatoes, G0cr$J.75 per crate. Wheat Bluofltem, 90c: club. 'iOffti 91c; fife, OOCrjOlc; rod RuHslan, 88c; 40-fold, 91c; valley, 91c. uarloy Feed, $20.75 nor ton: Inn- " ' fl V I . AnU XT 1 ...l.ll. It....- ... nu. i wiiiio, ttJIMMI.fjl) tirir Wilt Hay Timothy, Willamotta $14 per ton; Eastern Oroiron tlrriuf hv $1017.50; clovor, $12; alfalfn, $l2to 12.50; grain hay, $12.fi00fll8. Butter City creamery, oxtrns, 80Yr, 27c; fancy outside creamorv. 82k'ra 36c; store, 176i20c. Eggs Oregon selects, 40ffi46o: Eastern, 29(71)32 c. ' Poultry-Hons, 11c; spring, llo; ducks, 14$15c; gooso, 9ft10c; turkeys, lCc; drossod turkoys, nominal. Voal Extra, 80J9c; ordinary, 7 7c; heavy, 5c. Pork-Fancy, 7c;. largo, fiMOc. Hops 1908, cholco, 8f8c; prlmo 77c; medium, OCc; 1907, 2m 4c: 1900, Qii. ' Wool Eastern Oregon, avorago host, 1014c; according to shrinkage; val'i ley, 1516c; mohair, cholco, 18c. SPEED CONTEST ON. Hill and Hnrrlman Aro Contending for Through Mnll Contract Salt Lako, Utah, Doc. 2.Tho Hor aid this morning sayB that behind on order juBt received for n chnngo In tho schedule of tho Oregon Short Llno'fl Salt Lako-Portland express is mapped out nn olaborato campaign between two groat trnnscontltrtmtul ralwnyn. Tho fruit of victory will bo tho croam of tho through passenger business and tho choicest mall contractu botwoon Chlcairo and Portland. Bv Hncedinir trnlnfl off tho Union Pa cific from Grnnger, Wyo., on tho Short Lino, through Huntington, Or., on tho Oregon Railway & Navigation road, to Portland, tho Herald continues, it Is hoped to rcduco tho tlmo of tho through trip by llvo hours at loam. This contest against tlmo In inaplrod bv tho completion of tho Spokane, Portlnnd & Seattle from tho Northorn Pacific connection at Pobco, Wash., to Portland, along the north bank of tho Columbia river. Tho Spokane, Portlnnd & Scattlo is a Hill enterprise. It reduces by many hundcrds of miles tho trnckago bo tween Chicnco and tho Oregon motrop oils. With tho Northern Pacific to Billings, and tho Burlington from BU lines to Chlcnco. It formB nlmost an alrlino from tho ocean to tho lakes. With it eliminated, the Harrlman sys tem could cnBily maintain Its suprem acy, but with tho Spokane, Portland & Sonttlo as a fnctor. the middle routo will need every ounce of Bteam its lo comotives can make. Betrinnimr next week tho Portland express will loavo Salt Lako at 10:45 n. m.. instead of 11 :45, to connect nt I'ocntello with the Granger-IIuntlngton flyer, whoso running timo Is to bo re duced 45 minutcB between tho3o points. MYSTERY IS UNSOLVED. Somo Bollovo Snn Francisco Police Chief Committed Suicide. San FranciHCo, Dec. 2. Although numerous boats patrolled and searched the bay Binco daylight yesterday morn ing from the Golden Gate to Hunter's point and tho officers of tho ferrybonta and other craft wore asked to keep a Bhnrk lookout for it, tho body of Chief of Police W. J. Biggy, who mvflterl ously disappeared from tho police launch Patrol and Ih believed to hnve fullcn overboard shortly before 12 o'clock Monday night, while returning to this city from Belvedere on tho north shore, has not yet been recover ed. Up to a late hour last night tho police launch Patrol and other boats, with searchlights, were still on the bay, but it is feared that tho body of the late chief of police has been car ried out to sea by tho tide. Among officials of tho department there are two theories to account for the disappearance. A number of his subordinates incline to the belief that worry and grief over the newspaper criticisims of his official and private demeanor impelled him to end his life, while others affirm with equal confi dence that ho fell from tho slippery deck during nn attack of vertigo or a fainting spell. HIGH TOWER ON MOUNTAIN. Sun to Be Studied With a Monstor Spectroscope. Lob Angeles, Doc. 2. Dr. Geortro E. Hale, director of tho Carnegie solar obg'jrvatory on Mount Wilson, nn nounced today that a great steel towor 150 foot high, with a well 75 feet deep under it, with which to use tho spec troscopc, will bo constructed on tho peak next mimmor. Tho flvo-foot re flecting telescope will bo ready for use next Monday and Dr. Halo nrod cts unit with tho powerful reflector now installed tho grentost In tho world a number of important discoveries may ne expected, particularly in the tihoto graphing of the sun's surface and tho various curious nehulau. A wireless telegraph station is nrO' jected on tho crown of tho mountain, tests being now in progress to de termine the best points for locating tho operating plant. It in expected by ex ports that mesHnges may bo flushed to Japan or beyond, so porfoct are the conditions found. A coll cnnnhlo of giving out tho extreme length of spark is to ue instulled. Runs Away on Mountain. Butte, Doc. 2.--A froicht train of an engine and 14 cars was wrecked on the west Bide of tho Blosshurg hill on tho Northorn Pacific brnnch botwoon Garrison and Helena west of hero this morning. Tho train got beyond con trol while doHcendlntr tho mountain. duo to tho nccornulution of fco und Hnow on tho rails. An operator grasp ed the Bituation as the train thundered past and wired ahead to Weed, whoro adorailing swith was thrown. Tho fact that tho onirlno remained unricht i it . v .. . snvou uio lives or tho engine crow. Frustrato Robel Plot. San Salvador, Salvador, Dec. 2. A plot to overthrow the government of President Figuoro was discovered wxl frustrated today. Martini law has been proclaimed. The revolutionary movement, which whs started in tho department of Sonsonnuto, wns crushed immediately. Many persons well known n pollt'enl circles opposed to fho governmont wore Implicated and ' , A u havo hem arrested und impriBonod. OUTLINES H IS PO Pope's Doctors Anxious. Borne, Doc. a. Tho popo's physl e him. v h e t)0y declared tonight that ths cold from which ho wna s fforlng was following a normul eounto, ox proBed anxiety on uccountof his weak ness, Itnn...- in ... "willil II numu inaugurate, TARIFF REVISION rnuco uu ii i nut' imu i in i ' Ill Prosldont-Eloct Intend, nron unn..i..i o-"' Corporation.-, mpr0V8Rf "ere u. Ingram ,lt Hot Springs, Va.. D World Is able to prcSem principal legislative Taft administration: iariff revision is the son tor the it . i . cnucu immediate iuuu, uut the next reason why. duriiur cm: .. "" cisw. me oiicriu in a ii i.trn.i i.... . s .h.1 i W i uu bu iiiuc mien tiiit :i .-""no Vr..:.t... me aiicriiiiiu aun-trtut I. MA A f . . . . . , vv""v"is III uer th. .i incrce cumin sMdii i, .. 5 .co 1K.1 that more subjects than ihchrif1 nit amendment t the ShJ'"Lf,Bl in nc named by Mr Taft . ... -..-'MKIl lip t.- '.. k" c mivt,. v .v iiii iu llll'liuotl a'lnfll,. .. .? "c "ones to,,;. ng a limitation 0n ih 1. PtlltillK ni.r... ,.t I.... ::.. . iun ami ni. Mll. IIUlLLIIirillU II IbiI. . a . . nih..:. wrilllfl I tr lit iT i II i i n I . W in ti. wcriiiniifr ft.irtiftii ... f mm u uriirrt i Hini in rirnu. . , v : ' 1 in inyf a. nui7tiir i ii i . . . . - r"!f ",r whip m hi ron.HfjtU,, as shall require rrria.n i.r c,Z atliMIS doing an inters! bu.intt submit to the scrutiny And tion of agents of tl,r Mj incnt. . 5 . Reorganizing the i!cnirtnwl .... i . . ' iiiiniMuii null uie n.irtiiifiit ,,f mc-cc ami inimr in rrtpcot to the ). aim niiicr u is .Mr t ait's idea a me nirec departments should worl harmoniously, so that no one shall b Lrnntr river irmitml , i. ,i .inn n Hint tiiffm iii-iii k. ... . oi nutiiority. u lunate v csim h. tiicu ny tncse departments mint i; go in the courts, hut it is Mr Tift' mift tll.1t fl nrtit iittti1.n .f l... .1 : .. I t t " " I' " . IIMUIIl IIIU CUUHiQ'T ii v iiii 111.11H ri in mi! c nrwiMp ih. ...w aori oi iav. fl. Reform in the monetae i: Dnnking systems of the country IS rccoLMiizril problems before the new adrainnin il a liui lAJJttiCU 11141 J. Conservation rf the nstunl tt Appalachian bill. The fiuestinn f k constitutional power of the fedsn! government in this matter is nr-t tr clear. It can be that Mr Tiftt MM. li.l I... 4 II... I a ........I .... I ' U.. ......I t.. . "v mi an aKt"i- 's am t ficd as to the exact length to wfcia the federal irovfrnment t :m c u r i ...... ...J w imii a. jii;iii. t .minimal i " " mitted lo an cm rirct-r ri"M" channel from J'ltt-burg t oirui the front nt present It will WUIUUU AI1M 1H ll' I"' work. BEGINS HOSTILE ACTION. Dutch Warships Make Demons! Off Venezuelan Coast. Willenistad. Dec s -Ha iifinlil.. In ttUtnm .imicil) e of outstanding ihnVrcnu'i czucln, The Win ri.nnN tin tiAMllit a n:ii:il (Ir'tl Hfr "3 ........ .1.. . ..r .i... c I. . turn hi W uio conn ji i nc i. public, flini sinu- a-i ;f flying the D.n.l. tU toy f ! ' ... ii -..!. ..II.. tii I .a lii ?f1 I IICMI v.i , . ,1. ros ii"' . lr.. 'irmPi a distanee shore of ii""" y' Will Not Admit Charg Wilmington. D'l. D iiiiiiiiii. aL' , Mnnil rAtiatirir III IIIC ... .Wlt l ,:.l. .It! W ... - - I niltn UKilllllllEM ." i... , I. c ror Coniniissloner M''1' ,,lV' erument coiiiim-1 in r' ..... hf tit chase ot comprint,- 1 ' " ' , .ft jrt wi' Punont company, ,fV(r)! 11111 MW'"- undo to show vears w icil n , til- IlliitlCV vv t Vlllivil mw mslii" other mini- would lldt admit lin- IKl'O in '- bin . h i, t is 1 in' 1' i Ii ne u Ji ffijr i 1 Finds Infernal Stockton. Cal. Ii"1 s licved to be an ii'fn;' i 1 1. , -urn lllllllll III n.v . Iriipltnil Viri s tin'i " under a t t of - , ,n if tWO'glMloll ." ,"' llf..,tw l which was Htt'ii'.n . . ktK five foet long . i'" w . tlliiP i..r.riini tii.ii' hine t" " .. nutif set It Off, the eM - ' ' f an ol( ,,i--n ,B . .. . .I.IW I mi i Hum witnin i...,ui m There was cih'uk ,'., bn can to hnvc hlnvvnjJL UUTWIH--" St'V1-1" Ci Tnlitia N. V , . .. , l1 ....... iiuif hi. i ' i, rtnnui-". . . lili lastltfofl I IH .. . n-n'ri iQ lmiirs ' - Miim : congi ior "" ..Julie "- i- tifntn mine ' nn . nlWI UHt" nge to wuarvi-o - merous naruun them hrckinK rocks. 1 lie